The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 09, 1925, Image 1

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The Danielsville /Tonitor. VOL. xxx LOCAL ! jfj\pPENINGS , j x> Thompson and Mis* -m ,_ cnri were visitors to Ath- Keba Thompson were ns on Saturday. Mr G. C. Daniel, County Dent, onstrator of McDuffie County, was a Vusiaess visitor here Tuesday. Mrs. George Mix spent Tuesday afternoon in Comer. H, and mTT" *• apenl a abort while in Wednesday morning- The Worker’s Council will mec avith Rev. and Mrs. Aen Monde oicht, Jan. 12th. Teachers and offi cers of the Sunday School are espe-. daily requested to be present, t discuss plans for the new year. Mr . w. 0. Hhff of Bowma was here Tuesday. Don’t forget aboot quarterly meet ing Saturday, Jan. 10th, at Metho dist church—Dinner on the ground. Mr). C. B. Ayers of Comer was in town Tuesday. M. C. H. S. welcomes Miss Ma-, rie Barrow as their Music teacher for the remainder of this term- Miss Ba*row sucreeds Mrs W D Gkolston. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sheppard ■of Commerce wee here ©n business Tuesday. Mrs. J. B. Addison of Carnesvitle spent the week-end with Mr. and' Mrs. Rv T. Broome. Mrs . R. 0. Hutcherson has return, and to Atlanta, having spent several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thompson. Miss Louise Broome left Wednes day for her home at Lincolnton, hav ing spent several months here With Rev. and Mrs. M. C. AHen. Mr. JV E. Bond was a visitor to Athens on Wednesday afternoon. The many friends of Mr. Geo. Bussell Sanders are sorry to lear; that he is not as well as usual. Mr. Knox Griffeth of Atlanta spent the week-end here. Mrs. W. V. Long of Savannah is visiting relatives here. 'j FOR rent— Good two or three horse farm one m ile of Ft Lamar, Ga. (Van Ow en* Also good two-horse farm tw ° m *les fsom Commerce, Ga, See W. D. Sheppard, Commerce, Ga. M . 1-9, 4t. SHINGLES FOR SALE Moore’* Bridge by J. E. Vaughn, Comer, Ga., Rt. 4 N - 1-8, 4t, pd MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE Baptist Minister’s Conference -Northeast Georgia meets at Ath fcns ’ 11 A. M., Jan 12. ( " object for discussion is, J rt ‘th. ’ The discussion to be led by ' Flury. All are urged to be Present. * JUST FROM PROGRESS * Afet being absent a while, here we come again, Mr. J, T. Phillips and family of Chattanooga, Tenn. spent Christmas holidays with Mr. J. H. Shelton and wife. t Master Raleigh Watson Allen of Atlanta spent the past two weeks with his grandparents here. His grandfather, Mr. W. M. Glenn, re turned home with him Saturday for; a few days. Miss Minnie Fae Scarbaro dined Sunday with her sisber, Mrs. Har vie Carter. COMER MERCANTILE CO. s v V A Big January Clearance Sale ~Py' w ie ... ... v - • Now Going* On Our entire stock to go at prices you cannot afford to miss. The liberal reduc tion we are making in prices compels us to make this a Cash Sale. If you find what you want it will mean a big cash saving for you. Come and see what we have. COMER MERCANTILE CO. H>anielsville, Georgia, Friday, JAN, 9 1925 Mr. Harvie Carter spent a whiile Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Scarboro. Mrs. Scarhoro who has been sick for a long time is no bettr. Mrs. Ekno McLeroy spent Sunday night during Xmas with Mrs. John- Johnnie McLeroy. Mrs. Z. B. Smith, Mrs. W. M. Glenn and son, Odelle, visited rela tives near Hix Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Bradley spent Saturday night and Sunday with rel atives near Gommerae. Mr. Grover McLer*y spent Satur day night with Mr. Harvie Ghena. Mise Alma Scarbore spent oae day last week with Ma*s. Hoyle Brad- ley. Miss Alma Scarboro spent Sunday with MtJ. and Mrs. Johnnie McLeroy Mr. W. P. Williams, wife and two daughters, were in Athens Sat urday. .. - V - Mr. J. D. McLeroy, who has bee* sick with diphtheria, we are glad to report, is doing nicely. Mr. C. R'. McLeroy, wife and Mrs. Elmo McLeroy spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mbs. J. J McLeroy. Mr. W. P. William's had the misfortune to eat his fiaoe Saturday afternoon. * POCATALIGO * • • •*•••• School began here Monday, Jan. sth, under the management of Mr.- Dwight Tabor, as principal, and Miss es Ruby Freeman and Lula Maude Pittman, assistants. Mr. S. M. McClellan and family will soon make their home in Dan ielsville; they will be missed very much by all the friends around here. Miss Dolie Eller had as her guest Sunday afternoon, Miss keba Cul bertson . Mrs. Lillie Looney and famity spent Saturday and Saturday night with Mrs. Richard Seagraves. Mr. and Mp. J. M. Rogers and little daughter left flor their home itt Webster, Fla., December 30th, after spending the Christinas holidays with relatives hene. Miss Agnes Bray of Athens was with relatives hero Sunday afternoon Mrs. Kip Nash and children of Danielsville and Miss Mozelle Lester ®f Royston spent Saturday, Jan. 3rd with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tidwell spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Wilder. The pound supper given by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carson Friday night was enjoyed by the young people. Misees Inez and Evie Lee Barrett were the guests of Missee Ruth and Ctfa Laonev Thausday. Mrss I erlin Barrett spent the week end with friends and relatives in Athens. Mr. L. S. Short, who was very ill last week, is better this week. • •• ••••••* • FORT LAMAR **••• All seem glad to greet the new year and hope that it may be an im provement on the one just passed. The young people have returned to their schools and the older ones to their work. The friends of Mr. Harvey Henley regret to hear of his illness and hope that he may soon improve. Mrs. Margaret Hutcherson is vis iting relatives in South Georgia. * Mr. C. M. Deaa and family wer. recent visitors near Carnesville. Mr. C. L. Parker and family of South Carolina spnt several days of Christmas here. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McWhirter of Elberton and Mr. Bruner of 9. C. spent several days with Mr. M. F. McWhirter and family during Christmas. Mr. Howard Higginbotham and family of Commerce were recen visitors here. M.l}. and Mrs. Paul Tabor and little son of Athens visited relativs here last week. t Mr. and Mrs. Stipe Parker and little daughter of Atlanta were hol iday visitors here. Mr, C. D. Tabor who has been a. Winter Haven, Fla. for several months inspecting citrus fruits, has returned home and has accepted the school at Poca, following the resig nation of the principal, Mrs. Roy Freeman. * j -, 8 . i • *u. I Number