Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, August 31, 1873, Image 2

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prtduct of the above mill and are willing to guaran- T 7XDER and by virtue of a .verdict and decree l / of the Superior Court of Glynn Ivoiroty, Gtvnria, rendered in the Bill in Equity, tiled in •ctid court at the instance .of llufu* R. Bullock, Governor. John T. Brown &. Co., M. 1. Atkins X C*x. Lyon. McLendon & Cow et al.. complainants, vs. Jacob E. Dan - , the Brunswick and Athsny Railroad Company, et aU respondents, the under paid Decree known as Di* lB ot *»*•*' ;HCL f» llT Having ft rood circulation, and condition, is offered foi T * those desiring to purchase i bio Fire Engine, will llnll it to examine this one. It is a. In perfect order, and warranted to give entire sat isfaction. Sokl for no fault, but to make room for The only Company havimv first class securities worth $100,000 deposited with the Comptroller of the State of Georgia for security of Policy Holders. PRICES LOWER TIIA T> Jioantcircuit., and fa tbe^fujffefiw* 1 federal Ooorte of Georgia. BpectU attention gin o matters iu Bankruptcy. Having aasociatedwi-hmemy eon, Sami H Jet .son. X beg leave to direct attention to tbe abo' ard. Additional facilities warrant me in aasnnt prompt and careful attention to all bns neia « •usted to ns. - an cl 2 3m R. W. 3 RMIflOS- GUARANTEED CAPITAL, ASSETS, JANUARY 1, 1873, FOE SALE. Portable Steam Saw Mill M ADE by Owen, Lane & Dyer, namilton.Ohio. It is a No. 1 Mill, and in good onlcr; has governors to the engine; also wood and lath saws. Tonus—half cash; balance 12 months, with good F. A. 8HONEMAN. C. BURKE. Committee. TAX NOTICE. D. C. FLAXXAOAX. W. W. FX.AX5AGAX. A. P. ABKLL. K. 8. MOROAN. FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., COTTON FACTORS — A XD — General Commission Merchants, 1S5 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING Agents for the English Stonewall Fertiliser. etc. Bugging and Ties furnished, nud hlvral «uih advances mail.5 on consignments for sale in SayuuiKth, or on shipments to our cor- Return thanks to thoir numerous Merchant customers for the very liberal pat ronage anil confidence extended to them in the past. They also announce that their Pall and Winter stock of Policies Issued on all App W. T. NELSON. Tax Collector. of what it should be there beautiful LAWjCARD. E. W. & S. H. JEMISON, A. M.SLOAX. ARTHUR X.SOLI.EE. G. V. WYLLY, JR A. AT. SLOAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AXI)— General Commission Merchants, Cloghorn & Cunningham's Range, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. B AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal < cash advances made on ronsignmcnis for sale in Savuunah, or on shipments to reliable corrcs- E ndents in Livci7>ool, New York, Philadelphia, wton or Baltimore. niurl Cm AS removed to Bosnlnun’a Block, over Vol- gcr A Co/s. comer Mulberry and Second •U. Macon. Gft. octlSly Indian Spring, Ga. r ns well known house is now open to those . who visit the Spring for health or pleasure. For 1873, complete in every respect, lias lieen received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a determination not to be undersold, enable them to guarantee prices as low, at all times, as obtain in New York City. R. W. JEMISON. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. to the waters of the Spring for heal I h. RATES 07 BOARD. Per day - • - - - . $ Per werk Per month ------ « Liberal deduction made for large families. W. A. ELDER A SON. «mgtf Proprietoi SINGLETON, HTJINT '& WHOLESALE DEALERS, ..Pir*wnj ’ tfkve W7 »rUAr.«l WM. B. JOHNSTON. WM. S. HOLT L. J. GUILMACTIX. * JOHX PtAXXERY. L. J. GUII.ECARTIN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— ‘ General Commission Merchants, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. A GENTS for Bradley’* Super-Phosjihate of Lime. Jewell’* Mills Yarn* and Domestics, etc. Bagging, Hope and Iron Ties always on kind. 49 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE, MY NAME IS JOHN VALENTINO. I am at my same old stand, 68 CHEEEY STEEET. I keep as good LIQUORS And furnish as GOOD MEALS Am .inyWr. nn.l at REDUCED RATES. Gin, to*- a rail and I will rive you satiafactivu. aurlSU GEO. S. OBEAR JOHN W. BURKE JAMES MERCER GREEN! A. W. MAG1LL.. DIRECTORS—MACON WM. It. JOHNSTON, WIDLIAM S. ITOT;T. PETER SOLOMON, HKNllY I,. JEWETT, VIRGIL POWERS. A. L. MAXWELL. DAVID FLANDERS, R. W. CliBBKDGE, JOHN W. BURKE. E. J. JOHNSTON. L. N. WHITTLE. _ WM. SAVANT. AH: A. R. LAWTON, friWTrom* Usual facilities exurntlod to customor*. augl dwAswfim WHOLESALE GROCERS. WAS2EX A. UAXSOiX. AAEOX P. RANSOM. DARIUS W. GEER. EOBEBT H. BOYD. W. A. EAMSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 188 AND 144 GRAND ST, NEW YORK. Represented by R. W. Hogan, of Georgia. ocOOdly MACON, CA. Office. Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. ftuglO tf 100,000 Brick for Sale. IPS JOHN P. KING, Kentucky University. L OCATED at Ashland.the home of Henry Clay and Okl Tran.\vivai*ij. Six colleges in alion. with 3r> pr\-fes>ors an<l 600 students hum 2S States. Entire lee for rulLxre year, S2»% except in the Law, Medical and Commercial Colleges. Hoarding fruui 12 to $5 tier week- For GaiaV address J. K. HOWIIAN, R.wnt, LcxingtoB. Kv. ftugl9dlawlm Produce Dealers and Commission Merchants, RICHARD PETERS,.. T. J. SMITH WILLIAM JOHNSON G. T. MEMMINGER... C. P. HAM3IKT >n JO.W.M r»y ty of 3la<N>n, we the MASONIC TEMPLE, MULBERRY STREET, JAMES M. WILSON- . BARNUM’S HOTEL, Comer Broadway and Twentieth street. New York. ON BOTH AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. L. W. HASDAI. F. A- SHONEMAN. C. BURKH. Committee. PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. \ BSOLUTEI.T «=Jo. lVlfertl^ odorien. Al- warn uniform- llhrmiratine aualiticH mjj- - rnxr to r.u*. 'HuriH in nnf lamp withont ilani^rof cTpinrtiftg or Liking lire. 31 irr.dnj-*..irvvleijir.-SNly todb}«Li«e th.- use of volntlie-ani dar..i nsis oil< Its mlrtj nnder every pnMilih test, atal it# |*-r- fect buruimr qualities, are proved by its rent Uuttd use in over fainsiwv. Millions U ir»lions hare been sokl and no accident—directly or indi rectly—has ever occurred from buniinr, storing or handling it. The immense jmrij k**to life and prapjrty. n*suhimrfn>m tbe uacdf clieapar.l dan- Rvrvxis mis in the Uciud States, is appaliiiy Tbe m-stiraiuv crtuiponu's and fire commissi.vnerN thrvurhtHit 0N country recommend the ASTRAL as tbe Irst safeguard when lamps are u.vhL &nd i tor circular. For »ale at retail by the trade can- I cnflr.aad at wholesale by fiftprariatontCKAK. PR.VTT ± CO, 108 Fulton atyect. New York. aocftdeodAwtf FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL. 100 TIERCES LARD 2S0 BARRELS COMMON MOLASSES. >LASSES. 50 BARRELS STRUTS. ALL GRADES 300 BARRELS SUGAR, ALL GRADES. SO TIERCES MARTIN’S HAMS 1 CAR LOAD SEED RYE. * CAR LOADS FRESn WATER GROUND MEAL 15 CARS WniTE CORN, SALT 30 CAR LOADS BA BON. /"SOR. OORTLAN’DTxihINEW CHURCH STS. v NRWYORK. Ontlte Europifin pint;. RICH ARD P. FRENCH, son of tbe lateColanel Richard French, of French’* Hotel, ha* taken this Hotel newly fitted up and entirely renovated the same. Centrally loiwi^l in the buaince^y jt of the citv Landar* ami Gentlemen s attached. mo, and inward fooling which perhaps 1 **ctnl low a.: in any otln r ““ rt rwaivinc from the Manufartorora a wry bj*; - TTTE aro now ropeivine from the Manufartnrora a rrry taro.' ana YV SHOB8, AND TRUNKS uf every dewmiiVon. vjh,*U wdl Ussokl MerohaiiU visiting Cliirlesttm IK invited to examine oar stock. D. F. ET.EMHJG & CO., ■ t HAYNE STEEET. CORNER OF CHURCH STREET. r -igav*-*!sm] M » TIERCES DUFFIELD HAMS. dati —tf OOMJCSSION^DUfjB AT L2AET, gilfilu v - 1 CAR LOAD SEED EARLEY. SAMUEL A. NELSON. OHAS. COUNSELMAN & CO., General. Commission Merchants, Room 14. Oriental Building. CHICAGO. Refer to W. A. Huff, Naan. jnajiCm s. w. raileojJacavhoun. OOUNTT. GA- 5 CAES LIVERPOOL CAES MIXED CORN, came, nor to doiermine that the safest thing to do was to roll quietly fate a lit tle brook that flowed near i.y. Luckily this would afford good shelter, and I could almost reach the ixlgc with my hand. The tremendous violence with which F HE nnJ. nds**a ha* erected ft Store House at LevT.Gft.on the ■itinriwi *!>,» South- iftBtrrn Radrvad to Hi&kt .y. runi lake* this meth- d c«f aniKHinring t*.» the public that ho ij prejiruvd txvjvo con>icnuKT*t« <rf good* and )>rulure of wry deftcrintioa. which will U» ><Jd at wh«Ji-«.*]•* r retail as directed, to tlx - Ir-nI advantaire. Sfri«-t tteatfon will lie riven to tlic I*umikia. and satii- ictKin euarant<x<il in every instance. »J*i viisurimi nt* «ulknt«d. umrlMlaa Au ly D. W, IVEY. VIRGINIA SALT. VALUABLE LAM) POE SALE. IlYICmT hndnl acres of land, lying SI miles Ij fn>:n Fbrt Valley. Gft* in a norUiwcst diner- ihm. one-third ckand and In cultivation, the brtl- antv. weU-limbe-red land with tck. ai.d hickory, and I duo. Tbk Udr of land is all breri atri well z.inpU>l to Uk* prod am u t«f corn. CftUan. wheat, oat* a id all farm prodftC<« of MfcMh (Ifgi N.» vititit.-d that it may In* divide#! into two farms of :wt*s each,«■ Mrdnvd r«*' acr«*s each, and riving each <livi*b*i a pfttkn t-f th • i-b-ar#! k.n.l. TUi Und I-, a j^irt of the n-al estate drawn by 50 TONS ARROW TIES ROLLS KENTUCKY BAGGING. 20 COILS HEMP GREEN LEAP ROPE, 10 BALES PORTER’S SHIRTING 2* BALES POTTER’S OSXABURGS. 10 BALES : 20 CASES SARDINES. 25 HALP 25 QUARTER BOXES CANDLES. lift For • speedy cure of the*" 0 *" other ftibac-nt s of a privati' nat tiro. rail, or wnd riirular of aUviv to Vq** 1 Wwtem Medical Inrtitutc. lUJ;jamoro sWcvt. Cincinnati, Ohio. The are » remm SS* scum will roovinoi }i« that this Institute i» the <,tilv sure ooe in the United states toenmtophi- lismrivMioroin«in«»<L BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYE. -i 'll IS «*mia Hair Dye is the W iit the 1 world. The only true and Perfect l)vc. Harm- i |>,-liabl’* and InatiuiLanoous; no dL-apJ't'm*" inent f no ridiculous tints or ttnpb'unnt Odor. 1* -m tlifitN* ill effects of l»a«l dyes and washes. Producesimniediafa^r ft sup rl. Baft 4* WW I;i. and leave* t!v Pair Clean. .Sift: nd t l'L g-i -ifi’-I YY. A. r.-n. N,ul Itv-allDrmr-id-. tHAS. IIATCHKLOR, 'novlieodly rrojiririor. New Wk. lor storm* wears a deep passage, jh there was only an inch of wa- he)tanks were only a yard apart, nearly four foot high. Jast as I pearing, mot Iter arrow coma and * in Uw thigh. It took all my MACON SHEETING, ROB’T. A. SISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CVi-rer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AYE. (Over Payne', Drue Sue,.), 109 BOXES CANDLES COXES CANDLES. 190 BOXES BLUE RIVER STARCH 100 BOXES SOAP. ALL GRADE Da BOXES CANDY jutwl-tdtm MACON. G 1 ENGLISH. French and <n*mum Bswrdinir and * Day StImioI, fi-r T«wnr ljulkai and LittU* <i'irla.v** Catikalral %irer<. Baltm*>*re. Md. Mini Ch.xT.N-nu*l Miww H.a:iH-aalr-y, Principal*. aiMiwtid !>;. alii.* Fn-f.-ws-jra. Next Set****, o|a-n« $t-|Kem- U-r IMh. i «<crv ot wtndif* estcnftire. r#Mupn<UTic all braJH-b«~ r4 a In-llte «alu<Wtiun. FrviM-il u tbf iaiuruage U the M-huol. Clavt bonura avanlrd at the t-k«w tlx* year, Ctreulara on appheatiou. RUfSO lm It* BARRELS WHITE COP.X WHISKY, tim purpose favorable WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE MIAMI PpWHER C€ ntiv tcjrh made to WM. L GREENE. aagluuU THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: SUNDAY MORNINCx, AUGUST 81, 1873. (Tclciintyh {(^lessriiijer v ' % DAV MORNING M’GI ST SI. WT. >111.LKOOEVII-LE LETTER. Xiiprrlnr Court JtiHgr and ycra— I in port an! Sal! f Top* in Baldwin Orlplilr Oracniarlr# The ffnn and •lr.itlier on Trial Millrtlcrvllle lm. pruvinc Mr. Ronchfmi Krfurnrd i-lUtiailard. MrlLwairrrtl, Mrll- led Rar> RrmlnlM i nrr, ForChrniu- 1 ii r tlilrdm lllr In hr af flic Macon I air- Open Wldf VtiurCatr#. 5upe- Mt/U gl«* lm 4ra to »*t:rlav.«a^ rior." Hon. Gt<>rg* T. Bcrtlelt, o ticcllo haa been prying with vigor and acceptability to the law-aLidin< citizen*; bat we ondentoDd be a I what onpopolar with the opposite — the law violators. The same may be — #d of oar new solicitor. Cot Preston. We have had in attendance a number of dis- tingniahed members of the legal profeag- itm from oilier sections. Among these, w •’ ,na J m*-ntk»n Col. W. A. Lofton and lion. James II. Blount of your city; both, gentlemen of integrity and great ability ao well known that the public is proud of thorn; az.d the same may be said of Hon G, E. Pierce of Sparta, who has also been with ns. Our local bar has been lmsy and active with as much work as they could «lo. dot Briscoe has been at his residence confined by severe illness ; but he is now improving. Hon. I. L. Harris— •The noblest. Roman of them all”—is also too feeble to be present. A Urge amount of business has been dispatched; but the court, limited to this week, will be unable to finish all tb business of the term, and an adjounu-d term will be appointed for some time in the ensuing autumn. The civil cause, occupying more time and enlisting more interest than any other, was ended on yesterday, by suit brought by the beauti- ful young widow of Seaton Gran Hand, Jr., lately deceased, and administratrix on her late husband's estate, against Col Charles Dubignon. The jury gave a ver dict in favor of the defendant on a tech nical ground which did not affect the question of merits. Quite a number of prosecutions exist against certain of the sprightly race, each member of which was recognised long before Freedman Bureau Howard as *‘u friend and a broth- cr” by the Englishman Wilbsrforee, for such tririal immoralities ns larceny, bur- glazy, batteries, and the like, and ore un dergoing investigation now. To our clear sighted vision the offense seem even dark er than the offenders, for the verdicts axe almost uniformly "gmlty” Nor can any one question the rectitude of these ver dicts of “good and lawful men”—good and lawful in fact aa well as in legal phraseology • for wo may truly say that our Baldwin county juries are made up of our best and worthiest citizen*—such as would have been welcomed into the jury box in the ante ladlum days. We are having timely und fertilising showers. To our question, “ How is the cotton crop in the eastern part of the county Y" put the other daytoavener- oble planter, his laconic answer was, "•zpoftof.” Puzzled with this Delphic oraculority, wo put other queries, and elicited the information that crops are good in spots—some good, some bad spots being found in almost every planta tion, owing to differences of soil and of eoBlvatiao by different squads of labor ers. On the whole, after many inquiries, we are constrained to say that the cotton crop of Baldwin must fall this year very for below that of 1872. We can hear ru mors that the worm is Itcginning to make It* appearance in some localities. Corn is better than lost year. MilledgeviUe is still improving rapidly. Macon must, not grow jealous of us. Six tfncdirick, fire-proof business booses are facing built. With this addition, we hear of iiartiiw desirous of locating here in the mercantile and manufbeturing line who cannot find suitable bouses. Other im provements are in progress. When the capital comes back here our city will pre sent a wonderfully changed appearance to that Kind of veteran legislators who, in Georgia os other States, survive the cluinge of empires and occupy life seat through the proper gratitude of their constituents. Our streets were enlivened on yester- doy l*y the reappearance of Mr.* S. N. Houghton, the well known and able edi tor of the “Union and Recorder” news paper. He has been enjoying a delight ful tour among the Northern watering places. Alternate sea-bathing. Saratoga water, and sight-seeing everywhere seem to have given to his genial countenance a mdianoe still more healthful and youth ful titan it wax when be left us. Look out in hU paptr for a series of racy remi niscences of what he saw and heard and taatctl. etc. Mocan may expect MilledgeviUe two*** at tlie approaching State Fair. We regret- to crowd you; but such is your in evitable destiny. Mil ledger illc delights to K-hold the State Fair at Macon, and would not grumble if it were located there, near the centre of the State, every rsmsiwlng year of this and the next cen tury. W. G. M. cabin, and the ttl-*ut fourte«-r hi- fla.-k, he p- mained of the TEN* i' Inserted the fL earth, tn itary life acquire, 1 in- feet deep. Fir.--t tilling I stonily drew uiy hunting knife, ripped up ;:r-d into this all that re* | the trouftern. and with a stea<ly hand cut <>ut the arrow head, not sparing myself. I then took my flask and poured powder into the wound, and, gently striking a match, set fire to it. Tnat done. I took the j off my belt, and using my full DS 07 rownot; tilled up the liol- i])ing it down tightlv. an if placed the florii as n small ravine, and tothU Sut reyed the fu*-, secreting part of to K? entirely invisible from th- With these preparations com- Sutton went back to tbe cabin, up all his most valuable articles, tered the rest about the floor Back of the I strapped ;t a little above How Capt. Sutton Got His Title. From Cul«»r»*K» Gar. CUmre Tribanc.3 The first appeamnee of Gapt. Sutton in Colorado tlates l«vek to the fall of 18&S. In tin* month of Oet*>ber, that par, he constructed a hovel of cottonwood higs at the mouth of Sand (heck, 40 miles west of Fort Lyon. lie spread on it a dirt ny>f, and. I.-aving a hole at one end large enough to crawl out and in, nettled down iu this luxurious abodes with a view of enjoying life. Game was abundant; fat buffalo and juicy antelope went skipping about the hills within easy range, and Sutton found no difficulty in securing meat; but there was one drawback, and this threatened totally to obscure his sky of comfort. The Indians were* trouble some. They were* not sociable; they had no desire to form new acquaintance*; and. wheu they found that a white man had luut the temerity to plant himself down in their midst, they proceeded to make it warm for him in various ways. Utes, Arapahoe*, Chycnne*. and Sioux, though differing uniong themselves upon every other point, all united iu making coouuon warfare upon Sutton. As fete would have it, ho had pitched his home right in the pathway of the contending tribes, | anil half of his days ami nights spent * I IN A STATE OF SROK. He was well provided with arms and nmmunitition, and the Indians «6on found that it was not healthy to vcntuie too close; but they pitted themselves afar off. and reviled him with ojqtzobrions epithet s and insulting gestures, and gav- him a shot whenever he ventured within ninga. One aftermxm Sutton found that his of provisions was running low, and, us uo Indians were in sight, he con cluded to start out and kill an antelope. Going up the creek a short distance, he Imkri Mwiajaz ted, and. flinging it, over his shoulder, started for his home but luvd not proceeded more.than 20 yards with his burden when he heard a whoop and yell behind, and down came fifteen or twenty Utes clippity-dip ‘upon their fleet-footed ponies, each one spurring and yelling to see which one would get his scalp first. Sutton dropped the antelop und struck out for that hovel of his at an appalling gait. He fairly flew. H leaped ravines and gullies. He dashed aside sage-brush and cactus, and, al- t hough the Indians urged their ponies to th# utmost, and filled the air with ar- im 8itU* left them all in the rear, and soon arrived at the welcome door of his cabin. He didn't stop to enter this in a dignified manner, but tumbled in prairie dog fashion, head-foremost, and, ‘ ig so, exposed a portion of his This involuntary act on the •al in w -i smill or. 1 to thin Sut- I would o __ I do not think that In doing all this I had any hope of .-aring my lit-*: there] wm only a sort uf feeling that I v~*n do ing my duty. The pain wai not very great, and my chief thought wa? for geance upon the malignant ere great confu-ion, directly over the powder I 1 looked upon as a murderer. I rightly r.izine, and then, saddling his faithful 1 imagin«:-d that he was not aware of his rode out upon the top of the bluff Iacres*. No doubt he thought he had He had ne t long to wait. I missed me, and thu: I * wa i still Ivin . Looking up the bottom of the cat but a I asleep, in proof of which I soon heard the ' tance, he beheld a number of 1 whittle of another arrow striking above. pooies coming toward him, and he knew j Moving down about a yard to where the that suspended by the side of eTery pony I overhanging ferns would conceal me, I wm a Ute Indian. Sutton at once raised I quietly raised my head. The ground was his gun and fired, and the Indiana, find- I slightly rising, and I could see around for ing that they were discovered, raised a I some distance. There waa my horse, un blood-curdling yell, and started full-tilt | consciously grazing away, but the grass for Sutton. This waft I was too long for me to su? inv enemy's boxc of these took kffxct. I whereabouts. I, however, guessed Once imdde, Sutton was master of the I he would try and get between us, and situation, and, inserting his faithful rifle I I waited, watching and grasping my rifle, through a loop-hole, he shot one Ute I Ten minutes passed in silence,^and then brave dead in his tracks, and sent anoth- I I fancied that the grass was moving un er off bowling with anguish. Tbe guile- I naturally. In another second a hand and leas savages retired in good order, bearing I bow appeared; I heard a lit tie twang, and away the dead and wounded ; and, when I taw the tiny messenger of death again the coast wan dear, Sutton devoted h.s I pierce the spot where I had been. I kept attention to the azrovs ntill sticking in I myself from firing, though I covered the his per.-on, and set about repairs. Hith- f place. Surely he would l^eoome impatient, erto the excitement had braced Sutton I and gire me a better chance. Another ten up ; but, when the danger was removed, I minutes, and suddenly in a different he not only became conscious of the Iosk I spot, which commanded a better view of of blood and great bodily anguish, bid I my cap, a little black head peered over found it very inconvenient, as well as I the grass. It was enough, and as I dangerous, to sit down upon a stcoL Fi-1 fired a shrill shriek, and a spasmodic nally he pulled the arrows out one by I spring into tbe air, told me that I bad one, and then, as he reflected upon the I nothing more to fear, ruin that had been wrought, and the cow- I Getting ont as quickly as possible, I arelly manner in which this had l*een ef- I dragged myBelf—for the limb was now fected, he became indignant, and I much swollen, and l»ecoming more and exactly wiiat OCR HXBO waxted. I more painful—to my saddle, where I He waited until they came within rang. -1 carried in a small bottle some eau du luce and began to spread out, and then, taking I for snake bites, and poured out a large deliberate aim, he dropped the foremost I dose. After drinking it, I caught my buck; and then planting spurs to his I horse, saddled it, and, picking np two of horse he turned and fled down the cut, I the arrows, went to have a look at the and apparently abandoned his cabin. I dead bushman. He was scarcely over This was good enough for the Utes. They I four feet high, with arms so long and thin had no great desire for Sutton so long as I as to reach deformity, short and bow he left his plunder behind; and after I kneed legs supporting a little round body seeing him out of sight the brave red I —ho had evidently not been starving men bolted for the cabin, and indulged in I lately—and features so closely resembling a frantic yell of triumph when they be- I those of an intelligent ape, that had there held the spoils. There was a fight, and a I been a tail no one would have thought scramble equal to a circus or a charity I twice about the matter. I did not re- concert, to get through the door first. I main long; there was no time to lose; so, Those behind, stretching their necks I taking his bow, I mounted, and putting over the shoulders of those in front, could I my horse to his best pace, I started on see that the floor of the cabin was cov- I my long ride. I knew perfectly well that erod with pots, kettles, and other uten-1 the only chance, such aa it was, of saving sils; while right in the centre, piled up I my life depended on my reaching Lady- in tempting profusion, was an array of I smith that night and obtaining medical blankets, beads and meat, and a bright I assistance. The distance was fully sixty >kxed fluid conspicuously displayed in a I miles, and with but one exception there bottle, which I were nothing but Dutch boors* houses on very much resembled whisky. I the road, whence I could not hope for The Utes struggled for it. They pulled, J any help, and hauled, and crowded through the I For the first twenty miles I kept stead- door, and finally gained the inside, and I dy on my way, though the agony was squatted down upon their haunches in a | dreadful, and I could hardly sit on my circle, and went for those trinkets in a I horse. I then reached an Englishman's manner strange to liehold. Meanwhile, I farm, pulled up, told my story and asked Sutton, who had been forgotten, once out I for spirits to keep my strength up and of sight, secured his horse, and then qui- I the loan of a fresh horse. I shall not etly hlipped up tho ravine and placed I easily foTget his wife's scared look as she himself at the end of the fuse. He could I came out and saw me by the light of her hoar the Utes jabbering and clawing over I flickering candle. I suppose I must have the trinkets in the cabin, and, when the I seemed half mod. They brought mo out uproar was at its highest, ho stooped I a full bottle of whisky and a tumbler, down and applied the match. Rock-light- I which I filled and drank off neat; but ning I they had not got tho horse “up.” They never did rrs work quicxeb. I were, he said, all running, and it would There was a fizz, a slight, fleecy puff of j take hours to find. them. So I started smoke, and then Sutton ran for his horse. | again. I do not remember much more of He had only time to vault into the sad-1 that wild moonlight ride; I became die and gather up the reins when the ex- I drowsy and half delirious, just retaining plosion took place. In the words of Sut- I sense enough to go straight. How I did ton, “That thar cabin was jist blown up I it I do not know, as for tho greater part into the air clean 40 feet, and it rained I of the way there was no road, and even dirt, splinters, blankets, timbers, and dis-1 in daylight and with nothing the matter, emboweled Utes for half an hour.” One 11 should have hesitated in more than one fellow, who had got away with the whis-1 place. However, Providence or instinct ky-bottle, was blown dear across the ra- I guided me right, and, as I was afterward vino, and lodged in tho top-branches of a I told, I remember nothing about it, I pinon-tree ■, while legs, arms, and breech- I reached the town at one a. m., just eleven clouts went flying about in every direc- I hours after I had left. I had finished the tion. It was a moving spectacle. A large I whisky on the rood, and it was to that number of the band were killed outright, I the doctor ascribed my ultimate recovery, while the survivors, with their hides I For nine days I was in a high fever and burned to a crisp, and minus of a leg here I delirious; and it was more t han six weeks and an arm there, struck out for the I l»efore I got up; and for years afterward plains, howling with anguish. I the wound did not heal. Even to tho After putting a number of helpless I present day it occasionally breaks out wretches out of misery, Sutton rode down I afresh, and will probably continue to do to the fort and rolatea his exploit. News I so to the end of my existence.—Chamber's of tho catastropha soon traveled the en- | Journal. tire length and breadth of the Indian Bargains in Millinery MILLINERY & FANCY GOODS LADIES* OATS AND BONNET*, | Flowers. Bibluu, Ure Good-. Hair Goods, Col lar?. Cuff*. Zephyr Worsted, and in fut. ErfrjililnxDiisIl) Kepi In My Line. I Call aud examine my Good*, w'al bay them at | your own price. MRS. L P. flEXPRIX. HOLLY MILLS PUBLIC SALE BRUNSWICK & ALBANY RAILROAD. 240 MILES LONG. Peerless, Eoyal Gem,| WHITE WING AND CATOOSA, IVTmiirnolIl SljllO. I Are faroiuinjT maro widely known every day, and ire invariably sell a^ain where I Brunswick:, Georgia, Patent Gill A 15th Day of October, 1873, NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. T E U M H EASY tlw* 23d day of &pUuher next, the fallow- ins city lot*, viz: Lot* i and C. block 58; lots 1 and 3. block —; lots d. 7 and 8. block 48; lot* 2. 4 and 4|. block 22; lots 4. 5, S and 8. block 50; lot ft. block 49; lot ft. bl«« k &> ; lot* 3. 4. 7 Slid 8. block 71; lot* 1.2 and X block 74; lot 5. block 75; fac* I. 4. S and block 72: k4 1. block 68; lot 2. block SO; lot ft. block 51; part of lot 5. square 73; lots 1.2.3. 4.5. »k 7 and 8. block 3S; loUI.«.7and H. block 37; lots 1.2. 3.4.5. «. 7 and 8. block 3S; loU and 8.block »; lot* 1,2.3,5. ft. 7 and K, block 40; lot* 1,, ft. 7 and K. block 41; lots 1.2.3,4.5. ft and part of 7. block 42; Iota 1.2.3,4, 7, 8 and part of ft. block 43; lot ft. blocks TERMS OP SALE.—One-fourth cash, the bal ance to be paid within fifteen months, monthly Instalment*. Notes to 1»- (riven un tbe grounds. Bond foe titles given by tbe city. All lumber, brick and stone on the lots known a* the “Armory Property” will be reserved for the use of tbe city. Sale will commence at 10 o’clock a. on Tat- nail square, and continue from day to day until they are once tried. We still have the exclusive control for this section, of the [sever lake AND FALLS OF OHIO, Which we guarantee to Be os usual, “fully up” in quality. All of the flour we arc I now getting, is made of the very best white and amber wheat, and wc positively I assure our friends we will always guarantee them Perfect Satisfaction! Brunswick and ALBANY railroad, in every purchase. all the lots are sold. L. W. RANDAL F. A. SHONEMAN. C. BURKE. Committee. WE CAN’T BE UNDERSOLD. A GEEAT BARGAIN! Ip I State of Alabama, near the city of Eufaula, in «ud | State—a distance of two hundred ami forty miles. i well as that part of the same now finished. I tliat jnrt unfinished, together with the rfrht -. I way for the same, and the lands, tracks, lines, I rails, wharves, piers, wall-*, fences, bridges, build- I irurs, erections, structures, depot*, stations, fix- I tures. real estate and anpurtenancea thereto. Ik*- I longing to said cnntoratioii, to.vth.T with nil the I locomotives, tenders, ran, oirrye'.*. tquipnients. | tools, implements, machinery and fx*rsonal prop- «*Jty of every description owned i»y s;ii«l corpor.i- tion. or in any way rolongimr to or ap|K*rtaimiigto | the distance, utid all the FEANCHISES AMD EIGHTS under its charter now Indulging to si id corjiora- tion. The road is completed and in good running ortle from UruiLswick to AllKUiy, a distance of one bun- ilred and seventy miles, or thereabouts, , . .. - gines, cars, and otlu*r necessary equipments, to- | though, when parties so desire it and wish to avoid handling at this point, we I getlier with about fifty miles, nearly completed 1 I and ready for the tnu-fc. between Allwnv and Eu- I fauln, with about three miles of iron Did. track from limnswick to AUrmy is Ir.id with lirst class, new am I heavy **T " rail, (mostly English.' the greater portion Fish-Bar. The iron supros-sl | to Ik* worth $1,700.riH».* Under said d«“cn e the OvnamissioiuTs :u I attired to make mid ex.vub* good and .-ul»hi ties to thof pnrehr.ser. in Tl'.V. SI Mi'Ll', fnv I all claims, debts, denmndx. liens bojids niort I or incumbrances what: Newspaper for Sale. We furnish our’flour- in barrels, whole, half and quarter sacks, free drayage. I order from mills direct, thereby giving them the through rate advantage. SEND FOE CIRCULARS I And try us with an order to be convinced. Southern Times & Planter. GEO. T. ROGERS’ SONS. Publishod at Sparta, Georgia. BAGGING AND TIES A SPECIALTY. ■ a prosperous I TERMS REASONABLE. For particulars, address auggl lm LITTLE. JORDAN * CO. NOW COMING IN SEVEN CAES HEAVY LUDLOW BAGGING. TWELVE CAES “AEEOW TIES.” FOE SALE. A SAND FIRE ENGINE AND APPARATUS. GEO. T. ROGERS’ SONS. LAMS STOCK OF TELEGRAPH LINE E m the right of way ef said Railroad, now ■_ ted from Brunswick to Albany, with all the I poles, wire, and property of tho said Telegraph | Line. Terms—Cash. o. A. LOCH RANK, A. HOOD. K. K. HINES. A. O. BACON. JOHN C. N1CHOLL, J. J. HARRIS, jul27 lawtds Coimnmiwnoners. ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! I M. Y. STATE SPORTSMEN'S ASSOCIATION. | K XTI! ACTS FKOM “ UK TOUT OF COiLMITTEK OX 8TAXDAUD FOB SHOT.' . manufacturers will have eventually to ALLr /v fort Second-Class Smith Engine X S st I Fair Ground Privileges where the cabin stood was on unfortunate one, and the bravo warriors gave it a wide berth. When the excitement had. „ cooled down SutUm retume-l and buUt up his ruined habitation; but the fame of I following privileges during the coming the exploit stuck to him, and that is how 1 he ocquired the title of Capt. Sutton. A SOUTH AFRICAN AD VENTURE. A i*oi.non Kll ARROW. GEORGIA STATE FAIE BAR-ROOK, SEGAR STAND, FRUIT, ETp. TERMS—Notrt of rquM nmountx. fulling due It. was on tho al l.-moon of one of the hot out days of an African summer that I left my form to aaccnd the Draakcnahurc Monntafaa for tho pnrporo of finding if I possible, on eland, a species of antelope, I hi* to the committee. J 1 to replenish my larder for tho coming I .No paper taken bat such nn can be used in anv Christmas. I wa- at the timo liraff I Ssntteg. d ^' Notes to be given on the day of alone in a glen formed by two spurs of * * tbe mountain, with but two neighbors, and no town within fifty miles; but, as my Kaffirs had become sufficiently civil ized to understand that Christmas timo meant unlimited eating, I wished, by pro viding game, to nave an ox. I had only IFTUIE TAX BOOKS of Bibb county are five or six miles to go, and was well I hand*, and j am r«vdy far the j* monntojl, ro I did not hurry, hut leading SSf?BSttnMi'ffaSS mi th- my leading my horse np tho steep pa«s, I taxes. My office is on Cherry street, at my old reached the place where I intended to | idace of business. ^ Kl.vp jnrt <u tho <un was sotting roumy.?o&l£ The scene around, though quite differ-1 with other information relative to the farming in- quartors describe r. they let fly a volley had tec r stored nun ami rifle never hedtato under the pr.-s*,un- titrong emergent ie>, j»art:vularlv wl there is a rod skin in tin* case. 2Sutt<» hr it act was to rip up the floor of was no snow; no leafless trees with their delicate tracery set off by the glistening hoar frost, nor dark green firs landing under their white load; but still there was enough to keep me standing, forget- ■ ful of firewoial, and all that I had to do I ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELLORS AT LAW, for my comfort during the night, I Office 52 Second st, Macon. Georgia. I was on a narrow lodge of rook, sepa- I \\7 IhL practice in the courts of Macon and ad' rated from the network of hills bmad lKraftS.T* 1 — ^ Supreme and . _■ n ... L I reuCTftl Courts of Georgia. Special attention given by a deep perpendicular gorge, at the I to natters in Bankruptcy. Itotiom of which, so far down that I could I IiarOly dutfafful* it, ran a little burn. . »!*■»■>«■*.ftfl.?- rpi . • .4*-__ u. I • , 5 m “ on * \ **«ve to direct attention to the 1 he retting sun gave the peaks that rich I above rani. Additional facilities warrant me ir purple hue seldom seen away from heath- I "rtj prompt and careful attention to all busi- <t, and, .hi the other side, as far as the ——— eye could reach, lay the thorn-covered , _ fl»U and hjlh 1 of NaUL ^ LAND FOR SALE. i t iik —»m M*«,n rou„ t v. I luut detennmed to sleep. It had been I L owned formerly l»y Hiram B. Troutman, and tn olden time the resort of the Bushmen, I now by ua. lying on tho west bank of Flint river, but few come near it now; indeed, I had I j 11 ” 1 five miles Mow_tbcbonutiful and fiwnfahing n . . Vnnvn «],«• . -4. _n v_» I l°wn of Reynolds, (a. Vs, R. R.) and containing that they came at all. but on I one Thousand (l.uoo) aexes, is now going in I found some calabashes and the I ashes of a newly made fire, which could I FOR SALE, hove been left only by them. There were I The improvements are unequalled, consisting of other marcs on the walls, though evi- I ft pood dwelling, withevery iK*c*-*-«ry out improve- dently of great antiquity; rude sketch-I *^X cnU ‘ , * n ^his for lalxirera, Waa. I •* l jl wuli rood bnck chimneys. A great deal of the inp! of caltk, hor. i., bows ana arrows, I cb-ared land Ml Any one d« sinne such a farm ana even of a Bushman ruling. It is al- I and on the most enticimr term*. Iiad best apply most curious that a race so low dewn in 1 onOB 10 T -JORDAN, the wale of hmraiiity th»t their bmgTage | a ,„ w;!n only contain* * few words made up of nn-1 — pronouaec-ble eUck*. and who. with the J “‘“ n ‘ BU>C!tT - . exception of the n*e of fire, in th eir mode I joh.t l. iftxrxitix. of life differ but little from the ape. I BLOUNT, H ARDEMAN' & HARI1EMAN' sh .dd hove learned to do this. It may 1 rnrrnnvx-vo * m t * sir he th.it it is ;i remmuxt of an old ,%n | ATT0K>LlS AT LAW, lan-rn«i;e. or the fast relic of some former 1 civilisation. It was a full moon, and, af ter admiring the wonderful lights and shadows thrown by it on the broken ground. 1 turned in and slept till daylight. As soon as I could see I started to hunt. Much to my annoyance at the time, though I afterward had reason to be, _ . -., -r-.— th mkL.l that my bo™ was^srned ,,u ; h SSSSSSTtSTiS gallop ft* an eland hunt entail*, I could 1100400 brick, or more, if pn<v» admit. Por further particulars, apply to the Secretary of Ocmulgeo Fire Company No. 2 or committe C. MACHOLD. Foreman, . H. P. WESTCOTT. . P. A. SHONEMAN, V. KAHN. JNO. VALENTINO, angS lm Blaeon. Ga. C. R. Bacon Sides and Shoulders, in hogsheads and tierces. Best brands of Louisvillo sugar cured Hams. “O K” Lard and other “gilt edge” brands. Boston Bellies. Sugars in barrels and hogsheads, all grades Coffee, Rio and Java. % Tobacco, at manufacturers* prices, (large lot.) And everything else in large lines usually kept by retail grocery dealers. Our stock is already heavy, but we are increasing it every day, and our facilities are now smell that we can prove to our merchant friends everywhere that they need o further than Macon to buy tlieir groceries, as wo can duplicate any Northern or Western invoice, freight added. form, when sfiortinen require tliat tlu*ir shot shall compare with the Ntaiuhud of excellence ii|m»ii which your committee ha* Hxol. Ul*in tbe most critical examination, your com mittee have <!ft« > nnitie<l to adopt n* the ** AMERI CA X Stax hard” tho reale presented to u* by Messrs. Thus. Oti* Le Roy &. New York. R. NEWKLL. Chairman. N. M. SMITH. . F. G. SKINNKR. Sportsmen nnd dealers desirous of having the above scai.:i. or any informalion relative thereto, can promptly obtain the same bv applvim? to | THOS. OTIS LB ROY * june28tlcod! l' x CO., New*York. * DUGAN & STILZ, Wesleyan Female College, aug28 2ta ^ lm --- GEO. T. ROGERS’ SONS. MACON. GEORGIA. Tho Thirty-sixth Annual Session j WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 0.187S. For CsUfaua. rontxiniro? fall informstion, ad- | dress 1873. FALL TRADE. 1873. Hew Goods, Hew Styles. | Corn, Oats, Wheat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, | No. 20 Second street, bctwivn Main and River. IiOUISVTIiIiE, KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, I parties making purchase accept in# tliroufrli Bill of Lading from shippimr points. npr2S ft SCHOFIELD’S JKOlN WORKS Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. Celebrated Wrought Iron Cotton Press&s All acknnwietta} its superi Jrity to any m id* anywhere or by ftayb^J v ' Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Iron Bailing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Geari^ "PLANTERS :iiv n<qiwstdd t • .nil .nrouml :unl w i,. It i* n.<t ihwsKur v... i.,.. A. OUB iwwi-r U» rmi.vuur cin a lifKiiih'. M im lair H.im- usi hiv.-t.ilii, . U* jww. Tliis Gin G.-sr li-a an IKJ)X CKNTRAI, KVI-POBT t. Mtlinrrf IRON KING POST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Ms&xuilytp ! O ■ J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON NOTICE.—Hajvijj mill., srrsncmi.-nt- »il!i Moxiro. SCHOFIELD Jt Sii\ . . ■ turv otmy l-ATUXT GlN GEAR, with CENTRAL IRON SUPPORT, sfl..iVn, ^ w f MAKE. UNk. or SELL the same, as 1 sliall proscViiU) to tile extent of the law all , vr.. tr ’ > ^ * h * ^ infrinsfiux on my patent. , •?, ,?‘ s . “ S;l «or IMnhiilelphin. Sfay 2-*, 1S73. ** ^ * Al | J HT. THE D. PRATT GIN BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. W E offer to planters these well known gin*, wliich arc sold wflerever cotton u planted. OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Have been sold since 185C. We akk parties wishing to buy to come and examine them, especially the IMPROVE0 GIN, haring a .litatar attached. It will pay them for so doing. They are warranted to give satisfaction, and time given to teat them before payment is required. JOHNSON Sc DUNLAP, ju!102awtf No. 72 THIRD STREET. OTTON STATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. MACON, - - GEORGIA. ORGANIZED In 1869, Under Laws of State of Georgia. V GREAT BARGAIN. M U T U A ...tholowest mutual rates,and Dividend*<1 ___ the end of tlie thinl j ear ns follows: To redact Loons wlien loan it given, or k> increase of ins policies il THE STOCK OR non-p^hjjherN TIMES AND PLANTER- At as low rates and upon as fir ITOTVnT ^’nTllish.ed at Sparta, Makin? all its investments in the South pqd It is managed with economy, ancnr^yiNG a good circulation, and in a ■ ooa condition.'ia offered, for exle- W. DCXCAX. J. II. JOIIXSTOX: M. MACI.KAX. } - ' Wnrlr Duncan, johnston& co., Good, Reliable Solicitors will Find this an Easy Company to worm COTTON FACTORS —AYD— General Commission Merchants, i>2 Bay Street, .Savannah, Ga. ouyl ftm To such a liberal inducement will ho offeialjui General A cent, or IQ ‘ lpon spplientkm to tho Seorotsry *t tho nome 0®iy. tto the Su,x;rinU iulout ot Aroncics. jonx j. guesbav. C. A. NUTTING. GEO. S. OHEAK. JOHN T. BOlEl l JOHN S. BAXTER. WM. IT. ROSE. ANDRE* WW- J0SIAII SIBLEL V. B. TOMKHL —re" jietit*c-b° ; '''r''r.l^Chirlotie S.C i...rr....ciauic-!«R*, .......... v*.., -i. Osortfa A- - 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, FOR THE FALL TRADE. ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. i it*V •Jidh-ht.,-; cmrin tlx- ,J |Ns tRl- U&