Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 11, 1873, Image 1

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]U' o.isby. -If.'XKs & Kkksk. MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING," SEPTEMBER 11, 1873. Number 6,717 n •!- TolfljTanh and McsBemrar! irutii About W -i f • Exhibltia (7ekgraph <1'JUesseuge. Ton Soott uxj> the Uniterl Slat*-* in October, think, the nei,Mtintion of a loon for hii Tcxa. row! will bo adjusted within thirtj tlic Vienna jit Ion. /m4 | The London Tiro on, njv tiv World, ,T*X HOl.L*U»t. : h» .lone to much to keep En~li|h- i P*° nndi\t^eri«uj»/wny from the Vitro- l "* r I an ExHtbltSon. at last t^nlfna "tluf i t in W ,I, ilkr :. rwt«»»T- , the graatltxt display of ererr branch of .od^Oj i human iwtirity and iodtutry which the u». lAc.,lhh., mrU Wt kod." T.ii, ban been the Yiew _ ro-ro-wni. ] ^-‘ lc World has taken from the outset, and m in iii:. * - m at 1 ^ our opinion the like of this display is ■ bw fimwlwl the j not to bo seen again by this generation * *£’"***• j onlees Bnmia undertake, an international . ... yT* ' 'tt^ositloB.' tVith "her ktnbitlon antf semf- hst wdien. as sa j ksirbaric grandeur, which shrinks at no m«r conn*.rr it outlay of money to accomplish what she ! ‘indcrt^h* -. it would he MraiUs for the | Emperor of all the Hass tans 10 equal if not surpass Vienna. The Bnssian dg- | partment on the Danube is conwincing of j what that nation could do if she sot about [ it. Ben appears to be the most effective t> return display in the exhibit!!- Others ure THE GEORGIA PRESS. aged by the recent strike in Chariejton, j contemplate getting up a strike on their A warn * occurs nearly four feet I own account at no distant day should. Ion" was killed while crawling into the their employer* fail to comply with their drug t tore of John W. BrooksTat Colam- den ^?' U ’ -9» ®*T. *" onl - T -’ awaiting the return of one of their em- l*u, lart Saturday night. ploy.’-, in order to bring matters to a Sfa. S. Mrrrn, a German by birth, lart J focus.” dCTKilBKIl i|, jf, for many yean a well-known mechanic of Gohnnbtu, died Monday night. Mss. Xur Wells, of Surannalr, has been missing since Friday morning. She was hut seen about six miles from the dty on the IrouisviUe redd., 8h» » sup posed to be insane. Tm Savannah Advertiser says on Sat urday a boy named Joe Farahatn,' em ployed in Arkwright’s factory, pulled out of the pile a long piece of waste mate rial, and playfully wrapping one end of it around his neck, started off in a run. The other end of the piece was dang- ling along some distance behind him. In making Ws way along through the build ing lie'r.'.n by n belt which was in motion, and the dangling end of the string vs* -j. j ^ i Maill vUw lls*w A "1 " t» • -*1, ■* ■■ He larger, but she is perfect in what she has ! immediately caught up. In a moment “Joror thx Birnirr"—So-called.— Under the above heed the Milledgerille Union and Becorder rays: An eccentric “no-.* light” traveling preacher by the name of Blake, from Mu- land (he says) spent a day or two ’ BY TELEGRAPH. na this is city last week. . Ha travel- in a one- short. wad vol.iel*—hifearriage and himself JJ Ie (j rca t Balloon—Torage Post- \ win in San Francisco mauled her k iihind with a rolling-pin for bis habit .siiliug his stdrt (rant with tobacco isicv. and the court imposed Only a nomi nal tee. Thi Hoy. John Buckt, as Clianec of the Duchy of Lancaster, will hare the niranage of 41 livings in various parts ,< r.ngUnJ. varying in value from >380 to |rt.V> each. • - J Tws si ttlemcnt of thaejtntcof Ouk Ann-s shows that his wealth wai >2,000,1 |a m instead of $0,000,000, and ho vs hoary loier by his connection with the p B iga pacific Htijaail, l ersuvrstveoitUAci appears In the jurnei o'two young ladies in New York St-ito who w.j-e jvtv ntlytseriouely tnjim d ).y being thrown from thoir carriages. Mi# Lila Kiock, at JSunut anil Miss Dell* Locke. at Camden. A Nfc.r.'i member of the Mi ..-issippi le’*j>l»tmr’ is in jail for stealing a Wg. )li« friends say he really didn't want the hog. hut felt tluit, as a Uudical lundur, he' must steal something, and could find nothing else to stoul. In Kulawgo pond, at Whittingham, Vl„ » well wooileil island, 130 acres in eit.’llt. limiti nliout looue; which the poo- of the n ighlrorliood regard as a fni- roruloiM phenomenon, not reflecting that isle naturally float i on water. /n il. CfANDLsn 1 mught ono'thousand ariei of VTi.ieonsln real estate two years ago at a grout bargain, and has just as- •vrtainod that he can sail nil over it in a but. Look out for a bill now to anil the lr.i t to the government for nemo >“>- pnrtaat purpose. — ■ A lVasHiwoTOs speciu! soys Trcnsurer S/iiuier it at'd tliathe never saw a better . . uuterfsit tlrnn the five humlred dollar legal teU'U'r notes made public a few ihiys anil thatthv whole’issue of tliirty- five isillion dollsrs will have to bo called in slid u new serins i-nuiod. . Jintn i.’oudon Ucxysrr, of the IIex> al l, in hi * hilarious moods, has frequently In M apples in his hand for Ilenorder 1U ir tt. >i Now' York city. 19 slmot n>, undertaken. And besides no other nation would offer to Urge inducements to the Eaetefti at ^elk as the Western powers. Curiosity and utility wehld combine. The inventive artisans of England and Ameri ca would fed that in Russia a large and liberal market might be.opened to them. Tlic Canning Trade of UnlU- morc, Employe 13/100,000 of capital ami fur nishes employment to 23/100 persons in over one hundred establishment!. The minual amount of the oyster canning wade is >15,000,000—the oldest firm being that of Thomas Kensett A Co., who have st Nassau, in the West Indies, a pineapple establishment where they put up this year ono million ton thousand can* Of pineapples, one-tMnl of whfoli were sari to England. K. nsett *Co. too five thousand bores of tin every month. Tho lynwunt #f oystera onnna!(y received nt Baltimore for packing is 0,943,000 bushels, employing ono thousand boats. Twenty-five firms an engaged in Balti more in making tin cans. In addition to this the real estate and machinery on- lAgcd in the business is estimated at icvon or eight million dollars, making a totnl of twelve or thirteen millions of dollars capital embarked in this business. tho boy found himself suspended in tho air and rapidly os lending. Of course he was terribly frightened, and would cer tainly have been choked to death. But the foreman fortunately had l>een watch ing him, and seeing his dangerous pre dicament, immediately stopped the nrc- cliinery, and releu ied the frightened and nlmo.t strangled little fellow from his po sition. When he reached the floor his face was almost bhick from strangulation. He soon recovered, however, and went to to his homo. and has even otprei illlngness to) theroforl Milton Mnlonc Refused n New Trial. By reference to the decision of tho Supremo Court, published elsewhere, it will he seen that that- tribunal has re fused to grant a new trial to Milton Malone, who iu under sentence of death for killing young Phillips, of Atlanta, last wilder., Malone’s only liopo now is a pardon from Gov; Smith, and that, wo should think, is but a faint one. judging from tho Governor’s action in the pout. Cm*t. Wamt«it 8. Lubtt, » former Confederate coldior, nml a practicing law yer of Harrisonburg, Va., has licen ap point'd United States District. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia, to succeed Roliert W. Hughes, Badicnl can- didate for Governor, the late incumbent. Oapt. I.nrty gave in bis adhesion to the Republican Jiarty and voted for Grant nt the PresMontinl election last fall. The offieo r> worth from > t.O(IO to >3,000 per annum.—irasAisylen Herald. There’s tho wholo story of Lurty’s po litical conversion. Ho went liack on.his race end color last fall, sold himself body, boot*,sottl nml bpyches to tho Shaek- nusty ’p*r$y. anfi mfur qiocketi flip .priAf putououu his head for a Urgvt. such is his omfslenco in tho Kjeorder’s aim. Bus UaLt’ACRE. living near Lebanon, Tran., niesatly witha man named Tom Warren, who loft bobiud him a wife and two children. If it .is her object to bo known after awldls as •• Hell’s Half- sere,” she has certainly adopted .tho surest means of iiceompliahing it.—fVu- nrrJouni.d. . r ' . ‘ The Kochester Chyonicle says 1 “ The *ev. Mrs. Fanny U. Koln-itj lias an- Bouneed tliat when called upon to sol emnise marriage! she .will reverse^the custom and kiss tho bridegroom.” But siqipoao the hridegTCuun hajqx’ns to bo a man of taste—who the deuoo is she going to get to hold him ?—Cnrncr-Jawrmal."' A consssrowntaT recently asked the Her. llunrj ,War\l Boochor if ho approved of wiTes spending thoir time at sntering pbioos and leaving their husbands to tho mercy of servant girls, and received this rharseteria^e reply; “ No woman who valnsa her «Vnu< ltic happineas aa she should, will luarw her husband thus unpro tected.” Wives ron Tnw Waans.—It is stated that#so%f the wards of tho nation has •• requisitioned” hi$ Great Fsther who is in Washington for one hundred pale-faced wives, allaging os a reason for this unpre cedented demand fiat the jitloftftf have made auuh inroads upon tho available stock of dusky naidens that then* on not wives enough to go round bis tribe. Th* name of Texarkana, the embryo railway center, is derived from tho name of tho iitotei that corner so near it. ■’Tex” for Texas, “ark'’ for Arkansas, •’ana” for Iroiu-jiu.i; hence, the way to spoil it la Tosoiksaa. It is tho southern uainm of tho Cairo and Fulton road, from flt Lotus 1 the Intonatioiud, from Austin t the Trans-eentinental. from Shormain uad tbs Tsrxaararific all center at tSsjpujg^'Wri * V | ■J ^ Jla. E. A. PsxsrxB has been doing the break nock bn>:nes.\fram abalkw»(dBe loit, yv” 1, His Kfiloon'had noTiskefl h» simply sat on a bar. aiwl when an cloia-^ to# qf lAXfdfo^t.liflQmi*; performi*d all kindi of monkey *«“*• And this la about the history of every Southern man who lias been politically converted—who lma “accepted the situa tion.” in Hadsxd parianceri If th«T« ever lias b en a ease of such conversion that did not have for its cause tho base motive of money, we do not know it. We have yet to hear of a man in Georgia, or elsc- whoro at the South, who has joined tlio Radical party rinco “reeonstniction” who has no;'e:f?it’r held, or tried to hold office as his reward far his treachery. Show us a single one who has not filar this* arid we will pnll off our hat and saluto him. Wo have often been a died if we did not boliovo a Southern man could bo honest in.his .convictions _ of duty and what was bast for the country in thus deserting his people and section, and our answer has always been what it is now: Vo; ‘if you will find ono who has not nought or hold offiee nt tho bands of his new allies, and thns shown that his mo tive was money greed simply?—only this and nothing more. What elsu then, but contempt and scorn can the honest people —men who believe there is such a thing os principle - have for those who prove tjicmselyiDsyHxhiunriesaiy venal? T— » ——uj —no—ov Clagett, whoso gencrouriy and humanely took upon himself the duty of giving to tho remains of the late Beau Hickman hon- onahl.i Christian burial, and whose efforts in that direction fcd to the discovery of the foul act of mutilation which had been Tns Lumpkin Independent says the cotton crop of Stewart county will not ex ceed two-thirds of what was made last season in that county. RtitWAT Accidents.—We copy as fol lows from the Atlanta Constitution of yi-storday: When the down passenger train on tho Slat.’ Rood, due hero at 1:40 r. w., neared A.cworth. an old negro woman named Starr, rather hard of hearing, was discov ered walking on the track at the fill just above the depot. The engineer tried in vain to check the train. Tha old woman was knocked off tho track and received such severe injuries as to cauae her death nt 1 o'clock. As the same passenger train was near Vining's Station a track hand named Arwood, who wn i under tho influence of liquor, while attempting to pssu from one car to another full off. At the place whore ho fellisasteepemliank- nient. When Arwood fell his left shoul der struck the ground, and ho whirled around like a wheel down the embank ment. THc train sto-'ped, and it was discovered that his left arm was broken. Tlio extent of his other injuries could not 1>P a eertaini-U but it is thought that ho can hot recover. 1 Wk find these additional items in tlio sain5 jtapet': PHiM-irs-Wanutw.. — Tut Latest St ATI’s OK THE Affair—A Serums: of Tin: Matter rnoM the Beo.’n-xino.— TJiiF difficulty, which now scorns to have reached a remit without the occurrence of a duel, lias attracted public attention for some time, and as a public matter we shall try' to give a anceinct account of it from tho beginning, coming down to the present moment. We shall give wliat wo understand to be fact), and shall state nothing that can bo construed into criticism or un expression of opinion upon the course and conduct «f any of the parties. Nearly two months since tho first rumors of a dbel wore put afloat, and it wru soon as certained that th" parties were on their way to some point in Florida. At Neal’s Landing, on the ChMtahoochno river, all ♦ho parties arrived. Phillips. Waddell and their friend*. Pi-tolc. muskets and swords were the weapons on hand. .A demand for retraction was made, and the Waddell party asked for forty-six doy3 to /tunic answer, to which they were en titled under the eo A <'. At the expiration of this time tho Phillips party again re paired to Neal’s Landing. The Waddell party hail not arrived, ro they waited there nincty-wx hours, aundiag notice to Waddell at hi* rosideno<> that they would do so. At ■ he cxplri tiou of thl i tint-* they tletermined upon waiting 30 hours longer, ahd did so. The other party not appear ing, Phillips and his friends then returned np the river, directing tlio captain to Imil the down lioat to ascertain if Waddell was altoard. He was not. but a note from hint stating that Mr. Holland -wits “sick, and ho would thew fore not he "t Neal’s Lnnd- iag.” (Mr. Holland was .acting for Wnd- t'td! in the stead of Hooper, who had de clined to act further in the matter). When they reached Seal's St ition. where Waddell resided, an armed party got on hoc pi the train, which the Phillips partv hail taken when they left the boat. All proceeded to Columbus, where Major Waddell had before arrived. The Phil lips party, wlio had left their arm* in Al abama to nvoid any violation of Georgia law, went to a hotel. Major Waddell and frionds'were at another. The Mayor in formed Mr. Phillips’friends if an attempt at p isting was made, they should all bo arrested. Byonr telegram in another col umn. it willbe seen that the legal anthor- itiealin 1 warned the city papers against the pnblioation of any cards or eorres- pondimee. and that tho Enquirer had re fused to do so. no application having been made to the Sun. These are the facts aa nearly as we can got them. We know nothing of the reoaons influencing the course of the several parties. Nor do we know what further steps, if any. will be taken, and not knowing, shall not sur mise. Jfdoe Jou-var. Kino, or Augusta. Srr.iexan wrra Paraetsis.—Col. 8. K. Johnson. Superintendent of tho Georgia Hailroad. was summoned to Augusta list once hanging by hiy tecgto the l#r, .and then dropping about eight fi*et and itUKn * rings snmiended Hw diacmt wu softly iff.'tti’J. ami be will probably continue hit folly until he breaks hi* seek. <’? 0 . the for his kindness and hnmanity. and di recting that the remains be handsomely interred. Further instructions are ex- pectod by letter, and it is believed that some of the friends of the deceased will MOB arrive in the city to look after the body of the deceased and to settle his affairs.—Wartiagfea Stndoy Herald. They appear too late, it seems to ns. to ds poor old Beau any good. He has pasted beyond the reach of human aid, or practical Trainin'qy>npat(y. finiy T wiro» they not to |be /Kc* when tho poor old creature needed them ? W. OUCuuact, of Cswim.'iltcon coun ty. Go., who was recently recommended discharged by the local authorities. Tin* abore, which ire find in the "News from the South” column in the Spring- field (Mam.) Bopul Bean, is awenderfully eorrect ststemrat. with a few exceptions. In tho first place Stem iy no such place w'pott office Sir Cowles. In Macon or any other county in Georgia, that wo ever heard of; and in the cccood place 1:0 man was evwr kukhuod in Macon or any other county for such an offense, or anything like tt; sr d imthe third place, the whole statement is an umitigated lie from be- ] ginuir.g to end. *1* imtignani woman” watiw Graphic complaining of the too loving behavior of young ladies married and en gaged. on public conveyances- She says that in ths sttcet ears or ataam cars g> --J on a journey or returning from a late call era Thomas concert, the young ladies iasist upon half sitting on their escort, j X,iqviD Gxui’.—The farmer often rc- wili lay li-^i is upon his shoulder and quires glne in mending wood-work. The make him put a protecting arm around . druggists' Circular” thus tells how eas- them. She oimfcass.-. that she isoa ’old ;iy it 0*3 made: An cieeKect liquid maid.” hu: ’ • -ti.y Kinks th.,1 such 1 Mae can be made by dissolving glue in pabli* ears***-, are ;:upr per. nitric ether. This ether only takes up* I expensive at We entirely agree with friend. Such porpetratod upon the body, yesterday re- a telegram, announcing that omved a telegraphic dispatch frem Mrs. non j^ n p p^Hent of the Martha P. Eaton, a sister of the deceased, - - - ■ - • dated nt Warrenton, N. C., thanking him Georgia Railroad, was stricken in his office, at 2 r. m. yesterday, with paralysis. He wa* immediately carried np stairs to Dr. Milligan’s, and Dr. L. A. Dugas and three other eminent pysicians summoned. At last accounts Judge King was no bet ter. Me. Dajttsl Moix.vr, a Swede living at Palmetto, was killed at Whiteshurg, on the Savannah, Griffin and North Ala bama Railroad, on Monday, while at tempting to get on a train which was in motion. The Miron Teekosatu and Messes- oeb.—The Lumpkin Independent says “this paper comes to ns in anew dress, and notwithstanding it? former good looks, as think the change quite an im provement. It is now aa • neat as a pin ’ in every particular, and in spite of the intrusion upon its territory by the high flying Atlanta journals, is, as of yore, the best daily in all this section.” Letters lor Jack Barnes, Monroe county, and Willis Henderson and W. A. Black, Americas, are held for postage in the Sa vannah office. A Nrca Piece of Bascautt.—Under this head we find the following in the Sa vannah Newt: It is well knows that the fish dealers is this city, in their endeavor* to keep our market well supplied with the finny tribe at all seasons of the year, have es tablished, at 1 iiwMm shin expense, fish eries at various points in Florida waters, but more especudir at Cedar Keys. Op position is said to be the life of trade, and aa hoa.-st ccmpetitic u is hen-fic:*. the consume:-, i:. most cases, it is well to ou courage fiit- efforts of those who embark in that boric-ss which is hazardous and We! earn, however, horse valuel*—his carriage and himself covered with Scripture mottoes; and he offered to paint Inscriptions, without charge, on any man’s house who thus de sired to announce himself “on the Lord’s aide.” He refused to eat meat and drink tea or coffe '—Bring on bread and fruit. By invitation of some of onr citizens, he preached at the court-room 01^ Wednes day night. A large crowd was at tracted thither t-y curiosity. The sermon waa interesting, and con tained some plain truths in regard to the golden rule, temperance, free gos pel. etc., besides many new thing* that he failed to prove to the satisfaction of hi* audience: especially his “newdispen sation ” doctrine. He claims that Jestu Christ did come in 1S40 as predicted by Miller, but He didn’t come as Miller and Ms disciples expected, and that they, like the Jews, failed to see and acknowledge his holy and spiritual visit to the earth— He being visible only to Christian eyes. He further claims that as Christ by his first coming added the New Testament to the Old, he has in like manner, in this his second visit, addod some 1,000 pages to Holy Writ—which addi tion this strange old roan claimed to have, and proceeded to read a chapter. Upon being asked to read and explain the last verse of Revelations, he replied that a curse was pronounced against any man who should take from or add to tlic Holy- Scriptures. Van had not done this—God bad done it by inspiration, and God cer tainly had the right to add to his own book. The books he claims os being a part of the Bible are entitled, to the best of our recollection. “Tho Sacred Boll,” and “Book of Eternal Wisdom,” and dated 1S41-2-3-4. Blake seems to be a harmless old man. says his life is conse crated to the work, and ho is traveling to ward the West. Ho says the gospel is free, ho don’t want money and tho mil’ lenium has begun. Is he erazy ? The Griffin News says Capt. White, President of the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad, has made ar rangements to secure enough iron to complete the road to Carrollton, and it will bo finished in tho course of a few weeks, and, at the outside, by the first of November. - Tux Central Railroad is building tui' other side track at Bamesville. Hexbt Butts, aged ninety years; is lying dangerously ill at his residence in Bornesviltc. Anderson Birt, aged ninety- five, died near Bamesville last week, Tjse revival.in tlio Baptist Church at Bamesville, closed last Monday night after lasting a month, with between thirty or forty accessions to the church. A Savannah man—tee don’t say it was Harris—who hod tarried too long at an artillery punch soiree, found his wife sit ting up for him in a high state of nerv ousness. Said she: "Here I’ve been waiting, and rocking in the chair, ’till my head spins round like a top “ Jess so. wife, whore I've been,” responded he, “ it is in the atmosphere!” Less Plus 3Iore. Montezuma, Ga., September 10,1873. Editors Telegraph a.id Messenger: Whilst I would not say a word detrimental to the interest of farmers, yet as I have no- ticod several articles from various sec tions of the country indicating a b1ic*4 crop of cotton, I would relate something n: what I have Been and heard from this point, extending through Middle Georgia. As a general rale, I never saw better stands of cotton, nor better weed; and with but slight exception, tho cultivation ha* certainly beqn well done. One month ago the prospects for a large crop were truly flattering, and form ers were in high ho >e3; but since the Late reverse.* in the shape of eiterpiihir. 1k>U worm. rust. etc., they find themselves disappointed in their erpoetations, and complain that they cannot make more than half crops, whilst a large majority of those with whom I have conversed, even with present prospects, are forced to the conclusion that they will make as mueh or mare cotton than they made last year. If these are the Uttles. what is to be the total ? Answer, less pins more. TaiNSir. From Dougherty. Haedawat Station, Douoheett Co., September 9,1373.) Editors Telegraph and Messenger: The cotton near here has not yet been injured much by the caterpillar, though the lit tle pest is now appearing in largo num ber*. The sweet potato and pea crops are very good. The hay crop is abun dant. but little is being gathered. Mr. Ainbroso Wright, an old citizen of Dougherty, was buried to-day with ILv- sonic honors. A negro was bit a few days ago by a rattle make. After die limb was much swollen, the doctor administered a very large dose of alcohol and turpentine and the patient srs-n recovered. By many of tho Western hunters this remedy is con sidered almost a specific. J. A. The Commercial Condition of France. , The last instalment of the German in demnity was paid last Friday. The fol lowing commercial statistics of Fiance arc taken from the St. Louis Globe. If accurate, they show a decided improve ment, upon which France may well con gratulate herself: The commercial statistic* of France for the first half of the pr- .-ent year have been published. The total imports during that period amounted to 1-3G1/XXXOOO francs, against 1.678,000,000 francs in the some period in 1S72. Or this sum the precious metals amounted to 221,- OOO.iXkl francs against 211,000,000 francs in the first six months of last year. The total exports of France amounted to 1.952.000,000 francs, against 1,727,000,- 000 francs in the corresponding period in the preceding year. The customs reve nue amounted to 113,000.000 francs, against 78,000,000 francs. The revenue derived from indirect taxation amounted to 404,000.000 francs, against 325,000,000 francs. The total revenue received by the French government w*« 504.000,000 franca, against 404,000,000 francs in 1872. Consequently the revenue of the first six months of 1873 shows an increase upon the corresponding period of last vear of 100.000,000 francs. “ . the extraroe, but we b* very aio*. Dxowwixa thx Giul Babies in China. Ths**cry of ti.e children” of tho fetnuls grader in China roust be vociferous .indeed, if, as says the Chinese rrovincUl Treasu rer of Hupei, their parents drown thom at the rate of 80 per c, :;t- T'-.- per*.-n- age has issued am edict to hi-- peejde. for bidding tm* method <d thinning out the female population, and plira them w:t.i var.-Ai* srgum.-r.ts uud thr.-ate tv indrw them to de»i<*. frvro tiie inhuman jmn- tice. Among oti.er tonvinring appeali Jm remarki tliat the children call *1 - : sent to a foundling hospital ; that they will find hiuiiamb if iillowed to lire. He also tiirsAU-ns them with the vengeance of Leuven, and finally with- punishment for *3N munlcr. h our Indignant . 1 ; n ,,uanti:v of glue, so that there is | that an effort Tuas been mads to ffionop- <*» ^ hl - ^ j no Jaugir of the solution l*iug’too con- j cexiinsbed. Tho glnc obtained in this concerned therein to the serexvst way can be made to hare the consistency | punishment that can be imposed. The of mofoLcs. m i>ti tenacity U said to be facts, «* •« * s “ t * 8°“' hr- hi. ” - *lo— nf mi - thfl ir’A hati ]vten r*-mr..*1ra^ Salt os a Manure. We have applied salt to onr garden say at intervals of from six to eight years, for twenty-five years. We could not disco ror that it had any particular effect. We believe, however, that it had such an effect, besides destroying insect life. We use it almost annually on the asparagus beds, as most persons do, and know that the plant greatly thrives upon it. In . wheat fields it tend* to stiffen tho straw Calvert as for north a* t-e^'orthemCen- twiee pi c*: bullet hat dissolv.’din hot water. A 1 of Ir.lia rubber of the she of : from : ity of muriatic acid had been concealed a boghead* of ice at this port and ppeJ to a fishery at Cedar Keys. The . .V.- -v.- j* j slid, was gaining control tended few this for uon of tho mois- j tolurnin-tho seines of the other fisher- — ^ • men who make regular shipments to this and" the firro-rs there are as much "Tuthe fitted down a sheet of fire. Many awn- - market. If such were the case t.:e earn- ,Urk about it to-dav as thev were at the “g»«l stores on Baltimore and South Hxv. Celia Buuuxioh” has been ; age is oue that oocld be rerorred by tire The “Mark Lane Eipress,” streets caught from the fiery shower and riar. church in Con- 1 production of nrw seine;.but ’.non the j reuarled as good authority there, says embers, and at three 0 cloekthese streets , „ time required in inak-ug them T **‘-'e. j is no clear evidence even aa to were brilliantly illuminated by the bum- • ‘ f two no ’“ t “ throw the parties suffering out of a «.-a- iu mo j e c f action, as the results are so “ST canvas, adding to the general eon- 1 is taking her vacation some of tho young 1 son’s toiiiug. The -a::-** .r.l : r/--'.r/-*:i J varvir-c th-.T thev are “ conflicting and stemation. ladii-s have Urn conducting the services that the party to whom the n il was ■ co2to dictaiy.’'—Germanioten Telegraph. I In the meantime, the steamers began shipped at Cedar Keys had been arrest--!. —! —— j to work with art abundanoe of water, ami The New* says that the negro hands £?tzbtbodt in Racine, Wisconsin, wants ] the firemen with a^wiU and^determina.tian chir.g fo: ’ DAY DISPATCHES. Failure of the Brooklyn Savings Bank. Xiw Yoax, September 10.—An exam ination of 3^00 pass books of the Hoboken Savings Bank snows a deficit of >123.000. There remains to be balanced 1,300 books. The dedication of K1 -nner. who has re cently absconded, will probably reach >150,000. The bank owes depositors $1,300,000, and will fall about >63,000 ppacd The enormous balloon is visited by thousands. If the weather is favorable, the balloon will bo launched at 6 this evening. Tho srenauts expect to land in Europe on the morning of the second day. Late a.—The ascent has been post poned. The inflation commenced at three o’clock this morning. When the bal loon was a quarter filled it became un manageable, and a hole six feet in diam eter was cut in it by Major Donaldson. The siifetv valTe was said to bo ont of Ax. _ u wftr ,j v j MussnchnseHs Radical Convention. Worcester, September 10.—The Re publican State Convention meets at 11 to-morrow. All day long the incoming trains have been crowded with delegates and prominent politicians from all parts of the State. To-night the city will be full of strangers. The State Central Committee meets early, and will probably be in session nearly all night hearing and deciding upon claims of contesting delegations and preparing a report to be presented to the convention in the morning. The canvass just closing has been the most exciting that has ever occurred in Massachusetts. General Butler arrived here this after noon. and stopped at the Bay State House. The Butler faction had engaged Mechan ics’ Hall, tho largest in the city, for this evening; but contrary to general expec tation no meeting was held, and the hall has not been opened. Tho convention will organize by the Tho convention will organize by tnc choice of ex-Gor. Bnlfocb. * Chairman; John D. B. Cogswell, Chairman of the Committee on Credentials, and ox-Gov. Clafiin, Chairman of the Committee on Resolutions. The names of Geo. I’. Hoar and Charles Halo will bo on the commit tee. Booth’s Chances in California. San Francisco, September 10.—Tiie Bulletin gives the following summary of the composition of the next Legislature, vix: Republicans, 44; Inde*adents, 36; Democrats, 40; total, 120 ; necessary to elect United States Senator, 61. Many of tho Republicans recently elected are anti-railroad and in favor of Booth for Senator. Assuming tliat the latter will he supported by part of the hold-over Senators, his friends claim confidently that his strength from the start will bo much greater than can possibly bo com bined for any other candidate. Louisiana—Assassinations. Monroe. La., September 10.—Judge _,:S. Crawford and District Attorney Arthur H. Harris were assassinated in Franklin parish while on their way to hold court. It is thought that personal, not political, differences led to the assas sination. Crawford wa3 n Radical tmd Harris a Democrat. Both leave families. The murderers are unknown. Great Fire iu Baltimore, Baltimore. September 10.—The Hol iday Street Theatre, St. Nicholas Hotel d 0 four-story building, used ns a high school, were burned at 4 o’clock this morning. Among the guests at the St. Nicholas were many actors, who escaped with most of their wardrobes. Billiard Hatch. Chicago, September 10.—In tho match at billiards, George Slo3son against John Bassinger, (carom table, four halls, 2,000 points, for $550,) Slo^son won in an hour and fifty minutes. His average run was 142. Disaslrons Fire in minimi. Havana, September 9.—A firo took place Saturday night by which the Plaza Vapor was destroyed. It was rety disas trous, and the tol d loss is estimat'd at from three to eight million.; of dollars. The insurance only amounts to $524,000 —nearly all in English companies. Notices’hare been promptly given that all will bo paid by the 13th mst. Owing to the rapidity with which the flames spread, very little property was eared.- In less than three hours from the time the firo broke out, the entire square was o mass of ruins. Upwards of 2,500 people who occupied the buildings are homeless, and nearly all lost every thing. Great distress prevails among the people, and numerous subscriptions have been started for their relief. A large amount has already been raised. Light House Blomi Doivn. Halifax, September 10.—The new light house nt Creighton's Head, Cape Breton, was blown down by the recent storm. NIGHT DISPATCHES. A Fatal Stokes Witness Arrested. New Yobk, September io.—Detectives have arrested Mrs. Benton, an important witness in the Stokes case, whom they have been looking for ever since the kill ing of Fisk. It i; said that Mrs. Ben ton aw .Stoke; throw away his ’pistol after the shooting. It is believed that her evidence will be fata! to Stokes. Committee on Transportation. Tho Senate Committee on Transporta Ion met to-day at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Present — Senators Windham, Warner, Sherman, Davis, Conkling and Conover. To-day’s aession will be de voted to preliminary business and organi- tion. The Alleged Bond Forgers. Jos. J. Tates and James Johnson, ar rested for complicity in the forgery of the Central Railroad bonds, were again before ing adjoining on the south, and also to the factory of Frey, Walpot & Co., in the rear of the theatre. The entire fire department was vigor ously at work, but all their effort* to save tho theatre were unavailing. Shortly after 3 o’clock the roof fell in, and soon only tho hare walls were left standing. The theatre and soma adjoining prop- erty were purchased three years ago by John T. Ford, Manager, for >100,000. The damage by firo will reach ubout $75,000. on which there is an insurance of $40,000, principally in city companies. The St. Nicholas Hotel adjoining the theatre on the north, a large four-«tory building, W. B. W. Earl, proprietor, is patAmzed almost exclusively by actors and actresses performing at the Holiday and Front street theatres and the Balti more Opera House, about fifty of whom were in the building at the timoof thefire. The rear portion of the fourth story was antirely burned out and all the lower floors deluged with water. Many of the guest; were forced to escape with noth ing on but their night clothes. Some of the actresses lost their war drobes, watches, money, jewelry, etc. But many of them gyuyeoded in saving their affects, which, with the furniture of the hotel that was rescued from the dames, was piled in the streets. Mr. Earl estimates his loss at about $20,000 and gives his insurance as follows: Pennsylvania, of Philadelphia. $2,500; Franklin, of Philadelphia, $2,000; West Chester, of New York, $2,300; German, of Baltimore 2,500. Total insurance $10,- 000. The building was owned by Wm. J. Allbert. Baltimore City College adjoining on tho south had the roof burned, the up per floor burned and the wholo building was damaged with water. Tho first first floor was occupied by tho Balti more School Commissioners and the sec ond and third floors by the Baltimore City College. The damage to books b/ water is estimated at $3,000. Furniture and corpete were also damaged to the amount of $5,000. The building was owned by the city and was not insured. The mattress and curled hair factory of Frey, Walpot & Co., 2S North Gay street in the rear of the theatre, was owned by the firm, who estimate their loss in stock and damages to building at between $15,000 and $20,000; insurance not over $8,000, divided among the Queen’s, of London, German, of Balti more, and Etna, of Hartford. The roof of building No. 2 South street, adjoining the Western Union Telegraph Company, took fire from falling cinders and was slightly damaged, Tho upper portion was occupied by Flynn Charles, hatters, who estimate their loss by water at $3,000; insurance for $1,000. The first floor was occupied by Diggs, cool agent, whoso loss is trifling. A numberof other buildings were saved by sweeping the burning cinders from the roofs. The loss of John T. Ford, of the Holi day Street Theatre, will reach at least $00,000 above the $40,000 insurance. Tho destruction is complete and entire, together with all the accumulations of over 60 years. Old Holiday had stood for 77 years without fire. Burning of Holiday Street Theatre. Baltimore, September 10.—The fol lowing is the insurance on the Holiday Street Theatre, including tho building, machinery and wardrobe: American, of Peltimero S5.2SO • Baltimore, of Balti- Baltimore, $5,280; Baltimore, of Balti more. $2,610; Citizens’, of New Jersey, $2,640; Franklin, of Baltimore, $2,500; Great Western, of New Orleans, $2,640; German, of Baltimore, $3,860; Lycoming, of Pennsylvania, $2,640; Mullvillc, of New Jersey, >2,500; National, of Balti- more, $2,640; Peabody, of Baltimore, $2,640; Potomac, of Baltimore, $2,640 ; Virginia Fire and Marine, Indiana, $1,320; Maryland Insurance Company, of Balti more, $2,000: Total, $40,000. Mr. Telz, scenic artist of the theatre, loses about $3<lbo, and many of the com pany and other employes lose from $100 to $"l000. Mrs. Linton, who had charge of the wordrobe, with her daughter Nellie, aged eighteen, and a little son twelve years old, occupied a room in the building and were asleep when the fire was dtecore*oH, and had a narrow escape, the two chil dren being badly bnmed about the face. The theatre "was opened about four weeks ago for the season, and every night since has been densely crowded. For two weeks the spectacular play of Tho Ice Witch drew the largest houses ever congregated within its walls. Last night the play After Dark was performed to a large audi*-ncoi With the exception of Walnut Street Theatre, Philadelphia, Holiday Street Theatre was the oldest in tho United States, dating back to 1794, when frame buildings occupied the present site. Manager Ford says it will he immediate ly rebuilt. Massachusetts Radical Convention. Wobcestee, September 10.—Loring called the convention to order. Gov. Bullock wag made permanent chairman. A dense crowd is present. Hoar and Butler were loudly chee: Latest.—Butler was withdrawn and Washbume wa3 unanimously nominated. All the afternoon waa consumed in dis cussing the preamble and resolutions offered by Gen. Butler, directing that the delegate named Green be debamed from in the Convention, as he had de- his intention not to vote for utler if nominated. The ques tion was debated with a good deal of spirit by George F. Hoar and W. W. Rice in opposition, and Butler and others in favor. Butler made a point of his fealty to tho party, and de< ho would not bolt if defeated. An inci dent of the debate was a speech by Rev. Jos. Freeman Clarke, an anti-Butler del egate, of West Roxbury, who took strong ground in favor of tho right of every del egate to vote as lie choso at the election, regardless of his action in the convention. He opposed the idea that the action of the convention was binding, and declared a bolt was always in order. George F. Hoar having moved tho res olution bo referred to the Committee on Credentials, his motion was adopted by _ _ _ a vote of 5S4 to 539. The total of this Justice Fancher, on a motion to admit vote being more than the total number them to hail. Yates made affidavit that of delegates, it was voted by a vote of he never had any connection in any wa* manner or shape, with the forged boi of the New York Central EaHroad, ]S York, Buffalo and Erie Railroad, or forged bonds of any kind whatever y that, be is innocent of any offense and never com mitted any crime which will justify im prisonment. He protest* that he is ille gally held’in confinement and demands i mmediate trial Johnson made a some what wsiilii- affidavit. The Assistant District Attorney said that new indict ments would not be ready until Thurs day, and asked an adjournment. The Great Balloon Bubble Burst. The arrangements for an inflation of the trans-Atlantic Balloon were of a most meagre character. Up to eleven o'clock Professor Wise had not appeared and did not send an explanation of his absence. It is now accepted as a certainty that he has abandoned the trip. Butter and Cheese Exchange. A butter and cheese exchange was opened here to-day. One hundred and forty firms have memberships. Burning of Holiday Street Theatre. Baltimobe, September 10.—At half past two o’clock this a. m. the alarm of fire was sounded, and in a few minutes a volume of flame burst from Holiday Street Theatre, enveloping the building in a of fire. The flames poured ont simultaneously from the roof and upper windows, and before the steamers got to work, it was evident that the oldHoliday was doomed to destruction. In less than tow minutes *ftor the alarm sounded, the central portion of the city was lit np as by a great calfinm light. Up Lexington street to Charles, on Monument, on Bal timore, from Frederick to Charles* and 1 s 9 A 4L. AT Al. . /* 5S6 to 406, that all subsequent votes be taken by counties. Pending the motion -ntral Railroad, New by Butler to verify former vote, by which and acts thus as a protection against storms, which lay low sc many fields. It also attracts moisture, and in times of drought acts favorably in this way. Bat that it is a manure in any sense, or that it will show itself after the first crop is removed, we do not believe. It is a ques tion for the observing farmer to decide whether or not its application will “pay.’ In England it has long been experi mented with In every way, as a fertiliser, tral depot, the reflection of the lurid flames wb3 so intense as to create the impression that a general conflagration had begun. A deluge of flnming cinders rolled up from the burning mass, and wa* borne by a gentle breeze from the northeast into the very heart of the city, a distance of five or six blocks. Over the roofs of the Sun, the American, the Gazette and the Western Union telegraph offices, and ad jacent buildings, great blaring cinders Whereupon one of the old ladii-s re marked: ** Well, first we had a woman's mootin': now we’ve got a gal’s mootin'; but I’d like to see a man’s meetin’ again." employ*! by the Savannah .tevoloras a new hotel. They say the Hoggin House ; ^r.^'^j^i^Slo.thetoof^f th^ •in loading and unloading the vurio-u ! is “gi:*'*l enough,” but the name you j yt. \ichola; Hotel, adjoining the theatre t.-m.hip* coming to this port, cscoux-I know. |oa the north, and to the large brick build- Ithe resolution was referred, the conven tion took a recess until 7:30 o’clock. At the opening of the evening session, Butler took tho floor and withdrew his motion to Terify tho result of the vote by counties. He said he was satisfied the majority of tho delegates were in favor of renominating Gov. Washhnre, and he did not caro to delay tho business of the convention by a resort to parliamentary tactics. He declared anew his fealty to the party, and said ho did not want to do anything to cause dissensions in its ranks. He consequently withdrew hi3 name, and said he saw no cause to run independent ly. Washbume was then renominated by acclamation. r The following is the remainder of the •State ticket: Lieutenant Governor, Thos. Talbot; Attorney General, Charles R. Train; Secretary of State, Oliver Warner; Auditor, Charles Endicott; Treasurer, Charles Adams, Jr. The Atlantic Balloon. New Yoke, September 10.—An im mense crowd were disappointed by the non-inflation and non-departure of the balloon to-day. It is not generally be lieved it will ever start for Europe. Mass Meeting in New York. At a mass meeting held in Cooper In stitute to-night, presided over by Mayor Havemeyer, Senator Windom of the Con gressional Transportation Committee, wa3 present. Speeches were made by F. D. Moulton, S. L. Husted, A. W. Tenny and other*. Resolutions were adopted tN.t an association he formed to ho known as the New York Cheap Transpor tation Association. That the policy of the government should he to protect the producing interests and commerce from coporations «w#1 monopolists; that double track railways for freight are necessary; that reform in railway management is essential; that uniform freight rates should be adopted; that legislation fa vorable to American shipbuilding should be had, and they demand a wise and lib eral policy by State and municipal legis latures, and the exercise of energy.skill and sound judgment by merchants to secure the lowest transportation of.merchandise by land and water. Cheap transportation resolutions were adopted bv the butler exchange to-day. The Look trade sale today was well at tended. and bidding brisk. The Morning Standard, the new Brook lyn paper, is to he issued on the first of j October. A §50,000 Fire. Baltisiobx, September 10.—A seven- story cotton mill at Withers ville ha3 been burned. Loss >50,000. Capital Notes. Washington, September 10.—The Treasury Department will send photo graphs of the genuine and spurious $500 legal tenders to bonking establishments. The Government offers >1,000 for tho arrest of tho defaulting Collector Har- ber, »ml orders the arrest of his suspected deputies. Tlio Polaris. United States Steamship Juniata.) St. Johns, N. F., Sept. 10,1873. } To Hon. Oeo. V. Robeson, Secretary of the Nary, Washington: Thij Juniata arrived to-day. She met the Tigress at Upemaik and coaled her. She sailed August 11th for Littleton Island. The Tigress met the Juniata’s steam launch, Lieut. Delnng, off Tes- suisark, who had been to Cape York on the launch and returned. At Disco she met the Tigress again and coaled her. August 25 Commander Greer reports the camp of the Polaris found August 14, off Littleton Island, latitude 78 deg. 23 min. north, longitude 73 deg. 23 min. west. The crew of tho Polaris were all well and had gone south two months be fore in two \male boats mode from tho sh ip. The Polaris sank one month after. The captain kept a careful look out going north and coming south, but discovered no signs. He stopped at all the settle ments, but obtained no nows. Tho crew of the Polaris is probably on board of a whaler from Cape Yorke. The Tigress left Disco August 25, for the Labrador coast, to continue the search os lung 03 her coal and the season permits. D. L. Bkain, , Commander, U. S. N. The above dispatch was received to-day from Commander Braine, commanding the Juniata. Littleton Island is about sixty miles north of Northumberland Island, where the party rescued from the Polaris supposed that they had left her. It is a little south of the life-boat depot of Dr. Kane in 1853. The probability is that tho Tigress party were mistaken as to the locality of tlicir separation from the Polaris, and that it was really Little ton Island instead of Northumberland Island. It is hardly possible tliat, after the separation, the PoLuris, in her disa bled condition, succeeded in any way in reaching a point sixty miles f urthcr north. It is understood that orders were sent by telegraph to Commander Brain to con tinue the search for tho crew of the Po laris. Synopsis Weather Statement. Orric* Chief Signal Officer, ) Washington, September 10. } Probabilities: For New England, on Thursday, tho pressure will diminish, with fresh easterly to southerly winds and cloudy weather, and with rain over the southern half; for the Middle States, generally cloudy weather, with rain, and fresh easterly to northerly winds from southern New York to Virginia, but with southeast to southwest winds and occa sional light rain from western New York to West Virginia; for tho South Atlantio States, fresh northeast to northwest winds and cloudy weather,-with occasional rain on tho coast; for tho Gulf States east of tho Mississippi, partly cloudy Weather and general to fresh northeast to southeast winds ; for Tennessee, the Ohio Valley and lower lake region, fresh and occasional briskjwind;, veering to west erly and southerly, pretty cloudy weather and higher temperature, with possibly occasional light rain over the two latter; for tho upper lake region, higher tempera ture, fresh winds, mostly from the south and west, and partly cloudy weather, with occasional light rain over the northern portion. Catholic Temperance Union Norwich, Conn., September 10.—Tho annnul convention of the Connecticut Catholic Temperance Union met here to day. Tho word temperance was stricken from tho constitution and total absti nence substituted. There wa3 a large at tendance of Catholic priests from all part ; of tho State. Rev. T. Walsh, of Hart ford, was re-elected President. A grand demonstration took place in tho evening with speeches advocating strong moral and roliiyiouo measuie?, LwS no pollxlistl action. Aid for Shreveport. New Orleans, September 10.—Doc tors Finney, Hurd, Smith and Angell, leavo for Shreveport to-night by rail, via Vicksburg, in response to the mil of that city. Fivo experienced nurses accom pany them. The Fever at Shreveport. Shreveport, La., September 10.—Tho yellow fever continues. Business of all kinds is prostrated. Much suffering exists from want of nurses and doctors. On yesterday ten deaths took place from yellow fever, and twelve to-day. There are at least 400 sick, though not all with fever. The Japanese Cable. San Francisco, September 10.—The United States steamer Tus carora, de tailed to make a survey for the cable be tween America and Japan, has arrived at Zattte. The initial point of the survey will bo Cape Flattery, Washington Ter ritory. Elections in Colorado. Denver, Col., September 10.—The elections hero and in other cities of the territory yesterday, were politically un important. A universal scratching of tickets resulting in the defeat of the so- called Republican ring and in favor of the citizens’ or peoples’ ticket. Bcscncd from a Living Grave. San Francisco, September 10.—Five men, supposed to have been smothered in the Lincoln mine, Amador county, have been taken out alive. They were shut up in tho mine thirty-six hours. Two of the men in the mine were drowned while trying to reach the shaft before the water had been lowered. • The Kentucky Turf. Lexington, September 10.—Waverly won the two mile heats. Fanny M. was second and Lamp third. Time 3.40}, 3.45. Stamford won the mile and a quarter dash. The English Turf. London, September 10.—Marie Stuart won the St. Loger Htake.i. Doncaster was second and Kaiser third. Eight started. Tho betting wa3 two to one against Stuart. Revolution in Jamaica. Kingston, September 10.—A revolu tion is in progress in Panama on account of the murder by the police of Colonel Vscatigi, whom the police attempted to arrest in the Grand Hotel and take through the streets to prison. The lost cable between Kingston and Aspinwall has been recovered. Pork Packers’ Convention. Chicago, September 10.—The National Pork Packers’ Convention convened to day, Col. John L. Hancock presiding. Eighteen States are represented. A $30,000 Fire. Memphis, September 10.—G. M. Ven ables’ saw mill, in the northern part of the city, was bnmed to-day. Loss $30,000. Uninsured. Marine. TT.it.tfax, September 10.—The City of Brussels, from Cork for Liverpool, has arrived with City of Bristol in tow with a broken cylinder. Affairs in Spain. Madrid, September 10.—Scnor N. Sal- meron has been elected President of the Cortes. By a unanimous vote, the Cortes has voted urgency upon the bills grant ing the government extraordinary pow ers ; <-"Hing out the reserves; imposing a fine upon ail deputies who absent them selves from the sessions, and authorizing a contract for a loan of one hundred mil lion pesetas. Discussion on these meas ures will commence to-day. Wilhelm Visits Francis Joseph. Berlin, September 10.—Wilhelm vis its the Emperor of Austria on the 15th. 1 contain a single particle cf Mercuiy, c injurious mineral substance, but is PUKELY VEGETABLE, For FORTY YEARS ithas proved its wit val ue in all disease* cf th" Liver. Bowels and Kid- nevs. Thousands of the flood and t-reat in all parts of the country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power in iturifyiry the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, und ixnwirtmu: new life and vienrto the whole system. MMMOAfc LIYKR REGULATOR is acknowledged to huve no cqqnlas a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in ony other prepa ration, viz: a gentle Cnthartic, a wonderful Tome, unexceptionable Alterative ::nd u Certain cor; GEEAT UKFAILING SPECIFIC For Liver Complaint an.l the painful ofTsp^ni? thereof, to-wit: DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION. Jaumlice. BUious attacks*. SICK HRADACHE, Colic. Depression of Spirits. SOUR STOMACH. Henri Burn. etc., etc. Regulate tho Liver nnd prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmons’ Liver Kegulator I* liamiles!*. Is no drastic, violent medicine. Is Mir' to cun< if taken renai In rly, Is no intoxicating lK5\\Tn*Ji\ Is a fruitless family medicine. Is tli * cheapest medicine in the world. Is m en with safety and ths happiest results to tho ri'ost delicate infant, Does not interfere with business. Doe*; not disarrawr.-th., system, Takt ; the placo of Quinine nml Bitters of every kind. Contains tho simplest and host remedies. Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., MACON, GA.. nnd PHILADELPHIA. SOLD BA' ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of all Counterfeits and Imitations. PEUSOML. It may bo observed th: t no attempt is made to hunt up «ut-of-thc-wr.y, or unknown places, to fl vl r -.mr's k» indorse SIMMONS’ LIVER REG- UL \TOR. Hon. Alexander If. Stephens. Jno. W. Beckwith. Bishop of Giu General John B. Gordon. Hon. Jno. GUI Shorter. ex-Govomor of Ala. Rev. David Wills, D. D., President Ogfathorpc CoHere. Bishop Pierre (of Ga.) Hon. j times Jackson, (firm Howell Cobb A James Jackson) Attorneys at Law, Macon, Ga. Yra.i.ow Fever! Yellow Fever! Where is tiie Astiooik? Render.’you will find it in tho tim ly us’■: of Simmons’ Liver (tevulator. This vejrctJ.L! • cithnrtie :.ml tonic b- « proven itself n sure PltlCVKNTlVK and curecf nlldirctmcsof the Liver end Bowel:;. CilOLEi: v.—No danc'r from Cholera if the liver Is in proiiiTonl r. ;.nd ordinary prudence in diet observed. Tli • occasion’d takim* of Simmons’Liv er Rrvulntor. to keep the systmn healthy, will surely prevent attacks of Cholera. jtil.viVieod&wly SHIRTS! SHIRTS! THOMAS U. CONNER , Itari jtut received a new lot of beautiful Full Bosoms and 1’iaired Bosoms. frc*n 13 to 19 inches in Hie **eck. The Full Bosoms are the coolest Shirts worn. DRAWERS! DRAWERS! THOMAS. U. CONNER n.isa splendid fitting Summer Drawer, from £»» to 50 inches waist, and all lengths of in- seam. Neck-Wear! Neck-Wear! THOMAS U. CONNER Received yesterday a new stock of Summer Ncck-wcw. in all colors. Lavender and white for cumin* wear. Linen jnlylStf Collars of all styles and taxes. LAND FOR SALE. rpltr. most de*ir«b! ' farm jn Macon county. J owned f<-mi-'rly Hv Hiram B. Troutman, and r.ow l>\ us lyinw oii.tlv' west lank of Flint river, justfiv miles lrlou Ihehrmitifuland flourishing town • f Reynolds, (S. \Y\ U. U.) « U containing One Thousand (i.ftM)>cre*. ts now ton SALE* The improvement* are unequalled.consisting of a rtx d du . lliii '. with”\cry necessary ut improve ment. Thor- are seventeen cabins for laborers, all with wood bris k chimneys. *A neat tho cl :.ml land ire h. Any on.' de ii.ujr such u farm and on the mud cutletror terms, had I*''** apply at onoo to 11K' RV T. JORDAN, T. MARION BRYAN. rnclWm R yi-oids Ga. R. W. & S. H. JEMISON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Olfiee 52 Second sL, Macon, Georgia. WILL P™™ 00 the courts of Bbcftu ami rul- i V jneent circuits, and in th' Supreme and ■r hc — FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, _ an plan. H ARD P.FRENCH.sonoith hteOoloir Richard French, of French’* Hotel. > s taken this Hotel, newly fitted up and entirely renovated tho witr-’- Centrally loaded in tho business part ot th-’ it v Landics’ and Gentlemen sPining Rocarsiittmdied. june1>tf HOW AN" » 5 * BROAD STREET, Nearly opposit: Norrnd Eutoula Rai road Depot EUFALLA. ALABAMA. J. \V. HOWARD, - - PnopntETOEE. Only a short walk to and from th* Southwwt- n Railroad. Seventy-five cents saved in omni bus fare. ^ aept3 ten E. B. POTTER, M. D. HOBffCECPATHIST Mammoth Sale. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. TERMS EASY. TY71LL bo sold, at public sale, on Wednesday, Vt the 12th day of November next, the follow ing city lots, vix: Lots 3 and 6, block 58; lota 1 and 3. block —; lots 6,7 and 8, block 48; lots 2, 4 and 41. block 52; lots 4. 5, fl and 8, block 50; lot C, block 49; lot 6, block 09; lot* 3.4.7 nml 8, block 71; lots 1,2 and 3, block 74; lot 5. block 75; lot* J, 4, 5 and 0. block 72; lot 1. block 68; lot 2. block 30; lot 6, block 31; part of lot 5, square 73; lots 1.2.3, 4,5.0.7 and 8. block 30; lots 1.2,3.4, 5.6,7 and 8. block 37; lots 1,2.3,4,5.6,7 and 8. block 38; lot* 1,2,3.4. 5,6.7 and 8, block 39; lots 1,2.3.5; ♦k 7 and 8. block 40; lots 1, 2,3,4.5. 0.7 and 8. block 41; lots 1,2,3, 4. 5. 0 and part of 7, block 42; lots 1,2,3,4, 7. 8 and part of C, block 43; lot 6, block 68. TERMS OF SALE.—One-fourth cash, the bal ance to be paid within fifteen months, monthly instalment*. Note* to be given on the grounds. Bond for title* riven by the city. All lumber, lirick ana stone on the lot* known ak the M Armory Property” will be reserved for the uae of the nty. Sale will commence at 10 o’clock a. il, on Tat- nall square, and continue from day to day until all tiie lots are sold. L. VT. RASDAL. F. A. 8HONEMAN, C. BURKE, ansSMds Committee. ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. _ who visit the Spring for health or pleasure. It i» situated nearer the Sprinjr than any other public house, aiul is sjiaeious nnd co::.iortnble. The tabic is supplied with tho best tho market affords. Every attention is given to invalids who resort to t’uo waters of tho Spring for health. KATES OP J10ABD. Per day - - - - - - §200 Per week 10 00 Per month - - - - - "... ^ ^ Liberal deduction made for large families. W. A. ELDER & SON, augtf Proprietors. ^ EF %. Newspaper for Sale. A GREAT BARGAIN! Southern Times & Planter. Published at Sparta, Georgia. TF.ItrtS SEASONABLE. For particulars, address aug*l lm LITTLE, JORDAN A 00. GJFIZjS 2rl HOUSE FORSYTH, GEORGIA. J G. GRIER, the proprietor, ha* reduced tho • rate* of boDrd to §2 per day for the benefit of traveler* ami parties going to the Indian Spring. After the first of September the usual rate* will be resumed. augSeodtf ■# .'.'kin & V [Trade mark regitered,] At a Cost of $13rt per Acre, Broadcast. cperici . ..id.iced :o nut up for sale our mixed chemi cal* for the Fell amt Winter Crops. The Com pound is made un of the same chemicals as our Cotton nnd Cr-n Fertilizer, bat in different pro portions. rs winter crons will bear more stimu lating than those grown in summer. Tho Compound Contains all tho Elements of Peruvian Guano, And will, we think, prove as. rapid a forcer as tbo best grades. The Wheat Crop is such - an impor tant one to our country .tluit we are anxious to have our planters use this Compound. It will bo seen that ii is oven cheaper than Cotton Seed, and it of great i- rmanent improvement to the sou. These chemicals n t only last one season, but we know of instances in which they have been very plainly perceptible on tho THIRD CROP. Tho chemical* are all finely pulverized and well mixed, having been run through a fine reive, and will readily permeate through the mas*, i If it is not convenient to get dry stable or lot manure, you can uso r.she* which have been learhc-d. or rtrv muck or riob Icr.in. Sand .honlil noli;.: mixed with tlu riicmknb. Whatever» uwrt »W..' I to moderately dry. Tto chomirati age pm un in good’tight Iffrrcl', well roopernd, and times (*> bamda hold SfiO pound* net weMU. Tim prr.’ 3. f .’J 50. d/llvera-l i-i tto depot at Mn- . .pound, „• cV'-nicals. cah. Sixty <fcr 6-.-.' ~ rn.lt. Optir? may to thraii-li any o! onr aaeot*. "rjvitV'-.s Wo b i-i associated llOI.T, ol Tori Valley. Cla, if'nlnTr wi’. It- 1IOLT. ol Tori Valley, Us, : nd r -• c' n 1- supplied with his Fertilizer or "vr'-To'.o- - .-a’i artiefc tf iDlshto Pbo*- nl- c.T . '.- ■''t.w'ixxc xireetraxrilscotton ...| ■ ; • ri r--. in-’--, a ecM ra-mlre nt - in ’? r r;m or t.Wefo-. ni’XT. IU'.'iUN LAM Alt. Vuolesal 3/u'--mirnl V retrain* I J :-:m t .’. .Ty»tr,\: 'Ia:ft;i ¥ Ga. |k vr.w.YsiNi: v v. i-:-:: tiibukkitMem- I i.ne op A AT LEE. Irvlor 4 by the Highest I Medical Authorit ies. Restore* Muscular row* • to Paralytic. YoutbfulVicor to the Ag f Land evekms the Young at a Critical Feried; Ihs- tolves Calculi and "Chalky Deposits; Cures fji.ut. Rheumatism, Dyspepria, Neumleia, • !>."• -.I-. I> - f »!:.• ’<> 1 r ‘” * * 1 r : •. v AM ; I I). ,. /. Chr-!»->’" rhrea, Constipation, Asthma, Xerroaanesa St*pleamess. General Debility, anil wy elan* of Chronic Disease. Pamphlet* ron- il awing History of the Spring aMTMtimoittalf from Medical Jcwmsl*. Eminent Mmnnan* and distinguished citizens, sent J.y WHITNEY 1! ups. Goo 1 Mntoagtoutt |l rant tt, Philadelphia. For tale by affdrux- Fair Ground Privileges! O N WEDNESDAY.OCTOBER1.1573, at 3 r. v- will be rented at the Central City Par*, the following privileges during the coming GEORGIA STATE FAIR : BAB-ROOM, SUGAR STAND, FRUIT, ETC. tfte cummittrt**. No J>ap;*r taken but sue bank in toe city. Note* t renting. - be given ou the day of L. W. RASDAL. F. A. 8 HON EM AN. V. BURKE. Committee. W. Brnxnmer, Schroder & Co., AMSTERDAM. ROTTERDAM. IMPORTERS ARD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, YE Liberal Advances on Consignments of Cotton ami other American Produce. Bank er* in London: Klein wort, Cohen A Co. sep9 lam6m* PRATT’S ASTRAL OIL. A bsolutely mJ.-. Perfa tly odorless, ai- ways uniform. Illuminating qualities supe rior to gas. Bums in any lamp without danger of exploding or taking fire. Manufactured expressly to dKpface the use ci volatile and dangerous oils. Its safety under every possible test, arid its per fect burning qualities, are provedby iu continued use mover 300,000 families. Millions of gallon* have been sold and no acodent—directly or indi- rectly—has ever occurred from burning, storing or handling it. The immense yearly low to life and property, resulting from the uae of cheap and dan- V oils in the United States, is appalling. The companies and fire commissioners it the country recommend the ASTRAL a* tbebest saTeguard when lamps are uaed. Send for circular. For sale at retail by the trade gen- era!Iv, and at wholes*!) by the proprietors, CUAb. PRATT A 00^ 108 Fulton street. New York, a u irJ 4 deodA wtf Missouri State Lottery! Ecsallzcd by State Authority and Ilratrn in I'uDrtc at st. i.oul». Grand Single Number Scheme I IJO.OOO NUMBERS. GLASS I TO BE DRAWN SEPT’R. 30, 187 5,880 PRIZES, AU0UNTIN8 TO $300,000. — , prise at AaLOOO t?ri» ot WAB0 1 prize of — 10,000 l prize of 7^00 4 prize, of. o,ooo 4 prizes of M00 •’0 prizes of 1,000 i prize, of 000 Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OP GEORG Li. In the matter of Nathaniel S. Walker. Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. npO whom it may concern.—The undersigned JL hereby trives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Nathaniel S. Walker, of the countyof Putnam and State cf Georgia, within said distnci. who iu»-> betaadjudeed a bankrupt BpflOflMQ* 1 petition, by the I»l*:rict Court of auaSl lawSt ‘roeeut a. misbet. BARNUR’S HOTEL, ON BOTH AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLANS. rfiKWjffJSJSSsrissffii i etc. Locationmiiurpasw'.I,being •j^^SJ'Streof toM.aral brUli-.t v-» York hie. ‘In pro 1 plac»t* of l4 : and Lonl x Tuvlor's. Arn< Id &. Con- !*rid J. C. Johnson** dr;, goods j/ulaces. 1 is un'l'.T the inan*irem«ix of A. S. B»r- mcrlvof Barriurn's Hotel*ftdtimore; L. i N.^.ofWioajOhio.^gggg^. The hc 1 York; L St.Louo id Freeman J apr2i d2wsw4wkwCt 6000 prize* of $1® 9 prize* ef. 10 0 9 prize* «f. £0 9 prize, of * 0 prizes of. - SO prize*of,... * S.1 pzizesof. J- 1S0 prize, as 10 5.000 pnze.c •txsz. Quart*--*-—, oiiriotterie* »re rtortered l y the 4gJSrt«?ri5t & ^om«.Mcnr.TOrjlerz Hrara Send for a circular. idires ^ lu£ EAY, MILLER A CO, nrtoOroiraW. l Mo WAGES tx to work. _ Old or, T to 559 a week, at o by all. Suitable to cun r city c an irub pendent liv of 10 cents. ** ‘ * ;zrii«. ^ e.«t' h mak- from id vennu. Waste countrj’* a **d ai J a opjA>rt unity?’ .and ont of money,' No capita! beinxl HOW. T<> MAKk tructfons,s» nt onrecei A. BURTON A CO .Murt, tv.N.Xh. EWING MACHINE, on Sadays advantages ovc-r all. Satisfaction guanuiteed* $20 refunded. Sent complete, with fulldireetioi 3eckwith Scaring Machine Co., i^J2 Brcadwa N.Y. : XEW ELASTIC TRI’SS. An import”" ivention. It reuiin* th*s Rupture at all tinh- Oder the hanieat excvre^octjever^t stniu. ,.»m with comfort, and if kept °n mght (fay, effects a permanent cure in a fcwwceJKa. st-. Heap .and sent by mail when ■ free, when onlered by letlor w.it to the Etoi Truss Co.. No. «8S Broadway. N. Y : Ots. Metal Snrinx Trusses, too