Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 01, 1873, Image 3

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 1, 1878. TIIICKE I.ETTEIW, Portrmj Inc (kr *l*f. Prosre%t anil I nll of lhr (>!rbrutrrf i aiifrrn ,i«. •umnrr Hurlrl). Thr I'all *»f lhr ( anfrrn t»«nclaiion. rill.*,) ' ■ I ng willow along with Ut) nf» dead lows. In thf moon- «U». w ipokea in i mom wit pf rf*» iwwiWi and Ml on its ri»re—• wtmll hr the «brp- flan* [HUT Air.UlC AT COLlJIM S. M 1|f> | und Front nf tlie NaJlral r’ f u*pul*rtt * t,1f *rnttrrrd by w furnuhrw it* through the (}fi it.) IjpIex the following , „{ Um* little buxin^ and kick* that cure ■ ‘ • tv . f j t £*1, « -/lint of which in our tvi* graphic oolumna nn Tfcffi Ci It •!.. -1 .»f-w.*r a ,n« • !.»> o-t . J»>. atf. !* <1 "wuii.-Umu The U i life hand V alarm*-1 mt of the *light nayrtaag • nrr**4 at tlup Giliner lfr» •1 hid pimp*, after their m i TuurM+y, way lax given uoe UiliWt candidate on the k«t for Auditor, wae opoaldBff idng the political character of ilcorn, Colonel Matthew*, the for Attorney General on the diet, khim the lie, telling he >m |Mjr»oaaUy wajioaiiilil „ /aid. OibYt* miles fr Bept i-u Lition i- no more ! aU rtly. »rer 300 mcanu'rv, not I Tii*-« t at Lie proent writing. j uM.* *it lithe Canteen woa nn- PivcmoIt at 9 a. m., yesterday, j cn period arrired, and promptly, iiiut**, the membera, wos on , get their diTTya. I woe J it the amount of arithmetic I I saw dxefdayed there. There wos enough j arithmetic in that excited crowd to hare j rntwl*' fifty Conxnltxng Actooaries. They had it down to a pint. They had paid in II «) each, which would entitle Vin egga- art I v to ti gallon, ef ther bed l»een no pront* they aed. But ther hed been no profit*. The likk**r bad been watered, nr nonnpr, ns it hed gsMred stronger, and they ealk!]at«!>l that *• mb one nhould h. entitled to at least a gallon and a pint, and tliey wanted it! They wu impatient nr delay, for the Canteen period they h«*d looked forwoed to anxiously bed ar rived. I nejedd to em Uut they wood !natter to 1 t it lay und aocnmulate, but th'*y didn't liaten to it. “Not any ur that!** shouted th rited inaltitood, “none ut that; we want LUDDEN & BATES, SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, savannah, ga. nd all kind* ». Large* t Planum. Orxsno. Jl of Jftu«lral ln<*tr Stock In thr Price- In ihe Jig er. and Gibl. Col. it tie m ■ |.Ritie >1*1 tn even t at the G iInter . id o at a t.||4e •uoiod fltomjkbe p]*r«(ftehfd Gibb.. “Sir. 1 tun nw|wa*ibltf for what you to-day in the stand, you are I liar," and suiting action to ex- ttia die*) the recreant’ii mouth. Pit GiIiIm, being an ry in escaping ‘■iiting* a.* in manipulating titate war- Inb*. ulipfiod a way and cMOtped. Oibl*' i oodjiitor* lullied to hi* *nj»- oit, Aiih h leading th« ns efte corjM. InieH /•{•mnstl )i)QiiH.J£ like a trim *oU |»er, *•> lie Maya he is, came to a ready pith hi* l.nmlon Ills piiftol. He wo* in- r.t .J to draw and he did draw, like a Lrud« id * olilier, hi* uar|N!t l»ag eory«u to [he fourth i«U»ry with the toe of a boot under the h it Daji of Iiim coat. ihny, i.dlcr i**n> Harry, gallant nohlier Harry, n |*n» Joring, negro freeing Barry, fnsinl piiMilf in a,good phi Bull Rim style. Dldmi-'i* obryi^l A-xampfe, ttnd'in a few .tiint4*4 not one of the entire State ticket •iiM l*»* found. The Dane, Bliss, had id t** tin* polio© station, Harry to the i itcheo, kVencb to the Ianndre^a clow t, i i hhs tot hi* fourth «it4iiy, und the balance, L> man knewr where. Lewi* alone re- *4), the sheriff of Lowuden, and au Bti-tihtd man, and nrojKwwil a ili«cu- 11. Ct»l. M. not f**eling inclined to ar- • the |>oint, fi tclnil him a couple of Uin C. Jb-cmm's i«<puure-)mt« betw«4en Kr eye*, And he. too, trent winding hi* hay to healthier plaoew. i'hu-4 one man whip* out in good old .;.ion Suggs' htyle, u.e entire Union army »thk State hivulcd by the gallant (I*) 11, *. Col. M. Rurryyed the held of litie f u! nf •. ,. W ilh H kinilc that Wiw i-liil«lltko nimI MuinI," is*4*iving the congratulation* of,the er* and gmutH, to wlioue araina*- <tnd fun he liad c<mtributed *0 largely, *nd at such a little coat, he .tlked forth with the lirat fruit* of ric- >ry m hi* liaud*. lie Now Masonic Temple In Philadelphia. r * » Um* \ew V4>4 k Trihewaj In th4* new Masonic Templt*. on the ivincr «if Hiv/ad and FiU»ert street*, in |'hiU.<*lphui. « ? :-:h i* jiut flni*h*d, i«on<* 1*! thti tnqp^t ar.. cma^r-rooma in the m.tM, and one of the finest xyiecimeiw of in iatei turn) art in tliii country. The of tiie htrm-ture i* $1,300,000, and it been nearly live year* in building. It Ibuilt entirely of granite ouLudc, with bruk lacking,* walb. and arche*. which in* very t hick anti auhotantia). The front 1* »f tiiV ly-tln'iwetl Quincv granite. The Filbeit *<treet front i* of Hichinoud .!«*, tlreriffd, and run* to Juniper street. The Juniper anti Cuthbert *treet front* art' t*f gmnitt*. the latter rough-dresaed, but tiufle i inputting in apiKstrance.— The building i* thr%*e lofty atorieu und a basement in heignt. The main entrant von Hrorni utreet is modeded after th»* doorway of 8t. Mark'* church in Venice, with the exueption of the figures, which are cy ml mis of the Order. The Norman und Gothic stvie* of architecture prevail on Gh* drat and eooond floors, and Eorinthiau throughout the rest of the ed ifice. The meeting-room of the u,and is>ugu la the representative ayvn-iuient of I tin* Temple, and the l.,.-gewt one in it. From an o tag^nal vestibule at the wo%Um'U end 1 ut* victor enter* through nmsMve tUvr* aiiistieully oorntructod of walnut, with cedar sinking* and raised l«uicl<. made of nH»ttb«(l walnut imported iretu Franoa. The work is highly polish ed. «nd the e panels pe sent the apposu-- .ukv of marble. The furniture of tlie hall 1* of wubmt amt . e» ar, cofUrod with blue plush. Everywhere Masonic em blem* an*-l the eye, carved in wood or stone, or shining from atoined gbua.win- «low* anti handsomely cut globe*. The nest larger room is tlie Grant) Chapter lUll, then follow the Egyptian HaQ, the Ionic, the Norman, the Oriental, and nu- roerou* other hails, for lodge meetings. T he library-j\x»m i* aitualod on the second fltx»r, imd la intended for use as well a* flOMUBg M tory of a ctuiipb plan* of the Gr. fulte carried out. It i# tlx* intention to gather togeUnW lure every publi. at ion that rail lx» proourisl which relate* to IVtvmasonry. and «w|H*eially th« publica tions of all Masonic U»lio* m inis country. A nucleus ha* already been formed, there U ing a eonsidc'rabh* library that wu* at the okl hall, while fnspi nt purclumo* an* made and Ux>ks are pres* nt**tl by person* mten stecl in the piojcvt. During 1S73 about $3t>& w»av expended for At* 1^*1 r. works »u r.ir.ty. tt is the intention to kivp the nex jain hi of Ttin*aHpnW and ether catie* and also all Masonic penodi- >n* on file. our *haru*f n. Th«n it become iny dootj to explain to 'em the condition ur the oompuny. I sot out by statin in general terms that there wnxnt a drop in the barl. The toomult wo* fritefnl. “Where n onr likkur r" “What hex bc«y>mo ur our money ?" “Show up, yoo tliieroa,” wot a few ur the exclamation* that emanated from this eggseited crowd. I k«*jit calm. A man who hex money . ur * «1 I W* keep calm easier than he who heznt. M dT . 4 r, ,wkt th * t H wo* troo each one h#xl l 1 Vi* • 1 l’’ ^ * n money, and that the Secretary G»» *n ft U wood show in detail in -hi* report where the money hed gone to. and that that n?- ” ‘If’ port wood 1*’ pubU*hetl probojily in about a year, or ex soon ex the Consult in Ac- tonury oood l»ring hi* arithmetic to bear and Verify the Aggers. Hut I would say that, in rough figger*. (not being u Can- preoredmL 1, and Ames, flit in ary) tnl Ssbry uv Pivnkletit • Salary uv torkn-tar.v Snlary uv Traauiw K*l* 1 |inr-h»--t • tlie condixhun lo no 110 mi l!.i!si«<u on Im < si .... S4» uri Wich balance wus in likkur, a goin on and iutproriu in xtrungth and flavor and richness every day. -That likker, uiy friend*,'* I jnsroee lcd, “open* up to ua a fucher such ex—" “Divide that likkur amongst u*, M yellel the crowd, unmoved by my ora tory. “Afy friends, that is impossible. A ru- serve fund is esscnuhal in any Canteen Association. There must l»e something act asitle for rxtraor/lmary emergencies. And tra her determined that 33 per cent, is not too much. We her accordingly put that aside ex a reserve. “Where is it! Sitow it to us! We j wont to nee it." yelled they agin. The *btepidity nv ©or Treasurer at this pint | rooinud 11*. Ho lost his nerve and showed em where the reserve keg w«m located. That wo* fat/d. The kog wo; not spiked il)wn—it Cooil Ik* rolled, ladlin' gave it a voice. Men show their emplane** by their awmul, and so do kegs- Tiu\v rolled it—n lioller«»ko,H*if in mockery, wos their anser. It wo* empty ! I do not care to dwell on the scene that followtxl. That crowd went for ns .un comfortable. Them infooriated men woodcut listt'n to reason. In vain I told em that onr Canteen was moddelcd after a good deal bigger uistoo^hcn—in vmn I told cm tluitoiu*Consulting Aetoooiy wood convince em otbrytHilng wos right a* it shood be—in vain 1 itskt em wat wo* to become uv thing* ef they didn't possess more faith in the integrity uv their offi cers ; but it was of uo use. “The likker! the likker!" they yelled, and went for me with a vehemence that uuiy Ins judged from the patches on my face, and the wrecked eondishen uv my left-arm. It was miraculous that I os. raped with my life. 1 her still faith in the Cant«*en idea, and shot t ry it agin somewhere else. The tooublc with us, this time, wo* in making Instrument* In the South Don’t fcmy a Diano Witboot f r»t writing m for price*. We sir th* j most extrniive Fimid Ileslcn South and ran sell the cheap—l. Your choice bum died the best I makers m the United .States—any style and price 1 desired. Fine nano*. 7 «tate, natvooii cast's, carved kw, si vftt 6375. S£4, warranted for five vtars; Mipn-bpouttsat $300,^25. $saoond$!T75 The very beet iNsnae st pin, Hlo. $440. 94S0. $530 sad ftM. J*unoR sold by small monthly pay ments. Piano* for rent, lh^nus now shipped to all parts of the Sisith. Bverr one think inr of hlfliw is invited to write us for lowest cash or time pric— Illustrated cafafayuca sent free. fiends usrters fur the reMmled NASON AND HAMLIN ORGANS! Best and cheapest. New styles arid New Prices, fiend fur raul-wue. prinx full discription. Churches. Schools and Teaowr* liberally dealt with. Organs drliveml free trf charin* to earh buyer in anj part of the South. Prire* —me aa at factory. Sheet Music and Music Books. .t splendid stork. The fast ;/u**Ii.»Xjons vt every publisher always on hand. I;.r;i4 discount to Uealera, Tearhers, and firisols. Any piece of Made or Music Book mail -1 |*«4-paid. on receipt of rvtail prins. CMakaui-* /rue. IF '.Ol WANT A Violin. Guitnr, Piute. Aero(d -a.% Hsfim, File. Fbun«4«'t. ikmtei. I hum. sett <1 f riute Mriua> cr anythimr under tin- «un iu thr uusir li;ie. we ran furnish it. i**i*t C. O. D. for examina tion to any ir.rt of the South. Our «jcrtertrade is immmstt. We mlvertisf largely, keep what we advertise, p rtomi what wc sdi'crtiae to do, and in thia way have Imiti up Tho Iiargcst Trade in tho South! bread for price lisl*. rinulani, rstakani-a. speri- men cwpic*. of btMillf m Musical Journal, $1 per year, and try us will* an t infer. . sepWSra Boots and Shoes! FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873. Ao. 3 Cotton Avenue and GO Third Street. WORLD BLAKE’S RENOWNED FEB RIFUGE ! THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. FOR THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF FEVER AND AGUE OK CHILL FEVER. DTJAIB AGUE. And other intermittent and Remittent Fevers, General Debility, Night Sweats, etc., and all jollier forms of Diseases whieli have a common origin in Malaria or Miami LAWRENCE & WFICHSELB4UM. For sal-byaii Pmrvi.is. .Hair Pniprirtors and Wholesale Mruggl.i., .Savannah. ».n. SOLI PROPttHTORS OP THR ARABIAN BITTBRS. A WELL KNOWN TONIC. >. oi’t i.n ONE OP THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OP BOOTS AND SHOES! o'bvni Ew oCeml bv c Ladies’, Misses’, Children’s, Gents’, Youths’ Wear. Boys’, ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS Tie Great 1 Eclipse” Screw Collon Press [PATENTED FEBRUARY rl. I»n ] MANWACTUKED SOLELY BY (WITH Ia.TK.-r IMrEOVEMEXTS.) FOR -U YEARS TIIE Comprises all ranetin and styles, from the heavy bmgan to the moat delicate slipper, made toor- C.^ntry men^n^-wiUfind it to their advantage to eiaminenur stock, from which e*iiially good j k^t illldlll'd of* fixcollciicc j Of THROUG HODTTHK WORLD. [qvbr 750,000 IN USE., FINDLAY’S SOYS CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GBNBRaVLfiUPKRINTKNDENT'S OFFJt*E 0 N r Trains on th branches and coni DAT TRAINS I/tvc Savxnnah. Aw Arrive at MUtadrcci Arrive at Eaionto.i \rri\ • ut '! -i 1 . :u S-,\ ’!•’ h Leav® Karon for Atlanta... L—vo Macon fur Knfanla . 1 \... MIX & KIRTLAMD, ST-1860-X." COLEMAN & NEWSOM, -JOBBERS OF- F1NDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GEORGIA. | FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SCREW .EVEN. PACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ' pnv vou to euu&inv* I iw and prutit hr fxiK-rienra. THB WHEELER A WILSON STANDS ALONE AS THE ONLY LIGHT RUNNING MACHINE. USING THE ROTARY HOOK. MAKING A LOCK STITCH. I alike oil both shies of the fabric sewed. All shut- ; tie machines waste jiower in drawing the shuttle lRU*k after tIk* stitch is formed bringing double wear ami strain upon lioth machine and operator, I hewoe while other machines rapUlly wear out. the WHEELER A WILSON LASTL A LIFETIME. I ami pro^-es an economical investment; Do not Udieve all that is promised by so-ealLii “Cheap” I machinea. vtni slauild require proof that year* of uae have tested their value. Money once thrown j away cannot lie recovered. to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes t Atlanta. r».r>o a m Arrive at Kufhula i2 : io i» v Arriveat Columbus * 4:00 a m Making do—1.connection with trains Loving Atlanta and Columbus. mght ntna GoixG aroxTU. Ivn Clayton 7-«o x m Leave Columbus 2;,'Vi a m Loavo Atlanta..... 1:50 p m Arrive at Macon from Clayton 5:25 p m Arrive at Macon from Columbus 7:So p m at, Macon from Atlanta. 7vtt» p w «M:u the Cantcvu period too short. We shoulu hov matle it a year ut least, ao that no en quiry cood hev lH»en made until wo wo* prepared to hev enquire* made. The Toit- tiue* (from wJiorn I got iny noshon) put off their period ten year*, which u a a«5n- *ible and a safe time. Then I ahel mix it some other way with #ome other syr- L nU l* ! tern, *0 that in times uv difficulty one kin play into^thc other’s hands. Hut in*iny next voucher I shall not be President. My ambislien i* to bo Con- Hiiltin Aetooorjr, a position that will eggs- aekly soot uiy talent* and character. 1 hev not deaided where to locate, but I shel not be out long. S.uil. Shamkky. composed pimply of well-known ROOTS, HERBS eid FRUITS, combined with other propcrliep, which in tht ir nature are Cathartic. Aperent. Nutritious. Diuretic, Alterative and •it i.i .... Th-w;. 1 : rcrv. d 1:1» PUfll- c.cnt quantity of spirit from the SUGAR C-A VR to beep them in any climate, which makes the P onic library, i h?e mn lte »ik tin cal publi A Vole fioweb tfika th Fillmore opinioao cxd»iv it from AliUtutl Fillmon »y sUaubling among politic ether day, ran across MiUai und that antsxlilnvian bout is:atu*i> and tilings, i’l 111k' 3IOXS, wun many but isn’t indite mo •• Grant’* Orphan Colt.—Mr. Hill hap- pened to be iu the city of Washington. 11 j had been there before—a member of OoDfiw. Civility can—d him to visit Grant. In company with a distinguished senator from New England he went to the White House. A small trot ting- wagon, to which wa* attached a smaller animal, stood beneath the porch in front of the main entrance. As Mr. Hill and hi* senatorial friend approached the door it wn« opened, and through it came the president. ••Good morning, Mr. President,” said th" senator. ••Good morning,” replied Grant, con tinuing. “donator, you see that colt? Well, that colt’* born since I came into this house, and he’s going to trot in lea* than 2.50, before I leave it. He’* an or phan, brought up by hand, and born since I have been here.” “Mr. President,” said the senator, “al low me to present Mr. Hill, ex-member of Congress.” Grant shakes the ex-member’s hand, and continues : “That colt’s an orphan ; born since I came to this bouse, and he’s going to trot in leu* than 2.50, before I leave it.” With these words still on the air, the p-.vwidont mounted hi* buggy, bowed to Ms colters and drove into the avenue.— Cisrinmi/i Commercial. K w what ii Ihvridt' by the but would extend iU and then ivtir* tlu Alary—which latter. likely C Just!. tenjamin K Gnnk* the . ■ .T. a- ht . in the in tlu usual. held ♦ \i , k. at which they resolve! <.(< h other. It wj agnail to u-'i.tl with their lsinks, an ar- having l*e»-n eff*H-tetl whereby I;-.* v* u/iat money they resjuire ^mrjhocaa* heret*»fore- The ut has Uvu found lo work aat- for all parties <oncorned. Ti:t uf seventy in Louisiana !< <r u StuL convention, inv- jkorty, in opjKMition to the Max si 1 sun's English lover, the o recently challenged a Pans ed it. r account, ha* now gone off with uf her money. js§S ATHAIRON Qnfy 50 Cents per Bottle• It pramare* the 4.ROWTIT. PRBSBKTKS (lie ( 01.0U, nnd incrrnsr, |!ir I »a«r aad BEAUTY of ike HAIR, f 100 LvosTs KATBAianx ptacd in th#* narks by a4uai#ef rrvncHrQ 4 DdB ths t.re#k. mmK tb*papo- *rtty it au 4>Mjuo«k1. i» uaprso««ltiofs<.1 and Irxcxel- Mv ll mervf— thaOaowTH an.1 BeaCTT<U iba HkUt It 1* • <»hSllie drr—in< It fr»J.f*Tct lUMlnt. ItpMiwatb» Hairhwiibroccr.r. It uatrra tb« cool, and r T ®*tbe haiu nch. v.r». SEuZtZmarant^ It u u.a saws la^Tawm? lUhtuLin aa it wa <w»<lr »u u of aCct. Mm* t an it nld by all Dni0nfi* aa* Cma. JT«m- u «iir Finj OtK> w n-Ut. K f oman ! s Glory is Her Hair. LYON’S i MUTATION BITTERS of tho most dsnlrable Ton lea and Ca- thnrtirm in tho world. They are intended rtrictly as a Temperance Bitters only to bo ured cs a medicine, and always ao- cordlns to direct loss. They are the ohtet-snehor of tho freblo and debilitated. They act upon a diseased liver, and stimulate to such a decree thetaheattfay action is at once brought abo: t. / .arem^y to which Women are carv’.zljr rcbject it is super seding every ether rilu-uUnt. As a spring nnd Somuirr Tonic they havono equal. They arc a mild and gentle Punitive as well as Tonic. They purify tho blood. They arc a splendid Appetizer. They make the weak strong. They purity and invigorate. They cure Dys pepsia. Constipation aad ITeadache. They act as a specific fn n!i sytvfesof disorders which undennlns ** •».<%day tlrcngth and breakdown t‘'« ; -l-i; • 8. *“■ L'cs.t, 53 Park Place, If“w Yori. FRESH ARRIVALS. HAVE REMOVED TO Blake’s Block, corner Third and Poplar Streets, imt in order or received in exrhanee. WHEELER A WILSON MFC. CO.’S OFFICES: Savannah. August a. ksrun and dhtnlsu, Oa. W. B. CLEVES. Gen. AsUSavannah. Ga. W. A. HICKS. Agent. Macon, G janiaeodly ] | THE SE03T2ST EOUTE TO EOBTUNE. $100,000 FOR IIMA$: SO! THE SMALLEST INVESTMENT. TO MAKE GOOD. FREE OF COST (mitt lniy ••iwiim's of tnuumntatfan) ANT IJIBTION OF THE IKON WORK THAT MAY DROVE IIKEKCTIVI-. W IT HINHIIUV EARS Ball's o Cotton 1>:1> k«l by this Press ranee from 500 to S00 ]K>unds. WE GUARANTEE Tho- ECLIPSE” c 20 BOXES BOSTON BELLIES. 100 BBLS SUGAR. A, B, and C, 50 BOXES EXTRA CHEESE.- 100 BOXES GERMAN OLIVE SOAP. ft BBLS. BRAZIL NUTS. 5 BBLS. S. S. ALMONDS. 5 BBLS. PECANS. eepttXlf Jaqucs& JoImson*s. FRENCH’S NEW HOTEL, /^WIR. OORT LAN DT ami X EW CHURCH STS, v NKWYORK. Ontlie European plan. RICH ARD 1*. FRENCH, mu of th- lateCokmellliriiard French, of French** Hotel, bn* taken this Hotel, newly litXtil up and entirely renovated the same. Centrally located in the business part of the city Landies and Gentlemen sDining Rooms attached. junelfltf METROPOLITAN We Leg leave to call the attention of the merchants of Georgia to onr large stock of Groceries and Provisions, which we offer to the trade AT WHOLESALE ONLY On as reasonable terms as any house in the State. Our stock consists in part of 10&.000 pounds BACON C. B. SIDES. 25,000 pounds BACON SHOULDERS, 50 boxes LONG CLEAR SIDES, 250 barrels REFINED SUGARS ALL GRADES, 25 barrels CRUSHED AND POWDERED SUGAR, 150 sacks RIO COFFEE, 25 sacks OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, 500 rolls BAGGING and 1,000 bundles ARROW TIES, 100 cases SARDINES, 450 packages MACKEREL—NEW CROP, 100 boxes SELECTED CREAM CHEESE, 20 tubs GILT EDGE BUTTER, 20 car loads FLOUR—Fresh Ground from oar Mills consisting of our own brands j “ Uncle Joe’s Choice,” “ Mag Hampton,” “ Golden Flake,” • “ Faultless,” “ Standard.’ A GRAND GIFT CONCERT!! WILL I!F. IIKLD AT M2AVENWOKTH, KAN DECEMBER 31st, 1873, FOR THE BENEFIT OF A JUVENILE REFORM SCHOOL, 40,000 Gifts, Principal Prize $100,000 I CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER :i bo furnished all complete, or simply tho litas, a* parties may desire. Pressa arranged for steam or water power when required. have TESTIMONIALS from many of the Largest and Best Planter* in Gemma (and^all the other Cotton States) using this Press, whoso names are ns -familiar a* household words. PJantors visiting Macon are eamestlv advised not to purchase a Cotton Press until thev A MIN L l H). Ki*i AND THOROUGHLY the *• ECLIPSE,’* nnd JUDGE FOR THEMSELVES, bond for DcacnpLVe Pamphlets containing testimonials and prices. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON. OA. Consisting of the superb piilatial residence of Si mon Abeles. Esq., unsurpassed as a prirate dwelling in the United States, being only a few blocks from the Conrt-house, surrounded by mag nificent grounds, orchards, gardeua and vine- yards. The building has been only recently com pleted with all modern improvements. PRIZE LIST. FOR DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect $10,000 each, 5,«o» “ 2A00 “ 1,000 “ $159,125 20.1HI0 20,000 20,000 10, 20, 25,000 J 20,000 I 20.000 1 15,000 I UM I 10.000 I MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY S R. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, 91.125 1,000 1,158 30,450 Rl.000 Prizes The title to the above real estate I perfect. . ■. I The liberal terms of*this scheme brings it with- ... the reach of all—the greatest opportunity e offered for the poor man to rise to wealth. PRICE OF TICKETS. Single Tickets, $2 50; Eleven Tickets, $25 V0; I J Fifty-six Tickets $125 00; One Hundred and Fif- I | teen Tickets, $250 00. The drawing will be made under the superin- I tendence of a committee appointed by the high- I | est officials in the State, duly sv ‘ •’ ' : * 1 * Wedefr competition In Flour. We bare a large stock of case goods and other j The highest officials both of city. ‘ * ~ h * * Merchants and others would do well to call on ns I State have not only endorsed Mr. Awlcs, but also MACON, GEORGIA. The stijieriority of this machine over all others intended^for same narews (including both the old Arriveit Milled’ Arrive at Eaton U \ r: , \\m r, Arrive at Savann Making porfec .. S: to v M . .11:04 V M ..12:52 A .V ■ctio n with train: Millcdp ille and En- Augusta. l'asscngers going over tonton Branch will tak< bus, Atlanta and Slacor and S:ivanuah. which connect daily at tier (Sandays exceplod) with tho Milledgeville Eaton too trains. An decant dremte car on nil night trains. THROUGH TICKETS TO ALE POINTS licluulnt the Central Bailrond Ticket Office Pulaski House, corner of Bull and Bryan atri Office open from 8 am to 1 r U anil from 3 p V. Tickets can also lie had at Depot Office. WI! Hill Oi july 8 tf SUMMER SCHEDULE. DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO AND FliOM Maeoi, BruHsirid, 5muah i Florida. OynCB Macon am> Brinswicx Railroad, Macon. (iiL. July 22.1873. O N and after M’etinesday. July 23d. Passenger Trains on this road will bo run as follows: I»AY rASSENUEK, DAILY, SUNDAYS KXCKPTKP FOB THK rUKSKNT. Lem Macon ! 8:30 a M Arrive at Jenup 0:45 P .u Arrive at Brunswick 10:15 r M Arrive nt Savannah 10:50 p m Amvo at Tallahassee n»-.i2 a m Arrive n't JaksnonUe 10:12 a m Leave Jacksonville, 2:40 p at Leave Thllalijunoe 2:10 r it Lotas Savannah 5:20 A M Leave llninswick 63)0 A M Leave JeMip &00 a m Arrive at Macon 8KX) A m ■Btaia from Savannahwill take the 4:30 r w train for Brunswick, and 5:2u a m train for Macon. UAWKINSVILLB ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY,* (SUNDAYS KXCEVTKD). Leave Macoo 3:50 r m Arrive at HawkiiwviDe 7:3o i* At Leave Hawkinsvillcr «‘»:3o a M Arrive at Macon 9:55 a m W. J. JARVIS. July30tf Master Transportation. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. SUPKR1NTKNDENT'S OFPICE Central Railroad. Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5. 1873. O N and after Sunday, July 6 th. Passenger Trains on this Road will rim ns follows: DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon „11K)0 a M «... 5:30 Arrive at Atlanta Ei-.Uf \ 1 ];■ iit:t Arrive at Macon.. . M M2 and “new fashion” Gin Gear) we GUARANTEE, OR ASK NO MON . Tins Power is shipped piece, as it were; requires no mechanic to put it up; sets on the ground; is attached in to :Jtiv |x>rti«Mi of the h«:ui.l i> iiiile|M*:ide!it <-f iL->r ”etc.: • I OF HOUSE (one or two story), or both the Power and <* i guaranteed I ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to Suo revolutions per lie used in ANY KIND i tho ground WITHOUT FUI.I.Y WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT. Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. Groceries not mentioned above, when visiting the city before purchasing elsewhere, dnoements. uv sworn to the faith- I ’ ~ n. 1 X we are prepared to offer in- | h ‘^'^ nil for tickets is m ,paralleled, and nil | ^ffijffiffiffira tlnnvi Remember, We Break No Packages. N. B.—Parties preferring the “old fashion” Gin Gear or “new fashion” ditto, with centre auppor i be accou«modated at very reasonable figures. R, FINDLAY’S SONS, ' FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON. GA ■epllfodla COLEMAN & NEWSOM, Macon, Goorgia. COLLINS & LITTLE, 5IACON. l A I once form AGENTS WANTED in all States, Cities | and Towns in the U. 8. and Canadas. Money should be sent by Registered Letter. P. J. Order or Express, with * u ‘ % tnU nt I purchaser in plain writing. . for circulars to the Maiuiger anti I’roprietor, and | STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, MANUFACTURERS OF m-rietor, MUON ABBltBS, Learau worth. Kansas. mi* 1*11 XUli’S SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS, ETC., ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS, MACON, GA. Dealers in all kinds of Orvm Tkiktt Yum At r ■* m liAin W»« »r»t P l',-Wa.«r K TVom l4<«. a ktx4u ; oH«c+ Th* fftmt «• dt.ntt-i L__. IRON & BRASS M ORES, Canal street, from 6th to «th, RICHMOND, - - - VA. WM. E. TANNER & CO., ENGINEERS. MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OFAI.L KINDS. f AXILLA, LEMON, ETC., tor Flavoring Ire Cream, Calcs and Pastry. With great care, by a new process, we extract from tlie true, select Fruits and Aromatics, each chanr*—Eitlc 11a- vyr, nnd.produc' yiarorinffs of rare excellence. Of irreal strength and perfect purity. No poisonous oils. Ecery Jlaror as represented. No dert it—each bottle full measure, liohUng oue-haf more than others purjiorting to hold same g~antiti/. Use them once, seiS use no other. The most delicate, delirious flavors ever made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STBSXiE & PEIGE, Dejiots. CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Mr. Frieds Or" Making Fonder. PATENT ANTI-FRICTION GIN GEAR I T BUNS TWENTY-FIVE PEB CENT. LIGHTEB than any other Gear made. It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loose. Every part bolted , to iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. MY PATENT Is the mode of construction of wheels suspended on Anti-Friction Balls, Extended Arm to carry the Pulley and Pinion Shafts. All persons using or making any part of my patent will be prosecuted to the ex tent of the law. I BUILD AND BEPAIB # fcf SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. !wpl<-;f M ALL KINDS MACHINERY % E* 3 e 4S j* u 11\ jtc % ^ ^akin ^ j&JHAIRON F.FABEL, LOUISIANA CANE SYRUP. [Trade mark regitered,] [ At » C*t tf $1 50 p«r Acrr, Broad cat, HOM tlie result* of tlie use of our Cotton and Com Fertilizer the part three seasons, and s experience with it last season tor Wheat, we ; induced to put up for sale our mixed chemi cal* for the Fall and Winter Crop*. The Corn- made up of the -time chemicals as our julBOtf BARRELS ON THIS IS NOW THE ONLY STAR AND TALLOW CANDLES, SOAPS, LARD OIL. •ence* Optical Manufar- 1 J J« iH N>T*>\. '>??>, T\ No 14 Wf ix.it 8trv«*l.l«ciwin Second. ‘ Th*- gnat demand for 1 Pure.New Orleans Syrup Now in Market! And none even to be had in New Orleans! WE WILL BELL. AT LOW PRICES. ROGERS & BONN. ■ amiffiraranrannraBBra { Cotton and Com Fertiliser, but in different pro- ] portions, aa winter crops will bear more stimu lating than those grown in summer. YT A F) The Compound Contains aH the - L-1 V ^ * Elements of Peruvian • Guano, And wiD, we think, prove as rapid a forcer as the ; bert srrane-. The wheat Crop is such an impor tant one to our country that we are anxious to have our planters use this Compound. It will be seen that i\ is even cheaper than Cotton Seed, arid is of great j<erman*-nt onprorement to the soil. These chemicals not only last one season, but we. know of instances in which they have been plainly perceptible on the Factory. Soa. 7A 75. 77. 79 and §1 Mavlcti Ohio aud Adams Stm t*. LOUISVILLE, KY. Paah paid /ur Tallow. Lmrd and Lrva«- aprSftdm alu.di l* protect' .1 bv American Jbciu ro : at. :. . cl*. 13 .Li. li * llOWAKI) Hul'ab. BKlI.U' rTRKET. Mui.u-..l«7 VI i IlulU U. nod Ik-pr.t. EI FA UL.4. A 2-A KAMA. J. W HOWARD. - - PnorxirroK Only a ihort walk tt> atnl from llir So»ilhw«-* GEORGE AY. AIK^D. EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, No. 4 Blake’s Block, ..... Poplar st., Macon, Ga. imv ljr THIRD CROP. The chemicals are all finely poherted and well mixed, haring been run throu^ii a line seire, and will readily permeate through the mass. If it is not tT-'nv*-iiFi;t to tet dry -table or let manure, you can use wluch have been leached, or dry muck or ri« h lean.. Sand should not l>e mixed with the chemicals. Whatever is used shoulu mtslerutelv dry. The chemicals are put up in mod tiirht barrels, well i-oopered, and thn.-e t'V Ixarrels hold SO** jsnxnds net weight. Th*- price is *25 50, d-!ivenrt in tiat Ma- con, hr thpounds of chemicals, cash. Sixty day tlrdts will (r- taker, as cash. Orders may be sent to u direct, or tbn>iu:h any of our agents. In our Fertilizer business w.* have associated withLN 1)R. F. R. HOLT, of Fort ViUn. Ga. ami i-arties can la* siir.phed w.ih bis tertihzeror they ma We can *,ppl. phate of Lir . c f soluble Phrs*- it .. i _ r w h, when comi-wfod with cotton Medand TtahJ- manure, makes a gcod manure at a oust of Ircm $10 * , 5 \» r D*n ».f lh«. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. Wbolesal'" Drug anti VlatvtF««-, 82 and *»4 Cherry street, Marun, Ga. sepfitf AT MY WORKS. I BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. STEAM, WATER AND GAS PIPES, AJ<D ALL THEIB FITTI.VGS FOR SALE. Call and see at my works, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. flSfr Send for Circulars. E. CROCKETT. 7:20 P M NIGIIT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon ^...11:10 r M Arrive nt Atlanta 6:50 A \t Loare Mluntu too a m Arrive at Macon 7:00 a m Making close connection at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Southwestern Railroad for Columbia and points in Southwestern (ieorgia. At Atlanta, with West ern and Allantip Railway for points West, julydtf (1. 1. FoREACRE. Snp’t. CHANGEOF SCHEDULE SUPERINTENDENT S OFFICE, Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, On-, July 4.1S73. O N and after Sunday, the 6th inst., PS—oaaer Trains on thU l»uad will run ua follows: DAY EUFirLA PASSENGER TRAIN. Iiesre Macon • * S:00a m Arrive at Eufaula 4:40 p m Arrive nt Clayton 0:20 P M “krnvo at Albany 2:45 p M Arrive at Arlington ti:0o I* M Arrive at Fort Gaines 4:40 p m Leave Clayton 7:20 a m Leave Eufaula 8:50 a m Leo re Fort Gaines 8:35 A m Leave Albany MUM Arrive at Macon 5:25 p m Connects villi the AHwny Train at Smithvillc, and tlie Fort Gaines Train at Cuthbert duily, ex cept Sunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic and Gulf Rail ratal Trains nt Allainy. uiul will run to Arlington on Dlukoly Kxteii.Mon Monday, Wednes day and Friday, rettimiug following days. COLUMJ1US DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon f. 10:55 P M Arrive at Columbus 4:00 a M Leave Columbus i:3o p m Arrive at Mnoon 7:8o p m EUFAULA NIGHT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Leave Macon 11:15 p X Arrive at Eufaula 12:10 P M Arrive at Albany 7:57 a m Leave Eufaula : 10:20 p m Leave Albany 8:30 p .U Arrive at Macon 11)40 a m T rains will .leave Macon and Eufaula on the schednle Sunday. Tuesday and Thurda, and c t at Smithvillc with A Hsu VIRGIL POWERS Engineer and Sujicriuterale julyOly CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OX J1ACOX'AX'1> AUGUSTA ItAlLROAD. Forty-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICE MACON AND AUGUSTA KAlI.no.Ui DAY tear DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). &la<xm 0:30 a ; at Augsuta... 1:15 P : Arri Arrive at Ma^on 8:15 p yf ftesengers leaving Macon nt C:50 a m make riorte ounnectioiw ut Camak with day passenger Railroad for Atlanta and all points West; also, for Augusta, with trains going North, and with trains for Charleston; aJ-o, foi huigton, and all stations on the Geor gia Railn>a4l. i - M :»».«! lwwisre <-h.-< K.-i to .,11 , oints North, both by rail and by steamships fron' S. K. JOHNSTON. Snp’L_ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE^ WESTERN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, Ut FlCB GL’.VEJCAL 1*AE5E>GLK .\<MST, Atlanta. Ga., July 10,1873 O N and after this ilate— lightning express New York, Eastern and Virginia Cities, ics 3‘ ae > i,by Mn.iVJi Western Rsil- nund.. OU ELLIS & 0UTTEE, PEOPEIETOES OF WHARF STREET FACTORY. MACON, GEORGIA. White and Yellow Pine Goods, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Etc.. an* complete, and we can fill order* Lt short notice aud at low prices. Our stock of lumber cannot h» excelled. We have 200000 feet of dry flooring, 200,000 feet dry ceiling, 100,000 feet weather b.«nl», and common Building Lumber, in any Quantity. fHireurpaof mechanin^ia complete. We can build, repair, and tit up storebonaes and dwelling with diapalch. We aolieit a gowl khare of patronage from our country fnenda. M e guarantee sati-s- factioa. AU we want»» a fair trial. Try ua and be convinced. J. E. ELLIS «t M. H. CLTTEB. Arrivtai. ........... Leave* a nta 4:00 P 2 Arrives:!. P,dt«m ..10:30 P M Arnvesai -Jiuttanooga L10 A M l*ullmwi l’hlaec Drawing-Room a,id Sl-y.-ping- «rs by tui* train from Atlanta to Lynchburg ana 11 intermediate points without change., ’aisengers leaving by this train arrive in New York the second afternoou, at 4:44 p m. over thir- tec*Ti hours curlier thuu poasengera by any otiu*r route can with safety reach New York,leaving the evening. DAY WESTERN EXPRESS. Leaves Macon at UdO p ^ Leaves Athnita at - 8; 30 a m Arrives at Chattanooga... - 4:3o_a* Close connection at Chattanooga for all i^inu Wert. „ „ . . Pullman Palace Cars on all night trams. For further particulrs oddnr july 11 tf POET EOYAL RAILROAD. Office of knoinee* and fici’RiiiNTflartMCT toad will ■ Will leave Augusts a Arrive at Port Boya] at Arrive at Charleston at Arrive at Savannah Will leave Port Royal at.. with the down f J, r l*nrt R.val MOORE. ‘ PLANTERS’ BANK, FOUT VALLEY, LA. T> KCEIV KS D -posit;., dlMwmts P»w r. burs an wlb. Fs. buiKe; sL.,,. and Sih. r. * follattiou. ma te at nil ucressibte p<,inis. Intenst paiil on Deposit, when uiatle fill s^ecitlial time. J. Asueuaos, Pres't. W. K. Brows.Canh'r AIRxctors \\m. J. Andersuti^B Col. l(u,h L. Denlyiptl Col. Will. Dr. \\ . A. Mslhews, Dr.M L.MtaolUnshea ilelstl