The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, March 06, 1925, Image 2

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JUKES NAVY LIFE FINE WRITES COMER B#Y Guantemo Bay Cuba, v ' U. S. S. New york, 26th Jan., 1926 Navy Recruiting Officer, Navy Recruiting Station, Athens, Ga., Dear Sir: .... I suppose that you remember enlisting me in the Navy at Athens, Gq. the 10th No vember, 1924. I am now on the U. S. S. New York; we are in Guanta namo Bay, Cuba, and 1 like th c se”- vice just fine, and ncv>r will forget notion of going: you made it look good to me, but I had no idea that i was half so good ag it is since I am here lo see for myself. There is no place that 1 had rather be. I find the Navy boys all to be clean and honest, and always ready to do you h fuver, and if tire NuVy keens up a; it has started I am bound to do a l , least 16 years, if not more. I can’t see why ti e boys firm there do not take the advantages that the Navy offers them. I have seen more and learned more already than would have all my lif e if I had stay- j ed at home, although I had a good home and a kind father; hut 1 he , lieve that the Navy will help me <r# look the world in the face, unafraid/ lam learning to mix with people from all parts of ti e, United State-?, and am seeing places that F nv - dreamed of. We are having night battle practice most every night: which is real interesting to me. Cos , is a great place. Will write you again soon. Oliver G. Johnson, U. S. S. New York 0 • ••••• •* • • • POCAT ALIGO * The baby if Mr. and Mrs. W. T i Tidwell, whi was right P j c k this week is better now. Mr. Aubrey Graham made a busi ness trip to Athens Thursday. Mesdames L. W. W’lder, Johnnie Tidwell and Mr--. Ozie Tidwell spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. W. T. Tidwell. Mr. E. B. Barrett made a busi ness trip to Danielsville Saturday Miss Irene McClellan of Bond A cademy visited relatives here Friday night. Mesdanies Lillie Looney and A. G Brny spent Saturday afternoon with Mr*. E. B. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Henley toe supper with Mrs. Eva Henley at Saturday night. Misrcs luith and Corn Looney an Pink Lord 5 pent Saturday with Misses Inez and Evie Lee Bar rett'. .... COLBERT WINS OVER ARNOLDS VILLF. IN LAST HOME GAME OF SEASON The last panic of the season was the most hair raising of all panics du rinp the season. This panic wai) foupht between the fast Arnoldsvilla team and the Colbert five. It furnished the spectators the most excitinp panic of the year. When time was sounded for the end of the first half the visitors were leading by a score of 8-4. The local boys came back hard and fought their way to a tie early in the last half. The "’core was tied twice du rinp the last half of the panic ir which every player of both teams exerted every ounce of physical enerpy. Ross was the leading scorer for the locals u-ith ten points, and M . Fields led the visitors with nine points. Young played a good game for the visitors while Kollar and Strickland were hard fighters for the locals, and also Captain £dwi* Hart r played an excellent game. Nummary: Colbent 12 ArnoldEville 10 Ross (10) Morgan (0) Hitchcock (0) M. Fields (9) Hart (2) Stewart (0) Kellar (0) Dean (0) Strickland (0) Young (1) Substitutions: Celfcert— White for Hitchcock; Hitchcock for White. Referee: Smith, Ga. _ Sprin^Ftock This street frock is developed of Amber Helio Charmeen. Its inset vest and cuffs of Frostcrepe in a lighter shade give it a greater de gree of charm. YOUR CHILD’S EYES, Are they efficient? Are they slightly defec tive? Do you know? An examination by our expert optometrist from the Chas. A. Green Optical Company, Atlanta, will remove the doubt, may avert . unhappiness. He will be here again on Saturday, March 7th. HARDMAN DRUG CO., . Colbert, Georgia President's Dad At Inauguration y *<* 'yypwifr. * r *** ~ r v^ ! _ j *'• "’•*> sir-***-* j " .'<• i\ ■ ' * V X '' | Col. John Coolidge of Plymouth Vt., who by the light of a coal-oil lamp and the old family bible ad ministered the oath of office to his son at the death of Pres. Hanlinjr* made the trip to Washington for the inauguration this week. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express cor apprecia tion to the many friends and rela tives for the beautiful floral offerings and kindnesses shown us in our be reavement of our loved one. —Mrs J. T. Moon, Mrs J. L. Moon, Mrs. R S. Cheney, W T. Moon, Mrs. Jessie Brown, O. L. Moon, Mrs. T. B. Jones THE OANIELSVILLE MONITOR. OANIKLSVILLE. GA, • PROGRESS * Mrs. V. 1.. Ower.s of Athens is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Williams. Miss Hazel GrifTeth spent Satur day night with her s’ster, Mrs. Bethel Wynn. Messers Horace and Gilbert and Misses Mabel and Myrle Williams spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. W. B. Gunnin of Danielsville. Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Minish of FOLKS IN OUR ' town Boys, Take a Tip From Sod ah By Edward McCullough AUTOCASTER THAT'LL “SI I 7" Txl * 6.06 -Do /NO SOH ! \ You WANT j DAT'S MAH "To Take it ‘RiTHMATIG k WITH /q\ 1 LESSON 7— \ poah * \^-MoaaMy Rogers spent Saturday night and Sunday with khe latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Griss Maddox. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Glenn and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn(. F. M. Glenn. Miss Alma Scarborough spent Sun day with Mrs. Hoyle Bradley. Mr. Grover McElroy has returned from South Carolina to stay with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jenkins and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Jenkins. TO OUR THIRTIETH PRESIDENT 'TM GOO' ©YE ej Ers-I “ SEE '- ' , ' EC - in School _ V to-morr/r J / f yea * \ ( S’LONG-) \ PSD / . SLii LA-Tafe. | ■ ■ "r J | "Pop's P j j G-EhfeQAL !j ' STORE 11 r HOT puppy DOGr - that Kid takes TH' ■■saanwana WHEN 1 TtH-0 MA IT WAS A SIN TO PAY SSO. pop. A HAT, SHE SCO'UTIT BE ON MSao/* i 'EAY MISTEVi. PoP *\ I MOV/. MUCH iss / WELL > • r-iVt: Do/zfM EGGS / SjODAH !AT SIXTY CENTS - ( LET ME ; "TWO POUNDS O' V SEE OUTTAH AT FIFTY- \ Ea .b-y shben cents a / Pound - foah ( PECKS PATATOES **) W. AT THIRTY CENTS Rlk AN 1 T'PEE V~P Pounds o’ laqd / l JPwlsl AT TWENTY / COME ON Bovs/ &er IN THE NATION-WIDE DRAWING CONTEST. . 15 BIG- PRIZES AWARDED Bl& LEAGUE Baseball gloves , bats and BALLS. JUST DRAW A Picture of "old pop" * n this strip and make him LAUGH TO BEAT THE ©AND. draw pop' im any position AND DRAW AS MANY PtCTUftK AS YOU LIKE . BESIDES PRIZES . DRAWINGS WILL BE published in over 1700 CONTEST OPEN tq all Boys - ages 8-16 .say boys here's the jrupsHNgr board "bud"' FISHER - CKEXTtoR cat Me/rr ano T*FF JOHN &K£NNEOV - M*N**W< FOnNL COkLlffftS sa-rnserieoi <xft£*rr waTiomal oeafean^T