The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 23, 1925, Image 2

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PROGRAM ANNOUNCED FOR FARMERS’ WEEK Array of Prominent Persons to Ad dress Georgia Frmenr at 18th Annual Gathering Opening Monday afternoon Janu ary 2f with an address on the pres ent economic situation by L. A. President of the Centra! of Georgia railroad, the eighteenth an nuals Farmers' Week at the State College of Agriculture will get under way with what is believed t* he the most, impressive program ever *f fered Georgia farmers and business men. The program which has just been an nounced embraces talks and discus sions by a number of the best known agricultural authorities in the state and nation. Both the production and marketing ends of farming will be discussed at length, £fnd o effort has been spared to get tl e best men a vailable to handle the discussions, College officials state. The addresses and discussions 1 ave been interspersed with a very attrac tive entertainment program con sisting of music and songs by the U niversity Glee and Mandolin fluls and other Athens organizations. Moving pictured will be offered ifu h night, a play one evening and an en tertainment will be given by the stu dents the last evening for the visiting farmers. There is no cost whatsoever to vis itors in connection with the confer ence, the only expense at! .coed being the cost of boar 1 and bulging whh'lc in the city. Ev< ry facility of the College will be placed at the dis posal of its guests for the week, and an invitation is issued to every Geor gia farmer and business man to he present and participate in the dis cussions . A complete program is as follows: Monday, January 2(1 Afternoon Session 2:30 O’clock Community Singing Invocation Dr. J. J. Bennett, Pas tor Prince Avenue Baptist Church, Athens Addres of Welcome Dr. David C. Barrow, Chancellor, U of Ga. Address Ti e Present Ksonomie Sit uatiwn, Hon 1,. A. Downs, Presi dent, Central of Georgia Ry. Address- The Business Man and Fanning, Hon W. P. Baker, Pres ident, Atlantic Ice & Coal Corpo ration . Address Coordinating Agriculture and Industry in Georgia, Dr. An drew M . Soule, President, Georgia State College of Agriculture. Evening Session, 8 O’clock- Dr. T. 11. McHatton, Presiding Moving Pictures under direction of Prof. Goo. A. Crabb Music— Kiwanis Quartette, Messrs M. N. Tutwiler, Ralph Hudson, E. 0. Kinnclnow. Walter Hodgson Address My Experience with Peach es, Dr. L. G. Hardman, Com merce . Address Lessons from the 1924 Watermellon Crop, Hon. J. ,T. Parrish, Secretary. Sowega Water melon Growers’ Association. Adel Tuesday, Jan . 37, Morning, 9 Oc ! ock Prof. .1. 11 Wood, Presiding Address Organizing Georgia Far mers, Hon. J. E. Conwell, Tics . Georgia Cotton Growers Cooj cr ative Association. Add ress Production and Marketi- r of Farm Poultry, Prof. Robert R Slocunt, Bureau of Agri ulhral Economics, l’. S. Pod. of Arc' culture • 1 A<Mre*: Results f tie Macon S i'- voy, Prcf. M. ('. Cay, M.mket m; Spec: :IH. . State College of A rieultuve. Pi- cu ' 1 v Tb n . \-' • r P- ;\ v. Sec.. Muon Chamber i. * Com merce . Round T’ ' TV •.: u of V-vk<*. ino. !.<’ i v fi.'n. I ts. VV. Mw ton *nd H n. ,1. 11. Mills. State Bureau of Markets. Noon Si ?<ion. 11 :S0 O’clock Pi. \rdtew M. Soule, Presiding Communitj Sinjrinir Address Our Agricultural Propram for l‘>2r>. Hon. W. \V. Mundy, District Governor, Kiwanis Clubs of Georpia. ' ’ ! Address The PuncCons of the State Dept. of Agri.ulture. Hon. J. J. Brown, Com. of Agriculture Afternoon Session, 3 O’clock Prof. G. V. Cunningham, Presiding Address —Opportunity for Fe:v:ce through Club Work, Prof. Willis A. SutUn, Supt. of Schools, At lanta Address —The Georgia Rankers’ In terest in Club Work, Hon. Husk PI . Gordon, President, The Com mercial Rank, Athens. AHolrens —Club Work and the Rad roads,Hen . E. S. Center, Jr. Ag ricultural Agent. Georgia Kv. Evening Session, 8 O’clock Miss Mary Oreswell, Presiding Moving Pictures under ti e direction of Prof. Geo. A,. Crabb Music —Athens Rotarv Qua-tette Address —The Place of Applied Sci ence in Education, Hon C. D. Gibson, Supt. Public Instruction, Savannah. Addre-s —Giving the Country Wom an a Clonee, Mrs. Ira E. Farmer, State Chairman, Home Demonstra tion Work. Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs, Thompson. Wednesday, Januarv 28 Morning Session, 9:00 O’c'ocl. I Prof. P. M. Carter. Presiding Address —Winter Legumes for Soil j Building, Prof. C. A. Cobb, Edi tor, Southern Rurali.-t, Atlanta. ! Address —Interpreting the Georgia Soil Survey, Prof! M. W. Lowry, Soil Analyst, Georgia State Col lege of Agriculture. Address —Work in Agronomy at the Georgia Coaistal Plain Experiment Station, Prof. S. H. Starr, Direc tor. Address—Tobacco Production in Georgia, Prof. E. C. Westbrook. Tobacco Specialist, Georg'a State College < f Agriculture. Address—Tobacco Culture Prof. E. G. Moss, In Charge Tobacco Ex po: iment Station, Oxford, N. C. Noon Session, 11 :30 O'clock Dr. Andrew M Soule, Presiding Address—As an Editor Views the Situation, Hon. James A. Hollo mon, Associate Editor, The Atlan ta Constitution, Atlanta. Address—Urban Interest in Rural Problems, Hon W. R. C. Smith, President, Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Afternoon Session, 3 O’clock Director J. Phi! Campbell, Presid. Addiess—The Home Orchard, Prof. George H> Firor, Specialist in Po mology, Georgia State College of Agriculture. Address—The Need of Trained For ester, Prof. Thomas D. Burleigh, Head Forestry Division, Georgia State College of Agriculture. Address—Forestry Legislation, Mess ers Harmon and Stone, Represent ing'the Georgia Forestry Associa tion . Five O’clock Alumni Meeting, Conner Hall, and Annual Banquet, Cafeteria, Coun ty Agent, W. T. Bennett, Pres. Presiding, Miss Frances Simpson, Seeietary. Evening Session, 8:00 O’clock Dr. A. G. G. Richardson, Presid. Moving Pictures under the direction of Prof. Geo. A. Crabb. Music—Employed Boys’ Brotherhood of Athens, Messers Levie, Robin son. I.umpkin, Anthony, Dunaway. Address—The Relation of Electric Power to Farm Progress, Hon H. M. Atkinson, Chairman, Board of Directors, Georgia Railway and Power Company. Address—Progre--.". of Extension Mo: k in the ouih, Hon. O. I>. Mmt'n, U. S. Department of Ag riculture . Thursday, January 29 Morning Se-.sion, 9:00 O'clock Dr. '..iilton P. Jnrr.ngin. Presiding Addre-s- lessons from European Agriculture, Dr. Talt Butler. E li ter. The Progressive Farmer. Addres:—Some Needs of the South's Drirv Industry. Professor J. C. Me! m. Dairy Specialist, IT.l T . S. Department of Agriculture. Address—The Bankers’ Interest 'n Extension Woik, Hon. D. 11. O t s. Du eotor, '•.■••ricultural Commis sion. American Bankers’ Associa t: n, Vadiaon. Wisconsin. Address—Distributing Pure Bred Sues, Hon. W. W. Fitzpatrick, Field Representative, The Ameri can Guernsey Cattle Club. Address—Feed as a Factor in Pro moting the Dairy Industry. Hon. Stanley C m-s. Field Representa tive. The Helstein-FTiesian Assoeia THE DANIELBVILLE MON. 1 OH. DA NIE LV IL LE. GEORGIA ——————— immmmmtmmmv tien of A.merica. Address —How the Breeo Association Helps the Framer, Hon Charles Oliver, Field Representative, A mcrican Jersey Cattle Club. Noon Session, 11:30 O'clock . .Dr . Andrew M Soule, Presiding. Address —Giving The Rural G.rl a Chance, Mrs. A. P. Brantley, President, Georgia Federation of Women’s Clubs. Address —The Vocational Leaded, Hon. Fort E. Land, Superintend dent-Elect ef Georgia State De partment of Education. After*:oji Session, 3 O’clock Director J. Fhil Campbell, Presid ing. Add ese—What the Extension Work Means to Georgia, Hon. W. T. Andersen, Editor, The Macon Telegraph, Macon. Address —County Agent Problems, Hon J. A. Evans, United States j Department cf Agriculture Discussion led by Professor J. G. Oliver, State Agent, Extension Work, Ga. State College of Ag. Evening Sessicr, 8:00 O’c’o'b Music —Messers Geo. L. Sabados and Hr C. McClure, and Universi ty of Georgia Ouartetta. Play—Education at the Crossroads, presenting the life attainments cf Georgia boys and girls. Written and staged under the direction of Miss I.aura Blaekshear, Hardman Hall. Fridav, Januarv 30 Morning Session, 9:00 O’clock Assistant Director J. K . Giles, Presiding. Address——Legumes for the Georgia Farmer, Prof. 11. C. Appleton, Fiebl Crop Specialtist, Georgia State College of Agriculture. Address—Cotton Production, Prof. F. C. Ward, Cottton Speciul'st. Gr|. State College of Agriculture. Address —Fertilizers for Staole Crops in Georeia, Prof. L. V. Davis, Supervisor, Fertilizer In vest'gationj Georgia State College of Agriculture. Address—Fertilizers and So 1 Build ing, Prof, Geo. A. Crabb, In Charge Agronomy Division, Ga. State College of Agriculture. Noon Session, 11:00 O'clock Dr. Andrew M. Soule, Presiding Music—Georgia Railway and Power Company Quartette. Address—Light! and Power for the Farm, Hon. Preston S. Arkwright Atlanta, Georgia. Address—How the Weekly Papers can serve the Cause, Hon. Earnest Camp, President-Elect, Georgia Press Association. Afternoon Session, 3 O’clock Director J. Phil Campbell, Presid ing. A Heart to Heart Talk, Hon. G. F. Hunicutt, Editor, The Southern Cultivator. Address —The Use of Pyrotol in Clearing Land, Prof. Geo. K. Boyd, Bureau of Public Roads, U. S. Dept', of Agriculture. Evening Session, 8:00 O’clock I. V. Chandler, President, Geor gia Agricultural Club, Presiding. Music—Co-eds’ Glee and Mandolin Club, Misses Celia and Evelyn Perry, Sarah Stewart, and Peggy Baker. Annual Cotton School Debate of The Georgia Agricultural Clubs; Re solved: That the County L T uit System Should Be Adopted in Georgia ns a Basis for Public School Administration and Support Reception to Visiting Farmers, Guests and Countv Agents. Saturday, January 31 Morning Sesion, 9-00 O’c'e"lc Dr. Andrew M. Soule, Presiding Assembly of ,v rests, faculty, county rpenta. an 1 students in Hardman Hall. \ rri *.-• art of short tal'-’s interspers ed bv sones and college veils led bv O. F.. Gay, College Cheer Fearer. Music-Giul s ’ Glee Club. Presentation of athletes and winners of honors and distinctions. Address—The Vocational Guidt ance and Placement Plan. Prof. John T. W he ’!er. In *'barge Agricultu t and t location. Piv’s'on, Georgia ?tate College of Agriculture. Address—Leadcrshin and Progress. lUin. Rnck S. Miller, Columbus. Pleven O'c’ci n | final Agents' Conference. IWm VrfirJPfe ili tJUMn Ltmlwi lemmirali T _..i' l -- We carry a most complete stock of stationery, the latest designs and colors, monogramed or plain, for mi lady's writing desk; also plain letter paper and envelopes of ail sizes for ordinary correspondence. Tens, ink. nncPiff, blotto?, prcilf cf ell colors ink stands, fancy and plain, fountain pens,fancy pencils, calendars, etc We pride ourselves on being able to satisfy the most exacting customer. (Lane ""2D mg Company (Tenter, (Beorgii, Children cry for 1 [MOTHER Fletcher’s Castoria ( / P, is a pleasant, harmless Substitute Jl / \ for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teeth- ( J I ing Drops and Soothing Syrups, \\ ’ /J L especially prepared for Infants J * in arms and Children all ages. "" To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it, THE WAY TO Make Money Save it in the cost of Paint for painting your house by mak ing your own PURE PAINT with L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT and PURE LINSEED OBL COST— ready for use $2.82 Per Gallon 3 gallons of Pure Linseed Oil are mixed into every 4 gallons of the L & SEftli-PASTE PAINT, to make 7 gallons of the best and cheapest Paint ready to use. Longest years of wear assured, be cause made with WHITE LEAD and costly WHITE ZINC added to make the paint durable. GUARANTEE Use a gallon out of any purchase, and if net perfectly satisfactory, the balance may be returned without payment being made for any paint used - FOR SALE BY - GHOLSTON BROS.