The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 07, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsville Honitor. VOL XXv Hi I LOCAL, |_ jjAPPENEVG^. Mr. and Mrsj.-R.. H. Thompson of Athens spent the day here last Thurs day. Mr. j. B. Addison 'of Andersop, S. C, Mrs. J. C- Addison Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Williams’ .and children were spend ,the day guest? ~{jir . and Mrs. R. T. Broome Sunday Mr. Wiley Davis of Atlanta’ was here on business Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Harrison synt Sunday in Commerce with children. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Greene were visitors to Winter Ville Wednesday. Dr. Me Cay of Atlanta was here one day last week with friends. - ■ Miss Jessie Neal Strange of Ea tonton arrived here Wednesday to take charge of the Home Demonstra tion Work in Madison County. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Eskew of Bow ersville spent a few hours here Sat urday afternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Dewitt Payne, and little daughter of Ft. Lamar were in town Tuesday afternoon. Miss Kathleen Snelling spent the week-end with home folks. Miss Ruby Campbell of Atlanta is spending the week with her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. A. C. Campbell. Mr and Mrs. McCord and children of Washington, Ga. visited Mr. and Mrs. N. C. fiullock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Harry Kidd of Athens spent the week-end with Mrs. Sallie Kidd. Quite a number from Danielsville attended the Georgia vs Tennessee football game in Athens, Nov. Ist. Mrs. Hix and Mr. R. Burton of turner spent Sunday with Mr. and George Hix. Mr. and Mrs. George Hix announce % birth of a son, Oct. 30th. Mr. and Mrs W. D. Meadow were visitors to Athens Monday. CARD OF THANKS To the people of Danielsville ans Colbert we extend cur thanks for their kindness and sympathy during he sickness and death of our moth tr * Mrs. Mary Martin. J. L. Martin, W. T. Martin REv - AND MRS. M. C. ALLEN EN TERTAIN MEMBERS OF SEN iOR EPWORTH LEAGUE I>n la>t Saturday evening the Sen -1 if Epworth League was entertained £t a Weiner Roast by Rev. and Mrs. T'. Allen in the grove at the Meth church. Hallowe’en games and contests Vl| e features of entertainment. A f rnoer of the League Members and rh: isi tors were present. All en ■ occasion very much. • -"ts Aurelia and Winifred Ad '-trttined a number of little ' at a lovely Hallowe’en party J afternoon, Oct. 31. Me, ers Leo Bond and Dewitt Atlanta spent the week ■ • -t’n home folks. ' and Mrs. Pat Graham of Rog • . -d relatives here Sunday. GEORGIA BAPTIST LAUNCH CAMPAIGN The four* hundred thousand white -Baptists of Georgia, in company with [the Baptists of the entire- south will be engaged during November and De cember in a united missionary effort of collossfll proportions. The object ive during November will be to com plete what is known as the Baptist’ Seventy-five Million Campaign that j was launched in 1919' arid that closes November 30th of this year. In De cember Southern Baptist will be called on to' make pledges for financ ing the 1925 ‘missionary activities ot the denomination. The new Baptist program will be known as the 1925 . Kingdom Program and the financial ! objective ‘ will be a fund of ‘lfteen j millian dollars for that year v . During the past five years South ern Baptists have # contributed $55,000,000.00 to benevolent and mission causes and a tremendous ef fort is being made to collect previ ously made pledges and bring this amount up to seventy-five million by December, 1924. Supported by funds conti-ibuted by Southern Bap tists in this Seventy-five Million Campaign are Foreign Missions, Jiome Missions, S 4 to and Assor na tional Missions, Christian Education, Hospitals, Orphanages and Ministe rial Relief. The same objects will be the beneficiaries of the new cam paign to be launched in December;. In Georgia special campaign or ganizations have been set up at Bap tist hetdquarters in Atlanta ami in the various district associations local churches. These organizations are at work on both the-present ana future campaigns. In Georgia Dr. I Arch C. Cree is Campaign Director, ' Louie D. Newton, Publicity Director, James W. Merritt, Associate Stati Director; and Miss Laura Lee Pa; rick, W. M. U. Director. Dr L L Scarborough and Dr. C. E. Burts, I two of the leaders among Southern j Baptists, toured Georgia the ‘last 1 week in October in interest of the ! campaign. * > \ THE AMERICAN WAY U?^^ A •>" ’ " ■ 1 Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, Nov. 7,1024 SCHOOL-CLUB FAIR Saturday November 15th. COMFI Bring something to the SCHOOL CLUB fXiR, Saturday, • November 15th. Good prizes for Schools, Club Members, and EVERY *ody - * jiki ' . • . . ! . ■ *' .*'• ' J ‘ • *■ . * BRING, ...... One or mere of these and take a chance at winning a ,PRIZE. (Bring above except the Podltipj- to the Court House Friday, Nov. 14th) The Schools are working hard and will have some real good Exhib its here at the Fair. The Cotton, Corn, Peanut, Pig, Poultry, and Calf Club members will have splendid exhibits of their work here at the Fair. - "•"( Besides the things memtioned above there will be several Exhibits that are Historic, as: Canned Fruit over 20 years old; a Violin more than 100 years old; and many other things of interest. The Premium list will appear in next week’s issues of the papers so be on the lookout. The PRIZES are good, why not WIN One. Help us make this Fair a success by bringing something to exhibit, by telling others about the Fair, and by coming and see for yourself what the Schools, and Club members are doing in your home County. Thanking you for the favor, I remain,, . Sincere ly yours, ESPER E. HALL, County Agent. FOR RENT ! Have two-two horse farms for rent. Wifi rent, for the fifth of cotton and fourth of corn or will rent for bale cotton to the mule or SIOO cash to the mule, or will furnish 409 to 800 pounds fertilizer and poison and let you work on halves, see me quick. W. A. Rowe 10 Ears of Corn, any variety • 3 Stalk of Cotton, any variety 1 Gallon of Peanuts, gtfy variety Trio of Poultry (1 cockorel and 2 pullets) Bring anything that you have that would be of interest to others. * COLBERT * Mr. Talmage Hardman was homo for the week-end. .‘ • * Among those in Athens for the foot-ball gapies Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Collier, Mr. H.. P. Davis and others. Miss Pearl Hardman speht^Friday in Athens the guest of her sister, * Mrs. Ophelia Gholston. Mrs. W r . L. Gaulding and Miss George with Mrs. J. T. Carithers o£ Comer spent the day in Athens Sat urday. ' - . ——————— Miss Barrett spent the week-end at her home near Danielsville. Miss NccLeroy was in Athens shop ping Saturday. Miss Estelle Waggoner spent the week-end with home-folks. Mr. and Mrs. S. It. Hardman, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sims and families, and Miss Eva Glenn attended the birthday dinner of Mr. C. M. Sims who celebrated his seventy-fourth birthday al the home of Mrs. .1. E. Fowler of Norcrosu last Sunday. Among the social acairs of the week was a Hallowe’en Party given by Mrs. W. 1.. Gaulding in honor of her Sunday School class. The room was artistically decorated in hallo we’en colors and cut llowers. Near the hour of eight the ghosts and goblins began to appear numbering ; thirty in all. After the guests had I well assembled, the couples were ! ushered to the fortune teller and | had their palms read. Many other j Hallowe’en games were played | throughout the evening. Very appro j priatc refreshments for the occasion j were served. * CARLTON * V-’e are having beautiful weathc to finish gathering crops and sowing grain. Mrs. J. W. Grimes and Mrs. W. K. Carswell were in Athens Friday. We are glad to report that Mrs. C. C. Matthews has about recovered from her recent illness. While playing foot-ball last Thurs day afternoon, Master Ralph Russell had the misfortune of breaking his arm. We are sorry to note the illness of Mrs. W. J. Whitehead; hope to re port, her better soon. Mr. J. A. Sayer and family re turned home from Florida last Wed-* nseday night; reported a fine trip. Mrs. J. B. Eberhardt is visiting her son, Mr. A. H. Eberhardt, and family ’Possum hunters are putting m good time; Can bear them in the woods most every night. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mathews spent the week-end Athens. When a man holds yod up with a gun on a public highway, w • c ill it highway robbery. When the county authorities levy and collect taxes for the upkeep of the public highways and fail to give any work in return, well, we’ll leave it to the reader to say What that is. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Tiller of The Glade were in town Monday after noon. Mr. .J. A. Benton and family of I Cloll ert visited Mr. and Mrs. H. D. ; Wynn and family Sunday, j We extend a hearty welcome to i Mr. J. H. Carrouth and family of | Newtown who have moved into our | midst. Mr. Frank Mathews of near The I Glade wa ■ in town Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Patton and j.Mr. W. E. Whitehead attended the i fum >-al of Mr. John W. Jarrell oE ■ Oglethorpe last Saturday. Number