The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, February 13, 1925, Image 1

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The Danielsville (Tonitor. VOL. XXX local \ Mr Fred Bond of Royston was here on business Thesday. and Mrs. N. C. Bullodk were i B Athens on Thursday of last week. Miss Rea Lord of Ih was shopping here on Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Benton and Mr. Kirk of Colbert were visitors here last Fi'iday morning. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dalton were in Athens on Tuesday. The Wimcn’s Missionary Society of the Baptist Church met with Mrs j y. Huff Wednesday afternoon. The Workers’ Council ef Metho dist Church met with Col. and Mrs. C. E. Adams on Monday night. Mrs. A. C. Campbell and Mrs, K. C. David were shopping in Ath ens Saturday. Danielsville vs Commerce wHI play basket-ball on Commerce Court, Friday night. Be sure to go to the game and yell for M. 6. H. S. Mr. W. P. Harrison, Miss Myrtice Harrison and Mrs. Geo. Perkins cl. Bethlehem Ga. were guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Huff Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Griffeth an nounce the birth of a son on Feb. 5. Mr. and Mrs. C. (3. Moore visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Escoe on Snndaf. The many friends of Miss Ada Wilson will be delighted to know that she will again have charge of L. B. Greene & Co.’s Millinery Depart ment for the Spring season. She will arrive next Monday the 16th and' will be delighted to show you thrh her line, having on display all the latest and newest thinys in sillinery. Mr. and Mr, J. T. Murray were la Athens on last Sunday. Her. Horace Smith, presiding el der of the Elberton District, preached a most asle sermon at the Methodist church on last Sunday evening. Mrs. J. Y. Huff entertained the ladies of the Baptist Missionary So ciety on Wednesday afternoon. A most interesting program was ren dered, after which a social hour was* enjoyed and delicious refreshments served. Among those in Athens on last Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. F<. H. Gordon, Mrs. J. H. Boggs, Messers L. E. Greene, W. D. Meadow and W. M. Davis. The countless friends of Mf. and Mrs. W. D. Meadow congratulate them upon the arrival ol a fine boy on Feb. 6th, at St. Marys Hospital. Miss Jessie Neal Strange, our effi cient Home Demonstration Agent for this county, will return here Satur day, having spent the past six weeks in Athens at the Agricultural College taking a special course in her work. She will he in her office Monday and will be glad to have her friends call on her when she can serve them in her work. Mr. E. L. McCa nnon who has f-or several years served the county most efficiently as County Police has re cently been elected City Marshal atf Comer and he is now there on the job. A real estate deal was made here last week when Col. R. Howard Gordon purchased the home of Mr. M 7 ’. M. Davis. We understand Mr. Gordon will not move in before an other year. are glad to know that Mrs. Deila Bond who has been ill for so *°ng has sufficiently recovered to be out again. Mr. D. A. Moseley, who has suf fered intensely with an abcess in his> head, was in Athens last week to see’ Dr. Dekker f*r treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Sorrells motor ed to Athens on last Saturday to see Mrs. Sorrells sister, Miss Marion Coil who has recently had a opera tion for appendicitis at St. Marys Hospital. Mr,, Frank O’Kellsy has moved his family to Carlton where he is now serving- as City Marshal. Rev. John A. Simplon will fill his regular appointment hei’e on Sunday morning and evening at the Presby terian church. You are invited'. Ben White Simpson is suzering with a severe sprained ankle which he sustaind an the basket-ball c®urt Tuesday. Mrs. Gresham of Jackson, who has been spending some time here as the guest of Mrs. J. N. Griffieth, returned te Athens on Sunday b® visit Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roper. The friends of Mr.<. D. A. Mose ley will be glad to know sha is doing nicely since her return home from St. Marys Hospital. Col. and Mrs. B. T. Moseley were in Athens Wednesday. Mrs. Luther Williams who has been confined to her room with Flu has sufficiently l'ecdverod to be out. PROGRAM MADISON COUNTY EPWORTH L AGUE UNION INSTITUTE Liberty Methodist Church, Ft. La mar, Ga., Sunday, Feb. 15 1925 10:00 Devotional —J. Gj. Tabor 10:15 The different units of Leegue Organisation—Janies Ofiriafty. 10:30 Origin and History of the Epwofth League—Miss Lucile Hig . ginbotham. 10:45 League Motto, ‘‘All for Christ”—U. S. Woody. 11:001nspirational address —Rec. M. C. Allen 12:00 Lmunch 1:00 A League in the small church 1:00 A League in the small chvrc-h —Lucy Gholston. 1:15 What the League has contrib uted to the Church and what it should contribute —A Colbert Leaguer. 1:30 What thorough organization means to a League—A Gordon Chapel Leaguer. 1:45 Business Session 2:80 Address—Rev<. F. E. Crutch er. 3:00 Address—J. H. Baker, Dist Secretary. Special musfc to be -supplied. ILA W. M. S. MEETS The W. M. S. ef the Ila Baptist church held its regular monthly meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jack Gober. The President being absent the meeting was in charge of the Vice- President, Mrs!. Hall Westbrook. The meeting was opered with song: Faith of Our Fathers; Prayer by Miss Ethel Peavy and Scripture by Miss Maude Gurley. An interesting program was rendered with “Strug gle for Religious Liberty in America” as the subject. Following the program a short business session was held in which reports were given by the chairman of various committees showing some of the work being dor ; by the Sor ety. Plans were made for the Work ers’ Conference that will be held with this church on Feb. 17. It was decided to meet at the home of Mrs. H. G. Banister, Saturday, March 7, to carry out the progran* for the week of 1 prayer. After sing ing “Sweet Hour of Prayer” we were dismissed by the Mizpah Benediction. Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, FEB, 13 1925 W. M. U. WORKERS CONFERENCE The W. M. U. Workers Confer ence of the Fifth District will meet at the Ila Baptist church, on Tues day, Feb. 17, 192 e at 2:30 o’clock. All are urged t® be present. • • • *•****** * NEESE LOCALS * *********** There will be a B®s Supper at Neese school house Saturday night. Everybody is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Crowe and little daughter, Pauline of Athens spent Sunday with Mr. Willis Crowe and family. Mr. Jewel Murray and Miss Hula Mae Strickland spent a while Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. W illie Mur ray. •••• Miss Nina Hardman spent Sunday with Miss Vedie Martin. Miss Gladys Sorrell spent Sunday with Miss Mary McEiroy. Miss Naomi Floyd md Miss Loue sa Bullock spent Saturday with Miss Annie Floyd. Miss Vedie and Mr , Vase© Martin spent a while Thursd ty night with Misses Rosa Nell and louesa Crowe. Mr. Allen Strickland spent Tues day with Mr. S. R. Strickland and family. Miss Viola Brown spent Sunday with Miss Rosa Nell Crowe. The Death Angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Adams and took away their little one. Our sym pathy is with them all Miss Eula Mae Strickland, Mr. Jewel Murray, Misses Leuesa and Susie Crwe and Mr. DeWibfee Sea graves spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett of Bond A cademy. Miss Monteen and Mrs. Loyd Bul lock spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Vedie Martin. Mff. Hushel Bullock and Mr. T. L. Gr*we visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bennett of Bond Academy Sunday, • * * • * • * MOONS GROVE SOCIALS * ****** ***** The canity drawing given by Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Murray was en joyed by those present. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Epps, Mr. and Mrs. Will Griffeth dined with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glenn Sunday?. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ed Fortson and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Forton of Blue Stone. Mr. Birch Jones and mother spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones of Commerce. The singing given by Mr. and Mrs. Sanders was enjoyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cheatham sr-ent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. F. N. McConnell. Mi/, and Mrs. Frank Glenn spent Friday wiith theiir daughter, Mrs. Roy Rice. Messers Harvie Jordan Glenn and Goss Jones spent Saturday night with Messers Monroe and Daniel Carithers Miss Lucile Glenn called on Miss es Mabel and Myrle Williams Satur day afternoon. Miss Ruby Chandler spent Thurs day with Miss Lucile Glenn. Mrs. J. W. Mathews spent Sun day with her granddaughter, Mrs. Eural Glenn. Mrs. Claud Murry spent the week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Marse. Misses Mabel and Myrle Williams had as their guests Sunday Misses Lucile Glenn and Hazel Griffeth. Mrs. F. N. McConnell spent Wednesay afternoon with Mrs. Grisa Maddox. %\T%YV Hon. G. 0. Moser To Speak at Danielsville HON. C. O. MOSER SPEAKS AT DANIELSVILLE A treat is promised the citizens ®f Madison County in the address which delivered at the Couiffheuse at Danielsville, Tuesday, February 17, at 2P. M. by the Hon C. 0. Moser. .. CURRENT TOPICS ON AGRICULTURE Edited by E. E. HALL, County Agt. PRUNING AND SPRAYING s This is the time of year that all fruit trees should be pruned and sprayed If this has not already been attended to. In pruning all cute larger than a silver dollar should be painted with raw linseed eil and white paint. Smaller cuts need net Le painted. Where blight is in the trees care should be taken not te spread it du ring pruning. One of the best ways te avoid blight spreading is to prune out all limbs and branches about six inehea below the bMghted area, and to wash these cuts with a solution oti Corosive Sublimate 1 to 1000. Also to wash pruning tools in this solution before beginning on other trees. Where trees have been blighted and then pruned, it is advisable to burn all of these blighted limbs. When the pruning of the orchard is complete the next needed thing in most orchards is spraying for the San Jose Scalej. There are several ;rprays that are used for this, but pos- I sibly one of the best is Lime-Sulphur Spray. IT the trees are badly in fected with scale it will be secessary to spray again in aboui: two or three weeks with the same material. This spray can be made or purchased from most Drug stores or from the Agri cultural College. To make this spray take: Sulphur, 8 lbs, Lime, fresh 4 lbs; Water 5 gallons. Slhke the lime, mix in the sulphur witn it, add water AUCTION SALE Desirable Residence Lots, Daniels ville, Ga The Trustees of the Madison CounJ ty High School will offer for sale on the first Tuesday in March, at the Court House in Danieisville, at 11:00 o’clock A. M., to the highest bidder, for oash : the Lott known as the Old School House Lot, fti Danielsville, on which is situated the old School Building, said lot being on Athens, St., and contains four acres, more or less. • .... Said sale subject to confirmation by the Trustees of said School. TRUSTEES M. C. H. S. Mr. Moser will spidk here under the auspices of the Georgia Cotton Growers’ Co-operative Association; but he will discuss n >t so much co operative marketing as the “Farm Program for 1925,” recently adopted at a notable session of farmers, mer chants, bankers and educators at Athins. This program calls for diversifica ti®n of crops to the extent of making each farm seHJ-sustaining, for ade quate: financing of the farmer at a reasonable rate of interest and on fair terms, and for co-operative mar keting of products to give the farmer a fair share of the consumer’s dollar. Moser is secretary of the A merican Cotton Grower's Exchange, the parent body, of all the cotton co operatives in the country. He was reared on a farm in Texas, and serv ed many years as County Agent. In the work of organising aM states co-operatives, he has become familiar with farmers’ troubles and‘needs in nil the Southern State and has seen some of these troubles satisfactorily worked out. What he has to say will' be worth traveling mile3 t® hoar. and bod for 1 hour; rome of water will evaporate, this should be replat ed so as to the 5 gallons as at the beginning. This will make enegn spray for 20 five-year old peach trees, dormant spray or about 40 gallons. It is much better ti get already prepared in many casos. Be sure and get a Spray Calendar, you can get one from the Agricultu ral College or from the County Agt. • CALCIUM ARSENATE * We will be able to get our Calcium of Arsfcnate this year for 8c par pound in ear lots, but it is advised that we order within the next month so we can get the benefit of this price. I will bo glad to take orders for calcium arsenate. It will b® necessary to have a deposit of lc per pound to get the car. Gome to seo me or write about the matter. Esper E. Hall, Cos. Ags. LIME-SULPHER I If you need any Lime-Sulphur Spray, call or see me at once. Esper E. Hall, Cos. Agt. NOTICE The party that borrowed the largo Pruning Shears from my office will kindly retorn them at once. Esper E. Hail Cos. Agt. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express c-k thanks and grateful appreciate* to every on who has ministered to os in so many ways during the illness and death of our wife and mother. Your deeds tf kindness, beautiful flowers, and words ©f kindness, so expressive of your thoughts of us during tlie&e days of sorrow. ; £. W Fitts, Elmer F itts, John Fitts . LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN ’ Shephard dog, black body, with yel low lege. Return to Hattie JaaO Strickland, DanieUville, Ga, M. 2-12,. It* , , _ t S|i Number