Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 04, 1873, Image 1

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—’""" ~ i mmi ,1 1 If By clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 4, 1878. NULtBF^ 6,711 frclcflMphd'glcsMuger thcmpat mobxi.vo.septoi ueka 1CT A Kent Thing for One of the . Family. Mr. OrvitU Grant, one- of tha admisri*-' line'* Isotiiw*. ha* lately (topped into a y rr j neat thiagi- He ha* inbred from (3ueago.to.8t. Louis. where tbu Govern ment b about to build a bi/> curlon:- The contract for farnuhtp^-tho atone, emotmting to $800,000, haa been awarded to Meura. Snyder A Brown. Ur; Walsh, the loaal architect, w represented to be a friend of Ur. OrrUle Grant. Tho, *few York Son now charge* Mint Ur. Or- riQe L. Grant haa aeonied from the con. tractor* an appointment a* “their clerk, at a ealary at $5500 a year,'in addition to which Ur. Grant ia aim to receive a emmimion of 10 per oent. on the amount of their contract—that ia to say, n round ,nm of $80,000 over and above hie f alary.’ Indian Antiquities. To Geeryhnu: A di*tiagniahed eon of Ocorgia, C. C. Jcmc*. Jr.. haa lately writ ten ifnd published a most interesting illustrated book devoted jnajhly. to, tf>» antiquities of the Indian races that formerly inhabited this State.' He dearea to obtain farther specimens of Indian stone work, pottery and other, object* illuftniting Indian life, for tbo purpose of liriaging out an enlarged and im proved edit** 1 of h>* fine work. Any anJ *11 contribution* for this purpose will be thankfully received by Ur. Jones, and may be left at the Port Office, or at the residence of V. O. McAdoo, Esq., in Mil fogevflle, whence they will be forwarded Vo Mr. Jones.—MUlrlgi-viUu Recorder. THE GEORGIA PRESS.* Lust Week’s Cotton Figures. Tne Kew York Financial and cial Chronicle report* receipt* fori the j PWrc Blodgett write* to one of his week ending las* Friday night, LOth An- <on* at Atlanta, that he is not rolling in glut ut $.237 helot ag.dnst 10541 ba]<» • wenlth (tall—that helms a hard time to last week, 10581 hales the previous i make both ends meet, and that he is only cultivating one hundred acres in cotton, Hbt telegraph Us. J. G. Stsioeu, a Savannah photo grapher, died on heard the bark Lilly DAT DISPATCHES. That’* a Fact.—Quoth the Montgom ery Advertiser, it is a great convenience to the traveling public whtn a railroad ticket offico t* in the heart of the city. It does aw»y with all necessity of going to the depot »nd hurrying around while the train i*. perhaps on tha point of leaving, to get • ticket, or of sending otfffing away over them to effect that p irpni before one is ready to leave home. \ That Is a reflection wo lute (Ben in dulged in in respect to Macon. \Thore was s time when things were in hem. Under the rule*, regulation- ordinance* one could not pass ini station house without a ticket, and not buy a'ticket until ho got into station louse. That waa tho time ha-1 the Jienple in a corner; but while they let up on ns. The trntli however, there should be a ticket uptown. , No reason exist* for making agricul- tm» a collegiate specialty, nor do these institutions amount to any great sum considered from that point of view. Tho pbuv to learn farming is on tho farm, and not cn a garden patch or out of books: As well try to learn blackstaithing or bricklaying out of books as to plough, sow and rtap. It can't be done.—New Tori (.Vmmerriul Mnrtuer. Vary glibly spoken, to bo sure, but many wise men think differently. Both p an* are good to acquire a knowledge of fanning. Combine tho two, and tho pro duct is intelligent fanning, which always pnys. A fool may stumble sometimes updb a way to raise good crops, but it takes an intelligent man who has studied books that teach him the composition and needs of his soil to knowhow they should be ridtivatod. This railing against what is erroneously called "book farming” haa ployed oat in all civilised oesuntrios. Paounc Wheat.—There was ex hibited at Baltimore, on the IStli.abunch of wheat stalk*, from which hail been ♦•u! on* hundred and thirty good heads, the production of a single grain of wheat. It was grown in Essex county, \ a. Another bench, from the same farm, con taining one hundred and forty heads, produced one and a half pint* of good wheat. tho yield of two grail who examined the bunch exhv nounced it a great curiosity, tleman had before seen twi stalks from a single grain, and garded a* wonderful; but this lunch is nearly five time* grenjer. 4 Tux Memphis Avalanche say*.'"the Georgia Frau Association took ver, posi tive ground, at its late convttion. against the new law eononming ntspa- por exchange*, as being «» >nva^n of the Unmnnitiea of the "fourth «M>” of the ii-untry, and adverse to tho moral welfare. The new.law has been inpreo since the 1st of July. »“d t<" journal* have complained of its worl Will seme one explain why ner- publishera should obtain gratis tMfor previous Nc-ek and 10,CM bales three week* inoe, making the total receipts since the 1st of Septemlier, 1872.3.G17586 bales against 2,724,181) boles for the same period cl 1871-2, showing an istroaae since Scp- tomber 1, 1872, of 833,307 '•ales. The interior pbrt'raoeipts were 2,174 Isxlea. risj visiblc supply table footed up 2,055,008 hales, against 2,133535 last year gjglfk 1561 tty yeaa-tiefeie-show. ing a decrease on last year’s stocks of 100,457 hoi. .- The Liverpool quotations arc 8{d against lOd last year, and 0)d to bid the year before. The Chronicle bar the following: 4 AYXATKrn RxrouTa bt Telegraph.— I Our report* by telegraph this week are rather more favorable, leas rpin having fallen, but decided complaints of injury from catoijliibn in the lower half of the Gdlf hta^fKjrtiKnmde.. In most other sections the condition' ox the plant appear* to be satisfactory. At New Or leans it has rained In two days—showers. They have liad rain on three days at Mo bile; there ia no change in the statements with regard tj> the caterpfllari.,- they have undoubtedly 'done much injury, but the report* are conflicting as to-thaWEtent of the Injury. At Selma, also, they have had rain on three days, and' it i« now raining: our correspondents add tltoi the destruction by the caterpillar* -in that section is very bad: It has been warm and dry at Montgomery all the week; much damage has been done by caterpillars, and they are reported ir I “ reported in errery portion of the neigh borhood. They have also h«A wnrtn and dry weather all the week at Columbus^ complaints are made that both the cater pillar and boll worm are at work. At Machn it has rained on two days, and at Augusts, on mere than lutlf the days of the week; our telegram from the latter point soy* that they are having too much rain, and that very little now cotton is coming in yet All the early part the week wai pleasant at Savannah, but the latter part of the week they have h„.l rain. It has rained on one clay at Mom- pliis; report* with regard to the crop are generally favorabl y At Nashville it his bean very war*, the. hottest wither of the season; have had no rain there week, but need it much; crop reports ore very satisfactory. The thermometer at Memphis ho* averaged 8i; at Montf-ome- ry 8<s i^t Mobile 81, Savannah 81, Selma S3, Macon 83, Columbus 83. The Chronicle says tho Torn: crop .hi full a fortnight behind last year, m,,! tin Mississippi Valley crop about ten day*: That paper’s annual crop report sjitl be published on Thursday, the llt.1i instant and ha* only one-’tlrird interest in that. Foster no doubt groans when he thinks of the good old times when he was run ning the Stale road, and smoking Havanas that cost the tax payers of Georgia one dollar a piece in Sew York. Tux Maetttta Cadet's Oo-nricmox at Att.as rxvj-Gqn. Smith addressed the convention on Tuxaday after which (he following reerdntksu were passed: Rosdved. X. Tfast we earnestly desire the early re-establiuhmcnt of the Insti tute. Beeolvi 1, 2. That to bring about this much desired end tile President of this convention do nominate a provisional board of trustees, to consist of fifteen of the ex-Cadet Asscciatior, wboee duty it shall l i to draft a suitable charter, and take such steps as they may seem neces sary to have the soma passed, and to me- moralize the Legislature of thi)r Sta* • at it* next annual session for such an ap propriation from ths Treasury of the that sailed from Savannnh for Liverpool The Storm—Terrible Furj and Havoc cn the first of Julv. Hi* remain* were j Hamus; Scptemltr 3.—A letter from Imrie-l at sea. * I 3a ™ ft gale inflicted BxreoLa^U Uant^o^-Thel^a’^ Sumter Republican ofTue3day says : 1 loss to the inhabitants" of Greyshoro, On Tuesday night last, the residence of 1 mostly to travelers, is about $20,000. , * Maj. AVm. A. Black, in Marion county, _ It is stpposed that no leas than one entered by some burglar* while the inmates were asleep. The thieves car ried off a Saratoga trunk which contained a large amount of wearing apparel be longing to Jlra. B.. aUo. a small trunl: containing vali at,:- je.vel.-y and a Urge amount ,,f not :* :.nd vnluablu papers They also gut hold of the Major’s pockc# ' book, containing $175, which he left in his panto on retiring. The trunks were carried seme distance from the house and rifled of their, content-. The family knew nothing of the theft until the next morning. The Saratoga trunk and clothes were recovered, but the thieves member!, ten of whom shall be members -carried off the small trunk which con tained the papers and jewelry. As yet nothing ha* been seen or heard of the burglars. We find tho following in the Atlanta Herald, of yesterday: ” Seluxo a Fobtoxe.—We hear from Mate ae will place tire Institute upon a | several sources that immense amounts of firm bn?;*, and that they toketmeh otk<w janiaro being sold to toK'^n capitalists, steps as may bo required to aconpplish i ln Bartow, Polk, Murray, Du.de, and G:l- the end desired. | nier counties, and at extremely low iur- Se.vo!ved;3. That He provisional Board “*»*• , K is said that tfaeirrejUjeld*; tiuR of Trustees invite pr'jposals arid dona- I the farmer can hardly raise a crop of tionx from such cities and towu? a.s may ! grartPS* to)'! -SfTUaUJ. hillocks or moun- ddsire to.dfcr ir»duc« mcabv>-' the fcS- a&^S^Cfey OMKl) tion of the Institute in ito niidsty and tb*t said Board of (Trustees take into 00nsi'lt-ration such profFosals and daterm- ine in Ha discretion, upon the location of the Institute, at such place as it deems proper. . Resolved, 4. That firmly believing in Uxo-werthinesK o» our object, wedo hereby pledge all of our influence, individually and collectively to its attainment, and we -will allow no local preferences tooflerany impediment to thu early and successful re-establishincnt of the Georgia Military Institut. Kesolved, 5. That the Secretary of this Convention he required to send a cOpy of these resolutions to li ? Exeellcney,’the Governor, with the request that he sub mit the same especially to tho next Gen eral Assembly with suih recommenda tion as he may deem necessary to accom plish the end proposed. ' * 6. That thl Portyof Charleston Tho News and Courier’s review off the •uunerma] Year in CJvuj^tpu, termL .ting the 31st ultT. apeaim'wcll for ttiAf ty.- She ha* shipped 388,710 1*1. . of cotton ngainat 270,501 last year; bales 8c* IslandJ against 11,585 «tiansf x?»k against 40:077,: 325^. lsxrrcU naval stores against 131,553; tons of raw and raanufactued ■hates, against 70,012; twenty-one feet of lumber against eighteen ; 22,000 hales of cotton goods 20,000. These evidences of thrift g prosperity in the face of dons obstacles ns Charleston ntorod ever since the war are. tg and indicate whatTthe under favorable cireum- :qtigratal:iie the' old city by the silhat she is still able to keep afloat <»V top wave although black radicalism^ tied leaden sinkers to her heels. ^.SfeJjhnftP’^ade: T18510 pock ages of v tables shipped during tho last year, inst 01,020 the year before. Her gencr ebbing trade has incicosod from 1214 33 per cent. In dry goods jobbing th ■creese has beon $3,250,000. Fancy dry ad* 25 per cent; clothing 20 per cen hats and caps ^Oper cent.; drugs and Heines 831 per cent.; crock ery 20 per at. In groceries she sold over twolv. iUions' worth, and in boots and shoes n illion and a hall. Success to tho old ] L AY* are glad to got thl* good news tu her. I Tho Dlnoiff Corn Crop. The Ch go Tribune; of Saturday, publirlied i lories t»f reports from sixty odd points : thrccwo-protlucing portiow of Illinois ill Iowa, the jgeneral import of which wnlhat tpe rnvi of «m plant- Oil was less is yejm than last year, and that, owing 1 the int* planting and the drouth, the |eld dbes not promise more birds thje avyrage yield than lutlf or ro-th which otbor* are compelled to vyf ^ yau a -087.MO buahels, which Newspaper publishing is a mere ular ^ IST9. EstTmatimr the of business, which sboald bo condi according to business ruke.” Involved, C. That this Convention do earnestly recommend its members to en rol their names as members of the Asso ciation of fix-Codet* and officers of thu Georgia Military Institute, to which As sociation this Convention hereby trans fer* the guardianship of the interests of i the.Institute. ' The following ‘officers of tfio Ex-Cadet's Association were elected for the ensuing yteir: Captain John Millodgc, Atlanta, Presi dent; Milo 8. Freeman, Macon; J. W. Robertson. Marietta; L. J. Hill, Newnan, .Vice Presidents. J. B. Bridges. Atlanta, .CjiaAes; Pratt, Griffin, Secrctai-icM. C. AV. Henderson, Atlanta, Treasurer. Apa t!:e following Provisional Board of Trustees: From ex-Cadot Association—Col. J. W. Robertson of Oddi, Gen. P. M. B. Young of llartow, Gen. Robt. U. Anderson of Cliatliiim, Cob John Miliodge of Fultou. Col. E. F. Lawson of Burke, CoL Milo Freeman of Bibb, Col. John W. Robinson of AVoshington, Cupt. L. J. Hill of Coweta. the plow or the hoe, arc most in dv mum Of course the farmer feels rejoiced at get ting rid of these portions of -jiit'lan'i*. which to him are perfectly useless, and no doubt he thinks he ha* strudrn capte tal barman srh«ax he tvclls themlor >5«n acre. Does he forget that hto lamfeia. very deep, and tliat in ito bowels arc riches that would command miUliip-s'( Does he forget that near Rome, old 1 worn- out, hot looking lands, that u year ago would have l>een gladly sold for S3 per acre, cannot be liought now with any amount of money't Does he forget that Cherokee, Georgia, is die richest iron country on the globe, and that iron is more precious than goJJ. Does he for- S t that scores of capitalists, sitting to- y in murky offices in London, are peere ing across the ocean greedily at these very lands that they are selling (or al most giving away) as vjorthlees ? Does ho forget teat there are rich companies in New A’ork who this very moment have in their coun.mg rooms, maps of every foot of iron land in Cherokee Georgia, ami that throng. 1 their emissaries they are daily buying them up ? It rejoices in to know that the old rod irilis of Georgia have become at precious os if they were hills of silver, but it grieves us to know that the people who own them, and live on them, ana love them, are blinded by a little gold dust, aid selling their n-atch- les i heritage for worse than a ‘ mess of pottage: Captain li. D. Cothran, a prom inent banker of Rome, adopted the right course in regard to these iron ’ 'lands. He discovered through a practical geologist employed, where rich de posit* were imboi led. He then, instead of rushing on to New York where this knowledge would have raised a million dollars of stock to wort tho mine.* in less than r, week, sat quietly down and com menced organizing a home eompeay to take charge of the great work, end thus keep the money at home, and enrich our own home people. Widow*, mechanics, guardians, merchant:, farmers, embmeed opportunity to the extent of - .. - — them means, rnd are now drawing from thirty to ninety per cent, on their invest ments. In a half dozen companies formed in Rome, and aggregating very near a million dollars’ worth of stock, there is scarcely a single stockholder who is not a Georgian. Mr. F. I. Stone, Capt. Archer Griffith, Major John T. Burns, the Messrs. Nobles, and other progres sive men, are working up companies as fast os they can, and all acting on ex actly this same principle. While, of gourse, they will weljpnmiv '’VirY _ * Mb. David Ubqvhai;t, of C&lumbu*,- died on Tuesday,, nget\ 00 years. He wa3 0 brother pf Dr. J. A. Drquhart of that Tho laslfe&iriierilUa-Jt'i triot luv* these Goo. P. Harrison of Auburn, Alabama. From the State at large—Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. Hon. Joseph E. Brown, Hon. David Irwin, Hon. Joseph B. Cumining, Hon. AV. A. Huff. Mb. Jacob N. Cakdozo. probably the oldest editor in the United States, ami who died at Savannah last Saturday night, was bom in that city June 17th, 1786, and woj editing a newspaper at Charleston—the Southern Patriot — in 1816. In 1823 he took an active sm* u. Commerce. The grand jury of Baldwin county have recommended the establishment of a county court with F. C. Fuminn os Judge at $600 per annum. Shakes 1 snakes 1 is tho cry from every quarter. The Lumpkin and Miilodge- villo papers join the chorus.- The latter says an unusual number of rattlesnakes have been killed in tho vicinity of Mil- ledgoville this summer. One was over five feet long, and fifteen inches in cir cumference. The Lumpkin Independent says not a death ho* occurred among the five hun dred white population of Uuit place since last October. The effuntry round about, howdr^f, ia.very sickly, and all the phy- itemsj si’-,’:•;--lln .- Stephens near Cool I* Milner in the absenee of her parents ■ two neg oml foreod to get ' more t in half the noi* rntUfFhi Uvotion is 1 portonce of ■ is fact to the people who grow it is colly seen, -tho acreage in j* less than b IS72. ’Estimating yield this yes to average 25 bushels, as in 1871, the i <ult would bo 177,000.000 But he Tribune says: While corn: produced in every county in this State, id produced largely, the product fee exicrtation is grown in about 30 counties. 1) the other 72 counties, the VorpliM. i any. is comparatively 1 ij there ia a deficiency; nties is produced the - has to export. AVhile " of the torn cp^; especially sarin} is the main prodi small, white int are in oonstant asmauu. Some deaths from congestive chills are reported. Mb. Thokas CnociutBdied of ajioplcxy a few miles from Lumpkin, last Tuesday night. He had been drinking freely for several days. Georgia Raiuioad Mattebs. — The Augusta Constitutionalist says: The following change* have been made at the Georgia road: Mr. Geo. Reed, pas senger conductor on the day train, has been promoted to be down freight agent and master of transportation, in place of R. L. Rhodes, suspended. Capt. James Smith, conductor jtn tho night passenger train haa been placed in charge of the day passenger train, vioe Capt. Newman Hicks, promoted to read master. Capt. James Johnson has lieen taken off. the Macon and Augus^i passenger train and placed in charge of Capt. Smith's train on tllb night fine, GteC'f^ia railroad. Capt. Thos Turner, an extra conductor lias been placed in charge of Capt. Johnson’s train, on the Macon and Augusta road. Cant. M.KVclsU haa hen taken off the right pa*enger tru^ pfth*-' Ojprgij road and r£eed in charge of Cupt. Geo. Reed s B ’ day raswaKr train, ^apt. Ed. Purcell, * 1 ‘ ‘ ol the Georgia railroad and serve them with <hiu.er hist Sa))luth. A man by tho nau-j of Head struck anotuer by the name of Butler with a piece of Standing a few days ago at Mil ner. inflicting painful if not fatal injury. AVilltnohasc, and Ton of Upson, and J. M. Schockley, of Pike, Iiavc been ar- resuxl and carried to Macon, to answer Wfore United States, Commissioner for illicit ilistillutvia. AA'ht Beaoo Didn't Captvbe Foet Pickens.-—A correspondent of the New York Sun contribute'* the following to tliat paper: Shortly after Slemmcr and Gilman had taken possession of Fort Pickens, Gilman came ashore and called at tho house of my sister, in the Navy Yanl, where Bragg happened to be taking tea. They met on courteous »ud polite terms, and Gilman, after being supplied with fresh bread and vegetable** from tho garden, returned to the fort. After lie had left, Bragg ra marked, “I know, and Gilman knows that I know, that I qan’ take ^osseanon of Pickens without the loss 01 a man on either tide. I have four thou-and men here, and there is not a hundred in the fort all told.” The natural inquiry was, “AVhy have you not done it ?” The Gen eral. replied, "Our people s:p at. Mont gomery Aiopo that this matter-may-be adjusted without bloodshed, and they hesitate about-strip ing a decirive blow.” After the fall of Gunter, the lady asked Bragg for an explanation. He replied that South Carolina wo Id have other wise made the attack witaent permission of the Confederate Government, and that anything was preferable to the secession of a State from the Confcthnscy'. PnorANAtiOH.—The Harper’s ore ,aiag aa edition of Pickwick, rllustra by Thomas Nasty. The paper*. **y if,* vulgarised Mr, Waller and his il trio us master Iwyoad all poscibilitj recognition. We should conceive *W » result inevitable. A man who has 4 batin^thg^Ig velopeil his genius in the manufsrtnre I cartoons f.w th. weekly • Carriratnre CiviHxatlou” mart neeiwmrily i f«Wrly mrent ofthe Geo™, raiiroaa SxxLL „ snubs Mr. AVattexson. in every thing he touche, out of a bog-pelt Those farmers in Georgia who have Iook „p lost freight, haa been placed English ioumalism in .Solar- , Vcryimug . -md* ren. enough to do them this year I in chargeof Capt Wehdr's night paraen- a English jouroalisra >. batur Tan Cincinnati Commercial is of opin, to read this statement with ger train. AU of these mre excellent ajK -day s Tnbune. torn J*Ln-dh. view, exptW t*» andee H »■» ti*d who know that a short corn j ssssatcfcsssai jzrjsstsjs us 5 P*—» J j YioedJhanedlor P. H. MMl.of the SUte .. - —j—— -b« enters Congress as >JJ CC pi acc for the ••Summer University, died Tuesday morning. capital.” i MmuILL Cogswell, the Savannah Alfred Townsend, the special negro who was respited until to-morrow -of ; toe, Chicago Trib^; by Gov. Smith, has be® declared insane iSbceat litter, a compari- t he Confederacy, who «' at * r ‘ C< ^~* a representative from Georgia next win- ratWthan anantermiotaadfoeman. wiU take issue with the BadicaDlto C«- grost. no doubt,but not with Gen. Grant. N,w Co a ssavATivv Dartv is watoa Citt.—The Washington c«t«- r.. indent of the Cincinnati ConmswW. « Mo*day. telegiapha aa feQowa* ■ U am. of Ge*egia. who ran « M ticket as * candidste ft* C- 1 vk * | ere «e.i»a J r*eeat Ifttor.a compart- Saratoga and long Branch. Adu> disadvantage of the ft, not only is'place for race meets at as a social reeort- He says by him. appointed to examine 4«ttcv in I860* « , , U o we a similar atatemmrt ig the last Wa*hingtc« Sunday Herald. Onr opin ion Utkat wnueho-Iy Iffiffi ^ these Bohifiaianv hrfJJy* * dinner, to Indiana U suing on. of her railroad* for a sum of money claimed to bo duo-1 e -b.^,1 fun<L The State law under which by the opposite, tlie action is brought is that *'u.n the *Vm, tardy.*» the "Summer aggregate amount of dividends declared OapiU*. , t Grant seems to prvte- it ■ to the full sum inverted and ten J {o aoy ctij t he w)i»le country—whic- per cent- pa annum thereof the Legis-| may or rij t ^ taken as an mdica- tatrawm-is -1 regulate the tolls of the (ttonwf th na.-i, u: which hi- tarte! Company thatIsoMsa (brMByfww _f 4 cent, dividend* shall he declared ou the JoHX j capital employed, and the residue of toe ; ;doM abo A Wanton Ottbaox.—The Savannah News reports the fallowing: — We learn from a passenger who arrived aX-v -—aII i on the Central Railroad train on Saturday ve a good trick, w. .. ^TSboEcal outrage committed - rarest mouatainwur. , ” a I<irtT of negroes, near th* Fair management, weU-bffinrved | Ground*. ‘The train was running at ite l Ilwi >! ,«„r of re - n - - * \bili tv. inmal rite of roped* and when about half •f di T r ! amfie from the place above mentioned, t Branch there is c-.^rtion, a j “ aajber of negroes, one of ", rowdies and flashy woneffi and ^ hom 3 ffimt into the passenger car, a who manage the raced are the ! the ball striking the window sash, shat- kotpv -skin" (faro) games; and that tering the glass. ^ ns9 known t-.iake their sum* #Th * e Bible and thx Public Schools. life siLj, the public table after par-1 ^ Savannah Adrertiser and Republican ! ssrsasSt was the wants of the people of Louisville (AVdtterson shysa«ouldn’ti) tfffiltefi- would the Courier-Jcorjial be regarded with favor in London. Just so.’ * It is much better for each to keep at home, and let its “cpntemporvy” severely alene. Yatteraon isn’t a Thunderer. hundred loros have been blown do rn in the settlement* around Greysboro, and the crops which premised a bountiful harvest an; completely destroyed. The fishermen along the coast hare lost their net.; und ar • leit without <y«m to proseciite the fall fishing. A niiniiai etory remes flat trees, fences, etc., ore piled up in an im mense drift on the rood for the distance of a mile er so from Fouxche to Grand River. There are only three barm ing, the remainder being in ruins. To give an idea of the fury of a hurri cane, out of two acres of hard wood land at Fourche there are only ten trees left standing. The fishing schooner Thefts, of.’La- have, was wrecked on the north side of Prince Edwards Island, and all the crew, numbering two men, were lost. At Cowhead, when the’gale was at its fiercest,* there were twenty sails of French fishermen and it is supposed every ves sel went down .with all on board, far not the slightest v-stige of any of them wan ftobe seen when th; aea was moderated. A bryahtin;’ with 17 on board was o truck by a sen off East Point of Pie and 4UP r Bftnbme>X7gSen bfa- righted her spars were gone clear out of her—the hull was driven on the rocks and every soul on bosrfl ptirifibed. The name of a wrecked vessel could not be ascertained at Magdalen Inline Th* tides res; eight feet higher th ■ever known.before, and .the destruction property on land has been almost os ruattof not greater, than the loss at sea. Another, violent thunder and rain storm passed over Halifax last night, but no damage has lieen reported. )' Schooner Ebro was totally wrecked at Cape Breton. Mexican Trade Besomed. UEowNsviLt.E. Texas, September 3.— Cattle stealing on tbe border has been resumed by the Mexican*. After cross! ing'the stolen 'Cattle, they are boldly driven on the highways without interfer ence from the Mexican authorities. The robberies are estimated at one thousand head' monthly.- * i I i Report of the AA’reckers. Glovcksveb, September 3.—The steam ers sent to Nova Scotia to aid the wrecked vessel*, found thirty-six Gloucester vessel- stranded, aud six totally lost. The Glou cester loss is $60,000. Passing Counterfeit Money. Titusville,Pa., Septembers.—A stran ger was arrested here for passing a new counterfeit $500 bill. Ho was released on $3,0IXj bail, which amount hedeposited. Cincinnati Exposition' Cincinnati, August 3.—Tlie exposition opens to-day under favorable auspices. The hotels are crowded. Cholera' Cincinnati, September 3.—Fom fatal cases at Millersburg and two at Paris, yesterday. The Bntler War, Boston, September 3.—The count now stands—Butler, 152; Washbume, 122. The temperance delegates from some dis tricts, making nine delegates, are doubt ful. Louisville Exposition. Louisville, September 3. — The old Board of Short Line Directors was re elected. The second grand industrial exhibition opened today. Grand success. Fire at Nashua. Woman’s Constancy. The wife of Capt. Travers, commander of the British steam yacht, Deerhound, at the time of her capture by tho Spanish frigate, has published a ciud appealing to the public to aid her in her efforts to secure the release of her husband as well as the other prisoners. The Virginias. Kinston, Jamaica, August 29.—The steamer Vuginius is stiU here, but is evidently preparing for another trip to Cuba. The'Atlas, from New York, has brought her a new captain. The Canandaigua. The VoSdUiitfiugkKIlwfiii. still lies here with several cases of ■res fever on board. The number of cases are fliminighing daily. As’soou as recruited she will return to Aspinwoll. Earthquake at Panama, Panama, September 3.—On the 12th of July lost, a severe earthquake was fe’t all over the State of Nicaragua, causeo, as it is supposed, by the volcano of Mam- otombo, which has now become very ac tive. Synopsis Weather Statement. OmcB Chief Signal Offices, ) Washington, September 3. ) Probabilities: For tho South Atlantic and Gulf States east of the Mississippi, gentle and fresh southeast and southwest winds, partially cloudy weather and rain areas from Tennessee and Missouri north eastward. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. A Forger Committed. r New Yobk, September 3.—The exam ination of Leonard W. Brown, charged with an attempt to negotiate forged rail road bonds, vas continued to-day. Brown was committed without bail. Tho Bailroad Bond Forgeries. Nk*v Yobk, September 3.—Application for the release of" Efonard Wi Brown, with passing forged bonds of the New York Central railroad, was refused to-day by Jud| The contract for building the life saving stations on tLe coast of North Carolina has been awarded to James Boyle,-of Itowbea^at the rate of twenty- five hundred dollars for each ten stations erected. •Dtofi .ti j'iij -* -I The Erie Railway Company, it is un derstood. is about to send $2,000,000 of consolidated mortgage bonds to F* pe ior negotiation, as money is needed for the double track and other co*tly projects. The St. Pu rl papers assert that there is a gigantic pine land ring in Minnesota, which sold 60,000,000 feet of timber from the public’land last year, without the State receiving any benefit therefrom. On the 17th of this month tho Na tional Boo.-d of Steam Navigation will meet in Philadelphia, when it is thought that nearly $500,000,000 worth of_ steam ship property will bo represented. Old Foote, who haa been abusing Mr. Davis lately through tbe loyl columns of the Washington Chroni-'ia to be paid for bis dirty work by an office somewhere, in South America. Nashua. N. H., September 3.—The Mcrimac House and some adjoining buildings were burned to-4ny. Ninety Drowned. Roxbat, Septembers.—Ninety persons were drowned lieroj^th^^swauigimr.^of The Counterfeits. New Yobk, September 3.—The cashier of tho Sab-treasury says although a ber of $500"United Stato not$s have been presented for verification, no coun terfeit ha. been* discovered since yester- ^ Immigrant Statistics. During August 10,035 immigrants ar rived at Castle Garden—a decrease of over 4,000 for tho corresponding month of last year. From January 1 to the 31st of August, 201,947 arrived—a decrease of 4.S74 for tho same period last year. New York Democratic Committee. The Democratic State Committeo met here to-day and effected a temporary or ganization. A recess was then taken until this afternoon. It is expected the eMHmfVteS^nrtfl issue a call for a Stato convention to take place early in October. Official Personals. Washington, September 3.—The President, Secretary Richardson and Col lector Casey are expected here Saturday, when a cabinet will probably be held. Commissioner of Internal Revenue Douglass has retained, Attorney General Williams has re turned. And yet Another. Another $500 counterfeit has been re ceived at the Sub-treasury in New. York, making three, all of which we-c from the West. • Secretaries -Richardson, Belknap, and Assistant Secretary Cowan are in attend- once upon tho President at Jong Branch. The Fort Sill Indians. Tho Commissioner of Tndjap Affairs ha.* a letter from Fort Sill, August 21st.. The Indians Thereabouts were peacs __ Politics in California. San Pba&cisco, September 3. — Ex citement here is very high at the elec tion to-day. The peoples’ anti-railroad ticket appears very strong, and the p eral belief is that it will sweep the £ T.ie fact that the railroad power obtain ed possession and control of both of the. regular Democratic and Repnbliorn Con ventions, having effectually broken down party lines, and excluded political issues from the canvuBa, the conteirt^lxAwe^i has taken a strong"sectarian complexion -day by Judge Dowling, who, in conf uting him for trial without boil, ad- ecd Brown to giro any information in ower relating to the perpetratin'. ,e effect of these forgeries ha? been to lead to-aneh-a close scrutiny of the bonds of railroads, as to almost stop nego tiations for sneh paper. An officer of the Stock Exchange today stated that the other two parties, known to bo engaged in the forgeries are expected to be ar rested by to-morrow. He also stated that these bbiids hare been in circulation since July. • Rodman. . ■ Rodman is still in jail in Brooklyn. Ho says he in surprised that certo’n friends have not yet bailed him out. . is bondsmen, aa* those of City Treasurer Sprague, gave their individual notes to the Comptroller of Brooklyn today, pay able January 4st,. to urnre the city against loss. Grant and His Friends. President Grant was >day visited by Secretary Richardson and Lieut.nant- Governor Flnehback. of iLouisian.il The latter held long • conference 'with tne , President in relation to affairs in Lou isiana, and says tho President now folly trader itands the stato of the political sit uation there. A Pcrnvian Land-slide. Peruvian advices confirm the previous reports of an immense land-slid - which dammed up a river. The fears of its breaking away and inundating the city of Lima and its surroundings, nave been partially dissipated, the water having risen to the top of the dam and flowing steadily over it. Penitentinried. . John Evans, an gro highwayman, to day was sentenced •» years in the State prhon. Robert Reid and John Wild, negroes, who robbed and nearly murdered a far mer on the fourth of July, near Flatbush, were sentenced to twenty and ten years in the State prison respectively. . Foreign Notables. Rev. Newman Hail. Prof. Leath and „ArHU' < &wSflTnS&rc, Gbverfi&r’St Jamaica from Kingston, arrivedhere ttedaj. The contractors of the buildings, the walls of which fell, killing people, were fonnd guilty of -criminal negligenco by the coroner’s jury, and held on boil—two in $5,000 and one in $2,000. Cholera. Chicago, September 3.—Eight cholera deaths occurred- last week, against five the previous week. The Farmers’ Platform. The Minnesota State Farmer’s ^Con vention nominated -a full State ticket. Resolutions denounce present political parties as subservient to individual inter ests; favor government aid in improving the Mississippi; and other rivers, tho re peal of certain railroad charters, notwith standing tho plea of vested rights, and tariff for revenue. Miss Emily Faithful. London, September 3,—Miss dmily Faithful contemplates establishing an in dustrial bureau here,-to jirovide employ- ment for women in connection with the institutions of similar character in New York and Chicago. The Warwick Stakes. The Warwick September meeting took place yesterday and” to-day. The War- Trick cup was run for to-day, and won by Field Marshal. Hippia, filly, was second, M. T. Lombard’s chesnut colt, Combat, third. Only the three horses mentioned ran. Hippia, filly, was the favorite at the start. The Vienna Exposition, Vibnna, September 3.—It is reported at special prizes will be given to several exhibitors who were occiJentallyoverlook- .iritors, who came to: attend the ex position have taken their departure from th*- city. ... Li Vienna .is now free from cholera. V, • Naming the Forts. . Berlin, September 3.—By a d0c*ce of tae Emperor, the names of distinguished Generate,of the German army haye been bestowed on the forts of Strasboug, Metz and'other-place® in the territory acquired from ‘Franco. , A Change: of ..Captains. General. Hffsramv Seotember 3.—Gen. BGd?lgo has resigned the Captain-Generalship of Madrid, and ‘Gen.’ Riguenerez has > ;en ' this change o Cab- Tbe cholera haa been raging with ter rible violence inFayette, Howard county, Mo., and out of a population of six hun dred, it has harvested fifty victims. It is the same story—of bad drinking water and ..i ; The State geologist of Texas has had reported to him the discovery, near the first station from Devil’s River, of a cave, the inferior q£ 'which .contains very re- morkable painting and sculpture, appa rently of Aztec origin. Johannes Schelkughwaneilati and Miss Pzrblyowiez were married at Leav enworth, the other day, and the town clerk who made out tho license has had the cramps ever since. t.lk! the , . r - ” , _T. .14,_L , bot-n raised in auiou oj uie urnauu from beefed oot and put tothc brush.I • who wish to insist upon thp V " M ’“ * reading of the Bible in the schools. There institutions are at present non- sectarian. and are attended by Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Prcteitar.t children. To force the reading of the Bible under the*e dreumstanees will har^a tendency I L-V weaken the admirable syxtem perfected bytihe untiringeff-rtaof ProfessorMal- l,*n So long AS the schools are paid** • religious tendencies of the chil- * ’—’ It will be unwise the Bible.’’ Savannah, has A stew toy b«« just been introduced In New York,’ and will-surely become very popular. It is a wax doll in a crib, the doll being dressed in night clothes and in a dainty Uob cap. By scan* toechanism] the doll baby, at certain intervals, after being wound up, lifts itself up in the crib, puts out it* arms, and distinctly ctdls “mamina-** The inventor thinks “no family should be withont one.” Dirraict Judge Maury, of Texas, who issued a warrant ftr the .'arrest of the Supreme Court of the State for attempt, and was'himself arrested and taken before -that court, haa been admitted to bail, the Supreme Court Judges haring quarrelled about the question df juris- rilffripp. earnings *hsll bo paid over to the orhool \ fun '-- . ..ing—rich P'calf, with gilt edges- __ „., T -. a fl restored to her a farm of A ran** of European capitalists, is dictated}*,,, a? d recap u to S«- jJnjjdreil acres on Daufuskoe Island, aaeoted with a nnmU-r of paanimmt;tortkte the ’ * an*#* ; Saatil Cax0 Una, by paying the "best gov- U«n. of P.ugbtrepsio. are about com -1 white Vbrt, v -H of type, and offior of ^ ^ 3ua of $106 54. This parting 'u-nmgvmeets for establishing w . the. ink. have subjects o. the |kg||m|M|j for taxes during the war Poeghkcvpsie one of the largest iron nfoftNrtfghty fe&ion. ' ^d-Umghr by toe government, since ii.anufactunng cgtabhKlimenta United StaU*.' The d will amount to lorend millions o It U propo.’-ecTto* enter largely ouaufartun* of steel rails, and ner of iron vork &>r roilxoad and purposes. Oxx establishment at Nassau, Bahama Island.-, has about $2001000 invested, and employs 600 hands in canning pineapples. i they purchased 1,000,OX) pinrappU *. trad pocked 1,010,000 cans, lie pineapples cost from 18 to 40 cents pea dezeu in gold, and the canned fruit is sold here for about. $4.50. ' a . - . The Oraer of Ui publicly declared in favor of many Democrats are voting for CrOWky. The contest for School Directors ia W j characterized by mnch of the same spirit. Amjdn.raapSratyinrthaTe borirmade for the preservatgin of order at the- polls. Massachusetts Democratic Convention. Wobceeteb, Mass., September 3.—The Democratic State Convention met here this morning. In an informal ballot for for Governor, William Gaston, ucrfvod 303 votes, out of 451. Mr. Gaston was then nominated by ac clamation. The Convention was quiet pud harmonious. Massachusetts State Ticket. The Democratic Convention has com pleted the State ticket as follows: For Lieutenant-Governor, Wm. L. Smith, of Springfield; Secretary of State, Benj. J. SGller, of Williamstown; Treasure^ Nathan Clark, of Lynn; Auditor, Waldo' Coburn, of Dedham: Attorney General, C. Osgood Morse, of Northampton. The Woods on Fire. Banoob, M. x., September 3.—A terri ble fire te racing in the western part of east Snrrr, in Pierce wood, and a large force of men is fighting the flames, bnt if the high winds continue, n paper thinks fishing, os a general rule, doesn’t “We stood it all day in the river week,” he says, "but caught—nothing until we got home.” The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has given an order to the Baldwin Loco motive Works for one hundred and seven ty-live first-class locomotive engines. The Chattanooga time? thinks more children have been born taere the past summer than tbo laiv-dlowg. Very p. c. SAWER’S ECLIPSE COTTON GIN. (lATENTKD SLIT 2$, 1S7S.) With Adjustable Roll Box and Swinging Front* forGlnning Damp; Wet or Dry Cotton. Also, the Celel 'ted GRISWOLD GIN, Gen .line Patt rm.wi t li tlie Osdllnting or Water Box, Manufactured b.v P. 0, SAWTEE, Macon, Ga. EXTRACTS FROM PREMIUM LIST GKBOIU3-XA. STATE f AIK. COlOfENCING OCTOBER S^TH, 1873, sraied to art gently, but arn. Liver, Bowel* to 1 reneml nrcuial act os kindly on tiio tender ir.trat, tbe cato female and inPnr.’ old aae, a. upon the more v' TO roll* system, eradkatin* every mol oifle agent, mvigomting tho debiGt-ted organa, building up th* flagging nervous energies, and imparting-:jor to body and mind. They ineieMe the powers of digestion, and ex. nte the absorbents to action whereby all impuri ties of the system ore ferried off. Tho old stereo- type opinion that calomel mutt bo used “TO CARRT OFF THE BILB” Has given away before the li ft t of science. The vegetable kingdom furnishes a remedy free frrm oUdeleteriodk effects. For Dyspeimiur * ■ J ii i__ s««rwp3ir. ill liners, despondency and gloom, ami forebodings of evil, all ol urkich arc the off spring of a diseased Liver, Dr. Tutt’s Pills Have no Equal. They am specially recommonded for Bilious, Remittent on 1 intermittent Fevers, which pre- vail in miasmatic districts during the summer and autumn. Theae diseases are m\*anably at^ touted by uerangement of the Liver and Bowels, FOB GHRiLAND FEVER They are a specif c. Physicians all admit that S uinine only effects a temporary suspension ox 10 attacks of Fever and Ague, unless its use is preceded by a.reliable anti-bilious medicine. THE TESTIMONY OP THOUSANDS establishes beyond a doubt that Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills, followed by Quinine, is a positive euro for Chills and Fever, aud all biliojos diseases* r . ! ^iS'A To take them is when you have nausea, loss’of ap petite, yellow cast of the akin and eyes, rush of blood to the head, cold extremities, ringing in the ears, pain, in the back, side and shoulders, hrgr oolored urine, vertigo and biliousness^ -Whil using them so chan'oe of piet or occupatio: is necessary. ^RICB 25 CENTS A BOX. - SoL by all druggists. 1D1I DR. TUTT’S IMPROVED HAIR DIF This elegant preparation is warranted tho BEST IN SHE WORLD. Its effect is instantaneous; imparts rib ridiculous tints; will remedy the bnd effects of! info- ,iaorAye»;^perfectIy harmless; contmns .71 -I no sugar of lead; has no unpleas ant odor, and imparts a nat- . ural glossy color. ^ ' ; ' Price One Dollar s Box. Sold by all Druggists. Laboratory 18 and 20 Platt St-, N. T. angatdcod swAwly -~ \Tt« Eluabeth P. Pea boot adrer- uses to tLe effect that anybody who is [ sanguine- prepared to enter the Boston University, and whose only difficulty is a deficiency of means, ii request^ to confer with her at Cambridge. Tha. is unselfish gener osity. w num ber of dwelling bouses will be“burned os the wells are all dry end hardly any water is to he had. The Allen-McCool Bruisery. Si. Louis, September 3.—The last de posit of $500 in the Allen-McCool prize flgtt was made last night. The fight is to take place onthe23d.inst. There is bnt verv little betting on the result, al though the friends of both parties are harmony "haa been reported in the < inet. • • - • * j • The Arrests of KepmblicAiis Havana, -September o.—Tho'JZ Diario to-day has ah editorial justifying the re cent breaking up Of a Republican meet ing by the police. It says it ia well known that futile attempts were made at the end of last year to create political dissension —mong the - Spaniards here. During the present year the attempts have been renewed with some success, although!* great majority of the Spanish parts-, calling itself con .Tvative, contin ued to protest against political agitations. ■ This agitation exists because a party has been found which thinks proper to promote it. We ought to stop at nothing when the object to save secrecy i3 thus menaced. We should avoid all action likely to excite the passions or lead to serious conflict. It is onr duty to en deavor to conciliate parties; but we must say that it is indispensable that this political Strif.-, whioh takes forms of.ac tion contrary to la-, should be repressed. The tranquillity of the city of Havana and the whole Island renders it neces sary that law prohibiting meetings of a political character, be enforced, for the meetings only serve to produce deplorable confficts against the citizen”. All Span iards can five in peace in Cuba, no mat ter what form of government the nation adopts, bat in order to realize this, it is absolutely necessary to renounce all for- PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. 1 BSOLUTELY rate. Perfectly odorlssa Al- e the used volatile and darzemus oils. ■ Tinfft* 1 * otAiy r-ngihlfl test, and lU txt- am proved by its cont nod nhie«. Millions ofj g M.™.,-— Iheimmc *e yearly lora Mill and property. resuKtes Irom fte useof cheapsnddan- eeruus «ti to tbeUnited SUtes. is appalling. The inmmoce eorapraics and fi.. /cgmtmgftn hrougho-’t he country ,-eniiiinran tiw JmxBni* .is th» best safeguardurh , tomrauraused. Send lor circular. Por sale at retail by the trade een- erally, and at wholeml-! by tlie propri '•.ors.CIIAS. PBATT A CO. 10S Pulton street, .'ear rork. suicttdeodAwt' "if* ' Notice in Bankruptcy. M THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STtTES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OPGEORG1A. : In the matter of Nathaniel S. Wainer, Bankrupt. In I!z--.kruptcy. rt» whom it mar concern.—Jue lindcrrfened JL herehv rtvesnotko of his appoin-.n.wt as .Aswrnee ol Nathorurf 8. Wattor. <2 the comit.y oi 1'jtnma and State of Gvorsayviirhin roll dfc*n<t. wbo has been aajuuzed a bankrupt- upon fat own petition,' by the List -ict Court of said lAstget. ’ ROBERT A. NISMBT. THIS SIN TOOK THREE PREMIUMS LAST YEAR. THS SAWYER ECLIPSE COTTON GIN with it* improvements h. * won its way, upon its owr merits, to tbo very flr*t rank of popular favor. It stands to-day without a competitor in all the 'nte mid qualities desirable or attain,. le in a RPECT COTTON' GIN. Onr Portable or Adjustable Roll Box places ri the power of every planter * j regulate the pic....ig of tbo seed to suit- himse!f, and is the only onr rifkie that duo* Pro[8-i ly mnmueHl, SAWVl’R'.s ECLIPSE GIN will maintain the full natural length t 9 Tho staple, und bo made to do as rapid work as any machine in use. TheoldGRISWOLD GIN—a genuine pattern— furaishodto order, whenever desired. J5?5SS5J >T *5 , li^“ were taken by SAWYER'S t.LirPSB GIN last year, over all ol upetitors. m: TwoJittho.Sot :beast Alabama and Southwest Georgia Fair, at Eufaula-—one a silver cup. the other a diploma. Also, the first premium r.t tbe Fair at Goldsboro’, North Caredina. asra w G-nsrs Wm-bedelberedon board the can at the follow ing prion; Tlurty-flve Saws. ,n,i 50 Forty Sawa , iso 00 Forty-flvo 3awa 168 78 FiftySe-rs — ■“» — Sixty Saw. - -j.urders and old jina should bo _.mccliately- Time Riven to responsible parties. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS ! AiefuRiislit-ifrra virion* seet’v.sof the cotton growing Stares, of tbe character following: Locust Gr.ovx. Go. October so, 187*. Mr. P. C. Sawtez, Macon. Ga.: CENTRAL CITY PAM, MACON, GEORGIA. w&SSF- Yours truly, it for our gin. v H. DICKIN A SON. The abbr Alctter enclosed the following testimo nial, addressed to Mr. Sawyer, viz: Locust Grove, Ga^ Octo'xrSO. 1872. B Wc, tho undersis-ned, planters, havo witnoaed tho operation rtf onoof your Filips© Cotton Gins, which wc think superior to ***> other gin wo have «v-*r seen used. It leaves tho > 1 perfectly dean# and at the same time turns out a lieautiful sample, H. T. DICKIN A SON. E. ALEX. CLEAVE LAND. SIT etc. . HARRIS. Mr. Daniel P- Perguson, ol Jonesboro, Ga., .Writes under date o! October 10,1872, as follows: I have your gin running. * * • lean say it is the best that I ever saw run. It deans the seed iy.-JL havpbejsu Ts&mfSt in g gn house, and dred pounds of lint insi * i of iixty n. uutes. The ftrsUtwo hales ghx^d weighed 1100 pounds, from 3010 pound* seed cotton, ba-ging and ties included. Jrirnrair. Ga, October 7,1872. Mr. P. C. S.vWYEit—Dear Sir: Tho Cotton Gin we got from you, we are pleased to say, meets our fullest expectations, and does all yon promised it should do. .We have ginned one hundred and six teen bales on it, and « has never choked nor hro- hen the roll. It picks tho «eed clear, and makes guod lint. Wc have had considcrab experience with various kinds of cotton gins,r l can, with safety, say yours Is the best j »have cr^seenjnm. CoL Nathan Baas, of Rome, Gtu says he has used Griswold'*, V wy*s and Taylor's Gini, and that ho ia now » .r ing a D. Pratt Gin in Lee county, Ga^and an Eagle and a Carver Gin in Ar kansas, and ft ~ Sawyer Eclipse Gin" in Rome, Gx, and regards th*» last named aa t ?EBI0B to any of the others. It picks faster and cleaser than any other gin with ^rhich he is acquainted. He says he ha* ginned eighty-six bales with it without breaking the rolL * Bcllaej’s Station, M. A B. R. R. January 20,1873. Mr. P. C. Sawyer, Macon, Ga—Dear Sir—Th Cotton Gin you repaired for me, with. xr inx- For best acre of dover haj 9 60 Fa. best aero lucerne hay CO For best aero of native gruts B0 Far best aune pea vine hay 60 For best acre of corn forage 00 For largot yield of Southern cane, one acre... 00 For best ana largest display ganicn vegetables 20 For largest yirid upland cotton, one acre 200 For best crop lot upland short staple cotton, not less than five bales 000 For best one bale upland short staple cotton, 100 (and 25 cents per pound for tho bale) For best bate upland long staple cotton. 100 (and 25 cents per pound fot *"** bale) For tho best oil painting, b. oo-oalady 100 For the best display of iumti ><.0/4 wing*, etc. by tbe pupils of one scb« l or allege 100 For tbe best made silkdre. , t\one by a lady of Georgia not a dress-miw.'. ... .00 For tbe best home-spun dress, done by a’ lady of Guorati not a drea-makar. 00 For beat p.teeof taprotrytoworstc' and flos*. by a lady of Geor~~. CO For bert furnished baby v a*ket and compl.-t" set of infant clothe* b. a iadj f Georgia... SO For handsomest set of Hcurhi-ir-ca.*c. zlovo box and pin-cushion, made by a la../ of Geosrfa..... ; 1 a GO For best half docen paira of cotton nockm knit Uj . lady over UXty years u.' aso jin «ikii For thebe^combii -onLone. 100 For tbo best saddle hone..... «» For tho bet. ntyle harness boras 100 For tbe Ones: and bust matched double team 100 Ibr tbe best stallion, with tenof hiiroluby . his side — For the best g-k a*.. — For tbe best amrlemule. *0O Forth! »s milch cow r * be teat bull ]?0 For I » best ox team — 100 For tho best row with piga to Fur the largest and ftoeat collection of domes- tic fowls M0 For the best brndiel of com. S> For tbe lest bushel of pess » For tho best bushel of wheat *5 For the best bushel of sweet potatoes » For tho beat bushel of Irish potatoes... *5 For the best flfty stalks of sugar cu e.. CO For tbe best result on one acre to any forage ^ Farthaiiifo~afiSSS'S'esrieikiaeaael ire For the talgest yield of wheat o,i one acre 00 Fo." the lorgeat yield of o*ta on one ncre » For the largest yield of-ye on aero... — u r tho best result on one sere, in any cereal FomIio best diiipiaym'aiie«i"tho'grounds, by any dry goods merchant For tbe best display made by tny grooery mcr- Forlteiiur^'snd'bcrtdisphiy of greeii-boiijo plant", by cue pereon or firm Fot the best brass bond, not kas than ten per- formers. . 200 (and $50 extra per day fortbei. uiuoc)., tbe be*t Georgia plow *tock . For tbe Pen Lucy School for Boys, AT WA VERITY, .■ tod jritra northof baltimorA md The next Soslan Kill beqir. on the 19fli of September. lorpbca ^ .- t:-a -« Btou, Esq-, 31 St- Paul street, Baltimore. R. M. JOHNSTON. „ , Pen Lucy, near Wavcrfy, Baltimore county, McL, July £0,1873. — aiucfl dlwAwlm Tlie Caiiists. # London, September 3. A. special dis patch to the Standard says the Carlists have carried off from Ve~i a number of women who were chosen by lot in the province of Biscav, to make uniforms for th*? Royalist soldiers- Storms at Sea. .ships arriving yesterday and to- British ports, from New York, having experienced a terrible hnr- during the passage. They were about, so violently that much of ss ware and crockery was broken. —— j ———-• - - a TOXE8 SHERIFF 8ALE.-WD1 bo »old. before mation of political and military parties, j J lb>J court-hou*«e door, in tbe townoj^iium. The discord will he deplorable if the ; .irme* cov.nty k ou tbe first Tuesday m October, the contrary course is pursued. _ ; tend, moroor lero. le«d A KeTolution Suppressed.- t on aa wumta y. Court one Pawasts, August 24.—Up .to tho 8th ■ ) ^2vo r 1 ^f 1 KSsviuaC.Holl|nnys.jMnroF.Bar- timo news from Gnatamafa continue to I ron one in favor of Julia S. Lmn va Jmnro r. The revolution j Barron, the ether m.favor rf Bmtogm W^tar- BO long by a chief called Mel- ’ and adjoiha lands of. Ed ward by Palacios and others, against ; wine. B. H. Founds and others. Said fends are ultimo be highly satisfactory, carried on. gar, aided 1 W., a liberal government of Guatemala, has well improved- at Isst been brought to an end by the active and energetic measures of the present Constitutional President. Jlel- -ar, Bochita and other chiefs have ad been captured, and will doubtless be shot. rajiSn. F. Barren.. Said lands Jowwn as The Bichmond IVhig says: "There are more' buildings going up this season in Kichmurd than ip any city of. its size on the Atlantic coast. This is the result of the progress we have made in manufac ture* and other departments of business.” “jirkttSrome tone and place. 1400 seres of ~*. more or 1era torfed on a* too property of Jiftn G. Barron to satisfy one C fa usued from Jimtice Court in favor of Waltsj Sfeehry, adminis trator of W. T. Holland, deceased. 8sdd lands lies cur the walen c< Gedsr Cheek, and adjoins toe i.»a. of fiamur 1 Barron and others. Levy mode and returned bv David Middlebrooks, bailitf of ij*id county. v Bn,T ' ,ffV acp9tdji to tbe Court of Ordinary of**aid c*xxn to rell all tbe wild lands belonging to Mte. L. M. Butta. and the minor children of JameeB-Butte. deceased. A. sept2 4t Dr. J. \Y. Sommer*, of Orangeburg. writes: All your Gina sold by me thia season are doing /ell and giving entire natisfactioa. I will be able to t ill ajftvat many nrxt.seohon. J.C. Staley, of Fort Valley, writes * ^Your Gin f* the only Gin I ever »w that anybody could feed. I have heretofore beer compelled to employ a feed er for ginning, but with your gin a child can feed it ana it wfU never lireak the roll. It«rinsbcth clean and fast and makes beautiful Buff Messrs. Childs, Xicfaiwi k Ca, of Atlv-ns Ga« write: “ All tbe Sawyej* Ciirw sold by u* are giving satisfaction. We will be able to seU a number of them the coming season.” wmm . CocmtAS, Ga., January 7.1873, Mr. P.C.SAWTEK, Macon, Ga: - , T , Sir—The Cotton Gin we bought of ycsi la%k JfaH, after a !air trial, has $dv?n us satisfactidii.. It makea good lmt and dean* *he seed wed. Yours respectfully, _ _ T, J. A G- 8BR GIHg ^BFATURD PROMPTLY And made as good aa new at the following low figures: New Improved Rib«... —& e * c ^ RollBox. fi: — » Head and Bottom Pieces. —I OOeacn Babbit Boxes .... New Saws, per Mtfi- Bepairing Brush ... New Brush-.- Painting Gin.. OaHfumiahW different patterns of ribetotho tmd?aT»«nta each, at *Un notice. P. C. SAWYER. For tho best Goontia made wagon (twu horse) For the beat Georgia made cart For best italix-n four years -I i or roore.^ For best preserved horse ore. A start old For uesc Alderney bud — For best coUecthm af tabio"»iff>irt grown to FOT°bSt^cdStionof tsWe apples grewn in Middle Georgia........... BEGATTA. Bare one mile down stream on Ocmulgee under tbe rules of too Begatta Asseostmu of For the fastest fc --osred shell-boot. race epen to the world : *1» For toe fastest ilonbls snlll shell boot, race open to the worl J 00 For the fastest single-scull shell lx»t. rare open tothoworld Por the fastentfour-oarodcaiMie boat, race open to toe orld ®> car- . is meant a boat hewn from a log. without v ih-boards or other additions.) The usual entry fee of ten per cent, will be charged for the lfogattn premiums. MILITARY COMPANY. F-OT the best drilled voluntary untosty «- - At ’ ' it live entrto required. BACI8. punas c-rx—SSOO. For Trotting Honre-Gwnrrt raiKd; mile bests, beat two in three. 1st horse to receire. r - Sd home to receire. Sd hone to receive 75 PUESK TWO—$450. For XrOTU^n^^t^-^beaten ftfo 1st horse to- receive — 3d horse to reenve - - w puese tu a T<W). For Trotting Hones—Of ■< to the world; mifo h heat., test thr ■ in live. 1st borpe t pcrsf. rocn-$Mfl. pen to the workl: two- ttwom three. .... POES* FITP—$3W. Snorecsopentofl^ 1 - .....’Jr.,'. 8300 1st horse to i- Prt.iriums will be- coutegted for under ^^Jom^rurf. The usual charge of 10 per SiteS&SSoSdt thepurae will %e charged COUNTY EXHIBITIONS. 1. To dm county which (through its docietr or Club*) flhall fumi&h the largest and finest (Replay, in merit and variety .of stock, products and results of home in dustries aU raised, produced or manu factured in the county — -- mbi i. Second he^t do 4. Fourth beat do - vv.fitinn in Entries to Le made at the Augwn OP 0 ™* 00 * ^rricles contributed to the County Kxhib.tions can aiao compete for specific ^ntnbute m:nm liu• for uistaoee. a farmer may miumliA f— ]unel9 eodtd