The Danielsville monitor. (Danielsville, Madison County, Ga.) 1882-2005, May 29, 1925, Image 1

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The Danielsville [ iU:I itor. yOL. XXX i LOCAL \ fl/\pPENJNG§ We a r e glad to see Uncle Tom Ed fortson out after his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Higginboth * of Fort Lamar were here Sunday attending commencement, sermon at M. C. H.JL Mr and Mrs. Lee Stephens of Athens were here Sunday afternoon -visiting Mr. Stephens, sister, Mrs. Great deal complaint in this sec tion about poor stand cotton. Mr. and Mrs. J.~H. Boogs and sons were in Athens on Monday. _ \ The following announcement will be of cordial interest: HIERS— LONG Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hiers an nounce the engagement of their ■daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Joe Arthur Long, the marriage to be solemnized in June. Mr. Richard Baker of Columbia, S C. was here this week visiting his parents and also attending com mencement exercises at th*s State Normal where his sister, Miss Julia, receives a degree. Miss Helen Smith who has had charge of the sixth grade in M. C. H. S. this year returned to her home at White Plains on last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Griffeth and family were in Athens on Wednes day to be present at the graduating exercises at the State Normal School where Miss Ruby graduates. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Long and family of Carlton were here on Tuesuay to see B. N. White Jr. who is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. N. White. Mr. and Mrs. Theron White of Dublin spent the past week end With relatives here. Mrs. Wyatt Bullock who has been spending some time in Abbeville, S. C. and Carlton, Ga. i*eiu_,. Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon and \ Mrs. D. A. Moseley motored to Athta ens on Wednesday P. M. Misses Ada Jack Wilson and Jeisie Neal Strange spent awhile in Athens on Monday. Mr. H. J. Shoup and Miss Mar.e Barrow werein Athens on Wednes day for Commencement at State Nor mal. Among those who received diplo rras- at ihe St;C o Normal Wednesday "rio M s <a Francis Scoot, Ruby Grif &th and Lera and Rena Bond. Miss Julia Baker, who last year received a diploma from this Institution this year gets her A. B. degree. Julia is a very popular young lady and her fiends hold her in high esteem ant. congratulate her in the great werk f he has been doing. Miss Fannie Sue White of Ameri cus ’ s spending some time with Ter brother, Mr. Paul White. r - Bo el Jenkins with Misses Ada Jeak Wilson, Misses Ruby Jenkins Beba Thompson spent Sunday P. •J- in Roys ton with Miss Treva Sen gtr. . MISS MARIE BARROW RETURNS HOME M ‘ss Marie Barron, our most effic ient music teacher, left ior her home at Reynolds, Ga. Wednesday. Miss Barrow will not return to Dan ielsviile for the next school term and it is with the deepest regret that we give her up. She not only used her talent to benefit the school, but man ifested a great interest in the church and community as well. £>he will be greatly ni'ssed by everyone as she has endeared herself to a wide circle of friends bv her p’easing manner and charming personality. PROF. L. E. HEMRICK HEADS M C H. S. Prof. L. E. llemriek who has had charge vocational agriculture at Hartwell High for two years has been elected head M. C. H. S. for next term and is already practically on the job and will be in full hlast by July first. All are rejoicing over his election and know W’e will have a great school. GEORGE LUMPKIN BURDEN HONORED Avery high as well as a deserved honor was bestowed on Mr. George Lumpkin Burden, a senior to gradu ate at M. C. H. S. Tuesday night. He was first honor graduate in the senior class of 16 members and a’so received the piizc of a gold fount-vn offered by the business men of the town for the pupil in the High School makin the highest average for the year. George Lumpkin’s many friends rejoice with him in receiving these honors and knowing him to be a young man of excellent character an sterling qualities, predict for brm a bright future in anything he under takes. ; Danielsville is proud of you Geo"ge A THOUGHT FOR MEMORIAL BAY~H<* We Kept Faith? By A. B. CHAPIN Danielsville, Georgia, Friday, MAY, 29, 1925 Hurrah! here comes old Meadow after being absent f!or a long time. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin from Danielsville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Nelms Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Powers were the guests of the latter’s parents, Saturday night and Sunday. The singing given by Miss Lucile Turner Sunday night was enjoyed by a largo crowd. the guest of Misses Gussie and Wor tha Stamps Saturday night and Sun day. Miss Eva Escoe had as her guests Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Jessie Mae Christian, Mrs. Mae Sue Escoe and Miss Maudie Sue Miller. Mr. Lonnie Fortson had the mis fortune to lose his barn by fire Sun day afternoon about half past five o’clock; the cause of the fire is un known . Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Roberts and family were visitors near Madi son Springs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Christian -~vt Sundajf- Mr. and Mrs. Pope Turner. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Miller spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Zack Cjarrington. Our Sunday School is progressing nicely; let's everybody come and bring someone with you. “Brown Eyes” (We are glad to have this new cor respondent from Meadow. Hope we may be favored each week. There were dots sent in by another which were unsigned and according to our rule we could not publish.—Ed.) MEADOW DOTS M. C. H. S. HOLDS COMMENCE MENT The closing exercises of Madison County H’gh School began last Fri day night with a Recital fy the mu sic pupils, Sunday morn’ng Rev. J. A Simpson delivered the Commence ment sermon, Monday evening the Senior play, “Patty Makes Things Hum” was presented in a most pleas ing manner each character being well chosen and rendering their pait in a wmy which gave much credit to Miss Ruby Jenkins, who so ably coached the play. Miss Jenkins was the Do mestic Science teacher and a’so taught English but on quite a few oc casions she has rendered great assis ions she has rendered great assist ance and proven her ability in Expres sion and has rendered valuable serv j ice in the several plays that have I been during the school year. Tuesday night the graduating ex ercises took place and sixteen young ladies and young men received dip’o mas, delivered by Mr. J. A. Griffeth, chairman of the tmard of trustees. Col. Abit Nix of Athens delivered the Literary address in a most pleas ing manner. The school this year has been un der thmanagement of Prof. H. J. j Shoup as Supt,. and Prof. Ga> nett I Ware as Pr'ncmal Ma ’ison Coun ity High School is a number one ac credited school. The school this year ha3 been un- The Chas . A. Gveen OpUcal Com pany, Atlanta, who are widely known and recognized for accuracy, skill, and conscientious endeavor in ex amining the eyes and fitting glasses, will haev an expert optometrist here for one day only, Friday, May 29. He will make exemination for those who wish to consult him about their eyes. If glasses are needed he will be prepared to fit them in the most approved way. L. E. GREENE & CO. Danielsville, Georgia MADISON COUNTY SINGING CHOIR * The Madison County Singing Choir meets at Bluestone the First Sunday afternoon in June. RED GERANIUMS Life did not bring me silken gowns, Nor jewels for my hair Nor sight of gabled, foreign towns In distant countries fair, But I can glimpse beyond my pane, a green and friendly hill, And red geraniums aflame upon my window sill. The brambled cares of every day, The tiny humdrum things, May bind my feet when they would stray, 1 But still my heart has wings While red geraniums are bloomed a gainst my window glass, | And low above my green-sweet hill the gypsy wind- clouds pass. And if my dreaming* ne'er come true The brightes and the best, But. leave, me. lone, my .journey through I’ll set my heart at rest, I’ll set my heart at rest, And thank. Thee,. God,, for. homo sweet things a green and friendly h:ll And red geraniums aflame upon, my window sill. - . . —Martha Haskell Clark. NOTICE There will be introduced at the ocming session*' of the Legislature, .a the Ordinary off Mad son County, G* to call elections at such times hereaf ter as he may desire for the purposa of submitting to the qualified voters of Madison County who are qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly of Georgia, the question of whether or not the taxing authority of such county may exempt from tax ing such property as mentioned in the Const'tution of this Stute, in Arti cle Seven, Section two, and para graph two A. That if a majority of the qualified voters above referred to shall vote to exempt the property a bove referred to in said article, sec tion and paragraph from taxation, the taxing authority of said county shall not levy taxes on said property, to provide the manner of holding the elections, the preparation and counting of the ballots, he declaring of results and for other purposes. This May 26, 1925 G. O. GRIFFETH, Commissioner of Madison County, Georgia. * COLBERT * The Woman’s' Club met on last Friday afternoon for the 'day meet ing at the attractive home of Mrs. W. M. Collier. Miss Sorrells read the Scriptuifc, and Mrs. Hampton presided. Tha roll was called and minutes read. Several matters of importance weri discussed during the business hour, There was no program for this meeting, the time being spent in making a curtain for the stage of the new school auditorium. Mrs. Collier served delicious cream and cake. The next meeting will be at Mrs. J. E. Kidd’s on June 19. Many children are considered dull or negligent in school when the trouble is entirely due to defective eyea. Bring them in to our opto metrist from the Chas. A. Green Optical Company, Atlanta, and 1* him see if your children need glass es . He will he here again on Satur- May 29 j L. E. GREENE A CO. Danielsville, Georgia Number