Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 23, 1873, Image 4

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THE CITY. Tuesday mormm SKIT 23. 1< r ranking i !.i*t »•’ pony. •'* c.ii. a Rankin. M: l >nrj « ipanv No. 2 hits Imvii notified r -,t.*ajner will In* shipped OoU»l«or. It will be hero . fifteenth of that month. iMnl-TH of I'mtection Fire Corn- , i,on- directed to call on Mr. ird. titilor, on Cotton Avenue, id la the meaaaroi for new urn* uty< r. Jrtyvt. K Pxzaca* D. D., the oldest !. r in the United Siat«*, was in the n Sunday, and preached one of hia fhiimet' rijitically able sermons in the Mulb rrv Street Methodist Church. A JOw r. wo* put to work on the Cen tral City Park line of street railway yoe- UrL*y, to put it in a condition to do the work of the fair. The track in now l*-in£ put in good order, and new turn-outs arc to be oonstroctod. Tkj ke was an unusually large number u.iirt at the park Sunday afternoon, mg quite a number of itmngers. reet car was crowded every trip it end many went down in private Cait. C. T. Swift, proprietor of Swift At Gtrinn'a Blood Renewer, after on ab- jienno of throe months, traveling in the int4*re.d of his great rornody, returned to Mooon Saturday night, and left for hi homo in Perry this morning. Armrrtav is celled to the advertwe- ment of Roland U. Hall, tho Triangular block druggist, who \» fully olive to th wonts of his customer*, and who keeps pace with all tho improvements in hii line of ImaincHv. Parties wishing any thing in his lino will find him prompt nnd ablo Havens slaughtered tho first opo*nnn of tho MMQO yestcnlay, and nerved him np to his on-tome:* last night in a mag nificent moat, flanked byewoot potatoes, nil Mined with tho proper condimenta, in the highest stylo of the art. It lasted but a short while when onco exposed to be eaten; but it gave tho utmoit satis faction as far aa it went. The l.ete fttorm. Tho storm of last Friday seems to have boon an exceedingly severe one in all the lower portion of the State. A note to this office from Newton, in Baker county, says It did much damage to crops, fences, etc., in that county. It lasted six hours. Similar reports como from other sections. A Hnllntnd Collision. collision occurred yesterday after noon between the Atlanta accommoda tion and the Kufaulu freight trains, out n«*u* the (Georgia MilU. Somo damage was done to both engines. No ono was hurt, ns the ©nginooxi and train hands jumped off in time to avoid injury to themselves. The Patron* of Hun linn dry. Mr. E. Taylor, Secretary of tho Geor gia State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, informs us that ho will remove his office to this city on tho first of October. There are now ono hundred nnd seventy-two grnng.a in tho State, ami Mr. Taylor thinks that not loss tlion two hundred will 1h? repr*'Htnto(l at tho State Fair. I.Mnr<* Male of Ktovri. IIikkis. Truman At Green, yesterday, gold and shipped thirty-five Charter Oak stoves—the largest wholesale business they over did in ono day. It looked like buxines^ to soq so many stoves moving out in ono day. It is nothing unusual to sec that many coming in, but qnito another thing to see them going out. fclllnl by a Train. It was reported in tho city yesterday that a lumber train on tho Macon and Brunswick rood ran over ami killed a white man at Eastman on Sunday. The man's head and ono of his arms were soy- end flrom his l>ody, and his body other wise fear*wily iiiwidated. Ho is supposed to have Uvn under the iniluenco of liquor. Wo wore unablo to ascertain Iris name. Death of an old Inhabitant. Porter, nn aged horse, bebmgingto Dr. A. P. Collins, died Saturday afternoon, after a long and useful life. Dr. Collins bought this horse in 1864, and hew then nl»out eight years of age, which nmki*s him about twenty-seven years old when ho died. He did active s during nearly the whole period of his life, and when he departed, ho awarded the honor of a respectful 1 Sew it ridge. The County Commissioners wont out yesterday morning to inspect and n the new bridge which has just been com pleted over Rocky Creek, at Bailey’s Mill Mr. J. ,W. Stubbs was the contractor to do this work, at a cost of $1,943. Helms crerted a most substantial, safe and dur able bridge and one that give* entire sat in faction to the eommissioners. Thi briilgo is at tho place where, it will bo ro m«'tnbor«‘d, Messrs.Braswell and Sweeney pot such a fearful fall some weeks ago. 7 V ^ » THB 1 ” j j < - j 1-^ mu c«i>roK iiiHi'mf'Ai. j ■ aw Ike, Rnlll.lr and Urnaw. MACON DAXL^l ^rr^rTT'r-rrrr The tQUAil Isurb W.f«M dlM 1 Of l A Saner* I Ion ostothrlr Df«lraril«n. few fe *nicro have bo many snre- gostod ooneerning tho production and the life of the cotton caterpillar and it> proftcrvation through our winters, .and the ! wrnt pepper manner to effeet its destruction, that it is with much hesitancy that I enter into the cotumloration of a question of which so many w*‘n of thought and science have given their attention. Bnt having had occasion to look into thi9 question with some are, and al=o having had opportunity to personally ob.-erve the propagation and movements of the cater pillar, I desire to write some views upon this very hnjK*rtant subject? which obtained from personal ob^u'vcition, tluat night may b** considered of importance 1 planters so vitally interested upon t! subject. When the caterpillar is first seen in our fields it generally occurs in July; sometimes in very few numbers iu June, after the cotton plant has attained size to make a dense shade over the grounds sufficient to prevent tho heatqf ^thu arm from destroying the egg of the moth. As a proof of this, tho caterpillar always appears first where the growth of the cotton plant is most rank, and the egg of tho moth ia always deposited on the underside of the leaf, evidently to pro tect them from the vertical rays of the sun, which, in the warmest weather, would destroy the egg or embrio worm. How this insect or the moth that pro pagates it lives through our winters has been a question very much discussed, but the most probable theory, and the one very apt to bo correct, is this, that when cold weather approaches most of the moth die, but some of them hibernate in a tor pid state in the hollows of trees or un der tho protection of any shelter that a moth can obtain in the same manner aa does tho mosquito, house-fly and many other insects. Very few of tho moths having survived through the winter, when tho warm weather of the spring ap pears, ono may be so» n hero and there* first appearing toward tho South os warm weather first approaches in that direction, and tho winter having*been milder, more probably have lived through it than farther North, and in tho last two years they have been in sufficient numbers to bo plainly seen in denso shady places in comparatively small numbers in the month of July, and close observation be ing required to detect them even then. It ia generally near the same tiino that this small colony of caterpillars are fully grown and webbed up in the chrysalis state, often without attracting the atten tion of the planter. Tho chysolis soon burst tho covering that envelops them and comes forth n moth, fully grown, and very soon they commenco to deposit their eggs upon tho leaf of tho cotton plant, and soon tho plant is stripped of its loaves, and the cotton crop seriously dam aged, and often nearly totally destroyed. As tho army of moths are apt to deposit their eggs at near tho same time upon tho plant, it is generally called the sec ond or third crop of caterpillars that to- Judg yesterday as follow-.: A warrant was i»t *--.1 on Saturday miming for th* arr--»t of Tkmta Juhn- wn. .*4i*"*l. outIk* « Haaiof Whijqpw* his wife. The warrant «;.-i placed in the hands of officer Pri-!g»-n for crediti. *n. He int*» t»' wintry, fvberw live*, and had ' >f the latter, when, hii business being suspected, Johnson took leg bail and left- Pridgen fired a oouple of shots after him. which only aorv.-1 to ate his speed, and he made good his es-. cape. The in that community: were very much incensed against John son on account of hia maltreatm- nt of hiJ wife, and they volunteered to arrest him. and bring him to the city, :md on Satur nine o’e'oik fiim of th**m, Taylor Brown, Hi my Brown and Fayette Mlt-rhell, came in* bringing use prisoner with them. They had pursued him to the swamps, where they brought him to bay and captured him. When 1 they arrived in town all four were covered I wi{h inud/rom head to footi Yesterday Johnson was brought before Judge Weems and plead guiltj\ and was sen tenced t^pay a fia6 ofi ob$ hundred <£>!-* laic, or serve nine months in ihq dhain- ‘ n - Yesterday afternoon, Edward Moore, colored, was tried on tho charge of an as sault upon Mansfield Pitt*, also colored,; with intent to commit murder. After a full hearing of the case. Judge Weems committed him for stabbing, requiring a bond of two hundred ami fifty dollars. TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER J TEU8DAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER, 28, J S3 SC - * 1 " ■g- I i's> tr»ls will mfs All gni. l^t ell fn Uite.*d to give satisfae- aml-r and white wheat augSltr >.—Three hnndred boxes ignment, with instruc- rhai it will bring, in the n«.-it fodr dayTerms cash or bank pa- I>^r at sixty days with interest. scplTtf Geo. W. Head. A Card. Eagle Extra and Eagle Family are well known to all housewives, and need no re<-omm^ndat. : on. W. J. Lawtojc. ! Eagle Choice Flol*k is pronounced bv till wh<* haW tried it the Lest. Manufac tured by W. J. Lawton k Co. aug3itf If the fan ordered, the but the mil ”*■ ”***'* ** 1 Financial and Commercial A Valuable Plantation j. the Eagle Mills. « r. , For 8*le, r sof the Liver are in any way dli- ►!e body, and not only the bod.’ pnpBthiw* with the disturbed onran. Bilirsi* complaints are more common luaji any other disease; and to remove the bile a 'veil as rrrulau* the Liver.you only have to tak« Simmons’ ther Regulator, wliich will impart new life and viiwr to the whole system. d lines. QrsacqTxnar im axd Mjeoseboke,) September H, lsTX. J Cotton. was a dull market to-day at 1SJ for mid- Th.-- lT. riMv-. were liU*r.il, but demand lhrh:. buyers hold inv ofi. The crcat financial troubles in New York nave hail a depn»sinse uj" >n th.* market, and cotton buyers are awai ablution of the matter. Tie receipts t.-dr.y were l«le>—by rail :md St hj- Vmucii. Th*- shipment* were 57 lale»; sales 74. XACOV cotton statement. Stock on hand Se;4. h 1S7S. US) Received to-day Received j-revio* nrikEK miles norths rjpHREI- of But*! in Ma ty. on the road to TazweU, contain* with 3 settk ments and ODD acres uf il the most of it in .map that will hend of cattle. These lands 1 will sell to suit pur* ration; 75 «*r sJiJDSO—2A48 5,747 74 ...........lATtf—1,644 Sescsv is Believing.—If hulies who do not u.vj the fr^rrani Sozodont will compare teeth with those who da they will see In an instant, more rt—ns for adopting it. than can be com posed. into a newspaper parairreph. areyo Home front Ylrprlnla». Messrs. IV. K. Collier ari l A. L. MiUor. of Fort ValK y. B. M. Davis anil R. N. Holtzi'law, of Terry. H. W. Baldwin and U. M. Uuun. of lbu’ston county, C. J. Swift, of Columbus, and J. E. F. Mat thews, of Barne-xillc, have all returns! from Charlottesville, Virginia, where they have lnvn for a couple of months com pleting their law education. All of them wvors, who hnve within n ^ or twols'en adnuttod to the practice. :unl ombrn. ed the two dullest m<*xiths of the Ti*ar to attend a course of lecture: the University of Virginia. The Central Bnllroad Arrldrnt. The aecideut on th© Central railroad Friday evening happeninl to a way- freight. The train had reached within two or thro© mil os of where it whs 10 put up for the night. A mile from where the accident occurred washes might have b©ao anticipated| but at that point the oiliest runners on the read never suspect ed the piwdbility of a wash. The grade is pretty heavy, and it is the custom of en gineers to cut off steam and let their t rains roll down, which they do frequently at a great speed. The accident occurred a lout 7 o’clock Friday evening. The train was running do» n the grade, as above stated, when the engine plunged into the wa&h, and five cars piled in on the top of it. The engineer, Mr. Wm. Story, w hen found, was almost entirely without a bruise « ven, and no bones were broken; hence It is supposed that he came to hid death by drewning. Mr. Thomas Scott, the fireman, was frightfully mangled. The train liand, Mr. Newton, was on the engine at the time of the accident liking after the brakes. His body was not found until at ten o'clock on Satur day, when it was discover *d in the water, with a hale.of cotton on top of it. All three of the men lived ia Savan nah, and their remains were taken thence for intorzntmt. The break in the road has been re paired. and the trains now run as usual. A train went out yesterday morning, and hist night the regular wh.-dules were re- uuod. tally destroy tho crop. I am not entomologist sufficient to de termine tho number of eggs deposited by each female moth, but without doubt they are numbered by hundreds, and therefore increase in arithmetical progre Now if a single moth when first appears that will produce so many hundreds of caterpillars, and they again reproducing, could bo destroyed, or in any measure lessened in number, the benefit that would arise therefrom would be immense. Tho attempt to destroy the caterpillar after they have taken complete possession of tho cotton plant is impracticable speak of a plan to destroy tho caterpillar when he first appears, fow in numbers, or tho moth that propagates the worm, tho purpose for which this article is writ ten. For to destroy one caterpillar in July is equivalent to destroying menso multitude in August. And that question having been agreed on, let ns discuss the great issue,—How shall we destroy tho caterpillar or lessen their number when they first appear ? Near tho middle of August the cater pillars appoored in a large field of my cotton, containing more than one hundred acres, with every prospect of soon destroy, ing it. About tho time of their first appear ance there assembled in the same field with them a large flock of black birds containing several hundred. These birds visited this field daily and fed upon the caterpillars, and they soon succeeded in stopping their ravages. These birds seemed to visit no other portion of tho plantation, bnt fed daily upon tho cater, pillars in this field, and the prospect of that field of cotton is better than any on the farm. I also noticed small flocks of the rice bird, the blue bird, tho mocking bird, and other small birds, feeding upon tho caterpillar and no doubt aiding in their destruction to a considerable extent. We have never truly appreciated the vain© of the small birds in destroyin tho insects upon oar farms and in oar orchards that would otherwise damage ns veiy mhch. An act should l>e passed by our Legislature at its next session in flict^ng a penalty upon any one who killed any of the class of birds above mentioned. As some of these birds gather in large flocks during the winter, a groat many of them are killed by idl< sportmen. It is an imperative necessity that tho destruction of small birds that live upon insects should be stopped, for tho destruction of the smaller birds has been so great by reason of the immense number of cheap guns being sold in the xrnntry, that as a natural consequence for the last few years the insects of all kinds have increased in alarming num bers, and are not only destroying the cotton plant, bnt fruit and foliage of all kinds. In every county in which cotton is planted, the farmer’s clubs or granges, should, by a thorough organization, see that every farmer who has planted cot ton, examine carefully during the months of June and July for evidences of the caterpillar, and on finding them to de stroy these pi-moors, that so soon load a large army to tho destruction of the planter’s cotton, robbing him of his hard earned labor. The caterpillar moth cun be attracted to some extent by fires in the evening around the cotton fields, and it is said also that they win bo attracted to plates of honey, syrup* or something of like nature. To in any way effect the destruction of the few caterpillars, or moths, that ap pear in the early part of the o&aan and i are often unnoticed, or in any way to lessen their numbers by the destruction of a portion of them, will certainly lesson, j materially, the loss by the caterpillar. j The actual loos occasioned by the rav ages of this insect for the Lost two years, in Southwest Georgia alone, would amount, if known, to *-uoh an immense sum that onr people cannot give this question too much consideration. Southwest Georgia. The Mayor’s Court. The appearance of things about the City Hall yesterday morning, indicated! that Alderman. Cornell would have a fair! amount of business to dispose of. The crowd was larger than usual, but it hap pened that business was not any more active than on frequent occasions before. There were seven names on docket. Two of them were for a simple fisticuff;! but, as no damage was" done, ao-phiz-ti- cally speaking, and as the peace of the city had not been disturbed, the cases were dismissed without cost to either party- Edward Moore, colored, got into a d ; f- ficulty with another boy and knifed him Alderman Cornell was relieved from adjudication of this case by the appear ance of “Old Sorrell Top” with a warrant from the County Court, for the arrest Moore on a charge of assault with intent to commit murder. Pridgen took prisoner off for examination before Judge Weems. Ben Carmichael and John Carmichael, white, and John Jones, colored, got into on entanglement over in East Macon Sat urday night, and were hauled up to an swer therefor. Owing to the non-appear ance of some important witnesses the caso was continued until to-day. Julia Wilson, colored, was up for a case of disorderly conduct. She hunted up quarrel with three young bricks on Sun day, saluted them all in very foul lan guage, rubbed one of them down with brick, and dusted the coat of another with a bed-slat. In fact, she raised a high old juhilorum, which officer Garfield had somo difficulty in J . suppressing, brought up some girl* to “swear for her/' but they luvd not been in training long enough to do her any good. She was fin ed ten dolLars, or thirty days in the bar racks. She paid the fine. TnoraANDS hare been chanrcd by the use of the Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) from weak, I -irkly, suffering creatures, to stromr, healthy, and happy men nnd women, and invalids cannot rea- h->naiff hemtute to rive it a trial For Dyspepsia I and Debility it is a specific. Half Alive.—It is a sad thimr to pass through life only half alive. Yet there are thousands whose habitaal condition is one of laniruor and debility. They complain of no specific diseases; they suffer ! no positive pain, bnt they have no reli«h for j SXh stock 9Qyo; middlings i hand this evening. 2.10S LATEST MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Financial. New Yore — Noon—No stocks to-day. Eveninir—No reeuhur money market.* Gold closed at 11 J «t if. State bonds, nothin? doinir. Nnv Y02K—3 p. m.—Tin* fullouin* an* strict quotations. Showing the falliru off of New York Central toSl, Harlem to 105. Erie to 51, Rode Island to 87, and Panama to 88. New Orleans—Exchange--Sterling —. New York sicut j premium. Gold lli London—Noon—Concols 92!£&»!; fives 91b Erie 43). Later—Erie 451. London—Erenimr—Consols, monev 921<^92{; account?*!. Bonds 65. sold at 95*; 67's 95 i; ten forties 90* : new fires 91h Erie 43. Frankfort—Bonds K). Cotton. New York—Noon—Cotton quiet and nominal; uplands lOf; Orleans 19|. Futures opened: September 18; October 17h November 17 7*16; December 17 5-16(§17|. Eveninir—Cotton, net receipts, 105; gross 1174. Futures closed qufet; sales 13.300: Septem ber 181-lftSl* 3-Si; October 17i; November 171; December 17i£l7 3-16. Baltimore—Cotton, gross receipts 4*>S; exports coastwise 230; sales —; stock 5030; middlings 19; knr middlinsrs 18h strict good ordinary 17fc mar ket dull and lower. Boston—Cotton, net receipts gross 653; sales chasers. Tlie borne settlement has 456 good buildings. The* dwelling is two si seven rooms, gin house, screw, etc, and • ith xl cut- buihlimr . g* *"d building*, all ad jo givjkood payments. * >n*ist:ric of mill-s. her*-*, hds*, tion tools, wajron, cart, etc. Old ty is the cause of all this, sepjswlm JOHN McMICIIAEL tolerable U sell vhe»)>and ill al>o sell the stork, rattle.-planta-* ire and infirmi- T Jasper N. English applies few letters of ad ministration on the estate of Hannah Higgm* fate of said county, deceased. This is therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to be aud appear at the Court of Ordinary i f said county on the lir-t Monday in N-\-,-:iiv if thev have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and odteial signature, this 22d day of September, 1^73. JNO. M. GREER, scpf3 SOd Ordinary. regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county, application will be made to the ‘Court of Onlinarv. for lento to sell all tho real estate of Gabriel Butler, late of said county deceased, foi the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said de ceased. E. J. FOLDS, sepgS 4t Administrator. 1 from the Court Of Ordinary, will be sold be^ fore the Court-house door in the town of Clinton, on the first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale: Five hundred and ninety acres of land, more or less, known as a part of the lands of W’oolfolk, Jaa. M. Gray and Benj. TSS5 ney. Sold to satisfy executions against said estate. Hamilton a barron. sep23tds*Keiftcutora. anything which affords mental or sensuous pleas ure to their more robust and energetic fellow be- Mobile—Cotton, net receipts 378; exports roast- wise 468; sales 200; stock 5S55: middlings 181, low middlings lflfc strict good ordinary 15i; mar ket quiet. Wilmington—Cotton, net receipts 57; exports coastwise 2; sales —: middlings 3& stock 44?: market quiet. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 571: gross -. exports coastwise I486; sales 23; stock S843; In nine cases out of ten this sfiite of lassitude and torpor arises from a roobid stomach. Indi gestion destroys tha energy of both mind and body. When the Vim of nature is not supplied by a due and regular ax>imHatkm of the food every or-ran is starved, every function inter- ruptod. Now, what does common sense suggest under these circumstances of depression? The system neuds rousing and strengthening; not merely for iK’tir or t\ro. ,o .ink into . ,no re I S.*a5 middlings 17f; low middlings 17; strict good ordinary 1C; business at a stand still; prices nomi nal ArorsTA—Cotton, net receipts 16; sales 103; stock —; middling* —*, market dull and nominal. Savannah—Cot ton. net receipts $3; exports coastwise 479; sales —; stock 2131; middlings —; pitiable condition than ever (as it assuredly would do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant were resorted to), but radically and permanently. New Maxa/iiirv Messrs. Brown A Co. have our thanks for a copy of the October number of Har per’s Monthly, also for Demorest’s Ga zette of Fashion. Both these numbers are unusually attractive—especially Har per’s, which, among other good things, contains a new poem by Paul H. Hayne. Tho same gentlemen send us a copy of Leslie’s Weekly, which contains, as supplement, a foe simile of the first issue of tho New York Herald. The sheet then—in 1835—was a vastly different one from that which it now is; but, if this really a fac simile, it was a handsome and on exceedingly sprightly sheet. It was then called “ Morning Herald/’ and was published by J. G. Bennett & Co. From the General Illustrated World Exhi bition Journal, Tien tui, Aug. 7, 1873, “If we commence to observe the suc cession of machinery from the west en trance, onr eye will meet at first the ex hibition of Scales of the firm of Fair banks & Go. who present to us a large as sortment of patterns, from the small let* ter scale to the largest platform scale with a capacity for weighing30,000 kilo3, and used for weighing loaded railroad cars. The scales are principally based on the decimal system, though arranged for ivstems of weights of the world, so that by the side of the scale for Portu gal we find scales for Russia and Turkey a proof that Fairbanks* scales enjoy great favor in tho Old World os well as in America. Enterprise. Tho Murray Hill Publishing Company, 120 East Twenty-eighth street, have just made arrangements with “ The Graphic Company” for a further 15,000 of that unique chromo, “Throw Physic to the Dogs,” a copy of which they present to every purchaser of Dr. Foote’s most pop ular book, Plain Home Talk and Medical Common Sense. Both chromo and volume seem to have touched the mirth and sympathy of the people. It is to the credit of the Doctor that he designed the picture which Bisp- ham has so admirably painted. The Doctor is strongly “new school,” and can afford to humorously illustrate on canvas the exclamation of Hamlet, “ Throw Physic to the Dogs!”—Sew York Daily Tribune. • READING NOTICES. Fkeh Fish.—Send early to S. T. Wal ker’s. Itf Truman & Green are large manufac turers of tinware, and sell at wholsale for the very lowest prices. sept21-3t Fink Cabbages at S. T. Walker’s. It. ‘Good wine needs no bush.” We have the Charter Oak Stove at the lowest price that a first-clA^A stove can bo s>U *»t from $33, wpf Truman A Green/ ; Sign of the fSoldt-n Store, . A First-class Grate with blower, ash pan. fire brick (complete^*at Truman & Green, for. nine dollars. oept21-3t How x The* lhis<k*sirableobject to be accomplished? j 1S;_ market lower. er to this question, founded on the t middlinsrs 184; low middlings 18; good ordinary 16fc market easier. Norfolk—Cotton, net receipts 227; expoi coastwise 363; sales 20; stock 4SS; low middlii varying experience of a quarter of a century, is j u jj Memphis—Cotton, receipts 4S5; shipments 279; sales ; stock 4080; low middlings 174; mar- eosily given. Infuse new vigor into the digestive organs by a course of Hostetler's Stomach Bit ters. Do not waste time in administering tempo rary remedies, biit woke the system up by recup erating the fountain-head of physical strength and energy, the great organ upon which all tho other organs depend for their nurture and sup port. By tho time that a dozen doses of the great vege table tonic and invigorant have been taken, the feeble frame of the dyspeptic will begin to feel its j benign influence. Appetite will be created, and with appetite the capacity to digest what it craves. Persevere until tho cure is complete—until health ful blood, fit to be tho material of flesh and muscle, bone and nerve and brain, flows through the channels of circulation, instead of the watery pab ulum with which they liave heretofore been im perfectly nourished. Challenge.—Tho makers of Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder and Special Flarorings have ad vantages for purchasing materials in large quan tities and arrangements for manufacturing more complete ahd extensive than any other manufac turers, which enables them to challenge any per son to produce a perfectly pure baking powder flavoring extract at a less price than they offer Dr. Price’s. They care not how great the competition . ^ , _ • ■ . . . „„ , . at 7ft 7 15. Com firm at 56. Provisions quiet, lit er inducements to an increase of profits by adul- I jj e disposition to operate; closing steadier. Pbrk Galveston—Cotton, net receipts 710; gross —; exports coastwise 816; sales 121; stock 581; Texas ordinary —; good ordinary 164; market nominal. Philadelphia—Cotton, receipts 222; gross 853; mid/ lings 194; new low middlings 18|; strict good ordinary 17, r Liverpool—Noon—Cotton steady; uplands 9; Origins'.*}: sal.** 12.<ni»: nnd exfx-rt 2000; uplands, basis good onlinary, delivered Sen te ml x-r and October 813-16. Liverpool—Eveuing—Cotton, sales uplands, shipped Octol»er and November, on lwsis of good ordinaiy 8 13-16. Produce. New York — Noon—Flour doll and nominal ly lower. Wheat dull and nominal, 2ft3 lower. Com dull and strongly in buyers favor. Pork dull; new mess 17 75ftl7 874- Lard dull; steam Sj j ‘.q, Turpentine dull at 414. Rosin dull, 300 for strained. ^ Freights quiet. New York—Evening—Com 1 lower; limited business. Dirk steady for new mess. Beef dull* mess 9ftl0 50, Lard firmer at biftO). Turpen tine 4£. Rosin quirt at S 00. Louisville—Flour quiet. Cora firm and ad vancing at 63ft65 for snelled ami sacked. Pork steady; held at 16 50ftl6 65. Baron, light de mand; shoulders 9; clear rib 10J; clear sides 104, packed. Lard firm; tierce 8ift9;kcg 9|. Whisky quiet at 93. St Lons—Flour, nothing done. Cora, some speculative demand; early sound lots, No. 2 mixed 41. Whisky sternly at 95; Pork dull at 16 50. Bacon lower; small lots 8Jft9;shoulders 9J; dear rib 91ftl0.. Lard unchanged. Cincinnati—Flour, demaud light; holders firm teration, they are determined to protect the con sumer by furnishing strictly pure and reliable ar- tides at a livjng profit. IIelmbold’s Bcchc.—Tho only reliable medi cine for diseases of the kidneys and urinary or- gans. A perfect diuretic, the long-continued use I nominal at 317. Dry salted meais — shoulders steady at 1600. Lard firm; steam held at 8fc sales of kettle at 84. Bacon quiet at 8fft9-. shoulders 9 0 9J; clear rib 94; clear sides 71. whisky steady at 72. New Orleans—Fiour dull; treble extra $7 50 Com quiet; white 73c; yellow 75c. Oats firmer at 46ft50c. Bran quiet at 874c. Hay quiet at for prime, 25c for choice. Pork—no demand; Mrs. Bailey’s School, Corner Walnut and Third Sts., -yyiLL be reopened on October 6th. Charter Oak Stoves. the market; but have, however, a lot of other first class Stoves, which we will sell at greatlv reduced prices. TRUMAN & GREEN, sep213t At Mr. B. A. Wise’s Old Stand. Dress Making. RESS-MAKING, Cutting aud Fitting, by Mrs. Morgan, Oak street, near Spring. p21St* MRS. S. E. MORGAN. Country Merchants ‘laid down” from tho North. This we guarantee^ TRUMAN & GREEN, sep21 3t(Sign of Golden Stove,) Still Further Reduction. Closing Out Trices ! O WING to our removal to proximo, we will <ell nil classes of goods closing out prices until the 27th instant. Our goods must be sold, and will be, if bargai: ) particular goods, but include G-EORGrlA MILLS •Come and see that we will prove our assertions. Remember, we have but five days more. W. A. BANKS & SONS. sep21tf' ’ JOHN P. FORT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Macon, Georgia. sept21 5w* of which by the people of this country for the last I s^nree nt 9c; bacon nominal at 91c; clear rib twelve years has fully established its reputation I ll? 8 / bams 14ftl5. Lard dulL tierce as the best remedy for these diseases known. It Is ono of the few medicines that have stood | 5104 tor Cincinnati. Coffee 22ft23L Corn 8f; keg lOftlOi. There is nothing doing in sugar and molasses. Whisky dull at 96c for Louisiana; ■■porn meal the test of time. It has true and genuine merit. Freights to Liverijool-rotton per steamer *. I; w :in- of counterfeits. The genuine has Helm- Livkki'uoL V*m Lara 41s tal. bold’s private proprietary stamp. j Marine NeW8. New York—Arrived, Republic, City of Galves* ton. Georgia, Egypt. The Cheapest and Best.—Hook’s Euroka Liver Medidne gives universal satisfaction in the treatment of Liver Disease, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache. Costivimess, and all that class of diseases arising from : and liver. disordered state of the stomach I passed lat. 34.4 long. 57.3, dismasted, but desired novSOly Hunt, Rankin A Lamar.—This well known and reliable firm liave received a large lot of Dr. | Hood’s Eureka Liver Medidne. It has the pi of all who have tried it. In bottles at 50 cents and 31-00. Mothers, Mothers, Mothers.—Don’t fail to I procure Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Strut Sy rup for all diseases incident to the period of I tcethingin children. It relieves the child from [ pain, cures wind colic, regulates the bowels, and by giving relief and health to the child, gives rest I to the mother. Be sure to call for “Mrs. Wins- low’s Soothing Syrup.” For sale by all fimggflts. june25 eod6m. Window Glass.—Great attention i servodly paid to the kinds of Window Glass used I dwellings, stores and churches. All qualities I of American and French Window, Photograph, I Cut, Ground, Enameled and Picture, Colored Glass, u luflesale and retail from Mr.P. P. Toole, I No. 20 Hayne street. Charleston, S. C. Send for | pricecanl. sept2dlm OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR YOUNG MEN from I the effects of Errors and Abuses in early life I Manhood restored. Impediments to Marriage re- I moved. New method of treatment. New and re- I markable remedies. Books and circulars sent free, in envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Phila- delj.hia. F:u, an institution having a high reputa- I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FRESH ARRIVALS 20 BOXES BOSTON* BELLIES, 100 BBLS SUGAR, A, B, andC, 50 BOXES EXTRA CHEESE, 100 BOXES GERMAN OLIVE SOAP. 5 BBLS. BRAZIL NUTS, S BBLS. S.S. ALMONDS, 5 BBLS. PECANS. —AT— Jaqucs & Johnson’s. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Protection Fire Co. No. 1. _U Baird, tailor, Cotton avenue, and leave your | measure for new uniforms. By order TIIOS. HA&DEMAN, Jr., vepfStuosthwit President. NOTICE. ‘ ‘ HEREBY warn all persons from trading for notes given by me to Bryant O’Bannon, of ilkin— »n county. M»p23 3t*H. W, RAIFORD. LOST. ably rewardtxl by leaving it at Ward A Nelson's ' being the gift of a dear friend that is dead. G. P. NELSON, 1*23 2t Cherry street. West’s Extra No. 1 KEROSENE OIL. KEROSENE LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, And WICKS. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully and accurately compounded by thoeo hoiDUghly competent, at the Drug and Prescription Store —OP— ROLAND B. HALL, Eagle Choice Flour has never taken any premiums. Why ? Because it. has aug31tf ] never been exhibited. Truman & Green will sell you crock ery and glassware at wholesale and re tail as cheap as you cag buy it in the State. sept21-3t THE BEST Cathartic ’Mineral Spring AT SARATOGA, I'll'lTHOlT exception, i» the Hathom analysis *v uf the Hat born Spring, Saratoga Springy, I TEE SHORTEST BOUTS TO F0ETU1JE, FOB ONLY 82 SO! THE LARGEST RETURN FOR THE SMALLEST INVESTMENT. AGRAND GIFT CONCERT! WILL BE HELD AT IjEAVENWORTH, KAN., DECEMBER 3ist, 1873, FOR THE BENEFIT OF A JUVENILE EEFOEM SCHOOL. 40,000 Gifts, 8450,000 in Prizes, Principal Prize 3100,000 Consisting of the superb palatial residence of Si mon Abeles. Esq., unsurpassed as a private dwelling in the United State*, being only a few block* from the Court-house, surrounded by mag nificent grounds, orchards, gardens and vine yards. fne building has been only recently com pleted with all modern improvements. PRIZE LIST. 13 Prizes. Real Estate, - - - - 1 Cash Prize, ------- 2 “ “ 510.000 each, * - - 4 “ “ 5,000 " - - - 4 ~ « LW0 M - - - 1,000 “ - - - 50 100 ljOOO 1.158 36.150 500 200 3159,125 20.000 20,000 20,00i) 10 DUO 20,000 25,000 20.000 20,000 The startling drawback on nearly all medicinal agents has ever been that in their process of purgation and purification they have also debill liated the system. To obviate this diiliculty phy sicians have long sought-for an agent tliat would Purge, Purify and Strengthen At One and the Same Time. Their research has at last been rewarded by a discovery which fully realizes the fondest desires of the medical faculty, aud wliich is justly regard ed as the most important triumph that pharmacy has ever achieved. This imjiortant desideratum is Dr. Tntt's Vegetable Liver Pills, Wliich purify tie blood and remove all corrupt humors and unhealthy accummulations from tho body, and yet produce no, weakness or lassitude whatev, r, but on the on.ir.iry tom; the stomach, and invigorate the body during the progress of their operation. They unite tho heretofore irre concilable qualifier of a Strengthening, Purgative and a Purifying Tonic. Ur. Tutt’8 Pills are the most active and searching medidne •in existence. They at once attack the very root of diseases, and their action is so prompt that in an hour or two after they are taken tho patient is aware of their good effects. They may be taken at any time without restraint of diet or occupation; they produce neither nau sea, griping or debility, and as a family medicine they have no rival. Price 25 cents a box. Sold by all Druegists. Principal Olfice, 43 Curtlaudt street, New York. sepl2eod&wly WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A T Findlay Iron Works, THREE GOOD MA CHINISTS. None but first-rate workmen FOR REUTT. A COTTAGE HOUSE containing five rooms. Possession given immediately. Apply to MW-tf D. W. HAM BOND. Hew Goods. "YYTK are now receiving the largest, best se- v f lected. and cheapest stock of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! We invite all to call and examine onr Stook of goods mull?*' convinced we sell THE BEST GRADES of GOODS at thejLOWEST PRICES, j This week we invite special attention to the following NEW GOODS 1 which \re offer nt bnrstnin prices : 10,11,nnd 12-t MARSEILLES QUILTS, 10,11 and 12-t SHEETING, 10,11,12 nnd 14-4 BLANKETS, 4, 5, and 6-4 BLEACHED COTTONS. Largo assorments NAPKINS, DOILIES, TABLE DAMASKS nnd TOWELS, PIANO and TABLE COVERS. Largest assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE' CITY. BLACK SILKS, of best makes, at New York prices. COLORED SILKS in all the new and fashionable colors, and everything new and stylish in DRESS GOODS. WATER-PROOF LADIES’ CLOTHS— in all colors. Kuching, Sash Ribbons, Kid Gloves and all novelties at the lowest prices. S. Waxelbaum & Bro. Proprietors "NEW YORK STORE,' sep21tf 45, nml 47 Second street. We nre still offering to the Trade our celebrated brands of Flour WILEY’S X XXX, PEARL DUST, AMBER AND I**rior. Tj. \\c challenge competition in the grad** of Flour offer *re «xxIh are manufactured by us. and w«* claim but xu.auufa.-tu: we do not, and never hum charged DU WAGE on our Flour The attention of tho trade is respectfully called to our BRAN.» eentnge of middlings, and is very nutritious and palatable to st<x*k. Our XXXN* has i ' pn.vs, as;theynre lianlll.J i^*J l as it dtw,, ton NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—GOLD - - - - $10,000,000 Insures Stores, Merchandise, Dwellings, Furni ture and all other property at LOWEST RATES! GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BUKR & FLANDERS r i 5? tt — ■■ , x°.4 BLAKE'S Bluer WHOLESALE CLOTHING STOKE In order to meet the wantu of our growing city, we have gone Largely into the WHOLESALE CLOTHING HIISINESS. We are now opening a large Stock, FOR RENT. A FIVE room Dwelling, with three acres ground *4Vv on T atl i a U Square, near residence of Mr. L. Price, at 325 ]>er month. Apply to J. SEYMOUR RODGERS, ausrSl tf At Scymouq Tinsley A Co.*s. FOR RE^T. fTTWO DWELLING HOUSES, elieiblv located. A Apply to R. F. LAWTON, At Exchamre Bank, or to Dr. A. P. COLLINS, julyl7 tf At Collins’ A. Heath’s DWELLING TO RENT. A COMFORTABLE DWELLING in Vineville taining eight rooms, with good garden, we of water, etc. Terms very moderate. * Apply to aug23tf L. W. RASDAL. HO! FOR THE FAIR! W. A. JOHAN & CO Respectfully call attention to their attractive stock of House Furnishing Goods Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted A WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with one small child, desires a situation its house- eper in a family, a hotel or pubhc institution, tiling to make herself useful#.and will bring u doubted testimonials of good character. Apply the Senior Editor of the Telegraph. aug26 tf TO RENT. Apply on the premises. NOTICE. "YY7"K liave this day sold our stock of GOODS ?T to W. J. Lawton, and bespeak for him the liberal patronage of our customers. LAWTON & BATES. September 18th, 1873.sepal tf For Rent. rpHE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five A rooms, with garden an.l outbuildings. One of the best stands for a boarding-house in the city * —Iv to B. ROBERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN. • For Rent. . T HE residence of the late J. R.’ Butts, on First street, occupied at present by J. L. Sauls- buiy, eligibly located anu convenient to business. Possession given October 1st. Apply to A. B. ROSS. OrCAPT. A. G. BUTTS. Booms For Bent, QYER office of Southern Express Company. Terms moderate. Apply to T. H. HENDERSON, • tf At Express Office. FOR RENT. NE HOUSE with six rooms, with all necessa ry outbuildings. Location high anil healthy. Price $30 per Month. sep!4tf J. E. ELLIS. TO RENT. TWO TENEMENT HOUSES, or one eight- room House for rent. Apply to july25tf - OLIVER. DOUGLAS A CO.’ Stores for Rent. O NE on Cotton Avenue, near the corner of Cln-rry street, and the other on Cherry street, near corner of Cotton Avenue. Possession given immediately. Applv to seirti tf* A- FARMER. FOR RENT CHEAP. But oulr Heau’s XXXX Tobacco, as good as the best, and 53 per cent cheaper. aeplTtf Attejitiun Wcra hsntw.—Ceutro! City Choice, Your, to Count On. and l*ride of Georgia are reliable brands of cigars manufactured only by George 1Y. Head’s. Chloride of Sodiaa lChiot& etTotmst Jlr raide ofEoCun iodide of Sodium Fiu#*ri«h* of Cairiwn You can birr cook stove in the A Green. r ^ooirnd relialile arket from Truman i sept21-3t I t LSftJn Bicartensk* at Soda BirarbMteof Mapnff] Dtcarbunate of Lime Bioibi mite of Strom ia Bicarbonate of Barvta Bkwrbonateof ln« Jvi!;.!..oU »*f l’.4^>a - Fha^Cte of Soda Kibonac ui >exia - AIouuim ... t Ir-ranic matter GKAI5S. 5U9.9i*A * 9A£»7 1-534 - 198 a trace - 11.447 4J&*8 - 17A463 170.646 • ainwv - 1.737 1.128 -, none to the soap fa Editorial Change. J j) ON .- T f c Ye regret to learn that our friend Col J. T. Lumpkin. ha.< retired from the Atlanta Constitution- The Colonel ha* been connected with that pap«‘r almost ever since it has been in the han*ls of its present owners, and has lH.*en one of the most energetic and faithful workers on it. He is every inch h gentleman, and is withal, an efficient newspaj*er man. He hope to soon hear of his eajra«*etk)i) el ■where. It is not probable, how* he will be long without an offer id your waste grease >-day. septlOtf R WK1N. MA88ENBURG k CO. r, that HrKaasHZN’G.—If you feel .>•/[ rc-vio*l by the heat and JiLt. just sfep into Loh*.-, in the Ltnier House l-uIMIng, ami take a e»>»! refreshing bath far only tvesdr-fift cents. Shaving, Kiir cuttxfffir. etc., by Ae most skillful tonsorial artists, and at the coolest establtehment in t. ity. Stmn&r* vrviting j U r this—the pivple here :d! knou i:. julyl2<‘odtf U »v, rMniui! ih of W e -^.«4.h>finxffl *d h> |otith.u tor letter* of . nod rr|«iv«rniirjr 1 . it *i<- iu-.' il!■»-■!utrzv-i oil ho <!utb» m «ud **. is: . .tiral • .ii> .uT^uiJed lor, and paid t \ r'P> i-O* :;ru% :til the funds iJud has route fu- Tiu- r«io«iW arid atuw<T!j»h all and .- - .,r t\.f ik-vI i f kin and creditor* <jf l •v,i al lir ■ rveular term of this i >,u Xi•* • utjvr tunU. tbcfi uni tlwre U» Uimw i »u«*. if nor :in»y <0ei. why oaid leik-ra uf dicinb- f in* W f ranted. (.x.*/> un,i«wmy rmiA In The title to the above real estate is guaranteed perf.it. V r - r~ a. -r» The liberal terms of this scheme brimrs it with- the reach of all—the greatest opjs>rtunity ever offered for the poor man to rise to wealth. T PRICE OF TICKETS. Single Tickets, 32 50; Eleven Tickets, 325 00 r Fifty-six Tickets, 5125 00; One Hundred and Fif teen Tickets, 3250 00. • The drawing will be made under the superin tendence of a committee appointed by the high est officials in the State, duly sworn to the faith ful performance of tl>e duties assigned them. The hurbest officials both of citv, county and Sute have not only endorsed Mr. Abeles, but also his schtgne. _ Tby demand for tickets Is unparalleled, and all desiring to participate iu the drawings should at once form their clubs and send in their orders. AGENTS WANTED in all States, Cities and Towns in the U. S. and Canadas. Money should he sent by Registered Letter, P. O. Onler or Express, with the iuli address of the purchaser in plain writing. For further information and particular*, send for circulars to the Manager and Pruprirtor. aiul addre** SIMON ABELES, st-p23«od3in L«iV»*nworth, Kansas. 'HE store on C X A Co.’s, at pr Newsom. Posse* ply to au-r2tf rry street, next to Greer, Lake *nt occupied by Coleman A n given 1st of October. Ap- J. VALENTINO. ; tod (ildrmli-r ii. HOLMES, Ordiiwn from the HonorsbVe Ordinary of gpaiding ciHiirty. Georgia, .will he *-*ld hef >re th** C«girS- hnusc d«s»r in th*- toan of Butk-r, Taylor county, on the first Tuesday in November next, within the legal hours of sale, the following nai’.edprop erty to-wit : Lots Now A 5 and 6 on block No. 6, No. 4 on Work No. 7. and Nos. 2. 10 and 11 on bkjrk No. y. all uf said lots lying and being in the town of Butler, aforesaid, each ha\ing fifty feet front and running l*yk one hundred and fifty feet. The abr.se named property comprises a portion ft the estate of B. II. Searry, late «jf Spaidmr rvAinty. d***«u»d. simI is M,ld tor the lenetit of lbs k«UiK uf nid estate. Terms «tu»h. JOHN SEARCY. wj*23 ids Executor of B. R- So»ny,dtiwiM.i]. GREAT BARGAINS ' X i W- w) LAOIE S ’ Dresses and Suits ! T HE balance of our Spring and Summer Drosses and Suits will be offcrrul at Greatly Reduced Prices! During the remainder of this month. We will ofien in a few days the Latest Novelties ind Styles in LACIES' DRESSES, SUITS ANO DRESS SOODS Which they are enlarging daily, consisting of SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASINGS, COUNTERPANES, SPREADS, NAPKINS, DOILIES, TABLE DAMASKS, TOWELS. Etc., Which they offer at prices’consistent with the re cent decline in all classes of goods. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! W. A. JUHAN & CO. Have just opened a beautiful display of GEOS GRAIN AND ROMAN STRIPE SASH RIBBONS, Which arc regarded as miracles of cheapness. IRISH LINENS ! IRISH LINENS ! A splendid assortment of the above in every grade. OXJB DRESS GOODS Have begun to arrive, which will enable u.«j in a few days to make tbe handsomest display in tliis line ever seen in tliis section. Call on f W. A. JI HAN tk CO. Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade. TVE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, UN LESS BY A JOBBER WINSillP «- CAILAWAY. MEEK I TOBACCO LI CIGARS JOHNSON <3c SMITH, MULBERRY STREET, MACON. OA. "\"\ T E nre now offe Vv sold in Macor, M from the cheapest to the best, consisting of the largest and best assorted stocks of TOBACCO and CIGARS ever solicit a «dl from tho City nnd Country Trade. We have all grades; _ - part of tho following BRANDS OF PLUG. NELLY BLY. OVER THE SEA, APRICOT, PREMIUM, J. IL GREANER'S 11 IN, CABLE COIL, JOY OF THE SOUTH, OLD DOMINION, PINK APPLE, NECTAR LEAF, COMMON SENSE, PERPETUAL ROSE MAGNOLIA, PILLAR OF STATE, BRANDS OF SMOKING TOBACCO. FRUITS AND FLOWERS, CREOLE, BIRD’S EYE, LUXURY, EMPRESS, COWSLIP, GOLDEN SCEPTRE, GOLD LEAF. YACHT CLUB. ORANGE BRANDS OF CIGARS. • ESPANOLA, LA JUSTICIA. SMALL CUBARICOS, CENTURY,'GOLDEN STAR, DOLLY WARDEN. YACHT CLUB, LA VISION, HENRY CLAY. Pl7~« LA MARINOLA, CLIFTONDALE. CHKKOOTS PATENT MEDICINES Principe Cigars, Gravely’s Genuine Chewing To bacco, Harwell’s Chewing Balsam. Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine English and American Hair Brushes, Fine do. do. Tooth Brushes, Fine do. do. Extracts, Extra Fine Colonge Water, And A mamoth Stock of fine and ooarae SPONGES, it Hunt, liaukin & Lamar’s, yp!6 tf THE D. PEATT GIN BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IN 1833. W E offer to planters these well known gins, which s planted. i sold wherever cotton DISSOLUTION. idiafolved by mu 8. PEYbEtt, M. GLAUS. With our usual assortment suited to the Benson, and im ite the attention of bnyi-rs. W. A. HOPSON & CO., ^pl'.-tf 41 nnd 4.", SECOND STREET. E. B. POTTER, M. D. HOMCEOPATH1ST O FFICE Wr«.r» BI..4 Strand third dor. l.-k.. Johnston j wuliy ratal,lishment. R«idtl,ra Lotiisr Hours juljtjtf Taxes—-Second Notice. rilHE County Commissioners have notified me X that they are in nee<l of money, and I am therefore compelled to ask the people to come up without further delay and jay their State and County Taxes. Persons, white and colored, who owe poll anu road taxes only, must pay up to save coat, as I am required by law to Issue exerutio their employers, seplo tf and garnishee T. NELSON, Tax Collector Bibb County. HIN8DALE»8 {Formerly Mrs. Maceaulay’s) SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, 275 aud 277 Madison Ave., N. Y. City. T^ROP. GEOBGE S. BLACKIK. having be- JL come aieus-iated in the management of this established and sucreaidul institution, begs to com- mend it to tbe attention of hia fioutheru fnenda. For cirrulara and particulars, address u-p7 im 277 MADIBON AVENUE. | * 1 OVER SEVENTEEN THOUSAND Have been sold- since 185fi. We ask parties wishing to buy to come and examine them, especially the IMPROVED GIN, having a linter attached.' It will pav them for so doing. They are warranted to give satisfaction, and time given to test them before payment is required. ju!102awtf JOHNSON & DUNLAP, No. 72 THIRD STREET. Special Notice. IHE surviving partners of the firm of W. A. HOPSON A CO. will continue tbe business of the late firm at the old stand until further notice. The stock will be kept up in all the de partment* to the nguirsmenta of the business. Mr. R. E. Jones is our duly authorised attorney n fact. J. L. WARREN. C. P. ROBERTS. N Surviving Partners. September 8th. 1873. **i* If i FOR RENT. F ROM the Mt <* October nert property, belonging to tbe estate of 31 o- The eight-rooni house on Oglethorpe Where Mrs. Rogers formerly !iv«J. One five-room dwellimr house now occupied by Dr. T. ". . .u orP e sn«l One store-house on corner of Third tfreet*, op|»«U- Findlay Two five-room dwelling houses on Thiru opposite Findlay’s Iron , u jThird (W rtorohou* on the ramer of Arrh Min streets, now occupied by H. M- Bear. Also a number of other small bouses. For term. 'J ront. «U-.. HARRIS^ Ml**»dlWMltUSW i Ofdrthorpr; Kxt.'Ul.