Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 23, 1873, Image 2

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NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. IIOUKL COHI'UI.XTS. Wkdxeupit, Radway’s Ready Relief! 1. 7 ar.d «, Work Work 75: pit* 1, <ii. block 6*; lot i. block an*. l b>t 5. xjuarv 73; loU 1.2. 3, 36: lots 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7 ami . s, 4.»s 7 sum! H, block 3S; nd -. block 39; lot-* 1.2. 3. 5, fot* 1. 2.3,4. 5. ti. 7 tutd S, 5. 6 and part of 7. block 42; d jttrt of 6, block 43; lot 6, ALE.—On-*-fourth cuds, the bal- i r'ft.'.-n month*. monthly rtes to be riven on tlie grounds, iven by the cit.v. ick and stone on the lot* known Property” will be reserved foe •f jx»rfoct purity and ore any failure on their jwirt, t 10 o’clock x. on Tat- iuo from day to day until L. W. RASDAL, V. A. SHOXEMAX. C. BURKE. Committee. .li*j=o:*ition to wage war upon macula te nons of any sort increa^-t** until they be come slaves of the broom and dust-pan. NYatnesrt is one thin", and a state of per- jM-tiud bonao-cleaning quite another. Out of thin "potto by d&fpram the feel- in" that certain things and apartments are too good for daily use. Hence, chairs and sofas are covert*!, and rooms shut up, .Have for special oc*-uions, when they ax.* permitted to reveal their violated sacred- nesfi in a manner that mars, every pre tense of hospitality. Nothin" should be bought which is considered too fine for the fullest domestic appropriation. Far better is the plainest furniture, on which the children am climb, than satin and damask, which nlfut be viewed with rev erence. Where anythin" is reserved or secluded, to disguise the fact is extremely difficult. A chilly air wraps it round, and the repulsion of strangeness is expe rienced by the most insensible. ire few persons who have not uses where j£ey have been in- o what is known athe cornpa- . They must remember how able they were while sitting in icy found it almost impossible tse/and mainly for the reason that their host and hostess were not them selves at ease. The children were watch ed with lynx eyes, lost they should dia- tnatn aula good many th ic South grow old ortunity to choose buy what wo find, kful to get some- - kusitud*'. will follow RADWAY’S READY BELIEF a country' WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. IX FLA3IM AT I OX OP 7IIE KIDNEYS’ INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, IXFLAMM ATIOX OP THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OP T11E LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. lWI.l’ITAY.oN «-I I HE Ii:. Vic I HYSTERICS. CROUP. DIPTHERIA. CATARRH, INFLUENZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM, COLD CniLLS, AGUE CHILLS. visited hou troduced to ny parlor. w. nrxcAX. j. n. joii.vsto.v. m. maclkas DXJNCAW, JOHNSTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, 14- Hay Street, Savannah, Ga. augl Gin The application of the Ready Ib-lief to tin? uut or jnrt* where tin* j«nin or difficulty exists will af ford**#* »rd comfort. Twenty drop* in half a tumlder of water will in a few moments run* Cnunp«. Snasm*. flour Stom- neli. Heartburn. Sink Hmeharhe. Cube, Wind in the Bowel*. and all internal (niiiN. Travelers* should always carry a bottle of Rad- way’s Ready Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or pains from change COMMISSION HOUSE place or soil something; so that the en tertainment of friends became very much like a social discipline. They must re call, too, bow sweet tho fresh air seemed out of doors, and how they inwardly vow ed, in leaving that temple of form and fidgetiness, that something more than politeness would bo required to incite them to return. Homo is not a name, nor a form, nor a routine. It is n spirit, a presence, a principle. Material and method wiU not and cannot moke it. It most get its light and sweetness from those who inhabit it, from flowers and sunshine, from the sym pathetic natures, which, in their exercise of sympathy, con lay nsido the tyranny of the broom and tho awful duty of end less scrubbing.—“Home and Society/’ Scribner's for October. good many p price*. (Jrapi about thirty or R. M. WATERS & CO., 50 Broad at., Xtw York. BANKERS —AND— Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy nnd sell contracts for future delivery of cot ton. Deposit accounts of lmnkers, merchants and others on- especially solicited.jiilv6d3m B. C. FLANXAGAX. W. W. FLANNAGAJ A. P. ABELL. U. S. MOEOAN. FLMNAGAN, ABELL & GO. COTTON FACTORS —AND — General Commission Merchants, 185 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. M ANAGING Agents for the English Stonewall _ Fertilizer, etc. Bagging and Tie* furnished, and liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or European markets.angl tiui LAND FOR SALE. PLANTERS are requested to call around and see it. It Is not necessary that one power tQrun your gin a lifetime. Many buy Horae Powers and have to l T HE most desirable farm in Macon county, owned formerly l»y Hiram B. Troutman, and now by us. lying on the west bank of Flint river, just live miles below the beautiful and flourishing town of Reynolds. (S. W. R. R-) a d containing One Thousand (1,000) acres, is now FOR SALE. The improvements are unequalled, consisting of a gu<>il dwelling, witlievery necessary out improve- A.M. SLOAN. ARTHUR N.80LLEE. G. .WYLLY.JB A. M. SLOAIT & CO., COTTON FACTORS . —AND— General Commission Merchants, Claghom & Cunningham’s Range, llay Street, .Savannah, Ga. [>AGGIXG and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal HEALTH! BEAUTY! -Having made arrangements With Messrs. SCHOFIELD & SOX for tho sole mantifte- LTBNT GIX GEAR, with CENTRAL IRON SUPPORT, nil others are warned not to . or SELL the same, as I shall prosecute to tho extent of the law all persons usimror my patent. L. It FAUGHT. a. May 34,1878. j *— Exemption of European Cities from Fires. C.C. Fulton’* Paris letter in Baltimore American.] The groat fires wo arc* constantly hav ing in tho United States gives to Euro peans a very good idea of tho construc tion of our great cities. Tho outcry n gainst Mansard roofs as the cause of these great conflagrations is amusing to *_ _T T_!_, where almost every constructed with that append- and none but tho public buildings .‘rstructures to them. Fires confined to tho build- !" to, and if they part of tho build- STROXG AND PURE RICn BLOOD- CREASE OP FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECUR ED TO ALL! julhlSm made on ronsigumems for sale shipments to reliable corn's- pool, New Y'ork, Philadelphia, re.augl Cm DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Resolvent J. A. DUGAN. J. D. DUGAN & STILZ, tho people of Paris, house is < * agt. have iron rape in Pari* oro always in ga in which they original commence in tho lower __ ing they seldom reach tlie Mansard roof. The fikjt is, these houses are not built to bo burned, but to stand until time and tho spirit of improvement calls for their demolition. In the more modem build ings iron is substituted for wood inside and outside, and it takes a long time for a fire to get under way to such an extent that it cannot bo extinguished with buckets. Even tho lattice window-shut- teni are now mode of iron, and they are so simple in their construction that they are cheaper than tho ordinary wooden shutters. They are of one solid pieco of sheet iron, and tho lattice portion of an ontiro window is made by machmeiy at the rate of ono per minute, by being run under a roller, which outs nnd presses them into shape. In tho whole city of Paris there is but ono steam fire engine, and it is so seldom required that it is periodically put in motion, to bo sure that it is always in order. We have now been four weeks in Paris, and there has not boon in that time oven an alarm of fire, and we see no notices in tlie papers of any conflagrations. When it is borne in mind that the population is more than six times as large as that of Haiti more, somo idea may be formed of the general exemption. The houses here Comer Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. Ha* made the most astonishing cure*. So quick, so rapid arc 1 ho chances the body undergoes, under th* Yifluenco of this truly wonderful medicine, th : jrvjur dat a.y ocuass nr flesh and WBIOIIT IS SEEN AND FELT. Com, Oats, Wheat and Hay, BraiydropnC th«8AltSAPASII.LIAN~BJgOL No. 20 Second street, between Main and River. 'AYING perfected my arrangements to correct tho slightest error in the time-keeping of my fine - Regulator, by tliw erection of an observatory and one of the most approved TRANSIT IX ST RU NTS. for tlie purpose of observing tlie meridian pitwftw of tho sun and stars. I w ill be able to Wp exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. *Special attention paid to the Repairing amt Rating of fine Watehcs, as well as all kinds work inad-e to order. jnl-T lj AMPLE STORAGE. WiU fill orders for Com from points Illinois, m urea. Builders’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Fine, Floor Tiles. Wire Guards, Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantel Pieces. Windoir filMM a Upeelaltf. Circulars and Price List Sent free on application by P. P. TO.tLE, 20 Hayno and 33 Pinckney *ts». octloodly Charleston, S. C. parties making purdiase accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping points.npr25 6m JAMES II. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. JOHN L. HARDEMAN. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 31A CON, GA. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. auglO tf White Pine Lmnhcr For Male. of corrugated B. W. & S. H. JEMIS0N, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office 52 Second st.. Macon. Georgia \17 ILL practice in the courts of Macon and ml* V i jaccnt circuits, and in the Supremo and Federal Courts of Georgia. Special attention given to matters in lhu;knn>t*-y. and flesh an*I weight increasing. Not only dot* tlie SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT cxrrl all known rtnedW agents in tlw eun» of Chronic. Scmfulous. C<tn>titiUi* nal and Skin Diseases, but it is the only positive cure for Kidney and Eladdcr Complaint*, Urinary and Womb Disc l»r> psy. Stoppage of Water Bright’* Diot-aso, Albumii when* then* aro brick dus i-< thick, cloudy, mixed w wldte of an e«nr. ortbremls is a morbid, dark, bilious bone dust depoait, and wh horning aaoaatlon when pm Gravel, Diabetes, *r. Incontinence of Urine, inuria, n.id in all cases Return thanks to their numerous Merchant customers for tho very liberal pat- ROB’T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ronage and confidence extended to them in the past. They also announce that their Fall and Winter stock of FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Payne’s Drug Store), MACON, GA. june!4d3m Tumor of 12 Years’ Growth Cured by Kadway’s Resolvent! .LAW CARD. M essrs, woodward a toole. of Dooly county, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer th* {_ *— * u ~ public, and will practice in th* Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, ton. Special attention given i Supreme and Federal Courts. Address. Vienna, g THREE TIMES A WEEK. DRAWINGS DAILY AT 5 P. M. CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 iraumti but nothing helj*>l me. I nv mur Ib^lvent, and thought I would tiyit; hut had no faith in it. Ixy-tuae i had suffered for twelve years. I took aix bottle*of the Resolvent, and one hox of Railway’s Pills, and two bottles of your Heady Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, nixl I feel better, smarter and liap- pier tlian I haiv* for twelve y«**ra. Tho worst tu mor was in the left side of the bowels over the «To:n. I write this to you for the benefit of others You can puL-Iish it if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. JulylS dStn* 30,310 PRIZES, AMOl ING TO $53,253 20, For 1873, complete in every respect, has been received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a determination not to be undersold, enable them to guarantee prices as low, at all times, as obtain in New York City. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Address HERBERT FIELDER. ID US L. FIELDER. Tho firemen of Paris, called “sapetirs pompiers,” consisting of a regiment of 2,000 men, are organized on a military footing, and under the orders of the War j Deportment, but in case of fires they obey the orders of the Prefect of Police. A i»orUon are on duty every evening at the theatres. They are efficient as sol diers no less than as active firemen, and are carefully drilled and trained in gym nastics. Medals are annually awarded to such as have distinguished themselves l*v their exertions and good conduct. The annual cost of the force is 575,300 franc:-, or about f 120,000. The buildings fired by the Commune in no case spread farther than tlie struc tures to which the flames were applied. They did their best to destroy all the central port ion of Paris, and with any I American city would have succeeded, j Tle-y had no combu>tiMv buil lings j work with—no tinder-boxes in tlie heart | of blocks—and the flames were extin- f guished as rapidly as they were ignited j by the residents of tlie neighborhoods. H. & I. L. FIELDER, Attorneys at Law, CUTIIBEKT, GEORGIA, \VflLL eive prompt attention to all business ▼ T confided to them, in the counties of Ran dolph. Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Early, Calhoun and Terrel], the* Sunn-me Court of Goorgin, and the District and Circuit Courts of the United TN the above sclu me, formed by the ternary A combination of 7S numbers, making 76,076 tickets and tlie drawing at 12 ballots, there will be 22u prizes each having throe of the drawn number* on it; 4^56, each haring two of them on; 25.740, «u*h having one only of them on; and also 45.71k) tickets, with neither of the drawn numbers on thacn, being blanks. To detondne the fate of these prizes and blanks, 7S numl>ers, fronj 1 to 78 inclusive, will be sever ally phwd m a wheel on the day of the drawing, and 12of them drawn out at random; and that ticket liaving for its combination the 1st, 2d and 3d drawn numbers, will be entitled to the Capital Prize of 87,000 00 That ticket haring on it the 4th, 5th, and *• £ Ii urau n to 060 00 That ticket ha*, ing on it tlie 7th, 8th and 9th drawn numbers, to 050 00 That ticket haring on it the 10th. 11thand 12th drawn numbers.to i. 650 00 That ticket having on it the 2d. 3d and 4th drawn nurnU rs, to ... 850 00 That tick* t liaring on it the 3d, 4th and 3th drawn numbers, t*-* 650 00 Dud ticket ltaring on it the 5th, 6th and 7th drawn numU-rs. to 650 00 riiat ticket k»\ ing on it the 6th, 7th and sth drawn numbers, to 650 00 Dun ticket haring on it the Sth, 0th and 10th drawn numb.-rs.to 650 00 rkat ticket haring t*n it tlie iah, 10th anti 11th drawn numbers, to - 650 00 SINGLETON, HTJNT & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS, 28 COTTON AVENUE, FORSYTH, GEORGIA. T G. GRIER, the proprietor, has reduced tho • rates of board to ^2 per day for the b#*netit of travelers and parties going to the Indian Spring. After the first of September the usual rates trill l»e resumed.nngScodtf and WORMS of mil k ind*. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter Icman and resident at t forty years well known “ * the United xrwdcrf in cxrcT- rcgulariy on tlw From a j.n vu.r. nt I Cincinnati. tK for thw to the bo* k publishers till States: ,, — — New Nowr, October 11,1?7A Dk. Rahway: Dear Sir—I am induced by a sense of duty to the suffering to make n brief stabv ment at the working at your mediram on mysdL For several year* 1 had been affected with some trouble in the bladder and urinary* organs, which s»>me twelve month* ago culminated in a most ter ribly afflicting disc**-, which the physician* all said was a spasmedia stricture in the ureta. as al.so inffamr.ir.: *. n ot tlie kidneys and bladder,and gave it as their opinion that my age—73 yc:;r>— would prevent my ever petting radically cured. I had tried a numl<er of phydetansioad luul taken a lanre quantity ot m«dicini-. l->th alouuhic and .1 ...» .. . I I..,) .... l -i l Offering facilities of Rail and 5^*a Trnnsfiortation for Freight and P lf*noe and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Occa Line: BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICUS, GA., WHEY JONES & CO., Propri A. W. GIB SOX C. J. GAMBLE. TO NEW YOItK. BDXI7LU Comm k woo it, Comm Beret, Comm MANHATTAN. for the defend, e of the “code i->f our first fam- *ht in build, nt cannot cxpoct CHARLESTON Is first-class and in business rente . < J. L JAMES ADGEIt & CO., An JAMES ADGEK. may9 lesion, S- C. CommaiKlcr. Commander. Conimanocr. GEORGIA SOUTH CACOLINA. The Condition of Shreveport lletore the Fever Broke Out. ASHLAND. In this country where \VM. A. COURTXA Y, $ A TO PHILADELPHIA. IRON STEAMSHIPS. Loom Heeds, Harnesses laws of nature and the laws < 9 have botn been outraged i port, and the people of that ue to place are paying 1 the penalty l previously heaid that the tow: a terribly filthy condition. W t*n told that the bodies of putrn t i n a — wU i ■ TmRm. iwentite. loffasd -jtwr s.. rsapahllUu rail.inli kI Rtsaduiing >*dL—and o n:- im. lnthrecd.v l nos greatly r fcri as well as ever. C. W. JAMES. Cincinnati. O. Eatent Wire Heddles .F STREAM. ,GU VIRGINIA. ConimamJer. SAILING DAYS—THURSDAY Are made under one management. WM. A. COURTENAY, M PLIES used in COTTON and WOOLEN MILLS promptly furnished. D. C. BROWN. n Lowell, Maas. U. S. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY CAPITAL PRIZE. Sum oo WHOLESALE GROCERS, 5AXJ0Q0 Special attention called to the well knownnumbers’ PERFECT PURGATIVE AND jtfize of a in «-an l er.utfod to an infe- «»\*able forty (40) days after !>}c-ct to the usual deduction id under will bw paid imme- Paetary, 311. Vernon; Offlc ttt., New York. amr24 3m REGULATING PILLS, FALCON MARYLAND SEA GULL..., w . • . * I)t*TTv 8AII.ING DAYS-EVERY FIFTH DAY. PAUL C. TRKNHOLM. Agent,Om ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, lil from Pier 20, North River, New Y'ork, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. M n The pasjtenger accom* /Gf- s modations on st«Am- t era of thiali HOWARD & CO. TO BOSTON. *ra. Atlanta. Gm. SATrEfAf. on,S-C. Saii«s Fa JAMES A DOER A CO., -Age STEAMSHIP MKUEDITA. AND LIQUOR DEALERS. PROVISION X!C JU KASV>K. A AVON P. KaXSOK. :> W. GKkB. KOBXXT H. BOYD. W. A. RAMSOM & CO., Mamilat-iun-reand J(<bben at k>w as thoM) of Conijieting Line*. Marine Itixurano Ral- s guaranr^^rl THROUGH BIULS OF LADING ANI> THROUC Can be had at all the principal Railroad Office* in Georgia, Alabama, Tenrw* State Rooms may be secured in advaia*, without extra rbonre, *hip»i in Charleston, at who*e office*, in all «i«*a, tho R.'ulro«.l Tickets *h<rtild b- • a*KigTie«l. The Through Ticket* by tin* Route include Traiurfera. Mt-aiH ana . ship board. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, OEOIWH A Vnd their connecting Line, h*re lintely increased their fjHHth-. tor the '' ,!id rumen*-*, hewwn the Northern (Stie. end the South end Ww». ‘he Hotoe.' CJmir. witW extra.cherje here been «■ all on BOOTS AND SHOES ventilation. RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW,UVERFOOL,oeLOXl>ONl>ERRY it Steamer*. Wed. Sttamcra Gold. Currency. .$75and|65. $75 and 4®. •r is it violaiit AND lo> GRAND ST- NEW YORK, •tented by R. W. Haatui, ot Geurgia. railroad Cabins i Cabin return ticket* souring l***«t a<*- couimudatious Steerage Certificate* for paw* way station in Great - tirw-nt, at JUTES AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER FIBST-CIASS LINE. For PERSON BROTHERS. Or to 7 Bowling Green. N. T. H. Hewdkbsow. Agent. Maoou. Ga. may 11 3m Af.XETtHCU. A. L. HAUT&iDtiE. ELTCIIUM A HARTRIDGE, BANKERS AND COMIIfSSION MERCHANTS, K\chADKC Itu5lding. Mavauatli, (it. Hr i i.T.L-v: r> Xf.--> Ti>k>r. President City Hu t. New Y ri : P. C.’Calhoun. President b<unh Nati mal Bank. New York : John J. Cb- . v, a n ILnikera. Nt u Y't-r* . M<*rri> Ketcliuiu. I la: V.T. N a Y.-rk ; J. N. Sums Cashier Pirat National Bank. Balliuv.iv : \i. McMb-liarl Ca«h- * r lir^t N:iti«4ul Bank Philadelphia. GUARANTEED. LOWEST K.vittino-nkedles art* made in tin- United States only at LawivncevilWPii., where about five hundred vanetios are produced; anil New Haven. 0<*nn., is tire- only place in the country where common Hewing needles an* mode entirely by m.i- chin«*ry FALSE AND TRUE!” . •».i.. .. l. tt. r -.rampto HaIiWay x<'o.. x*. onwl Inir.b re- t N w V.. L i.f ■cm-tli.rti w -rlb iIkc-axhI*. will U* sent you' R*vl3eud*wly 111 i: MAC^N DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2% 1873. -.y. J2, gclhyrnph flessrnyer Xolos on the Situation. In niy cced,-f; i atten- pro* are i a- Mac »lo at thi on. Ye' thei r leave- four u\ nearh ...ft and hard, acalinp. an.l bhriinp. In flah of tho acaloa. many nnd Toriotn, you may have wiinon or madferL-!—black and .tripod l«M—trout of numcroua Lind, — flounder*, cola, piko, pickerel, (odfiah, or almont anything eUo you dc- ain>, and a* for tho food onco oovered by hide and fcathero, apace is too amaii to enumerate. If you desiro it you mny hare a roast from a hind-quarter which o tho weight of an entire Homckeeplne Vmmu Htmae- keepiu*. The trueat homes arv < ften in hoinaa not eHj-- i:iIlj well kept, where the com fort asd haj.piness «.f the inmates, i th.ni tho {.reserrat.<>n of tho furnit : tir-t . or.snlt.-i. The object of home is Is'the .enter, the point of tender—<t int ost, thi- pivot on which family life t.ir The fir-t requisite ii to make it ottra iv . so ..ttr.s tive th.it non.- of it- inn.ni shall .-arc to linger long outeide it-. Umi All legitimate ...eon, should Is- employ to this end, nnd no effort spntssl that c oontrilmto to the purpose. Many horn . oll.sl homes, k.-pt with waxy ne:.t n.-,e Isiinst. iking. um:\Ti:»v, >1 ammolli Stile. UFF WHOLESALE DEALER IN ,«.UIn Ofl N't 111 to l>o amo: •. n •- i in ma rket—retni renta a quart. Tho HU! lavn a i very pro «hictivGon< Tnv le was Mt agnont til in Ail guct, or lirat in St* it SUll. icnly «i»n uig into ui an 1 m orehanta say they v fair* although a very brief *vt icu. Somo Krvab' r rush thi an oven in A ■ tranger i ivho visits tro at . interval iof aqua rioende ) notes changes than any tuMtm 1 Of tire* place. There is a imirkud inenwe in tl re > crowd and pres- «uro on tho t-tre •U sine :o I was last here. I*.w.t Bmlm; 5^ is in \ i terrible and per- TN'tna) jam. Tl 10 gXVffl it postoffico bnild- »n« opjNwit*. tlio Astor Ilouge, now rising on ton fuiirth story, i ■f. iiiri to obstruct tl.ia ^nat Ktr..-n m of 1 Life at tho nozzle. and will Ti’ry i suseh i inj>nir tho appear- bmuncHS nn> doscil, it is true *, but tho atnvta ami tho railway cars oro far mon? crowded than on week daji, and in thoso v. 'i re.- n..t hjif. mi thoroutrhfarcH. ov^ry kind of raort is poinp on—foot and la o ball. liiR. hide and go acck, kite fly- r inp, voloeipodea. croquet, and what-no 1 cih*. and tin* ahoBte of thoyoungr*td*rs art Uko tin* noise of many waters. In short and not to put too fine a point on it, Nov York don’t k»»cp Sunday worth a cent. Tin* preponderant foreign element in th< -v*r>ul ’ti.ui has apparently revolutionised tlio village. However, from Fortieth street up there is pretty much a forest of church steeples rivaling each other in gorgeousnen*. and tiione arf* hebdoaJdatly filled by fiwhion- nMe pi'oplo. Tliat part of Now York is eli gant nnd elaborate beyond descripti Kverv bOQW a palaee. Hard by Vanderbilt’s great Httda nger depot wer and Ing ttoe dv ili^ed Box. A Belcnco of tlie Dtielisti. These young gi utlemen who arc iso qiiiek to give and take offence, and are :»lu »ys t-hirating to nvjingi' their injured lionor on the battlefield, will do well to rvnd the foUov/ing and take the hint. Ihstols and eofleo ter two over the l»or- ler have lv^t thoir tenor to the public, .ii 1 don’t si arc even the old grannies .* r,* the Editor of the Cotamemal Aiii'ertiser: 1 have seen with a great deal of dis- LOGAN FERTILIZER ROGERS & LEMAN, General Aeent* for the above bow Justly celebrated Fertilixinir Com- pound, would respectfully inform the public that they hare a supply now nauly for immediate delivery. It is just the article needed for Wheat and Turnips. It is no longer an experiment. In no one in stance has it failed to give satisfaction. Price $15 for quantity to compost a ton of 2,000 pounds. KOGERS & LEMAN, General Agents, Hollingsworth Block, Mreon, Ga au gffif PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, A. H. COLQUITT, JAB. BAGOf, H. H. C0DJD1TT. COLQUITT & BAGGS, Cotton Factors and Commission Merchants. 64 Bay St., Savannah, tea. V GENTS for Georsna for ‘•Ruth’s Challemre Superphosphate.” PLantera’ Aim: • ruat«*»l Su- peri'h^'i'hate,” Johns i Berber’s Excelsior Sujvr- phosi.linte. vp2l lm PHELPS, DOliEMUS A. CORBETT, (Late Pheips St Dorenuis,) BtjjnjTACTUREUS Oil) DEALERS IS PARLOR, CHAMBER AND OFFICE FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRIN8 BEOS, ETC., 264 and 266 Ciu;al St., Near Broadway, New Y'ork. gpi. PHELTS. OTIS COKBETT. WM. T. DOHEX0S. THOMAS WOOD’S, Kext to Lauicr House, Macon, Georgia, 1>. L- KOBKRTS. F. A. OARDFS. DWIGHT L. KOEEirrS & CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savnnnali, Ga. Liberal advances made on Produce in liand. YVe have a pood stock of Barring ami Ties on hand, which we offer at low rates.sep!2 6m CORN, BACON, WJL II. STAKE. II. P. 1UC1LMOSD. WM. H. STARK A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS ANO COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH, GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advances made on consignments, Aeents for the sale of K. Frank Coes Bone Superphosphate Magnolia E. H. COHEN, JR- JOS. HULL COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com • mission Merchants, 66 Bay .Street, Savannah, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. YV. Lathrop St Co. N A. Hardee’s Sou & Co., Tison A Gordon, II. Ylayer .v Co., Milo Hatch, V. P. Savannah Bank and Trust Co. sep!2 6m J. N. LIGHTFOOT, Cotton Factor and FOR HE FUME CARPETS, Eli, LOWEST PRICES IN THE SOUTH. STOCK CONSTANTLY ARRIVING SCHOFIELD'S IRON WORKS Adjoining Passongor Depot, Macon, Goovgia. J Celebrated Wrought Iron Cotton Presses. All acknowledge its superiority to any made Merchant, 106 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. commission g team Eng^g an ^ Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles. Iron Railing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and FLOUR, BAGGING, TIES, i burlaa sropre*Hintutioi\ of how d shivorod tlioir lancet for their hulio*’ oakos, and in the duel- which take place among the gtillant. tl tough del teat <* youth of New York, wo find an eiptally amib>mg misrcpresent-i- Xireii of tire* obs«)leto «*.'./<• duello of story rend nong. To uee the worei* of the little Afon-.WMc**, ”it's all mako-beliovo.” 1 ^>n.*v had the honor of Uing »*lected as •v,oivl M in “an :vff:ur of In nor' between two i*dVndcd gentlemen, and 1 really en- jqyel unrself. Both jxirties weresofo- roci.au .‘ind blo^Kl-thirstv at tire* U-gin- ning.an-I both ”w»-akenM*’ so perxvptibly t«>w4idthe end. that it w:w* with no seriou* duh. ulty th.it the friends o! the “princi- arranged a mutual apology, sev- « , .rei!v liaJidi^l ovt rtheuiuzxkwof a couple of unire.dt- 1 pist.-b. Tire* ••fighters” im mediately ojhmi k! >ev»*i*al bottles, «»;ig.*rly dr.u.K «-.reh other’s healtli. and vtherwix- *'m.uio it filonatuit" for tlicxuaolvos and a<M ompar.ying friends. I think the only objection that can Ire* nrg\rel against our tno<le of duelling is that the ilaugerof trusting fire-arms in such unpructicod h;uiiL. There is a remote jHwsibd.ty that some long-disused, aoei- detttuUy ItKylinl weapon may happen in t he |K>S!*ossK*n of one of the luirtios. which may “go ofT’ 5>efore the principals do, and ojoasion a sudden decrease in the surplus ]K>pulation. Ot course, this might hap- |K*n. but in such a ease some poor under taker’s family would be mode to rejoice. •*It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good” and the only losers would in all prellability U* au occasional and too-con fiding tailor—«v mere vulgar fra-*tu»n of fio iety Yours, truly, Jicsn L. 31. WARFIELD. ROUT. WAYNE. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. O FFER their services to planters and shippers of cotton, etc., and solicit a share of their bus- 111 >S. i’:»■>*! :i• i.111• *' in:*s|.- mi >ni-1niat lowest rates of interest. AH business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt attention. “Fu tures” lnnisht and sold in tlie JSaramunh nnd New Y’ork Cotton Exchange on the mast reasonable tonus.sopi2 Faught’s Machinery of all Kinds. Patent. Gin Gearing. run your gin a lifetime. Many buy I lorse Powers and have to buy a Gin Goar iu u c v.... .fear has an IRON CENTRAL SUV PORT to pi event settling of gin Loire, \\* IRON KING TOST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. Sontta Freight and Passenger -rVIA— CHARLESTON, S. —TO AND FR03f— fiailmore, Plilaflelia, lw Tori anfi Eosfos! ifesL AND ALL THE NEW ENGL.YND Yi ANUFACT UR I NO CITIES. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS- AND SATURDAYS. ELEGANT STATE-EOOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 13 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And connecting Roods West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Stenmsh’-w to tLe above Ports, invite attention to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public in the Cotton States at the PORT OF CHARLESTOiV, TO BALTIMORE.