Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 25, 1873, Image 2

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I THE MACOX DAILY TELEGRAPH AXE MESSENGER! THYSSDAY MOKNING. SEPTEMBER 25, 1878. Ctlrgraplufjfjtssnifltr Tin its i * \ \ miirmm; . sept. i*» OHl'.IGN NOTES. »ph >1,- Jho j •iira.-v <-f tii.- K'in- of Italy to Vi- . nn». wbi.th »ill pr .lul ly U OXVodi.i to Berlin, -l^nifh'r ,i ^-TKit .li-al mon- thu amen. .-x. bum;.- ..f .-..art. —Itisw.il fcu wn tlmt tho j- r.M ni.l Hjmp.thi.- tho Ring ;.r,- .trt.ngly in.'lill'-A to Kran* to which country Italy OWW her uni' It in true tti.it the liKrati.m of IU originii'.si with t!.. Empcr-r Napoh. Ktill, it Ttucany the Clmr the Amt fr..t Rom,* flu . I tali It ‘IUmUIm' 1 Vienna an.l IV ]».litiea! .ell. • l.y En nch arms that the, rere .Iriven from Ix.ml•nrHy. • >f BoU riaO anil Magonti. lod elation ..f Mi.l.-na, I'.m..,, 1 a largo part of th.- States ot until the German war/., driving M from Vrnine an,l the French Hi the dream of II v indcrstood that Vie ertakea tho journey i by the oonnauls of his or the purpaww; indispenaithlr anj < ->n : ;e:v-> to eommhial happuier v T.. eharaetenre tha jaiXTrea- «i\e tenileDTTef ilane adrertisenioute the fell.orinir ip- imcn. taken fron, the Ber lin Voesische Zoitung, may a. nre .is an illnstratiiizi: "Should a ehii.Tle»; »-i,h-ir.T of ro--1 family, or a -ing],- -t-iwly gentle man with a handsomo income, oa able to make up hi.- mind to marrv a feme w. ll dueat.sl middl. -ag.-l Lely of good family, lie IJi.lV -end 1..- i-l-lr---.- letter I > • f tm- -til ." The a.lv. rti.—r pr„t the Jewiah faith, hut tie cr.-i-l “f gentleman wrmld form no wriouaelMtie l.- nsumm.it ion of marriage.” .1 U.N V • EOltUIA SCHOOL OEHT OF 1S*1 the i for fi.tu At doapofla dal cir, 1 of tile II the King’* journey il inter- i throat. The Vatorland, in attack on Victor cat of the Emperor, gainst tho ao-called cli 1 -> great in f> that many meinl ahold and the Aim- left the capital Victor Emanuel. Thepeo- Tcr, greet, erial bo lity ha A ( Irrulmr from ( omnl»ionrr Orr Full Information AImmiI It ut 0*e«w rrml InlrretU Atlanta, Ga., Sopt. 2*-, 1S73. Khtort of the (WWi»: Aoopyoftho enchwed circular, with the blanks prop erly filled, has jnst baaa sent to the Coun ty School Commi---i n. r- and County Treasurers of the different countiea of the State. Many dlixena, who will not hare as opportunity of eocin^ tae euro- lar, are interested in the information which it contains. Will you please pub lish for their benefit- Gustaves J. Obb, State School Commissioner. Depabtme:<t or Edccatio.v, ) An-ssTa, Ga.. September 13,1873.) Dm Sir: J hereby notify you that I hare just completed tho apportionment of another installment of the fund derived from the tax levied under “An act to pro vide for the payment of tho debt due to teachers and school officers who did ser- vioe under the Public School Uw in the v.-ar 1871.” approved August 19. 1872. The amount just apportioned is 571,000. This covers tho entire sum realized from the tax mentioned, from the time of the apportionment in December last up to .... . -—- The pro rota of your portion «>f tHib fund. »< •tructio«» . «*.lu either in or 1-; f»wt. In . ith«-r c-ust* ih certifi-ate, under or Olnrk «*f the Supon hold th- ‘ v h.ivr ^iv.-u tli- 1- :i 1 r The n.-e.-sarv :tn i r- drft y mud Id,du.-. i-oni the Ordinary ■ Coart th.it th.*y him to hold, and ptired by law. . :i.Mf .-i|k-a the count v may of conveying th-* fund to be paid out of the fund it**-if- The State Board of Education ha- de cided that county treasurer- are entitled to e.nlv 2J per cent, for 1-th receiving anil paying out the fund—ami not 2J per cent. for re, . iving and the same for pay- ing out. In the circular <*f th** 25th of July, the f.illowin^ eontenc** occurred: "It i* made ^ the duty of th»- Slat.* School CommLs- pioner lo see that the pn»|H^- idto pro vided l.y law, are brought against all officer* hIa.1 Kgcuif. of the riVKtem liable t^ the »ame. for misapplication of the aSool fuml, or other cause; and while he hopes that necessity will not bo Laid upon him to discharge this dot hereby gives notice that he will faith fully perform it r.hould occasi I now repast and reaffirm the e I take this oooaion to say to the County School Commissioners that, in the blank h faded “ Consolidation of thi Keports of Private Elementary Schools,' I neglected to provide columns for sepa rating the children of the white and col ored races. I hereby instruct the com missioners to separate the races by fill ing up with two horizontal lines across the blank, tho whites in one and colored in the other, with the letter W placed at the beginning of tho first, and the letter C at the beginning of the second. GrsTAVUs J. Orb, State School Commissioner. with a hearty | the 10th instant ■waljh f—■ . . • to B, Tn will be of the ut-1 There h.xs 1— n «mc d. lny in making |..w m„1 G. rnu.nv the apportionment. ThoLvw fii.M nodvfi- ,v th.-same eoemlea. | nito time. Iiut, after consultation with the Governor, I published in my pam phlet of in-truction-. issued in March last, that the apportionment would be made about tho 1st of July. When that time arrived the Comptroller General and the Treasurer were each colled upon for a statement of the amount of this .tisolatos for Italian I special fund collected up to date. Owing ne have been j to heavy official lal-rs in those offices at Government that time the statements were a little 1,-tnict tho delayed. When received they disclosed tillliahle to I tho fact that there had been paid into the treasury of the regular school fund, il situ-1 derived from all eoureee, betwocn tho di- 1th of November, 1871, and the lflth day oa I of August. 1872, the date of the passage the I of tho act referred to in tho first part of nr.- I-.* 1. t}ir*-.it* •ned hy the* name enemies. 'i’bueoemoroUti ml party of reectii r>n which haa ita h i*, ir i Boroo, oomprii ice both nu\U- witli an equal hat.* and aim* at I their daatructin in. Mutual) in ton seta thus ooqipi l it w. make common c CV« G Tmuny and a use a^ainat the It »h t 1 common tlCMi om-my. Tho Amor and forrign < provisionally luu taken th immigration of tniliUiy service. There is no chang* ation in Prance. Tl: rideti; the Eegitirc biwanl tho al«ohit lily U i in The re to obstruct tho | r ho are in thop<)lili' b fusionisU Arc nU are pressin marchy the liberal and cautious roy- i-Orh-anihts among them, are dr. :i.ling the fanaticism of their allies; tho OofNiaentii waverings and the Duk< de Broglie is aln-ady thniit.-nod with di: miml by Loais VeaQlot, the all-power ful eiliter of M L r Uni this circular, only about $97,000. By refeTunco to the first section of the act of August 19,1872, it will be seen that tliia special school fund was raised to replace in the treasury all school funds which had been drawn out and used for other than school purposes between tho dates i mvers, as soon as i man acowi pwjiwai Homy the Fifth has n.-ated himself on | just mentioned. One hundred thousand the thn.ne of his fathers. MncMahon is I dollars of the fund realized had already silent and devotes his attention to mili- I been apportioned; and the question arose tary reforms, tho re-organization of tho I in the mind of tho Governor as to whether artillery especially. Should tho model of any amount which might be realized from a now broiloe . annon offered by Colonel tho tax, in oxcesa of what was sufficient to K.-ffye, be adopted, France will own again | replace in the treasury the ^funds men 4681 now cannon within a year, tin ‘ id himself to furnish ery week. ventor having j eight batteries < It is reported that tho Count of Cliam- l*ord will shortly issue a d«-elaration no- knowl.-.l '-ing the right of the people to share in too government of the nat' and con#-.-nt ing to tho settlement of the tioned, was appropriated by the act. Tliis question he very properly referred to the Attorney General, asking for a written opinion. The absence of tho Attorney oral at tho time, and protracted sick ness after his return, added to tho delay. Tho opinion, when received, was to the effect that the entire fund raised by the future cotirdituLion of Franco by imtionnl tax is appropriated by Uie act to thepay- represcntativoOa Considering tho well I inont of the debt o{ 1171* After the know i. r-.-i.tim.-nt of tho Count Jon his [ opinion of the Attorney General was re- sacred rights, we think it extremely im- I ceivod, a little fnilher debtj was occa- pn>l>ablo that ho oan over l»o prevailed I sioned by the temporary abseflteof the uj*on to make such a concision to popn- J Treasurer. Tliis statement, I tnnt, will lar sovereignty, w.*n# it even to win « I prove aitisfactory to aB liwnffnTjln XQ8d esuwn. Eld’tiono to fill vacant seats in I among the numerous correspondents who the Assembly have been ordcreti for the I have written tome, making inquiries oon- 12tli of October. I coming tho causes of delay. Tho delay A petition witli numerous Protestant 1 will not bo a source of much regret to tho -ign.it11r<*r- has 1 • nt th.* I claimant on the fund when tiny learn Protestant deputies in th.* Chamber, I that there hna been added to the amount urging them to u>.-all their influence and I of that fund, by collections sinco the 1st throw their voice against tho establish. 1 of July, about $29,000. Itwillkcrcmem- m. nt of the monotony. I bered that, in tho pamphlet published : * The evacuation of French territory I March, I exproased tho opinion that the l*y tho German troops was completed on I would bo realized, by tho 1st of July, th.- ltfth of S. ptcmli r. I from this special tax, from $S0,000 to There is little news from Spain* The I $100,000. That opinion was based on an Cartoguna insurgents oon’ixwo to offer n I official estimate mode by tho Comptroller vigorous resistance and make frequent I General. Tho taxes came in much more hoities. The insurgent men-of-wor in the I slowly than was anticipated, so that the liarbor sailed to Aguilos, about thirty-1 amount collected up to tho 10th instant * seven miles from Cartagena, effected a I but an approximation to tho smaller landing, and pillag.»d tho town and sub- j the amounts stated in tho pamphlet, urbs. Kioto and distortion cos have again I am frequently asked by correspond token place in Sevilla and Malaga and I onts why tho Governor does not sell tho several other smaller cities. We hear | bonds provided for in tho act of Augusf little from tho Carli«to. In l'umpoluna, I 19, 1872. A word of reply will be neces- the authorities have levied a tax on tho I sary to satisfy this daas of inquirers. priests and others tli.-ir.au-. . Tl.-* K- in placing a Kvui, quoted at the The death of th near 11 colls a history speefed of ftivo ring I The bo nils which the law authorizes to bo ulisto have Hiieee.*.ted I aold ore seven per cent, bonds, and are subject to both State and county taxes xnkfort M«*-k exchange. I Men who have money to invest can do so Duke of Kianzares, | much better with it, that it would bo im possible to induco them to purchase these bonds, except at very low rates; and tho nzares, 15th ilif-t . Spanish j in >t>. France, on t ige pag»* of fPI UL.;u„M jiromhi. •nt public men I statute requires the sale to bo "at rate ' * O’Donnell. Serrano, Es- J not injurious to tho crodit of the State/ Other l>on<ls have been selling readily, hose bonds, however, are eight per cent. bonds, and are non-taxnble, and the act which authorizes their sale binds the Legislature to raise a large sum by taxa tion annually, to pay tho interest and fur nish n sinking fund for the ultimate ex- tingulsluncnt of tho principal. It is Fernando Munoz | hoped that tliis statement will also prov the King’s body guord. I satisfactory. Fernando Munoz, dnk Uinnzares, consort of Queen Christina, had ri.i.-n from the ranks. In 1829, Ferdinand the -Seventh married his fourth wife Christina, a daughter o r the King of Na ples. The Queen was then twenty years old* an ambitious, unprincipledC IZI frivolous and entirely dovoUnl to tho I pleasurve of th^^H < n private i 11 is father was a tobacconist in Mmlrid, I Thd county treasurer is made the cus- and a nist.-r of his a laundry-maid. Sev-1 todian of this special school fund by the oral months after the Queen's marriage, I law tinder which it was raised. He can Munoz «-n.* of the escort that aooom- draw, however, only to the amount of the ]Kini«*d heron a little journey; and here I existing, ascertained school debt of his the hniolsouii* features and winning ad- county, with an addition just sufficient ef the i»lating all etiquette audsman a upon her, that, she detained him near her carri for several hours. That day decided Munoz* life; henceforth he was a favAirit at Court; wealth ami honors were lavished upon him, and three months after to* death of Ferdinand the Seventh, tho Queen was secretly xnarried to him. TJie King In^l left two infants, Isabella and Louise, of his fourth marriage, and ap pointed Christina regent during the form- tnsr't minority. After a troubled reign of eight years, the Queen wm driven ftoui SjMiin ; but three years later, in lsk3, she returmsl, and was soon after married in public to Munoz, who tv-'oivod the title of Duke of Ilian- Baxva. Even after her daughter Isabella I The propereustod had attaintsl her majority, Christina con- | fund can also drji tinutd in power end exeKvisod ister intluenee on Spanish al to pay Ills own commissions. An amount over what may be necessary to pay the debt of a county will, by Law, “remain in the treasury to tho credit of said county for future school work,” and can be drawn by the proper custodian of the regular ehool fund whenever the condition set forth in section 28 of the general school law is complied with. The County School Commissioners of Aome of the counties have failed, up to this time, to make an enumeration of the hool population, according to the school law in force in IS7I- The Law enacts that the pro rata of a county, in a case like this, “shall remain in the treasury to the credit of the county, to bo drawn upon and used for the benefit of the people of tli.* r.unity, un-h-rth.- public law.” of the regular school in this case, both the (Wiser apportioned pro rata, as well as until 1 that just apportioned for tho support of was compelled to leave tin* country I public schools, whenever the condition in in 1851. never to ret urn again. The Duke section 28 of the general school law, above his^olf took little part in politics. He 1 referred to, has been complied with. .is croat--1 a grandee of 8pain of the I In a few of tho counties no school debt f'r-t . Kv.. ;!.! . t tin* ih-U.-n h:»> l-t*»*u rcj»»*rtcd. It' n«* i- i-t .-\i.-t.- in 11847 Louis-Philippe beelewed I throe counties, the proper custodian of the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor j the regular school fund can draw the pro and the French title of Duke of Mont- | rate of his county for the support of .pcm l The visit the many has ily, in cast men ted up many, as it li-hmg .4 ?: Kdh countr war. This > tion of the C family, seem ?rown Prince of Ger- tho Danish royal fam- Fredenabflrg, is much com- in both Denmark and Ger- tlic lir.-t >!«•}> . -t.ib- isndly intercourse between m since the Dano-German sit, and the cordial roeop- trwn Prince by the Danish to imply that Denmark has schools whenever the Board of Education has complied Nvith the condition of the Bral school law referred to in the two 1 preceding paragraphs. The proper custodian of the regular school fund, mentioned several times in the foregoing, is the County School Com missioner in the counties under tho gen eral law; and the county treasurer in those under the special law. When the npjvrtionmont was made in Scenes in the New York Stock Exchange on Friday, The Herald of Saturday haa the follow, ing on this subject: Here it was the tragedy and farce of the day were enacted- Such a front! bellowing crowd was never seen in the wildest days of the wax. The Stock Ex change has a nohlo altitude of interior, a great vaulting roof, that springs upwards to a focal point in the middle of the ceil ing with a strength and grace not often seen so happily Mended, Over the ex pansive surface of the ceiling a brilliant flourish of colors in renaissance design is spread. In the centre of the ceiling is a cluster of gas jets, and yesterday they illuminated the dull and murky atmos phere with a ffolii' U light. At the end opposite the President's desk is a gallery for the pnbBo, There are no seats, and it well the^jpe not, for tho pressing, eager throng rit spectators that bent for ward to view the counterfeit of Pande monium on tho floor would have broken benches of cast iron had they stood in tho way. Behind the raised desk stood the President of the Board, Mr. Whee lock, in snowy shirt front and necktie, his strong tenor voice ringing out ever and anon over the wnrrmg tumult of sounds beneath and around him. At either side of him were several demure gentle men seated nt clerical duties, and two large black boards stood off to the right and left, hearing in chalk marks tho figures of incessantly fluctuating stock quotations. Telegraph wires connecting tho Exchange with a thousand indicators throughout the city led into the great halls, and the figures, big with pregnant moaning to many, were momentarily flashed for and wide. On Hie wide, capa cious floor, unobstructed by pillars or furniture, savo one small table, whereon a large basket of flowers rested, tho wild mob of brokers and broker’s clerks surgod to and fro, filling tho immense space above them with reverberating sounds Of most unearthly melody. The floor is por tioned off to twenty different groups. Hero wo have one tossing New York Cen tral to and fro in this corner. Near by is another howling over the mercurial fate Of Wabash. Northwest is jumping up and dowjv as if afflicted with St- Vitus* dance, m tho middlo of tho floor is Bock Island, going down like a burnt out rocket and springing up like a lark. Pacific Mail is beaten with clubs in a remote cor ner. ILirlem is rising like a silk ballon inflated with pure hy^pgen. Other stocks are going up und downnd all is extreme noisoohd confusion wons^oonfounded. Tho roar of voices is like t* tumult of the sea in midwinter on a A" shore of coral rocks, and it is hoard faintly in tho street as it rises and issues through open doors and windows. Tho spectators stand aghast. Tho uninitiated appre hend every minute a fight among the mob. They square off at each other, they scream and yell and violently fling their mils around, till tho whole scene is that of bedlam and pandemonium, Blackwell's Island and Beddy the Blacksmith, broke loose and struck with lightning. Yester day was truly a great day in tho stock exchange, and it is to be hoped .that we may nover look upon its greatness again. Mnniiuotli Suit*. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. TERMS EASY H7ILL 1>- - Id. >t Mibb- -Je. On WiirxEtiuur. V ▼ th- 12th .lsj of AorpiiiU-r next, the f »Uo' in* ritvli.ts, r.i : Lot* S *n«l Work V; lot# J4i..i 5. t»l«*-k — : lot* 6. 7 and J*. block ■**; lot* 2 and +4. Wf-'k 5i; lot* *. 5, »* and \ h»«jck Su; lot Work id; lot A, hk.rk lot* S. 4. 7 and *\ block 71; Sot* 1. 2 and H. block 74: lot ft. block 75; ft# 1, 4, 5 si-d blue*. 72; !«<t 1. block M 1 block SO; lot ft. Muck .11; x«rt of lot 5. aqoMH 7*; loU 1,2, S, A. 5. ft. 7 and s block 36; lots 1. 2. 3, 4, 5.6,7 and 8, bi -*k 37. lota 1. X. K k, 5. «. 7 and A* block 3* I*** 1,2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 anil blork 39; lota 1.2. 3, ft. 7 and **. b!<**k 4b; lot- 1. 2.3. 4.5. 6,7 and block 41; Jut* 1.2.3. t. 5, ft and ;>art of 7, Work 42; !••(«» U 2.3, 4. 3. a airii j»irt of ft, blor-k 43; lot L/.«rk »>- TKKMS OP SALK.-Orv'-fourth cash, th** bal ance to be paid within fifteen month*, monthly instalment*. 5otai to b- riven on the rroanda. Bond for titles given by the city. AU Jura her. brick and stone on the lots known as the 7Armory Property** will be reaervtd for the tisc of the nty. Sale will ootnmanre at 10 o’clock .tx,on Tat nail aqpara, sod n -ntinue from day to day until all the iota an: sold. L. W. RANDAL. ¥. A. SHOXEMAN. C. Bl'RKE. aaeSStda Committee, 'W- THE LOGAN FERTILIZER ROGERS A LEMAN, General Aftents for the above now justly celebrated Fertilizing Com pound. would respectfully inform the public that they have a supply now ready for immediate delivery. It is just the article needed for Wheat and Turnips. is no longer an experiment. In no one in stance has it failed to give satisfaction. Price $15 for quantity to compost a ton of 2.000 pounds. ROGERS & LEMAN, General Agents, Hollingsworth Block. Maeon. Ga. aufrSCtf 8TIUCTLY COMMISSION HOUSE R. M. WATERS & CO., BO Broad 8t. t New York. BANKERS Cotton Commission Merchants. Buy and sell contracts for future delivery of oot- t**n. IVjK.Mt iKX-uunts of barkers, merchants and others are esfwx inlly v>licit<xL juluViltn LAND FOR SALE. now by us, lying on the west bank of Flint river, just five iniles ltelow the bcautiiul and flourishing town of Reynolds. (S. Y* K IL) a d containing One Thousand (1,000) nervs, is now FOR SALE. The improvements are unequalki], consisting of Kood d welling, with every necessary out improve- m« i:t. TJu-ro an* *--\vnt«'»-n cabins f«>r I.-itmn-rs. ull with good brick chimneys. A great deal of tho cluaml land fresh. Any one dOBinng such a farm anil on tho most enticing terms, had best apply.at onoe to HENRY T. JORDAN, T. MARION BRYAN. . nuglP2m Reynolds, Ga. JUST ARRIVED. 20 TIERCES NEW RICE (Very choice). 100 boxes CREAM CHEESE. SO boxes NEW COD PISH. 300 boxes NEW HERRINGS. iOO klU NEW MACKEREL. 130 box:. LUCY HINTON TOBACCO. 100 raw. WHITE ROCK POTASH. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of MACON TRANSACTS A CENTRAL BANKING BUSINESS. IlIKECTORS: L C. PLANT. D. FLANDERS. H. L. JEWETT. W. B. DINSMOUE. IL B. PLANT. D. S. LITTLE. G. U. HAZLEHUnST. 1. C. PLANT. Preridflnt, W. W. Wmoutr, CMder.m.l, Hli.uT DOORS, Sash anil Blinds, iU tures. Builders* Furnishing Hard- wan*, Drain Pipe, Floor Tiles. Wire Guanls. Terra Cotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantel l*ieces. Window Glass a Specialty. F. P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and 33 Pinckney sta*. octleodly Cliarleston, S. C. White Pine Lumber For Sale. WHOLESALE DEALER ES T PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS, CORN, BACON, FLOUR, BAGGING, TIES, STJ&A..K, COFFEE, LARD, MTilAT., BULK MEATS, SAIT, SYRUP, Etc. GEORGIA iiTATE LOTTERY FOB SEPTEMBEB. POE THE BENEFIT OP THE ,11 G. Boss. President. R. P. Lxerros. Cnshie EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON. Office In Hus’** Mew Bulldln*. Receives Deposits, BUYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE, ike*. Advancvs on Stocks. Bonds. Cotton il Store. Also on Shipments of Cotton. i dcoosod to Schkv tin* tl i* oqntpment o£ th« revive aereral a .Uy bo provided « st the clergy vs continue IVmaian caralrr Uilions. It will took ruvk h u- Uicn decorated l i the «rn»n<l «*r>r »*r, with the star Sultan of Turks in: tl of nents'* an* so rap- Itafiaf German t tho attention of Sohw.»!»o has ool- ove four huntlred s. Lvki-n from a id that then* are Il .1- ViOUU-U di -i- I'nMii j.r,-,,. It i.- n-msrkal K-. th.it : m *iii. x* .,rv l«*ss jTet«*nti"‘i> n^wling tin .»-*• vfth.- hushand lt^k.d tor th.m the in. n .in* in n-ten-mv to the wives wntod; t.*r. M jK.-ro-nt.of ffiniih* wants t :gl j*.-r iv-nt. of male adverti.*«em.*x:to. do not mention the a*:** all. while C> J*er ' • nt. of the former and 32 pel cent, i t' the latter add Che ndjectivt* ••youn^. M Most .oivortiM-ments of either 'party s*vm U> lay K r n-ut strtxss ,.n - intelli^eijiv,’ little or none on ** rolij»;on." Only 7 j»er ivnt. <*f the gentlemen iuixi<ms to try woddvd life* mention the fortune exj*«vtod, while forty- • per cent, of the huli«w clearly Ktat< it tide towards I Deomaber last 1 gave tho two following vk foreign al- rules for disbursing the fund: ri-i-cVi-Mi.: I}1. K-I. h t'-*unty r will U* d from her l*y entiUed to receive, from the county’s pro rata, afi amount which shall bear the same ratio to tho entire pro rata that his claim bears to the entire school debt of the county. 2. The remainders must be apportioned Among the sub-districts in the proportion of the number of children in each be tween the ages six and twenty-one years, and must then be paid out to lawful claimants in proportion to amounts of the several chums. The first of the above rules has been affirmed by the State Board, and will be observed in the disbursement of the fund jnst apportioned. They have decided that the second is based upon a wrong construction of the j law, and have expressed the opinion that ( the fund ought not to have been appor tioned among the sub-districts, but should have been paid out ou the claims of all the teachers of the county in proportion to the several amounts of their respective j claims. In order to enforce the eon- j ,-t ruction of the State Board, I instruct as j follows: When the fund reaches the j county, add the present pro rata to that I upl*«rii«*n**d Lu-t I>»*ceml*er. Set aside j the county treasurer’s commission on the 1 whole sum and the proportionate part due | the oo«mty commissioner. Calculate each I teacher’s proportionate part of the residue and pay turn out of the present apportion-1 ment the remainder to which he i.- entitled I according to the estimate made as above, j It will Ik* remembered that thi* mode of ) disbursement applies only to this special I school fund. The rules given for the dis bursement of the regular seh<*ol fund of thi.K year, in the circular of the 21»th of j July, are loeed upon the school law, and L 0. PLANT & SON, Bankers and Brokers, MACON, GA. Buy and Sell Kxc-hanir*, Gold. Silver, Stocks and Bonds. Deposits Received, On Which Interest will be Allowed, AS AGREED CTOS. PAYABLE ON C^.LLu Advances made on Cotton and Pro duce Jn Store. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO etOly LAND FOR SALE. F MGHT HUNDRED (MO) acres of land in one j body.bin* id >out Ihrve and a half miles north- wo-t of Fort Valley. Ga, one-third cleared and in cultivation, the hstew well timbered, rrowth pnncijttllr. Ak. hickory ind pir 5, and' locsted In » hoftlg rcichU-rhoou. Thcst -sn«b are n-dand le'eL wrll adapted to the produ«-tion of corn, cot ton. wheat, data and all farm product* of Middle Ciortan situated that it may be divided into two desirable farms of -su acres, or four ol acres each. Considered by eempalent judees to be the b-*at farminr lands now for >aJein this v-c- t j* *n t*f th. Mate. Th- > lands w-.Il be ->ld to th.* h.-iif--; bidder, m tin* town »•< F *r; VaiJ.-y, the liiM Monday in QrtoNmbotwam 11 and 2 o’cl* ek. Nl-'. -*»l xbe .same lima ami plare*. one of the he*: improved lou m this ptarr, o-nta:nir.r four ■ •fund. For furth. r mf»rmati<n. apply to Wo. J. irsdcrw*:t.or t« u- •:-t' - -d st Fort V\V.- \. Ga. WM. I. GREENE.* Fort Valley. Ga- S.*pt, -, 1^73. setr«d2w DRAWINGS DAILY AT 6 P. M. CAPITAL PRIZE, 87,000.00 30,310 PRIZES, AMOUNT ING TO 853,233 20. TICKETS $100, SHARES III PROPORTION tickets and the drawing of 12 ballots, there be 320 prizes, each having throe of the drawn numbers on it; 4A5C. each baring two of them on; 25.740. each ha\ imr one only of them on; and also 45,7*) tickets, with neither erf the drawn numbers on them, lieing blanks. To determine the fate of these prizes and blanks, 78 numbers, from 1 to 7? inclusive, will be sever ally placed in a wheel on the day of the drawing, and 12 of them drawn out at random; and that ticket having for its combination the 1st, 2d and 3d drawn numbers, will be entitled to the Capital Prise of $7,0u0 00 That ticket haring on it the 4th, 5th. and 6th drawn numbers, to. - That ticket haring on it the 7th. &th and 650 00 -th and 0th drawn numbers to 650 00 That ticket haring on it the 10th. 11th and 12th drawn numbers.to. 650 00 That ticket haring on it the 2d, 3d and 4th drawn numbers, to 660 00 That ticket having on it the 3d, 4th oiui 5th drawn number*ta 06000 That ticket having on it the 5th, Cth and 7th drawn numl«ers to 650 00 That ticket having on it the 6th. 7th and Sth drawn numiiers, to 660 00 That ticket having on it the Mis, l*th l"l!i.ln»i! mniiU'iNS'i 6u-u*i That ticket haring on it the 0th, 10th and lltu drawn immln-n*. t*> . 650 uu That ticket haring on it the 1st, M and 4th drawn numbers to ----- 65000 Tlmt tick.-; having.»n it th«- 1-t.M and Sth drann numU-rs, to. 217 00 That ticket haringon it the 1st,2d and 6th dnraii ni::r.U-r-. .... 217 *Vt AU other tickets < being 207, with thrw ot the drawn number* on), each 20 00 hose r>l tickets having on them the 1st and 2d drawn numbers roch. Those 66 tickets harin^ou them the 3d and 4th drawn numbers each,. Comer Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. A. H.COLQriTT, JlXEliia II.H-ti'l-vll COLQriTT \ BAiJOP. Cotton Factors End Commission Morchants. 64 Ra, su MaramiRh. ha. \ GENTS tor Goorem f ,'r -Roth's CtaBoti Superphii-Jpluitr*.*’ Planters* Ammoniated Su- p*n»h">i*hnte.” Johns x Kcrg»-r’s Eicel>H>r So] phosphate. sepgl 1 PHELPS, DOREMUS A CORBETT, (Late Phelps A Doremus) xAAUA&cxjauna and nni.iw ss PARLOR, CHAMBER ANO OFFICE FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, ETC., 264 :md 2»-‘» t: r. d Si- N«-.<r HrtKi.iwav. N\w Y»*rk. WM. rilKLPS. OTIS COEBETT. WM. T. POKE I). L. KOBKETS. F. A. G VUUKN. DAYIGHT L. ROBERTS & CO.. FACTORS ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Savannah, €-a. Liberal ad ranees made on Produce in hand. We have a good stock of Bagging and Ties on hand, which we offer at low rates. sep!2 6m WM. H. STARE. II. P. RICHMOND. ■\VM. H. STARK k CO., WHOLESALE BROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS AND COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH. GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton and all kinds of Produce. Liberal advances made ou consignments. Agents tor the sale of £. Frank Coes Bone Supeqihosphate, Magnolia Light Draft Cotton Gins, Princeton Factory Yams and Arrow Ties.sepl2 3m K. H. COHEN. J K. JOS. HULL COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, GO Hay Street, savannah, Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Lath rep A Ox. N A. Hardee’s Son A Co.. Tiaool Gordon, n. May J. N. LIGHTFOOT, Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant, 106 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. l. at. Warfield. rout, wayjtb. WARFIELD & WAYNE, Cotton Brokers and Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. J^YFFER their services to planters and shippers \S of cotton, etc., and solicit a share of their bus- ness. Cash advances made on consignments at low est rates of interest. All business entrusted to our care, will receive prompt • attention. "Fu tures” bought and sold in the Savannah and New York Cotton Exchange on the most reasonable terms.•sep!2 6m W. DUNCAN. J. n. JOnNSTON. M. MACLEAN. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON & CO., COTTON FACTORS —aso- Genereil Commission Merchants, 02 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. augl Cm BUSHS ffi TOBACCO ABB««! JOHNSON & SMITH MI LHKHUY STREET, MACON, GA. taring one of the largest and best assorted stocks of TOBACCO and CIO •> s _ - m; and we solicit a call from tho City ami Country Trade. We lave ahtL'i from tho cheapest to the best, consisting in part of tlw following BRANDS OF PLUG. NELLY BLY. OYER THE SEX AI-RICOT, 1'REMtUM, J. H. GREANER’S 11 IN. CABLE COIL. JOY OF THE SOUTH, OLD DOMINION. PINE APPLE. NECTAR LEAF. COMMON SENSE, l'KEPKTL’.tL &„ - MAGNOLIA. PILLAR OF STATE. BRANDS OF SMOKING TOBACCO. FRUITS AND FLOWERS, CREOLE. BIRD'S EYE, LUXURY. EMPRESS. COWSLIP, GOLDEN SCEPTRE. GOLD LEAF. YACHT CLUB, OtUX,, 8 BRANDS OF GIGARS. ESPAXOLA. LA JUSTICIA. SMALL CUBARICOS, CENTURY. GOLDEN STAR. DOLLY VARDKN. YACHT CLUB. LA VISION. HENRY CLAY, *'pl7-tf I.A MAR1NOLA. CLIFTONUAI.E. ClIEunnis SCHOFIELD’S IROiN WORKS, Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. Celebrated FLANNAGAN, ABELL & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Merchants, 1SS B AY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING Agents for the English Stonewall Fertilizer, etc. Ragging arid Ties furnish.*. I, and liberal cash advances made on ronsignments for sale in .Savannah, ur on shipraents to our cor respondents in Northern, Eastern or European markets. . augl ' Wrought Iron Cotton Presses AH acknowledge its superiority to any made anywhere or by anybody. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles, Iron Railing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Patent Gin Faug\ht 5 s Gearing. A. M. SLOAN. ARTHUR N.SOLLEB. G.V.WYLLY.JR A. M. SLOAN & CO., COTTON FACTORS —AND— General Commission Morchants, Claghom A Cunningham’s Range,. Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. B AGGING and Ties advanced on crops. Liberal cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres- nondents in Liverpool, New York. Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore. augl 6m juIySOSm MACON, GEORGIA. 1873. ILAJLL, TPIAJDE. 1873 Hew Goods, New Styles, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER! simm, HIT & to. Return thanks to their numerous Merchant customers for tho very liberal pat ronage and confidence extended to them in the past. They also announce that their Fail and "Winter stock of BOOTS! SHOES! UR IBB, Mims, K For 1873, complete in every respect, has been received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a determination not to bo undersold, enable them to guarantee prices os low, at all times, as obtain in New York City. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED. Address SINGLETON, HTJNT & CO WHOLESALE DEALERS, 49 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE, J. A. DUGAN. J. D. 8TILZ. DUGAN & STILZ, Corn, Oats, Wheat and Hay, EXCLUSIVELY, No. 20 Second street, between Main and River. LOUISVILLE, KY. AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Hlinois, parties making purchase accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping.points.apr25 6m I IRON KING Pf JST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFD3LD & SON NOTICE.—Having miuio umimremonts with Mom*. SCHOFIELD A SON for tho «olo munfir- I turn of mv PATB NT GIN GEAR, with CKNTRAI. IRON SUPPORT, nil others »n-wnni(»l n 1 MAKE. USE, or SELL the same, as I shall pnwocute to the extent of the law oil |vn[ri»i iis.i i infringing on mjr patent. - ‘ L. R rAl bill Philadelphia. 3 lay 24.1873. : an IE A. T JAMES II. BLOUNT. ISAAC HARDEMAN. JOITN L. IIARDBMAN. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office. Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. anglOtf R. W. & S. H. JEMISON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Office 52 Second sU Macon. Georgia. Al/ ILL praetice in the courts of Macon and ad- ▼ T jacent circuits, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts of Georgia. Special attentiongiven to matters in Bankruptcy. • Freiim si Passenger Li -VIA- CHARLESTON, S. C.. —TO AND FROM— Baltimore, IJaislia, to M aid Boil! AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIES. ROB’T. A. NISBET, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Payne’s Drug Store), junel ld3m MACON. GA. LAW CABO. AYESSRS. WOODWARD & TOOLE, of Dooly I JXL county, Ga., haring formed u legal copart nership, respectfully offer their sendees to the j public, and will practice in the counties of Wilcox. - Dodge, Irwin, Worth, Macon, Sumter, and IIous- j mrrnnTv a tt*oi rrrrrTT'ra cm-r\ a -vrrt a >tt\ isj«ssjs "KSESsTyasar 1 " in tha I Tuesdays, Thursdays and Address, Vienna, Ga.jnlyis d3m* aX- - 2 0 * —**00*5 " THREE TIMES A WEEK FROM NEW YORK, SATURDAYS. HERBERT FIELDER. IDU3 L. FIELDER. aug£8 lm MACON, GA. C. J. GAMBLE. A. W. GIBSON. Fancy Poultry. T HA VI 2 Fin S Fine U*. F. Black 10 ttnt- I.icht Brabuna^ 5 Fin- lhirk Brahnuk*. 10 Fine Buff Ov-hms. 1 Pin** J*art. C*whin. 2 linr- >jAm-b B*nt:irr 2 Pmr B?*»<'k C»\Yiini 1»\j 5 l*ur» While Ak^lmrx' AU erf ibr a uia» ii nuuiw-rs u AU other tickets (bring 4244) with two ot the drawn numbers on. each. And all those tickets (bring 25,740} with one only of the drawn numbers, each... CAPITAL PRIZE. On Mondsys Capital will bfl. .07.000 00 On TtaatcUgrt and Fridays Capital will be. 4^» 00 Oa Wednesdays Capital will he ftOQO 00 On ThaixUys jurI Saturdays 3^000 00 For further part icalars Mod for scheme*. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can 1*» entitled to art infe rior prize. Prizes payable forty (40) days after the drawing, and subject to the usual deduction '* 15 per cent. All prizes of $20 and under will be paid imme diately after the drawing. Prizes cashed at this office. HOWARD & CO., auz31-tf Manager*. Atlanta. Ga. WAKkC.V JL SANSOM. AAMOS P. RANSOM. DARirs W.GEER. ROBERT H. DO YD. W. A. BAMSOM & CO., Manufacture r* and Jobh»*rs of BOOTS AXD SHOES, IS* AND 1*0 GRAND ST-NEW YORK. R* r>r>-*cr.:<xl by R. SV. Jbst»n. of Geortrji. octffOdljr witntc«l, thus, wvminjjly, eetitb- I uiu*t be observed in paying out that fund. I wiln«- at r fiu’t tiuit, women more th.in 1 C«»unty treoieurers and others who may | *** ^ tli ii.whiu^r th men cottMdi omen more th.in ate fortune aa m«>st I l»e entitled to receive the whole or any RETCHUM. A- L. HARTRIDGK. KETC HUM k HARTRIDGE, BANKERS ANO COMNISSIOI MERCHANTS, Etrhangr Building, ftavannah. Ga. UrriKENCZS : M<«v< Taylor. l*resident City Ra?'.k. New York : P. C. Calhoun. President F(*urth Nattonal Bank. New York ; John J. Cis co .t Son. Bank»-r». N»*w York ; Morn* K*-tchum. Banker, New York . J- N. Noras Ca-diW-r Firat National Bank. Baltimore : M. M' Michacl, Cash- i«-r First -Vatioiisl Bank. Phikadeipbot. Uisrl5 6m GAMBLE, BECK & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, PROVISION AND LIQUOR DEALERS. H. & I. L. FIE1DEK, Attorneys at Law, Cl'THBEltT, GEORGIA, TT71LL give prompt attention to all business ▼ ? confided to them, in the counties of Ran dolph. Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Early, Calhoun I and Terrell, the Supreme Court of Georgia, and the District and Circuit Courts of the United ' States for the Southern District of Georgia. sept!7-tf GRIER HOUSE FOESYTn. GEORGIA. BARLOW HOUSE, AMERICUS, GA., WILEY JONES & CO., Fropr’s. | ONLY MANUFACTORY ' In this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses —ASD— Patent Wire Heddles Are made under one management. july21 Cm LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. 01 THIRD STREET. HARRISON, BRADFORD & CO’S STEEL PENS. Special attention called to the well known numbers* 505-75-28-20 and 22, Factor}', Jl t- Vernon; Office ;s. John St., New Yurk. aorXftSm ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier to. North Hirer, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. > * . The f*M.ienger accori- AZ- y r*- mcxlatiuns on steam- j.L ZfUTL 4/ era of tliis linean ua* rf" .• * surpaitsedforelecjince l\ l ;i:,d comfort. Cabm LI' 'tilt • rooms are all on r good L45I1I and ventilatioiL RATES OF PASSAGE TO GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL. obLONUONDK RUY Sat. Steamera. M wL Steamers. Cabins £"5 a Cabiu return tickets j»ecuring bt-**t ac commodation!!.. Gold. $130 $130 Stacmigri currency, $30. cerunratea for pas<ure from any seaport or rail- wav station in Great Britain, Ireland or the Con tinent, at RATFS AS LOW A3 BY ANT OTIFEIi riRST-CHVSS LIN E. ”{y^ EBWN . brothers. Or to 7 Bowling Green* N. Y. T. IX- HJCTDEEdON*, Agent, MacoJV Ga. mavllSm ELEGANT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO 12 HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO., And connecting Roads West, in alliance with the Fleet of Thirteen First-Cb-s SteJmv'hif* te tte above Ports, invite attention to tho Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the btwine* 1 j> PORT OF’ CHARLESTON, Offering facilities of Rail and Sea Transportation for Freight and Passengers not etnoede^in ^^ lence and capacity at any other Port. The following splendid Ocean Steamers are regulars Line: TO NEW YORK. .. . M. ftTwoowinx, Comm»u-kr. VV.'.’IV.....'. R- W. Loorwoon, Cot *;* • T. J. Lockwood. CoimnarKier. JAiiCES ADGBR * CO.. Aj^Ctarlg-jA^.. '.''■'.’."'".’.’...’.'....T. J. Beckctt. Conimw"- J. KESXBPV. CKlMg _ . IxfiiulMM. COBimaii® VAGNER. HUGER A CO.>^ - ctar | e sIon.S.C. WM. A. COUBTNAY. i PHILADELPHIA. IRON STEAMSHIPS. .Alexander Hrsma MANHATTAN I CHAMPION CHARLESTON JA3IES ADGER....- I GEORGIA SOUTH CACOLINA CLYDE ASHLAND ASRIAND tiAiiu EQUATOR .'C. HIICEUB, Conuoandtf* ^wVxTa.^COURTENAY, Agent, Charleston, S. C. SAILING DAYS—FRIDAYS. TOTAL CAPACITY40,000RALES MONTHLT TO B A Ii T I 31 O It E. PALCON VIRGINIA SEA GULL IIAI XT K. ......Dcttos. Comm“ ,ler ‘ SVILING DAYS-KVERY FIFTH DAY. , , sr PAUL C. TRENHOLM. A cent, Clmrlcston, S. C. TO BOSTON. STEAMSHIPS MERCED1TA AND FLAG.. JAMES ADGER . c of Competing Lints. Muine liuwrmnoooot-hs'ioi O ... jam Evtkv s*rr«-* r - O. Afoiiu. Cbartcstcn, S. L- Rjit.-S L'niin,nt*-I »- !• nv :i- *.:. , : * M:.;-‘l,n.' I..:..-. M:,r.r,' I: : ‘ ‘ THROUGH BIDES OF LADING ANJJ THROUGH TICKE *» .ml MiiwwpPL Can lx, Inulat nil tlic prinripal Rulrovl O-Uf-—. 111 Gconnn. Al.il,n • - - .-W!« R...U1- may be s*vurM is «dv*ncv. witlioul extra rtaroc-hyn-' r . > • . s ... ; a H.'rtb=* [in Charleston, at wtog eSae. in all t he I Juliqml Tirhct. 1 R^om. «bile thi-* Route include rs Me' L The Through Ticket: ship bcord. THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, GEORGIA BAI I-U‘ > v And their connecting Lines have largely increased tln-ir faciiifi - *’ v ; r t and ^ - ad rsrais^m i between the Northern (Aties mri tho South and w u. Carolina Railroads First-Class Sleeping Cars. . • ii.,-<. uth Carulia 3 ^ Freight promptly transferred fre , debt agfreigh connectKHi rajule with othei .. The M*n;urer» will use e>* ry exertion to vitM> tloir p-*jn» iot bd»urpaii*.sed in DLsjiatch ai-d tlw- Safe !>*» 1 '*‘O' *i*J For further information, apply to J. J. GRIF H^- ‘ SELL, (ieneral Agent, P. O. Box 4W71». Ottic*- 317 Bircwlwa. - and Tuket Agent, South Carolina Railroad. 1 july22 rod (fern Superintendent Great Southei i Freigii J. M. the line VIA t U VitU-" 1 ' , \tiffitaCte4 RRgiJ: PICKENS General Fav- • - SELKIRK, Lm