Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 25, 1873, Image 3

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THE MACON f)AHY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER! THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER *25, .1878* frlttfaph&ffltssin#* . .. ., : mv; m n K' IUBEE letters, IItr Kl»c. rrwrrr. (1 „( iiir € clrbr»«vff rani" A MODEL SERMON. “And there wan Ham. andihrrfwa» ihrm. anl there wan Japhrlh, all twine Into the Ark-ah." ■•clatloa. tajr the Pre*U drill ThrrMif. ' hr * ; iren A««orlallon D ItMa.] SO. If. nu.x, lu., Aug. S6,18' r call uv the PmsMent, this tormina thequertion of nl< iiou, brokerag*. un l vr, I mean, uv eoune. th. boMers her nothin rith k ttlin them question*in other ,3ipuniM,an<^ wo nceno ruaaon why |K>uU in th* Canteen. The fir-’t i mi* to flrgnr in* wnt oar proli Xt would te. Ef WJ kept 100 mem £i cents i Jch r work, tbi wood lie cgg.a*kly $1,300 a year, c hod ax a Ixurix to gu on. It in i the Canteen plan, to bev a huh rotod oureelrea aalariee. a follow* ident—$500 pur annum. 100 , in add •ooperhuman ewgwnhun will nr. On thfa bn*), we did hare thin, we votod that re all the boaibeae oomin in we abood be u> not leaa than 3.1 per cent, aa [ Homuuhuu. And we voted that the uni 1«- paid weekly. Wo took, out of th< i ,* h., J in hand, 33 per cent, commia- :"„n,$8 33, which left$ldfi7. Thrffl *vi tfoin to take $10 for my wedk’a aala iho SucretarjWnnd theTreaanrer$4 i ,t i ■ them waant enuff in the treasury ny thin we decided that, in juatia to ‘Jm |«li<y-holdera, no a* to k"ep the con- dear iiv del*, we wood only take 20 j„. r rent, foroommiahuna. Weain’tagnin to run the Canteen in debt, ef close fig- and k„.p it clear. loft. and, aa it wua too little to t „ Cincinnati on, we postponed puttin lailbin in the harl till we shood get more ;i ,\ ,i.-nr and more money. •But how will this look Y" asks the 5.. - -tary. ••.to empty harl looks jiat aa full aa a' tuil ••»'." •** I ■ “tbo policy-holders will -the lari ami lie satisfied. They aan’t i.- rlsne anything till the Canteen pe- ••Itnt xpoxe they shake the harl f" "Thi> lari will bo so spiked down that it ain't to shook. There'ir got to he sol- riiiv in this instooshun. Just pour a lit- 11.. irhiiky nlxrnt tin* bung-hole, so that dry'll smell it, and it will be all rite. .nit 11 is all the policy-holders get in tho ui.rt uv the instooahuna after which we 1.. del, and n smell will satisfy 'em here.’ | v course the Itoord uv officers dix- * Irrri.i gnat activity. We had to get buxineea, SO thnt l>y the til;lo the first Canto* period arrived wl‘ -Iioulrl tor >uthin in the Imrl to show, und we • iirecedtul. The plan looked so nice and innrrrnt that it vu no trouble nt all to ntpi in'thu outaiderx, and we did it lively. A aiisrter it *« k to each ur cm wax topio. uVstts When the membership reached 200 we .It termined to fill the lutrl. I wua no- leet,si to go to Cincinnati to buy the l.kker, and I went and bought it. deduct- q, uv cooiw, 25 1*T cent, for iny enm- minhun. It is understood in our Board that we ilou’t oxp«wt nothin to to done fur nothin. Tin* likker come nil rite, mnl wsx jHiurerl into the harl. and two buck, eta u v water added, that it mite be aa full ax possible, ■St fur, it wnx aa satisfactory da it eoorl le. init wliile on my way I hod put in the l.me faithfully rcitdin up thu aiihjuk uv l.ife inshooreooe. I made a diskivery last no Tontine oood go on without a re- .r-rve. vuni. uv rasirse, we-bed to lievn reserve. It woodn't do to draw tho lik- ter out in site uv the memlierx, becox ttieyaiirt'dx yit w|nbM up to the pint uv ' undondandin them things ; so we rtluiH'il the hurl up ngin the wall, and ipjs >1 it on the hack side with a gimlet, ii* timwd off ev. ry day a quart apiece for each oflloer, fillin up through the hung witli wafer. This, wieh wua our reserve, we put into n keg, wich wo kept hid in the hushes out title the office. In case this process should bo diakiv- iTod. mi l any unpleasant results come from if. we hod our CoaauHln Actooary draw up a paper •lirtvtin ua to do it. and eoitifym that it wns necessary for the I'ivtofkshnnuvthe policy-holders. This we hold in reserve, so aa to to porvidod agin the imiHU-tinuat and inquisitive en quiries uv ignorant people, who don’t knew wnt is strictly necessary in those uwllera. It is tree, we t aeh drink up onr quart < very <lny, but of any trouble should grow nit uv it. wa kin pint, triumphantly, to In tht> autumn of !8301attended s oun nnd | meeting in tho interior of fif-rgia. an<l h* ird a -erni m which I have nrver to-on able te forg.-t or M.-scribe. I have at tempted several times te writ.- it. But it '-min ■’ he put on pnivr. The main force of it was in the snuffing and spitting, ant! groaning and hound-after-.i-fox sort of yelp or whine, to which no pen can do justice. It must be intoned to be appre ciated. I have preached it a thousand times for the amusement of my friends, and have been satisfied with my effort. I havo used it ax a remedial agent in ex ercising the demons of hypochondria, and have never failed "to send them down a steep place in the sea,” or somewhere else to the great relief of the sufferer. The speaker-had just been licensed, and It was bis first sermon. In person he was small; bull-heatled, of a fair, sandy complexion, and his countenance was indicative of sincerity and honesty. Hi» remarks evinced great reverence for the works of God, as manifested in xoology and natural history, and "was taking up the Bible in regular order for the first time in his life.” He had got ten as far as the history, the ark, the Hood, etc. Besides, just before his con- version ho "had boenreadingGoldumith' ‘Animated Mature,’ und the twotogether, by the aid and assistance of the spirit, hid led him into a powerful train of thinking, just as he stood at his work bench day in and day oot.” But what ever his sermon Iliac have lea n, it was u;, - -ri . •* - ...... • w. the Iwri in wich If wux. But nothin of that sort will happen. Tho main liorl is all that wv bev to keep in site, and that is put up so high tirnt none uv cm kin stv in the bung, and never kin toll how lunch there ia in it. One man did want to know put liin about it. hut I aaeootucd a hawty look. •• Sir,” sod I, •' the report of tho Diree* tore will make its appearance in doo time, when theJtarl will to gauged, and tho ■quantity in it declared. This is all, sir, can soy about it.” •Everything looks beautiful. Mew mem bers arv oomin in every ilay. and none uv cut are droppin out. We officers take our salaries promptly, and our commishuna likewise, and tho oontributors a.k no questions. This Canteen Association wux a lucky thought. SaiCl Sh.vkkct. his own. The text war, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of man to.” After commenting on that portion of Genesis descriptive of the fiood, he “warmed up” suddenly, and broke out in the following strains: "Tee, my brethren, the heavens of the windows was opened-ah. and the floods of the g-r-e-a-t deep kivered the waterx-ah. and there was Shetn, and there was Ja- pbeth-ah, a-l-l-a-gwine into the Ark-ah "And there was the elephant-ah, that E -r<-a-t animal-ah, of which Goldsmith escribes in his ‘Animated Natur’-oh. what is at big aq a horae-ith.and his bones as big as a tree-ah, depending somewhat on the size of the tree-oil, a-I-1 a-gwin into the Ark-ah. And the heavens of the windows wax opened.ah. and the fiootlri of the g-r-e-a-t deep kivered the waters- ah, and there wns Hem, and thoro was Sham, and there Japheth-ah, a-1- a-gwine into the Ark-ah.” "And there was the hippotamnx-ah, that g-r-e-a-t animal-ah. of which Gold smith describes in his 'Animated Mntur- h, what has a g-r-e-a-t horn-ah, a-stick- n’ right straight up out of his foreward- b, G feet long-ah, more or less, depend- ig somewhat on tho length of it-oli, a-1-1 a-gwin.. inlti tli.- Ark-ali.' "Anil there wai the giraffee-ah, my rotheria, that ill-contrivdil reptile, of hicb Goldsmith describes in his •Aniam- tured M'atnr’-uh, whose forelegs is 25 feet long-ah, more or less-ah, depending on the length of ’em-ah, tin*l a neck so long as he can cat hay off the top of a baru-uli. depending somewhat on the hitlie of the born-ah, a-1-1 a-gwine into the Ark-ah. And the heavens of the windows was opened-ah, nnd the floods of the grent deep kivered the waters-nil; an<l there Hem. and there was Sham, and there wns Japeth-ah, a-1-1 a-gwine into the Ark-ah. ■And there was the zebra, my breth ren -ah ; that b-c-a-n-t-i-f-u-l animal of which Goldsmith describes in nix • Anima ted Natur’-ah,’ which has three hundred stripes a ninnin’ rijjjht rii4d hisl>ody-ah, more or le*--. depending somewhat on the numtorof strijs; ,-ali. anti nary two stripes tilikt-nh.and a-1-1 a-gv.-iD -int i the Ark-ah. And there was the niuKYinder-ah, that -r-e-a-t sarpint of which Goldsmith do- seribes in his • Animated Natur’-ah’ what can swallow six oxen at a meal-ah, a-1-1- gwine into the Ark-ah. And the heaven of the windows was opened-ah, and t he flooils of the great, deep delivered the wa- tere-ab, and there was Shetn, and there was Ham. and there wa i Japheth-ah-a-1-1 a-gwine into tho Ark-ah. And there was the antolope-ah, my brethren, that frisky little eritter-ah. of which Goldsmith descrihoa in his • Ani- iutatol Natur’-ah’ what jumped seventy- five foot right straight tip-a'i. and twice quai that "■BATING Tilt: HOTlHgl. Aiintlirr Story of "lleau lllckmnti.* Once Beau went ore | ' S! Nl. i ill,’— of the houm*, ho ■Uiy morning, and, as ■atunlay received hi i to New York ,1'i'l oU». Knowing tho rent early on Mon- (TM o up torn arv, on biU, Watch iiur until no one \r*s in the office but n other imioivnt clerk, JBcaq went up with the bill in hi* bond, and. in a tower ing rage, demanded to know if it wam tl custom of the houoe to innult ita guests l«y pmuninff they would not pay when they left, and tending hills like that— throwing hi* on the desk. The clerk ox- jdoineil, and, mistaking Bean for the fn- tnou* Pennsylvania Ooopwsmi John Uickiuan, apologixeil, atunred him no of- itDiv was meant, and that ho Mold par when he went away. Beau Araa mollified, und presented the clerk with a fifty cent eigujr. Beforo the next week w;w out, on ErnUy. Hickman disked Geneml William Haile;., of Loniniinna, whom he knew very well, and who was stopping nt the* house to loon him $500 for one hour. The Oem-ral did so, and Beau, getting a $oOO note, walked into the office of the St. Nicholas and offered to pay his bill. Of oouree the clerk canid not readily change so large a note, and Hickman, re marking he wim going to stay, and the bill could be paid any time, passed up *Uur*. and handing Bmtiy the note, thanked him ccniially for the loan of tht nuaaev. No bill was «ent him the next KtturvVy. nor tie next. He was now hi the fourth week of hia beoid it ftifitHkho* las, anti, as bit arrears were becoming large, tho clerk felt it his duty to call the attention of the proprietor to the mat ter. Ue m *• ke of Beau iw the •’Uon. Mr. ttickman; but the proprietor, on examin ing tho register, recognised tho name of ■R. L Hickman” as that of the famous Washington *%hud heat.’* Ho cursed the cl. rk for his stupidity s but cursing would not square the kdger, axul. sembng Cor Beau, he nuide him the following propo sition : “Hickman, if you will go over the street and beat the Metropolitan out of a month's hoard you can come back hero, and we will dead-head you for another mouth.” Beau accepted the offer, and, when his month wus out, ho took his baggage, hired a fine carriage at the expense of th. >t, NiriioIa>, ami (Loving round the square, pulled up in front and registered at the Metropolitan, takin g a room on the second floor, with parlor and lath attached. Every few days he ,-t. pjHid uvertntlie St. Nicholas to tell tlw li.N.pnet >r L«- wiwre Lvtthron nieulv at tbs Metropolitan. ;u | .. fijra re of the St. worried through a month and then there was a row pditan. Knowing the hostility b Use hotel-', Ik .r.i mildly suggest«\1 l!u. Ilf t.,.1 »: :.l- > of a iv. that distance do-m-ah, provicio.l his legs will carry him that fnr-nh, a-l-l-a-gwine into tho Ark-ah. And the heavens of the windows was opened-ah, and the floods of the great deep 'kivered and waters-ah, and there was Shorn, and there was-Ham, and thoro was Japheth, o-1-l-a-gwine into the Ark-ah/* Just at this point he stopped speaking few moments, wiped lua forehead turned back his wristbands, ran his fin er ri through his hair, spit and rubbed is boot in it, drank a little water, com menced on a lower key, and proceeded as follows: “But time would fail me my bretherin, to describe ill the animals that went into the Ark-ah. Your patience and my strength would give out before I got half through-ah. We talk, my bretherin, of the faith of Abraham and the patience of Job- ah ; bnt it strikes mo they didn’t go much ahead of old Noer-ah. It tuck a right smart chance o’ both to gather up all the gopher-wood and pitch and other track for to build that ciuft-ah. I am a sort of.carpenter myself, and have some idee of the job-ah. But to hammer, and saw, and maul, and. split away on this one thing a hundred and twenty years-oh, on* lookin’ for par in another world-oh— I tell ye, my brethren, if the Lord had a sot Job at that, it’s my opinion he would a-tuck his wife’s advice inside of fifty years-oh. Besides, no doubt, his righb'ous soul was vexed with the filthy communications of the blasphemous set that was always a loaferin* and a-saun- terin* around-ali, a-pickin* up his tools and misplacin’ ’em, and a-eallin* him on old fool or something worse-ah; and, to clap the climax, he was a preacher, and hnd that ungodly giner.ition in his hands every Sunday-ah. But the Lord stood by him and seed him through the job-ah and when everything was ready heolidn’t semi Nocr out to scrimmage and scout and hunt all over the wild world for to get up the critters and varmints that he wanted saved-ah. They all come to his hand of their own accord, and Noer only had to haad ’em in and fix ’em around in their places-oh. Then he gathered up his own family, and the Lord shut him iu, and the heavens ef the wisi/a-w.-was opened-ah. “But, by bretherin, Noer-ah had use for patience after this ah. Think what a time he must n-had a-feodin* and a-water- in’ anila-cleanm* out after sich a crowd- ah. Some of ’em. accordin’ to Goldsmith’s ‘Animated Natur.-nh, was carnivorous, and wanted fresh ineat-ah; and some was herbiverous, and wanted vegetable food-ah; and some was wormivorons, and swallowed live things whole-oh; and he had to feed everything aooordin’ to ita nater. Hence, we view, my brethren-ah, as the nater of the animals won’t altered by going into the ark-ah, some of ’em would roar, and howl, and bark, and bray, and squeal, and bloat, tho whole injurin' night-ah, a-driven sleep from his eyes and slumber from its eyelets-ah, and at the first streak o* day the last hoof of ’em would set up a noise accordin' to its nater-ah, and the bulls of B.xshan m*t nowhar-ah. I’ve often wondered how their women stood it. Scripter is si lent on this poict-ab; but I think I know of some that would a-been vapor ing and nervous under sich dreamstances- ah, and in an unguarded moment might a-said somethin’ besides their prayers- ah.” Here the speaker stopped again, spit, took water, etc., and hastened to a con clusion: **My bretherin,” said he, “one more word for Noer-ah, and I will draw to t» dose-ah. After the outbeatin’ time he had, first and last, for so many hundred year-ah, if he did, by accident or other- W ise, take a leetle too much wine on one oecasion-ah, I think less ort to a-been said aboQt-ah. Besides, I think he was enti- nled to one spree-ah, as he made the wine himself, and, accordin' to Scripter, it h. Mv L FR. CHOLERA HORBt l. DIARRHOEA, AND ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS. CTEZD AST) rxrvrSTXD BT Radway’s Ready Relief! P I 7 CHOLHA prpTaiU u an epidemic, the Prc- monmw %xn th^ iwwt wt«c to adopt. 1 Livmu Bowels and Stomach sbuold bo kept nwtilar. Railway’* Pills in rasalbl will *cron thia roqnuitv. lUidway** Reawlv R^licl diluted in water, (one Vm»por.nfn) to a tumbler at water), taken aa a drink, three or four time« dorinr the itay, will de.rJ.’ct the malaria inhaled in the ry%- Uta. and neutralise all acid or unhealthy element* | eauacd by the combination of the malaria of the Mmo*r>hem with tbo <bl«c* at tbcitocnach. (which | arv often in these ffddenrir* acid), impartins warmth, cnersy and health thmuxbout the *y»- tem. and pmcntinc the separation of the watery from other pmpeftww in the blood. J If ‘ : d tr ;h CHOLERA, the Ready Relief ■hocM bo riven a* strofur and often IrpearilAa Thin will srrurc rr«t and bold the propertin of the blood together. E^raltzi.xo it, rirvuiaiion. pro. venting (onsmtion, and prevent thediroini-hhiror kwarning of the pul*c. and xtoppirur vomitina and purring. The body abouldbe rublrri with Readyl Relief from head to foot, and alorur the spine. This will impart new energy and vitality to the nervous system, atop cramps, spasms, and induce five perspiration. A* soon aa the stomach is quieted, six to ciriit of Rad wav’s Pills (no dancer dmrrhrpt need be feared) should be riven. The Liver. Stomach and Bowels will at once hr restored to their natural duties. ar.d the neutralised ele ments of diirsse he ecpelled from the system. This treatment baa roaruad thousands from death. Looaeneea. Dtarrhena. Cholera Morbus. Cramps. lSyn.niselfc.and all painfn) dischanara from the laurels are stopped in fifteen or twenty minutes by takime Radwa/s Ready Relief. No conation or iinfiannnfltion.no wnaknee* or lassitude, will follow MI^Hof the R. R. Relief. COLEMAN <£ NEWSOM JOBBERS OF- GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS HAVE REMOVED TO Blake’s Block, comer Third and Poplar Streets. RADWAY’S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OP THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION OP THE BOWELS CONGESTION OF TH F. LUNG8, SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OP THE HEART HYSTERICS, CROUP. DIPTHERIA. CATARRH. INPLUENZA, HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE. NEURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. COLD CHILLS. AGUE CHILLS. or parts where the pain or difficulty exists fonl ease and comfort. Twenty drojw in brlf a tumbler of water will in a few moments cure Cramps Spasms. Sour Stom ach. Heartburn. Sick Hcacfaache, C4»c, Wind in the Bowels, and all internal pains. Travelers should alwavs ram* afirifit of RjwI- way*a Ready IbIM with them. A few drops in water will prevent sjeknra* «*r pnins from rhanre of water, ft is hett ^ “ * ten a? a stimulant. s better than Fnmch Brandy or Bit- FEVER AND AGUE. Fever and Acne nnvd for fifty cents. There is not a remidinl neent in th«* world that will cure Fever and Acne, and all other Malarious. Bilious. Scarlet. Typhovl. Yelkiw ami othrr Pevers (aided brRadwq)ri Pills) so quick as Radwnv’s Ready Ready Relief SO cents per bottle, and Pills 25 nts a box. Sold by druggists. HEALTH! BEAHTY! STRONG AMD 1'1'RE RICH BIOOD-IM- CRKASR OF FLESH AND WEIGHT— CLEAR SKIM AMD REAFTIFCL COMPLEXIOM SECUR ED TO ALL! DR. RADWAY’S Sarsaparillian Eesolvent Has maile the most astonishing rnres. So quick, so rapid are the changes the body undergoes, under th«* influence of this truly wonderful medicine, that KVKKT DAT A5 INCREASE 19 FLESH AND WEIGHT IS SEEN AND FELT. Mi tr THE GKE.1T RLOHO PURIFIEK. Every drnpof theSARSAPARILLIAN UKSOL VENT communicate* throusrh the blood, sweat urine and other fluid* ami iuicea of tlie system, the vigor of fife, for it repairs the wastes of tlw IkmIv with new ami sound material. Scrofula, Syphilis. Consumption. Glandnlar Diseases, Ul- rers in the Throat and Mouth. Tumor*. Nodes in the Glands amt other ports of the system. Sore Eyea, Struroorous l>i*cK*rrwi from the Ear*, and the worst form of Skin Diseases. Eruption. Fever Hon*. Scald Head. Rinv Worm, Salt Rheum. Krv- ‘ s, Aene, Black Snot*. Worm* in the Flesh. Tumors, Canerr* in the Womb, and all Weakening ami Painful Disrharges, Nirht Sweats. Loss of i, and all wastes of the fife priori pie. are i the curative ramm of this wonder of Mod- becqistry. and a few days’ use will nrovoto anv person u*ing it tor cither of these form* of di*ra-« ita potent nower to cure them. If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the aate and decomposition that is continually pro- r .e**ing. succeeds in arresting these waste*, and iviiair* the same with new material made from healthy lilood-and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and do»w serum—a euro is certain; for when once this remedy commences It* work of purifica tion. ami succeeds in diminishing tlw loaa of wastes, it* repairs will he rapid, and eveiy day the patient will feel himself growing better and strong er, the food digesting bettor, appetite improving, and flesh and weight inereasinr. Not only does the SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT excel all known remedial awnts in the eure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional ami Skin Diseases, but it i* the only positive rare for Kltlncy and Bladder Complaints, -’rinary and Womb Disease*. Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy. Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine. Bright’* Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases when* there are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an ccg, or thread* like white *Uk. or there * a morbid, dark, bilion* appearance ami white xme dust deport, and when there is a pricking, turning sensation when passing water, and pain in tbo small of the back and along the loins. Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Eadway's Eesolvent! Beverlt. Masn. Jnly 16,1SC7. Dm. RadwaV: I ha\e had Ovarian Tumor in the ovaries and bowel*, aII the Doctors said -there nofaithinit/bacanseihad H years. I took six hot ties of the Resolvent, and one box of Rad way’s Pill*, and two bottles of your Bendy Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to be seen or felt, and I feel better, smarter and hap pier than I hare for twelve years. The worst tu mor wa* in the left side of the bowels, over the groin. I write this to you for the benefit of others. You can publish it if rou choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. WORMS! The only safe and sure remedy for TAPE. PIN and WORMS of alTktodi. PRICE $1.00 PER BOTTLE. An Important Letter From * prommmt rentVraxn sttd rwident of Cincinnati. O. for th. pul forty yew. wrll known to the took pnblistora tbrooxbont the United BMai Mxrr More. October 11,1ST3. Dx. RapwaT: XK-ar sir—1 srn inilncod by a tense ct duty to the jufferuur to make, brief staie- ment at the work!nr at roar mediHne on my*!!. For •.■rend jnara I had l.-en affected with nne "tier and urinary oraans,wh . arm culminated in a moa t.. mil also inffammatioo of tBc kidneys and bladder, and earn it aa their opiuitin that my sxe-tSytm- Wtould rronrut my ererartUne radically cured. I had tried a number ot pbyririans. andhad taken a hum quantity ct mcdimie. hath alojiathic and hnmeo-sithir, hut had rot no trfirf. I tad read at axtoobhinr curr. harinc hoeo made hr yonr ivm- edice. and some four month. a*o mad a notice in the Philadelphia Saiuni.Ay UvcninaI’uud.eirr ha\inr Ns-n effected on a person wh> "had lone been suffering a. 1 bad been- Iwent rieu laffand cot some at oach—1 c ur SArsapariUian Eeeolvcnt. K.O.I.V K.-1W and and «*»- mencA.1 takinethem, fnthreeda> In.«muly rdicsod. and now feel as well as ever. C. V. HU* Cincinnati. 0. R. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE AND REGULATING PULS. Wc beje leave to call the attention of the merchants of Georgia to our large stock of Groceries and Provisions, which we offer to the trade AT WHOLESALE ONLY On as reasonable terms as any hoose in the State. Our stock consists in part 100,000 pounds BACOM C. E. SIDES, 25,000 pounds BACOM SHOULDEES,. 50 boxes LOMG CLEAR SIDES, 250 barrels REFIMED SUGARS-ALL GRADES, 25 barrels CRUSHED AMD POWDERED SUGAR, 150 sacks RIO COFFEE, 25 sacks OLD GOVERM3IEMT JAVA COFFEE, 500 rolls BAGGIMG and 1,000 bundles ARROW TIES, 100 cases SARDINES, 450packages MACKEREL—MEW CROP. 100 boxes SELECTED. CREAM CHEESE, 20 tabs GILT EDGE BUTTER, 20 car loads FLOUR—Fresh Ground from our Mills -consisting of our own brands “.Uncle Joe’s Choice,” “ Mag Hampton,” “Golden Flake,” “ Faultless,” _ “ Standard.” We defy competition in Flour. We have a large stock of case goods and other Groceries not mentioned above. Merchants and others would do well to call on U3 when visiting the city before purchasing elsewhere, as we are prepared to offer in dueementa. Remember, We Break No Packages. % seplleodlm COLEMAN A NEWSOM, Macon, Georgia. jST A.TIOIST A L HOTEL . (FORMERLY SPOTT8WOOD.) NEARLY OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT. Thi. House has been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED from tosement to attic. 1IOAHD f>3 PER DAY. P. WHELAN, Prop. ar.ullf GEORGE W. HKAD. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER? - Poplar st., Macon, Ga. COLLINS Sc LITTLE MACON. GEORGIA, Jealersin all kinds of SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. seplS-tf STILL TRIUMPHANT! O. W. MASSEY COTTON GIN. PATENTED JULY, 1S71. nd I : ** . • ■ rrxu D triraa, riecantly coaled with sweet ulatr. purify, deure aad strength- IMb fur the rare cf alldb- riers rf Lirer. BosvU Kidney*. Bladder, HeaJsrhe. Outfit(■ktxm.Qaa] boat he 4 -.i i Miakt*$ dad the heart o’ man ' A .n ci-ir I bre thren,as it was in the davs of Noer-ah, llo j ’ I »o shall the coming of the Son of Man fhrv.if roiv be-ah. The world will never be drowned i a^ain^ih. It will be sot a-firo, and burnt I op, root and branch; with a fervient I hcat-ah. Oh! what will wretched,oadone I sinners do on that day-ah ? el fit for to live, nor for to die ah. The « lj W put to their wit’s end. :ind knock t *. ♦ , *. ,.V;.V* ‘ L i | md straddle around in every direction-alt. .*.! vr. ill shut he w4.1t 1*1 I - :-x .1 niiriii-ah, the t-nbe .1 bustm-ah. ; j ;: ... ..n.*i t l:tj at «to sum tUint*acarri.H.f I the. mountain* a jueltia^ks iu»*.«i V a -tin, an.'.p..t tiling. 1 thmk. will be in a confu>fi tn.L wh.tn cmwukd stuto. M..t the Lord ad, t.-raa! viw'vnu me. FMf wa Fc- :md all IX- ! bles.-inw. Am MeCrajHilitui v ■ai'jh Wa.unr, of Iowa, hated u. - it i.j,, but tiu-re was no altermitive, if ... Lwi tlu- slightest ilcsiro to continue :• p-iblie bft-. tin.l lie h.us at Ut covered !m. k-jmy into On* treasury. “Better —1»* than never” is the most that can he !<»: u iwm who requires six months u*ake up hi* uund that it n> wrong to i'vji rtolcn money. lluWAKD HuUSci. BROAD aTREET. Nearly opposite Mant«romcr>' »n*l Hifiauk Ra rvffitol Depot. EVTAULA. AL.VB.kMA. I V. HOWARD. * . pKortinoRB- Only a short w»]L to *r.d frr^n the So«ithwe#4- v-Qvc cvuU'mved in oauu- M pCS 6ui . Ar W .m« ltot*»reili*- Sicbi. F the Haad. Ix firimcy t/ Ivr« the Sin » .i > >• - Ra.-. iv*. nnd suddri; i .n*a«*s ol He Jie that hundreds are i»w in from Vinrinb to i proven a stccess. awl b-eoming in general use. not seen the Gin in use. would state that it ram lurht; gins t. clean* seed pntetfjr. and makes a beautiful »mp!e of cotton. Tlie roll box is a. constructed it it is impossible to break the roll or choke the Gia by any fair means, and a chill ten nan old i jxd ii 04 well as mmg amt, AH of which I guarantee, and warrant every Gin to give entire satis- For the information of those tat* fltaft can *eed it ot wtU ot omg amt, AH of which I guarantee, and warrant every faction or no sale. One improvement in mjeottoa or rafftori* that it is longer at tho top than where the cotton is puJitd hrtwren tbe rihs. . Parties purrha-ing Cotton Gins would do well to look to this before purchaMng other xaees, as I am determined to protect my Fatest from any and all mfrinmnenta. , ^ Purtiea wi-hing to purcha-e Cotton Gins would do well to the EXCELSIOR COTTON GIN l-lore purrhaaing. San> pit-* fan be seen at CARHART & CURD’S, Agents, iuUfcxxilra MACON, GEORGIA. W ORLD FEBRIFUGE l BLAKE’S RENOWNED THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, FOR THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF FEVER .AJSTD AGUE OR CHILL FEVER, DUMB AGUE. And other intermittent and Remittent Fevers, General Debility, Night Siveats, otc4 and nU Other forms of Disea-.es which have a common origin in Malaria, or Miasma. LAWRENCE & WFICHSELB \UM For ale by all D-ucvl-Ij. So, . e Proprietors and Wholesale Druggists SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE ARABLVN BITTERS, A WELL KNOWN TOXIC. Ga. k‘ptl2-lm ^OMESr/P 1 Agents Wanted. ' Send for catalogue. Ireri: Sawisg C;a;xxr t Yri. STEAM ENGINES BOILERS AND MACHINERY. Stationary and portable Steam Encines and Boil ers, Grays Anti-Friction Cotton Press, Circular, Gang and Mulay Saw Mills; 1‘ortahle and Sta tionary Flouring Mills, Sugar Cane Mills and Su gar Pans, Narrow Gauge Locomotives and Dum my Engines for street rends and mining purposes, new and second-hand Iron and Wood Working Machinery of every description. Send for c cular. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS. 60 Yesey Street, New York. Kenmore University High School, Amherst, C. **., Va. Preparatory to the University of Ya. H. A. Strode (Jlalli. Medallist U. VaA, Priori pal and instructor in Mathematics. H. C. Brock. B. 1 it. U. Ya. (re cently Ass t Prof. Latin, U. Va.) Instructor in Greek, Latin. French. German and Dotaiyr. This is one of tbe leading high schools of Virginia, and presents many advantages incomparable with those of others. Students also received for tho Summer. New session begins September 15th, 1S7S. For Catalogue, address the Principal. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE NEW BOOK, Epidemic and Contagions Diseases with the newest and best treatment for all cases. Tbe only thorough wort of tbe kind in the world. Embraces Small-pox, Yellow Fever, Cholera and all analogous diseases. No family safe without it, and all buy it. Ha* 21 chromatic illustrations. The biggest chance of the season for agents. Ad dress H. S. GOODSPBED & CO* 37 Park Row, New York. Hanover Street. Boston. stocks and gold. Capital. $10 to $100; will my <100 to $1,1100 a month. Full explanation sent free. W. F. HUBBKLL A CO- Banker* and Brokers. 39 Wall Street. New York. Box22$2. <ni $0(1 I*‘ r day! Agents wanted.* « 7 DO tp—* V-' AU classes of working peo ple. of either sex. vising or old, make more money at work for ua in their spare moment*, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON A CO* Portland. Maine. OPIUM We cure* the habit permanently, chenj,, (quick, without suffering STRONG, M, Dm Berrien Spring*. Michigan. Graj’s Celebrated Anti-Friction Cotton Pres. The cheapest, simplest, and most perfect Cotton Screw evet invented. Send for circular. WASH INGTON xRON WORKS, 60 V'esey street. New York, sole manufacturers. Dr?, lircone. Lindley & Bentley’, GREAT FAMILY MEDICINES! Their success attests their merits. Tlie afilicted ho have tried them say that Dll. GREENE’S FIT CURE will stop at once all kinds of Fits. Sisi-sms and Convulsions. Epilepsy. Cholera and Nervous Wakefulness are completely under its control. That Comp. Ext. Corydalis is tho great est ALTERATIVE nnd BLOOD PURIFIER known. Tirnt Medicated Honey has no equal a* a remedy in Bronchitis. Asthma and Coughs. That Neuralgia Specific is just what its name implies. They are for sale l»yall Druggists. Pre- ,red only by Drs. GREENE, LINDLEY’ & SY. Chariot "" ~ j'M’ <1 i;i:\" BNTLEi otte, N. C. HI’CLELLAN’S NSTITUTE for BOYS At West Chester, Pa. A beautiful and elevated situation, 22 miles west of Philadelphia. Spa cious Playgrounds, with G.vmnasium. Students prepared for College, Polytechnic Schools or Busi ness. S/iecial provision made for very young boys. Many students remain,as boarders, during Summer vacation. Session lieeins September 10. Address ROBERT 31. 31’CLEI.LAN. (iraiitei Sclieine_ Era Kuown! FOURTH GRAND GIFT CONCERT! FOB TUB BE.VEFJT OF TUB PUBLIC LIBRARY of KENTUCKY. 2,000 Cash Gifts $1,500,000 $250,000JFOR $50! >HE Fourth Grand Gift Concert authorized by special act of tlie Legislature for the benefit the Public Library of Kentucky will take place in Public Library Hall, at Louisville, Ky., WEDNESDAY", DECEMBER 3, 1S73, Only sixty thousand tickets will be sold. The tickets uru divided into ten coupons or parts At this concert, which will be tlie grandest sical display ever witnessed in this country, tho unprecedented sum of $1,500,000 Divided into 12.000 cash gifts, which will Ijp dis- rnu J. i tributed by lot among tlie ticket-holders. LIST OF GIFTS: ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - ONE GRAND CASH GIFT - - 10 CASH GIFTS 310,000 each SO CASH GIFTS 5,000 each 50CASH GIFTS 80 CASH GIFTS 100 CASH GIFTS 150 CASH GIFTS 25fl CASH GIFTS 823 CASH GIFTS 11,000 CASH GIFTS 1.000 each 5uo each •Itmi cat’ll 300 each 200 each ltMi each 50 each $250,000 100,000 50,000 25,000 17,500 100,000 150,000 50,000 40,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 TOTAL, 12,000 GIFTS, ALL CASH, amounting to - - .**1,500.000 Tho distribution will be positive, whether all the tickets are* sold or not, and tlie 12,000 gifts all paid in proportion to the tickets sold. ' PRICES OF TICKETS: Whole tickets S30; Halves $25; Tenths, or each Coupons, §5; Eleven Whole Tickets for $500; 224 Tickets for $1,000; 118 Whole Tickets for $5,000- 227 Whole Tickets for 310,000. No discount on less tlian 3500 worth of Tickets at a time. 'Tickets now ready for sale, and all orders ac companied by the raonej promptly filled. Liberal terms given to those who-may buy to sell again. THOS. E. BRAMLBTTE, Agt. Pub. Libr. Ky* and Manager Gift Concert, r .*■!;.■ i.i>Ti rv l.M.i'i ill •. Ky. T T. U A W VIM'D/1 METROPOLITAN IRON & BRASS WORKS, Canal .Street, from Oth to 7th, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TANNEE & GO., EN6INEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. EXGINKS OFALL KINDS. Send for Circular. H. R. BROWN, hull ly Agent. W. PABEL, D. F.FLKMING. JAMES M. WILSON. Rsdw 3000 CASES BOOTS & SHOES, FOB THE FALL TRADE. r.to>nicj ITicc 25 I the Mai: Iliad u vs C'iiaric»Wn are i cent> per box. Sold by Druggist*- ■KAO ~ FALSE AND TRUE I” Sen.i »m«* Idler stamp to RADWAY XUO.. No. wmstKin vutth thousand* will be sent yoo* i 2 HAYNk STREET, CORNER OP CHURCH STREET. miviJwjdiwly I SAMUEL A. NELSON. .su^sfcxdiuij J^MES GILFILL1N D. F. FLEMING & CO., ILASTFACTURER OF STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LA-Itr) oil. Office, No 14 West Main Street,between First and Second. Factory, No*. 75. 75, 77, 79 and 81 Maiden Lane, between Ohio and Adams Streets, LOUISVILLE, KY. Cash paid for Tallow, Lard and Grease. apr25*Tm ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS Tie Great “Eclipse” Screw Colton Press [PATENTED FEBRUARY 21.1S71-] MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY B. FINDLAY’S SONS FINDLAY IKON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN'. FACES THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes Bales u Cotton ra. Led by thu Press range from 500 to soo pounds- WE GUARANTEE AFTER PURCHASE. AAD MARRAM AGAINST BREAKAGE wrirnniTT mill 1 T MK. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE GKOROxA CXXTBAI. RaILKOAP, Savannah. July 5. ls7S. O N and after Sunday, the <>th in*. , Passcite* Trains on th.- Georgia Contrr l ltnilrood, its branches and connections, will run as fallows; DAY TRAINS GOING SOUTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah. * .....i... kOO r w Loavq Augusta... 2:15 r m Arrive at Milkdct \ille....‘ 11:04 r M Arrive at Eatontou 12:32 a m Arrive at Macon 10:45 r w Arrive at Savannah......, | 0:15 v X Leave Uma for Atlanta ll-.io r m Leave Macon for Eufaula 11:15 r m m for Columbus 10:55 P M in! leaving WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. “ECLIPSE” can be furnished all complete.or simply the Irons, as parties i arranged for steam or water power when required. We have TESTIMONIALS from many of the Large-t ami Best Pl»nten m toe other Cotton States) using this Proas, whose names ureas familiar cl OMI.Y visiting Macon are earnestly advised not tupun-liasc « Cotton JSbSmt for S^rintiV AND THOROUGHLY the “ECLIPSE, and JUDGE VOR niEMSELVES. Send forUescripns Pamphlets containing testimonials and prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. GA. CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER FOE DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY L Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. The suncriority of this machine over all others intended for samo pnrnoscUnchidinp: both the old id “mTfSn" Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE. OR ASK NO MOlffiV This Poweris tolppedm io piece, as it were; require* no mechanic to put it up; sets on tho ground; is nttachcnl m no * . anv portion of the house; and is independent of lloor” sagging” etc.; >« ,,s " 1 ,n A>1 ' Kl V P HOUSE (one or two story), or both tho Power ar.«l Om an bo n ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to 300 revolutions per minute. ., l»o used in ANY KIND run on the ground WITHOUT Arrive Arrive at Bufaula. Arrive ai Columbus Making dost' connectioi Atlanta and Columbus. NIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Clay ton..... 7:20 a m Leave Columbus 230 a m Leave Atlanta 130PH Arrive »t Macon from Clayton SOS i» m Arrive at Macon from Columbus 7:8.) r m Arrive at Macon from Atlanta. 7:20 r M Leave Macon..... 7:40 r xi Leave Savannah 8:40 v m Arrive at Milledgcville 1U04 r m Arrive at Eatontou 1.. 12:52 A M Arrive :it Sai amnh 0:00 .v M Making pcrfhol connection with trains leaving A 'StlmoTs going over the MfflodgeviDs and E». tontou Branch will take night train from Colum bus. Atlanta and Macon, day trains from Augusta ami Sai-annah, which connect daily at Gardon (Sundays excited) with tho Milledgcvulo and Eatontou trains. An el*‘gj»nt hleepinc car on all night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS can l»e hail at the Central Railroad Ticket Ollico at Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan streets. Office oj>on from S a m to 11 p m. Tickets julyStf i alsi SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN • TO AHD PROM Mhton, Brunswick, Savannah i Florida. Offick Macon and Brunswick R.\it.uoad, Maoon. Ga- July 22.1875. O N and after Wednesday, July 23d. l*a.<ksenger Trains on this road will be ran aa follows; DAY PASSENGER, DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED FOlt TOE PRESENT. Leare Macon Arri' t JeflOp.. •vick.. .. 8:00 a M .. 0:13 P M ..10:15 PM ..10:50 P M ..10:12 AM ..10:12 A M . 2:10 I* M Arrive nt 1! Arrive at Savannah Arrive at Tallahassee i at JackftnOrtUe Jacksonville Tallahassee Leave Savannah Leave Brunswick Leave Jesut) feOO ^ Arrive at Alacon S:00 a Passengers from Savannah will take the 4:50 t train for Brunsmck,aud 5:20 a m train for Macon .I.E accommodation train, daily (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leave Macon 8:50 Arrive nt llawkinsville 7:80 Leave llawkinsville 6:30 Arrive ut Macon V: **5. W. J. JAIIVJS, julySOtf Master Trans]wu-U.rioi llAWTT . 5:20 A M M M M M L80 P M CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE. Central Railroad. Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5,1873. O N and aft. r Sunday, July 6th. Passenger Trains on this Road will inn asfolloWs; DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. -PTTT.T.V WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. If. B.—Parties preferring the “olj fashion” Gin Gear or “new fashion” ditto, with centre suppor can be accommodated at very reasonable figures. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. GA MANUFACTURERS OF STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS. ETC. ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, jul27eodly FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. GA. Arrive at Atlanta ...11:00 A M 5 SO A M Leave Atlanta... 1:50P M Arrive at Macon .. 7:2»> P M NIGHT TASSENCBR TRAIN. Lhave Mat on ...11:10 PM Arrive nt Atlanta...'. ... 5:50 A M ... 1:00 A U Arrive at Macon ... 7;00 A M Making close connection at Macon with Central Railroad for Savnnnah ami Ail juste, and with Southwestern Railroad for Columbus -ml point* in Southwestern Georgia. At Athnta.with West ern and Atlantic Railway forj^iints Vest julyHif G. T. FOIH.ACRE, Sup’t. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE 0 y ATTENTION SPORTSMEN! N. Y. STATE SPORTSMEN S ASSOCIATION. EXTRACTS PROM " REPORT OF COMMITTEE ON STANDARD FOR SHOT.” V .L manufacturers will have eventual jy to con form, when sportmen require that their shot shall compare with the stainbud ot excellence ujob winch vour committee haa fixed. Upon the m^t rritical examinatk Us- llli > adopt as the “AMERI- »le presented to us by ± Co.. New York. hL NEWELL. Chairman. N. M. SMITH. P. G- SKINNER, id dealer* desirous cf ha 1 • Ulfoi ■elativ by applying to ios/o’/is LE ROY* a CO., New*York, uiicia duodSm PATENT ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR. “ T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Gear made. It ia made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted to iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. MY PATENT Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, Extended Arm to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. All persons using or'making any part of my patent will be iwsccuted to ihe ex tent of tbe law. I BUILD AND REPAIR ALL KINDS MACHINERY AT NY WORKS. BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR SALE. Call and see at my works. Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Gif- «3T Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. jul30tf SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, SOUTUWMKR* Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., July 4,1373. N ami after Sunday, the 6th inat. Passenger Trains on this Road will run as follows: DAY EUFAULA PASSENGER TRAIN. Xeave Macon .* .' &W a m Arriv'd nt Eufaula 4; 10PM Arrive at Clayton *k2Q P >i Arrive Albany : 2:46 P 51 Arrive at Arlington....;. 0:00 r xr Arrive at port Gaines 4:40 pai Leave Clayton A M Leave Eufaula. - ** A M Leave Fort Gai.nes ..... 8:35 am Leave Albany Ik*® A M Arrive at 31neon C: ’-» p M Connects with the Albany Train at Smithvillc, and the Fort Gaines TY*in at Cutlibert daily, ex cept Sunday. _ ... ... .. . Albam Train connects d®uy with Atlantic ana Gulf Riuln l Trains at Ad^ny,-. d will run to Arlington oil Blakely Extcns. onMondaj.W.xines- day and Friday, returning folkWing daj s. COLUMBUS DAY PASSEXU'Ett TRAIN. Leave Macon r « Arrive nt Columbus 4 * yL Leave Columbus p ^ Arrive at Macon 7:, ’ w p M ECFAULA NIGHT FRErOITT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon P 51 Arrive nt Eufaula 12:10 P M Arrive at Albany 7:57 A ^ Leave Eufaula 10:20 P X Leave Albany 8:30 pm: Arrive at Macon 10:30 A M Trains will leave Macon and Eufaula on tho schedule Sunday, Tuesday and Thurday nights, and connect at Smitbville with Albany trains. julyflly Kn CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OX MAOON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance 01 cc, the trains on this Road will DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). GENUINE Arrive at Angsuta j:L» p M Arrive at Macon b:15 r m J’assong-.-ra leaving Macon »* **• a m Inako ckvse ii rtlnsis «t Camak with day passenger Qn Georgia Railroad for Atlanta and all iKiii. 1 -s West; also, for Augastn, with trains going North,, and with trains for Charleston; also, for Athens'- Washington, and all stations on the Geor gia Rai (road. Tickc ts sold and baggage checked to all points North, both hy rail and by steamship* from Charleston aug7t£ S. K. JOHNSTON, Sup’t. CHAUG-E OF SCHEDULE. WESTERN' -VND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO. Office GznnuL Passenger Agent, Atlantic Ga., July 10,1873. ,N and after this date— UGirrxxxa express _ New York, Eastern and V irgima Cities, Leaves Macon, by Macon A Vt ol O y 11:00 A >f 5:50 P XI 6:00 P M Arrives at Atla Leaves Atlanta Arrives at Dal ton '"'mfS Arrives at Chattanooga - 1.10 ax Pullman Palace Drawing-Room and Skeping- Cars by this train from Atlanta to Lynch burg and all intermediate r»ointswiTnouT change. Passengers kmring hv this train arrive in New York the second afternoon, at 4:11 p , teen hours earlier than pa*.v;nircrs ny nii\ wner route can with safety reach New ^orit.leaving the same evening. DAY WESTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Macon at — P M Leaves Atlanta at Arrives at Ctottanoog*^.. ■■■; wAO A f- • Close connection at Cbottonoorr .or til points West, _ _ . . . Pullman Palace Car' on all night trams. For further particulrs addrac - julylltf POET ROYAL F ATLI, :±B'. Office *>t knginefr AN and after Mot V Road will run a- Will leave Augusta a ^Arrive at Port Royal Arrive at Charleston Arrive at Savannah. fofio ; Jtne », 1879. trains on tt> LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP 50 BARRELS ON HAND THIS IS NOW THE ONLY DAY’ PAR : Royal i Arrise at Augusta at.. • passenger train. Will leave Au, Arrive at Port R*y..l Arrive at Charleston i Arrive at S Pure New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be had in New Orleans. W e W ill Sell at Low Prices. ROGERS ft BOHR. Leave Savanna Arrive at Angu Fiurenggra le on Macon andj nurht paa^nge* un tiwui um passenger train. »n this mad fur Port Rx. JAMES O. MOORE, leerand Superintenden ■ PLANTERS’ BANK, FORT VALLEY, GA. R ECEIVES Deposits, discounts Paper, buys and (veils Exchange; also. Gold and Silver. Collections made at all accessible points. Interest paid on Deposits when made for a specified time. Wat. J. Anderson, Pres’t. W. E. Brown. Cash’r DIRECTORS: ^ Wm. J. Anderson, Col. Hugh I.. Dennard CoL Wm. Felton, Dr. W. A. Mathews, Dr.M L. H. HoUinahea jdftI8t«