The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, November 21, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsville flonitor. VOL XXv 111 j LOCAL I v/IPPENEVGJS L —J Mr. L. B. Greene attended the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Bud Green at Carnesville, Monday. Mr, and Mrs. D. E. Griffeth tvere visitors to Athens Tuesday Miss Landis Glenn of Athens is visiting - her grandmother, Mts. Sal lie Kidd. Miss Orie Hall is spending the week in Commerce with relatives Col. C. E. Adams and Dr. W. D, Gholston returned Monday from the Methodist Conference, held in Atlanta- -J l&JMif Profs Ware and Shoup carried the basket ball team ofl M. G. H. S. to a movie in Athens Saturday night. ' 1 Miss Lucy Gholston will be the guest of Miss Margaret Sprayberry at Wesleyan College in Macon, Ga. for the week-end. Messers H. T. Sanders, J. E. Bond, H. L. Echols, Will D. Gra ham and R. T. Broome were -in Athens Tuesday afternoonj. Prof. Slioupe will spend the week end in Atlanta. Mr. Hairy Kidd of Athens was a visitor here the first of the week. Mrs. J. C. Addison-of Carnes ville spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. T. Broome. Mrs. R. C. Griffeth was a recent visitor to Atlanta. STUMP BLASTING DEMONSTRA- TION, USING “PYROTOL” On Monday morning, December at 10:00 o’clock there will be a Stump Blasting Demonstration near Mg. S. W. Fitfc’s Store*. This demonstration will be con ducted by Mr. Broach from the Ag r.cultural College, using a now tx plosive, "PYROTOL.” 11l you are interested in getting nd of stumps in your fields, come out fcr) d see this Demonstration. Come to see for yourself and tell ’thers about it. After seeing this new explosive work and you want to Cf y it yourself I will have blanks and will be glad to help you place your order. . Esper E. Hall PREACHERS FOR ELBERTON DISTRICT Smith, presiding elder; howrrian Circuit, Jj. R. Allen; Canon Circuit, 0, E. Smith; Carnesville, Coffman; Comer and Colbert, r Crotcher; Commerce, J. R. Turner; Danielsville, M. C. Allen; Elbertfj, . First, A< (i shankle; El < : uit, D. P. Johnson; Hart rcu H. Nichols, supply; Hart- V(i C J. H. Barton; Homer, J. M. avonia, C. D. Read; Lin n: ’ T- L. Rutland; Maysville, ■ ■' W oodruff ; Middleton, J. A . Loyston, J O. Brand; t J ■ Lincoln Circuit, Stathana; Felton Williams; Toccoa " Cai L E. 0. Vicery, MADISON COUNTY FAIR By One Present The Madison County Fair held at j Danielsville, Ga., Saturday, Nov. 15, . was a marked success. For several ! years this county has not attempted to hold a Fair, local conditions plus 8011-weevil opposed any undertaking, t After a lapse of about nine years “Rip Van Winkle” waked to find j Madiaon County shill on the map, ' referred to as “The Free State cf Madison” her Sons and Daughters, in a prosperous condition, faithful to the tasks of their Fore-Fathers. The Wheat, Oats, Vetch, Alfalfa, Corn, and Cotton grown in this coun ty should cause every Citizen to ■ Ream with pride; also the Fruit, Vegetables, and Canned products would be a credit to any County in ! Georgia. The Live-stock exhibits included ' many Registered Cattle and Hogs: Ah> ten varieties of nure-bred Poul try numbering several hundred. Quite a number of Schools in the j County arranged a display of work, proving to the County that they are Tnakivi<r wonderful Strides in an Ed ucational way. The Home Economics Department and the Vocational Educational De partment of the various schools had very interesting work on d'isptey. We predict for them a croat progress in this phase of Educational work. Two of the Woman’s, Clubs of the bounty—Colbert and Danielsville—encouraged and assist ed The Fair Association by lending much to the Success of the Fair. The Business men of this County and of near by towns ao-operated very heartily by their generous gifts to the prize list. We hope that each of us gained much information at this Fair to be gin next year with new enthusiasm and determination to keep Our Coun ty in the front ranks in Education, Science, and Agriculture. Our County Agent (Mr. Hall) and our Home Demonstration Agent (Miss Strange) are right on the job to assist us to a Standard of Excel lence. FIRE WORKS Fire Work* at Wholesale Price* Guaranteed at: J. P. BAILEY, Elfoertow, G*. N., 11-27, 3t TO CUT OR NOT TO CUT? K.KOW " IT gAVB MftVSRWH o vr My list '* 3 15oHT LEAV * OUT \ toftC Tts fifit A W AUHT MA<Sit- SH& \ W H ALWAYS <SIVB-S F\€* I ,77 rat G\f T fROM Ml a pair of £ Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, Nov. 21,1924 CAR FOR ORPHANS TO BE IN CO MER, WEDNESDAY DEC 3 The car for general donations to the Baptist Orphanage at Hapeville will stop here on Dec. 3rd. Those making donations are asked to have them ready packed so they can go I at this time. Mr. Ralph Collier is chairman of this work. i PROGRAM FIFTH SUNDAY DISTRICT RALL YAT BAPTIST CHURCH, DAN IELSVILLE, NOV. 30, 1924 Rev. A E Logan, Dist. Chairman 10:30 Devotional Exercise, Mr. Geo. 0. Griffeth, S. S. Supt 10:40 Music Sunday School Work, Mr, Ralph Collier, Chairman 10:45 Music 10:50 Reports from Sunday Schools represented. ! j 11:00 Address, “The Development of the S. 5.,” Mr. Julian Brown. 11:25 Music 11:30 Sermon, Rev. A. E. Logan 12:00 Announcements. Adjourn for Dinner Afternoon 1:15 Devotional Exercise, Mr. C. B. Ayers 1:25 Music [ W. M. U. Work, Mr*. W. C. Grove*, Chairman 1:30 Echo from W. ML. U. State Convention, Mrs IO M Smith. 2:00 Musuc 2:05 Presidents and Leaders Messages. B. Y. P. U. Work, Mr. Howard Settle*, Chairman. ! *■ 2:25 Special Mus*e. Diuiitelaville Seniors. Wi 2:35 Reports from all Unions. 2:45 What, How a*t Why Give? Ila Seniors. '! 2:55 Music 3:00 The Fruits of a Successful B. Y. P. U., Colbert Seniors 3:10 *nie Failures of aB. Y. P. U., Pleasant Grove Seniors 3:20 Recitation, Danielsville Juniors. Announcements TF** Adjourn MOVING PICTURE Court House, Danielsville, Dec. 6th, 7:30, P. M. FREE Come to the Court House Saturday December 6th at 7:30 P. M. and enjoy a splendid Picture on Poultry, and hear a lecture by an expert. Do not forget the time nor the place Come and bring some ontt witk you. Tell others about it and let’s have a real good crowd to see a real good Free Picture. FIFTH DISTRICT WORKERS’ CONFERENCE The W. M. U. Workers’ Confer ence of the Fifth District was held with the Rogers Baptist church Nov. 18 at 2:30 o’clock. The meeting o poned by singing “Throw Out tho Life Line.” Mrs. O. W. T. Rogers read the parable of the Ten Virgins and commented, after which Mrs. D E. Graham led in Prayer. The meeting was in charge of M/rs W. C]. Groves, district secretary. Reports were made by the literary chairman, mission study chairman, and press chairman, the personal service chairman being absent. Plans for completing the 75-mil lion campaign and launching tho 1925 program were discussed. Oth er plans and problems were discuss ed also. It was announced that the W. M. IT. of the Sarepta Association was tho only one in the state to get on the honor roll. Mrs. Groves announced that our part of the program for the rally, Nov. 30, nH Danielsville wjould be Echoes from the State Convention at Savannah and a three minutes talk from each president and leader of young people’s (organization in the district. After the closing prayer the Rog ers ladies served a delicious salad course!. The next conference will he held at Ila. ( —Reporter * MT. ZION LOCALS *. By “Clipper” We have had a good season the past week end after several weeks of lovely weather. Several around 'here killed hogs during the cold snap past week. Mr. und Mrs. Charley Kidd t of Danielsville were guests of the lat ter’s parents, Mr. und Mrs. Bud Escoe Sunday. Mrs. Fletch Patten visited ber mother, Bud Carithers near Meadow last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin of Danielsville spent Sunday with Mrs. Martin’s mother, Mrs. Pink Patten. Mr. Dorsey Harwell from, above Danielsville visited hid sister, Mrs. Bud Escoe during the past week. Misses Annie Belle and Fannie Lou Patten were week end guests oif M iss I.ucy Meadow of Danielsville. Mr. tfnd Mra. Comers Moore of Danielstflle were visiting the latter’s parents,, Mt. and Mrs. Bud Escoe, Sunday. We regTct very much to note that Mrs. J. M. Escoe continues quite sick. Mr. Cecil Kuvens and sister, Miae Dezzie Lee, visited relatives near Comer Saturday. Mr. and Mra[. Eldridge Patten an* notince the arrival of a fine son last Friday. Mrs. Pool Hendricks and children have returned to their home at Green viile, S. C. after an extended visit to relatives in this community. Mr. Quincy Loftis of Patterson’s community was circulating among the young folks of this vicinity Sun* day. We believe there must b some special attraction for Quincy in Mt. Zion community. 1 We regret to note the illness of Mra. Billy Threlkeld at present. Mr. Tbedoe Shirdcn and Miss Ru by Escoe were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday af ternoon,- Nov. 22rd, at the home of Mr. Joe Nelms. The bridal party went to the home of the grooms par ents near Mt. Airy where a sumptu ous supper was served to a few rel atives of the contracting parties. We extend congratulations. Mr. Will Irvin and family visited relatives at Maysville Sunday Number