The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 08, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsvilie r ion i tor. VOL XX' HI { local " HAPPENINGS C c y C. K. Adams and family are visiting relatives in Kensingtou, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Grimes of Athens were visitors here Tuesday afternoon. Miss lanthie McCannon is the guest cf Mjfl. and Mrs. Paul Barrett}' of Cornelia, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. V.\. Davis 3nd son of Atlanta are spending a few days with relatives herqi. Mrs. Alice Venerable of Gafney, g c. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs 1 . J. B- Thompson for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Broome were in Athens Monday. Mrs. T\ J. Nelms is visiting rela tives in Atlanta. Miss Floyce Long is with Mr. and Mrs. Velpce Long in Savannah for a few weeks. Mrs. Jensie Hutcheson and chil dren are visiting Miss Kate Hutche son in Atlanta. Mr. J. D;-. liunsum and son, J. D. Jr. of Birmingham, xAla., Mr*. J. M Daniel of Norman, Okla., and Mrs. W. Y. Esloe and rhildren of Athens, Ga. were guests if Mr. and Mrs. W, 0. Sccott Sunday. Mr. G. A. Spearman and family of rolumbia, S'. C., Mr. Glenn Broome and family of Orlando, Fla. spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. R. T* Broome. Mrs. W. HJ. Bullock is visiting Mr. J. H. Boggs of Jefferson, Ga. Mr. R. H,. Bullock and family of Athens are spending a few days here wth relatives. Mr. and L. E. Greene are spending the week in the mountains of North Georgia and Carolina. Mrs. I. B. "Burroughs is spending the week with her'children here. JORDON—HITCHCOCK The many friends of Mr. Brett h'itchcock of Richland, formerly of han;elvil!e, read with much interest announcement if his approacn *•’'? marriage to Miss Gladys Jordon Eliavilie, in Sundays papers}. . Mrs. J. T. Randall had as her ! ->e t ; . Wednesday her sister, Mrz. - 11 " ... Erode and children cf Allan- MONTHLY MEETING of W. M U ‘ ' W. M. U. of fhe DanieLsvill i : ' ;1 - held its regular monthly •••”- at the home of Mrs. J- A'. •')£r. Most of the members were ■ ' ' with two new members and visitor^. ' ripture les?oti was “The p “ Aoung Ruler,” on which Mrs. •and gave a very interesting and ■m-tmetive talk. t ‘ ne 'Ociety voted to buy new linen ■ r;r the church, rbo to buy chains l r the Primary class at Sunday School. _!' ' r the regular business, the so *l''. en a social hour, daring "•‘M Mrs. Hug served cream and cak^. Personnel of the pres^. ■KSk II II I. I * ♦ *****••• * JUST FROM JLA * Miss Aline Thompson of Philadel phia and Washington is spending her vacation with heme folks, Mrst. Myrtie Gordon, with her children, spent the week-end with her parents. *.> Miss Emily Burroughs Is at home caring for her mother. Miss Maude Gurley u home having attended the Summer Course at the University.. Miss Grace Gurley motored to Athens on Tuesday last. Mr. Fred Gurley and family have returned from Atlanta. Mr. Loyd Smith has been visiting his sister in iwenecvil-e. Mi*. S. W. Crawford hs on the sick list at this writing. A letter from Mr. R- H. Bur roughs cf Arcadia, Fla states that the fruit crop in that section is much better than last year. The gardens and hay crops are suffering for the want cf rain in -his section of Georgia. Mrs J L . Thompson entertained the Women’s Auxiliary on Monday afternoon, serving a plend and lunch <-0 a large number of guests which was much enjoyed by all present. ***** ****• *• CEDAR GROVE ******** * -yjj. B. M. Strickland -pent Tues day night with Mr. J. T. Baker it ! Ila. Mr. Thurman Strickland Mr. A. 0> Philip made a business trip to Nicholson Thursday. Mrs B. M. Strickland was the guest’of Mrs. Ervin Collins Wednes day afternoon. v -1- ’• Danielsvilie, Georgia, Friday, Aug. $,K>24 Miss Ruby Strickland has returned borne after a week's visit to Athens. Mr. and Mrs. W(. C. Jordan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Strickland Sunday. Mr. and Mra. F. C. Sorrell were guest3 of Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Sim mons Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Simmons and children were guests of Mr. Hollis Simmons Saturday. Miss Jessie Mae Christian wa3 the guest of Miss Maudie Sue Miller near Meadow Sunday. Mr. Marcus Simmons and family were guests of Mr. F. A. Sorrells Saturday night. Mr. Ervin Collins and Mr. A. O. Philips were guests of Mtf. B. M. Strickland Monday afternoon. COLLEGE COW BECOMES STATE CHAMPION PRODUCER Famo Lucretia Sarcastic 477801 owned by the Georgia State College of Agriculture, AD r.iz, Georgia, re cently completed ar oiflera! record of 12,914.6 pounds of milk, 448.10 pounds of fat 1560.13 pounds of butter) in a year making her the highest producer as a junior four year old cow for the Holstein breed in the State. In htr best month Lucretia pro duced 1934.4 pounds of milk, 58.42 pounds of fat 173.03 pounds of but ter) . Her best day’s yield was 73 pounds or approximately 8 1-2 gal lon* of milk. Her yearly production is more than lve and one half times that of tie average Georgia cow. Lucretia is by Pabst Lulu King I^l2ll, a college herd bull, out of Lucy Blanche Sarcastic 278954, a decendent of one of the original cowg in the college herd. * JONES CHAPEL • ******* THE MAGICIAN Mr. Alex Scarboro and daughter who have been very ill with typhoid fever is improving. Those who attended the training school at Hartwell camp ground were Musses Rena and Lera Bond, Willie McGarity, Rea Sartain, Radie McEw en, Velma Deane, Messers Dewitte Branyan and Roy Bond. Miss Bertha Manley has returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Manley. Mr. and Mrs. Leo, and Miss Helia McEwen from Atlanta spent the week-end with home folks. Miss Ouida McGarity is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. McGarity. Mr. and Mrs. George Kilburn and son George Jr. from Atlanta were i the Saturday night guests of Mr. 1 and Mrs. C. W. Dean and family. Mu ses /elmu an i MazeUe" - Dean were the Sunday afternoon guests of Misses Lena and Susie Belle Brew er of Canon. Tv. rybody is coidiallv invited to ,ffe .i Epworth League held at t! i • •.•lace every Sunday night. Mr. D. B. Scarboro and son, J). :*• of Da ie'sville spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Dean and family. llMh, or tOUKI CIiAHUfcD Tie i ill intrr luce-1 in t’.e preterit legislature to change the times of tr.e January and July termfs of the Superior Court for tni.s County has passed and been approved by the Governor. The terms now are as follows: First Monday in March, Second Monday in June, First Monday in September, and Second Monday in December of each year. This will necessitate the holding of a Court this year on the Second Monday in December. None in January next. hREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY “When every farmer in tha South hall eat bread from his own held;; and meat from his own pr.ntme, and disturbed by no creditor and enslaved by no debt, shall sit amid bis teeming gardens and orchards and vine yards end dairies and barn yards, pitching his crops in his own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ion his clean surplus, and sel ling it in his own time, and in his chosen market, and not ai a master’s bidding—getting his pay in cash and not. in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore hi freedom —then shall be the breaking of the fullness of our day.” W W BARNETT GIVES ANNUAL BARBECUE Diy J. S. Daniel and family, to gether with Miss Julia Baker attend ed the annual barbecue given by Mr. Y. r . W. Barnett of Colbert, Ga., to his children and friends on last Tuesday. The dinner was served in a very beautiful grove near his res idence. The meats were thoroughly cooked and delicious to the taata. Pickles and cake were furnished by Mrs. Barnett who is a most exctllent cook. After dinner water melons were served. All joined in wishing for Mr. and Mrs. Barnett many returns of the so happy occasions. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hix, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pttropol, Mrs. Graham, Miss Susie Taylor, Athens; Mr. and i Mrs. G. P\ Keever, South Carolina; Mr. Noah Pittman, Fitzgerald; Mr. and Mrv. C. W. Porterfield, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Barnett, Laßasaro and Weber Barnett. Mri. and Mro. Dave Kberhardt, Mrs. Mftry Ebor hardt, Mr. Maeduv/.s and daughters of Colbert. * VINEYARD CREEK NOTES • There will be no preaching nert Saturday or Sunday (The Second) Protracted Services will begin the Third Saturday, August 16. Every member of Vineyard Creek church and everyone interested in the cemetery are requested to meet at the church neyt Wednosday morn j ing the 13th for the purpose of clean | ing off and beautifying the cemetery l and church grounds. Don’t forgtA | the date. I Five Foot Radish v.; ' vt - - , .V. •** : ft • 5 "*%i. B i I y ‘ ' j f r ' * J •.*> ■ ' % > aj pi ' “.Sonny” Fvelaeheini of Washing ton, D. C., went In for gardening this spring—and this b< one of Dio radishes be grew—measuring 4 ft. ft In. and weighting one t*ouud, tlf* teen ounces Number