The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, January 23, 1925, Image 3

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Handsome Trophy Offered by League of Women Voters This magnificent sterling silver vase, together •with S2OO in cash, is of fared by the Georgia League at Women Voters to the Georgia town showing the largest proportional increase in actual voters in the 1925 elections over the last year in which elections of like kind took place. Margaret, the young daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Hodgson of Atlanta, the voter's prize mascot, is standing beside the vase. The vase and the S2OO is to he known as “The Voters’ Prize,” and will be offered annually. The S2OO is to Ik fcpcnt for civic purposes in the winning town, the exact purpose to be de cided by the local committee. Details for entering ihe contest may be had by writing the organization department, Georgia League of Women Voters 330 Lull water Road, Atlanta, Ga. A self-addressed stamped envelope must be enclosed. The vase will be on exhibit for the first time at the League of Women Voters’ Convention, January 29 to 31. in Rome. * DAVIDS HOME NEWS * * *********** Here we come again after being absent so long. Having had so much rain, it makes "us appreciate these beautiful days. *' Misses Annie Bell and Elise Sar tain spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Ophelia Scarboro. Mr. H. H. Conwell spent Satur day night with his brother, Mr. Guy Cnnwell of near Bowman. Misses Rosie and Howell Scarboro spent Wdnesday aftemon with their sister, Mrs. Elna Dalton. Mrs. W. J. Sartain spent Friday night with her daughter, Mrs. H. Hart. .... Miss Annie Bell Sartain spent Sat urday night with Mrs. Chester Con- Well . Mrs. Ophelia Scarboro and chil dren, Mrs. Elma Dalton spent Sun day with Mrs. Novie Coil. Mrs. Bennie and Lizzie Roberts spent Monday with Mrs Bertie Davis There is a good Sunday School at * ft is place. breaching every first Sunday, Tev. c. Goodrum, pastor. Ev er ybody is invited to attend. —Brown Eyes p OR SALE— °*yr. old Rhode Island Red Ron* and 3 laying pallels, all good * - c k and nice cclor. Price S7.SO. Box 92, No. 2, Dc,nie!svi!!e, Ga. * COLLIERS ACADEMY * *********** Another wet week has past but we are glad to sae the sunshine again Sevecal porkers were killed during the cold days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Peterman had as their gniests one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Carter, Mr. and Mrs. John LaCount and children of Beaverdant. * • Misses Wreather and Nezzie O’- Kelley were in our part of the com munity last Thursday. Master Wade Turnes spent a while Saturday afternoon with Master Ol iver Chandler. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiller spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr3. j. J. Silver. Master W. B. Patton was on the sick list a few days last week but we are glad to see him out again. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dye will make their home this year on Mr. J. M. Dillard’s place. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, ts they °*n n “ t reac “ the diseased portion of the ear. J* only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness Is caused byan in flamed condition of the mucous I‘niMr of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have rum * >,ln|f ., llo ?? d (I £tir??v perfect hearing, and when it ** *U' lr 5H closed, Deafness is the result. Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases or deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous a ir faces. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on ths mucous surfaces of tne s"stcni- We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafn> -s that canno. be cured by Kill's Catarrh Medicine, cir culate free. Ail Druggists. 75c F. J. CHENEY Sc CO. Toledo, O. THE DANIELSVILLE MONITOR. DANIELSVI LLE, GA. | f “Boar’s Nest” Again Congressman F. D. Scott of Michigan sued his wife, Edna, (above) for divorce, charging ex travagance and affairs with other men. His secretary, Jane Kennedy (below), told him of the “other men." Mrs. Scott fought back, mentioning the famous “Boar’s Nest” at Washington, where, she said, her husband met brother law makers to gamble. She mentioned several names—and now official Washington is mighty “jumpy.” Coughs Always Dangerous—Quick Way to Stop Them Chronic coughs and chest colds often lead to more serious trouble. Not only is the infection itself dangerous, but the continual coughing spells day and night so weaken your entire system thatyou can no longer fight off disease. So stop a cough the quickest you can. Todo this there is nothing better than that old-time tried and proved remedy—Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar Haney. Doctors say there is nothing like pine tar extract to quickly loosen and remove the phlegm and congestion which are the direct cause of the cough, while the honey both gives a pleasant taste and helps soothe irritation. Thequick relief to the stubbornest cough often seems almost magical, . _ _ But lie sure you get the genuine Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar Honey, and no substitute. Dr. Bell’s is the original pine-tar honey and has been known for over a quarter of a century as the best. It is scientifically compounded of just the right proportions of pine-tar, hor.ey and other quick-acting, healing ingredients which the best doctors have found to aid in quick relief. Contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, so can be given even to young children—fine for spasmodic croup. If you want the best, a medicine that often relievesthe severest cough overnight, make sure you get Dr. Bell s. Only 30c at any good druggists. t DR. BELL'S PINE -TAR-HONEr FOR COUCHS MONEY TO LOAN On Farms and other Real Estate in the Comer territory. GHOLSTON BROTHERS Getting Up Nights m BE STOPPED Cl-ove'lhatTu can be rid of this strength sapping ailment, have more pep, be free from burning sensation, pain in groins, backache and weakness I’ll send you Walker’s Prostate Specific free and postpaid under plain wrapper. No obligations. No cost. Tf it cures your prestate gland trouble, you can re pay the favor by telling your friends —if not the loss is urine. Simply send me your name and prove that you can feel 10 years younger and be rid of prostate trouble. I. B. Walker, 2489 Gateway Station, Kansas City, Mo. You Cant Dip Water (———ana —m immw— w—■■■ You mast have something with more substan tial body. You can’t dip up your share of the world’s wealth by the old haphazzard methods of keening your money at home, hiding it under stones or carrying it in your pockets. To get and keep yaur share of the world’s money you need and must have the best possiple dipper and that dipper is a Bank Account, We will appreciate your business, come in ane see us. The Peoples Bank Comer Gra. .1 ’ ..V., .tan y.j I 1..", Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians fc® Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism /J / / /Ad oAccepto Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. A yy* Handy “Bayer” boxes of 12 tablets Aleo bottles of 24 and 100 —Druggists. Aspirin ts the trade mirk of P-ayef Manufacture of Mcanc'-tte-'-ldenter of Salb'yllcacld. 3C IUTSUR A.XXTCE LIFE ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS. W, E HENSLEE, Agent. Mules 6c Horses If] You Want To Buy Or Swap Westbrook & Scarborough Ila, Georgia. FIRE WINDSTORM AUTOMOBILE.*