The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, August 29, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsvllle rionitor. VOL XXv lll REUNION and basket dinner T ] vre vvill be a reunion and bas ket dinner at the home of Mr. Geo. n Whitworth next Thursday, Sept. 4,ii This is given in honor of Mr. jr C. Whitworth of Texas, and all county candidates, all original school mates and teachers are invited. MADISON COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL OPENS %■■■ - Monday morning. September Ist, sc hool opens at Daniefeville and prom ises to be one of the -best schools we jiave ever had. The following are tearhers for the ensuing year: High School — H. Y. Cook, U. of Ga., Supt. Garnett Ware, U. of Ga. Mrs. Eugene Huff, G. N. I. C. Miss Ruby Jenkins, S. N. S. Grammar Grades Mrs. E. C. David, S. N. S., Ist. Gr Miss Susie Colquitt, S. N. S., 2nd. Mrs. W. S. Sanders, G. N. L C., 3rd Miss Marjorie Carter, S. N. S., 4th. Miss Lucile Burroughs, S. N. S., sth. Miss Reba Thompson, S. N. S., 6-7th Music — Mrs. W. D. Gholston, Price’s College, Nashville, Tenn. An entrance card fee charge of $1.50 for Grammar grades and $2.00 for High School is the only charge. TRUSTEES NOTICE — There will be an ice cream supptr at Progress Scl 00l house Saturday night, August 30th. Everybody in vited to come. Proceeds go for school equipment. Mrs. Roy C. Murray and children and Mrs. T. G. Hitchcock spent Tues day in Colbtrt. Mr. Fred Bond and daughter, Mar garet, of Royston, were visitors here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs J. H. Boggs and chil dren, Mrs. D. A. Moseley and Vir ginia are spending a flew days in the mountains this week. Mrs. E. C. Powell of Macon is spending the week with her mother, Mrs. Addie Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. David spent the week-tnd in Statham. Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Kidd and Harry Jr. visited Mr. Monroe Kidd in Hartwell last week. Mr. Leo Bond was in Athens Wed nesday. Mrsrs Nellie .J. Campbell and Kathleen Snelling are visiting friends and relatives in Ila, this week. Misses Lucv Meadow, Sallie F. Daniel and Mrs. C. G. Moore were shopping in Athens Tuesday. Mr. .7. Estey Bond carried his Sunday School Class on a sight see ing trip Thursday, visiting Toccoa falls, Tallulah Falls and other points of interest. The frip was thoroughly emoyed by the boys and they ex pressed their appreciation to Mr. Bond. T he revival services now going on at f ho Baptist church a r e b tug weT r " '•Tided and P.ev. Brook hire of _ * -ntp, who is conducting the meet -11 ' preaching some splendid ser mons. COLBERT Tlie Woman’s Club will meet with '■ W. W. Barr.ett on Ff*uav the of September at the regular hour. Mrs. J. B. Sims, Sec. GRAND JURORS. SEPT. TERM T. C. David, W. H. Largforl, W. H. Fleeman, M. H. Hardman, James W. Holcomb, E. F. Hardman, H. J. Hix, Mack Burden, L. E. Greene, H. C. Hardman, J. 0. Fowler, W. E. | Henslee, G. T. Eterhardt, W. F. Har j well, F. L. Martin, W. A. Whitworth, jJ. A. Hitchcock, J. Frank Moon, R. C. Griffeth, J. T. Boggs. E. B. Bar- I rett, C. H. Sccggin, H. B. M*rpre, D. !W. Beatenbough, Hoyt C. Hart, A. | L. Mann, Miles Collier, H. E. Bcat j enbough, John M. David, L. C. Sea -1 graves. TRAVERSE JURORS, SEPT. TERM No.l W. R. O’Kelley, H. W. Moorei O. L. Adams,, Jot W. Brown, Iram Bruce, J. Frank Chandler, W. A. Rowe, R. K. Sorrow, E. W. Stevens, Rufus J. Sorrels, C. S. Rowe, T. A. V. Morris. No. 2 A. B. Chandler, W. T. Martin, W. H. Dean, W. N. Allen, O. A. Faulkner, J. Goss Power, C. E. Sharp, F. D. Smith, W. M. Davis, D. W. Patttrson, T. V. Strickland, Thomas C. Burrows. No. 3 E. K. Glenn, H. A. Brown, D. W. Porterfield, J. T. Owens, Guy Harris, W. J. Spratling, J. I. N. Dillard, W. L. Smith, J.. K. Ghqlston, D. T Me. Kak, G. L. Loden, W. S. Brown. No. 4 J. F. Baker, G. E. Williams, J. N. Dean, A. F. Strettman, L. C. Sorrow, Jesse M. Rice, O. O. Nelm\ O. P. Griffeth, V. O. Sorrells, J. H. Patten, J. L. Mercier, J. T. Noell. * OAKLAND SOCIALS * The farmers of this section art glad to see their cotton opening. We are hoping to gather a good crop through this section this year. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Seagraves and family made a visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Epps Saturday. Many from around here attended revival services at Pleasant Grove last week and enjoyed good sermons. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Allen and fam ily viited Mr. and Mrs. Farso Nix and family Saturday. THE OSTRICH ' ' s&s ■ • \ 1 J. --■•-= _ ' "r Oq7~ “ —-W.-— =. Danielsvilie, Georgia, Friday , Aug. Z9.1<;24 PROGRAM Fifth Sunday District Rally, August 31st 1924 Rogers Baptist Church 10:00 Devotional Services, Mr. W. I’. AdeiTiolt Layman’s Work, Dr. J. S. Daniel, Chairman 10:15 Music 10:20 The Possibilities and Outlo of the Church 10:55 Music' W. M. U. Work, Mrs. W. C. Groves, Ghairnthn 11:00 Music 1 11:05 Reports and Statement from the Chairman 11:10 “A Message from China,” Miss Bonnie Jean Ray Returned 12:00 Adjourn for Dinner. Afternoon 1:30 Devotional Services, Mr. Charlie Edwards. Young Peoples Work, Mr. Howard Settles, Chairman 1:45 Why have a Christian Education, Mr. Waterhouse. 2:15 Mukic v 2:20 Reports from B. Y. P. U. Sunday School Work, Mr. Ralph Collier, Chairman. 2:30 Music 2:35 Our Successes and Failures, (15 minutes each); 1. Mr. W. S. Lowe, Colbert; 2. Mr. E. J. O’Kelley, Pleasant Grove; 3. Mr. D. E. Graham, Comer. / Announcements. Adjourn. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Martin and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Tarse Nix and family Saturday. Mr. J. W. Allen made a business trip to Athens Saturday. , j Mrs. Reese Bradley of Tthens vis ited friends here last Week aijid atten ded preaching at Pleasant 6tom h j Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Allen arid Mrs. Reest Bradley motored to Athens Sunday. *t Mr. Howard Bradley visited in this section Sunday. , Miss Nettie Mae Epps visited here last wtek. Miss Irene Seagraves went visiting one day last week. . • • • Miss Lorene Hardman of near Dia mond Hill was visiting Miss Ola Brown Friday of last week. Master Bullock Smith of near Blue Stone has been visiting Master Paul Brown. Mr. Dellas and Miss Bessie Mc- Connell were visiting relatives of, this place recently. Mrs. W. H. Akins of Athens is> visiting relatives of this place. Misses Ola, Donnie and Montine Brown visited friends here Sunday. ,Jl EAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY - ..... “When . every farmer in the f \!i shall eat bread from his ! Mvn fields aid meat from his c \vn pan'.uie, and disturbed by no oredid r and enslaved by no j delft, shall sit amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine | yards and dairies and barn yards, pitching his crops in his own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ton his clean surplus, and scl ! ling il in Ids own time, and in 1 is chosen market, and not at a master’s bidding—getting his p >y ’n cash and not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore his freedom —then shall be the breaking of the fullness of our day.” NORTHERN CIRCUIT POLITICAL HISTORY In view of the fact that it is being stated that A. S. Skelton Esq., is the only person in the history of the pol itics of tht Northern Judicial Cir cuit to ask for re-election to the of fice of Solicitor General for a third term, the following certificate of thhh Clerk of the Superior Court of Ogle thorpe County is submitted to the voters of the circuit for their infor mation: State of Georgia, Oglethorpe Coun ty—Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court. I. J. B. Stokeley, Clerk of the Superior Court in and for said county of Oglethorpe, state of Georgia, do hereby ctrtify that the Criminal Docket and the Min utes of this court show that Hon, Wm. M. Howard began his service as Solicitor General in said Court at the Tegular April term, 1885 and served continuously until, but not including the April term, 1897, of said court, being 12 years con tinuous servine as Solicitor Gener al of the Northern Circuit. Witness my official signature and the seal of said Court hereto affixed, this 17th day of July, 1924 Seal. J. B. Stokeley, Clerk Sup. Court It will he seen fiom the foregoing Court records that A. S. Skelton, the present Solicitor General of the Northern Circuit is not the first to offer for re-election to this office for a third term as has been stated but that his candidacy finds precedent in the election of Mr. Howard for three successive terms of four years each. In fact, Mr. Skelton’s eight years experience better qualifies him for the office than if! be had not had the exptrience. It makes no difference from what particular county a candidate comes / so long as he is rendering reasona ble service; it is not being urged that Mr. Skelton has not made a fair and faithful officer. The good old county of Franklin has in lftcent years been signally honored bv Wiving its native son, the beloved Hon. Samuel J. Tribble, who passed away a few years ago, serve as Solicitor Genera! of the circuit to which Franklin belonged, and later for four consecutive terms in Congress. But be that as it may, the ptople are more interested in the selection of officials who have experitnea gain ed from service than in the gratifica tion of personal political ambitions. Experience in business counts; this is true in tht discharge of the duties of public office. (Advertisement) 77f Number