The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, October 03, 1924, Image 1

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The Danieisville Honitor. VOL XXV 111 LOCAL. JIAPPEMNGS Mrs. W. H. Bullock has returned from an extended visit to relatives An Jefferson. Miss Susie Colquitt spent the week end in Comer. Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon and children are visiting relatives here. Miss Louise Snelling went to Way cross Sunday,-where she has accept ed a position. Mr. Hoyt Boggs of Jefferson was 8 visitor here Sunday.. Rev. John A. Simpson of Com merce was here the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huff will spend the week-end in Bethlehem. Master John White Marion, little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. B. Nh JVhite, has been very ill for the past week, but w r e are glad to report him improving nicely this week.. Mrs. J. H Boggs was a visitor to Athens this week. Mrs. IT.. L.. Echols. Mr. -T. E. Bond and Mrs. Ellis Bond were vis itors to Athens Wednesday. G. P. WHITWORTH APPOINTED DELEGATE TO COMMERCIAL CONGRESS Mr. G P. Whitworth of this county has been appointed an offi cial delegate by Gov. Clifford Wal ker to the Pan-American Commercial Congress to be held in Atlanta, Oct. 3-4. Thousands of people from all over the United States and Foreign Coun tries will attend this event, which is one of the outstanding gatherings of its kind in the nation.. COLBERT TO BUILD $20,000 SCHOOL Colbert, Ga.—Judge Walter L- Hodges of the Northern Judicial Circuit at Danielsville Monday val idated a $17,500 bond issue voted by citizens of Colbert for the pur pose of building a modern high school. Funds raised by citizens w ili be added to the bond money making a total of $20,000 for thg building. The Board of Education here is* composed of Dr. G. L. Loden, chair man; W. S. Lowe, secretary; Dr. H. H. Hampton, Miles Collier, and H. A Herring.. The school has open ed lor the 1924-25 term with nearly -00 registered. * j T' e faculty of the school consists of Prof. H. P. Davis, Miss Lurline Barrett, Mrs. W. L.. Gaulding, Miss B°uise McLeroy, Miss Annie Mae Kidd, Miss Elizabeth George, and Sli * Pearl Hardman. ' FROM JUDGE HODGES 10 the people of the Northern Judi •• cial Circuit: I wish to express to you my heartiest thanks for my renomination. ori September 10th as Judge of this Circuit. k r i appreciation of this honor T ! - rely promise you a continuation • a fair, economical and proper en- : °rcement of the laws so fur as ' : ;r > my power. Respectfully, W. L. HODGES, r *-'ell, Georiria, September 30th, 1924. COOLIDGE CLUB NOTICE All supporters in Madison County of Piesident Coolidge are requested to meet at the Court House in Dan ieisv ille, Ga. at 12 o’clock, noon, on the first Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1924, for the purpose of organizing a Cool idge Club for Madison County, ap point committees and transact other important bt#iness. This will be a very important meeting and every supporter i.s urged to be present. L. A.. Teasley, Acting Chair. BOYS SELECTED FOR SOUTHEASTERN FAIR | competitive examination was held by |E.. E. Hall, County Agent, to de | termine what two club boys would . represent Madison county at the Southeastern Fair School in Atlanta, | Oct. 61-11. The winners were Ha lbert Anthony, S. T. Hardman.. These boys will leave for the fair ! Monday morning and return Satur day afternoon. They will be given special instruction by specialists from the Agricultural College while at the Fair School.. CARLTON BAPTIST CHURCH RE-ELECTS PASTOR Rev. Wm. Kilpatrick Carswell was recently unanimously re-elected pastor of Carlton Baptist church for next year.. Mr. Carswell is an able and ear nest preacher, is active in ft.storing the work of ail auxiliary bodies con nected with the church, and is pleas ant and tactful in personal contact. He is esteemed and loved by all. He recently took a course in theology and a postgraduate literary course at Mercer University. He is also pastor of the Baptist churches at Antioch in Elbert county, and at Maxeys and Sandy Cross it! Ogle thorpe county, and is a member of the faculty of Carlton High School.. STRAY MULE I have in my possession a large black mare mule which came to my tiair.e, September ,28. Owner may call and get same. M. P. WALL. Route 3, Danielsville, G*. N and M.. 10-2, It,, pd. “WE LOVE OUR WORK, BUT”— • fry Z° v > ~ x * • . .... v? ■iXmfr ; J \ A r IS J h> ir < , peuyts ( LT> ] I!" 't , ■, : :.j Mft f'M'jj r'' > VscArkC^J 7 | w ' isii L, I jc . fr m, i' ", \ ■L&bjVi Danietsville, Georgia, Friday, Oct. 3,1924 Roosevelt Elepltaat Group in Memorial j f .. . . t r | — ■ .. j/. rt*** 8 m c— —.'Ll" _ _ v a • .... rt " The above wonderful grouping of elephants, shot by former Presi dent Roosevelt, his son, Kermit. and Cail Akely, has just been com pleted by Dr. Akely and will be the central group in the African room in the Roosevelt Memorial at New York. Your Baby Can Be Wonder Baby Too, if * | 1 " ! l L_i Myraline Alien, 18 months old, of Covington, Ky., already knows the alphabet and identified and plainly spoke each name when asked by different spectators in a recent extensive test. Educators say nine-tenths of all American babies could do the same if mothers would start education as soon as babies begin to show interest. Photo ia of Myraline and her mother. DREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY “When every farmer in the South shall eat bread from his own fields and meat from his own pasture, and disturbed by no creditor and enslaved by no debt, shall sit amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine yards and dairies and barn- ' yards, pitching his crops in bis own wisdom and growing them in independence, making cot ton his clean surplus, and sel ling it in his own time, and in his chosen market, and not ai a master’s bidding—getting his pay in cash and not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore his , freedom—then shall be the breaking of the fullness of our day.” j ILA W. M S. HAS SPECIAL MEETING The W. ML S. of the 11a Baptist church met Saturday, September 27th, at the home of Mrs. H. G . Banister to observe the season of prayer for state missions. Instead of meeting each afternoon for the week, it is our custom to combine the pro gram.-, and have- an a 1 ! (hiy service. The meeting opened by singing* Sww.'t Hour of Frayed. Scripture verses were read showing why wo should pray and also that God hears prayer. The 1 925 program was dis eu'Kod. Miss Maude Gurley gave tfc® message from Dr. Butts. Mrs. Moon led in prayer for the success of the 75 million campaign and guidance in the new program. Miss Cauthen’s topic was Our Orphanage; Miss San-* dors gave us information concerning the hospital. Mrs. Vaughn offered prayer for these two in.-dilution*. After singing, “More Love to Thee,” the president told of Geor gia’s great resources, emphasizing the fact that all these resources be long to God. The morning session closed vvitth the . song, “Faith of Our Fathers,” and prayer by Mrs. Bird. A delightful lunch was served at} the noon hour, each member fur nishing one dish. The afternoon session opened by singing, “I Gave My Life for Thee.” The scripture verses gave the reason for supporting missions. Mrs. Bur roughs discussed whnt was included in state missions. Mrs. Rice’s topic was Pastoral Aid. The message from Dr. Cree was read by Mrs. Banister. Mrs Hall Westbrook gave Miss Fat-, rick’s message. Mrs. Burroughs of fered prayer for the state leaders. Miss Cora White had for her subject Evangelism and Enlistment. The jo. S. and B. Y F. TJ. departments ! were discussed by Misses Lula Mao Lord and Tellie Mae Rice. Reports* were made by those attending the Sarepta W. M U. The president closed with prayer for all depart ments of state mission work. Sixteen ladies were present. Mrs. J. O. M. Smith, Press Chairman I I | . .Good look* and long wear. Sounds . like a de<>:ripti<ui of a garment, ’ doesn't it? But your appearance i even more dependent upon your 1 glasses than your apparel. Particular people are pleased with the glasses our optician from the Chas. A. Green Optical Company, Atlanta, design* tor all occaypns. sULtZIt,- -Ute pend: on clear thinking and hard work. So also does it depend faultless eyesight. Thursday, Oct.9. L. E. Greene & Cos., Danielsville, Ga. Number