The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, December 26, 1924, Image 1

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The Danielsville irons for. yOL XX v 111 | imcai^Y jI\pPEMN&§ j g. Addison and family of Anderson, S. ®- visited relates here Sunday. p rrs f n■ J. Shoupe was a visitor to Colbert Sunday. Mis3 Sallie F. Daniel is expected kome for the holidays. Miss Jessie Neal Ptranre will leave Friday to spend the holiday* in Eatontoiy Daßielsvitle ~Higb SAOOI JW* teachers presented “Liphthou-e Kan” at Colbert Thursday night. Mr and Mrs. Theron White of Dublin will arrive Monday to snend, Christmas holidays with liomefofks. Misses Jessie Neal Strange, Roy jenKins a**l Susie 'W* were visitors to Athens Tuesday. Mr. Cecil Blackwell of Bishop was here Monday. R. F. D. Carrier- No. 3 from Danielsville reports the killing 'of h hog on his route by Mr. W B. Hammond, weighing 788 pounds. 'College boys and girls expected home for the holidays the lattei} part of the week are: Misses Ruby Griffeth, Frances Scott, Julia Baker, of S. N. S.; and Messers Hope Griffeth. Charlie Baker, Richard McLeroy and Calvin Langford of U. of Ga., Athens. The many friends of Rev. M. C. Allen are very glad to learn thalj le is improving nicely at St. Marys hospital. Sppt. Shoupe leaves Friday for New York City. Miss M. E. White of Columbia, S. C. will spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs'. B. N. White. Mrs. Billie Yarborough and Mrs. Emma Kidd of Hartwell were guests uf Mr - and Mrs. C. C Kidd Sun day. < ;•<!>.J CHRISTMAS CAROLS Th( ‘ committees from the different <• announce that the Christ "J 8 * oar °is win be son* next Tues- Jay n instead of Wednesday “ ,ght ; aUo that at each Christmas at the churches they will be sun#. -• NOTICE T > e Comer Bank and The Peoples Lank ' Comer, Ga. will both be Dec. 25th and 26th, 1924. 11 ho open for business Saturday Dec. 27th. M CHAMPION hog of season Mr. \\ B. Hammonds of near Jamielsville killed on Dec. 11th. a . e ' e i?hing 788 pounds after be >r ‘ r ' dr essed. He killed others weigh - n ar 500 poundd. Thev were tiurocs. Hammond raises other - *n proportion and lives at home. MONTHLY MEETING ILA W. M S. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Ila Baptist church hel>J its monthly meeting Monday afi.e”i u at the home of Mrs. Belle Owe s with fifteen ladies present. Tie meetig opened with the song, “Joy To The World,.” Miss Peevey led the opening prayer. After the scripture reading by Mrs. Howard Vaughn the regular program was taken up. The subject was. “Our Girls Here and There.” Interest ing facts were given by different members concerning the girls of Central Europe, Japan, China, South America, ant Mexico. The presi dent led in prayer for the girls of all lands. Avery interesting sketch was given of how Christmsa is ob served in all lands. After singing, “0, Zion Haste.” the business session was intered in to. The minutes were read and the Treasurer's report made. The committee to make the canvass for the 1925 program made a partial report. Arrangements were made for observing the January week <> r prayer for foreign missions. Anew vice-president was elected as this officer had moved away. It was de cided to sell some of the Anna Eliz abeth Wade products, the money to be used in church aid . After adjournment the hostess served sandwiches and coff* e —Mrs. J. 0. M. Smith, Press Chairman Danielsville, Georgia, Priday, DEC, 26 1924 **** ***** • * CARLTON * ♦ ••***** • • • I Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Martin weie shopping in Athens last Wednesday. Mr. C. C. Mathews and son, Sidney, visited her sister, Mrs. Ralph. Collier, Monday evening. Mr. F. L. Martin and famly visited his grandfather, Mr. Frank Jdathewa near the Glade Sunday af ternooD. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rowe visited the latter’s parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Jinf Power, Monday afternoon. We are sorry that Mrs. J. H. Long has been sick -several days. Mr. W. IT. Settles had the mis fortune to get his barn burned Sat urday night, losing a great deal of farm implements and feed supplies. Mr. J. W. Sherrer and daugh ters, Elizabeth and Winnie, visited his father in Oglethorpe County, Saturday night and Sunday. Mrs. A. P. Stevens visited Mrs. I. H. Long Sunday. Mr. C. C. Mathews and family visited his father, Mr. J. C. Math ews, Sunday. CHRISTMAS TREE AT MEADOW There will be a Christmas Tree at Meadow church, Thursday night. December 25. Program will begin at 7 o’clock. Everybody invited. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! An Oyster Supper! Time: Suturdav night, December 20, Leginninng at 6 o’clock. Place: Colbert School Building. < Candy, peanuts, and sandwich** for . sale; also • ( ' Fre Entertainment. The Phi Gamma Literary Society will present the following -program . Song'—Holy Night. ■■ ** • ■ ’ '*•. Scriptare-vPsmf Kirk. Declamation—Bobby’s I setter to Santa —Phil Hardman.- ■:*. Reading— Dialogue—By a number of boyw and girl3. 1 NOTICE OF MEETING OF CRED ITORS In the Ditrict Court of the Usitsi, State* for tk* Northern D-*4rict of Georgia, Eaern Division AS A COURT IN BANKRUPTCY No. 18S8 in Bankruptcy In Re: J. W. Dean, Bankrupt. Danielsville, Ga. To the Creditors of said Bankrupt: You me hereby notified that there will be a meeting of creditors of the above named bwikrupt on Dec. 23 rd, 1924, at 13 and <514 Mutual Building, Athens, Ga., at 12:00 o’clock, M. r for the pur pose of examining bankrupt, t lcw ing claims, selecting a trustee and other legal busines^. HOWELL OOBR, P-eferee Athens, Ga., Dec 2nd, 1924 ' * * * * * • • * FORT LAMAR * * * * * * • The oyung people from here who are off at school are expected home in a few days for the Christmas holidays. The children in school here are looking forward to a Christmas tree and short program next Friday afternoon. * Miss Lois Rice of 11a was a re cent visitor here. Mr. and Mrs. George McWhir ter are spending some time here with relatives. Mrs. M. F. McWWirter is improv ing after being indisposed for a few days. Mr. ,T. C. Tabor was in Athens recently. Mr. C. M. Dean made a business trip to Commerce Friday. Little George Willie Fitts is im proving, after a hurt from a fail last week. ‘ Mrs, Winnie Parker, after spend ing a few days with relatives hero, has returned to her home near La vonia. Mr. DeWitt Parker, who i* trav eling for the Frank E, Block Cos., in South Carolina, spent lust week end at home. After a good crop year of corn and cotton, and ivith a good grain crop in and growing nicely, the far mers, both white and black, are much more encouraged over the fanning situation. We hear of! very little moving—especially a mong the negroes. They seem to have decided they can do about as well here as at other places, taking all thing*, into consideration. At a recent birthday celebration at one of their homes near here, more than sixty guests were reported to have taken dinner. AM kinds of good things were on the bill of fare they said and an enjoyable time was re ported . •f • # * * SHILOH LOCALS * * • • * * ’*'/•• • • • * The singing given by Misses R tha and Pauline Crow Sunday af ternoon was enjoyed by all present. Miaw Pauline Bruce was in Athena one day laat week. j Mias Ruth Long spent Saturday night with Misi Annie Mae Baxter. Mr. and Mn. Coy Crow j*pnt Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett. Mias Louesa Crow spent Saturday night with Misses Clyde and Ruth Crowe. Mr. and Mrs. Onnie Seymour of qear Comer wa> the guest of Mrs. Luther Seymour one day laHt week. Miss Vallie Bee Bennett was the gu<t of Mr and Mr*. Clarence Forts on Saturday night. We have decided to have a sC mas tree at Shiloh. Mr Jack Fowler from Franklin county was the guest af Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Fitts Wednesday. Mr. Reuben Tyner is home from tie Navy to spend a while with home folks. Little Miss Lucile Tyner of Dao ielsville was the guest of her grand father, Mr. W W. Tyner, Satur day afternoon . Miss Tola Lord spent the week end with home foils near here, ler a while Sunday afternoon. The box .-supper at Shiloh Satur day night was enjoyed by a large ehowd. Number