The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 06, 1925, Image 1

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The Danielsville flonitor. VOL. XXX Misses Reba Thompson and Maria sfl*rrcw were in Athens Saturday . j prof. Garnett Ware has been quit? ; gick this week with “flu”, Mrs . Paul Shank and daughters* €liff0 rd and Martha, ar e spending ■O'Kelley. *7 the week with Mr. and Mrs. S. C,f The manv friends of Mrs. J. O. Landers will b e delighted to know that she is able to be back at the store after being very sick with “flu' for several days. Mrs. A. C. Campbell and Mrs. p C. David were shopping in Ath- j en =, Saturday. , Messers Charlie Weatherly and W g Brock of Royston were here on business Friday. Mr. James Gordon spent Saturday. aftersoon here. Mr. S. J. Griffeth of Atlanta was* Lere on business Monday and Tues day. The Danielsville vs Elberton basket; ball game, played on Elberton court j last Friday night was an interesting game. Although Danielsville boys were defeated they played well and deserve credit for the hard fought game. Several frim here accompan ied the boys to Elberton . Mr. Bill Hosch of Commerce here for a short while Tuesday. The friends of Mr. Eugene Huflj regret to know that he is seriously, ill this week with “flu." The friends of Mi*, and Mrs. C. B. Thomas congratulate them cn the birth of a little son, Feb. 26. Quite a number were present to j bear the very interesting messages delivered at the Presbyterian church Wednesday evening by Dr. Siblev of Gainesville, Mr. Cf. A. Rowland of Athens and Dr. J. K. Kpyt of Nacoochee Institute. The Woman’s Club met with Mrs. R. C. Griffeth Wednesday afternoon Avery interesting St. Patrick’s prc gram was r endered. The coloi ' scheme for St. Patrick’s day wa ' banded out both in the decorations and refreshments. Avery interest ing feature of the meeting w-- " handkerchief shower in honor of the president, Mrs. A. S. Dalton, whe to the great sorrow of the Club mem hers especially, will make her home in Athens soon. .... Mr. 0. K. Griffeth who is with Young Brothers, Atlanta, visited hb relatives here last week-end. Rev. M. C. Allen will fill his reg ular appointment at the M. E. j church here next Sunauy. Miss Jessie Neal Strange our effi cient County Economics Agont re turned from her home at Fatonton Sunday afternoon where she liad been visiting for the week-end. On last Thursday Misses Lucy Ghoi ston, Flora Ellie Stribbling, Rev. M 0. Allen, Messers W. S. Sanders and Jas. Christy attended Arbor day erercises at Hartwell Camp Ground where each church in Elberton Dis trict were to plant Crepe Myrtle trees in honor of the Sunday School^ Col- T. J. Shackelford of Atheus was here Tuesday. * Quite a number of people rat tending Court this week, Jhe repaired reef of the Court House will add years to however the renovation Commissioner Griffeth gave the interior adds much to its ap pearance. This is a step in the y*ght direction as public build ln2s should have proper atten tion. , - v^r . B. M. Blackwell and fam dy left this week for Bostwic where they will make their fu- home, We understand Mr Blackwell will enter the same business there he was here— Seneral merchandise. Mr. and Mrs. J. Nat Griffeth were week end guests of Prof, and Mrs. M. 0. McCord of Washington. Mrs. J. H, Boggs visited her grandmother, Mrs. Lee Car rington of last Tues day. J. Pat Crowe was in town last Tuesday. Zudge and Mrs. Moseley mo tored to Athens last Thursday the Judge having important le gal affairs there demanding his attention. Among those attending the basket ball game in Elbeiton Friday night in opposition to our team were: Misses Barrow, Smith and Virginia Moseley. Messers Jas. Christy, Leo Bond Roy Murray and Mrs. T. G. Hitchnock. Mr, and Mrs. Cordis B. Thom as announce the arrival of a bouncing young American on last Friday. Dr. L. E. Roper of Comer was a visitor here last week. Bernstein Bros., undertakers of Athens have opened-a branch of their business here in the David Corner. Alvin Baker will have charge. Tke Juniors of the Epworth League enjoyed quite a pleas ant social on last Frieay leven ing at the home ot Rev and Mrs M C Allen, games and contests were enjoyed after which de licious cream and wafers were served. Mr Huff has been confined to his room this week with enfluerza. Prof Ware was kept awav from the school room couple of davs this week on account in fluenza. Miss Ada Jack Wilson spent Sunday with Miss Mamie Wil kes at the Normal School in At hens. Miss Susie Colquitt was with her mother, in Athens last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Dalton left Thursday foi|Athers where ther will assume their duties in new Holman Hotel, Little Carolyn an J IGeraldine Grifieth, children of Mr. and Mrs. R. R, Grifieth returned to Madison Sunday after spen ding sevsral days with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Griffeth. Mr and Mrs D E Griffeth, Miss Ella Sorrows and JC Scott were visitors to Atlanta last week. Uncle Bill David was here this week meeting his friends. A coat of paiat on the post offic# and building adjoining to be occupied by Bernstein Bros, baightens the corner consider ably and now with a Broome on the inside as a postmaster things should be kept in order around the post office. Mrs Claud Landers has been indisposed this week with flu- Mr S J Griffeth of Atlanta was yisiting relatives here Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hitchcock) Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Murray visited) Mr*. A. E. Whaley of Lithoniqf Sunday. •_ ,i* x * Danielsville. Georgia, Friday, MAR, 6, 1925 REV. AND MRS. M. C ALLEN ENTERTAIN One of the moat enjoyable social affairs among the younger set wa? the party given on last Fi-iday eve ning by Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Allen in honor of the members of the Jun ior Epworth League!. The party was given at the par sonag which was attractively deco rated with League Colors, gold an white. Mrs. Allen was assisted in enter taining by Mi-ses Nell Campbell. I.v cy Meadow and Mrs. 11. B. Snelling The occasion brought together about thirty-five of the your.g people who spent a mest delightf uneven ing. De licious ice cream and cake was served WORKERS’ CONFERENCE The Workers’ Conference of the Fifth district was held at the Ila Baptist church Tuesday afternoon, February 24. The meeting was opened by sing ing, “When Love Shines In,” after which prayer wa9 offered. Miss Peevy led the devotion in a very beau tiful and intei’esting way. She stress ed the personal service side of our wark; Mrs. Davidson led in prayer. The minutes of last meeting were, read and adopted. Mrs. W. C. Groves, District Secretary, call for a report from the personal service chairman, mission study chairman, literary chairman, and press chair man. Mrs. Groves ask that We take up some definite work each quarter. , She suggested White Cross work for this quarter, M>*sf H. G. Banister was chosen a3 White Cross chairman for the district. She was instructed to write to head quarters, and find out price on the bolt of material for making compress©'. The district has b°en wtkiut en listment chairman for some time. At this meeting MrtL Hall West brook was elee f ''A Each president rnd young peoploe leader was’called on for a repert of her work and also of her problems. These problems were then discussed and suggestion made aa to their rem edy. Mrs. R. M. Jetton explained- the W. M. U. Specials. Mrs. Groves stated that we were asked to save Octagon soap coupons to get silver for the Mary P. Willing ham school. Mrs. O. W. T. Rog ers was elected to receive these cou pons and send to Mrs. Green. The next conference will be held at Union church, Tuesday afternoon after the third Sunday in May. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. . M. Jetton. The Ila ladies served sandwiches and coffee. —Press Chairman. WORK ON COLBERT NEW SCHOOL BUILDING BEGUN The Board of Trustees is rery busy now making plans for getting material for the new school building Work has begun on it now and it will be completed June ist, as we were informed by the contractors. The contract was let to the Ar nold Construction Company of El berton, Ga., on Feb. 9th. One of the first things to be done will be to make an athletic field. They are also going to build an ath letic house for basket ball and all in door games. A base ball diamond is already being laid off, so that we can play baseball on it this spring. PURE SEED ASSOCIATION Tha farmers of Madiaon Courr ty ani othars interested are re quested to be present at the School Auditorium at Daniels ville on Mareh!6th at 7;30 P. M The object of this meeting is to organize a Pure Seed Associa tion for the improvement of seed, shipping conditions of same and other important prob lems of the farmer. There will be several speak ers present, and music will be furnished by Danielsville High School. All ar3 invited to at tend. 3VETT SICALE BY PIANO AND CHORUS PUPILS OF M. C. H. S. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 13TH, 1925 SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, 7:45 O’CLOCK ADMISSION: 10 and 25 CENTS PROCEEDS TO GO TO M. C. H. S. PROGRAMME 1. Chorus —A welcome Fillmore Third Grade 2. Piano Solo—May Day Waltz ". Bugbee Maude Adam,’ 3. Piano Solo—Now My Fingers Presser Edward Adams 4. Piano Duet —Hilarity March Mero Aurelia Adams and Winified Adams 5. Piano solo—Hobgoblins Rene Mary Ann Hampton 6. Chorus —We have Hearts Fillmore First and Second Grades 7. Piano Solo—A melody ' Wright Clara Langford 8. Chorus —Katydids Fourth and Fifth Grades 9. Vocal Solo—Everybody’s Boy Fillmore Weldon Williams 10. Song—You Mustn’t Watson Maude Adams and Palmer Huff 11. Piano Solo—Turkish Rondo Rreetzlin Winifred Adams 12. Piano Duet—ln Lilac Time Engelmann Winifred Adams and Emmalyn Sanders 13. Chorus —Boy Scout March Marisoa Grammar Grade Boys 14. Piano Solo—Playing in the Woods Schytle Emmaljm Sanders 15. Song—My Little Red Umbrella Paine Vivian Long 1 . Chorus—Fealty Song Spooner Sirth and Seventh Grades 17. Piano Solo—Balancelle Paul Wachs Virginia Moseley 18. Piano Duet—Vienna Waltz Sehytte Virginia Moseley and Lucy Langford 19. Vocal Solo—To Yon Dear Brakam Edward Davis 20. Chorus —Water Lilies Linders High School Girls 21. Piano Solo—Aurora (• • • Shili^ Sarah Lou Bullock 22. Piano Duet—Beetle’s Dance Holat Trudie Lee Jenkins and Sarah Lou Bullock 23. Piano Solo—Tarantella Paul Du Val Trudie Lee Jenkins 24. Chorus —Free as the Wind That Blows Wilson High School Boys 25. Piano Solo—Calypso Stroughton , Aurelia Adams 26. Song—Doth Thou Love Me Sis ter Ruth Haydn Fay Gholston and Jackson Sorrells 27. Piano Solo—Lullaby Mallard Naomi Floyd 28. Song—Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses Shaw Roy Garrett 29. Male Quartette —Speed Away . . . .‘ Wpodbury Albert Christie Roy Garrett Horace Davis James Christie 30. Playlet—Reviries of a Bachelor: Bachelor Ben White Simpson 31. Quartette —Good Night Ladies MINISTERS’ CONFERENCE The Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Northeast Gergia meets at Athens, March 9th at 11:00 A. M. We have an interesting subject for discussion and all are urged to be present. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS We wish to again call attention of our correspondents that we must have all name withheld, we will be glad to do so, but we cannot print unsigned ar [ tides. .. Number