Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 02, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2, 1873. TITK CITY. TUESDAY V: . , Judo* MORNING. SEPTEMBER ' W.l \s. H. SOLOM-'X, r.f Wing 4 L-ft for N ew York Sun.lnv night. T. Warii, Ordinary of tV.id county, will leave for New Yort thil morning, toting tbo Fort*month rente. Mr. 0. F. Adams, City Tai Collector, puLIuho* tills, morning a notice of nv - 1 important interest toti.i ]-avers. Cmab. Waehtri. the Ilmira How dotliJ icr has returned from Yew York, and will Is! followed by a fine stock of goods. Mr_ John If. James ar.d lady, of At lanta, and Gen. J. Wright^ and lady, c.f Albany, were at the Brown House but night. We mado a mistake Sunday morning in the date of the opening of the Macon Medical Collage. It opens the firs t Mon day in November, instead of October, as stated. Accident at the nixie Work As G<orge Behind, a lad i years of age, was engaged at the Dili. Works yesterday, a pile of lumber fell upon bin,, producing some severe contu Riom. al- -.it the head- Ho was not dan •gerously hurt, however, though he had! to 1*> taken home. The Kidnapper Caught. Gns John.-on, whose operation., kidnapper wc noticed a few days ago, has arrived in this city from Columbus. He was arrested on a warrant aent over ** Judge Weems, and Sheriff George F. Cherry went over and escorted him to Macon. Hit: preliminary trial will take place this morning. The County Court. In consequence of tho Pike inre .liga tion, Judge Weems has postponed the monthly session of the County Court un til to-morrow. Witnesses, jurors and other interested parties will take due no tice and govern themselves accordingly. No case wa< tried before the County Court ycstenUy. Trmprranrr Lcrlurr. Bov. E. W. Warren, formerly pastor of the First Baptist Church in this city, but now of the First Baptist Church in At lanta, will deliver a lecture on tho subject of temperance in the First Street Metho dist Church this evening. Mr. Warren is a film speaker, and is heartily enlisted in tho subject of temperance—hence will moke u good address. Tho public is in vited. No chorgo for admission. Tlic Mayor's Court. Three rases were before Ilia Honor Al derman Cornell yesterday morning. Tho first was against John Carroll, a Mexican Indian, or some other sort of foreigner, who got <lrunk in plain English and had to pay five dollars or enlist on the street force ter days. TiCo Dundy and Jeannette Lundy failed to come tip and answer a charge of dis orderly conduct. They were assessed five dollars or ten days each. Befrehiiinu.—If yon feel oppressed by the heat and dust, just step into Loh’s, in tho Lanier House building, and take a cool refreshing lath for only twenty-five cents. Shaving, hair cutting, etc., by the moat skillful tonsorial artists, and at tho coolest establishment in the city. Strangers visiting Macon should remcm- lier this—tho peoplo bore all know it. julylSoodtf A Mlmplrlon. Wo have received from Messrs. Brown A Co. a copy of “A Simpleton,” a now novel, by Charles Beadc, which has just liccn issued from the press of Messrs. James H. Osgood A Co., of Boston. The book will, no doubt, meet with a ready solo, as Reado is one of tho mpst popular of tho living novelists. Tho wickedness of his books will always guaranty them a certain measure of popularity. We have had no opportunity to examine tho book before us. The Wonmlctl Men, Messrs. Braswell and Sweeney both continue to improve steudily, though the former—who at first roomed to be injured mnch the worse of the two—is conva lescing the snore rapidly. There is now no doubt that both men will recover, un less something now altogether unforeseen should interrupt their convalescence. Mr. Dick, who fell from tho scaffold at Mercer University, Saturday afternnon, was injured more icriomtly than was at first thought. Ho was, however, doing very well yesterday, and the chances are in favor of his early recovery. . mu nee in ;< war frequi n tlic signal cun* war made adii *> uclaliod Finally. itant of a in which lose of the After the surrender Mr. Hopson re turned to Perry, where he again re sumed the dry goods btuiiiess. In 18GG ■ w*s married in this city to Miss Vir ginia Conner, daughter of the late Z. T. Conner, and sister to Messrs. Granville C. and Thomas U. Conner and the other Weil known young teen ot that name. He leaves two children. In ISO? he removed from Perry to Ma con, where he has since been engaged in the retail dry goods business, and had succeeded in establishing one of the most respectable and popular houses in Macon. His ambition was to build up a large re tail ‘.V.ahliahmcnt. He ixad no desire to enter the jobbing bu-unea.. l.ut desired to i a known as a successful retail dealer in drygoods. To accomplish this end he labored very liard day and night, and had the satisfaction of knowing that he was on the high road to success. When he went to New York, ten days ago, to hay his stock of fall and winter goods, he had the happy satisfaction of knowing that his business was in a better condi tion than it ever was before. Mr. Hopson wan u member of the Episcnpal uhurch, and was one of the vcutly of Christ Church. He was a pub lic-spirited cittXcn, and was thoroughly identified with the interests of Macon. He took on active part in whatever prom- issed to promote the general welfare of the community. When the movement toward establishing a Board of Trade was begun last spring, ho was one of its most earnest advocates, although he could not have expected that his business would derive any direct benefit from it. lfis remains will lie brought to Macon for interment, and will probably arrive about the last of tho week. THE I’lKK INVESTIGATION. K»mi>cil From tlic Hnrrnrks. There were four prisoners in the bar racks Sunday evening, and yesterday morning there was only one. The cause of the falling off was ns follows: Among tho prisoners was ono Julia Boss, a little negro girl, who was in for (tooling. Be tween eight and nine o’clock Sunday night. Julia escaped from tho Imrmcks, opened the cells of tho other prisoners, anil they, with a single exception, all made their cocape through n small win dow in the rear, and are still at large- Those who escaped are Norman McCloud, who wns tip for wife whipping, Jeff Thomas, who was up for being a theif general principles* and the little Julia Boss, named above. The reason why Lucy Quick did not also make her es cape was the window was not large enough for her to get out of it. Death of Mr. IT. A. Hopson. The profoundost feeling of pain was created in this city yesterday morning by the announcement that IV. A. Hopson was dead. No announcement could have more thoroughly aroused the sympathies of the people, or created more saa: throughout tho whole community, and every one manifested great eagemes ascertain the ’facts connected with his midden demise. Very little is yet known here in regard to his death, and all that is known wns obtained through meagre dispatches. Mr. Hopson left Macon for New York on the morning of tho 32d ultimo, in per health. He was heard from as late as tho 2Sth, and was then well. Sunday night Mr. Granville C. Conner received a dis patch from Messrs. T. G. Kolt and B. C. Smith, who are in New York, informing l.im that Mr. Hopson was very ill of in- Summation of tho bowels and brain, and thst his physicians despaired of his re covery, and telling him to prepare his family for tho worst. Later at night another dispatch was received slating that Mr. Hopson died at five o'clock Sun day evening. This is all that is yet known of his illness, but it was enough to east a gloom of sorrow over the whole oily. Mr. Hopson was a native of Vermont. Hij father was un Episcopal clergymen. He came to this State when a mere boy, and went to Perry, in Houston county, where ho went into business as clerk in a dry goods store. He finally Ijocame a partner in tho ht-sines.-, and when the war came on it found him at the head of .a thriving business house. Though reared and educated in Ncw ■Enghuid. his sympathies were heartily *wit!i the South daring the war. Heat joined a company which wa-- raised .in and around Perry, but before it wa- unuteredinto service he a'vndoned it, uni went to Norfolk and joined the -Mu.-on Volunteers. Though he wont into I lie iwimpaay a stranger to most of the men iu it. he had served with it but a .-hurt time before he was one of its mo_>t popular members. He remained with I he company about two years, during The preliminary investigation of the case against L. B. Pike, charged with tho murder of Carl F. Baer, came off at the Court-house yesterday before Justices F. M. Heath, Dan. H. Adams and A. P. Simmons. Cols. W. A. Lofton and J. H. Blount appeared for tho prosecution, and CoL Sam Hall and Judge Jno. B. Weems for tho defense. ' At ten o’clock, the prisoner, in chargo of officer Loncy, and accompanied by Mrs. Pike, entered the court-room. Ho looks quite as well as though he wero in full en joyment of tho most enlarged personal lil-erty, and does not scorn to have suffer ed physically from confinement. There was quite a largo crowd at the court-house. Some were prompted to go thither by mere curiosity, while others were prompted by tho patriotic desire to escape jury dnty in future, in caso the cause should ever reach Judge Hill’s Court. After both sides had announced ready, the defense demanded that the witnesses for tho State be separated. CoL Lofton then demanded that the witnesses for the defense bo hrought forward, sworn and excluded from the court room while tho witnesses for the State were being exam ined. Tho defense objected to this on tho ground that it was not demanded by the statute, and was not a rule of practice in the courts of tho State. The point was argued briefly by all the counsel on loth sides, and tho court decided in favor pf separating the witnesses for the de fense at tho beginning of tho investiga tion. Col. Hall then announced that while tho defense objected to this ruling they had no witnesses to introduce to that Court, V The examination of witnesses for the then commenced. Jacob Bessel, sworn—Said: Live about a mile from here, just outside tho city. I am acquainted with Chas. F. Baer. I saw him out on tho I9th day of August at A. Eugclke’s saloon. [Witness painted out L. B. Pike.] I saw prisoner in En- gelko's saloon on tho 19th of August. Ho came in with another gentleman. I did not know tho other gentleman. I be lieve one of them, either tho accused or the gentleman with him, I don’t know which, called for some bear. They didn't drink tlic beer. Myself, Mr. Englekcand Mr. Baer were talking at the counter. Mr, ltaor called Mr. Pike aside. They talked about a minute or two. I didn’t hear wlint was said. I took no notici heard the report of u pistol. I looked around and saw Mr. Baer falling, and Saw Mr. Piko standing with the pistol in his hand. Tho pistol was smoking, then left. I returned a 1 suit fifteen or twenty minutes afterward, and 3aw Bacr lying there dead, with a small bullet wound in his breast. All this happened on the 19th itay of last August, in Bibb Oounty, in this State. After hearing the report of the pistol I looked immediately. Cross-examined—I think it occurred about 12 o’clock; I can't remember ex actly. Before the prisoner and the other gentleman came into tho saloon, myself, the two Engelkes. Baer and Hardwick wero there. I think these were all. was standing at the end of tho counter, near tho front door, with Engelko, the saloon or Uirkocpor. and Mr. Baer when Piko came in. 1 don’t know who called for beer, whether it was the prisoner or the gentleman with him. I did not hear the one who did call for it invite the party to drink with him. I saw no money deposited on the counter, don’t know which of the two spoke first after entering the saloon. I didn't no tice whether Pike spoke first to Baer or Baer to Pike. I saw Pike take Baer bv the coat and lead him off to one side. I can't say what the manner of the prisoner was at the time, whether he seemed to be angry or not. I did not hear a word that Pike spoke. I was not more than four or five stomps from them. There was nothing in Pike's manner to excite my attention. They quietly walked to one side of tho saloon. .Re-direef.—I didn’t hear Pike say any thing to Bear when they went across the room. I simply saw him take him by the coat and lead him off. In about a min ute or two I heard the pistol fire. Re-cross.—1 heard no talking, cither befogs or after Pike took Boer to ono side. ! took no notice of them as I wns talking to another lain at the time. Tho first thing that attracted my attention was tho report of the pistol.' With this testimony tho State closed, and counsel agreed to submit the case to the court without argument. After some consultation the court an nounced that they had agreed to admit jtrisoner to boil in the sum of J.1,000. CoL Lofton explained that the court had no power to bail, and, having ex pounded the law bearing upon prelimina ry examinations, the prisoner was com- mitted to jail to await trial before the Superior Court, which assembles ia Octo ber. A Card from the Macon Postmaster. Macos Post Office, September 1,1572. Eiilort Telegraph and Messenger: In your i,->ne of yesterday morning you copy an article from the Albany News charging ’’monstrous incompctency or willful malpractice” in the administra tion of tho affairs of this office, the writer baaing the charge upon tho fact that lot- tun mailed to him at Cuihbert did not reach him at the propel time or by the proper rente. I desire to state that this office has nothing at all to do With letters n.ulcd at Outhuer: for Albany, Ga., no uch mail matter passing through Macon. The clerk who i.o-s charge of the mailing department in this office has been con- ted with it in that capacity for seve ral years, and has always discharged the ties of his position with thoroughness and accuracy, no complaint having- ever t been mails against hixu. either on the ound of carelessness or incompetence. By inserting the above, yon will great- READING j Financial and Commercial KKW advertisements. A Cari. Eagle Extra and Eagle Falsify arc well known to all housewives, and need no recommendation. W. J. Lawton. "Eagle Choice Flour has never Liken any premiums. Why ? Because it has never been exhibited. Eagle Choice Floi*k4^ j>.-' all who have tried it the .best. tured by W. J. Lawton A Co. aug31tf ang31tf M-oinf.-.c- The trade will save money by pur* chasing their flour of the Eagle Mills. All grades guaranteed to gire satisfac tion ; only licst amber and white wheat used. uug31tf Truman & Green are still offering their stoves at bottom &gu*.*9. 4ug31 3: Parties building will call ton Truman A Green and pixrc&ASe their grates at once, and not delay until the winter is upon us. aug31 3t IIujtt. Rafkin A Lamar.—This well known and reliable firm Imre received a lance lot of DrJ Hood's Eureka Liver Medicine, it has the pcsbd of all who have tried it. In liotfles st 5n rents and HjM. Macon Ice Company Tjckcti can bo had at G. VolgcrV, flotfdgian'yold cor ner. aug30 ot Toe Cheapest and Best.—Hook"* Eureka Liver Medicine gives universal satisfaction in the treatment ot Liver Disease. Dpfepih.fi* Head ache. Gostivencss, and mil that class ot diseased ariiins from a disordered state ot the stomach and liver. nov5Dly Macon. Ga., 28th August, 1873. Messrs. J. H. Zeilix «t Co.—Some years ago I was seriously affected with chronic nervous dyspepsia to such an ex tent that my health was much impaired. So rapid was the advance of this insidi ous complaint that I soon felt that my constitution was broken. After sufferin' for several years I was advised to try Simmons* Liver Regulator, but declined, because I had conceived it to be ‘'only patent medicine.’* At length, believing it could do no harm, I yielded. In a few months I became not only relieved, but absolutely cured, and for two years past have been thoroughly restored to health and the enjoyments of life. I look upon the “Regulator** as most excellent medicine, and will always have it by me to resist any insidious ap proaches of my old enemy. I write this in gratitude for the ben efit which I have received from the use of the Regulator. Respectfully, etc., W. B. Hall, Principal of Hall’s Select School. aug29d&wlw Macon, Ga. Nature's Appeals for Help.—Every indica tion of debility and exhaustion ia a mats appeal of Nature for medicinal mid to arrest the progress of decay. How are these silent apj*als of physic al weakness to the resources of the healing art nsnlfyr met ? Too often, unfortunately, the drugs prescribed aggravate the symptoms. Whoever recommends drastic purgatives, or mineral sali- rants, or poisonous alkaloids, under such circum stances. is an ally of the ailment and an enemy of the patient. Whoever, on the contrary, advises the broken down and desponding sufferer to re sort to that peerless vegetable inviporant, Hostet ler's Stomach Bitters, for aid and comfort, ' true philanthropist. It is safe to say that there never was an instance in which such advice was given and accepted without the happiest results. From tho very depths of weakness end desjxm- dency thousands have been restored to vigor, health and cheerfulness by the renorating opera tion of this wholesome stimulant and alterative. All its medicinal ingredients are remarkable for their sanativo properties, and in combination form on absolute specific for indigestion. liver com pliant, nervous affections, rheumatism, intermit tent fevers, general and local weakness, and every species of disorder incident to change of season or climate. The stimulative clement of this invalu able protective and restorative is not an impure excitant, but tho thoroughly rectified cssei sound rye. admitted by all good chemists to bo the most healthful of cxhilarants. to-day r*r.”. • lo-day ..k 1-r.n.-.. J lli ATTENTION. Protection Fire Co. Yo. 1 Stood the Test.—Tho only Baking Powder that lias stood tho test for years, and been found free from adulteration, healthy, and reliable is Dr. Price's Cream. Try it, and sec how decidedly superior it is to the clicap kinds in the market. At tho same time try Dr. Price's Special Flavorings. Vanilla, Lemon, etc- and sco how superior in strength and excellence they are to all others. Find them at grocers. sepS-codJtwl A down-town merchant rerentlysucdliisdrug- gist for attempt to defraud. He was suffering from inflamed kidneys and asked for Dr. Helm- bold’s Buchu. The druggist gave him another kind, upon which the profit was greater. Instead of relieving the patient as the genuine prepare preparation bad always done, the imitation coin- }>ound aggravated the disease and a long and dis tressing illness followed. The court, after full bearing, gave judgment for the plaintiff with costs. Moral, buy only tire genuine. Window Glass.—Great attention is-now de servedly paid to the kinds of Window Glass used iu dwellings, stores and churches. All qualities of American and French Window, Photograph, Cut, Ground, Enameled and Picture, Colored Glass, wholesale and retail, from Mr.l*. P. Toale No. to Hajnc street. Charleston, 8. C. Send for pr‘ raid. septidlm Table ui Packet Cutlery. We hare now on hand, and to arrive, a fine assortment of Roger’s table and pocket cutlery. Walker A Dobbs. sep2 2t Merchants would do well to call and examine our stock and get our prices be fore going North, as we are selling our goods at New York prices, and they even save freight and risk of breakage. sep2 2t Walker A Dobbs. Chamber Sets. Chamber Sets. Just received, a large lot of chamber sets. We can suit any one who will give us a call, both in quality and price. 8ep2 2t Walker A Dobbs. Miles* Alarm Till Xanuraeturlnfl Co. Haro works on South Main street for the manufacture of a little article, simple in outside appearance, yet inwardly con taining such a net work of protective wires, bolts, locks, etc., that thieves and till-tappers may well turn their back on stores so guarded, and feel profound dis gust at the ingenuity of their natural enemies. The mechanism of these tills is so arranged that no one except the owner or any authorized person, can open them without giving am immediate alarm, by the ringing of the guardian l*U inside. Then agjiin, the O’vner can at any time, by a simple arrangement, alter the com bination, so that none but himself can open it without not only an alarm, but a series of alarms, occasioned by the whole * 0 ' 1 ” ven set of combinations, some tills contain ing thirty changes and some sixty ; and thus these alarms tv-come almost univer sal in stores, banks and offices. Mr. Miles, the treasurer and superintendent of this company, first established the manufacture of these sifeguardi. in 1859, and in 1869 an incorporated company was formed, with Mr. S. N. Brown as presi dent. The Messrs. Fairbanks, scale-makers are the selling agents, haring branches in New York, Montreal and London, Eng land, and send their mar •] fact ur» throughout the United States, England, France, Germany, Chinn and South America. Brunz.* and silver nit dais h*r< been (warded them yearly since 1860. An idea may be given of the extent of their business when it is known that there are eighteen other aLirm tili- makeri in the country, and the Miles* Manufacturing Company send out more tills than all the others combined. Their works consist of a three-story building. 40x80, fitted with a rnoit complete and expensive set of machinery.—-ProriM^we paper. Yen speot fully, E. Belcher, Postmaster. The ln».ml of health of New Orleans deny the unfavorable raport* respecting tin* health of that city. The Houston Home Jotsnjl is read by nearly every white man in Houston, and by very many in adjoining counties ; still the advertising rates are very low. Mr. Martin, the publisher, is stopping at the Brown House. Manx of-the frightful kerosene explo sions which are continually announced through the paj>crs, could hive been, avoided if a proper precaution laid be n exercised in the purchase of oil that was up to the safety standard, or lltidegrees. Mr. R. B. Hall, the triangular 1*1 xk drug gist sells none other. See advertisement. 1% — 1,419 LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Financial. New York —N««n—arTiu* ami liirh-r. GuU 152- Munry eaMjr at V* 5. Kirianr. lw« 72; »bort 81. Gaveramciits dull. SU»t-.* butub Kveaiiur—Matter oeiivr »t 4+7. Sterling lower at 7«. Gokl 15J & 15;. Governments, nothin* do- inr. 1 *b* 1*. quiet and doll. Custom receipts over jawjWi. Tennr'wesSU; new *U: Tiqpnia 4S;. new 5®; consolidated 51i; deferred 12; Louisiana* tt‘; new 42; levee Os 53; t* 25; ADhaina 9s 7»: 5* 4»; Georgia ti* 70; 7« 90; North Carolina* 27J; new 15;; special Ux 11; SouthC«rr4fca* .*2; 'nr* 14ft April awl October St. » Losdos—Noun—Consol* PARI*—Noon—Rente* 5*5c. Cotton. New York—Noon—Cotton quiet; sales 1683; uplands 3U; Orleans 20j. Futures opened: ScpLaaber 18 U-32; October 17 »-l«. Evening—Cotton sakrs 2375; net receipts 35; rroM 1603; uplands 20; Oilcans 201. Futures rioted steady: sales 5000; September IS 13-32; October 17 25-32^1713-16; November 17 7-16&17 15-32; December 17 5-16. Baltimore—Cot tdu. stow* receipts 164-. exports coast wise 215; sales 165; stork 931; middlings 15f; low middling* 16&1S1; good ordinary 16i; market quiet mm! nominal. Nkw Orleans —CotUm. net receipt* 445; press 320; export* to Great Britain—; continent —; nles 250; last evening -; stock 7773; middlings isVv market firm. The annual report fchqwa the stork on land September 1.1872. was*4694 fades; total receipts SUM; exports 328,613; stock on hand September L Ml l»jr actual count.. 4SS5. WILMIX0T05—Cotton, net receipts 11; sales—; stork 713; middliiurs 13; market firm. Augusta—Cotton, receipts 55; sales 56; stock 1212; mkldlinrslrl£17,'; market pull. Savannah—Cotton, net receipts 177; rales 25 stock 1224; exports coastwise atri; middlings 172 demand licht. ‘ Chaelestos—Cotton, net receipts 1385; press 1385; exports coastwise 1182; rales 200; stock 4-105; middlings 171; market quiet. Mobile—Cotton, net receipt*. 8S; mna exports ruastwise 175i sales200; stock 5715; mld- dlirqrs IS; market steady. Bortov—Cotton, j?re» ivrci/fla at! rales 200; stock 3500; middfinca t >1;|nnrtot quiet. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipts 332; exports ruistsise 585; rates 75; stock 008; middlings 181; market steady. Memphis— 1 Cotton, net reed pis 56; shipments 270; stock 3331; k)w middlings 18&181; market ui < hai.m-d. Galveston—Coiton, net receipts 172; grera 172; raks 100; exports coastwise 1994; stock, by actual count 4884; good ordinary 15; Texas ordi nary 12J; market nominal. PiiiLALELPiiiA-Orftoa, middlings 20; low middlings 19; strict good ordinary 17. Livrxpool—Noon—Cotton steady; upland.* 8J; Orleans 9J. Sales 12,000. speculation and cxpdrt L000. Evening—Sales include 7000 American. sales of uplands, on basis of low middlings, Sep tember ddivciy, at 8 13-16. Marine News. New York—Arrived, 1 City of Antwerp, Citv of Brussels, Adriatic, Spain. Herman. Herman Liv ingston. Arrived out, Scotia, Samprio, 1‘errierc, Bremen ami Id.vln*. Charleston—Arrived, Eugene, Bonin, Tramp, Georgia. Savannah—Amrod, Magnolia. Lady Duflerin, Virgo, Burden. Sailed. Huntsville, San Jacinto. i 1NG r.L Bandw lketinc Tills l’VEN’- ’ v't+vk. : N. M. IIODGKIXS. • i- A L_» j ATTENTION, DEFIANCE FIRE COMPANY NO. 5. I \ 11 BAD your regular monthly meeting TO- • A NlCifil r.t h oYtark sharp. Member* uill | Nettle for dues. hwUcat. GKO. P. CORNELL. Sect'y. Milch Cows For Salc.| I HAVE four Milch Cows for sale at sonablc price?. They c ville, at Mr. 0. B. Callaway’! them. n ., , ( r. f ; augtttf 1 1 » j HIBERNIANIBENEVOLENT society. \ KEfU'LAK Uicftiad will tela-lJ THIS (Tuss- day) KVKNING. »t So’clo.-k. in the IIU1 of thefiorirtr. 9a.incs.ct impartanm will b..trans* *tol. E. DALY. scpgt ‘ Secretory. HR. HALI/S Select School For Boys and Girls, Walnut street,Maron, Georgia. OE3SION begin* September 1. Number limii- O cd. Central location and seperate yards. Ap plications received at his house. wep42 14*W. R HALL FOE KENT CHEAP. rpHE store on Cherry street, next to Greer. Lake X & Co.’*, at present occupied by Coleman A N !’ - " • • : • > • \p- ply to J. VALENTINO. au«2tf Eor Sale. used; as good as new. Will l« sold very low.' ApfJyta r VTa A. COLLINS. At Flanders & linguenin’s Warehouse. sep21t* NOTICE. A LL Iiersons are hereby forewarned not t<4 I trade for County' Scrip to the amount of M3 E xea in my name. April terra. 1873, as said Scrip I w been stolen from the lUHlereimol. a scitf l« CHARLES H. FLOWKU. DENTISTRY. h it. EMERSON lias returned to Macon, and will resume the practice of Dentistry’ at once, at his Dental Room% 84 Mulberry street. Trial Trip. paper. THE HOUSTON HOME JOURNAL, for four montlut. It is full uf local news of Houston and Macon counties. Circula tion rapidly increasing. Try it. Address EDWIN MARTIN. M-pi.lSUvIt IVrry, Ga. WOOD. ouryinl to-day. 1JW0 conU arriving and to arrive. BUTTS A ROSS. Hep21f '(j(|ai./ / r Coal. E will tell Cool at summer rate until first of October. Orders left at Messrs. Winship Jt Callaway’i store. Post Ofiice, or office of A. G. Butt’s Ksq^will receive prompt attention. Yard opposite Roik Mill. wep2tf BUTTS Si ROSS. \\ ALL NIGHT LONG! Georgia Musical Festival. rpHE undersigned Committee take pleasure i X announcing to the citizens of Georgia that preparations are being made for a Grand Musical Festival, to be held in 31 aeon during the State Fair, the iiroceeds of Minch are intended for tho buildimr of a im-m- Orphan Houw. The programme will lie as follows: October 20th. Principal Rehearsal. October30th. Haydn’s Grand Oratorio, "The CrertkpOr a cnyfG'l t ST October 31st. Grand Sacrpd Concert. Musicians and able amateurs wishing to partic- ipate in the performances, will please apply to tlie Secretary, to whom all communications or inqui ries have to be addressed. E. F. B1CHEL, Music Director and Secretary. Committee.—R,t. Rev. Bishop Gross, T. C. Dempsey, Alderman, C. Burke, Alderman. P.Fitz- gerlad, ex-Alderman. D. Daly, ex-Aldennan, J. T. Wilkinson, T. E. Meiclian. Tho following papers will please copy once and send bill to Secretary; Columbus Sun, Augusta Chronicle, Atlanta Herald, Savannah News, Ath ens Watchman. % augsost GRATES. TRUMAN & GREEN. FOR RENT. am Dwelling, with thi Hi, on Tatnall Square, of Mr. E. Price, at 325 j<cr month. Apply to J. SEYMOUR RODUfeRS. augSl tf At Seymour. Tinsley A Co.'*. SCHOOL NOTICE. IIEXRY T. CONNER. FOR RENT. I. C. PLANT. For Sale or Rent. six rooms. Possession given immediately. Apply on the premise’s t<> augSl 2t* C. T. EXPERIENCE. Notice to Contractors. "IYIDS will bo received by the undersigned up to tho 15th of September, for erecting a " Ihiblic School Building ' in the Second Ward iu the city of Macon. Plans and specifications can be had on applica tion to D. B. Woodruff, Architect, at Ids office in the City Bank Buildimr, Third street. The city will furnish all the 8tone, Brick, Lime and Sand. The Committee reserve to themselves tho right t*> aavpt. or reject niiv, or nil, bids mrulc. W. A. HUFF. Mayor, aucHl tf Acting Chairman of Committo**. Auction Sale of Iron Ties : By Bell, Stnrterant & Co., OF SAVANNAH. O N WKDNESDAY.Sd September, at 11 o'clock, will be sold in front of our store, 170 Bay street. 1.900 bundles SWEDES IRON (COTTON) TIES, (10 feet Ties.) Samples can bo seen at our store. The pur chasers can let them remain in bonded ware house by transfer, and pay storage from day of sale. Dried Peaches! Dried Peaches 'yjy'E will pay the highest Cash Price for Dried aug222w NEW BOARDING HOUSE THE PIRST OF AUGUST I will open the ..ouse on Mulberry street, opposite the La nier House, (Granite Hall) formerly kept by N. Binswanger. Board $25 per month, and the table supplied with the best the market affords Rooms in be had either with or without furniture. nu*6 lm E. M. BREWS’, Agent. TO RENT. r VO TENEMENT HOUSES, or one eight- room House for rent. FOB RENT, TWO DWELLING HOUSES, cl'uriblv located. J. Apply Jnlyntf DWELLING TO BENT. of water, etc. Terms very moderate. ate. Apply t W. HAS DA I FOR RENT. OTORE-HOUSE recently occupied by Johnson A O Smith, in the Planters’ Warehouse. Posses- 'on riren immediately. Also, one f<>nr-room DWELLING and six two- *»m HOUSES. Apply to auzfeodlm H. T. JOHNSON. Over 1,200 Building Lots, cant*. Ext^nuing as tht>»* lot* do from opposite the Mercer University to the old Rare Trn *k, and iieing mostly higher than any others in Macon’: >i<Tuity, many uf them i>resent -pk-iulid views o tb** city and Mimxindiru: country for many miles -kI beans hist abo^t* tlie common regk :i of mi:u* a. tmiNt be cumpnrativeh best 1 toy. laten^eral L* already a fine industrial pojiula tkvi of several hundred faiailiae. and new hpW i!»r> c •nsiantlv »>. ing ereutrel. i Tk^' loti can now be wcun.il cheap for r erahar on Ions time, and where iwities de-ire it. ;uul cun iumb«h the means to purvbasc material*, lut.* mav be irnji agreed on. arvj the. balor.iv pail by ea.\. ur-nt-. Now is the time for illcgxxns. Who Id want to pay rent when bouses can be so ea sily had ? Titles UnftaUc. Apply to 26c<*l2w 31. S. THOMSON. LOOK OUT CAPITALIST. Y AM ottering for rah* a valuable house and lot. I :» rert>*r locaii.m. iu the lvidtKw* jc-rtiuii of be city, fclmble for dwellings or business house*. Iiiieral terms as to price and time can 1* made on earlv argilkaliou to _ W. T. MORG AN. />r CUBBEDGE, HAZLEHURST A CO. 211 »w4w DR. WOODBEIDGE'S PAIN LINIMENT R EMOVES il from, live to twenty minutes the uitot violent uain* ot NEURALGIA and HRONIC RHEUMATISM, curimr very > .*re wiu> o! tU»e in from cne to fire day.*; bo the STIFFNESS OF THE JOINTS which ^Koetim** h'wmpenh'* the ls-t. It nl-u cures SPRAINS OF THE JOINTS in twelve boon; GIV-M-BOILS. NERVOUS HEADACHES, eluding tbo? which follow IuuraiiUe*.: lei.-r* od T<*gb from ou« to f»\e BBmit -taJv, Calif. Ring Worn aiinl The i-cood wa? cur-1 m HrV, rHh*inr h tu - ls?t f«w minute, ibr jwiu :»• tbe Igad atrl luck. ami tL.* rigidity U the uiumHof tie* nre-k. See i irruiarare»!ituiinug‘vrtttK»itc?<«i it» iirtae? bui tb< "he hate uwl :t. at tli»* Drug Sturevof tt. B. HALL. Ma***n. snd H- V. ULMER. Savan nah. wb.. lia\. it for salt*. Adilrcss onl**rf to DR. D. G. WOODBRIDGE. xmrh5 JawJrwtf Brunswick. Ga. —From this date my— Saloon and Restaurant Will be CPEN ALL NIGHT. MEALS served at any lioir. I keep only the Best Wines and Liquors, And my Restaurant caries of the season. sep2 tf Mess Pork. Meis Pork. -A BAiBELS full wcirfit MESS POEK. rj W jus! rececived and for sale by sepi-S JONES A BAXTER. Cooking Butter. 4 /Y PACKAGES, from 20 to 50 pounds, rJh KJ sto\i and for sajj cheap, by JONES A BAXTER. Corn, Oats, Hay, jy£EAL. BRAN and COW PEAS. lor sale very Flour, Flour, Flour, I N Barrel*, Quarter, naif and Whole Sacks, good and as cheap ns any in market. For sale by JONES A BAXTE - Whisky. and from first hands. For rale by sep33t JONES & BAXTER. Thousands of mothers have placed on record their belief, that for all complaints of tho stomach and bowels to which children are subjects, “ tahraxt's effervescent seltzer aferieat is tho most unexceptionable of correctives and al teratives. The reasons for this belief are obvious* It forms a delirious and most refreshing draught, relieves tho bowels of all acrid matter without pain, alleys fever, induces sleep, strengthens tho digestion, neutralizes acid in the stomach, cures flatulence,' acts as a gentle stimulant, tones tho tender nerves, and never gripes the patient. What family can afford to be without such a rcsourco in sickness? Sold by all druggists. sept2 2awAw2w. THE PLACE -TO BUY Y0CR- KER0SENE OIL, LAMPS, AND LAMP CHIMNEYS, —Is at the— Triangular Block Drug Storc ; Where none but FIRE TEST is sold. All of my Oil is branded "Safe,” by Dr. J..Emmet Black- shear, Inspector. ROLAND B. HALL, Comer Cherry street and Cotton Avenue. sep2 tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Carolina Military Institute, CHARLOTTE, N. C. STITUTE \. ill Ik t, d on 1st OCTO- BKR next, under the above name. The Military feature will be adopted as* means of securing discipline and of improving tho phy- Soientific Studies, ahd the standard tint be thorough and complete in every branch. The Mathematical Department will under the charge of General 1>C U. 1IILL. and other competent assistants will hi employed. The terms for board and Tuition,Including text books, fuel, lights ami washing, are for the scholastic year.payable one-halfe in advance and the balance at lhe beginning of the aocoiwl tenq, February 14. For further information apply to the under* signed for circular. j/F. THOM VS. srpti It Supcrintendelit.' _ Till or Money Drawer ! ' MILES’ ALARM TILL —OR— SAFETY MONEY DRAAVER, A Sure Protection Against Thieves. Admirably or any one receiving and paying: 9Ut Money. .store keeper.*.. Fitted With Compartments for Bills, Currency ami Specie. Nickels. Ready to attach to any coun ter in a few minutes’ time. —SOLD AT— Fairbanks Scale Warehouses, 311 nroadway, New York. 2 Milk Street, Boston And l.y the Uanlnmre Tni.te generally, ^pito-lm, t s KORfllA. BIBB COUNTY.—Four weeks af- vT ter .late application will be mado to tlw Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell all the real estate o( James C. Baicmore, late of ™ UM, ' V ‘^JOIIN H. WOODWARD, sept* 4t Administrator. , . Will be sold, before tho Court-house door, in the town of In inton, in tlic county aforesaul. within tho legal hours of rale, the followmg lauds, to wit: Sixty-three acres of land, of No. 216. m the twenty-sixth district of raid cuuuty, adjuuuuK lands of Larkin McConnell. Seal»m Fountain ami others. Levied on by virtue of a li. fa. from the Superior Court of said county, on a judgment ob tained in the County Court of raid county in favor of William R. Pi xL-y. against Richard Taylor, as lho property of raid Ricliard Taylor. Also, will be sold at the same tune and place, seven tv-live acres of land, of lot No. 28, in the 5tli district of raid county, adjoining lands of Peter Roach, as tlie proyerty of James Stevens. Levied on by virtue of a fi. fa. from tho Superior Court of said county, in favor of Jones X Hall, against raid James Stevens. Also, at the same tinio ami place, four hundred aud two and one-lialf acres, more or less, of land known as the Bloodworth Place, being all of lot No. 123,100 acres of lot No. 115, and 100 acres of lot No. 116. all*in the 4th district of Wilkinson countv, adjoining lands of Thomas Temples, P. P. Crutchfield and others. Levied on hs tho prop erty of A. 11. Cumming. under a fi. fa of T. N. Beall, Receiver vs. said A. H. Cumming, Lssned from tho Superior Court of said county. This August 30th, 1873. ’ ^ ™ T '* X ’ 4V sep2 tds D ooly sheriff sales for October. Will be sold, before tho Court House door, in Vienna, cm tho first Tuesday in October next, ’within the legal hours of rale, lot of land No. ICO, in the 2d district of raid county. Sold to satisfy sundrv Suiwrior Court li. fas. in favor of J. B. Leonnnl vs. George A. Thoxnjison as principal, and John A. Hollam and A. B. I'aul as MN-urities, containing 2021 acres, more or less. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. August 2Stli. 1S73. Also, at tlie same time and place, lot of land No. in tho 1#th ilist.-ict. known as tho C. A: Thorp ° place, enntaininat I0i5 acres, mon. or less. Sold to JUllN \ AbhN l i.mj. ^tisfy a Superior Court ft. fa. issued from 3Iaccm countv iu favor of John Hill vs. C. A. Thorp. Property pointed out by plaintiffs attorney. Au- gust 28th, 1873. . , Also, at the same time and place, lots of land Nos. 38 and a ]«irt of lot No. 39, and iiinety-tivt* acres off of lot No. 41. All of raid lands situated in the first district of Dooly county, containing 395 acres, more or less. S»ld to satisfy a SniM*rior Court li. fx in favor of J. 1>. Wilkes vs. Sophia A. Law. John Joiner, and W. J. Joiner. Property pointed out by plaintiffs. August 2Sth. 1S73. sep2 tds W. L. GRAHAM, Sheriff. PROVISIONS IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT Farmers and Merchants AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST -OFFERED BY— A. B. SMALL, jnl.v27 tf No. 10 Hollingsworth Block. THE DOG-DAYS —AND— THE DOG STAR! ■ AVERY year we have to para through the dog* J J days. Tho star “whoso burning bremth.’* as Homer sunc, "taints the ml air with fevers, plagues, and death.” aba in August, and this is, of all seasons, tho time to try the marvelous power Of that great anti-bilious medicine, Simmons’ Hvcr Regulator! Ye who pine upon the brink of the grave hasten to trrtke efflcao* °f this hvorito Home Remedy. You will not n*cret it. Those who try it will find irniju tliate relief and a penOJUMBt cun*. Invalids luivc iliM-overed that in tins wonderful vegetable compt aud th*v have a gentle Catluirtie. a thorough Alterative, an excellent Tonic,a certain Correct of all Impurities of the Body. No Preventive Medicine has ever been offered to the public equal to or as efficacious as SIM MONS' Lim REGULATOR. A course of the Regulator commenced now, will purify and regu late the whole system—placing it in an attitude of complete defence— fortified and guarded against tbo unwholesome miasmatic inlluence of the dog- <Uys. REGULATE YOUR LIVER and prerent lKspci»sia, Chilis ami Fever. Constipation, Sour Stomach. Sh*k Headache. Chronic Diarrh* Bilious Attacks. Ac. Simmons* Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEIL1N A CO^ Macon, Ga^ and Philadelphia. aiurSl d2tawiw GRASS SEED! GRASS SEED. VY 7E are receiving in store the following GRASS- BSJresli and dean: RED CLOVER, SAPLING CLOVER, ORCHARD GRASS, BLUE GRASS, RED TOP GRASS, HUNGARIAN GRASS. LUCERX SEED. HEMP SEJED. Orders solicited. Hunt, Rankiu & Lamar, GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY FOR SEPTEMBER. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MEDICAL CARD. _ _ _ found, day and night, at his office over Rankin, Massenburg & Ca’s Drug Store, corner Mulberry and Third streets. Macox, April 28.1873.opr28eodtf SALE OF House and Lot in Vineville TT71LL bo sold, on the first Tuesday in Septcm- V T ber next, before the Court House door it the city of Macon, during tlie legal bouso of rale, tho House aud Lot on which C. K. Holmes now lives, in Vineville. on the road leading by and near tho Macon and Western' Railroad; the lands of Geo. W. Scattergood on the south, and W. 3J. 31c- Geo on tho north. Tho lot-contains two acres, more or less, fronting on tho rood and running back to the railroad. Sold for distribution to joint owners. Terms of sale cash, on delivery of prop- ertv. E. V. HOLMES. ang£8 lw* JAS. R. TUTOR. SPECLAL Notice to Tax Payers! In accordance with the Tax Ordinance, The Third Quarterly Tax Will be due on or before September 10th, aftei which time I will be forced to issue EXECUTIONS A6AINST ALL DEFAULTERS, he city requiring funds, I am instructed gire no Further Tinie to any One. I therefore ask all tax payers to come forward without delay, in order that they may avoid hav ing their names publislied. and save trouble and expense. All will be dealt with after September 10th as the Ordinance directs. O. F. ADAMS. sep28t City Assessor and Collector. Change of Sailing Days. Pacific Mail Steamship Co.’s THROUGH BINE TO CALIFORNIA. CHINA AND JAPAN, Touching at Mexican Ports, AND CABKYING THE U, S. HAIL. Fares Grcasly Reduced. O NE of the lanre and splendid St simships of this line will leave Pier No. 42 North River, foot of Canal St- at 12 o'clock noon, on the 5th, and 2«>th of every month (except wbeh those dates fall on Sumlny, a^l then on the preceding Saturday) for ASPINWALL. connecting, ris Panama Railway with one of -the Company's > team'hip from Psrwma for SAX FRANCESCO, touching at MANZANILLO. All departures connect at Panama with steam- on* for South Pacific and Central American port**. . For Japan and China.steamers leave SanFran- isoo first of every month, except when it fall Su’oday, then oa the day preceding. On- finulred pounds of Baggage allowed to •v-h adult. Bar^mre received on deck tlie day l>cfarc sailinr, from steamboats, railroads and paraemrers wlio prefer to seul down early. An experienced Surgeon on board. Medicine ^attendance free. For Freight or l’h.raenver Tickets or further in- lonnatiou. apply at the ChiB|«iy*I Ticket Office, on tb>- Wharf, foot of Canal street. North River, Ne w York. GEO. H. BRADBURY, President. , H. J. Rclult, Sopt. attg2 ly tb^» (late If*tvc/. application will be raad' the Court of Ordinary of said county, hr leave sril a!! tlie wild lands jvlonging to Mrs. L. i1. Butts, and the minor children of James R. Butts, deceased. A. li. ROSS. syt2 4t Guardian. WHISEMT’S Caterpillar Destroyer! ROYALTY EEMOYED stroyer to any who wish to use it at seven and a half cents a pound, advising the use of twenty pounds to tho acre. This compound wc have no hesitation in recommending as the most effectual, and of little or no injury to the plant. This price is about as cheap as any farmer can prepare it—to say nothin* of the bed results place it lias WRF waived the royalty. Alxbxt, Ga., August 1,1873. “The Whisenant Compound has bren experi mented with by a good many of our planters, and very thoroughly. It has answered eveiy expecta tion. and without injuiy to the plant when applied as directed. N.A A. F.'TiPT & CO.” Our Terms are Cash or proved Acceptance. Ap- Addrcs all order, to Hunt, Rankiu & Lamar, junt^lJ codAwfim Drugaist-.. Macon. Oa- FOR TWENTY DAYS f. i & For the next Twenty Day?, will offer GREAT INDUCEMENTS To all a ho are m wnri-h e! G EORfilV. CRAWFORD COUNTY. Mr. Joaaana Pcpe, uxtvutrii of the Lv»t will ai d /"l TJ T7 i T) Y 1 A A Tl C »:.i!i.ailoi aol^mon 1-J’cie. lauiol u*u- \j J J J, A J |l (l it 1/ij /. u^oMc,l.havingfrpri—atdd to me. that Oe it' lull, administered !*ud ' -'lal:. aeeordilix to l!» t-nor and eBcrt "f said w.ll, applies to me for S -r- u .li«iii«io,L These on- ua-relore to rite kpw hrterrrted toappearat my uffioe. with- i :hu time prefto-rdied bylaw, to show cause, if ,ve. wliv said should not Given under my hand and official iguature this 30th day of August. 1873. W • ic*jjt2 3m* ‘ JAS. J. RAY, Onliiian*. augll tf And especially to Cash Buye A. BANKS & SONS. DRAWINGS DAILY AT 5 P. M. CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 30,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO $53,253 20. TICKETS $100, SHARES IN PROPORTION. _ combination of 78 numbers, making 76.076 tickets and tho drawing of 12 ballots, there will be 220 prizes, each having three of the drawn numliera on it; A356, each tun ing two of them on; 23,740, each having one only of them on; and also 43.760 tickets, with neither of the drawn numbers on them, 1icing blanks. To determine the fate of these prizes and blnnks, 78 numbers, from 1 to 78 inclusive, will bo sever ally placed in a wheel en the day of tho drawing, and 12 of them drawn out at random; and that ticket having for its combination tlic 1st, 2d and 3d drawn numbers, will be entitled to tho Capital Prize of $7,000 00 That ticket having on it the 4th, 5th. and 6th drawn numbers, tp C50 00 That ticket having on it the 7th, 8tli and 9th drawn uumliers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 10th, llthand 12th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it tlie 2d, 3d and 4th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 3d, 4th and 5th drawn numbers, to. 630 00 That ticket having on it the 5th, Cth ami 7th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket haring on it tlic Ctli, 7tli ami 8th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 8th, 9th and 10th drawn numbers, to 630 00 That ticket 1 taring on it the 9th, 10th and 11th drawn numbers, to 630 00 That ticket having on it tlie 1st, 2d and 4th drawn numbers, to 650 00 That ticket haring on it the 1st, 2d and 5th drawn numbers, to 217 60 That ticket haring on it tlie 1st, 2d and Cth drawn numbers, to 217 60 All other tickets (being 207, with three of the drawn numbers on), each 20 00 Those G6 tickets having on them the 1st and 2d drawn numbers, each 1000 Those 66 tickets haring on them the 3d and 4th drawn numbers, each 5 00 All other tickets (being 4,244) with two of the drawn numbers on, each 2 00 And all those tickets (being 25,740) with ono only of tlie drawn numbers, each... 100 CAPITAL PRIZE. On Mondays Capital will be... % . $7,000 00 *” ™ * «-•-» run.u.i —m l. 4f500 oo 6,000 00 5,000 00 For further particulars send for schemes. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of superior denomination can be entitled to an infe rior prize. Prizes parable forty (40) days after th« drawing, and subject to the usual deduction of 15 per cent. Aik prizes of $20 and under will bo paid imme diately after the drawing. Prizes cashed at this office. HOWARD & CO., aug31-tf 3Ianngors. Atlanta, Ga. FALL TRADE, 1873. HERTZ, VIRGIN & CO. WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTENTION OF Wliolesale Buy «'• rs To their laryv nml well assorted Stork ot Clothine tor (ha rouMrr trade-. OUR STOCK OF CALL ON W. A. JUHAN & GO 50 pieces Colored Alpacas, at 25 cents. 4-4 Bl’ch. Homespun, at 10 and 121-2 cents. 10-4 Bed Spreads, at $1.50. And quite a variety of other Goods, which they are selling AT BARGAINS To make room for their FALL STOCK Now on the way DOMESTICS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, and WHITE GOODS, to suit the tastes and purse of all, at S, T. Coleman’s Old Stand, TRIANGULAR BLGCK. Homes for the People! rpHREE of the most ELIGIBLE LOTS for pri- JL vote residences, for sale at low down figures. Neighborhood the 1 nsTin the city. Terms as rea sonable ond accommodating as can be expected. I nnl„ Tr»II V New York and Brunswick PACKET LINE IE attention of the mercantile public is re- fcpertfully called to the above Packet Line be tween New York and Brunswick. Ga. The schooner S. P. Hall will be ready to receive freight in New York on or about the 1-th of Au gust, and the G. L. Bradley about tho 20th Au- ° We have cvcrv facility for receiving storing and rwimling freight, and all froirht shipped by this line \rill receive prompt attention. W \ It REN R VY, Ag t New York, 120 M *11 st. v a C. L1TTLEFIBLD X CO- 3wt f Brunswick, Ga. 'E7BTP0TTEB, M. W. homoeopathist O FFICE Wood's Block. Second street- thi"! door below John*ton jewelry establishment. FINE CLOTHING I» now romjilcte and comprise, everythin-; new and nobby | n Diagonal, Basket, Tricale, Beaver and Cassimere Suits, Overcoats, Robes, Buggy Blankets, Etc,, Etc. We also ask an examination of our large stock of Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Which embraces everything new and popular in UNDERWEAR AlIVE> NECKWEAR • OF ALL THE FASltIOXABLE STYLES. A SPECIALTY—SHIRTS made to order and a fit guaranteed. ireful inspection of our goods Is invited. Merchants can saTC both time and money hy buvhu? HERTZ, YHMHN & CO., migSltf 90 CHERRY STREET. MACON. GA. ROSS & COLEMAN, JOBBERS OF BOOTS A-HSTD SHOES, Hats and N otions, Macon, Georgia. THE ATTENTION OF WHOLESALE BUYERS, Is earnestly called to tho fact tliat we are how prepared to save them both time and money in th purchase of their FALL AND WINTER STOCK —OF— 0r7 Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Notions. WE SELL. AT WHOLESALE OTSTLY. OUR STOREROOM BEING ADEQUATE. ENABLES US TO KEEP THE LAMEST AND MOST COMPLETE. STOCK TO BE FOUND IN ANY MARKET . IIST THE) SOUTH. With ample means to take advantaiw of all DISCOUNTS and DRIVES, and with expenw k~>* half, than any house doityr tho sarao amount of burinc-t*, we feel warranted in aajin* tlci « make Prices and Terms Equal to any Market in the Union. A heavy stock of FACTORY GOODS always on hand at Factory Prices. BOSS & COLEMAN. aug24lf MACON, GEORGIA^ D F.FLEMING. ' AMES 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, yOB THE PALL T^ADE. -nrz are now rw-eivine frum the Manufacturers a ten- larat »nd mil JSSXJttorSariu* W SHOES. AND TRUNKS of every description, winch will he sold as low as m any Men hants visiting Charleston are invited to examine our stock. 0. V. {XBD9o a CO., ! UAY.VE STREET. CORNER OF CHURCH STREET nILr itfJ!* SAMUEL A. NELSON. [su^Meodtin] JAMEM.1W — WANTED Apply to J, m, B0ARDMAN FOR BENT. BOH the 1st of October next the following property, belonging to the estate of Mrs. Jane Huger*, deceased ■ The eight-room house on Oglethorpe street where Mrs. Rogers formerly lived. One five-room dwelling bourn on Oglethorpe; now occupied by Dr. T. W. Mason. One ‘tore-house on corner of Oglethorpe and Third streets, opposite Findlay’s Irou Work*. Two five-room dwelling houses on Third street, opposite Findlay’s Iron Works. One storehouse on the corner of Arch and Third streets, now occupied by H. M. Behr. Also a number of other nail booses. For terms of rent, etc., inquire *f mBR HARRIS, auftt dlw sotulw Executor. Pen Lucy School for Boys, AT WAVERIN', TWO MILES NORTH OF BALTIMORE- MP Tue nest Session will begin on the ISO. September. F tbe absence of the Principal, who 4 iu Kurope withsosneof hi* for plane# should be made 8t - ? * ul Tl: JOHNSTON. "Tui L , u S;i'^ r W * w ’ y ‘