Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, September 27, 1873, Image 1

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Numb. ]{Y C’USUY. JONES & KEESE. MACON, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1873. DAILY TELEGRAPH AID MESSEWSER The Hurricanes of the Sea- hoard. Thu late terrible blow in Florida which pmctrat-d forty hou***?* inTallahaiwureand unroofed many ; which swept away THE GEORGIA PRESS. nM. r> : r: m« M i■«!»% -u •! 41 Kuildin*, euro* r <4 < harry and j Su‘i~*ript*.ii TEN DOuLAJL* ml I.Altt for «i-. i.i rt.tUA. TWO I I FIFTY CK NTS for throe ram.th*, LLAft j*»r Month for a shorter »I>a.nciebs i> hiuii spirits- WALL ST REETOJfMONDAY. Me. L A. Lxoxaxs, a highly et«i»i , citizen of Talbotton, died last Wednesday night. And on Saturday last, Mr. "Win. dullir pa .tin HJtn H—Jl.11 rrt*r.-anl. ha* funmdtnl lie (7rltflr;ipl( ((dflessengeii “• I** 1 of St - Mark *' kilTin tf twenty c. Watson. of Worth cuuntv, one of her families Iiomelea., and wrecked the vil- | best citizens. Mr. Wat lair- of Newport; which destroyed neoni of gin houses, scattering their oontents OTer the earth and amid the Iswgha of the trees, which blo-ked the roods with fallen timber M. 1 even destroyed several human lives, will afford some idea of the awful nature of thesesemi-tropicalstonna. On the coast their occurrence form -T-" ''o in the march of time, and the in- I hahitanU use them as dates and mile 1 stones in estimating past events. Tra- | dit.on gtsm. bmdk near a century in its reminiscence* of these hurricane.: The writer has often heard old men in his w-Icy, and the influence of the poison was soon remove!, and the child recov- , ered. The brother then hunted up the I vrh ** l *»«“ lork B »" k *rr,Me«» , _ , an&ke arid killed it: The who!- moral of Thonriit un Vvmfay. Tlie « orst Symptom ot Panic which is that bad habits are sometime' j A reporter for the Tribune called on Passing: Away, productive of good. ; the Presidents of most of the leading The following is an extract from the Thz Grand Lodge oL.the Georgia Good banks in New York city on Monday, and Herald, of Tuesday’s money article: was bitten by j Templars met at Augusta on Wednesday, prints -the result of his labors in Tues- .1 rj tt.« snake about four weeks since, and j with a good attendant .'’from all the sub- ; day’s edition of that paper. We extract was thought to have entirely recovered j ordinate lodges of tt Site. From*the as follows: from the effects thereof. j report of the Secretary, it appears that | Mr. Calhoun, of the F - -The Albany Central City has the fol- * “ * ~ h — I BY TELEGRAPH.! ** “ ! Ther ■ wild excitement in the geld mrrsi MOf-.VIVO. -KIT. Z7. ITS Thr MonrUrjr Slfuatlen Still Satin- [arlory ami Hopeful in Macon. Taj fart W, J t-» Itn;,nii.,mi .lay to ,’l ,-UMnof this community. Dispatches :.l \m - )• nt» .Noriu nM .Wrath, bnng the inUdJig.-iue „f farther hllurea and lank Mi.ipen.ii.na, lamrown Suite, m far as heard from, the lianke of Kavai.nnb and Auguitii, e.th otew tw.i unimportant exception., here cea 1 paying out currency, in the former city, by the ruriwniaandatfen of the Chamber of Commerce. Still, it is edited i | on the hart ojt evidence, that t’,. . iaUMiticn* are nil [.-rfectly ho!- TrSt* and the caretty of currency alone hw DeoT'-itatod the «tcp they hare taken. Fur our own <yty, U ■ame time, buried it either wholly or par tially in the -art ii, placing it i.-yond re covery. Nearly all the sugvr-cnn.., which was very rank and exceedingly premia. yoVitn, speak the terrihle tempeet of I iug, wae blown down flat -on the earth, 1M4. which earned the sea WV. a huge 1 al, d we are told, a large portion of it wai ibnerge the inlands and ! broken off » the t ebv ruined. Thii lowing details of the storm on Friday of last week in that section: A visit to t^ie country on Satur-lay last, : R,,!,. twenty mik- distant, disclosed the terri- n °- ble effects of the late storm in the pros- I - tration of timber and the destruction.^ I *4®* whi^ff have. joined the new Order, •’Op'. Much ix»tt-»ii w:t' blown out by and all of tli- -'th-r- have c-a.~ t- ■ work the wind, and the falling rain, at the Waul Street, ) Monday, September 22,1873.) Tjie undertone of Wall street to-day has been emphatic in it' indications. Ex citement is apparently declining ; pulses A . _ | . . . , are beating more healthfully; the crisis during the year^oS of winch are in good , run of the panic, “appeared suave and of the fever lias passed and*a convales- working oxder. The entire number of cheerful,” and said: Mr. Calhoun, of the Fourth National, j there have been 6S new lodges organized • upon which there hail been the fiercest s that liave turr-ndew-i oc forfeited charters during the year is 32, only crop being mostly plantolin new-ground j wis agreatly otniged by th«* large number of trees which fell upon it during the storm. It is thought the yield has j been cut off one to two-thirds, and in some iiutancus yet more; which, considering I the.short cotton crop, is a serious loss to j on/account of a*wunt of interest. Only ten of these lodges have sent in their charters. There are now 136 lodges in good stand ing-with £433 members in good standing. Thirty-nine lodges have not reported, Whose membership, if added to the above number would make the total member ship in -the State nearly -7,500* Grand Worthy Chief Templar, J. W/E Under wood of Rome, mode a report, the salient feature of which was a recom- end it ion of the r from retrograding, has <m- our last report. Yesterday »o run whatever .upon them, >*jnt of owili deposited tiwlr- * f tho<e of the jirevions day. its of a reliable character also node for i^lditional Kiipplien ti^lal l. \.J adjlAcnt to the water, drowning whole* frunflias. and ... aing nn immense detraction of property. Then in l^i, another similar storm er»»?e»l havoc with dwellings, cotton lion-- , crop-, and stock on the cqpst, and well nigh wrecked th Banbury. But it is of the last hurricane th writer wouhl apoak, of which he waa an ] the woods, sometimes humfrodi of yards. I jnrisdiction, to all the privileges of the eye witn.-wi in 185-t. Thii remarkable | The tor-rifle cyclone that urupt th i land i on j er _ pla occurrcl on the 8th of September of on Fri ; ia f,, la A ^ “V 0 ** J a “-‘-'<» “> :u,,i ,u , ., „ . 1 : around Albany, blowing down, it is esti- that J.^ar, when the yellow fever was pr e- | m-ted, ont . hundred and fifty trees, in- vuiling in Suvannah. In the mi<bt of side and jus> on thu borders of the oor- the temp**st, which raged throughout the i P°^‘tion. ‘Frees fell uj>on several hoiu-es live lorn; night whM- the sick, in multi- ! “ thu dt y; doin f;V hoWCT . T '-'ry little , , . .. „ . damage to them. Ahiny signs were blown tUf|**H, WI>rH arjilirffllTMf lrith (|<a <mtn Is .... . * . . . _ Mr. Calhoun—“This b.ink does not pro pose to suspend, sir. Yon see there is a line at the teller’s desk now, and you re member the raid of Fri-lay and Saturday, but we have no fear whatever, and have prepared ourselves fsr any demands that may come upon us.” Q. What do you think of the possibil ities of a general prostration ? A. I think iHdFeisno fear of that. The worst is over, here. How it may be in the coon- try I can hardly say, but we are safe, unless the panic should l>e great enough iir the country to r*nn*t upMi us and re new the trouble. The Fourth National is the financial agent of the State of Georgia in New York city. BANK OF CO: MERCK, R. L. Kennedy, President of the B:ink of meniation that the Georgia Lodge our forim rt, who had calculated largely I absolve itself frofli all allegiance to, or . town of : 1 ,f K,n ,^'i r .,^ ra P jy- I connection with theKi-ht Worthy Grand Commerce, waa so very busy that he found >> e found it very dirficuJt to travel, on T . . ~r . ... time to say onlv a few words on the 1m- 1 nocount of the great number of trees Lod «' ! on ac ‘' ocnt of th « d « 1 -' Ion the ’ acxtMa the road, compelling us to take to latter, that negroes are entitled, in it3 ‘A MilisEWi’ Association of Georg and Carolina” was formed at Augusta on portant subject. “We feel strong as ever, sir,” he said. “We are not threat ened by any financial complication* with failing bank4 and have no fears whatever of a failure. The crisis is over. ■bank of th* republic. R. H. Loweiy, President of the Bank Wednesday. Delegates from Augusta, I of the Republic, at Wall street and Savannah, Macon and Charleston were Broadway, a Nestor among bankers, hav- frui t In and the least )yba» It is Uwfloi Hi their chin ks wi ) when pt< 'i*nl .» ant to kiu>w low of gold from Kuropo in h.M. - Uld within the past than ISIiOfbOtNI ..f tlu , 1mv. l»,-u -l.'put lud to vast Mim is dohigndd to % at the South, an 1 those » note as to own any 4>f’tho ! ', that alnvidy 3 is setting to ho are so eecy s la ud i l find i icy, n market id that tance is the ton at this unt to 1800 reported for pis, may rvstassi fit her "in gold or cur n^smyr——^ 1 Another favorable cin fset that the iwdnt - «• point for thu post H > « k, bales—more than have l the same (nu iod for a iwtdve month. The t«Ul sto k on hand is nlmul 3000 *bales. PUcc<i evou at a low figure, this repre sents I200.UK) in currency, which is more than nrtu rent to rol.cve the ))rei(Miire in ths money market. • We trust therefore our fanners will continue to send their crop forward, even if th«y do not sell immediately. The •wy know 1-gs that the article U in nght, will tend to inspire confidence nbrood «..lUnetit 8<*uthe n credit. • InVonrlusion.we have but ono snggo«- tioo to offer—let our bankert chant. strike Irnnds, and rusol tain intact the credit and film of our city. No on > doubts the entire solvency of the former, and depositors should draw no more than is actually nocc -ary for current purposes, whilo on the oilier hand, every available dollar should lx* placed in the banks to old them in the present emergency. Should they continue to hold .out ns is confidently OX- p*vt« l, and pa** safely through the pres ent o v -,lo:il, the effect will l»e most saluta ry upon the trade and future prospects of M.w*on. Again wo say the situation is not discouraging, and soon the turn in the lane may be expected, and tlio crisis will be last. Both who disturb camp-mooting* by crying “Amen” in the wrong place, and remarking “Glory” with more seal than judgment, should read and ponder the fate of thirteen small boyi in Kan ;u. atreggUn* with the ifrim I down, ana the trazxiof/of Ju.l s e Jackion’a uioiwter, anil anxiona watchers, them- buildinf'.andllilsman'aatoreliouic.ailjoin- n’lves ]>alc with affright from the terror * n ff. ’'•’to Mown up, but failtil to roll off. without and the awful pertOenoa in Aw hr ,‘ urs ■ L ’ ,l ' or re P aired damage. . . , . , I On Monday afternoon hut, we passu! down w.i e my. 'non* preadme .hey atood, i the Blakely eit.nfion, (more properly the could only wip.* the ih ath damp from th<* | Arlington branch of the SouthwesU-rn brow* of the dying, without a note of ! railroad) and found that the crops were warning, suddenly the gas went out and !** a ?C l1 t . he blo 1 '" r- b '”“ ber * , leaa trees had fallen, fences been laid low, . " 10 ' c “ wrapj..-1 m .amine- | a heavy J.er cent, of the cotton been scat- nan darkness. T i. n ensned a scene of tered and destroyed, and much of the horror and oomtomAtion which beggar* I 0001 tr.m from the ktalks. Wo were in description. Strong men rnahe.1 forth i f°" nod *’ ha . t , BOm '.P n 1,ou4e * had f^len, _ j * _ . , a , . , but as the information was very m-Icfimte and breasted tho fu-rov elements m qaest nothing positive is given in regard to it. *f matches and candle*, an#! even broke On one of Col. Lockett’s places, lying on town tho doors of the corner groceries to j ^ ne Lho rood, the destruction of Main. than. During that awful >>eriod I wa “ b ?? i, 'le. Little or his cotton f i , , ... . _ 1 had been picked, and tho storm bad of gloom and despa-r the soul of many a j f u n folds apon which to operate. His poor sufferer win god its flight to the loos has been estimated at fifteen percent, spirit Lind, without ono glance of affection In the language of Mr. Jamdyce, of and sympathy from those they loved so "® le “ k Honse” fame, the wind ,1 .1 -It 1 3 . ,, I on hrulay Last, was "decidedly m the Well. Soon the Sickly glare of candles Brat" to CoLBooon.of tkeflrmof Welch, revealed a scene of horror never again. Cook A Bacon. Ilia lint room, situated we trust, to he repeated. Taent lay the I wf Baconton, was blown into “smith- d-ad, stnrk an. stiff, and the beating , 80 to sptsik. and four teles of .... . , „ , lint cotton suddenly shippoa, via the at- rein and howling winds j. .strated tho mospheric transit, by Bolus, to tho Gulf chambers of the moaning sick, many of of Mexico, and other Bailable joints. Bo- whom, alas, ware never destined to see l, ' dcs these four balca of lint cotton scat- tho glad sunshine again. We mar search Mf* 1 ’ *TL ° ! °° tton w,;re WIy , . „ \ . damaged by the rain. in mm for a parallel to that mght of X \r 1 h \ViiAT tho same b present—Messrs. G. W. Burr and G. W. Bates representing Macon. The object of tho association, as stated by CoL T. P. Stovall, chairman of the meeting, was to confer as to a remedy for tho railroad dis crimination in freights against the mil lers of this section! The meeting re solved itself into “ The Millers* Associa tion of Georgia and Carolina,” and after some desultory debate appointed a com mittee to memorialize the railroads and the “ Green Line” to reduce the freights on wheat so as to be pro rata with those on flour from the Western markets. A committee was also appointed to draft by-laws for the association, and then, at tlie invitation of CoL Stovall, the mem bers interviewed the “ Widow Clicquot” and adjourned. The Marietta Journal says the leaces ing been for 40 years in the bank busi ness of this city, was bo easy in mind and so completely at lie ure that he enter tained the reporter with his views and opinions very readily, and in addition cited various ink resting reminiscences of the great crashes of days long forgotten. “We experience no pressure just now,” Ije said, ,“anil experienced very little dur ing the worst of it. Some very strong houses went down, though—the Bonk of the Commonweafth for instance. It was all carelessness os to the soundness of se curities. Q. Well, Mr. Lowry, how doe3 the action of tlie Government impress you? A. It was the very best that could be done. Issuing the §40,000,000 might have given relief more promptly and fully, but then I doubt it* legality, and beside* its a doubtful thing at the bent to have the Government interfering. Its a bad precedent. With such a man as Bout- well in the Treasury it might make no difference, but its a bad precedent in case ind mer- to nuiin- iil honor horrors. At this time the writer was living at an exposed point on tho coast, in Liberty county. For several days previous tho same storm did at Bos ton, Thomas county, is thus told by a correspondent of tho Savannah News, of Thursday: Ti. • .-to.']:, M.-w down K-wml hou-vs, wind had prevailed from the northeast, | among others the Boston Academy, in with occasional showers and angry puffs, j which Professor C. J. Jenkins was con- followod by a doul calm. Millions of i dnrtta ff a fm - «*ool; also, the grist and martins .lnrk..n,.,I tlu. ..in ,„,.l ,.n„n„„ I 5? w .n>>U belonging to -Messrs. Adams A clou horizon, seaward. There were strange I to pieces. lulls nnd pauses in the moaning winds, I but half of the roof was which veesv 1 from point to Jmnt. an if | of the State rood are spending much I t r £ m ' 3 hand gets hold of the 1 Treasury bogs. Q. Do you think it likely that that re lief is sufficient to nave us from a general suspension ? A. Oh, yes! It* all over. I money in putting the road in good condi tion, preparatory to anticipated heavy run of freight this winter. Besides laying costly steel roils, new cross ties are being inserted and the bed of tho road heavily ballasted with rock, at a cost of about sixty cents a measured yard. A Griffin office-holder of eight years* standing has resigned and gone to farm ing. His name is A. J. Gibbon, and ho has been on the “perlice” for that many years. Will wonders never co&so ? We quote as follows fro n the Atlanta Constitution of yesterday: Chief Justice Warner Bsrusxs to Grant a Writ of Error in tks Mauone Case.—For several days CTdef Ju tiec Warner lias had under considers t on thi I „, 1 .1 1 .» •_ j j n«" mill UOWHKUU' kU JllWd. .All.I Ills ik * paqio Sutler. Several other smaller houses , — , . lou<lrt in dense musses loomed upon tho ( were blown down, and some partially torn ' fora wnt of error to carr^up his case orizon, seaward. There were strange ' to pieces. The Methodist chnrcn had it* Supreme Court of tae United States. Yesterday he refused to grant The Baptist ttie writ, failing to see any grounds for . . . A m church »totalwreck. It had jiutbeen «rryiagifcup. Colonel W. A. Hawkins. uucortam whore to begin their fell work, fo^foa. Nearly all of tue large snado About 4 o’clock P. m., however, on the j trees in the place were blown down, 8th of September, the hurricane in all its 1 fences garden-palings, etc., were swept wrath and grandour, burst upon the af- think tlie life of the panic is taken out. Everything ought to move along smooth Ay now. , . ; Q. You spoke of the panic of 1857. How does this compare with that? A. That was fiercer, sharper. It was soon over. It lasted only 00 days while the Intnks wire suspended—every bunk in the State except the Chemical Bank. At the end of the GO days the banks, all thor- oughly recuperated, resumed business and eisheil the same checks that they hed closed their doors on two months bc- fonf. Q. You tjiink there is .now uo danger Of repeating the experience of that dAy ? A. No, not at all. But I think if tke in every direction. The damage done in the country is very great—houses and shelters blown down, and stock killed. The destruction of timber was very heavy. No one can imagine how bad it is unless tho earth. A* many aa a I ‘ he J couId » ib Han.Li are aWjPffad . ma.% » , ! to-day on every thoroughfare leading to dosen of these monarohs of the forest j cutring out the timber. . The frighted inhabitants. Soon the swaying pines and oaks, yielding to the blast, top- plod over, and laid their giant forms prone upo Those guilty, i Kansas cam dualling “A pwn. Vr. ill-ndv the start n\ l mv. were i.' ilLaturbinga ting by insisting upon when a very muscular <■»! himself on his voice, in. The preacher bore it for i-oaie time, but finally, Us'oming filltnl with righteous wrath, he desc«*udod from 9m pulpit, and, never once inter- nnd apsilnd the thirteen small boys. As his avenging hand descended and the dust of tin* small boys filled the air, tho rest of the congregation shouteil in rnp- t ur# and encouraged him with loud cries of “Go on, brother, go on.” Then he re- turned to the pulpit, still singing, and those boys went half a mile away behind a buystacb and laid down with their faces to the ground. Weeping bitterly. Parson Trask, a Northern fanatic, make * a stirring appeal “ to professors of religion who grow tobnoou, 1 * to abandon ths godless bu>iness. Tt» gvtod parson speaks h;u*tib’> *h vs Ltu Cooriar^JournaL Let him visit our toleuntl warehousea on tale da mebv>w Hot vanas, and the city to x\>turn horn id up . l. pha »w choice Ha jaunt aroun t, and he wi] .si man. The j*.irso There is a phile enj«*ym«q»|. a sWfX bah r d damage done to the cotton crop in this section will no doubt over-balance that done heretofore by the ravages of the rust and caterpillar. Sugar cane is badly torn to pieces, and everything wears a gloomy aspect. The same pap?r Las the following: A Bust S?sns at One of the Binks. could be seen at ono time falling together, with a mighty crash distinctly to In? heard above the roar of the elements. The rain descended, too, like a water spout, and, driven by the terrific gale, penetrated through weather-boarded and plastered walls, and the tightest roofs, until not a diy spot could be found in any dwelling. Tho peopl low w . . _ _ _ await.il tho remit, with their frightened 1 certificates of deposits, which will, in scrmnti huddled around them. Then cnsc £ in , greenbacks. The certificates are of the came that fearful phenomenon which I gfaa 0 f A Treasury note,'and are hand- marks the liurricono. Quick as thought somely engraved. They are of the clo the wind would shift from point to point, i nominations of l’s, 2’e and 5’s, and ore to , certify that those amounts have been de boxing tlie compass, and blowing *rom ^ ^ loam, will now apply tooue of t le As sociate Judges o^.tae United §tates Su-v preme Court fo" ths wra. A Dat of Unrest and Disquirt— “Running on the Banks”~Mucu Ex citement in the Mobvin I—Better Feeling at Night.—Withod; any per ceptible cause, a feeling of uneasiness prevailed yestermiy morning in Atlanta. Vague apprehensions were felt. _ The first cropping out was the suspension of the Doliu- Savings Bank. Quite an ex citement was crated yesterday^ by the suspension o? th«- Dollar Saving B ink of this city. This bank has dun a lame bu*im*e for ; t* , apit.tb and lias largely and steadily amplified that business. Its managers are men of known caution. For several days past quite a number of large depositors withdrew their deposits, prompted, doubtless, by the vague and lAieasy feeling now pervading monetary h Yesterday morning the bank The bank.ag honse of the Savannah dcicrtcl thoi'r ! »” d Trnst . Company presented a ■ , I busy appearance Ja»t night, the cashier, circles. 0 — ousos and crowded into log cabma and j ^ bookkeepers nnd clerks being ac- J opened as usuaL By ten o’clock a. m., >w buildings, where t'.ey tremblingly | tively engaged in signing and preparing however, about $25,000 had been paid out upon clif-ks and Tl»«*r,* being evidently a gen< r d tendency for depositors to make a run, it was decided by the officers after a hasty consulta tion with such of the Directors as could be gotten together, to suspend payment for a short while. In the confusion and hurry incident to such a state of things a correct statement of the condition of the bank’s financial status cannot now be had. But tlie public generally, and the depositors especially, may rest assured that all will be done to bring things right. A complete and .accurate statement will. [ as soon as possible, be published. And it will appear that the assets of the Dollar Savings Bank exceed the liabili- every direction in turn, with terrific vio lence. Thus the dwelling of the writer was literally hemmed in and enclosed by the transverse trunks of trees, which had been uprooted or twisted off, and piled in quadrangular form by the fickle ferap- est. Tlie sea rose and inundated the fields, bearing on its surface the debris of the storm, in the form of marsh nick, shingle and floating timber. Vessels were carried miles into the country and stranded far away from their native ele ment . Screaming seagulls, plover, marsh hens and other water fowl, were shot in the fields twenty miles from the coast. The roads were impassable for days, and all intercourse between tho inhabitants pletely interrupted. Crops were lit— posite«l by the manager of the savings department of the bank in the bank proper. The notes were prepared some time since, bat none were ever issued. They will be very convenient at this juncture should tlie financial crisis still continue. Mr. Milo Hatch, tlie Vico President of the bank, returned from New York last night. The Effect at Savannah.—Says the application of the counsel of Mil- Malone ] banks find themselves going they should all go at ones, and try to resume in 30 days. NATIONAL Park BANK. W. K. Kitchen, the President, and J. L. Worth, the cashier of the Natioual Park Bank, said that they considered over. The bank stopped <IMo4Bt&4 L Ls t Iv;.;aV was only for jj.;ah.utial reasons while thi panic Luted. At present no checks on country b nks arc received as cash. The breaking down of the railroad bond mar ket, they thought, w.is the cause of the crisis. Inability to negotiate the tbonds of railroads now constructing in the country # inade the failure of many of tbo^e dealing iiv them inevitable. The crisis came when money was most in de mand. Whether the trouble would be over in a day or two or not would de pend a good deal upon themselves. If they persist in running on the banks tlie crisis would naturallp b*e prolonged. Those who were likely to fail have failed, and those who liave withstood the shock thus far may be considered »ound. CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK. J. Q. Jones, the Proddent of the Chem ical national Bank, said the business of that institution was not affected. Tbeir customers were not speculators in stocks to any extent, but merchants and others in the ordinary .channels of trade. Mr. Jones had been so much occupied with the natural business 0? the Chemical Bank that he had not had time to pay much attention to the panic. He thought the trouble had its origin in the specula tion* in railroad bonds. He believed the trouble would be over in a day or two, but that there would be less borrowing in future. . IMPORTERS* AND TRADERS* NATIONAL BANK. E. H. Perkins, tho cashier of Import ers’ and Trader* National Bank, said the panic had not disturbed the course of its business to any extent, although tlie de posits have declined some in consequence. The bank continues to discount to its regular customers as usual, and has no anil Republican of Thursday: I by nearly sixty thousand dollara in- I dependent of the responsibility and sol- eence has begun that promises to leave i the patient in a stronger condition than ' before. Analyzing the measures of relief that have been adopted, we may classify them as follows: First, there was a prompt and total suspension of all busi ness at the Stock Exchange, attended with such rules as to forbid outside spec ulation under penalty of expulsion. This was a policy eminently wise, because at the maxi rate at which business was be ing conducted and prices were tumbling and stocks were being sent into '* i Board to be “ bought in under the rule,’ eveiy banker and broker on the street must eventually have succumbed. The very soul and essence of the panic was there. Second, the banking interest ral lied to the support of tlie community by providing for a system of certificates, duly secured, that could properly repre sent legal tendem in their dealings with the Cleaning House. This enabled them to meet? the reasonable demands of depositors. Third, the savings banks institutions, which deal most directly with the poorer classes, and represent the wealth accu mulated by the earnings of our artisans, promptly anticipating the fearful evils likely to result from a rabid run upon them, availed themselves of the privi lege of their respective charters, and an nounced that drafts upon them in excess of §100 might not be honored without the required notice of thirty day?. Fourth, the government autnorized tlie purchase of all the five-twenty bonds that night be offered, and to-day the Assistant Treasurer bought $3.339,160 of these securities and paid out legal tenders therefor. Fifth, and finally, the stock brokers themselves (than whom, aJ body, there are no more high-toned, pub lic spirited and unselfish gentlemen in the country),without preconcerted action, bub at the same time with a spontaniety of im pulse, at once creditable and effective, sus pended business with banks and declined to draw their usual checks, lest the pres ence of the long lines of clerks at the desks of paving tellers should create the impression that there was a “ run,” and thereby cripple the good work of these institutions. The foregoing are among thu chief influences that hare quietly ex erted their power in producing the calm that has evidently begun, and constitute, it is to be hoped, the pivotal point of a prompt reaction. Now that the excite ment is subsiding the situation does not present all tho dangers which at first seemed to impend. No actual values have been destroyed, and no ruin has re sulted save to a few from a rapid depre ciation of fancy speculative stocks. Com merce is unaffected; the volume of cur rency has not been materially changed, because the “ lock up ” is only tempo rary ; abundant securities exist right here in our New York banks to meet the emergency, and in short it is already demonstrated that the panic was both, circumscribed and controllable. It orig inated in a plethora of railroad credits and a perfectly natural explosion follow- room to-< ay. The Gold Excitement. The gold speculation, which began h^t i before noon, was the feature of the day, I and, at a quart er to ono o’clock, tho price I was 1121. an 1 at one o’clock heavy sales l were made at 113J. The great necessity i that DAY DISPATCHES. Partial Suspension of New Orleans Banks. New Orlean September 26.—The banking houses have joined in an address giving their reasons for a parti\1 suspen- [ f or borrowing gold, and tli sion of currency payments for thirty | much of the "gold on the market waa I niHiSm days, by which time they think the J r eullv being hoarded, created a large de- j l conta movement >»f cotton and sugar will place ( uiand and drew speculative feeling from ] injurious i them in a position to fully resume. Ster ling exchange, the usual source of cur rency at this moment, is not available except at ruinous rates, and heavy drafts have been made upon them for the usual balances from the West and East, and no prospect of their diafts for currency be ing honored. The banks will pay drafts under §100. More Suspensions. Washington. September 26.—Wooten, Webb A Co., Indianapolis; Planters* Bank, Danville, Ya,; Commercial Bank, Farm- ville, Ya.; Lancaster & Co., Richmond ; Keans & Smith, Toledo; Bank of Auso- nia, New Hampshire—a defalcation ; Joh n J. Cohen, Augusta, Ga.; Fant, Washing ton A Co., Washington. • Where the Money is Going. New York, September 26.—The Sun Sunrivalle l rrit Jicine ii tiindt* particle of Me 1 substance, but is the street in the way of sto :ks, for which f I there were two sots of prices. The ex- | citement in the Gold Room was intense, I and in a few minutes everybody seemed I wild, the prices reaching 113 J. Gold j clewed at 114. ! )] Jay Cooke A Co.’s Status. * j| Philadelphia, September 26.— A ; t statement is made of the assets and lia bilities of Jay Cooke «v Co., of Philadel phia, New York and Washington, phicmg the. liabilities slightly over §7»9Q0,00U.* The assetT, iueludfhg bill-' receivable. ••'■toobou is. real estate,. loans to the Northern Pacific railroad, etc..,.arc shown to'be nearly $16,000,000, half c which appears to be Pacific stock. The Moneyzooty in Charleston. Charleston, September 26. — Th PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it has proved its irre.it v»l- * in ail <hs. a> -sof tho Liver. Kou.-Nmih Kid- \vs. Tluusnnd* of the pood and crent in all irtsof the country vouch for it- wonderful and vnlinr i>o\vi-r in jmrifvine the Wood.stinmlatinir . the arbnle cku. SIMMONS’ to havo LIVER MEDICINE. aare*.I^T&T<£TteTcLSS and Trust Company the People, daily to the- interior $1,500,000. Tim F:''»k>'f.o,ith Carolina iin.U.ml limtrrs United States Express Co. him boon oar- and MiK.-l.anms l.anb suspended, ilmso Expri rying out about half a million daily. Twenty-four hours* notice are to be given before the Stock Exchange opens. The South Carolina Banks. Charleston, September 26.—The Peo ple’s Bank of South Carolina, tho Peo ple’s Savings Bank of South Carolina, tho Loan and Trust Company and other State banks pay as usual. More Liberal than Most of Them. Nashville, September 26.—The banks suspended currency payments upon checks over §203. The Board of Trade approves their action. Paying no Currency. Savannah, September 26.—In accord ance with tho resolutions of the Chamber of Commerce, the banks are certifying checks, but withhold currency. Where It Pinches Hardest. Richmond, Ya., September 26. -The Tredegar Iron Works have discharged about six hundred hands engaged in car building. The Bight Spirit. Atlanta, September 26.—A meeting of business men resolved to assist tlie banks by free deposits Und light drafts Et Tu Chicago ? Chicago, September 26.—Tho second and third Manufacturers National Banks have closed. Worse and Worse from Chicago. Five National Banks suspended. Grand Masonic Jubilee. # Philadelphia, September 26.—There is a grand masonic galaday over tho new Temple. Two hundred thousand peoplo are in Broad street. The day is beauti ful. NIGHT DISPATCHES. Suspensions. Washington, September 2G.—Tho Union National. Manufacturers’ National and Second National banks of Chicago, and William Fisher & Sons, of Baltimore. ed as the logical result of putting too * They complain of delinquencies on tho much nitre-g yccrme on paper. It haa ' mrt of their customer, and request a been feared by a natural distrust sroa- j short indulgence, ing out of the prudential measures adopt- , * . . edby the banks and from other causes ; ;} Change of Agents, but, doubtless, it will end in a healthier 1 The Star says, at the instance of Grant, and more conservative course of financial ' Bichardson has appointed Jay Cook, Mc- action and a more rigid adherence to the ' Callough & Co."the London fiscal agents real laws of commerce than has been ob- the Postoffice and State Departments, Advertia The vague feeling of disquietude T rev_ I vency of the individual stockholders. The nlent on Monday and Tuesday became mm ^ a ^ to over $170,w0,- of which more apparent yestenlay, and people did OYer ^o.OOO axe in valuable real estate ] anxietv in regard' to' the 1 future. This little else tmin idly discuss the condition - n c jwhile the liabilities will not I crisis, he thought, liad been approaching of affaira, the like of which was freely ac- over ^HO.OOO. We wish the bank j for one or two years and that the manner knowledge'! on all sides had never been a g p ec ^y e iit from its trouble. This ex- in which railroad bonds have been ne- exponencod Iwfore. Business was at a | tr jted the popular mind, and created a gotiated wo u 1 naturally liave produced complete stand-still throughout the day, j-unjonlthe Gvorgiq Loan and Trust to the f t his crisis, • TTiere was no rea on for its nnd no cotton changed hands, the market j c f thirty thousand dollars. The ! lasting any longer, except in the fears under the unu ruling nominal, wear long face coiupletelv mterrupuM. vrops were m* ***t* .—7 \ 7—T —. A T | and at the close of the day had more j prtience and forbearance on the part of erallv d.-trovetl houses and liarns blown t3,e Jl 31 ' money than when he commenced business | the people. The country he considered t nu.y at -troyeti, 11oamem **« undly are first and feremost m regarding mnmin, Mat ^ Thp fall bn«inp« down, and a blank scene of desolation | tlie symptoms of approaching health- marred the landscape on every side. This , fulness in the commercial world. There is a meagre description of one of the hur- J h’ttle to encourage the ricanes of the coast. Those who live in yesterday. • interior a of the 1: ran have uo adequate co orrore of such a sc ep- in the morning. Hearing that a depos itor had expressed fears of losing his money, he was sent for and his deposits , - . - . returned to him. Many who had with- - . on the community : , lrawn deposits in the morning, in the with a general dispirited feeling existing, j 4?ollrse 0 f a ftjw hours, returned and de- The only apparent sense of uneasiness is • posited anew. A run was mode on James’ 'ated not by distrust of the bank.-, but to the amount of about $42,000. He by the universal business, which r stoppage of the cotton To tlie Press. A committee of the Gcorpa Tres. A»- nity. AH manner of predictions are . . ... . , r ■,> , . made, but none or th«*ra are of value m •oatuoa. oonsixting of Messra. Robert jSiiinin* when trade wUl resume its L. Rodgers, of the SandtnrriUu Herald; C. W. Styles, of the Albany News ; C. W. of the Americus Republican; dr tertl-il »m- j _ Peeples.of theLawroneeville Herald; nt«--l love. J an d J.p ffnssn. of the Eatonton Press and - ... , was cool and collected, and closed —.— moves the enu-e comma- J ** rf «ra situation.” A slight run was made on the Atlanta National. The bank in splendid condition. The fall business seeqied to be opening well, and he had every confidence in the country’s pros perity. THE MANHATTAN BANK. The smiling countenance of President Morrison was indicative of nothing but serenity within Shi precincts of Iiis bank ing-rooms. He . aid there was no run upon them, and called attention to the evidence of that fact in the long line of rich than j politii F Plat hood of tol the parson; better ’Fhen* ■ land. Thi H raM.o: ’i’mwlay. calls attention : m.ilka Mi* feature of the panic, which » the .-lability of Government secoritio. Unit. 1 Stat«*s U.nds hare not materially declined, nud nc*ther 111* gohl materially adranvid. The Herald thinks theso things indicate the eoundne-s of business in gen eral acvl the prosperity of the country, as also qt'uhdcnce in the Government. It tliinks th,* crisis may haul to a l*ett**r condition in busines» enterprise, upon the principle that a temporary derangement oC the system often l<m Is to surer health. Tine A lui m-tration is beginning to ( •■how it* energy in the prosecution of fruu-U on the Government. A childish oM w, mau nametl Betty Whalac ha» been >*snt to jail m Chicago lor swindling the Cniud States by fraudulently drawing her li*.vi sister's pension. It is needless idJ.B.Re M*<ssenger, was appointed at the last meeting of the association to take all mvesaary etepu for the formation of a Natioual Tress Association. Having re ceived favorable responses and assur ances of hearty co-operation in the project from newspaper men of various Stut<*s. tho committee, through the last Sonde rsville Herald has issued a call for a convention of joarnal : sts throughout the Union, to assemble at St. Louis oh Wednesday, the 2t>th of November. 1S73, to organize a National Press Association. not only met all amounts, but let out ? depodtors which extended from the $30,000 15 buy cotton with. The other i window of the receiving teller to the ex- bink- were quiet and calm. But little treine limit of the outer office, while the pressure was made on them. | paying teller was not particularly troubled with business. Mr. Morrison wonted channels. Thk Sumter Republican says the dwell ing house of Mrs. M. B. McLain, near Bottsford, with all its contents—furniture, family supplies, and clothing of the fam ily—was destroyed by fire on Monday night, the 22d. The fire was discovered about 2 o’clock in the morning, and the family barely escaped with their lives. We find these items in the Columbus Sun, of Thursday: A Fertilizer at our Door*.—Mr. J. M. Frazer, secretary and treasurer of the Mobile and Girard railroad, yesterday sent us a Lirge and fine specimen of marl seen such unanimity in the trade as re- Military Men Gettin; How tlie New York Dry Goods ! said that a better feeling existed; he had Men Feel About It. j hcard no anliyt y expressed; people were The Sew Yort BolIrtfa of Saturday BAKU, last has the following, which shows how , President Palmer’s information was to little the stock panic in that city has to 1 the effect that all was as quiet as upon do with legitimate business: ; “7 ordinary day in theyear. He judged , . , r *1 a j I that the trouble was all over. A decided A careful canvass of Hie dry goods in feeling pervades financial trade enable* us to place before our read- ; iini thc improijion era the views of many of the more prorni- Uiri) '; ;ou . the ^ u that th e storm nent houses upon the effects likely to re- ^ ^ j . times will pre- | salt from the fiiamW crash in Wall , jj . 1 ■ street. On no former occasion have we * T -r — from the line of his road. It is a con- • gar*ls the prospective future, and the glomerate moss, of which shells of va- leading merchants express the most per- rioas kinds form the chief ingredient, feet confidence in the perfe-.-tly sound and is no doubt fnlly as rich in fertiliz- condition of the business throughout the ing properties as the phosphate rocks of country. The Wall street p South Caro’inA. Indee*I, we have no j at a fortunate time for the importers an 1 doubt that it is prec isely such a mass a* manufacturers* agents, as the- great bulk that from which the South Carolina of their heavy sales iiavo aU«a iy been . ,, . phosphates are prepared. The locality accomplished, and the jobb:ng £ra-ie, now Mr. Sheridan Knowles with “toiihin is from which this rock w^ - taken is about in operation, is not likely to be materially rather “ too Uun” itself, and does your- a mile from Seale, or Silver Bun. and affected by the Wall street issues, solve* injustice, as lending encourage’ ment to the too prevalent custom of groat quantities then?. modern literati, that of borrowing, "such Send Greenbacks.—Wu know one in- trade to the monetary pan; '* ’* ~ x stance in which a Northern merchant tel- mentioned that when the news of the egraphed his Columbus debtor to semi ( suspension of Fisk A Hatch was received him greenbacks by expiess in j^yment of at the auction rooms of Townsend A Mon served in Ameri a for years. The lead ing eventj of tho day need be only gene ralized in this place, as fuller details, will be found elsewhere. The Stock Ex- ys>isj>^ de ^lTA^£?i: notice. No action was taken with refer ence to tho settlement of contracts ’©o- tween brokers, and there is yet no b: isis decided upon which such settlements can be made. A number of small accounts 1 vere closed un satisfactorily to all concerned. The gold i x ihange met at ten o’clock, but decided tc allow no public dealings^ the penalty being a loss of membership. It was also agreed that the price on the dial should stand at 112 during the dajv and that all loans should be made at 7 per cent, for carrying. The President of the Gold Exchange Bank, which is the Clear ing House of tlie Gold Room, gave notice at the meeting that Saturday’s business would be duly cleared, provided the mem bers would agree to take checks on the Metropolitan National Bank, certified as ‘good through the Clearing House” of the Associated Bankers. This was unan imously agreed to by the members of the Gold Exchange. Subsequently the Gold Exchange Bank completed the clearances for the transactions in gold on Friday and Saturday, involving an amount of §92,075,000. The arrangement whereby certificates issued on the deposit of bank assets are received in settlement of tliffe -ences at the Clearing House is work ing admirably, and has afforded immediate relief. The purchase by the Govern ment ef five-twenty bonds was made to day on the basis of 110-72. 4-10. The sav ings banks, insurance and trust compa nies of this city are understood to hold a- large amount of this class of securities, and, if the general good demands, it is intimated that they will come forward and offer them to the Sub-Treasurer, ami thus set free several millions of green backs, which, it seems, cannot be legally released from the Government custody int any other manner. The total amount o£ bonds purchased Saturday and to-dav7 is. §6,195,500. It was a inollilying feature of the day that the national banks paid! in legal tenders all demands made-on. them which looked like legitimate busi ness, but when the purpose was apparent- tliat a run was attempted, they paid in. certified checks collectable through tho Clearing-house. Not a few among-tlie broker v declined to draw for more thorn pocket-money. Tlie Northwest All Kiglit. Tlie Chicago Tribune, of Tuesday, has the following encouaging statement as to tho financial condition of the Northwest- It says: If there is no good reason why the New York panic should depress the present* prosperous condition of the Northwest, there is absolutely none why Chicago should become infected with it. It has occurred at a season of the year when Chicago bankers have their money at home, carefully concentrated for the pur pose of moving the crops. They have no important balances in the New York banks. The money which they have in vested is placed in good securities or em ployed in the legitimate purpose of mov- the grain. This movement has been more prompt and regular this year than for the two previous years. The crops are plentiful, the demand is lar^e, and the prices are good. There is no risk in the investments required by the transfer, and the return is speedier than usual. The crops are going forward, and the money is coming back as rapidly as the facilities for transportation admit. Our store-houses are full. Our bankers are I vice Clows, Habitch & Co., susjiended. No Bronze John at Key West* Commander Bonham, commanding at Key West, telegraphs that there is no -nllAir fauop Theatrical. May Gallagher made her debut la.?t night at Wall’s Opera-house, in Little Spy. It was pronounced a success. An Earthquake. The observer at Kingston, in the Island of Jamiaca reports to the signal office in this city that an earthquake was felt at 1:45 a. m. to-day. No damage is reported. The Sitnation In Montgomery. Montgomery,’ September 26. At- a large meeting of merchants, to-day, it was resolved to pay all maturing obliga tions as promptly as the deranged finan cial situation would permit, and banks and bankers, holding paper, were re quested to obtain an extension if it should become uecessary, and a similar request is made of all parties abroad, who hold their paper. Resolutions of full faith and confidence in the local banking in stitutions were adopted. Cotton has been coming in freely, but not a bale was sold for want of currency, and hence these resolutions. Yellow Fever. Two deaths from yellow fever liave oc curred, but no new cases have appeared in four days. Business in Louisville. Louisville, September 26.—Flour is unchanged. Business is small. Corn is held steady at 63 a 65—sacked. Pro visions are unchanged, with a limited order demand. No banks have suspended. No undue excitement prevails. Business is pro gressing slowly. Transactions in bread- stuffs and produce are confined to the immediate wants of trade. Suspension of John H. James. Atlanta, Ga., September 26.—John H. James, banker, has suspended. He will resume in a few days. His assets are double his liabilities. Leac’mg busi ness men and bankers guarantee his solv ency and reliability to the amount of two hundred thousand. Colombia All Sight. Columbia, S. C., September 26.—There is no run on the banks here, notwith standing the excitement elsewhere. Cot ton is being disposed of readily. Will Pay Checks. Mobile, September 26.—The National Park Bank, New York, will pay all checks drawn by the Mobile Savings Bank on Howes & Macy, New York. The Shipment of Gold. London, September 26.—It is believed that the heavy shipments of gold to America, already reported, are not made in consequence of the low nominal rate of exchange, but to settle the liabilities of banks here, incurred before the finan cial troubles in New York began. Another Fatal Collision. A fatal collision occurred near Carlisle, by which several were killed. Affairs in Spain. Madrid, September 26.—Reinforce ments for the Sp«inish army in Cuba will be forwarded by steamer from Cadiz next weekl Dissensions iri the ranks of the Carlists continue. Don Carlos has ordered Gen. Saballs to present himself at headquar ters to answer the charge of disobedience of orders. Death, of an Astronomer, cro State teaks, and represent loss th one quarter of the banking capital of Charleston. The Third National Bank and the Union Bank pay all demands in full, and claim to be stronger to-niglit than yesterday. There is no excitement and no failures. The Cabinet Considers Finances. Washington, September 26. — The Cabinet session to-day was informal. Only Richardson and Williams were present. Finances were discussed, and it was de termined to stand by the results of last night’s consultation at tlie Waite IIoui end take no further actiou regordi extra currency disbursements. Postponed. New Orleans, September 26.—The meeting of the Cotton Exchange called to approve tho course of the banks has been indefinitely postponed. The Turf. London, September 26.—The nice for the October handicap took place at New Market to-day, and was won by Tichbome Lord Gorcli was second and Lemonade colt was third—sixteen started. Dead. London, September, 26.—Salustiano Olosaga, the well known Spanish states man is dead. ns four medical element*, •-happy proportion in air n centle Cathartic, a woi GREAT UNT AILING SPECIFIC Onlir. Depression of Spirits. Heart llum. etc., etc. Regulate the Liver awl )>n 1 the winful wCsprimc 5 1 A. CONSTIPATION. :. SICK HKAPACI1K. ts. SOUR STOMACH, CHILLS AND FEVER. Simmons’ Liver Regulator Is harmless, The Storm in Tallahassee and Vicinity. The Tallahassee Floridian sums up as follows the destruction caused by the cyclone that swept over Southern Geor gia and Florida on Friday of last week: The storm of Friday exceeds in the re sult of the damages anything in the ex perience of this section. The whole county (and we don’t yet know what other counties) has suffered severely. The 1Jon J;jr destruction of gin-liouses lias been un- I Jackson) A Take.* th . kiwi. Contains ine and Hit id host rent Simmons’ Liver Regulator, the Great Family Medicine, Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN & GO., MACON. GA..and PHILADELPHIA. Price $1 oo per package; also,prepared ready far bottles SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of all Counterfeits and Imitation FOB RENT. rpIfE STORE r JL Block," also two desirable rooms FOR SALE AN IRON SAFE, office in "Washington J. M. BOARDMAN. FO BENT. a: GOOD foi sary oath street, scp‘25 3t •ud street, w ar Oak E. C. GRANNIES. fob r:ent. rpWO DWELLING HOUSES, el'uribly located. JL Apply to It- F- LAWTON, At Bxehnmre Bank, cr to Dr. A. P. COLLINS, ju1y!7 tf At Collins’ A Heath’* Housekeepers’ Situation Wanted A WIDOW LADY, used about thirty, with one small child, desires a situation as house keeper in a family, a hotel or public institution. Is williwr to make herself useful, and will bring un doubted testimonials of good character. Apply to tho Senior Editor of th.> Telegraph. aiueifttf COTTON CROP OF 1873! CAMPBELL & JONES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 run Warehouse, Corner Second and Poplar R. L. Mott, Columbus, Ga. Yellow Fever! Yell THK \ NT I IM »tk - Reader. timely uso of Simmons’ 1 vegetable <Tthnrtic awl t( RETENTIVE and < Live id Bowels. jl—No precedented—at this writing (Saturday! John B. Cobb, evehing) as many as nineteen being ” T ” " ' known to have been destroyed. The fall of timber has also been immense—every road leading into town being completely blockaded, and it will take many days of hard labor to render them passable. The farm fences have suffered severely, and with the crops in the field there is dan of great loss unless planters begin the work of repair at once and pusl^it to completion. But what is far the mo«t important, thousands upon thousands of pounds of cotton, which was open in the fields, have been blown out and scat tered away or beaten into the d»rt and ruined. Hero is the heaviest loss to the county, though some of tho planters are more sanguine than others. It is a was open’in the ’fields, dhd'tw6-tMira3 01 this is gone beyond recovery. Most of the planters were behind in their pick ing, but some few had put on extra bonds and were well up with the crop, and the will not lose so much. Tlie cane crop also has been very materially dam: "Whole acres of it were beaten down flat upon the ground, much of it broken off and of course ruined, and lots of it strip ped as bare of leaves as if a knife had "been used upon it, which will stop the growth and hasten maturity. In the city, there is scarcely a dwelling or busi ness house which has not been more or less injured. There are more trees and fences down than ever known be fore, and the cost in repairing fences al one will be very considerble. Many stores arc seriously damaged by the loss of their tin roofs, while the privute dwell ings suffered in the loss of doors, win dow shutters, glass, and water beating in. Fortunately at least for the looks of the city, not a great many of the orna mental evergreen trees have been de stroyed, but the chinaberrv (pride of India) trees suffered pretty general de struction, scarcely a wliol • .me being left standing in thc city, whi however, is not to be regreted. Th un poured down almost incessantly during the storm, but happily for tlie merchants in those stores whose roofs had been torn •off it ceased entirely soon after ihe wind lulled. A to the total damages effected by the storm, the loss to the city is va riously estimated at from twenty to thirty thousand dollars, and the injury to the whole county at from one to two hund red thousand dollars. PKHMtVili. J Ik? oberml thnt no attempt is made to hunt up out-of-the-\v:iv, or unknown plu<v*. to find names to indorse SDIMONS’ LIVER REG ULATOR. Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. Jno. W. Baekxritti. Bishop of Ga. General John B. Gordon. Hon. Jno. Gill Shorter. ex-Goremor of Ain. Rev. David Wills, D. D., President Oglethorpe College. Bishop Fierce (of Ga.) lion. James Jackson, (firm Howell Cobb A James Law. Macon. Ga. rFRVEs! Where is au will find it in the •cr ReKiilutor. This c has proven itself n oof all diseases of the n Cholera if the liver , and ordinary prudence in diet tbserved. The occasional takincof Simmons’ Liv- ■r Rczulntor. to keep the system healthy, will mrely prevent attacks of Cholera. jul.r-food&wly CAUTION. BUY ONLY THK GENUINE FAIRBANKS SCALE, Stock Scales, Coal Scales, Hat Sc ales, Dai ry Scales, Counter Scales, etc., etc. .ksrepaired promptly and reasonably. -r sale also, Troemner’s Coffee and Drug Mills, ComiiosiLioii Bells ah sizes tetter Pr unes, etc. TUP 5 *ST PERFECT Alarm Cash Drawer! MILES ALARM TILL CO.’S Use 'Tliein.^ SOLD AT Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses, Fairbanks & Co., :tll Broadway, New York, 1G6 Baltimore stn-t, Baltimore, S3 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall. : ..hub-iphia. FAIRBANKS. BROWN a CO., 2.Milk Street, Boston. Fo: sale by CARHART «3c CURD, yp-jr,Macon, G UBXBW the tender of their services in Storage and Sale of Cotton. fj'p’JO-i'otlAwZm PATENT MEDICINES Principe Cigars, Gravely’s Genuine Chewing To bacco, Harwell’s Chewing Balsam. Fine Toilet Soaps, Fine English and American Hair Brushes, Fine do. do. Tooth Brushes, ! Fine do. do. Extracts, “Too Thin,” Itself. Still r. Telegraph and Me^anger: Tho effort in your issue of the 24th, to credit 4J that justio 11 1 tuar or favor. cdl U- - rith- Stnrnsa fra it to the Eastern State* over tlie railroad from dan Francia'O has proved a failure. The long distance and hig.i freight charges render the businesa uprofitable. A considerable businea* is the fruit trade, however, has been carried in the different towns on the line of the Central Pacific railroad in Nevada. Tub office-holders of Minnesota OMt aa- *****ed five per odd. to fight the Farm- ticket. A Him fro#t in Weetero Missouri, on Wednesday night lost, did great damage U> the tobacco crop. kind of borrowing as it is, if it be bettered by the t-orrower,” among good authors is accounted plagiary. The (bvAt Master of English composition, in his Henry VIII. Act V, scene I, puts that much used expression in the mouth of that King. When he enters his council chamber at the trial of Granmer, Arch bishop of Canterbury, very much in censed at the treatment of the Archbishop by the council, in making him “ wait like a lousy foot bey at chamber door. Gar diner solutes him with sickening flattery and the King rebukes him thus : ~ You wrrr ew gaud *t sudden eoinmendsti»*«is Btafeupof Winchester. Put kne w. I To hmr such fatten now. snd in my prrx-nct- Tbcy ev t**> tA*m and bale U> hide Yours. S>*u Mr. Frazer inf onns us that it abounds in “As an illustration of the alight amount of importance attached by the it may be Drunk at Pittsburg:. The banquet which came off on Thurs- reushout the I I or nearly all. doing a legitimate | „ j ££ tuueooonred tbat t „.,j c , i’JNhe^offlt dis-Taceful business. None of them carry stocks for : i AMa, SepCCnber28.~Chacoraae, ' "* ■ * affair o' the kind that ever oeeum*l in cm-tomers. Stock speculations are not a I a French astronomer, is dead. Pittabur-. Tu- hall «aa hideous with feature of our trade, as they are in Xew .Synopsis Weather Statement, noisee such a- would bare teen a shame York. Those who engage in these spec- ] <>,«« Chief Sxiuxai.Omen, > to Bedlam. Drtpikenne-^ rnlvd iho hour 1 uragnmu are few m number, and these do j Washington, September 26. > not the mere tipfctesS radne. d by a free j “t^f^_ >ew^ York Jirokera^or their , p roVjabilitie8 . For the Middle States, brisk winds, veering to south and south 1 .tr,". lmry. elicit For Rent. ft:: f bt • J. R- Butts n ! Extra Fine Colonge Water, And V snuioth Titork d .me and coarse* SPONGE? at Hunt, Kan kin & Lamar’s, V, I———‘ — rea uw a ^ ^ Q ' t UHX2Kl States, t note- for He wantel no ex.-haru.-e. Unt, a lar^re sale o; Frenca snaa ls was General ^ the Lieutennnt-Genera! 1 Isaac lax. Mxrrxas.-c arrera-y is set- ; in pre-res. and the bidding tecame the army of th- eountrv.-Uie.^g Le. ting quite scarce. Kars are enter- more minted th« moment the failure i „ c t .H*k ting quite scarce, no tears arc enter- , more spirited tainetl re.'.inling the safety of any of our waa inode known. Dry goods men have bonks. There ore some orders for cotton, long realized the fact that Wall street and 15J cents are being paid for k*w mid- has long been using money for speculn- dlings and 16 cents for middlings. Theae tive purposes which properly belonged figures are higher than the quotations of , to the legitimate channels of commerce, anv other interior town. Hardly any- t and the brokers do not receive a particle thing is being done in the staple, as farm- ; of sympathy from the trade; on the Con ors decline selling. None of t&e Northern trary. there is a general feeling of satis- , . . , . * at i correspondents of any of our banks hare ’ faction at the prospect of mercantile pa- remint ' e< ^ aem ^ e failed, and our institutions are regarded per again meeting with just ro ignition, that was the hollo west sounded the loud- i os perfectly safe. inroad oi gvang Wgging at rates unwar- . est, and the worst oysters wcx« tiuxie that ! Saved a Brothkb. -A little boy and ranted by th* high standing of the mtr- kept lh * ir oLwavs ope B . ! girl, children of an operative in the Oo- , chants. r — __ m ~ " ' * ' lumbus factory, on Tues*lay| went mus- ■ “ — * * ” " , A certain voung gentl« T»* oonflmt between carpet-baggers 4aMline hunting. While in the woods the ! ^ Th* Juniata was overhauled by the colu:h dog a £>-Almatian hound. • •d by a free i 50 through New York brokers or their of champagne, but that ugher type ! agmrts here, none of whom are large' of the condition* brought about by un- bankers. Nor have our bankers and bus- stinted in lui -ence in more fiery liquors. ’ mess men » 35 a an y of tteir moneys What puts t ie crowning feature of inde- | locked up in unproductive railroad.-,. The cencv to t • .* proceedin rs is the fact railroads now building which never ought that* they took in the pro^-nce of | io have been undertaken are largely lo- the President of the United States, the cat ^ in the West, it is true, but it is ~ ’ • t: —* *- ^ of * Eastern and foreign capital that is in- ‘ vested in them. They may come to a er, Sept. 'Njth i 'top, as the Northern Pacific probably f will, but the West will.be no worse off on. Feed Douglass offered a sogguotion r that account. It would be no better off to the negxoes of Kaah*iD«, in his cpetsch I ’ r<re 1 c “ ed ( on 40 com f’ letion ' » * i Chicago capital has too many resources the other day, t.:at a as timely and per- j n i Ure and substantial investments to tinent. They Were making a little more i ^eek uncertain and visionary schemes, noise than there w:us any occasion for, | It is employed in genuine traffic in real commodities, and has no connection what ever with the bursting of stock-bubbles, or with the fortunes of unfinished and worthless railroads. A convict in Maine cut his way through the solid masonry of the jail with a piece of hoop-skirt iron. Hoop-skirta will cut their way through everything. They ore irresistible. ullcd west, gener«illy cloudy weather, with rain during the afternoon and night; for the South Atlantic and Gulf States east of the Mississippi, fresh and occasional brisk winds, mostly from the southeast and southwest, cloudy weather and rain areas; for Tennessee and the Ohio val ley, cloudy weather, rain areas and brisk winds, veering to west and northwest. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Latest From Wail Street• New York, September f£H.—Scenes on Wall street were much less excited to day. The crowd of brokers who have hith erto blocked up Brood street in front of the Stock Exchange waa much leas this morning, owing to the action of the po lice captain, who directed his men to dis perse all groups which threatened to in terfere with sidewalk travel- The bro kers were by this means driven into the road, but they fared no better there, as the police ordered the trucks to be driven through the crowd, and so compelled the Booms For Bent, ^VER office of Southern Exp res-. Cot ylcrate. Apply to T. H. HENDERSON, At Eipresn Office. Stores for Rent. 0*3 street, near corner of Cottor riven immediately. Apply «er><» tf Avenue. Posacst HKfTHY SCHMIDT, FASHIONABLE BABBEB. JOHN IIT3 ALLS SPECIAL AGENT POE CASWELL, HAZARD Sc CO.’S PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. *ad th* utire negroai of the South b be- ■ Uttte girl «as bitten on the ankle by a , Cabot off the coeet of Labrador, and re- informe<f by hb jituirst ttet if he could owning r .nni ii 1 Ax » reoent ineelins in amah rattlesnake. The brother happen- turned on Friday morning to St. Johns. not r.-fr^n from profanity in her pres- Wilminfftam. N C Qm*m I if- ! ed to be chewing tobacco. He hurried ; The officer* and crow ore all delighted at cnoe they must henceforth be strangers. , - - — - - — * wunungwM, a. v, ueorgu l*. Maoeon, a ^ -chaw” into his sister’m mouth, mak- ! the good news which relieves them of m- % ^ , Widows who have lost two husbands | brokers to scatter in all directions favorite nagro Uadar. annonnoed himself ’ j ^ ( . r (Wk Uov the niretiae, and half | the neoeeaity of . further Aretie search. ; 7'aa Crew Indiana have b. . n made are the only ladies who have, aa yet, ! The general feeling among brokers ap- "fa deadly oppoeition to the adventurers ! r^rrvin*. half palling, hastened her way | The Jnniata will await the return the | o alandon six million a. -res t.. the Gov- 1 evinced much interest in the *• third pears to be more hopeful than on previous who have settled among us.” : home. There she was dreadicd with 1 Tigrees at St. Johns. i ernment without any “caws." I term’’ question. | days, though there,are., of course, many \Y Huff’s New Buildiiur, Down Stairs, OL’LD be pleased to have n rail i'n»m his old AV C vite th ntt.” ‘io* -f physicians •*). nttions of tills old > -re eniloi-v-tl by nl ew York city. E. B. POTTEB, M. D. WnMfEOPATHIST O FFICE Wood's Block, Second »'"*'• ' hird door be Jo. Joboslon jewelrj- establishment. Residence Lanier Home. jui^ 10 ti Mrs. Bailey’s School, Corner Walnnt and Third Sts., be reop?ned on October 6th. HaainU OiMwell’s Pure and Sweet coo liver oil t Always on hand. Freah lot received thi* day. leaders supplied at proprietor*’ pnoe*. sepXl tf Coal. Coal. \kTB vill Hell Coal at summer rate until first of V v October. Orders left at Messrs. Winshjp k Callaway'H store. Post Offic*;, or otftoe of A. 6. Butt’s Esq., will n*ceive prompt attention. Yard opposite Rock Mill. Mepi tf BUTTS k ROSS,