Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 26, 1873, Image 2

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1 1 THE MACCtt DAIL? TELhGKAFH AXU IfWWNGlilU FRilDA* MORjfIis T C?r SEWpIBEIt 26, ftRST NATIONAL BAN K of MACO N (Trlriirnpli ($3Ht', r >nii\cr TMJkSACfr A i.TMUAI llANKIMi i;l >l.\LSS. NINETY-SIX CITY LOTS. ■Ruth’s A GENTS for G*v Superpho®phat.’ perphrephab John phosphate. Letter front the .Mu-tor «>! the Georgin State Orange. FHHLPS, HoKEMU.S A OORBEXT, WAJIUFACTTKHBS ASD n*\UBK8 TS PARLOR. CHAMBER ANO OFFICE FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, SPRIN6 BEDS, ETC.. 2»v| m,,! 260 C'annl St.. Near Brosdwriy, New York. WM. PHELPS. OI1S COKBETT. WM. f. DOKEMUS. ^VIIOLESALE DEALER IN EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON Office fa ft*HIT* Sear Building. [ioecive? Deposit.' Xl'LBF.RRY STUKKT, xmiix, tt. GARDEN. DWIGHT L. ROBERTS A CO.. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tteka. IVCotton .ipmentaof Cotton. COLLECTION.- PROMITLY ATTENDED TO. I. C. PLANT & SON, “\T7E are now offering one of the 1 invest ami host as-sorted stocks of TOBACCO ami CIGARS ever it sold in Macon; and we solicit a call from the City and Country Trade. We ha\e all grades* from the cheajhist to the best, consisting in part of the following WM. H. STARK A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MER CHANTS ANO COTTON FACTORS, SAVANNAH. GA. Careful attention given to sales or shipment of Cotton inul all kinds of Produce. Lilvml advances m:ule on consignments. Agents for the sale of E. Frank Coes Boos Superphosphate, Magaolia Light I>rnft Cotton Gins, Prmivton Factory Yarns and Arrow Ties.scp!2 3m [S OP S.VLE.—On-*-fourth nak. the 1»1- be paid within fifteen months, monthly nt*. Note* to be given on the grounds, titles given bribe city, uber, brick and stone on the lota known Armory I*roj<erty" will bo nscrvwl for f the nty. ill commence si 10 o’clock a. «. on Tat- u*e, and r* atinue from day to day until DuvaokL L. W. RASDAL. F. A. SIIONEMAX, C. BURKE. |c Committee. NELLY BLY, OVER THE SEA. APRICOT, Deposits Received, On Which Interest will be Allotted. as aftKEEP rrosr. payable on call. Advance* made on Cotton and Pro duce In more. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO PREMIUM. J.1I. GREANER’S 11 IN., CABLE COIL, root, *n4 in somo froa had a fwy rliacouraj farmers of the.-*- conn th**y can't poodbly in a crop, and Home go b age over that untinmU JOY OP THE SOUTH, OLD DOMINION. PINE APPLE. NECTAR LEAF, COMMON SENSE, PERPETUAL ROSE MAGNOLIA, PILLAR OF STATE, E. n. COHKN. JK. JOS. HULL COHEN & HULL, Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 66 Bay Street, Navannnli. Ga. Refer respectfully to J. W. Latlirop & Ca, N A. Haws Soji A Co., Tison Gordon, H. Maya A Co., Milo Hatch, V. P. Savannah Bank and Trust Oo.|sep!2 6m silk* and remedies for worms, and other topics of • ngm.-ing interest. Mr. Hop. Icy hung to tho door with awful tenacity, and ftgfnpirod and thought. The dark- mw wm intense, and to add to Uhj un> pleaaantnctfii, a mouse or a rat waa hoard in among the papers on the Boor. Mr. Hoplcy waa not a timid man, but he was lsire-legged and bare-footed, and when a man is thus situated a mouse is about the last thing ho want* to think of. Still itaidc continued, and greater B ..lit in that china closet. Mr. did not dare to make the least . alarm his wife, because of the other lady. whose .Toiee | LOGAN FERTILIZER BRANDS OP SMOKING TOBACCO. planting W. P. Goon ill. FRUITS AND FLOWERS. CREOLE, BIRD S EYE, LUXURY. •EMPRESS. COWSLIP, GOLDEN SCEPTRE, Commission Cotton Factor and < Merchant, GOLD LEAF, YACHT CLUB, ORANGE ;rnl A cents for the ROGERS A LEMAN, Gi ow justly celebrated Fertilizing Com- would respectfully inform the public MACON. GEORGIA. 106 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Agents for the sale of Menyman’s Ammon in ted voices jound, that they hare a supply now ready for immediate delivery. It is just tho article needed for Wheat and Turnips. It is no longer an experiment. In no one in stance lias it fa>cd to give satisfaction. Price $15 for quantity to compost a ton of 2.000 pounds. ROGEKS & LEMAN, # General Agents, Boilings worth Block. Macon, Ga. nug26tf FLOUR. ESPAX0LA. LA JUSTICLA, SMALL CCBARICOS, CENTURY. GOLDEN STAR, DOLLY VARDEN, YACHT CLUB, LA VISION. HENRY CLAY. •sepl7-tf LA MARINOLA. CLIFTOXDALE, CIIEROOTS lABOMBofllVHIMIMiMMMj he eoaltl not recognize. How he did eurze that balloon and the man who znggeztcd his going to aee it, and IW. Wise, and how bitterly he re gretted that he eould not think of that other nreonant'z name (Itonaldzon) that hat might mime him too. lint still the two Indies glided on through the mazes of the neighbors' affairs, without the least sign of ahatement. He heard the clock i-trike t.-n and also eleven. Once ortwice the moose came quite cloze to hi, feet, starting tho perspiration afresh, until he eould f. el it tricklo from his chin and down his body. WM. & HOLT. JXO. B. ROSS. WM. B. JOHNSTON. JOHN J. GRESHAM, JUST ARRIVED. Adjoining Passenger Depot, Macon, Georgia. IV. buses*. J. H. JOIIXSTOX". M. MACLEAN. DUNCAN, JOHNSTON CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, OS Bay Street, Nnraniinli, Ga. augl I’m TIERCES NEW RICE (Very choice). COMMISSION HOUSE 100 boxes CREA3I CHEESE. All acknowledge its superiority to any mado anywhere or by anybody. Steam Engines and Boilers, Saw Mills, Sugar Mills and Kettles, Iron Bailing, Mill Machinery, Castings, and Machinery of all Kinds. Faught’s Patent Gin Gearing. grand B. C. PLANXAGAX. W. W. FLANXAQAN. A. P. ABELL. R. 8. MORGAN. FLANXAGAN ABELL A CO.. Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, 1S5 BAY STREET. SAVANNAH. GA. M ANAGING Agent** <<v t;• Un ;li--li ;tll Fertilizer. .-Ie. K:i -'-in.- and i’i. s furnish.-,1, and liberal cash advances mado on consignments .for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to our cor- res]K>ndents in Northern, Eastern or European markets.augl 6m R. M. WATERS & CO, 20 boxes NEW COD FISH. lust our fanner friends there SBtb day of October n.-xt, gmit fair in your city, the < cil of tho Georgia State Gr, held, and w<* hare invited th the cotton Staten Orange* tc that occasion, when wo prop ate movement* looking to th< 16 Broad St., Xcw York. 900 boxes NEW HERRINGS. with tno grip of death. Mrs. Hopley 1 rii;d in vain to open it. Then she thought of o burglar being concealed in the closet, and screamed for help, still clinging to the door to prevent the fero cious intruder from dashing out and braining both of them and burning up the bouse. Her eerenms, added to those «»f tho female friend, alarmed the neigh borhood in an instant, and among those who dashed in was old Air. Stoeton with a double-barreled gun, and as soon as he learned the trouble he turned the dread ful weapon full upon the door. There was a stunning report, a chorus of feminine shrieks mingled witha terrific Cotton Commission Merchants, MEAL, BULK MEATS, 200 kit* NEW MACKEREL. Buy nntl sell contracts for future delivery of cot ton. iXqiosit ontmnls of bankere, mcrcliahts and others air «*»pociolly spirited. '•■iiini boxes LUCY HINTON TOBACCO, LAND FOR SALE, A. M. SLOAN. ARTHUR N. SOLLEE. G.V.WYLLY, JE A. M. SLOAN CO., Cotton Factors and General Com mission Merchants, Claghom & Cunningham’s Rangy, Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. "FLAGGING and Tics advanced on crops. Liberal X> cash advances made on consignments for sale in Savannah, or on shipments to reliable corres pondents in Liverpool, Ne\f York, Philadelphia, Boston or Baltimore. augl (Un 100 case* WHITE ROCK POTASH. of Georgia, at f propo** t«» visit «*v| mNiion of it intbo in terra tor thoGranp of tho Dutroiw of Huabnndnr. T. J. Smith, Man ter of Georgia State Grange. SEYAI0UE> TINSLEY & CO. One Thousand (1,000) acres, is now FOR SALE. The improvements are unequalled, consisting of a pood dwelling, with every necessary out improve- m.-nt. Th n- r*- N'\ent«vn csdiin.w l«»r hilw-n-rs ttli with i.’ -»i brick chiiiii:< y>, A -ivnt ilenlof tile Nortli Georgia Property All Imprudent Kditor. Mr. Fult<»n, of tho Halt imor«* Ainariain. who ia loitering in Tjondou and Thrift and writing up bin ndvcntunu for the reapoct- able journal of which he is editor, has th«* lianllnood to doocribo, with conaiderable unction and effect, flisaa of the jiopular n aorta of the two great citiea; he trolls about Civniorne and tho Chateau Rouge; he*caroU al>out the Houlier; he dwells with pictunwotie emphasis upon the Ma- • n>l. >Y lt!l .ib.lMli • lll-nt'TN . lie iu*tunlly admits that ho visited tho Ar gyll Rooms. He is, to say the very IhjoI that can bo oaid for him, an indiscreet gentleman. Persons who go abroad should be wary of confoariono. The proper thing is to describe the preaching of Spurgeon and the appearance of Pen* llyneinthe. The ambitious candidate for epistolary honors should consider the moral lieautiee of tho Hritish Museum, and sketch the outline of the Sirbonne. If he must gush, let him gush over West minster Abbey and the tomb of Napoleon in the Invalid Hospital. It is true that these points of universal interest oro tol- ernldy familiar to most readers. It Is true that not much, if anything, remain-* [«> be said which is not already contained in the guide ltooks. Hut what of tills Y Life in Europe, like life in America, is J. A. DYGAN. J. D. STILZ. cleared laml fash. Any one desiring such a farm Mid on tin n - t. n:i<. had b*>! upj.lv ut HPVI?V T* Jr»Pli\V FOR SALE. DUGAN & STILZ, HENRY T. JORDAN,’ T. MARION BRYAN. Reynolds. Ga. auglPSm Com, Oats, Wheat and Hay, rpiIAT most bcautifnl summer nMenti In Comer Cherry and Third streets, Under Ralston Hall. EXCLUSIVELY, Chcrukt ;t*e Georgia, situated in tho picturesque Valley, sixteen miles from tlie city of and 1} miles from the village of Care , immediately on the Selma, Rome and Railroad. No. 20 Second street, between Main and Rivei. Spring, Chicago, September 17.—A pleasant little incident occurred hero this week, fihowlng how young lovers can defy stern parents even when they are aided by all the power ami vigilance of heavy-handed olid lynx-oy«*d law. Two young people in Philadelphia, handsome, rich, and loving, desired to wed, but the paternal nuthon- t im Raid nay. The prospect of waiting t .11 the parents should relent or the lady ounM of age was not sufficiently alluring, noon elopement, to Chicago waa planned. Tho intended bride made her way secret ly to Buffalo, and there took one of the Krie propolh*r>* for thin city, whilo tho in tending groom came on here direct and awaited her arrival with affectionate anxiety, becoming as much a part of the dock at which the steamer was to arrive as the poet to which she w ould moor. At last tho boat was telegraphed from Milwaukee, and the ar dent lover hastened to the river-side, but wms horrified to observe, whilo cautiously rooonnoitering the dock, the pa of his in tended, accompanied by a detective, ap parently looking for tho lady as anxiously 04 himself, though with other objects in view. There waa scanty time for debate, and retiring in good order, hc^flcd to the ctliee of the V. O. T. Company. In a few momenta a little four by fonrteen tug was cleaving the muddy waters of the river, Indching forth unusual volumes of sooty 9moko, screeching under bridges, and leaving a wake behind her higher .than her bulwarks. In a few minutes she was out in the harbor, and not long after was on her way to Grease's Point to intercept the big propeller. The boat ’ * ’ aided, the lady and trans- to the tug j am of the j „ . cerchiefs of \ ■sengan on the propeller, the harl*or,throttle-valve j tho steam- gauge up to , ILANTERS are requested to call around and sooit. It is not necessary that you buy more than one powt-r to run vour frin a lifetime. Many buy Horse Powers and have to buy a Gin Gear rest r. This Gin Gear'has an IRON CENTRAL SUPPORT to prevent settling of gin house, AN OX KING POST AND IRON BAND WHEEL SHAFT. Made only by J. S. SCHOFIELD & SON* The property is well known ic residents of the late Mrs. Francis L. Bartow. ■Woodstock, AMPLE STORAGE. Will fill orders for Com from points in Illinois, Tho house is commodious and comfortable and tho situation Uautiful, healthy and attractive. The farm contains 240 acres, and the place can be subdivided and easily sold, leaving n small farm for tho owner of the residence. Solo to take place in front of tho Court-house, in Rome, Ga, on the first Tuesday in October (7th), 1S73. TERMS—One-half cash, balance in one and twoyears, with interest at seven per cent, secur ed by mortgage on land. parties making purchase accepting through Bill of Lading from shipping points.apr25 Cm NOTICE.—Having made arrangements with Messrs. SCHOFIELD & SON for the tnre of uiy PATENT GIN GEAR, with CENTRAL IRON SUPPORT, all others an* MAKE, USE, or SELL the same, as I shall prosecute to tho extent of tho Inwall pc infrinpn^ on my patent. L. R JAMES H. BLOUNT. Philadelphia. ISAAC HARDEMAN. JOHN L. HARDEMAN. BLOUNT, HARDEMAN & HARDEMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW, MACON, GA. Office, Cherry street, over S. T. Walker’s. auglO tf M OULDINGS, Brackets. Stair Fix tures. Builders’ Furnishing Hard ware, Drain Pipe. Floor Tiles, Wire Guanis Terra Gotta Ware, Marble and Slate Mantel Pieces. Southern Freight and Passenger Line —VIA— GHAKLESTON, S. 0., ] Window GlaMK a Specialty. Circulars and Price List Sent free on application by P. P. TOALE, 20 Hayne and S3 Pinckney .sts„ E. W. & S. H, JEMISON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, RICES LOWER THAN EYER! Otfice 52 Second f*t., Macon, Georgia. ILL practice in the courts of Macon and ad jacent circuits, and in the Supreme and octleodly Charleston, S. C. FRANK M. HIGHT, Executor. Federal Courts of Georgia. Sitcrialattentioiigiven lo matters in Bankruptcy. • ROB’T. A. NISBET. -TO AND FROM- MACON, GEORGIA. Comer MULBERRY ST. and COTTON AVE. (Over Payne’s Drug Store), Tin* Fall Term of this Institution will open on june!4dSro Return thanks to their numerous Mwcliant customers for the very liberal^pat- WEDXESDAY, OCTOBER h ronage and confidence extended to them in the past. They also announce that their Fall and Winter stock of JLAW CARO. M essrs, woodward & toole. of Dooly county, Ga., having formed a legal copart nership, respectfully offer their services to the public, and will practiceinthecounties of Wilcox, Dodge, Irwin..Worth, Macon, Sumter, and Hous ton. Special attention given also to eases iu the Supreme and Federal Courts. Address, Vienna, Ga.julvIS d3m* AND ALL THE NEW ENGLAND MANUFACTURING CITIK ERCER UNIVERSITY, now . fifth year of successful o|x*ni ixl in 1$71 to tho city of Macon, s ami clecant buOdimrs, erectin snon!».? cnmplet«sl. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE hove in sight and was boa ' w:h found, hugged hurriedly shipped, bluahesand baggage then, with a triumphant ser< whistle, amid the waving ban sympathizing p the tug made ft wide open and __ o „ '* vbuiger.” At the first dock a hack was secured and the levers vanished. Half an hour afterwards the propeller reached the dock. Lynx-eyed parent and police man scanned the passengers, but the mitring girl did not trip down the gang way. They Kxutlcd the boat and found no txnmi of her. Then they questioned the officers, and found that a lady an swering to the description they gave had been on the propeller. Whore was she? S!h left the boat for a mg just outside the harbor. Then there was swearing in hot haste and a rapid search for the tug and the hackman. but the young Loch in var of Lake Michigan and the lost bride of Philadelphia had m.nlo good their es cape, and have eluded detection in what ever paradise they have found.—Corre- mt of libraries and mode: ut us, it offers facilities for aciiuiriiur ft liberal or business education equal to those of any college i the country. The plan of study combines the lose or collcv-inte <nurse, ami the elective. The city of 31 aeon is entitled to twelve scholar- liips.to be filled by ai»iK>intment of the City ounciL Free tuition is nlso Oflnd to the sons r ministers of all denominations, residents of ienrgia. Boon I. at $12 per month, enn bo lind ut the Mess llall—a new and commodious Imildiiur. Students Uiurdmr nt the Hall are expected to iiimish the rooms they occupv. Boarti can also be had in the city at about $25 p<*r month. The price of tuition is $»lo. payable $20 on 1st of October and $40 ou 1st January. Former students intending to return, and ap plicants for admission, are earnestly requested to report them selves on the day of opening, or as soon thereafter as powible. For catalogues, or further information Lv letter, address JXO. J. BRANT LY. »*pl*.*-9tawtf S.sT> tarv Fncn.ltv HEBBEBT FIELDER. I DUS L. FIELDER. DRAWINGS DAILY AT 5 P. M. H. & I. L. FIELDER, Attorneys .at La\ «r tie* glittering »e Jar.iin Mabille rtu in t ho most in ti. crossing the . he did not think loss himself. Such >.• brooks! by ai. The women eritsl m by suck conduct nunnnrvd “keno.” THREE TIMES A WEEK FROM NEW YORK, CAPITAL PRIZE, $7,000.00 TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS, CCTHBEKT, GEORGIA, "YITILL five prompt attention to all business v T confided to them, in the counties of Ran dolph, Stewart, Quitman, Clay, Early, Calhoun and Terrell, the Supreme Court of Georgia, ami the District and Circuit Courts of the* United States Jor the Southern District of Georgia. s*»Iitl7-tf . . 30,310 PRIZES j IXG TO $03, AMOUNT- For 1878, complete in every respect, has been received, to which especial attention is invited. Increased facilities, with more extended storage room, and a detenoination not to be undersold, enable them to guarantee prices as low, at all times, as i^tain in Hew Tork City. OKDERS SOLICITED AXD PROMPTLY FILLED. TICKETS $100, SHARES IN PROPORTION. J y the above scheme, formed by the temarv’ ELI IGAJfT STATE-ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS—SEA VOYAGE 10 TO V HOURS SHORTER VIA CHARLESTON. rOESYTlI, GEORGIA. LUDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN 3IUSIC HOUSE, SAV.VXNA1I. GA. TJIE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD CO, BARLOW HOUSE, it, in alliance with tho Fleet of Thirteen First-Class Steamships to the to the Quick Time and Regular Dispatch afforded to the business public 49 SECOND STREET AND 28 COTTON AVENUE, anil 12 of than drawn out at random; and that ticket having for it» combination the 1st, Sd and Sd drawn numbers, will be entitkd to the Capita! Prize of $*• Tliat ticket having on it the 4th. 5th, and fitli drawn numlsTs, to *. —........... Hint ticket having on it the 7th, Sth and 9th drawn numbers, to That ticket havinyon it the* 10th, 11thand 12th drawn numbers.to..- 1'. That ticket having on it the 2d, Sd and 4th drawn numbers, to..—...^ That ticket having «m it the 3d, 4th and 5tli drawn numbers, to Thai ticket havinr^ on it the 5th, 6th and 7th drawn numbers, to. That ticket having on it the Gih. 7th and Sth drawn numbers, to That ticket haring on it theMh.vth and 10th drawn numbers, to Tliat ticket liaviug on it the tab, 10th and llth drawn numbeqUp That ticket havimr on it the 1st. 2d and 4th drawn rumbers, ta ....... Tliat ticket having on it the l*>t,2d and 5th drawn numbers, to...- — That ticket having writ the 1st, 2d and 6th drawn numbers, to v— All other tickets (being 307, with throe of the drawn numbers on), each. Those 66 tickets haring on them the 1st and 2d drawn numbers, each. f - -,^ Those 66 ticket! baring on them the 5dand 4th drawn aumhers, each AI other ticket* («» ing 4^44) with two of the drawn numbers oty each A i ■ i’. :'. ' ti... l.'.TI-' a.:!. one only of the drawn numbers, each... WILEY JONES & 00., Proprt 65000 Is first-class and in business center. The Wrong Spring. he Sutter (CaL) Banner, folkmiar is from HortJott Sjmngs, i as U well known, there area num- small springs possessing various ies. The *irater of some is roeom- for drinking ptnposaa, of others thing, or for the cure of certain dis tant the one to which our narrative is a email rods spring, the water of is considered an excellent drink, spring recommended for th$ cure of mayO fim 65000 >t exceeded in exed- are regularly on the Plnno«, Orxant, Mudr, and all kinds of Musical Instriiiurntx. Largest Stork In the ftouth. Lowest Prices In the Mouth. Best In*trumeni* la the Mouth Don’t Tiny a, Piano Without first u riling us farprieoa. We are tlie most extensive IV.: o!V^ltr> N uih a:ri cao v.11 the cheapest. Yonr choice from five of the l>est ] makers m the United Sluta aqy style and prim C. J. GAMBLE. A. W. GIBSON. 650 00 TO NEW YORK, Wood hull. Commander. Izocxwcxu*. Commander. solves Calculi and “Chalk.v” Debits; Cun Gout, Itheuinntwm, DyipetJUa, Neurilsri: i Jravd, Diabitis, Disea-ses of the Kidneys, Li\ •rand Skin, Al>lomiu:il Drops v, Cl ironic Dial rh«*a. Omstipation, .Asthma, Norvuiisnes: Sleepteomeas. GenoM Ik-I.ility, ‘and nearly ev ;ry eki-s* of ( 'hronicJJi.sea.v-. *l^,mphlets*con laming History of the spring and T>Miiuomal :rom Medial Jourimli, Kminent Physician ind dUtimmishfsl citizen*-, s#*?it free bv niai >>y WHITNKY BROS^Gen’lAgenU-.SJTSoutl front stm Philadelphia. For sale by all <lrug ies Hkrrv, Commander. charleston" JAMES ADGER >r>. Commander. fhaileatiwii S. C. f.ll. Commander. ! ^GEORGIA ... |l SOUTH CACQLLNA. l -CLYDE ASHLAND. that an old gentleman who i with corns made it a practice e «oda spring every evening Cdhu a mk Before turning :ht, under the impression that ud IDOL Fhooi- aokl b' small monthly Rents, l'ianos for rent. l*iaiK» now diipped to 11 parts of tlie South. Ktery one tliinking of curing is inritexi to write us tar lowest cash or line prices. l!’..-.«*:r»t«-d craalocues sent free. Headquarter* f«*r tin? M(Mm MlftOS A\n K.lffLI^ OKCAN.H ! lest and ctepst. New style* and New Prkvs. | end for catalogue, raving full discnpiion. hurehes, sdac* »* and T^mIxts liberally dealt ith. Organ* delfveresl free of charge to each nw in any jnrt of the South. Prices •c.me a* >tocraticri$- Alkxa: ASHLAND. .C. IIixckj to it a pructi.se to go to soda a'drink before retiring, 3y a little after the old xrougli soaking his corns, fastidious in their tasted mrefaHy rinse out the f a drink, but one oven- lappened to cotm down SAILING Agent. Churleston, S. C. I u this country where Loom Reeds, Harnesses TOTAL CAPACITY40,000BALES MONTHLY Patent Wire Heddles WHOLESALE GROCERS, Are made under one management. i COTTON and WOOLEN Also, SUPPLIES trnedi MILL-S pron.pt!>' fumisbed. D. C. BROWN, Lowell, 31a#«, U. S. FALCON. Command* Commandt VIRGINIA. ANCHOR LINE STEAMERS, Sail from Pier 20. North River, New York, EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. > a The pjiKseuger tu cutn- /jL r*- modal ions on steam- S 41 LING'DAYS-^KVERY' FIFTH DAY. 8A1L1AM pAUL c TRENIIOLM. Aeent, Chari.- TO BOSTON PROVISION AND LIQUOR DEALERS. ■t ivT) FLAG - .Sail Every Saturday. A A: ‘ JAMES ADGER x CO., Agent*, Charleston, S. C. tho*eof Competing Lines. Marine Insurance one-half of one per ccn S OF L.AOING AMD THItOUOH TICKETS ind Railroad Offire, in GemRin, Alrtama. Tenunwee ...a ridt in ndnuiM. .ilhuot nzlrz charge. 0y »iar«MUU5 in all rttaea, the Railn.a<l Ticket, -b.mld •« eu b? thi. Route include Tmnafene Meal, and State Boom, alu.eon jachorgu in the mnirhcn county. V.i., w. nt to not long *anv niially grootoil. and earn* Aisirs vr. GXE5L BOnZBT H W. A. RAMSOM & CO, Wesleyan Female Institute BOOTS AND SHOES Fancy Poultry • entilaVioi; RATES OP P.OShAGE TO GLASGOW.UVEIUHXIL.O*IjOXDO.VDKBIIV hat. Steamers, n edJStcainera. Gold. Currency. iudSK5. -i.: .suu> from .MartlMiwt i .:nl rumuo f«g mOuImi •r rMiihanM* ol 5» piuor*, ndiin*» K t \ W. A. HA Kiita Pnwwicut, 1 StouuL'M. V 2 Kin. Hoodan*. 2 Fine i ktldcn Pcdarti*. I Fin* Mhcr Suinsled H.t 5 Fuv W. F. Black 1« F« i. Brahin?**. 5 Fr 1 *rx Bra> mu. 10 Pipe Buff Carha-,*. 1 Fi»» • fart. t\« ui-.i. 2 Pair* sp»ui*h Bantam^. 2 Pair Hb<*k C*>Tua Imtil- Cabin* T« w» fk»ni ye*r$gMJ. i Cabin return tickets aee u ring lx-»t ac- ccuimulal tous Steerare. currei Certifii-ates for pwftagefi ot way station in Great Britoin KLTCHUM A IUETRILGE, BARKERS ANO COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -You told me to make mv>*df at home madamc. JtB'*. it I d bei*u at home, and found all th*** iwho« ut the fire-place, I k on Id certainly have taken them up.” Wilted, did she ? Don't you bet on a Giles eount v l.uly buing thaa easily outwittod. She went straight to the kite hen, stuck every feat In r li«Lck in that chicken. aew»i iU head ,.i:. aud the smart pruocher didn't get a bit of it. LOWEST MARKET PRICES GUARANTEED. And their cor..*ocun« AJiwa ,7k .ml West. Oi and Paamjiwera between the Northern Cities and the South and wesu o i',m,imz Railroads Firat-Clare Steeping Cara. . . new,. The Mara**™ will u»er«ry ejertion tomtiz^f nwmoe be m Di^pzteta znd th.- M>Agent., For further tnformMion. upply to J. ’ vyh. Bi'IC'l SELL. Getteipi Agent, K O. Box KTW. OfBee $17 Bruedwv j Kentucky University, j T OCATKD n» AmiiaiHi.tbe leone .J H«nr> Clay J Li andoM Tranavlrama. Su oJI-m in o|>t*Z I at ion. «)lh *• prvOe^.is and rtou atudrnU from ] 2* Siam. Lr.itre fm* for <\ill«v y«ar, B'. exrrpt I :n Ur tarn. Mtvltiu) and Comm«mal Cfllhvm. ! Bo-.ntmg from 52 u> $5 per w»**k. For CatakigiH-, J ' I ad.tn-n J. H. ItoWMAX, Eccrnt, Lexington. Ky. | nu-'iirilaw liu 1 i a pert or rail- id or tin; Cou- Etrhanxe Building, ftavaunah, (-a. > Taylor IWhut City . C. i i.!!i ur. Pr-Siih n: New Y ' ‘ tiitent, at liana. Fourth •rk ; .5.4m j. Ci* Morris ixci. huu ^ Henderson brothers. Or to ^ Bowling tJreen. V T. II. HtxuztMuh, Agent. Mueun. Ga. mayll Sin M. Mr Michael. Caab- NsaIm llle. Tt