Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 05, 1873, Image 1

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(L cltgraph dJffcss etwee ! tir “ B,,ot hy Her lo V ~ — — H " c Cleave to d,: nur . ■ murto this n hca/.mjf of an almost daily anr ,, TcLLEuiurx Ann most mined of —“ryTT i , Went °f «>“ Press telegram Th:» I 7": w31 ® v « r '‘hoot eluuu,'-- ™. “Sections, ’’.UreMj He *«, HN l. e|C , I 7 r v7< Around the Throne.” I ~~ ■ * v^ivxiuiii t^KESS I ht 1 r~ • SS5a J.°z£zjSi**-** SSCafifsffPsF?i 11 telegraph: — • —*•« * * czcnangi; poper.*, i e . ^ w mj< the Eufaufe Daily Time*, reaches tis | ;°^ ano to find li sec it* object appropriated by j ^ nes Ji°n- whether he degree of in* new dres*. It is perhaps nun, “ d even to on Ta^y.f^iSSSySSP r . ' i SaV ^ n " *» the Atlanta naaem, but Loan AMtv'uH/ih i lL i* s a us lnas +n +v>n i . ... that it should ent jr a new ami yejtout prosperous business season under a new ‘•guise,” nn l »i|b additional evidence of its continnou* prosperity. But Komeho or other, we hare nn um erico for old land Liar' fprowntc much acciutozned to (he Mother man; but there is. at feast, that I wouId Mattel« worthy Of thenfm^rf*r» “ T pa “ ion ; Mr Wilke * regBed- -*• - - — ' ^ - 1 mj rea ^ question is, him out?** L*t That kind of - and •• evidence of , . / ‘ tow, not only, to 1 d° not see how h< !tr. But somehow , f rom “V effort to injure' the i he hi* : najtoraUc prefer- ! an ' 1 lort - but to <Usire he- i tirone > and the f * * *■ & a»sr *s the i were sold at Savannah . on I §/6 50 per share. and to S ^ i ^v a8eri0as lMS to tfiemlkSaroom: Xassachnsetts Democratic Platform. c . fr .„ s. * ,uw on iu.-idaj-mgnt * , , . j ^orcbster, Mass., September 4—Tin. a <1 Vt Premium. THE DECAY OF SPIRITUALISM | Allowing resolutions were passetl by 'the “° atU T taka in ; xhc ,, _ ’ ,?° nT “ tion to -dajvResolved, Augusta on Tuesday only two niece, 1 I a "'ent of an Old-Time HcUevir. SW the Democratic party seeks to re- reel^rf.* — l-e.eSOI .. VIVO no dead i.«ne.- K„* I—.-- Gran: third term. poarauce and general make up of this paper, that we regret any change in so called love, whi< .. \ZZZZ : ’ , poeu ***** mouldy oolitic , cents j ^ SS«stSaa6ssft2*f i.. v- real estate were sold. Thirty-five shares of preferred stock of the Mobile and Montgomery railroad were sold at Ucdve per share. victory tlrror railroad ticket. Twenty-four counties tins far heard from give anti-railroad majority's and four Kepublican. Full returns from Marysville City <>ive a Republican majority of 170 over thelu- dependent ticket. . . : The friends of Chief of Police Crawley Resolved, j believe he is defeated in this city. The Search for the Polaris. late has ro frequently led to the murderof innocent gi r l* for the crime »rpwr»aco which will even suggest a * 0 " ,el '' " now order of thing. “The old way” wa, good enough for us, and while we con- ' j 1 ' 1:1 — w jusroi, cn be after I *r. rr likes a'-nt lia . — gratulstc its proprietor upon this ad- more Uun mer^‘ hmtiid an .i I Grant himself was ^ 1- *-^^ ictomag in the Atlanta drtiooal ondence of tho suoeeioi of h, • ’elfish last, 'and fia, n/1 , . , . ,, _ . . tfce “Ml witness Herald of jesteniiv : efforts to pka« an exacting' public, we or **** *«» | ii ...V issues, but stands bv its 1 ™* iuc xunris. . Fail a stout, masculine old lady : r'^imiples wliich are suited to all times I ‘'^Ashikotox, D. C., September 4.—ln- s ° W ^ or ' c Herald reporter, both on | —supports the Federal j f^rmanon has been received at tho Navy the fore wrote, telling the woman in a few brief lines that the s!*c of her feet was the talk of tho neighborhood, and asking her If sho couldn’t pare them down a little. The name of the colored man was signed, fW-l l<e W«3 fo call on her on Sun-lay night for »u answer. A day or two afterward the writer of tho letter met the negro limping along the street and asked him wliat the widow said, lie man showed him a bloodshot cyo. a scratch*! g-ae, a Jdtt«l<¥.*nd a spot on tlmVAlp-where of trgfjl 1 had been violently v*m in a Alenin *** b “‘ "HU"".™ «^et at tho ^^* P**>baUy, that the poor tnrU My »( our learning a better way of read- 7°™ .‘‘“f* by 0,0 himi ’ ^ U>ose brutes mg a paper which has always seemed the ^ Te ““rendered themselves to par cxceUenco** of Southern Jcmali-m- J ‘ "T!" 1 dcathi “ ite wive, of such t-f.st.j y .A.-; degraded and souUam creatures, wh.ise A ooor.acn man of Detroit having fo'ng ldua ** ,nve “ not » bit more- ei-vated or admired a colored widow, but being afpri-l *P" 1 tual than the instinct of the beast*, tooorno ont boldly and rovuol his jsv-ion. '"" n hinubtf with U.e idea went to a a,„:. man of hi- .--.Wsfatea, I ty** ».»* 3 with an, -nUm-nt and «kcd him to write the Udy„ fetter &f °>° name, if his rcusion has asking her hand in marriage, The friend n . ot n ,l Southing more thim mcre a. "- g M it ha, not for iu basis deration to tho welfare anil happiness of tho woman of hi* choice, whatever «mti- menu she may entertain for him. I’.iifiiulu Cotton" statciiicnt. Wo hare (aay. the Times of Wednes- <laf)deferrod our annual cotton state ment because wo were unable rttfe!dig ,fftr ST V«ereeeipu .., l 7W , 'Vaa-iif'isoj, and Ore *hip- 1 5&! 7 *** W rtI1<i the several railroads leading out of the city. l^hs diffnenoc,' bowerur, is to lie ac- TJSit *2; U,, l ) fact that a goes! deal is reciaj-ed at the variolic depots —• —rt-nea fiv- jlymafttegBahJ! wldch^Bnb^ S the reconciliation him andbutte* d 7V' f ttoW d^hT 8 - -lc.ed ineligible to re-election. nn.J n lmn... jerked out, and be an tone: “Sae didn’t say niiffin, an’ I dtuu- stay -lar mor'n a minute.” At CMselhurat, in Kent, not far from London, waa celebrated on August 15, the fete Napoleon. Tho ceremony was limplu—namely, the performance of high mass in the church of St. Mary, where Napoleon III. is entombed, followed by a reception of thoao Frenchmen who felt inelinrd to pay their reipoet* to the young Prince and the oi-Einpres* in exile. Two hundred French men and women went from London to Chiselhurst. The procession to Coiudcn House, where the Empress Eugenia und the Prince reside, was headed by three old soldiers who had served under the First Empire, walking abreast—one of them within threo years of a centenarian, bearing the French tricolor. Gas, Jons S. Mushy,of Virginia, who was strongly in favor of Grant a few weeks ago, bos come out in favor of the Conservative ticket in his State. The Washington Republican, Grant's hand- organ. says; ” He has gone back, horse, foot and dragoon, to the rank* of the Democracy.” Tho Washington corre spondent of tho Cincinnati Commercial says, August 31: ” The recent disaffection of Mosljy from tbs Republican cause has drawn open him tho anathemas of the organs of the party with which ho lately affiliated. The organs hero now characterize him os a marauding guerilla, who did nothing it the war but rob chicken coops, capt ure sutler’s wagoas and harass und rob strag gling Union men and waylay unprotected trains of supplies.” As Isdianatoms reporter interviewed a Hush county man about the spiritual manifestation* in that county, and elic ited tho following statement: "Wo all of us sot round a table and put onr hands on to it, and pretty soon thu thing began t* move, and we all began to feel queer. 11 was hot os biases in the room, and dark os pitch. J toll you it wna the funniest place I was over in. The medium wo* from Cincinnati, and when :he table be gan to move, ho said: ’Now, if there be any spent* present, let them signify it by two slight ccrrolops on tho table,* and, by god, they corrollope-t” As extraordinary thing happened to a gentleman in Dnbuqne tho other -lay. He was walking on the plntform behind the eating house at the I. C. R. R. depot e*,toying tho gentle evening twilight. Before him was a green, scum-covered slough, which the gentleman mistook for A Tori tint mrt)dow. lie stopped oil it for 1W* purpose el taking a little stroll, and found himself ip sight feet of water. H w*s (shed out tho wetttst <WiJ slimiest of men. sad it is suppojod wiC hereafter hol-1 “fresh field* and pastures ue*” in natural abhoreence. The Oneida Communists say they arc ^watered with applications for member ship. The Circular says: -’During the past week people have come by Jhc cars to join; on ex-minister came on foot from the neighborhood of Perryrflle to join, and every mail has brought urgent np- peatii from highly respectable persons that thi'T may form an acquaintance with u* by correspondence that shall load to personal anion.” The Communist* say they have all the personal union they can toko core of now. and they want it under stood that nobody used apply. It is an interesting fact (hat the im ports of dry goOils *t New Verb during the month of August which ended yes terday havs bees a million and a half less in value than in 1S72, and four mil lions and a quarter fe- than in 1S7I. Our total imports since the beginning of fth* toot are nineteen in iHi-.ns lass than fe*t y*or, and eleven million- te-, tl.-m tho yore before last. Wo are not run ning in dent abroad a* fast as we were. ! from planters and our. -. uicnt which never enter the warehouses. We have taken the troublo to consult the books of tho different warehouse*, and of the railroad headquarters, with *' lc 'owing result: IVurchu'.'so receipts for tho past year 2f>,747 Railroad shipments 32,541 Stock on hand, by actual ooi.nl in warehouses - 1 US Received sincu 1st September Total stock Shipped since 1st September Stock on Irand to-day C Hereafter, we shall make daily reporta of the roocipts and shipments, and will report tho market quotations daily. Artificial Setts. The convention of the Colorado desert into a great inland lake is not the only project of the kind now before tho world. All desorts have at some time boen the bud* of seas. Somewhere there ha* been an inlet through which tho water flowed as it runs now through tho Straits of Gibraltar. An upheaval in tho narrow pass would convert tho Mediterranean bottom into a desert. Some snch phe nomenon has already interposed tho Sa hara between Northern and Southern Africa. A Captain Bouldin has found that this desert, in Algeria, at least, is below the waters of tho Mediterranean. He has brought the subject before tho Geographical Society of Paris. That body has opened a correspondence with the Government of Tunis, and proposes a survey of a canal route from the Gulf of Cabes to the Lake Farnoun, and from thenco to Lake Mel-Rhir. If this is ac complished, and the waters of the Medi terranean once swallow the northern edge of this formidable desert, who can toll where they will stop, or foresee the strange possibilities of the project ? Durability of Deep Sea Cable, Tho coble recovery expedition in which the steamer Great Eastern is now en gaged is oocasiopally heard from. Tho huge steamer is slowly going from New foundland towards Ireland, picking up and miderrunning tho ISG5 cable, tho first one laid, raid tho one which has been for some months silent. Almost inces sant fogs liavo environed the vessel, se riously interfering with the work. The cable *lr«ndy picked np is found in good coalition, but the locality of the fault which j ievents (the transmission of tele grams has not yet been accurately dis covered. The fact that til* .cable is in good condition, after lying so long at the bottom of tho ses, dispels a good many theories that have been advanced in ref erence to its probable corrosion. On this subject the London Standard mention* that the cable between Dover and Calais, across the English Channel, has been laid twenty-two years, and is still in good order, oJ |hat a piece of cable that had been snl>m«rg-d fifteen years in tho Med iterranean was rescptly taken up, and found to be in sound condition, and has boen since used elsewhere. ren- convenation ^Stt!**’"**** right- Mr. WIlkex; thc UbLrtijTf ^tWtT^SSr 7 nno ‘ * preserved Constituting amendment to the f> °e* ^i^rivTsl, Bailer clH.setts?° Ver,,0r ° f *?*»- *'•>« Eichmond Dis- patch: We desnw to know that ho has left ^Congresswhich he has done so much to urn nuzsaoDiuett, with an iron rod. We should Ungh at She lordly B(wt on. ^ 3 - Wb,> « f f> d^wfc-1 because of •nu success, but who appUu-We.1 him f or his infamous conduct in New Oilcan and d-ewhere during the u lr W. i, ^ . liave no symM^ lor iium^r n„ WU. n, nor Hoar, aor (j(a^ nor-Washburn nor other, V &J the Vyinun anj children of the South J “ *“ ;,, - s “9R*. i Pern, nr Basks Cocrtrr St^* 1 i? ' D enacted in Banks county ^SS f 0 ™* 7 “ te ’ on y rid*V fiST the _8th of August. The teacher of the was Mr Alfred “ d tho Btu<3en “ Hr. J^n H. Moas, a youngs man aged about twenty-one years. It apj-.uTSat ^ a woman was at the bottomofTb^ affair. Mrs. Alexander, wife of Sc 0 ^ , ip*d, was, we learn., present of her own I I^foHb liut not in the discharge of any ' regular duty aa teMhe, or in i Her r utoni - however, laid 5i“ e rTOtt lc conduct and -leport- “f" 1 vup ?h an ’ 1 whcn *lw consid ered them gmlty of any breach of doo< ™“- to report them to hre ™TZr ot one of the gals is married to a worldlv person in England—I think it was Kate, and the other has left the spirit world for good- Where, oh! where are the Ed- I the honest opinionf ^ Commander Brame, through tho cour- impoir or destroy the j ^9 V * ^^^riek Lorrson, procured nd ^ a ^ nt «m ^Richmond and Andrew Jackson Davis - .v« luU1CUl . w 1 _ nad endeavored to establish it unde.- the monarchy, but had not succeeded, and he naj come t„ the conclusion that the one one excludes tho other. He had, there- toe, become a Republican, and- was re- wT° t ?u the temainder of his life , t *° Permanent testablish- ntof Eepnbhcan form of government France. ° Opening the way for more Barbarism ,n„,t“ R l ID ' -t—Tho Cortes is THUS unrivallod rncdUno engaged m the consideration of a motion autaormng mditary executions, without the approval of the sentences bv the Cortes. An amendment, providing that all cases in which the penalty is dec*', --snaith Ma*sachu*etD sW'l®"- fight-.. ors - f t h, ‘ istsand .oppr- could rejoice in the - - iZ „ that murdered Mumforn. * ‘‘‘MJ glad to see a Governor made oi - that insulted the lodios and robbed t.i. men of New Orleans ? who coidd con template withVleasure the elevation to high office of the bully, the coward and the ingrate ? A Maconinn on Ills Travels. » Livxrpool, August £0,1873. Deab Fbiend—Onmy arrival last night night from London, I found your favor of the 3d. Many thanks lor it. It contained more news than any letter I havereceivcd. Wo made rather a lusty trip to the Conti nent- We were afraid to go fnrsouthon ac count of the heat, and there were many places we could not visit on account of the cholera. After we saw London and Paris other places failed to come up to our expectations. I was more pleased with Paris than any place we have visited. They have a cir cular painting there representing the seige of Paris hy the Prussians, which is the most life-like picture that I ever saw. I connqt describe it here. It would take weeks to see all pictures In the Louvre and other galleries. I know you would be delighted at the sight. I visited the china manufactory at Sevres, und saw numbers of plates at 870 each; small setts at $£000. The manufacture of Gobelin carpets by the government was another great curiosity. I saw them making car pets by hand, as perfect as a painting, and some* of them requires ten years to complete. They are never sold, but are used by tho rulers, and presents ore made of them to the nobility. The streets of Paris are very wide ana long, with beau tiful rows of shade trees. The houses are uniform—look os if they were all built of tho same material and on the same plan. The park* are large and tho drives are beautiful, bat we do not see the many signs of wealth we do about London. The frequent revolutions have been disastrous to the wealthy, aud they are expecting another at any time. The indications now are that de Chombord will be the next target. Prince Napoleon is at a ipjlitary school in England, and is about 17 years -,f jigc. The name of Na poleon is a tower of rtrajiffjji, find if he acts prudently I do not think it >111 be many years before he will be in power. They aro rebuilding the Napoleon Col umn, (Vendome.) at the expanse of » and iwini i^-nt. On this oc^sion the^ubjee^ herragrtpnal capacity was the vouni iron referred to. Mr. Mom. Wh./n hi? attention was udlod fe> the matter in question he denied the charge mule by -Ira. Alexander, which iod toon animate od and angry dispute. Alexander be- camecnra^d at.the young man for the Fart taken in the contra very- by him, and advancing towards Mr. Moss! drew ma knife and stabbed him i _ near on Friday last. * iVKstr*;. ***«*«■ #«auwmaTwf fe ' re! l t Patriarch, Stephen and where is Cora Hatch ? Why, she s been married four times and lately has eloped with another woman’s husband. Ah, theso are dark -lays indeed for spintealism. There is left to us fSSy a great, heaven-born in- telfect, and Anthony Wiggins, of Jersey any <-ity, whom Mother Nature has molded in her choicest and most benificent man ner. But the spiritualism of to-dav, where m it? Why, it’s in the hands of ttat family who brought so much trouble on us. It is in the hands of old Mrs Claflm and her daughters, Mrs. Wood- ,^ d *» ..«pra°f « oUmt pfe. J huU, Mrs-S^re -JtaJi.ftqE Mra. Brooks has gone to the soul-land anOdorkness is coming down on us. Wdi, madam, says I, from whom ‘46 you take precepts and teachings, if I t^n ? 80 ^ you the ques- Masculine woman-Why, from Eman uel Swedenborg and his “ Heavenly Ar- rana and from tho Doctrines of the that judges Who are subservient to executive ana legislative will. •?i b lL °PP oso “11 interference by law with the private affairs or business of men, not required by the public safety and advocates the greatest individual liberty consistent with public order, they affirm a belief in the capacity of the people for self-government, and hold that tho.nearor approxamation that can be made to universal free trade, the greater inll be tho advantage of the federal GovcrmnehK to the people of Massachusetts. r Tho resolutions insist on the construc tion of a banking system that shall not cost the people a higher per centage to create a currency in a few hands to loan at their own prices to the industrial , oS? m ? a ? d , er Brame ha <l hews as late as 10th of July frpm Disco, but no tidin-s foul been received there regarding the Rolans. The ico was reported very heavy in Oraerrack Fierd, and at and above Up- pernavik. Ihe health of the officers and crew of the Jmiiata is exceUent.. The dispatch to the department eame by tho Danish '-Onst.'UlCO- TIR This was a fatal wound, and tho man fell. Jmst then Moss turned to leave, but Mrs. Alexander, who was at the side of her husband, wrung the knife from his hand and administered one or two severe outs to Moss in the back, luai- the region „f tho .past, The result was that both fed wo-oaded bft tile scede -.f tfe conflict^ and both expired in a short ih44» the one within three minutes of the other. j'm: Augusta Constitutionalist says, non-residents contributed $8,000,000 of the amonnt necessary to build the Ait Lifts railroad. Davta, the negro who attests to jj_ —dfe-a tho Berry branch Unde Sam’s — rend, H) ar- of the Southwestern r— " *-»* v , in rested and bound over last ki—. .-i,, . • • i * j v——-——..on us ulto ,r ot}it?r in three dismal days of tho devil ami hi a cohorts. Di-l Swedenborg beliuvo in picnics and dancing f I ventured to ask the sturdy tin ? J old woman ? Masculine woman - I don't believe ho ever attended apicnio in his life or danced ft quadriUc. although they do say that the minuet de la four was very fashion- uhlc in his time. Bat Swedenborg de- lighte-l m all rational enjoyment and es- pceifijly in conjugal or soul love. But he was not carnal in his conception, and he despised money—so unlike the spiritual ists of this day, who aro on the grab-all principle. There is now no refuge for Spiritualism but in tho bosom of the Ro man CathuUo Church, and if things go on as they have done I fold myself in its capacious bosom. Spoils of Auctc'nt Troy. Full details are published of the dis- tho sum of $200. for trading in tobacco j coverie3 a * ancient Troy by the German Kr.xus.—The sim- ihe Satur- lofox ox Ea pis fort of the matter is, ssys day Review, that in at least nine cases out of tea your early riser is merely a diigetty, iwstfoss ar.imal, v, ho is incapa ble of reposing after the fashion or at the -aeon oniaini*d I-y civilized mankind; and 1* to his iuimiing the pure morring air, that is all Wfsrshinr; it is pure sclf- oonocit that he inil.il*-s himself w-ith. Ax >de« of the value of house property in London maj- be gleaned from the fol lowing statement: Upon a block of hand some offices just erected in Leadcnhnll .Street, the ground floor of the bock block —simply a room under fifty feet by forty —Ivts for 1.000 guineas a year, on a tweitf-one years’ lease and all the other .rooms in proportion. A nan in Fayetto county. Pa., while gathering blackberries, heard a rattle snakes peculiar note of warning, and looked around on all side* before discov ering that he wss standing with both feet on the reptile, but so close to it* head tliat it could not bite him. He -•y-mged position immediately, but killed the- quake. f Thx Courier Journal's lost foot feat at the erpcnsv of Chicago is the following : - One of the t-)»drn g pajagraphist* of the Chicago Tims* hs* been urged to accept a lucrative position in front of a Milwau kee leei her store. When be stands on his heed and late out his feet, he makes » y«j I'upsxior awning.” to be about the only nun of means that did. He prefers paying for it to being she!, os most of them were.' i'he Prussians did but little damage to Paris, «impayed to the Commune. You would be surprised tft geo liow rapidly the French are recovering. We spent about two days at Strussburg, in Alsace, one of the provinces wrested from the French. It reminds me of the Southern States, just after the war. Every day at 1£ x. the Prussians parade with ft flpe band, and nut .. I : email i- t- 1-- *• -a. They all remain at homo and bate the Prussians cordially. We spent two days at Munich, a fine old city on the “Eiser, rolling, rapidly.” They have fine galle ries of picture-, and scnlptr.ro, and a library of eight hundred thousand vol umes’ From there we went to Vienna— passing the Alps. We found a fine exhi bition, bnt tho crowd to make it a suc cess, was not there. The American part of it was a failure, and those who came over to make money out of it, have re turned sadder bat wiser men. There are many things of interest there outside of the Fair. I saw the grave and saroophagqs of Maria Theresa, and of Maximilian, both jn tho 6aut« Church. I visited the Emperor’s stables end car riage house, and saw the crown jewel* of without a license. The “devil” of the Fort Valley Mirror, with about a dozen of his imps, while bathing in a small pond hist Sunday, was attacked and chased to the dam by ft twelve foot alligator. Mbs. J. D. Matthews, of Lexington, third wife of Colonel Matthews, a promi nent lawyer »f that section, died at .Athens last weelf, Tex prisoners captured ip Elbert ap-1 Hart counties, arrived at Athens last Sunday, on their way to Atlanta, in charge of Federal soldiers. They are charged with the monstrous crime of haying dis tilled a little corn whiskey and peach brandy without taking out a license. The Columbus Enquirer has a column of “local splinters.-” Among them we find this one i Lydia Thompson will bo shortly mar ried in London. Miss Delia Pattex and Mr. Henry Bruce, book-keeper in the office of the Eagle & Phenix Factory, were married at Columbus, on Tuesday night. We find these items in the (Jolamhns Sun, of WpdpflsdfiJ'l A Ml-bi-sriis .* uttssTAU,—A negro mao, who killed 31 r. Frank Qaliaway in Chat tahoochee county, about t w P years ago, and effected hi- f-.-ulv. wa* captured oil Saturday morning last at the plantation of Mr. Warren C. Half, In Muscogee county. Tho capture was made by Mr, John Sapp, tho Sheriff of Chattahoochee county, who lodged the said prisoner in jail at Cusseta, The Rei-orted 1)u*lo.—Humora were again rife yesterday regarding a reported duel to bo fought between Atlanta and Russell county, Ala., parties. They are the eame who mode the trip to Florida over a month ago. The latest wo have hcajil io fhfit th° Atlanta pirty, with seconds and Sulge.,ps, left *,ii Hill M- * G. train last afternoqii. * Thp pihors word in tho pity after that train left. Sqme conjecture ft tight will faiapjftcq at Chat tanooga or in South Carolina, Tho par ties are reported as retiUPPt. The Enquirer understands that a each subscription of 910,000 to one of the con templated new factories of Columbus teas received from a neighboring dty a few davs since, with the assurance that Professor Henry SchUcrman. He claims to have fotmu 3 in ? "palace, and part of the treasures left in burning Troy. It is a long letter, and we cannot give an idea of its interest by a synop sis. Jewelry similar to that mentionod in theHliad; vases of silver and copper; a heavy golden goblet, in the form of a ship* with two gold handles. Says tho Pro fessor: 1 als« discovered six pieces of aft alloy of gold and silyc-i- hnmnjqted into |he form of large blades, one end pf winch was ronnd, tho other cut Qut into the shape pf a crescent. In all likelihood, these are the Homeric talents, which must have been small, since, for instance, Achilles (H., xxiii.: SG9) proposes as the first prisv i* fi- faweral contest a female ffi&ve,oathe second prize a h-wso, aa tin- third a kettle, and as the fourth two tal- en( * ftf gf,Id ; T fitii, fouftii there three large silver vases-, all are sphi-rioal below, and must have rested against something. I also found thore ft silver goblet, a sil ver bowl, and two beautifully worked sil ver vases. The larger vase has two little tubes on each side, and was hung up by masses than other people pay for money loons, wherewith to unfold their enter- f™"* 1 compensate the labor of the HiJk'u" "P? 4 ® 0 a11 legislation that places the railroads or any corporation beyond the jurisdiction of the people through . i-,V'i npiRtiaqed.T found tnirtccn copper lance-heads. At their lower end may be seen a hole, in which in most cases the nail or pin by means pf which the iance- iiead had been fastened to the wooden shaft was ir.H-rtod, A large quantity of anoient jewelry also rewarded the Professor’s search— armlet*, bracelets, golden chains. As we noticed some days ago, it is proposed to found a museum with theso relics some what similar to that at Naples, of Pom peiian antiquities. their Leg: future. ,, 1 ^°, lvod - tho. intervention by the I-cderal adnmustration in State pol itics for tho benefit of its favorites and the advancement of its intrigues, noto- riously frit m this commonwealth, is hos tile to the freedom and purity of elec tions—an insult to the popular intelli gence and meets the indignation and dis- “PProbation of a people jealous of their . R-^olvod, That the time has now ar rived for regulating tho hours of labor in manufacturing establishments to ten hours for a day, or sixty hours per week for women and children, and that this Convention pledges itself to support such legislation as will secure the enactment of such a law. Thornnaining resolutions aro tho same as those adopte<l by the Ohio State Demo cratic Convention of August Gth. The Bntlcr IVar. Bostox. September 4.—The Radical Convention now stands for Butler 174 • for AVashburne 151. JWbtful 14. The liitest count is Bufiot'159; AAashburne tol contested and uncommitted 31. The Lust of Beau Hickman, * AVasioxCtoi,-, September v — Beau Hic-anan was buried fiveu ‘ho hospital in tho public burying ground. Yesterday a subscription was made to ghfoTam a bet ter interment than common to”pan*j Tho undertakera employed by tho mail-1 agers of this charity found tho grave desecrated. Tho limbs, viscera and brain hod been removed. The heart was found neatly wrapped in. a newspaper, which the mutilators probably forgot iu their upte. A qurgeoa’q knife was found near too g«lW- The mutifetipij was vyidenUy porfurmed by skillful lia^idq, Cholera Ii^ CinchinaU. CiKCiKKlfL September 4.—Thoro were four chplera case^ Millersburg yester day. In this city a number of new casep are reported. kri® Constance, via Copenhagen. Tho W’awassett. AVAEHixGrox, September 4.—The own- ers of the AAawassett, in case suit is brought, will bring action against tho tioyermnent Inspectors, as equally dire- lect with themselves. If there mis dire lection, there is nothing in Mw forbidding the use of old boilers n now boats, pro- vided the boileis stand tho tests. . Ihe Juniata has arrived at Holstein- buig m search for the Polaris, health of the crew is good. There is no news from tho Polaris or tho Tigress. The Fashion Stables Burned. Teentox, N. J., September 4.—The Fashion stud stables were burned to-day. Out of nineteen horses there were lost as foLpwss Two road mares, belonging to 1 resident Grant; Lapicrre, a valuable horee belonging to 3Ir. Dutterworth, of Philadelphia; a fine bay horso belon-inf- to the same gentlemen; a fine stifllion belonging to Mr. Hutchinson ; Henry B a gray horso belonging to AY. H. Dobele’ valued at four hundrod dollars, and five others, whose owners are not named-* Among those saved wore Goldsmith Maid,' Lucy Roslyn and Hotspur. Doble loses buggies worth one thousand dollars. tehas-Cochrane, an old man, lost a ti-unk with §3000 in gold and notes. A Lar-e quantity of harness was destroyed. The budding cost 519,000, and the horses were valued at S45.000. Three hundred bush- u fL of ““Is. eight tons of hay and six of stew were lost. Tho whole loss is 575,- UUU - V ier c was an insurance of $8,000 x>n tho borses. Doble loses $5,000. The nre originated from sparks from a loco motive. Latter Bay Saints In Council. CousciL Bluffs, Iqwa, September 4.— Aho regular semi-annual conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter tkiy Saijms, convened licio to-day. Sev- craTthonrand saints, from all parts of tho " or id, were in attendance, and it is cr- pected that the meeting will be unusually interesting, as Jos. Smith, son of the founder, is president, and is leadin- tho meetings. ° i ii v , , — penalty is death, sjiiU he referred to the Cortes was to- jected by a vot.i- 82 yeas against 488nays. Ihe matter has been made a Cabinet question. If the original motion is adopted. President Salmi.ran and his Cabi; net will resign and Senor Castelai- will be called upon to form a new ministry. The Spanish Iron Clads.' Gibraltar, September 4—Tho Span ish iron clads Victoria and Almanza have arrived here. Socialists Sentenced to Death. A alexcia, September 4.—Three Social ists have been sentenced to death by the -Tribunal of Justice of tlnp city. Sale of Insurgent’s Property. Havaxa. September 4.—Tho Captain- General lias published in an official ga rotte, to-day a decree ordering the im mediate-institution of proceedings for the public sale of all estates, properties and effects taken possession of by the ad ministration and being the property of tho State in consequence of tho former owner’s participating in the insurrection. Duties to be Paid in Gold. Havana, September 4.—A decree has been issued that on and after October 1st one-half of the duties on articles of lux ury imported must be paid in gold. A Quiet Anniversary. Pints, September 4, 5 r. m.—There were no demonstrations here to-day, the anniversary of tho proclamation of the republic, up to this l-our the city remain ing perfectly quiet- Every precaution lias, been taken to prevent disturbance during the evening. After the Germans, Paris, September -}.—A party of Ger mans from Strasbourg, were attacked yesterday by an infuriated mob at Lune- ville. Ihey took flight, were pursued and were with difficulty rescued. Sev eral were injured by the rioters. PURELY VEGETABLE. 4 Activity of the Kxport Traile. In the three days prior to August Kith the arrival of one hnn-lrod and six ves sels at New York from abroad was re corded; of these njors than one-third came in ballast, while -outward bound vessels are fall loaded. There i* greater activity in the shipping interests at all the port* than has occurred since 1651. The favorable indication of the crops for this year, with plenty of cotton, grain, tobacco and petroleum to go abroad should prove nn important agent in re storing the export business of the country to its old-time activity, besides what in also important, giving us a credit abroad with which to pay our debt*. AYe hope the time is not for distant when onr ex ports shall be equal to our imports. This would put the business of the country on such a a .lid basis as to secure a speedy approxim-v. io3 oi this currency to par with gold, and make a resumption of j specie payment, practicable. , No Ri'beixo out the Back Pat.— Treasurer Spinner has written a letter, to Hor - Jd represents Mr. Libby, a member of Congires on the back pay S’ 3101 * 1 fo ‘ A - T - Stewart, as question,-ad says, “I doubt whcCher even earing that the Southern trade prospect* the covering’ In cf this money without consideration and without lecral authority or warrant of few, will place it Lerond , the SiuLhern demand upon the Northern several times tljat much can ho obtained for the sain© purpose in a shc^t Ravages or the Gateufii,lar.—The Chronicle acd Sentinel says: Tbe cater pillars appear to be playing sad havoc In the cotton fields of this vicinity. We are informed that in two fields about two miles from the city, where the cotton was green and flourishing last Sunday, nearly every leaf had disappeared yesterday, myriads of caterpillars having passed over them in the twenty-four hoars. The fields literally presented the appearance of having been swept by fire. Tke Savannah News tells tho following: Carbolic Acid as a Beverage.—Some time lost summer we published an ac count of the wonderful effects produced upon a colored swain of the Radical stripe, and his dusky charmer at a colored pic nic at tho Isle of Hope, resulting from imbibing "sherry wine/* which had been placed in a bottle that had previously contained carbolic acid. The frightened Austria. We spent one day at Frankfort- pair tore dpwp a yail fence and executed on-the-Main, a very wealthy city. But • other equally as miraculous feats in their they are like all the Germans we have j frantic efforts to disgorge the “pisen.” seen: they care very little for their homes ! We have since learned of a similar case or churches. A beer garden and a band i from the "genial and accommodating’* of music is all they want. After leaving | Secretary of the Board of Health, which there, we took the Rhine boat at Mayence. We had no time to rest. The grand scenery, the old castles, splendid palaces, quaint old towns, kept us on the go, with eyes stretched. If I had time. I would like to continue this letter; but we leave for Manchester in one hour, and I have not vet had breakfast. Your friend, E. W. Southern Trade Prospects. — A sayw; are better than they have been at any time since the close of the war, and that the roach of the parties to whom it le gally belongs. I think it could be re claimed at any time' hereafter, in several ways;, and even on the mere statement of on account by the depositor, or by his heirs at law against the United States for moneys had and received. It is pos sible vou might*dispossess yourself of it * _ . * a would be much more rapid—if she could by feat mil and testament, teting as a , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ consideration the love and affection jou ; themselves to her, and are drawing so bore your native land.’* j*ffluchofher financial blood out of her, market fully equals, if it does not exceed, that before the war. Mr. Libby added, which shows that ho is a man with a pre eminently level head, that: The South is evidently recovering her self, and if she could only be left to her own energies and industry, snd allowed to reap the full advantage of her efforts to restore her lost resources, her recovery in its results completely overshadows the former, as one of the most trusty colored satellites in the employ of the city nar rowly escaped taking a journey into a strange land. It appears that whilst engaged in his work late at night, he placed a bottle of whisky in a lime barrel, where a friend and fellow operator, not knowing of this, subse quently placed a bottle of “Stewart's cele brated concentrated carbolic—Soipio, the first party mentioned, after working Ladies Suits for the Fall. Long waists, -tight sleqvps ami ’high full rugs are ppysiffored {ho necessary _ features for giving style to tho various | white, on fire and buried to tho water's Fflri 1 !?!'. Distinction Ly the Great Gale. Halifax, September 4.—Tho schooner Thetis, of Luxonburg, P. E. I. harbor, was wrecked in the late storm. Threo bodies were found in the cabin and the remainder of the crew aro supposed to have been washed off. About fifty bodies, supposed to be the ,-f American fishermen have been washed ashore op tho north sido of Prince Edwards Island. Thirty-three of them wore picked up between North Cape and Oascumpec. The bark Stolen, from Montreal, is a total wreck on Hogg Island—north sido. Seven of tho crow perished. Tho captain, boatswain and two sailors were saved. The {boatswain was rescued from tho surf by Capt. McDonald of the Domin ion, A quantity of wrecked materials,fo boat and two bodies floated ashore at Camp bell. The captain and crow of the "abandoned Oakpoint were rescued by the Amer- lcan fishing schooner, GorticLeuio. ’fcapt. Howard, of tie ling OakpCiint states that an American' captain, whom he saw at Cause reported haying pnssed at sea after the gale, ft foreign iark, painted white on Aw I”! a1 . * ... Spanish News. Madrid, September 4.—The authori ties of Jerez iu Andulia fear a socialistic outbreak in that town, and have made a demand upon the Central Government ^or reinforcements for the garrison. Vil- lalcn, commander of artillery in tho f Re publican force, besieging Cartagena, has tendered his resignation, alleging ^ his reason that the means placed at his disposal are not sufficient t9 «patlo him hims *’'-f SgMsst the gang of Tho CaHlsts. Bayoxjte, September 4.—It is an nounced, upon, authority, that there aro now about 40,000 Carlists under arms in Spain. They are making arrangements to establish a cannon foundry near the town of Tartosa, in Tarragopft. The Last of t!|o Indemnity. Pakjs, September 4.—The last 'install, ment of tho war indemnity will be paid to Germany tomorrow. Now Ministers. It is officially announoed that the Duke of Harconot takes the French mis sion to Austria and Duke DeCozes the mission to England. Synopsis Weather Statement. Office Chief Signal Officer, \ Washington, September 4. j For the southern States cast cff Alia-, sissippi general and fresh win-^e, mostly' from the southwest aw\ west, -yyl partly cloudy weather, wili. occasional coast rain. jockey basques, roupd waists and polo- qalsq, JfoulJe.breosted rodingotes will have raffs placed inside. Single-breasted polonaises have a pretty finish given to the neck by adding a standing English collar with pointed reverse front made of the dress material, or else of the silk with which it is trimmed- The neck of the dress is cut h'ffh fo the throat, aijd above this collar appears a white muslin ruff, which is to be worn very dose and' high all around, and is called the “Amy Robsart” ruff. The edge of polonaises and overskirts of silk and fine woollen suits are finished by a bias band two inches wide, with a double piping fold on tho upper edge, for instance, a polonaise of black and white striped silk is trimmed with a blue striped band, with two tiny folds of black silk set in above. Ruffs of dress mate rial am prettiest when made to serve as trimmings for the front of tho corsage in stead of merely passing around the neck. Instead of neckties with ruffs, a cravat bow with very long end3 is worn in frojit, The Hack velvet bowB are worn with light dresses, while colored hows brighten black costumes. Another fancy is to wear a bow of china crapo high on the left side of the ruff, instead of in front. Pretty little tri-color clusters are worn in tho samq way on afternooq dresses, and are especially pretty with black grenadine and wlite muslin toilets. Ladies aro also wearing tiny bouquets of natural, loose- cut Covers stuck in the belt, or else in the button hole of double-breasted polo naises precisely as gentlemen wear their button-hole bouquete.—-Harper’s Bazar. Highway Robbery in Nevada. A skirtling episode of frontier life comes from Nevada, where four bold brigands recently waylaid and pillaged a stage coach while going to a village in Sierra connty. edge, It was prpbobly hark Korsefaster, which ] tho Norwegian left Halifax the mprping Of the gale for New York. There were fourteen passengers Fkancisco, awhile thought he would refresh himself aboard, and they had just emerged from with Wtk /wolf bait,” and^ plunging a thirket when four men -sprang from be hind the rocks, and seizing the horses by the bridles bade the driver get down and take tho horses from the coach. Next the passengers were told to dismount and his arm into the barrel, drew forth—not his bottle of whisky but—the carbolic, and rashly stowed beneath his vest, eight fingers or more. The liquid refresher had scarcely found bottom, when Scipio with a frantic yell—“poison”—rushed into the lane, then butted down one section of a fence, splitting several boards of ordi- 1 nary thickness and arousing the neigh- 1 Bora. The acid appeared to hare had a peculiar effect, for he pranced around the lane in a style that would have put to blush a Modoc warrior. Two or three comrades finally secured him, while an old mauma administered two tables poo us ful of table salt to him, mixed with mustard, which instantaneously did the work; but it took two stiff dosee of wolf bait to Rant Tennessee and Virginia Rail road,—The report of this rood for the year <*nding June 8d, only just published, says its receipts were $ 1.37S,358.4*5 and its arpense* 148.04—net income $440A 10.43—showing an increase of grass earnings over last year Amounting to •1^886.69. A xibobo stole the carpet; from a Ten nessee church* k»d cut it tip into horse- blankets, and the ccngregutioo all went over Brood river io see him kxmnersed. From suns uaAOooantnble Accident, he was held under the water just one min ute tOO long. and. in s measure. Weakening the ferae : {"“S np so that he could get to his of her efforts. Inequalities in Postmasters’ Sala ries.—The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial writes that great complaint is made by postmasters in large cities that the salaries of their offices are very disproportionate to the sums paid in some of the smaller cities The postmaster in New York receives four thousand dollars a year, and is re quired to give bond of half a million dol lars, while the postmasters in many smaller cities, where the labors are light and the bodnded responsibility small, receive the same compensation. home. Here is>> query—is salt mixed with mustard an antidote for the poison by carbolic acid ? Let our savants reply. Macon Telegraph and Messenger.— The Rome Commercial is. “ pleased to note the improved appearance of this staunch old Georgia newspaper. It ap peared Sunday morning in an entirely new drees, with change of head from plain English to German text. As a newspaper the Telegraph and Messen ger has never been excelled in Georgia.” Doss thx Shoe Pinch t—Says the Griffin Newt, of yesterday: The Atlanta papers are now carried over the Macon and Western road by one engine. Their subscription list must NIGHT DISPATHESs The Biggest of ajl foot Exploits, New York, September 4.—It is said the balloon for'the trans-Atlantic voyage will ascend on the 10th inst., from Brooklyn. Another Defaulter, An expert from New York ia examin ing the accounts of Appleton, the cashier of the State bank of New Brunswick, who is alleged to be a defaulter! The amount of the defalcation is believed to be between 100,000and 200,000dollars. The general opinion is that Appleton has been speculating in real estate. Hois said to own sufficient property to cover the amount. The Forged Stocks and Bonds New York, September 4.—The police have in custody a man named Yates, on charge of being implicated in uttering countefeit Buffalo and Erie bonds. They expect to get something out of Yates, but so far ho has kept quiet. ' Detective^ Lumpson is very positive that forged stock of 'Western Union Tele graph Company to a large amount' is in existence, which It is intended to put on the market'. He believes the same of the New Jer sey Central bonds, Mr. Denny says the detectives are on the right track, and in a few days will have all the forgers. He says the counterfeits have been in circu lation since July, and there is no telling where they may have reached. A num ber of the Law Committee of the Stock Exchange says the Exchange would rather reimburse .the victims for their loss, than allow any compromise to be made. California Election, San Francisco, September. 4.—The election is quiet. It is believed the anti- monopoly ticket i3 elected in San Frun- 5PDHIGHT DISPATCHES. seat themselves on a redwood log. As each of the robbers held a double-bar relled shot-gun, the order was oljeyed with alacrity. The passengers sat still as mice under cover of the shot-gbns, and silently watched the operations of the robbers in getting at the contents of the safe. The scoundrels drilled holes about the lock and elsewhere in the door, poured powder into the openings, tamped them, snd then lighted the fuse. In half a min ute there was & thick pufl of smoke, a September 4.—The count of the vote in this city cannot be completed before Friday night or Satur day morning. Enough is known to as sure a complete victory for the people’s Anti-Central Pacific Railroad Monopoly ticket for members of both ' branches of the Legislature, and also for most of their munidapl candidates. For mayor and chief of police the count is very close, but the railroad issue did not enter into that part of the canvass. The Democrats claim to have chosen both those officers. The result, however is in doubt. Returns from the interior of the State come in slowly, and it is impossible to make correct estimates of the result as yet. In Sacramento city, where the railroad shops are located, 4000 votes were cast. The railxoad leaders claim a majority of 300 to 400. This the Independents say dull, heavy sound, and there lav the safe ! «ni v i ’ i 1113 tne An< t e P~f a * ni * club room a mob of several hundred op*n. It was bat the “otlofariTte ^ be largely overromem the county, ^thered in front of the bri .iToraV Ko . , umuw , i and so insure a decided victory over the - ° . ky? ,i ’’°.i rLn< | j railroad. In nearly every town beard greenbacks, and then the robber? ordered fom thu3 far, the Independent anti-rail- the passengers to rnonnt. lie travelers ( ticket is ahead. obeyed and took their Beats, red then the driver was ordered to hitch up and drive on quick. The robbers relieved them of between $8,000 and $12,000, aud after making a mile in uncommonly quick time it was ascertained that every of the fourteen had a revolver safely stowed away in his trunk or valise. “It George had not blow?d into the muzzle of hia gun,” sighed a jural widow at the funeral of her husband, "he might have got plenty of squirrel*; it waa such a good day for them.” Only five thousand votes of this city were counted up to noon, and the anti monopoly ticket wa* ahead of both the others. A dispatch from Gov. Booth, at 'Sacra mento, gives one thousand majority against the railroad ticket in the city— the stronghold of the county, which has over one thousand employees there. a lam Ha. has gone anti-railroad. Stockton gives five hundred indepen dent majority. Yolo county and the city of Beneda have gone Independent. Theindicat iti: luccit a grand The Forged Bonds* • New York, September 4.—James W. Johnson, tho bond forger, had his exam ination postponed till tomorrow. The President of the Buffalo and Erie road stated to-day that the amount of bonds forged on their company would probably reach $300,qp^ A large num ber are held by- tfio trust companies who have leaned money cm them at 75 cents on the’ dollar. The stock exchange hp-s suffered about $50,000 loss by the forge ries. Billiards, The billiard game between Daley and Garnier, for the championship and the diamond c.ue, previously announced to take place September 24th, has been postponed until October 2d, in conse quence .of a difficulty in obtaining a suit able hall for playing. Fatal Railroad Collision Baltimore, September 4.—In the case of a collision on the Baltimoro and Po tomac railroad, this morning, in the tun nel under Madison street, in this city, by which C. J. Hankcnson, brakeman of a freight train, was crushed to death, the coronor’s jury found that the accident was occasioned by a telegraph operator at the south end of the tunnel, telegraph ing that the track was clear, he not knowing that eleven cars had been left standing.in the tunnel. Another Absconding Defaulter, Chicago, September 4,—A special dis patch from Springfield, Illinois, says Col. John S. Harper, Collector of Internal Revenue for that district has been dis covered to be a defaulter to the govern ment in sums variously stated at from $50,000 to $300,000. It appears that Harper wrote out his resignation last Fri day and left it with his chief clerk to be forwarded to Washington, and then left for parts unknown. Philadelphia Politics. Philadelphia, September 4. — The new city Executive Committee of the Democratic party organized to-night, by the re-election of Ben. L. Temple, as Chairman. A victory is claimed over alderman McMullen of 4th ward. The French Celebrate, Louisville, September 4.—The French citizens to-night celebrated the annivers ary of the establishment of the French Republic, under President Thiers admin istration. Waskbjirn Ahead. Boston, September 4.—The Journal to-day claims Washburn to be six ahead on delegates as follows: Washburn 102; Butler 186; Doubful 14. Steamer Seized, New York, August 4.—The steamer Cleopatra was seized to-day for smug gling cigars and tobacco. About the Arrested Republicans. Key West, September 4.—Mail ad vices from Havana give the following additional facts in relation to the arrest of members of the Republican club in that city on Monday evening. Soon af- the Republicans had assembled in their How Monkeys aro Cangkt, F’roni tho chapter on menageries, in Olivo Logan’s volume, “Before the Foot lights and Behind the Scenes,” we make the following extracts: Monkeys aro such cunning creatures one would suppose them much more difll- cult to catch than any other wild animals, litfalls; will take a lion, and tho famished monarch of the desert will, after a few -lays of starvation, dart into a cage con taining food, aud thus be secured. But how are the monkeys caught? Tho ape lamily resembles man. Their vices human. They love liquor, and In. Darfour and Sohaar, the natives make fermented beer, of whieh the monkeys are very fond. Aware of this, the natives go to the part of the for est frequented by the monkeys, and set on the ground calabashes full of the en ticing liquor. As soon as tho m onkey sees and tastes it, ho utters cries, of joy that soon attracts his comrades. Then an orgie begins, and in a short time the beasts show all degrees of intoxication, tnoft the negroes appear. The drinkers arc too far gone to distrust them for larger species than their own genus. Tho negroes take them up, and these imme diately begin to weep and cover them with kisses. When a negro takes one by the hand to lead him on, tho nearest monkey will cling to.the one who thus finds a support, and endeavors to get off * -so- Another will grasp at him, and so on, until the ^ negro leads a staggering ineof ten or’» dozen tipsey monkeys^ \yhen finally brought to the village they aro socurelv caged, and gradually sober down, but for two or three days a gradu ally diminishing supply of liquor is gi ,*en them, so as to reeoncilo them by degrees to their state of captivity. For FORTY YEARS.it baa proved it-* cir uoinall diseases of tne Liver. Bowels ant Thousands of tho good and ervat •part* of the country vouch for it s wo .peculiar power in purifying the Blood, too torpid Liver and Bowels, .tnd impai T&gg visor to the whole wstem. SI., Ll\ LR REGULATOR is acS tnowledged no equal as a liver medicine m edie«] clement*, never u m tbe same happy proportion in any other p: ration, vi«: a gentle Cathnrtie, a wonderful ~ anuTHatreptjmabjo Alterative and a ort.-n SQSSSSSS£XS^^~ GEEAT UNFAILING SPECII thc toilful eif-r SPEPSLA. COXSTIPATI “ B "Harts. SICK HEADAC Hrert S0Ult STOM.V Regulate the Liver and prevent CKELLS AftD FEVEf Simmons’ Liver Regulator Is harmless. Is no drastic, violent tuodicinc, is sure to euro if taken reguhrfy, Is no intoxicating leverage. Is a faultless family medicine. Is the chenpost medicine in the world, Is given with safety and tho happiest result the most delicate infant, 1 Does not interfere with business. Boes not disarrange tho system, kind^ 1)111410 °* Q uinine and Bit ters of era Contains tho simplest and beat remedies. 1 Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicin Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILII'T & GO., | MACON, GA., and PHILADEIPIlj itf kaW; Hl-'-pra-paveil ready 1 A Bishop’s Retort, It is related of tho late Biahop of Win chester, as an lUustratiwi of hi. ready wit, that some years, ago, when visiting at the country seat of a well-known noble- man, tho ^sliop allowed himself to bo persuaded to join a shooting party. On his return, his noble host mentioned that his gamekeeper was a Dissenter, and al though he did not wish to interfere in the religious opinions of his employes, still, as all the rest of tho servants went to church, he should like this man to go. Would the Bishop speak to him ? If ho used bis weU-known persuasive power, doubtless he might overcome, tho scruples of the keeper as to entering a church. The Bishop exprearod himself delighted with the request, and proceeded at once to tho keeper’s cottage. Entering with his usual frank and kindly greeting which few could resist, ho soon establish ed himself in the good graces of his humble host, and gradually led the con versation to spiritual matters. At length, when lie thought he had snfficiently gainod tho confidence: of the man, his lordship said, “ By-the-by, how is it that I don’t see you at church ? You know it is our duty to look after these things. Surely you don’t see anything in the Bible against going to church f” “ No, my lord, neither do I see anything in the Bible to warrant a preacher of the Gospel in going out shooting; the Apostles never did.” “No,” replied tho ready- witted Bishop; “ true, they had no game in Palestine in those days—they went out fishing instead.” Beal EsTi-r* in New Yobk.—’hicre appears to have been a very material ap preciation in the value of real estate in New York recently. The total tax as ment of the twoniy-two wards of that city for the present year is ?83G,G93,380, against $797,148,655, last year. The a; gregate increase in tho valuation of real estate for the four years from 1870 to 1873 was $152,500,000, or an average of $38,125,000 per year, while tho aggregate increase for the preceding four years, from ISOGto 1869, was $257,000,000, or an average of $64,250,000 per year, show ing that the average increase for tho last four years was $20,175,000 less per year thqn for the previous four years. New York, it appears, double* its assessed val uation every fifteen yeara. use in bottles, $1 oo. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of Ml Counterfeits and Imitations. PEKSOXAI,. V,, 1 ' nm - r Iw oteorved that no attempt is inndo jr*j U P Out-of-the-way. or unknown jilares. [ I’UVTOn? ln d°ree Sl.MMONS' LIVER RE- Hon. Alcxandor H. Stephens. Jno. \\ Beckwith. Bishop of Ga. General John B. Gordon, j!™- -fab Gill Shorter. ex-Govemor of Ala. } j CtL» a>>M Will". D. I)., President Ovlethore Bishop Pieros (of Ca.) Tziuncs Jackson, (firm HowcUCobb A-Jam. " t Law ’ Macon ’ Gu - R. L. Mott, Columbus, Ga, Fev ** L Yellow Fever ! Where ] I tiie Antidote ? Reader, you will find it inti ^Simmons* Liver Regulator. Tii vep?rahie cathartic and tonic has proven itself S” WBTItolTiYit and cureof all diseases of tb Livor and Bowels. to ;J 1 2 LEUA '~j ° from Cholera if tho live flu!!! P ro J Hir -Wler, and ordinary prudence in di< .TLo occwtfonnl Uk&uof Simmons’ Lh er Regulator, to keep the system healthy, \vi Bundy prevent attacks of Cholera. K JuIygQpodAwly SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT, Macon and Brunswick Railroad, f| T tttv • Macon, August 20th, 1878. artulcs .. of UNCLAIMRlI FtthlGilljif not called for before date c saic will be sold U) the hiprlwst bidder at the tie no of the Macon and Brunswick Railroad, on 2 VTI DAY SEPTEMBER, 1WS. sale to bfein at i. O clock, A. M. s Waxelhoum & Bn* 1 box fans. FA G, 1 box plnasware. S Moreland, 2 hales bedding. §!gi®"*® * Cy I peky. 2 boxes mdse. M OuTuthers, 1 sack j>ot ware. T J Duvis, l box hardware. Ordinary Telfair County. 2 boxes books. \V P Eastman, 1 box, (2) runs oil. Jim Saltmarsh, 1 box mdse. F F Rood, l box mdse. L M Gardner, 1 trunk. A S Goodbrcad, l trunk. H Powell, 1 box. Ordinary nM County. 1 box. V, 1 box pickles. B, 4 boxes brandy peaches. M Keaton, 1 box ltooks. B J Egertou, S8 water buckets. ‘‘ „ “ 4 bdVi barrel covers. Goo F Stevens I box fireworks. JNo mark, 7 Wcly guano. ‘ M 11 empty sacks. * 1 gram crndlo. “ “ 1 sack cotton. M 1 old pot. “ M 1 sack harness. ** 1 box sundries. “ “ 1 box circular saws. “ “ 1 roll bawrincr. ** “ 1 spinning wheeL ** " ltin boiler. “ ** 1 P^kg. (2) sUacd sash. “ w 1 axle, yoke and bows. ” 44 15 pieces bedstead. “ “ 1 mill hopper. “ « 1 table. •* “ 2 sacks seed cotton. “ “ 1 wagon wheel. MB " “ 1 carriage j * bundle s 4 pieces hir iron. J. F. KIBBEE. General Freight Aircnt. A hanging garden of sponge is one of the latest novelties in gardening. Take a white sponge of large size, and sow it full of rice, oats or wheat. Then place it for a week or ten days in a shallow dish, and as the sponge will absorb the moisture, the ■seeds will begin to sprout before many days. When this has fairly taken place the sponge may be suspended by means of cords from a hook in the top of the window, where a little sun will en ter. It will thus become one living mass of green, requiring a little moisture occa sionally. The Cambridge (England) university examinations for women, this year, were attended by 220, against 154, last year, and 127 the year before. The failures to pass the examination by reason of a defi cient knowledge of arithmetic were fewer than last year. In general mathematics a “first class” was o- tained for the firs time; and the study of Italian, hitherto neglected, is beginning to receive some attention. A “first class” in the natural science group of studies has also been ob tained for the first time. TnorsANDs of mother* have placed on record , their belief, that for all complaints of thc stomach • and bowels to which children are subjects, Z TARRANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT fl is the most unexceptionable of correctives an I al teratives. The reasons for this belief are obvious J It forms a delicious and most refreshing draught, relieves the bowels o/ all acrid matter without pain, alleys fever, induces sleep, strengthens tho digestion, neutralizes acid in the stomach, cures flatulence, acts as a gentle stimulant, tones tho tender nerves, and never gripes the patient. \Tiat family can afford to be without such a resource (4 in sickness? Sold by all druggists. sept2 2awAw2w. ■ PRATT’S ASTRAL OH. \ BSOLUTELY safe. Perfectly odorless. .11- A irays uniform. Illuminating' qualities tm, nor to vss. Burns in any Ump without dsngeroC exploding or taking lire. Manutacturedcinresiily io displace the use ol volatile and dsiifrerous oils. I Its safety under every possible test, nnd its per- ! feet burning qualities, are proved by itseontinusd I use in over ZOOJMO families. Million, of gallons 1 hsvo been «okl snd no secklent—directly or inti- I —“y—tos ever occurred from bu ming. storing or ling it Tho immense yearly loss to life ur.d property, resulting from the use-} cbenpanddan gerous oil, in the united States, is appalling. Tito insurance companies and. fire tommisslonet-s I throughout thc country recommend the ASTRAL ns the best safeguard when lamps are Send *; fbreirculsr. Por sale at retail by tlv :rouegcr- r endly.and at wholesale by thc proprietors. ClUil. I PRATT * CO. 10 s Pulton street New York, aogrt dcod&wtf and after ottering- loud threats making- an attempt to force the doors and enter. They were driven back, only sue- ceding in the breaking of the blinds and windows. The chief of police then appeared with a posse and a squad of cavaliy. He made the Republicans opdn the door, arrested all of them, some forty in uumber, and took them to jail. The mob following with noisy demonstrations After the republicans were lodged in pris on the mob dispersed. Thiers Makes a Speech. Lucerne, September 3.—M. Thiers, who is now sojourning here, was called upon yesterday by the French residents of Lucerne, and, in response to their greeting s, addressedthem at some length* Thus far this year England lias import ed cotton from the United States to the value of over 24,000,000 pounds. A widower in Manistee, Michigan, who him forty-eight children living, has just married hia fourth wife. Boston him refused to rent its Common at the rate of one dollar per foot per an num. „ An Ohio schoolma’am has killed 114 snakes on her way to and from school this summer. English capitalists are said to have in vested five million dollars in the coal and iron business in Georgia. Shower.—A heavy shower fell last evening and cooled the temperature, which had been unpleasantly warm. Aotice in Bankruptcy. Df THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Nathaniel S. Walker, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. whom it may concern.—Thc un<lersijmed —- hereby Rives notice of his appointment as Assismee of Nathaniel S. Walker, of the county of Putnam and State of Geotfis. within said di " ' ‘ who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hi. „ petition, by the District Court of said District. ROBERT A. NISBET, aucSl law3t.Assignee. Pen Lucy School for Boys, AT WAVERLY, TWO 3IILES NORTH OF BALTIMORE. 3IE The next Session Kill begin on the 18th of September. the absence of the Principal, who is traveling m Lurope with some of his pupils, application for places ^houldbe made to Malcolm H. John- 1, Lsq., 31 bt. Paul street, Baltimore. R. M. JOHNSTON, •ly, Baltimore county, Md., autr.1 dlwAwlm TONES SHERIFF SALE.—Will be sold, before J the Court-house door, in tho town Jones county,o following property, to-u Seven hundred acres of land, more or less, levied on as the property of James F. Bnrron to satisfy three fi fas issued from Jones Superior Court, one in favor of Eugenia C. Hollum \ James F. Bar ron, one in favor of Julia S. Linn vs. James F. Barron, the other in favor of Benjamin W. Bar ron vs. James F. Barron- Said lands known aa the Hineslv lands, and adjoins lands of Edward Win$. B. H. Founds and others. Said lands are well improved. , , Also, at the same time and place, 1,100 acres of land, more or less, levied on as the property of JtAtn G. Barron to satisfy one !i fa issued from Justice Court in favor of Walter Zachry. adminis trator of W. T. Holland, deceased. Said lands lies on the waters of Cedar Creek, and adjoins the lands of Samuel Barron and others. Levy made and returned by David Middlebrooks, bailiff ot lid eounty. JOHN BRADLEY. sepJtdi Sheriff, y i ‘V