The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, October 10, 1924, Image 1

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The.Danielsville Tlonitor. VOL XXv til LOCAL j Mo. W. 0. Huff and children. S. ■\Y and Pearl of Atlanta spent ti e week-end here with relatives. Mr. Fred Bond of Royston was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. Carl Meadow of Ellaville spent several days here the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrf. Cecil Blackwell and Mrs. Maud Blackwell of Bishop were visitors here the first of week;. A number of relatives and friends attended the funeral of Mrs. Caro line Burroughs at Friendship Friday morning. Mrs Burroughs has many friends here who were sorry to learn of he death. Sincerest sympathy is extended the grieved one*. Mr. 0. D. Scarborough and Kath leen. Mi', and Mrs. Claud Parham have moved into the residence for merly occupied by Mr. J. R. Echols Mu. Dan Porterfield and sister of Comer visited Mrs. 0. I*. Nelms Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. 0 Huff of Bowman spent Saturday and Sunday here Mrs. J. Y. Huff. Mr. Pat Graham representative of Westbrook Motor Cos., of Ila, was here on business Tuesday. Rev. Tally of Colbert was a visitor here Tuesday. The many friends of Mr. I. F. White of Ellaville, formerly a resi dent of Danielsville were very glad to have him with them for a day or two this week. / Danielsville will be well represent ed at the Southeastern Fair in Atlan ta. Several from here left Thursday to spend the remainder of the week. Mr. Henry Long of Comer spent Wednesday afternoon here on busi ness. . v Mr. Bob Huff of Atlanta is visit ing his brother, Mr. J. Y Huff. Dr. H. H. Hampton, Rev. Tolbert of Colbert spent a short while herQ Tuesday. Miss Orie Hall spent the week-end in Comer, guest of her sister, Mrs, 'Charley Benton. Miss Ora Kellum returned to Ath ens Wednesday, having spent the pa-t week with Mrs. Frank Graham . Mrs V7.J>. Gholston has not beer. s '’e to attend school for several y ■ .he has been missed very much in her work there and her . many ids hope she will soon be we’l Wain ■ ] ames .7. li. Eorrg'. 8. T. Mos y, D. A.. Moseley, TT S. San • M. O. Allen, C. E. Adams, D P. Sorrells and RexO M. C. Allen 'ed the district missionary h oeting in Comer Tuesday. danielsville woman’s club MEETING Foe Danielsville Woman’s Club FT: its monthly meeting, Thursday t Dct. 2, 1924, in the music room of Wo High School Building. 'he committee to report on the of our Club Room stated that ? 200 had been raised by private -cription. as the Board of Educa tion had no funds with which to pur chase it, and a check for $l5O was turned over to the Treasurer, the other to be paid later. After all business was transacted the following program was rendered: Biography of Henry Roots Jackson— Mrs. J. T. Murray Sketch of Abraham J. Ryan— Mr*. K. H. Gordon Life and works of Sidney Lanier— Mrs. I). A. Moseley Mrs. J,. H. Boggs and Mrs. B. T (Moseley were hostesses for the ar ternoonn and served delicious sand wiches and Russian Tea. Hallo we’en suggestions were carried out in the decorations and favors. ********** * * JUST FROM SHILO * + *** !■ ****** The singing given by Misses Wrea tha and Pauline Crowe was enjoyed by a large crowd.. Mr. Paul Fortson, Mr. Clifford Beatenbough, Mies Clara Beaten - bough and Miss Etta Dudley attend ed preaching at Friendship church Sunday and Sunday night. Miss Minnie Will Fowler spent Sunday with Miss Wreatha Crowe near Bond Academy.. We are glad to have Mr. and Mrs Joe Mj. Tyner and family back in our community to live. Mr., and Mrs. Eddie Beatenbough and little daughter. Rachel, have gone to Atlanta to make their future home; we wish them great success*. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Crowe and little daughter, Pauline, and Mr. T. B. Burroughs of Athens spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Mr. r. F._ Crowe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bruce and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr., and Mrd. Lonnie Tyner. Mr. Willis Tyner and two laugh ters, Misses Bessie and Ruth, and |T ~~W “ 1 If •*; $f vXoA >- Ejy. ° /// yf 1 )- j r / //. ''it r.S'y £ nP) A ' fj Vf tv/ t . g < Jl m X' -. . xf , \f , ° X\ / A T*? * i. i ° ‘v .■• ; S ,;/:x if/f' : ‘TffTFxf.- . . TANARUS, NfUAf v ■ Tf V v>T'of - T ; -' ft-rT' V "NA ■’' j’ - ; --.'AXu fx.- yr ? FOTHBALUsV yr evtjTHmO A/%-; I /Tw ° , W *G x*-' C c ) Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, Oct. 10.1924 Mr. Lonnie Tyner motored to Athens Saturday. Miss Susie Mae. Adams spent Sun day with Miss Oria Dudley.. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Williams and family of Atlanta spent Monday with Mfi. and Mrs.. G. H. Tyner and Mrs. J. C~ Tyner Many from here attended the Mad ison County Singing Choir at Pleas ant Grove Sunday afternoon. Miss Clara Beatenbough spent Saturday night with Mrs. Joe M. Tyner and family. Mh. and Mrs. Luther Seamore and Mrs.. J. L.. Fortson and family Little Ellian Bennett and her two little brohers,, Hew and Doil, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Clarence Fortson and little daughter, Lucile. *********** * FORT LAMAR * ************ Picking cotton and pulling fodder is the order of the day since the fine weather set in . Ms\ Marvin Hutcherson of Com merce spent the week-tnd with home folks. Mr Clarence Higginbotham who has been right sick, is now improving Mr. B If, ‘ arker and sevr children visited l i ’daughters at the S. N. S.. Sunday afternoon. Mr. Henry Black and sons of Commerce were recent visitors here . Md. J. C. Tabor was in Daniels ville Tuesday.. Mrs. G. L>. Pittman and family spent Sunday with relatives in Frank lin County.. GETTING OUT HIS HEAVIES The Fourth Quarterly Conference I will be held bene at Liberty church next Saturday the 11th. No service , on Sunday. The W. M Societies from the different churches on the Dani dsville . charge will meet Miss Bert Winter here next Saturday aftrnoon. i i Mr. Hall, the Gounly Demonstra tor, was in this community last week'. Mr. Robert Langford and family | visited Mr J; and Mrs. M F MeWbirter last Sunday PARODICAL SOMN ABULINGS Just about three years ago T bought a lot, and bought it low, The man that sold it. told me so, And he’s the one that ought to know. Fifteen Thousand was the price, He didn’t have to ask me twice; T paid it half in one big slice, And felt as rich as Franklin Rice. ■4f*t And for the rest. T gave my note, ■ And as mv name I glib'y wrote, ! f had no thought—no more’n goat, How big the load I had to tote. I Now Pm working like a slave, | Trying hard enough to save To pay the blasted note T gave, Before T lay me in my grave. J The lots so steep 'twont held a fence, The tufts upon it are immense, | The jimson-weed so tall and dense, It wouldn’t bring rne fifty cents. And now I sit in .silent gloom j Thinking of my awful doom, I want to lie down *n my tomb Before we have another boom. Rell-o-Granns. FOR SALF.— Genuine Anpler Seed Oats in new five bsishel sacks, price $1.25 ner bushel f o. b. Athens, Ga. W I ABNEY N & M 10-10, It DREAM AND PROPHECY OF HENRY W. GRADY “When every farmer in the South ■ ’.all cat bread from his own fields and meat from his own pustule, and disturhe* ' by no ci ■ liter and enslaved by no debt. £ h all sit amid his teeming gardens and orchards and vine yard ami dailies and barn yards, pitiimig his crops in his own wi.-'Jmn and growing them in independence, making cot ton hi clean surplus, and se!- bng it in Ids own time, and in hip chosen market, and not at a master’s bidding—getting his pay in cash and not in a receipt ed mortgage that discharges his debt, but does not restore his freedom then shall be the breakii of the fullness of our day.” r * * ****••• * CARLTON * • **** * * * * • Mr. Lullin' Goolsby of Elberton visited his mother, Sunday). Miss Elizabeth Stevens, who is i teaching music in Rnyston High 11 Lgh School, was at home for the I week-end . Miss Freida Martin of faculty of Jefferson High School ghddened her | many friends by visiting her parents, for the week-end . Mr. Harry Carswell, whois attend liny: Gipson Mercer, had the misfort une last Friday to break his foot in |a game of foot hall. * I Mrs. Otis Paul of Comer spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ir. Glenn . Mi '.s Fairy Power of Athens visited relatives here this week end The Chicken Mull and Oy ter SteW given by the Matron’s Class Saturday was quite a success. There was more cotton in town hist Wednesday than we have seen in one day since 192 Q. Ask Mr. J S. Eberhardt about the advisability of calling on your girl without a date. Mr. F L. Martin had a very sin gular experience let Friday night.. After listening over his rad'o till 9:30, he retired for the night .and I pretty soon the horn of his Lincoln jin his garage began to blow. He | switched on his lights to investigate and it stopped ; not finding anything wrong he extinguished the light and it began blowing immediately This was repeated the fourth time without his ascertaining the cause. Maybe it was someone in Mars trying to get him on the radio and he dain’t answer, so they blew his auto horn;.. Mr and Mr - .. A. TV, Mathews ac cemranied M, . Addle Stcv< n to Gaine ville Tu.mday to visit the lat ter’s son, Mr. Frank Stevens. MEADOW SCHOOL OPENS Trie fall term of Meadow school will begin Monday, Oct. 13, under the management of Mrs. V. 0. Sor rell, Miaseg Lol-t Branyan and Kath yryn Brown. We hope to make this a very successful school year and urge the patrons to gee the chil dren in the first day. Patrons are especially invited to come with the children the first day. Number