Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 25, 1873, Image 4

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 25,1873. TITK CITY. Till KM1AY MORNING. IKIT. Sk ..f It. i.m'i Hotel, ;Mt North on Non to bo ii *. K. E. 11 •ml. from i ycl.T lav. though it m-v-meJ it at uliu.Mt every hour of the day. Tl..- run ma-h- a few effort* to ..;.|Nor. I' t with no v.-ry d»ii.~I«uoc«u-. M. IV. B. Most*, who w well known in thia city, in with the Brown Honno ragru in 1 -.t or 'I u.-a.lay night,of. llo had been ill for aon.o tim formerly and. died aumption. Tin • Otton crop i. BOW ooming in, an.l Macon merehanU who wUh t. - -n-ure the trade jn lIonatiHh Crawford. Maeon and Taylor count i.-<, ahouhl ad let tiae in the Batin—t Mirror, Kort'Valley. Ga. TV. T. Chriatophcr, ..liter of the Itu.i- neae Mirror, will call on our merchant, for advertixine favor, tceday. tint, tfpalrlaa. There ia a place in th.- -id. walk on Thirl street at ita intonicction with Pine which ii.Va.lly in n.-.-l of r.|mir. After every rain a pond of wat.-r roll.•eta there, rendering, it inconvenient for men and ira- poaeihle for ladira to puts. A few cart ..f 'J:rt w..uj.l r.un..h the evil. ..no they ought to l»e tlirown in there. Scribner'. .Wa«ra/.lnr, Our thank, are due to M. aara. Brown A Co. for a oopy of thia excellent maga- r.ine. The number ia a auperh one, lian.l- aomely illustrated and oontaina aa much or more rending matter than any vimilar Ain.-ri.-an publication. Thia number oon- edadee Bret Hnrte'a " An Epiaode of Eid- illetown," and Dr. Holland’a “Arthur Bonnicaatle,” both of which hare been [•rent attractiona. Colorrd churrh Improvement. Tin. eongregation of the African M. E Church, on Cotton avenue, hare jnat bad their lecture room plaaterud. They have had the work done in a good atyle, with heavy cornice and quite a handsome een- tro-pieoe. When the painting ia done and the aeata in, they will have quite a handsome and comfortablo place of wundiip. Wesley J. Onines ia the pustnr of thia congregation. To for Rented at Aurllon. Attention is cal Li 1 to the advertisement of Mr. & E. Brown, giving notice that at IS o'clock Saturday the cigar room at Brown's Hotel will be rented to the high est bidder. There are ao many applicant for thia loom that Mr. Brown has deter mined to rent it to the highest Vidder, thna giving all an equal chance to obtain it. The stand ia a first-rate one, aa it ia piobable that more cigars are sold there than at any other stand in Georgia. Hr»|»«*uluicof (lie Public School*. Elsewhere in this paper will tie found a notice of the reopening of the public Hehoolaof Macon, which will take place next Wednesday. The prospect ia that all will be full at the outset, and will re main so during the term. It la a pity that the now school build ings could not have Ifeen gotten ready for the opi ning thia session. Wo do not think the authorities have been aa vigi lant in this matter aa they ahould have been. However, the contract has been let for ono building, and we hope soon t<? see it well advanced, and others closely following in ita wake. The Park. Mr. Pettit will have the hippodrome completed by Saturday night, provided there ia no more rain. The fnune work of tho new-Exhibition Hall ia alsmt ready to be raised. Mr. IVttft, after this week, will be able to put hia whole f».nv on thia building. A new chicken "hippodrome” is in pro cess of construction. Messrs. Ellis A Cutter have the ware house nearly completed. It is on impor- Lint improvement to tho grounds. A deer, recently purchased from Mrs. McHenry and placed in the deer park, died yesterday. Some very handsome terraces are being raised around tho trees in front of tho Ladies' Cottage. The Financial Crash. Mr. S. U. Jaqoes, who is in Baltimore, in a letter received by his house (Messrs. Jnquos A Johnson,) yesterday morning, writes os folioics about tho great financial earthquake which is shaking tho North so terrifically: ••There is a big excitement here over the fivilnroa in New York and Philadel- nUs. J am inclined to think that the ef- i«vt will l>c good, as soon as confidence «nn 1m* restored. It will, in a measure, put a stop to tho wild speculations and lock-up »»f money which have blocked tho wheels of legitimate trade. It will have the tendoney to make money more string- .•nt and dspress the price of cotton, but I look for u reaction and a bettor state of things. The people hero are glad the crash h.ts doom ns it did. It had to come and better now than later.” • l essK ■unrlar t a ajrtet. On Tuesday evening when: tho Isjok- keeper of Mr. A. Md'alli. returned to the store after t«*a, h«- found a negro boy, named Thf»uias Franklin, about eighteen year- of age, hid away in the stor**, ob viously with the intention of committing a robbmy. He had entere*! through a Uvrk window. The gentleman, with the .u-Mnt.meo of Mr. Henry Abel, took the young thief to the Uirrocks. where he spent the night. Yesterday morning a warrant was issued by Judge Weems for his arrest, on a charge of burglary in the night. He had a preliminary trial yesterday afternoon, and was held to answer in the sum* of five hundred dollars. The defense was conducted by J. L. Hardeman, Esq., and the State wo* repri nted by CoL E. F. Best. The Mayor's Court. Alderm.m Cornell hell the ribbons of judgment yesterday morning, and guided the car wifely through four cases. P. Simms was for the fourth time for vagrancy. This time his physical condi tion was such ns to render it necessary to send him to the hospitaL He is com pletely prostrated, and unless he has the benefit of medical skill, he will have a ■ad time of it. Thomas Franklin, a mulatto of about 18 years of age, charged with burglary, was held for a warrant. A headache, as big as a meeting bouse, accompanied B. B. Martin into the courts room to plead guilty to the charge of be ing drunk the night before. The case Five cairn h. chants* Exchan; READING NOTICES. 1 soup t«»-daya i Financial and Commercial NKW advehtisemests. • \fU SD U > Jvht received, f:\ih cream cheese, cab- bage, n*-w mackerel, hum-, breakfast bit- con, pickles by the gallon, dried boef tongues, pearl grist, an 1 everything nice, at S. T. Walker’s. It Hive ns’ incomparable soup to-day. French randy, taffy, cream candy a It S. T. Walker’s. of the •Calf's Head Soup at eleven o’clock, sharp, at Merchants' Excliange. Pickles by the gallon (firm, high fla vored and splendid) at It S. T. Walker’s. Evebtbodt likes Havens* soup. Eaglx Choice Flour has never taken any premiums. Why? Because it has never been exhibited. Go to the Merchant’s Exchange to-day. Cotton. The market m d«Il sn4 depresned all rUrtl nominal. Bbjtvt* »bwr no di*pa Ukeliold. A few hopebt to fill oelrfi. The receipts to-day wen? the (main by rail and 111 by wagon. The •hipwr only T holes. Sales Ul. XAOON COTTON STATEMENT. Stork on hand SepL L 1*73-. Roreived to-drve J: Received pceswMtsly ....£71 Bpi prerioosty. ~ W5HJ Stock on lisnd thiscrenine. £77'» Bagging, Tics, etc. The stork of barring and ties is equal to the de mand. which is active. We quote tesring at l*k3 17c. arconlinr to weight. Tie* file. Twine 1 ■ SPECTACLES LOST. _jold framed ity. The find or »rewarded hr leai •ity. The finder where 1 can pet J. W. APKRHOLP. WANTED. furai irrl—J» Unexceptional n-f« rences. local* suet c„ P.O. BOX ‘ nily statins terms, ■hfill® FOB BENT. rliriWv K-atc.1 . K. V. LAWTON, At Kxchanso Bank, or to Dr. A. 1*. COLLINS. At Collins* A Heath’s FOB BENT. rpiIESTOKE next toy ofiee in “ Washityrton 1 Block." ako two destrsble rooms over it FOR SALK. But only Heaa’s XXXX Tobacco, os good as the best, and 25 per cent. cheaper. _ seplTtf Attention Merchants.—Central City Choice, Yours to Count On, and Pride of Georgia are reliable brands of cigars manufactured only by George W. Head’s. seplTtf Don't forget to send your waste grease to the soap factory to-day. septIDtf Eagle Choice Flocb is pronounced by wu dismiMed on condition that ho leave I ^ who ; t llie i xt i_ Manutac- the city forthwith, to which ho consented- I tnro j \f. J. Lawton & Co. —* aug31tf Council Proceeding*. Itim-ut Mketiso, > I Thx trade will save money by r ur * Cooncil Chamber, Sept. 23. 1873. > J chaeinjj their Soar of the Eagle Milk. I'r. -. nt, J. W. Burke, Mayor pro Inn.; vll grades guaranteed to give satisfac- FinaneiaJ. There is little doinx iu thi* line that the mar ket U hanl’v quotable. Everythimr is perfectly mUtf |MI, ttmo being no ii^ihonriom that the in . wLii-hharerao-d -i amt utoplwanil In New York and cLiewber* will be lelt bereolhtr than in ■ little rtrinsencr o( the money market, fee a fthort while, and aome delay in moving tlw rotten nop. The huka ere tiwnartinc baainesa aa usual, obeerrinr perhaps a httlo more than ordinary rantion. Them if a ieelinjr cf aecurilr amorc them which seems to pervade the entire business rasnnqmity. We quote esehanre on New York nominah nuy- mr J 1 i off. and selling at 1 premium. Transae- tiom mnalL The fcukl market is abo nominal, th- hoyin? price bettur 109. and selling 112. SUrer. buyinc at 103 and arilirar at 10S. Flour and Grain. Flour—The market for flour during the week has been active, with an advance of S3 cents per laurel all around. Tho stock is ?ood. We quote, lient family <10: plain family <9 30; extra <8 73; superfine . Corn—Stork pood, demand active. White 95r. mixed SCX We quote com meal at fl. aug31tf AlJssw Deita, C. Burke, Lightfoot, 1 ^ on on | y amber and white wheat Burdick, Cornell, Durrett, Ellis, Shone- 1 - man, Kahn and Hasdai. Absent, hia Honor, W. A. Huff, and AM-rman Dempsey. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. DILLS REFERRED. C. Burke, P. H. Ward, P. Fitzgerald, W. A E. P. Taylor, J. C. Wheeler. BILLS PASSED. J. Holmes A Co., $5; Harrison Jones, .$s .32; J. n. Merryday, |10; P. H. Ward, |37 40* A. E. Boardman, $IG 25; Owen Cauley, $367; Abner White, $24 30; Tru man A Green $9 25. IVtition of J. S. Schofield & Son to ex tend their present buildings on Fifth used. Just Received.—Three hundred boxes tobacco, on consignment, with instruc tions to sell for what it will bring, in tho next four days. Terms cash or bonk pa per at sixty days with interest. sep!7tf Geo. W. Head. A Curd. Eaole Extra and Eagle Family are well known to all housewives, and need no recommendation. W. J. Lawton. Refreshing.—If you feel oppressed by street, to a lino with their encroachment, I tho heat and dust, just step into Loh’s, •aid buildings to ho permanent, was re- I in the Lanier House building, and take a Iwied to committee on Street Encroach- ^ refrca j,u, R bath for only twenty-five The*following communication of G. B. ccnU - Shoring, hair cutting, etc., by Pettit, was read: J the most skillful tonsorialartists, and at Macon, September 23, 1873. I the codlest establishment in the city. J. J. Cornell, Alderman: Strangers visiting Macon should remem* Dear Sir-I will put in a new floor in | °. , „ . .. the centra of Premium Hall at tho proper *** thm-the people here all know it. hi.-'ht alove tho other floor, to come on | julylSoodtf “J withthocvMlingii.iHtofthewings- , pthe(unctiorao( the wvdM V* U i e onlenM. .ho whole lx,!y. rad not only tho tx>I.v build Itro flig i . j i.nt the miniL nymjvilhise. with the dhitnrhivi npen.ng m the centre of the floo^—qy lO Bgiam bmU >re moK rommoI1 . m,U . a, f ■fiJSST* f0r .tan any other di«J; and to remove tho bile u city to furnioh aU materials. | ■ - , h „ ^ R«sp6ctfaQy 9 G. B. Pettit. well ns regulate the Liver, you only have to take Simmons’ Urcr Regulator, which will impart chicken shatters at Central City Park, was referred to the Committee on Public i Thousands have been changed by the use of the Property. . 1 Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of Iron) from weak. The Finance Committee ninde the fol- sicklj Buffering mature*, to stomp, healthy, and lowing report, which was adopted: I } m pj,y men and women, and invalids cannot ita- Tho Finance Committee, te whom the hesitate to rive it a trial. For Dyspepsia petition of C. A. Nutting and others was nml it i, B veteisd back, beg leave to report that | ■. **^LW they have, in conjunction with the Mayor | Tns Ciibafkst and BKST.-*-IIook’a Eureka and City Attorneys, settled the matter at I Liver Medicine rives universal satisfaction in tho * sue satisfactorily to all parties. 1 ... — - . . J. W. Burke, R. J. LlOnTFOGT, Finance Committee. Committee on Streets mode the follow ing report, which waA adopted; The Street Committee to whom was re ferred tho communication of J. Holmes & Co., store, treatment of Liver Disease. Dyspepsia. Sick Ilead- nchc, Costivencss, and all that class of diseases arising from a disordered state of the stomach and liver. novSOly Half Alive.—It is a sad thing to possthrourh life only half alive. Yet there are thousand* whose habitual condition is one of languor and debility. They complain erf no specific disease*; they suffer no positive pain, hut they have no relish for , asking that Poplar street next to their - w re, be pn t in gcod condition by raising it . . . . to n propor gnulc with tho opposite «Mo »n7»l>>n« " hlri ' >”™ul or smsuou. pkws- of sni.1 («tret, respectfully report that the nre lIl « r more ro,mit cncractic follow bo- .trvvt will 1h> repaired os soon os practi cable. ItiTSK Ei.i.is, John J. Cornell, D. M. Durrett, Committee. The following report of J. A. McMa nus. Clerk, was received and adopted: W. A. Hu/,'Mayor, and Finance Committee: I have tho honor to report tho amount mm. In nine raae* ont of ten this state of lassitude and torpor arises from a mobid stomach. Indi gestion destroys tho energy of both mind nnd body. When the waste of nature is not supplied by a due and regular assimilation of the food every organ is starved, every (unction inter rupted. Now, what does common sefiso suggest under of cash collected for license, sales of dty «*!■ ilm*—III of depression? The system lots, etc., and tho amount paid over to rooU ro^inrnwl Kiiemaheni;,?; no! merely tor the City Treasurer from tho 18th day of I »» hour or two. to dnk afterwsrds into a more August to tho 17th day of September, | PHhMam^MraMira wHmIImt 1 11/would 1873,inclusive. Respectfully submitted, J. A. McManus, Clerk. Aug. 21—A. Douse, rent cigar stand $10 00 Aug. 21— M. S. Meyer A Co., wholesalo boot and shoe, license 150 00 Aug. 21—Richard Thomas, shoe maker, license 3 00 Aug. 26—David Lanev, contrac tor, license 10 00 Aug. 26—J. H. Merryday, con tractor, license......... 1000 do if an ordinary alcoholic stimulant were resorted to), hut radically and permanently. How is this desirable object to be accomplished ¥ The answer to’this question, founded on the un varying cxperi*nco of a quarter of a century, ii easily given. Infuse new rigor into the digestive organs by a course of Hostcttcr’s Stomach Bit ters. Do not waste time in administering tempo rary remedies, but wake the system up by recup erating the fountain-head of physical strength and energy, tho great orean upon which nil the other organs depend for thdr nurture nnd sup port. By the timethat n dozen doses of the great vege- An*. 27—S.IIclfrich.part license 10 00 I table tonic and invieorant have been taken, the ^ . .. r . ... I r Li., tai j : 11 it. I mil- Dl.plny of W. oboervod pvtwdoj afternoon eight ra haiulmno ilrayo aa were ever sis-n in Macon Hiiugly paek.il on Second str.i t llicy are full spring cotton drays. One of thetn i„ mark.il -'Colotuiut A Xew IfhDlnh Grnoan," five uiarke.1 **C. K U. Dray Line.** Tlieao Ar. m. fo H. Mansfield.Central railroadivntraotor. The other two ere marked “M. A C. Dray Line.** and arcemd by Messrs. Marr A CrutehfUld. who have two more on the way. All of them>,trays were made b Knurs. Abbott, Downing A Co., of New Hampshire, imd wore brought out by Messrs. Collins A Little, the enterprising earrisge dealers on Sinmd street. Tlr are magni.i.-.-nt drays, and fully aa good aa they look. tddltlonal rrrinlum. Kri.m the following oommuuieat-on it wiU l«e wen that two additional pre miums fcive been added to the wire uaprwxilented list to be oorapetod for at the State Pair: Ow n k Stah: Aaniet'LTntU. Soci*tt,> Mai-»*n. <»a.. S'ptexnlKT 2t, 1>73. * MSire 7V;.v.')'k and Memnjen Ptame publish ihe following additional pr, mi- inis efleiMi for the approaching Stat lit: r tho State AgricnUnrml article of mi«re silk than six d skoi 1. lVi'iniuu Society for tk thread, not k $10. 2. Special premium by H. EL Stoddard, • ditor • f the lVultrv \YorU. (or the Lvt light Lrahuia pulli-t. ‘ The Illustrate l Book «»f IVultry”(fifty colored plat*.-', ? 12.5i M. Jo St. reuuy. Aug. 20—S. T. Walker, butcher’s wagon, license 25 00 | Aug. 20—Mix A Kirtlaml.whole sale boots nnd shoes, license 150 00 Sept. 1—Mathews & Bates, stomp, license 6 00 Sopt. 1—J. M. Grimes, rent sa loon 50 00 Sept. 1—Mrs. Lucinda Cobb, part license 5 00 Sept. 4— Southern Atlantic Tel egraph Company, part license 100 00 Sopt. 4—J. E. J. Fmnke, retail grocery, license 6 Sept. 8—John Campbell, con tractor, license 5 00 Sept. S—Thomas Hodo, part li cense 10 00 Sept. 8 —Henry Sehpidt, barber shop, license 9 50 Sept. S—D. H. Horton, for 10,- 000 bricks, at $4 50... 45 00 Sept. 15—J. H. Bremer, boarding house, license 16 00 Sept. 15—Tyner Baldwin, eating table 3 Ui» Sept. 15—1-Yank Disroon, barber •hop, license 12 50 Sept. 15—W. A. Cherry, Jr., one- horse dray, license... 10 00 Sopt. 16—J. B. Weems, attorney, license 10 00 Sept. 16—J. W. Aderhold. part payment for brick 50 00 Sept. 16—M. R. Freeman, trus tee, for 20,000 bricks, at $t 60 92 00 | Sopt. 16—Elihu Trice, balance on city lot 133 33 | Sept. 16—Elihu Price, interest on city lot. 9 32 feeble frame of tho dyspeptic anil begin to feci its benign influence. Appetite will bo created, and with appetite the capacity to digest what it craves. Persevere until the cure I* complete—until health ful blood, fit to be tho material of flesh and muscle, bone and nerve and brain, flows through the channels of circulation, instead of the watery pab ulum with which they have heretofore been im perfectly nourished. • Helm hold's Brcnc.—The only reliable medi- ine for diseases of the kidneys and urinary or gans. A perfect diuretic, tho long-continued use of which by the pcoplo of this country for the lost twclvo years ha* fully established its reputation s tho best remedy for these diseases known. It is one of the few medicines that have stood the test of time. It has true and genuine merit. Beware of counterfeits. The genuine has Helm- bold’s private proprietary stamp. Xkrvou8 Debility.—A depressed, irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous exhausted feel ing; no energy or animation; confused hood, weak memory, often with debilitating, involunta ry discharges. Tho consequence cf excesses, men tal overwork or indiscretions. This nervous db* BiLTtr finds n sovereign cure in Humphreys Homeopathic SrBciFic.Xo.2& It tones up tho system, arrests discharges, dispels the the mental gloom and despondency, ami rejuvenates the en tire system. It is perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price $3 for a package of five boxes and a large |8 vial of powder, which is important in old. serious cases; or $1 per single box. Sold by all druggists^ or sent bv mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS* SPECIFIC HOMEO PATHIC MEDICINE CO, Na 369 Broadway. N V. For vtl« by J..lm InenK an«i IJist.x. Kan kin A Lamar, Macon. Ga. apr!5e<xlAwtf OBSTACLES TO MARRIAGE. HAPPY RELIEF FOR TOURG MEN from the efforts of Errors and Abuses in early life M&nhivxl restored. Impediments to Marriage re- Total $939 90 I moved. • Xew method of treatment. Xew and re- CREDIT. Sept. 16—By cash paid C. J. Williamson, Tkefisnrer— On account of rent cigar stand .in i saloon $G0 00 On account of city lots 133 33 On account of interest on city lot* 9 32 On account at bricks 1S7 00 On account of licenses 550 25 1 markable remedies. Books and circulars svnt free, in *«*alcd envek>i>e*. Addn*-* HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Xa 2 South Xintb street. Phila delphia, Ihu. an institution haring a hath rrputa- 1 lit‘ii tor hotkifible comloct and protest.t asl skill JulyfidSuj . $939 90 Explanation. In th.* following eoir.mum. at ion Mr. L. A. Hsnsc. mailing clerk of the Maoob p..t-.*fti >*, relieves himself and th.* Ma- . h j*.>t-orti.v from the blame which vm.nl t.* bo fixe^l upon them, by a com munication which appoanni in this paper \.>t,*nLv. The question still is, who L.I.; • the i } ‘ on asked in • Is th.* Mao Total Examined and approvesi. J. W. Burke, R. J. Li..htivv>t, Finance Committee. On motion of Aldnais Cornell— Kosolved, That the Building Committee at Central City Park be uuthorired to nu t with Mr. G. B. Tettit for the work named in his estimate for putting floor in the j'r.'ii'.ium hall at two humin'd and fifty douars. Fund. On motion. Council adjourned to meut next Tuesday at 7j o’clock r. M. * J. A. McManus, Clerk. Hr XT. Raxkix A Lamjlil—Thi» well known Uabb- firm iwived * lsrsv lot of Dr. » Eureka LHcr llslicina H hv» ihr praise • h«'luxe trad it. In lottlesi at 30 cents fr 1>. • 24th t fault mail matter mailed *'»! lin. Atlanta to Miw'.m, uiarke.1 rour r ■n ]k>st-of- , of road on -If latlicw who do i rr will compare to d by the o»te agei-t J , Western railroa*!, an-i by Inin mad.* up in direvt packages to the pi.i«-.-i. a4l.lr.t4xd, and put mt«* a pouch m.irk.d f.»r the mud tlie mail is intend.*.! for. The only mail he send* to A Ma.'on 1» P. O.*' is such moil as leaves thi* ofli* .* by horse routes. Man n is not a ••]>. P. O.,” t»ut a separating office. I hiive conducted the **l). P. O.” business «.f this for five yours, an.l am fauu- lmr witli the I>. P- O. business. Respectfully. L. A. Hansr, Mailing Clerk, Mu. on P. U. ito I *P*P*r r« Jot to the World ! Woman is Free !—Among the many modem discoveries looking to the-faap- pines* and amelioration of the human race, none is entitled lo higher cooideraticn than the re nowned remedy—Dr. J. Bredtald’s Female Regu lator. Woman’s Best Friend. By it woman emancipated from numberless ills peculiar to her sex. Before its marie power all irregularities cf the womb vanish. It cures whites. It cures sup pression of ihe menses. It removes uterine ob- ttructions. It eurgs constipation and strengthens •he system. It braces the nerves and purifies the blood. It ne%v*r fails, as thousand* cf women will totify. This valiuhle mciicine is prepared and wold by L. H. Bredfiekl. Dntgrist. Atlanta. Ga Price f l 50 per bottle. AU respectable drug men keep iu TrsoaSKE, Ala., 13BS. Mr. L. H.Brah/ield—Sir; PW* forward us, mmediately, another supply of Bradfield's Fe male Regulator. We find it to be mU that! s claimed for it, and we hare witnessed the most de cided and happy effects produced by it. Very re>|vctfullv, Bonn A Alexander. Provisions. The meat market lias been quiet. Stock fuU. demand moderate. We quote C. R. sides lll£lll; dmdtei lo^ioic^ S. C. hams l«i@17c. Groceries. Coffee—Fair to good f 4i ZiZc; prime 25i<§26c ; choice S6K?f7lc, Upward tendency. Sugar—Brown or C lOftgllc; yellow € lllglft extra C Ut^lSte. A lSi^lSc. Good stock in mar ket. SyeTF—Sugar house, hhds 80(7X1 r; bbls 32(735; Xew York fltV^73; Georgia and Florida, none. CiytESB—Extra cream State 16£ id. Candles—Full weight, boxes 2Dg21c. Soap—Turpefttine. qommon 5!?<»c;<rfire 71^8; chemical olive wrapjied $G 5D^$8 per box. Rice—Xew crop ftg^le. But little in market. Winos and Xiiquors. Whisky—Rye (1 15*,55, amoding to age and quality. Champagne Wink—I*iper Heklaiek. pts $31 $33; Krug A Col, pts $32335; Dry Verienay, ptc $31 @$33; Imperial Cabinet $22^525. Sparkling Catawba—Pts $is<s;$2D; qts $17® $18. LATEST HARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Financial. Xew York—Xoon—Xo general market re- «hei Midnight—The following are strict rinsing trices: Western Union Harifie Mail 2S.«29, Yew York Central RS?««s I-nfce Shore * 75}; Union Pori fie 1*5 l'.h Northwestern 40; Rock Island Wabash 40^43; Ohio27i?23. New Orleans—Exchange—sterling nominal. Xew York sight t premium. Gold 12b Lon don—Xoon—Consols 92p*92i. Xew 5s 911. Erk* 44b LaU*r—3s 91f. Eric 44b Paris—X<Jon—HenK»57f bid. Cotton. Xew York—Xoon—Cotton entirely nominal; sales »j3 ; uphuuls IS; Orleans 18$. Futures opened ag follows: September 171-lfi® 179-lfie October 1« 1-325171: Xovember 16 15-16 (517 3-16; December 161(417; January 17b Evening—Cotton, net receipts, 312; gross 1917; tales 1038; market nominaL Futures closed weak: sales 27.900; Septcm- ter 171-16-. Octolier 161; Xovember 17; December ~"@77 1-16; January 17b Baltimore—Cotton, net receipts 162; gross 16b exiiorts coastwise 151; sales 50; stock 780; mid- ill mgs l&h low middlings 17i; Ii.:irk.*t dull mid Xew Orleans—Cotton, net receipts 314; gross 516; exports oast wise 7*; sales 250; stock 1SJ300; middlings 1715 171: low middlings 17b strict goocl ordinary 16; operations checked by the difficulty of laying exchange. Wilmington—Cotton, net receipts 136; exports coastwise 301; sales —; stock 377; middlings 17b. market quiet. ArorsTA—Cotton, net receipts 941: sa stork —; middlings 17b. market nominal. Savannah—Cotton, net receipts 1765; exports coastwise 1096; sales —; stock 6316; no market. Charleston—Cotton, net receipts 426; gnxs —; exports coastwise 215; sales 100; stock 5870; middlings 16Kcl7; low middlings 15; strict good ordinary 15; market nominal. Mobile—Cotton, net reetdpt* 141; exports rocst- wise 434: sales 50; stork 7256; middlings 18; low midillings 16}; strict good orvlirauy —; mar ket nominal. Boston—Cotton, net receipts 35; gross 196; sales fik stock 9000: middlings 18}; market quiet. Xoefolk—Cotton, net receipts 580; exports roa>t\vix‘ 320; sales 40; stock SS«S; low middling 16: maricet nominaL MEMrms—Cotton, receipts 479; shipments 547; sales —j stock —; Jow middlings 17; market nominal.. Galveston—Cotton, net receipts 268; gross —, exports coastwise —; sales 15; stock 6160; Texas ordinary—; good ordinary 16; market unsettled. Philadelphia—Cotton, receipts 78; gross 115: stork 476; middlings 19; low middlings 18}; strict goodonlinary 17: market entirely nominal.! | Liverpool—Xoon—Cotton cosier but not low er. uplands 9. Orleans 9b tales lO.OOiv speenlation and export 9000; uplands, lsuds good ordinary, shipped October, 8 15-16; October and Xovember 8J. 4:15 p. M.—Cotton sales to-day include 4800 .Vmerican. 5 r. M.—Cotton, sales uplands, basis good ordi nary, dolivcgnl de October and Xovamber 9, Produce. Xew Yore—Xoon—Breadstuff*, the panic has completely blocked business, nothing doing, and consequently no prk tabflsasd. Pork dull; new mess 17 75. Lani dull; old steam S 7-K-5 >}. Tum*ntine dull at 40^401. Rosin dull at 3U0®300 for strained. Freights dulL Evening—Flour, southern dull and heavy and lower; common to fair extra 6 7»ti7 80; good to d»i« 7 S5aV» 70. Whisky heavy and lower at 97 al*7l cash. Wheat dull and lower: shippers can not sell exchange and business is almost stopped. Com heavy and 1 lowln holders disposed to real ise; difficulty with exchange keeps shipp»*rs out of the market; steamer western mixed CMS. Pork quiet aqd staady; new mess, spot 17 Bmf unchanged; mess 9 OOalO 50. Lanl lower at 8}^Sf. Turpentine dull at 4ha40b Rosin dull at 2 90. Tallow weak at 8}. Freights to Liverpool more active and lower. Louisville—Flour firm; extra family 6 00; Xa 17 00; fancy 8 00. Corn firm and scarce at at for shelled and sacked. Provisions steady. Fork 1« 00gl« 25. Bacon, shoulders 8J? 9b. clear rib 9i®l<>h char sides 10}. packed. Lanl tierro Rf<?9t keg 94. Whisky quirt ml 92. Cincinnati—Floor dull and lower at 6 90@710 Com quiet at S3. Provisions quiet and not enough doing to justify quotaljons; nothing pressing on themark**t; suchonlereas are awaiting a more quiet and deferred state of financial affairs in oth er eities. Whisky unsettled at 90. St. Louis—Flour dull, lower and irregular; quotations ran not be given. Com dull, unsettled and lower; Xa 2 mixed 39. Whisky steady at 96. Ikvrk lower at 15 75a 16 0ft. Bacon dull ami — only a very small order trade; shoulders 8 rib sides 9}; dear sides Pb Laid, no sales. Marine News.* Xew Yoke—Arrived. Yille du Havre. Mons- AX IRON SAFE, as good J. M. BOA RDM AX. FOR RENT. B. C, GRAXXISS. for rent. W ILL be rented to the highest bidder at Brown’s Hotel, in Macon, on Satunlsy the 28th September, at 12 o’dock. the Cigar R >xn iu Brown’s Hotel in Macon, for one year from the li of October next. Terms, good security with or quarter paid in advance. _ sej,25 2t B. E. BROWX. Atlanta Herald sad Constitution please copy onetime. GO T O E. R. RICHARDS Tu-day ami boy some of hi. FEESII WATER GROUND MEAL. BOLTED MEAL and SAVANNAH GRITS. The beat brands of FLOUR always on band. Reopening of the Public Schools T HE CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS will be opened WEDNESDAY. October 1. aa follows: EAST MACOX GRAMMAR SCHOOL—At the Central railroad building, and one room at the Catholic Church on Fourth street. Walter G. Smith, principal. NORTH MACOX GRAMMAR SCHOOL—At Mr. Link’* school-boose on Spring street and two rooms comer of Bond and College streets. E. II. L s5nU?H»ffboN GRAMMAR SCIIOOL-At St Paul’s Parish school house. Henry T. Conner, Pn CoifMERCrAL AND CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL.—Comer of Bond and College streets. H. Roberts principal. There will be a charge of one dollar per month in the High School (parable in advance.) to de fray the rent of tbe building. All applications for admission must be made to the Superintendent at his office over Johnston’s jewelry store, comer of Second and Mulberry streets. THE LEWIS SCHOOL, (colored) will te opened Monday, October 6. Applicants for that school must apply to the principal on the day of opening. Tbe texcliers are requested to meet at at the of fice of the Superintendent at 4 o’dock P. M~ Mon day tbe 29th inst B. M. ZETTLER, Superintendent. ppg-k Notice in Bankruptcy. Iruptcy was i-wued against .... . Willis McLendon, of county of Taylor, and Sti of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt hi? own petition, and that tbe payment of al. debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to^ aim. or for his use, and thei transfer of any property by bim. are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of sakl Bank-1 nipt to prove their debts, and to rhooae one or more assignees of his estate, will he held at a Court of iBnnkrupicy, to be boklenat Columbus, Ga^at the office of L. T. Downing. Esq- before Lemuel T. Downing, Esq- Register, on the 25th day of October, A. 1>. 1873, at 10 o’clock, a. m. r W. H. 8MTTH, |*ep23 It V. S. Marshal, ns Alessenger. | Notice in Bankruptcy. rnHIS i* to give notice that on tlie 16th day of L September, A. D- 1873, a warrant in Bank- ptcy was issued against the estate of George A. Thompson, of county of Dooly, ami State of Georgia, who has teen adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition, and that tbe jsiyment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for nis use, and the transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by liw; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bank rupt, to prove their debts, and to clwose one or more assignees of his estate, will te held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden nt the hotel at Cochran's Station, county of Pulaski, Ga- before Isaac Beckett, Esq- Register, on tbe 8th day of Octo*»er. A. D-1873. at If o’clock M. ^Cliarlea C. Kibdce, Esq-Attorney, Ilawkins- ville, Ga. W. H. SMYTII, wep24 2t U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. ic money Therfl is . Arrived out. Cron Prim. Virion*. Charleston—Arrived out Moselle, Italy. Sailc^L Mptflda Brooks. H. W. McColIv. Savannah—Arrived. Pieu. Huntsville^ San Ja- rinta Cleared. Frtipse. For particulars sepg4tt FOR RENT. g boose r. J. W. I Tll llEAT HIMES. W.lnut it, or-LAV. HUKKE X CO. For Bent. T HE STORE adjoining the Macon Street Rail road stable*, on north side «f Mulberry street, between Third and Fourth streets, recent- ly occupied as E.Sprinx*s saloon. Also, three rooms i lRaiding. TURPIN ± OGDEX. aep24 3t Real Estate and Ins. Ag*ts. LATHS! LATHS!! T HAVE iweatir rwrarrted a superior Lath JL Machine to my mill at Eastman, and am pre pared to furnish laths at reasonable price*. Ad dress me ax Atlanta, or W. X. Latch, at mi!L ser242taw1m* A MURPHY. police in Bankruptcy. T HIS is to give notice that on the 25th day of August, a. D- 1873, n warrant in Bank ruptcy "'ns issued agaiiust the estate of Thomas C > M itchell, of county of Wilcox and State of Geor gia, w1k> has been adjudged a Bankrupt on hia own petition, and that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to sakl Bank rupt, to him, or for his use. and tho transfer of any property by him. are forbidden by law; that a meeting of tlie creditors of the said Bankrupt, to nrovo their debts and to choose otic or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at tlie Hotel at Coch ran's Station, before Isaac Beckett, Esq- Register, on tlie 8th day October a. d- 1S73, at 12 o’clock JL Chas. C. Kibbee, Esq- Ilawkinsville, Ga. W. JL SMYTH. aepgs 2t U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. DWELLING TO RENT. A COMFORT \BI.E mVKI.l.lNO in Vnu* taining eight rooms, with good garden, well of water, etc. Terms very moderate. Apply to mdStf ‘ L. TV. RASDAL. Housekoepors' Situation Wanted A WIDOW LADY, aged about thirty, with one small child, desires a situation as house keeper in a family, a hotel or public institution. Is willinc to make herself useful, and will bring un doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to tbe Senior BdHor of the Tikwranh. amctStf TO RENT. y PART of a House on Walnut street, next Protection Fire Co. No. 1. IjllllBBSS of Protection Fire Company Xa 1, _L»1. are hereby ordered to report at once to C. H. Baird, tailor, Cotton avenue, and leave your measure for new uniforms. By order NOTICE. II. W. RAIFORD. LOST. aae, with finder will be suit- ^ - A Nelson’s, it Being the gift of a dtfar friend that is dead. n vnenv WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A T Findlay Iron Works. THREE* GOOD 31u CH1N1STS. None but llrst-rate workmen need apply. R. FINDLAY’S SONS. sepl»-tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT. A FIVE room Dwelling, with three acres ground attached, on Tat nail Square, near resident e of Mr. E. Price, at $25 per month. Apply to J. SEYMOUR RODGfcRS. aug31 tf At SeyroouK Tinsley A Ca’s. DENTISTRY. ’TAIL EMERSON has returned to Macon, and JJ will resume the practice of Dentistry ut FEESH AERIYALS. 20 BOXES BOSTON BELLIES, 100 BBLS SUGAR, A. B, and C, 50 BOXES EXTRA CIIEESE. 100 BOXES GERtylX OLIVE SOAP. 5 BBLS. BRAZIL NUTS. 5 BBLS. S. S. ALMONDS. 5 BBLS. PECANS. HO! FOR THE FAIR! W. A. JUHAN & GO Respectfully call r-ttention to their attractive stock of House Furnishing Goods Which they are enlarging daily, consisting of SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASINGS, COUNTERPANES, SPREADS, NAPKINS, • DOILIES. TABLE DAMASKS. TOWELS. F.tc- Which they offer at prices consistent with the re cent decline in all classes of goods. RIBBONS! RIBBONS! W. A. JUHAN & CO. Have just opened a beautiful display of GROS GRAIN AND ROMAN STRII*E SASH RIBBONS, [ Which aro repmlcd as miracles of cheapness. IRISH LINENS ! IRISH LINENS ! A splendid assortment of the above in every grads. OUR DRESS GOODS nave begun to arrive, which will cnablo us in a [ few days to make the handsomest display in this | line ever seen in this section. Call on seplO-tf W. A. JUHAN & CO. WHOLESALE CLOTHING STORE, In order to meet the wants of our growing city, we have "one largely into the WHOLESALE CLOTEINQ BUSINESS. We are now opening n large Stock, West’s Extra No. 1 KEROSENE OIL. I Bought From the Manufacturers, Expressly for the Wholesale Trade. I TVE WILL DUPLICATE ANY BILL BOUGHT IN NEW YORK, TO. LESS BY A JOBBER WINSHIP & CALLAWAY. KEROSENE LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, And WICKS. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully and accurately compounded by those I thurougltly competent, at the Drug and Prescription Store HO LAND B. HALL, Corner Cherry street and Cotton avenue. sepSStf GEORGIA MILLS lili? sept»3tf Jaqucs & Johnson’s. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY ipplies for letters of ad ministration oq tbe estate of William G. Ethridge, late of said county, deceased. This is. therefore, to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to te and appear at the Court of Ordinary of said county on tho first Monday in Xovember next, to >how cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 24th day of September, 1873. soi»25-3nd JOHN M. GREER. Ordinary, W. W. CARNES, General Insurance Agent, OFFICE NO. 80 CHERRY ST. Represents the'following first-class Companies: HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE C.OMPANY. Organized 1810 ... Assets $2^50,0fO 6E0R6IA HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Columbus, Ga. - - Assets $500,000. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, NEW YORX, in posed of the Germania, Niagara. Haw and Republic Insuraum Companies), Assets over $4;000,000. PLANTERS’ INSURANCE COMPANY. Of Memphis, Tenn. - - Assets IBUH INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, Organized 17J4 ... Assets $3,500,000 Policies written on Dwellings, Stores, stocks of ; Merchandise, Cotton, or other insurable property at fair rates. My sleeping room adjoins my office, and I will cover Cotton or other property at any hour of th s day or nicht. W. W. CARNES. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. CAPITAL—GOLD - - - - '$10,000,000 Insures Stores, Merrhnralise, Dwellings, Fumi- j ture mid all other property at We are still offering to the Trade our celebrated brands of Flour WILEY’S XXXX, PEARL DUST, AMBER AND CORAL. LOWEST RATES! I. C. PLANT & SOX, Agent seplfi flm 3Iacon, Special Notice. rpHE surviving partners of the firm of W. A. I HOPSON A CO. will continue the business I of the late firm at the old stand until further j notice. The stork will bo kept up in all tho de partments to the reguirements of tho business, j Mr. R. E. Jones is .our duly authorized attorney j n fact. J. L. WARREN, C. P. ROBERTS, Surviving Partners. superior. Tbeso rthey are handled but once Wc challenge competition in tlie grades of Flour offerered. Our XXXX has I goods are manufactured by us, and we claim but manufacturers* prices, asVhey a f We do not, nnd never have charged DRAYAGE on our Flour. J Tbe attention of the trade is respectfully called to our BRAN, possessing, as it does, a large per centage of middlings, and is very nutritious and palatable to stock. GRAHAM FLOUR, always on hand. Remember, Flour is Our Specialty. BURR & FLANDERS, <vn21tf No.4 BLAKE’S BLOCK. September 8th, 1873. sepfl tf J Still Further Reduction. GKEAT BABGADfS LADIES’ Tlie startling diawfaack on nearly all medicinal agents has ever been that in their process of punration and purification they have also debili tated the system. To obviate this difficulty phy sicians have long sought for an agent that would Purge, Purify and Strengthen At One nnd the Same Time. B Their research has at last boon rewarded by a discovery whirh fully realizes the fondest desires of tberocdica) faculty, and which is faitfr regard ed as the most important triumph that pharmacy has ever achieved. This important desideratum is Dr. Tutt's Vegetable Liver Pills, Which purify Co blood and remove all corruj humors and unhealthy accummulations from tl body, and yet produce no weakness or lassitude whatever, but on the conarary tone the stomach, and invigorate the body during the progress of their operation. Thor unite the heretofore irre concilable nudities of a Strengthening, Purgative and a Purifying Tonic. Dr. TuttN Pills are the most active and searching medicine in existence. They at once attack the very root of diseases, and their action is so prompt that in an hour ortwo after they are taken the patient is aware of their good effects. They may he taken at anytime without restraint of diet or occupation; they produce neither nau sea, griping or debility, and as a family medicine they have no rival. Price 23 cents a box. SoW by all Druerists. Principal Office, 48 Cortlandt street, Xew York. aepHeodihrly Closing Out Prices ! Dresses and Suits ! Dresses and Suits will te offerred at ERNEST PESCHKE’S Macon Standard Mean Time. H AVING perfected my arrangements to correct tho slightest error in tlie time-keeping of my lino Regulator, bv th*» erection of an observatory and one of the most approved TRANSIT INST Rt - J ME NTS, for the purpose of observing the meridian passage of the sun and uta— 11 —»*>•*•« v “-’* the exact Macon mean time to within a fraction of a second. •.•Special attention paid to the Repairing and Rating of fine If atches, new work made to order. and htors, I will bo able to keep •well as all kinds | Greatly Reduced Prices! j fair Ground Privileges l closing out prices until the 27th instant. ] j During tlie remainder of this month. Our goods must be sold, and will be, if bargains are an inducement. . _ . J We will open in a few days the Latest Novelties This opportunity will be offered for only fire | and Styles in days longer. following privileges during the coming S^ta«SS«2SiS , ?^ utincluje0,lr LADIES ’ DRESSES > SUITS AND DRESS 600DS GEORGIA STATE FAIR whole stock* in tliestPliargain prices. Come nnd see that we will prove our assertions. Remember, wc have but five days more. W. A. BANK3 & SONS. Witli our usual assortment suited to the season, j and invito the attention of buyers. *ep21tf FOR SALE CHEAP. street between Oak mid Arch. Is within a few minutes walk of the business port of tbe city, de pot and workshops, and has proven to be a healthv place. Apply to D. D. CRAIG. anglOeodtf R- A. MORRIS. JOHN P. FORT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Macon, Georgia. NOTICE. TYTE hare this day sold our stock of GOODS r t to W. J. Lawton, and bespeak for him the liberal potrooase of our customers. LAWTON A BATES. September 18th, 1873.s. p3l tf For Rent. JONATHAN COLLINS, COTTON BROKER MACOX, GA., R ESPECTFULLY solicits orders for the pur- Hiaae <rf cotton and consignment- of same from his planting and mercantile friends. As salesman, with an ctpawe at twenty-seven years, be has no hesitaiwjr in saying he can cuar- B*rs. oe nos no nesttancr m antee perfect etidactim to both buyer and seller and pledges caiefol attention to all bej I trusted to hia care. Office, in Hollingsworth block. Household Furniture FOU SALE. * Cream I 1 Tl»* makers of I>r. Pro Baking IVwiirr and Signal hsrc ad- I % lor jairehaains matcnal. in la nre quan- titicaand arra'uwmcnts for manufacturing more fimiplt't, »n<i r th«i »nv I'tVr nunulir- lunr». whirh riuailrt Ibrjn I« «hm)lrn« »nv prr- u, to podurv • jvrtrrtlr p«irr powder or livioqt eilrwrt u . le— pnre U»n the, ofler Dr. Prtor’u Ther rare not how ff—t th, eompetition <w inducemonu lo mi itwr—w U proSU br »diil- terwtim. they detenonxil lo protect the <im .amer hy hirautun, rtnrtly |w»w md neliobtr er ttclrs at a living profit. Wc. the undervmcd I>rujrg:>ts. take pleasure in commending to the trade D*. J. Bkaitxeld’s Female Rkouiatoft. believing it to te a rvod and reliable remedy for the diseases for which he ri'Com:«r-nd> it. W. A. La.ssDEU- Atlanta. Ga. I’xmbektos, Wilson’, Taylok ± Co- Atlania. Ga. Repwtkk A Fox. Atlanta Ga. W.C. Lawshe. Atlanta. W. Root a Son. Marietta. Ga. IH'R 4 I j figures, can be: •apply themselves with Kitchen Furniture at low here thrr can olrf.-.-n -*at THIS OFFICE. DR. WRIGHT, MIE FLINT HOUSE, containing twenty-five . rooms, with garden and outbuildings. One °f the teat stands for a boarding-txsme in the city. ROBERTS or MILO S. FREEMAN. Ut W. A. HOPSON & CO., Hew CroodsJ «»"'1« s ecoxdsteeet. lected, and cheapest stock of Staple anti Fancy DRY GOODS! Wk invite all to call and examine our Stook of goods and te convinced wo sell THE BEST GRADES of GOODS at the LOWEST PRICES. This week we invite special attention to the following !PATENT MEDICINES! Principe Cigars, Gravely’s Genuine Chewing To- BAH-BOOM, SEGAB STAND, FBTJIT, ETC. ble to the committee. No jmper taken but such as can be used in any bank in the city. Notes to be given on the day of renting. L. W. RASDAL. F. A. SHONEMAX, C. BURKE. aug28td Committee. baeco, Harwell’s Chewing Balsam. Fine Toilet Soaps, Notice in Bankruptcy. j rpHIS is to give notice tlrnt on the lath day of For Rent. T HE residence of the late J. R. Butts, on First street, oernpitd at present by J. L. Sauls- burr, eligibly loemtud and cwurnieot to business. Pteseasioc given October 1st. Apply to A. B. ROSS. aeplOtf Or CAPT. A. G. BUTTS. Booms For Kent, ^YER office of Southern Express Company. Apply to T. H. HENDERSON. At Express Office. TO RENT. 0 XE Stores for Rent. J on Cotton Avenue, near the corner of Cherry street, ami th*? other on Cheny : «•*•:;. ?: A• 1’ :■ :. tely. Apply to A. FARMER. WOOD. min’- Block, over Yol- Molbem a.'id n>*> : d arillS/ STATE OF GEORT.IA—TEor-r Cot-TTT: I H'n-r :!":•!* This i» to certify that l liavo eij«r.i!n»d the Mnvb, Manxi, G&. renpr tf I»r J. BrwlrW-Ul. of thi- cou'*.t\. as a i ±L7ZSI'iv CHAS. COGNSELMAN & CO., lhrdl«aar»o< femsks Lit a hirh h* nx-oiniDeTKis _ , ^ _ Tbi> Ui«ir.ter it General Commission Merchants, He P. Bkaklky. (KIS A 1.4Hi v Mmv M. D. i 11. Oriel CHICAGO I Refer to W. A. Huff. Ma W E will have a fine lot of Black Jack Wood at our yard to-daT. 1,000 o ni** arriving and to arrive. BUTTS A ROSS. Sepltl W E A Calls Coal. rill sen Coal at* Coal. mer rate uni t at Messrs. apt atu-nthi NEW GOODS which we offer at bargain prices: 10,11,and 12-4 MARSEILLES QUILTS, 10, 11 and 12-4 SHEETING, IQ, 11.12 and 14-4 BLANKETS, 4, 5, and 6-4 BLEACHED COTTONS. Large aasormente NAPKINS, DOILIES, TABLE DAMASKS and TOWELS, PIANO and TABLE COVERS. Largest assortment BLACK GOODS IN THE CITY. BLACK SILKS, of best makes, at New York prices. COLORED SILKS in all the new and shionable colors, and every! and stylish in DRESS GOODS. WATER-PROOF LADIES’ CLOTHS— ruptev was issued against the estate of Sophia A. E. Freeman, of county of Sumter, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on her own petition, and that the pay ment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to her, or for her use, and the transfer of any property by her, are for bidden by law * that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to . chfM.*.-on** or more -of h.-r •**••.t* »>•• Fine English and American Hair j B a a t ' 1 K^,fl.K ,1 KA: Esq., before Isaac Beckett, Esq., Register, mi. j— * *» 1873, atSo’docl icy, America*. ( \V. H. SMYTH. U. S. Marshal, aa Messenger. LTJDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, ' SAVANNAH. GA. Brushes, ine Fine do. do. do. do. Tooth Brushes, Extracts, Extra Fine Oolonge Water, And m A mamoth Stock of fine and coarse SPONGES, Hunt, Rankin & I'funar’s, sep!6 tf Notice in Bankruptcy. > is to give notice that on the 19th day of jptember A. D^ 1S73, a warrant in Bank- untey was issued against the estate of Charwick ._Tharpe, of Drayton, county of Doolvjind State of Georgia, who has beer, adjudged a Bankrupt on liw own petition, and that the payment of any debt-, ami delivery of any «pa(y belonging to said Bankrupt, to him, or for his use. and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law: that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Amer icas. Ga., at the office of Allen Fort, Esq., tef«>re Beckett, Esq.. Register, on the 6th clay of TflVP«—(1 \otif e. Octob. r. A. D., WS, at So’clock p. M. lclALN KHJVUUU XlVllC. T. Goode, Esq^ Attorney. Americus. Ga. HIE County Coanmissioiiers have notified me without further delay and pay tlie. County Taxes. Persons, white awl colored, who owe poll and road taxes only, must pay up to save cost, as i aio rerjuirerl by law ^ their employers. scplO state'ami | Notice in Bankruptcy. rpiIIS is to give notice that on the 18th day of T '• fa. Coll 'tor Bilil> County. 8tate of Georv-i:., wlio lia» been tuljuJeM a Bank- “ TmeMwnorni—— mj.t on hL , own petition, and1 «•» the ,nv. fashionable colors, and everything near j Mills and Land for Sale Cheap, j ^ . - *— by him, art I _ _ ’ the creditor* of _ debts, and to in .11 | Creek.'witll“v.'atrr",«“wer«iuji toon.' huudnil I “^^“0.11 or more aiCi^nwt of hianUte.willhe in aU colors. horv; power, sirnatei in Houston county, mtkfai Md ,t a Court of Bankruptcy, to'lie holcl.n ,t t, ,. o u un T7~.ni I three miles of No. 2 Station, Southwestern Rail- vmericu*. Ga~ at the office of AH' Enching, Sash Bibhons, Kid Gloves I ~..,i k«i~ before Iuuw Beckett Rrauw and all novelties at the lowest prices. | ^^Murt^r pgticulan, 5^£ Lr j ^T'aSriSTot Go^lc, UlenFort, At- Piano*. Organ*, KukIc, and nil klnrfrf of .tliialcal In.strumentN. Larjccut Mock I11 the Mouth. Lowest Price* In tlie .South. Rent Instrument* in the Mouth Don’t 13uy a Diano Without first writing us for prices. We ore the most extensive l’iano Dealers South and can the cheapest. Your choice from five of the be* makers iu the United States—any style and price desired. Fine pianos, 7 octave, rosewood cases, tarred legs, nt $2»«5, $275, $290, warranted for five years; superb pianos at $300, $325, $3J>and H<4 The vary brat pianos at $400, $410. $VU>. 6400. $5» nnd $«0o. Piano* sold by small monthly PV ments. Pianos for rent. Phuioa nowshippd te nil parts of the South. Every one thinking cf buving i* invited to write us for lowest cash or time prices. Illustrated catalogues sent frw\. Headquarters for the celebrated MAHON AND HAMLIN ORGANS! Best and cheapest. New* styles nnd New Price*. Send fo** caiahfgue, giving full disruption. Churches, Schools and Teachers lib rally d*«.t with. Organs delivered free of charge to «*fh buyer in any part of the South. Prices rank* as at factory. Sheet Music and Music Books. A splendid stock. Tbe test publications of »wsy publisher always On hand. Largest discount to Dealers, Teachers* and Schools. Any pwee « Music or Music Book maii-d post-paid, on receipt of retail prices. Catalogues fire. IF YOU WANT A Violin, GuiLar, I lntc. Aocordean, Flutina, Fife. Flageolet. Cornet. Drum, sett of prime hiring* or anything under the sun in the music line,, wo can furnish it. Goods sent C. O. D. for exam lo tion to any part of the South. Our order trade is immense. We advertise largely, keep what^wo ml mi I ion perform what this way Iiave built up The Largest Trade in the South! Send for price lists, circulars, calalocue*. speci* men copies, of Souther - ” J * ' 1 year, and try us with aeplSSm re advertise todo, and ia Musical Journal. $1 1** Fort. the S. Waxelbamu & Bro. Proprietor, “NEW YORK STORE." **Pg1tf 45. and 47 Second street I w*p!6 codrm HENRY SCHMIDT, FASHIONABLE BAEBEE. Huff’s New Buildin?, Down Stairs, "\TJOULD be pleased to hare a call from his old t T fu>tomers and the public generally. *ep9 lm E. B. POTTEE, M. D. HOMCEOPATHIST TICE Wool’s BUick, S. <on«l street, third bdot Johnston jewelry establishment. Residence Lanier House. * julylfi tl DISSOLUTION. I rpHE firm of Peyser A Glass is direoJinrtbT mu- ! 1 taal consent. & Bar and Restaurant. OPEN ALL NIGHT. J. VALENTINO, H A £ ING refitted his entire nrexni^s, is . . »funri-h his fr;. nd.s and jjntroJLs withevr thinr pertaining to a first-cla.,> re>tau- V »bi h will te served in the very test style. He will always have oirhand FRESH FISH, OYSTERS, SAME, ETC. i■kiting M;m en on tbe *t,TrXtdo<. on >hould rive him a call. 1-t of October, at Nate rtomv present restaurant, a Ladies’ Eating Saloon. »t*p7 tf JOHN VALENTINO. Z. B. WHEELEE. Saloon and Restaurant, Fourth Street, op/fosite Express Office, MACOX. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Hours, DAY OR Nit IHT, A -First Class Est ablishment. STOCKED WI1 U FINEST WKSES AS)} LIQUORS. torneys, Americus, Ga. sep242t CITY BANK MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 200,000 Dollars. DIRECTORS: \VM. B. JOHNSTON. V JOHN J. GRESHAM, J jul.v22 6m CYPRESS SKLXGLES TEST rami a mfoaml «* CYPRESS eJ .SHINGLES, rival and ilrawn. A Superior Article! For sale by B. H. WRIGLEY & CO. jun&3tf Notice in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. In the matter of Nathaniel S. Walker, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy. r ) whom it may concern—The undersigned hereby rives notice of his appointment as Assigneed Nathaniel s. Walker,of the eountyol Putnam and State of Georria. within said district* who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by th*: District Court of sold Miarirt. ROBERT A. NISBET. amr31 InwSt Assignee. Sugar! Sugar! T HE undersigned have teen appr>inted sole au*entH for the State of Getmria for the COLVKRT STEAM SUGAR REFINERY. CHESAPEAKE STEAM SUGAR REFINERY. MERCHANTS’STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, ot Baltimore. We solicit order* from tte trade h i ■< 1 will guarantee prices to be as low as if or dered direct. 1^-plS Un WARFIELD X WAYNE. FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, rwwlv fitted up nml ennreb; n-nomt.il ' hl J juni'll*tf HINSOALiK’ri (Forim-rlv Mr>. Ximukj’l) SCHOOL FOR rouwa ladies, 275 and 277 Madison Ave., N- x. Cit>* P JiOF. GEORt.K S. BLACKIK. h.yj“'' nirie ».M« iat«l in the uwuutnwn! o( »"d ,ucr^.t in.titut.«U«* nM-ml it u> th‘‘ »tt«ntion ut hu nhiuu ru Fi, r rirruUn «t>J pMtiuiil«ri. -tutvi" . In? m XT -MALISON AlENLB.