Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 03, 1873, Image 3

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH AND MESSENGER: FRIDAY MORIN JUNG, OCTOBER 3, 18 / 3 'thQrapll£4P essen 8 er >\ THE GREAT ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, FOR THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF KtYERAND aGUK OK CHILL FEVER. DUMB AGEE. cnnittont an I Bemittont Fevers, General Debility, Night Sweats etc., ami all (other forms of Diseases which have a common origin in Malaria or Miasma. LAWRENCE St WEICHSELB\UM Sale Proprietors »ii4 Wholesale Druggists, Savannah, f-'a. IRS, A WELL KNOWN TONIC. FOR THE FALL TRADE, 1873, can, a great quantity an 1 abushy tail that : waa wiuikH incati- : .t! offthetal ’ He 3 Cotton Avenue and 66 Third Street, SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE ARABIAN BITTK CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, SO CHANGE OF CARS BETWEEN AUGUS TA AND COLUMBUS. (PATEfTID SLAT 26, 1871.) ONE OF THE BEST SELECTED STOCKS OP GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE Georgia. Ckntrai. Railroad, Savannah* July1S7S. %N and after Sunday, the 6th inst.. Pnsser.ger via Central Railroad. its a. will run a* follows: SOUTH AND WEST. 1:00 P M 2:15 P M 11 :04 T M AND SHOES! AIM Ever offered by us in this market. [PATENTED FEBRUARY Children’s, Ge Youths’ Wear. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY probably bean diacorerd, the purpose of the dog - ,, retain ru apnedily trader- atood, and the anuff-box intraatod to him. with wMc’i ho made all haate to hia P*Cnw<dBk. tl>ca '7 it safely. He wan Mfttnetimue permitted to carry a walk* ing-atick or an umbrella, which evidently afforded him groat delight To cany an umbrella, especially, was an honor which he aecuiod to appreciate aa highly at any toaon-lieanir or usher of the White Rod can appn-.data the duty of hie office. To satiafy him in this particular. as it waa found that* good umbrella mu not im proved by being carried in his mouth, on old one waa given him for hia own espe cial benefit. On one occasion he made the mistake of taking the umbrella with him when he went for a swim in a lake, along the aide of which the read led. He happened to let it go while he waa in the water an^ it sank to tbo bottom, and, that part of the hike being shallow, hia swimming and diving stirred up so taiieh mud that bo could not find it again, and ho had to lie callod off. It was interest ing to see how shame-faced he waa when ho came home and the story of the um brella was told. He bore all reproaches meekly, hut hung hit head and let his tail droop. A woek or ten days after wards, however, he waa ordered to seek for and bring the iimliroHa, which mis sion he faithfully cicrnted, returning tri- *t Savannah I reave Macon for Atlanta'...' I-'«'»• Mitt-on !, r 1 uiaiil i lsoavc M noon for Columbus. Arrive at Atlanta GRISWOLD GIN R. FINDLAY’S SONS Arrive at Bnlinh .•l-by • All that f aak lathis; when ll»e Lcht mm* dim. « vonr fl rarer*’ loving kkm. (WITH LATEST IMPROVE MEETS.) Making ckwe «>nnt\-tion with trains its Atlanta ami Colmnlm*. SIGHT TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Ckyton . 7:£i Leave Columbus FOR 20 YEAES THE 1 ^ ‘ 1 A Standard of Excellence THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Com prisi nr all varieties and styles. from the heavy Imran to the moat delicate slipper, made to or der and of the best material. Country raerrh mt* will find It to th»*:r advantage to examine our stock, from which equally good seWti n- tan V made at :.ri<*> that will compare farorablj with those of the Northern cities. In the retail department, we have, at No. S Cotton avenue and 66 Third street, all the latest styles of Indus’. Gentlemen’s and Children’s Boots. Shoe*. Gaiter* and Slippers, finished in the moat elegant manner, and warranted durable, to all of which we would invite our friends and the public generally to rail and examine. i Pattern.’with theOsri] Lting «.r Water Box. FINDLAY IRON WORKS Arrive at Macon fro ^.layton. Arrive at Macon from Columbu Arrive at Macon from Atlanta.. OYER 750,000 IN USE, Leave Macon. liRCISIONS or TH* Supreme Court of Georjria, MACON, GEORGIA. FASTER, MORE DURABLE, LIGHTER DRAFT AND CHEAPER THAN OLD WOOD SCREW EVEN. RACKS THE BALE IN TWELVE ROUNDS. Le»\e Savannah Arrive at Mi lied Seville. Arrive at Augm-ta Arrive at S:n annuli Mukii:g jmrfivt count Augusta. l*a.s?vnger» ia»inc over t«Hiton Branch will take boa. At Lints and M:uvn and Savannah. which (Sundays excepted) wi Lutonton trains. An decant sleeping ca. ...... - THROUGH TU’KKTS TO Al.lt POINTS run be had at the Central Railroad Ticket Ollire at 1’tdaaki llt»u*e. iwikt of Bull and Biynn streets. Office open from s a m to 1 p m. and from 3 to p .M. Tickets can also 1** had at Depot Ollicc. WILLIAM ROGERS. july «tf General Superintendent. P. 0. SAWYER, Macon, Ga. .•tion with trains lc rOBBEKS OF- 11. K Ilvniol. administratrix, y <. O. F. ,tg, a Iminiatcatur. CgmpLunt, from ttHurrn, C. J.—On t’ui lil.t day of D„ ahv, l*i!7, thn plaintiff brought hi" t.,a> iigninxt the defendant in th>- ntyC art of Burntor. on a roeeipt for m l-.ua. of cotton, wuich the dufondant ... t» ret urn in liko quality and weight. ». |„ .;ii<l in the receipt, which on. <1 Kuh Noviuub- r, 1st'.). A trial wax xl n the County Court, and a verdict to ', ..I fur the plaintiff in the sura of • ■>,•. i n<l a jiu.guiiiit entered there- , o. Aft, r the ru!o[ton of the con titu t . it „ I ME, nboli.hing the Count! , i it. the record, and paper, apptrtvin- rngtiK-retp, wury tratufcired to the Sj- |-ri«r Co*\aBd at t-ie A >ril term, ISfifl. i •• Httrer i rtevt, a nrntf<vi w*. mu l< ; . n-w trial in the ca,,'. on the ground I ,t 1,-leu,lent', ooun wl Im I leave of ab- ,. . fmm t ie court, an 1 that the Coun- ,, fo nt wax alxduihed at the time aai.l verdict and judgment was rendered. „rt granted the new trial on the 1 : goaind, hoi,ling that the County »u itloliale-d in April. lHflK. xh:eh the plaintiff excepted, and l.ru.gl.t to,) M*' to thi* court. It ap- I a,, from tie* original hill of exeeption. tiiutcaa*. thut it was agreed that the i t in tlie County Court waarenilenxl . . tlx J 1 dll ilny of July, ININ, und that judgment waa entered thereon on the sjiof July, |MiH. Thi. court held and :.i*sl that the Constitution of 180 Mt into oj„ ration and took effect, on i gl.t day of July, Isfia. and that the i.'uunty Court was not aholLshwl prior to that ,uk', and reveres! the judgment of tlie court I elo*. I,olding that ox it i her ajipnuvd. from the statement of fact. in tux dulled exceptions, that the verilirt wm nndensi on the 20tli, before tlie . it a, iifxilislied, and the judgment , .t. rr.1 on the SJd, ufterthe eoun wax "li.hesl, that it was the duty of the n |. rior t.’oiirt to have on tore* I it jiulg- inl eii that verdict, unless some goo,! i xiittiaieiit ennxo Was sliown othei I I .a tlie ulxilixlnuent of the Count) t'on the 21st day of July. IS*Vs— 8. Fiater. «,lminii-t.rater, vs. Daniels. tin. ICs-p., .It*. When tlie case wax . i.ismitsi liaek to the court lw- nnd ls-foie the judgment wax ■ it, nsl on tin- verdict, the dor hi„isnt ummdisl hia motion fo- I II. trial, HO os to allow, from tils- i Mi,!, id tlie (',unity Court, that the *. n." t xas in fact rendered ill that court . i tl. tSd of July, after the court was , ■. ..-Ins:, and not on the 2llth, and that ..,i n| )>,'ur from the records of - t iiiurt. The defendsnt also siffered t • xd-tit ional affidavit of Price, going to that lie would prove that tlie plain- t.tl'v druanst Im,l lx*en paid. The court ,,1,'iruhsl the motion for a new trial, and I . defendant eieept.xl. Tlieiv wax no • r>ur in overruling the motion on the gi" unl ol the lsiave of ubsen*'e of the de- (. " unit x ismnxcl on the statement of ls*'ts ' "iif,i,inst in the rts»r,i. Tlie «U«- fs-ixhuit had lihsl no plea, and his counsel lino not marked his name to the isax, slid when it was culled neither the court or the tilaintilTs counsel knew Unit tin- def. niiatit had any counsel in Hint ones*, when the vi-rdiet was taken. The leave ef itl'ix nee <d eounsi'I by the -suirt cannot prujs'rly bs* sai*l to extend tsi *my other ■ n ies than those in which tie apjs'arx to lie counsel s*n the docket ■d tlie courts It is not the business or «tiity of * oiirts to protect Jxsrtii’s. or their counsel, from tho ermseqe. u.-o. which result from their osui n ytey uial. The fuel that Ilia veisllet »a **lit..n*don the 2t>th *>f July, r- t. I ■ 1 m tlie original lull of eiee| tiona xas evitief.tly a mis take. as ir i * Mioxnbytherecords of the t 'oiin \ Court, and the question is whether t«. , i< u*tant xose topiiedfrom showing me truth of the matter when tho judg- nrent of the want Is low was rover so*!. i*n*l Indore tlier** wns any judgment entered on tlie v.istictP In our judgment, he six net eoncluiled on tlie stats no nt of fn ts disclose*! by the nvord, and thnt the court below should have sot a-iiti the wr,bet and granted a i . w tr-al- WtrsD a judgment has barU '>.aw*iJ ell a statement of facts contained , of eu . j»tis* IT* * 1 s- : Mil might arise, but in this case the ju*'gm*i.t was ieirrr.il, an I the whole esse »». *.p* n for fuit i<>r investigation, and tli*- tu t.i uu ) bo shown. Lt ttio jtidg'mut o.' tho Court below Two to three Hands, or one Light Mule, Packs a Bale in 2 Minutes Bales o Cation pa. ted by tlus Press range from 500 to S00 pounds. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, SUMMER SCHEDULE, HAVE BEHOVED TO DAILY PASSENGER TRAIN TO ASH FROM Union, Brunswick. Savann.-th \ Florida. WE GUARANTEE umphant with tTo l *.t articlo in his month. There was nothin? in which he more delighted than to carry an egg. He never soemed to think oj an e?; as a thing to he "St-a : hut npjiarently hn<l a notion that it was' nwn* tHug valuable, nnd rnncVto b> prd^rrjd to a stone, which he would somet'mei pick up in hit Blake's Block, corner Third and Poplar Streets, IAKK GOOD. FREE OF COST (aji.l ray r R yS&P* ™ THE IRON WORK THAT MAY PBpVBjKFKGTIYE WTOIN WHJR^YKARS AFTER PURCHASE. AND W.VKtLVNT AGAINST BRKAKAt.h WITHOUT LIMIT AS TO TIME. ECLH’SE" cun he fwmwiwd all omipletc. or simply the Irons, ax parties may desire. l*ress.'> arnuiuesl tor steam or water lower when rciiuinU. hsm TWmtoyuM {**•*&« the jg. atwrcone»C«*ttoti Piw*untilthov EXAMINE CLOSE 1A •KCLIRSK.’* and JUDGE FOR THEMSEL\LS. bend lor Descniitiw Onncas Macox and Brunswick Railroad, Mamii, Ga., July 1S73. O N nml after IVMlnoMlav, July 2-1*!. l*a>sengw Trains on tliis mail will In* run .-.a follows: DAY PASSENGER, DAILY, 8UNDAYS IXCBPTXD FOB TTIK PRESENT. Wo beg lean? to call tho attention of the merchants of Georgia to our largt stock of Gro.'eriej and Provisions* which we offer to the trada THIS 6SN TOOK THREE PREMIUMS LAST YEAR. Tiirobolincr. *nd flinsf it. out of hi* mouth acrain very cnrolemly. Of an core he alway* took gr -at care. II» know wber.* the hen** nest^ were, and, at rotne o? them were easily accessible to him. he oocaiionaHy rivit.^l t'lero, and then might be »ecn walking slovly and proudly. w ; th IiOJivo Manm. other Cotton Statrs) usitijr this I*rm, whoae name* i visiting liana urc eamwtly advised not fcopurrhawi AND THOROUGHLY the “KCL1BSK.” and JUD( ramphlets containing testimonials and prirw*- Arrive at Jcsup. Arrive at Urutuvrick. hemiapharasparkles tha Selt2er Sprint. In every drur store in America you may obtain its equiva lent. put it in your pocket and carry it with you to tho wort I s end, if you choose. 7ARUANT** \fFERVESCEXT SELZrS APEKOOT is simplj tbo living fountain *.f health, in the form of a powder ntpnbh of twin* converted into a bubblinx, llnshin^r/oe simile of the liquid pro duct of nature in ono minute. Armed with this antidote, all climates and every atmospheric chmsc may be faced without fear. As a remedy in malariauli Lver*. stomach complaints, irregu larities of the bowels, nervous disorders, mental depression, headache, an overflow of bile, dropsi- • il ailments. nau*en and constipation, it has no ciual. Sold by nil dm-grists, Arrive at Savannah. Arrive itTrtabMfie... Arrive at Jaeksnovillo. Leave Jacksonville THE SAWYER ECLIPSE COTTON GIN with its impmv.Tnent* has won its way. upon its own merit*, to the very first rank of popular favor. It stand* to-day wmior? a competitor in all the points ami qualif ies durable or attainable in a PERFECT COTTON GIN. Our IVtrtabk* or Adju-taMeRoll Box places it in the power nl every pUnter to rexubtc tlu pickinr * # f the seed to suit himself. an.i is the only on»- R. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON, GA. Our stock consist: in part of Onm raaionablo tarrai ai any homo in t'ia Sta! Iasi vo Savannah Leavt 11 | head aloft, and an egg in hi* month. Tho aervant* toon I cornel to know from hi* demeanor when he had an egg. Tf ealltd upon liy them, he wa* not alwav* willing to give it np at once, but drew liaik. facing thorn, wagging hia toil, and look ing all delight. However, if they let him alone, he was satisfied with taking a abort promenade, nnd then •■ame and de posited the egg upon the kitchen floor, tie waa evidently quite affn're of tho dan ger of breaking it. laid it down on the Stone floor with great caution, and then aeented to take no further interest in it. but wax quite willingthat anyone aho-.ilil tike it away. We could give many in- atancca of hi* powera of reflection. 100,000 pound* BACON C. B. SIDES, 25,000 pounds BACON SHOULDERS. 50 boxci LONG CLEAR SIDES. 250 barrels REFINED SUGARS - ALL GRADES, 25 barrcL CRUSHED AND POWDERED SUGAR, 150 sack i RIO COFFEE, 25 sack, OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. 500 rolls BAGGING and 1,000 bundles ARROW TIES,' Arrive nt Mateo PtiMciraera from Savannah wiD take tho 4:S0 p m train for Brunswick, uml f>:_o a m train for Rincon. HAWKINSVII.LK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, DAILY, (SUNDAYS KXCKPTKD). CRAIG PATENT HORSE POWER Leave M: Arrive nt llaw kinst illc. Leave liiiwkin.svillc. B’OR DRIVING COTTON GINS. Recently Strengthened and Improved, now Perfect MANUFACTURED SOLELY Hff l. Findlay’s Sons, Findlay Iron Works, MACON, GEORGIA. Arrive at Macon. W.J.'JARVIS, Master Trmisport.'itiit july .SO tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE DB* a SPECIAL FLAVORINGS., SUPKltlM’liNDENT’S OFFICE Central Kailuoad, Atlanta Division, Atlanta, July 5,1&73. iX andafter Sunday, July 6tli, Passenger Trains ' un this Road will run ajifullows: DAY TASSENGKR TRAIN. i vc Macon 11:00 A M ‘ * 0:30AM 1:50 I* M 450 package3 3IACKEREL—NEW CROP. 100 boxes SELECTED CREAM CHEESE. 20 tuba GILT EDGE BUTTER, 20 car loads FLOUR—Freeh Ground from our Mill* Arrive at Atlanta. Arrive at Macon, consisting of our own brands The superiority <»f this machine over all others intended for same purpose rid “new fa>hion” Gin Gear) we GUARANTKB, OR ASK NO MONEY, t oe piece, as it were; requires no mechanic to put it up; sets on the ground; > anv portion of tlie house; and is intlepeiulujU of floor “sas^im?.” etc,; c.aii l» K ltOUSE (one or two step),oMioth^thf^lWer and Gin can licrunont NIGHT rASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Marti Uncle Joe’s Choice, Arrive at \tl:ui<a Will be delivered on lxaini the can at the follow- lag prim: Leave Atlanta 1^)0 a m Arrive at Macmi 7:00 A .v Alakiug close eoniicction at Macon with Central Railroad for Savannah and Augusta, and with Suuthwertwif Bail road for Columbus und lniints in Southwestern Gcoiyia, At Atlanta, with west ern and Atlantic Railway for I joints West, july il tf G. 1. FOREACRK. Snp’t. ANY HOUSE; drives a Gin from 275 to 900 revolutions per Golden Flake, Sixty Saws CHANGE OF SCHEDULE Faultless, Send for Descriptive Circular, Testimonials, and Price List. Eighty Saws. SUPERIXTKXDEXT’S OFF1CE, Southwestern Railroad Company, Macon, Ga., July 4,1873. kX and after Sunday, the 0th inst.. Passenger ‘ Trains on this Road will run m» follows: DAY EUFAULA TASSENGER TRAIN. 8:00 A M 4:10 P M ♦5:20 I* M 146 P M ♦MX) P M 4:40 I* M 7:20 A M To prevent delay, orders and old gins should be sent immediately. Time given to responsible parties. Standard. fAXILLA, LESION, ETC., For FIzvoriDg Iro Cream, Cakes and Taslry. We have a large xtoek of ease goods oml other Merchants an l others would do well to call on us are prepared to offer in- Wedefy competition in Flour. Groceries not mentioned above. Id when visiting the city before purchasing elsewhere, ducementa. Remember, We Break No Packages. COLEMAN &• NEWSOM', Macon, Georgia. fushioic” ditto, with centre suppor N. B.—Parties preferring the “old fashion” Gin Gear or can be accommodated at very reasonable llgurea. With great cure, by a new process, B. FINDLAY’S SONS, FINDLAY IRON WORKS. MACON, GA wc extract from tlie true, select Fruiti nnd Aromatics, each chamC—istic fla- m^mmmm^yUuoringt tf rare Arriveut Kutmla. Arrive at CtajtM. Arrive at Ale.m rjr, and produe- i excellence. Of great strength and perfect purity, j.Vo poutmaue oils. Ertry Jlutor as represented. Jfo deceit—each Mtle fuli measure, holding one-htdf more than others purporting to hold same q. antity. Use them once, trill use no other. The most dedicate, delieums Jtarors erer made. So superior to the cheap extracts. Ask for Dr. Price’s Special Flavorings. Manu factured only by STEELE & PEICE, Depots, CHICAGO and ST. LOUIS. • Manufacturers of Dr. Price's Or""* Baking Poieder. Arrive nt Arlington. Fort Gaines. VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS! Leave Clay tor MANUFACTURERS OP STEAM ENGINES, BOILES, SAW & GRIST MILLS, WATER WHEELS, AND ALD KINDS OF MACHINERY AND CASTINGS. ETC.. ETC. R. FINDLAY’S SO*», juliTeodly FINDLAY IRON WORKS. 41 AI ON. GA. Leavo Uutaula. seplleodlm Leavo Fort Gaines. 8:35 A it 10:33 A M 5 P M Connoets with tlie AUxtny Train at Sinithville, and the Fort Gainci> Train at Cuihbert daily, ex- cejit Sunday. Albany Train connects daily with Atlantic nml Gulf Railruad Trains at Altwny, and will run to Arlington on Blakely Kxtcnaioti Monday, Wednes day and Friday, returning following dai s. COLUMBUS DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. P M Leave Albany Are fumibhed from various rertions of the cotton growing State*-, of th.* rhararter following: lA r*r <iKOTK.GA., October 30.1S72. Mr. P. r >: t wi Kg. Macon. Gm.: Ik*4r Sir— Kudosed find draft on Griffin Banking lor gl5|). ss^^vment for our gin, with Youra truly. *11. DICKIX A SOX. rive at Columbus. CtJumbus. The above letter enclosed the following tcatimo- Arrive at Macon. BtJflTU NIOnT FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. RarMiQT BlTTEt^. Leave Mneo Arrive nt Bufaida. Arrive at Albany.. Dealers in Arrive at JJaron I0A0A M Trains will leave Macon and Kufaula on the schedule Sunday. Tuesday and Thurday nights, and conned at bmithwlle with Albany trains. VIBGIL .POWERS. julyflly Engineer and .SuixainD-ndent. I rURULY A VEGETABLE PREPARATION, comp<is^isimply el wefl-knomn ROOTS, ‘R BS a:»d FRUITS,* i::W»r l with other p^rtlee. which fnthrir natnro sra tathartic. pr**p^nlej*. which In tin .r nature t_ —. Apenent, Nutritious. Pinrrtie, Alterative and Antl-B lion*. Tbs whole hi preserved in a suffl- eirnt quantity of spirit from the SUGAR ( A \ K to keep them in any climate, which makes tho „ CHANGE OF SCHEDULE os MACON AXD AUGUSTA RAILROAD. Fcity-one Miles Saved in Distance OFFICI? MAC6X AXD AUGUSTA RAILROAD u Macon, May 18.1873. •Iter Sunday. May IS), lh72. nnd until notice, the trains on this Road will T RUNS TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. LIGHTER than any other Goar made. It is made without a mortise, tenon, or a key to work loo^e. Every part bolted iron. Over twenty in use. All have proven good. [Trade mark regitcred.J O X and i' further i runs a follow: DAY TRAIN- Lcavo Macon... .... Arrive at Augsuta. At a C*st *f 50 pfr Afff, Broadcast, one of the mort dxrintil. Tonic, and Cl thartlr. m Use irorU. Ttssj ere tntead< strictly a* a DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). we got from you. we are pleswd to *ay, nueti uu fullest exportation*, and dues all you promi*otiu shouM do. We have ginned one hundred unl six teen hales on it. and it has merer chAtd nor bro ken the rolt. It picks the m>I clean ami make* •ond tint. We bare had roemderahh experience with various kinds of cotton trins, and rap. with safety, say yours is the be>t wuntoj ever sc *n run. THOMAS Hi N)Ks. ELIJAH LINGO. F ROM the results of the use of our Cotton an-1 Com Fertiliser tab Bast three sea.<ons and ;he exiierivncc m ith it Lust vjas*m for Wheat, we ire induced to nut up for sale our mixed chemi- •als for tho Fall and Winter Crops. Tho Com pound is made up of the same chemicals as our .ottou and Corn Fertilizer, hut in different, pro portions, as winter crop* will boar more stiinu- ating than those grown in summer. Leave Augusta. Arrive at Macon. Passengers leaving Macon at <k30 a : clos.5 ootiimcthm* at t amuk with day pn trains on Ge»»rgia Rail.nxad for Atlanta pointa West; also, for Au.TUita, with Iran North, and with trains for Charleston; « Athens. Washington, and all stations on tl gia Railroail. . , Tickets sold and luggage check«I to nl North. l>oth by nul and by KtWBibij C bar io ton. _ V a tr IAUVCT1W * tnith, W. A. Hjvkiai. for plain* r;\'r. lating than those grown The Compound Contains all the Elements - of Peruvian Guano, Anil rail ms think, prove as nipi 1 a forcer’as the best granes. The \S heat Crop is such an impor tant one to our country that we are anxious to have our planters u«» • this Cuini«onn i. It will be Tool and Sobumf t. Forocloiun* ot’ n*e«l Grivrol t>, Mawy*. an-l T.vlor'ii Giro*, .ltd tint he i* now retnin. . D. Fr.it Gin in Lee muntv. Gi,tnd .n Eirl • and , Car* vr Gin in Ar- kanm*.aii‘l a " Sawver Eclipv Gin " in R hiiv, Ga- ■nd rv.-M*l, the H«t named .« -rrxniOK to nnv ct Ibeothjn. It pirk« tvsiib »al clsa>e» than ,n.r other rin with which be i« arquaiiitcM. 11 • «v> he h» rinn-d eight,-«i tat), with it without breakin: the roll. Warn in, C. J.—Tlii. wai a pro.vedin^ i the part ot the plaintiff apkin-it tho f- ndant to onfaroo a nu roliant'e U* n. i.ivT the provi-ionv of lFJTlh roetion o: le code. The lien of the plaintiff* ", ■ milled on an in-trument executed bj I,* *lei<tB.Lukt i.*i iai: ':C~ ea Uia ifrowini: op. plc*l,-in£ the aame for the payment two dntlt-'* drawn by the defendant pen the jilaintiAe for mlraneo* made l*y in to hiui. Tho alHdavit of the plaic- . itre hain)* the lien utatje that the i- niUnt U iu lehted to them in the aum >.-0'. I., lor atipplie*. furniehed him to ak'- a crop for tne year* 1*70 and 1*71. it dooa not .tate that the -let'epdqnt wue "i-litrel to them ior provUiona or com- -'reial manurve funu u,-l him by agree CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, X BUILD AND REPAIR WKSTKBN AXD ATLANTIC RAILROAD CO, Office General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Gx. July 10.1873 O X and after this date— ueanisa express For Xcw York. Uastern and Virginia Cities, l>uvtK J ac> i, by Macon a W katem Ibid* plainly peruCDtible on the January 2«\ 1*T\ Mr. P. C. Sawyer. Mnron. (in—D.wr Sir—The I Cotton Gin you repaired toe me. with your im- j provel box. rives perfect sau-fsetion, and I take I rrn rr wt plMuure in reeutSmenilinr your riro to thepnblie. \V. O'DANlXiL M. I). I Arnvt-.s; t WtD coofjere<l. hull 800 pfsjirdx n*.*f weirht. STAR AND TALLOW York the fccrand after ,uwf* hours earlier tru sroute can with safety ,i-iiine evening. DAY t Lx'aves 3facon at— Laaives Atlanta at rer?iv»'Sat Chstt—nog*. ■flfw connection nt ( VoHt. Puilinan I’alfio*; Cars c J-’ur further ijarticulra The price is <25 30, delivered in the con, ?•*" the 800jK»unds of chemicah SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS, BRASS AXD IRON CASTINGS 31ADE TO ORDER ^^ Sixty, cash. Orders may be » a duTulgvit »n«i btat*sl •in. amon^ct other things. . that affidavit RU4*1« .y uw plainti’S- iu\vl«».*e the lion, waa made more twelve months after tho same be- 1 duo, and that th« execution was under tho law. On the trial of 'the in the Superior Court, when the -ulb offad in evidence the lien fi fa the levy thoivon upon tho defend- property. the d«*fondant* objected •to un the ground that the fi fa and .vdings to fonvloee the lien wexv ; whereupon the court tUf Cll replMi direct, throu.-h any of our agents. rESTERN EXPRES8. sent. - — . In Ctur Fertihif-r bu<«iii«-M we have associated villi us DK. P. R. HOLT, of Fort Valley, Ga., CANDLES, SOAPS, STEAM, WATER AND and purtiL-a ran L* supplied with his Fertilizer or curs, as they may desire. Wo can supply a good article of soluble Pho* phate of Lime which, when composted with cotton *--e.l and *ui»I • manure, makes a gnorl manure at u cost uf from ^10 to *13 |**r umi of 2.600 lbs. HUNT, RANKIN A LAMAR. Wholesale Drug and i Wurehotw . 82 and 84 Cherry *troet, iliu-oo, Gn. all night trains. Idraeas B. W. WRKXX, AND ALL THEIR FITTINGS FOR S^VLE. Gall and see at my works, Fourth street, near the Brown House, Macon, Ga. IS° Send for Circulars. POBT ROYAL RAILROAD, XfWM Childr. Nlriurm £ Oa. af Ath-B. Go. writ.: “All thr *.WT*TG™.kilM u, .rr -'lunw naii-firtion. W« will b. aMe to kH . nnmbor of xhhrD Ofea No M Wom M- METROPOLITAN •OFPICE OF ENOINKKk AXD SUPERINTENDENT, Augusta. Ga.. June 28. Is73. > V and after Mondav, June 30, tram* on this JLotid will run us followa: XOrii DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. r jr r> «vf ^luzimta at ; A M »• • St v 5 ELLIS & CUTTEE, at Charleston at LOUISVILLE, KY UP DAY' PASSENGER TEA IN. HI Heave Port Royal at. L« awe Charleston at... I> we Savannah at Ai ri»e at Augusta at... DOHTT NIGUT W E 3ea\e Augusta nt Ar rite at Port Royal a xr ive at Charleston »t Vr nte at Savannah at UP NIGUT Pi Wi 11 leave Port R yal « ive < Thariosti»n at ... L,T ivt* Savunnali at ...^ Ar« iw at Atgustant PROPRIETORS OF i. latha Lw*t it to create a li on of the Code, vd w bUfunbasl p* of farmers, his affidavit thi IRON & BRASS WORKS. THIS IS NOW THE ONLY >ER TRAIN. COMMISSION HOUSE R. M. WATERS & CO., Canal Street, front 6th to 7th, Market! Pure Xew Orleans Syrup Yow TRAIN. And none even to be had in New Orleans. WM. E. TANKER & CO., ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS. ENGINES OF ALL KINDS. GINS REPAIRED PROMPTLY ke pleasure in announrinr to our friends belter prepared to serve the public than ju-GD by che 6:30 a m in Kailntad,arrive at Augu •fvinneetion with the dov n thi* ne»<t for Port Rov JAMES O. MOORE, * wr and Superintendent. White and Yellow Pine Goods, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Brackets, Monldings, Etc. Cotton Commission Merchants. Hu,, nod a-ilnann. t. t.-r .1 riri.'i- «»*nger ROGERS & BONN. PLANTERS’ SANE, an- complete, and we cdn fill orders at *iiort notice arxl at low nricca. Our stock of Inmbur cannot-' be exceltei. We have 200.000 foet of drj' flooring, iOOfidO feet dry ceiling, 100,000 feet weath- r boards, aisl cfmius >n Building Lumber, in any Quantity. fh»r corps of RKwhanina with dispatch. W'e anlirit LhcUud. All we want is a 1 KETCHUM Jt HARTRIDGE, i BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. l:\rhanwr Buliainw. Januah. Ca. Bru»h FORT TALLEY, GA. 7E1VES Dr-poaiU, di vounts Pai»?r, buys and -11s Exchange; also. Gold nnd Silver. v-tiouK lrnule at all doceasibfc ix.irit *. vst paid on Deposits when mmle for a 4 time. . Indkrson, Pres’t. W. E. Brown. Cash’r DIRECTORS ^ * Vnderson, Pol. Hugh I- D»*nnard ni Felton. I>r. W. A. Mathew*. D f.M L. H. HoUiushe* delWf . Uiaakc viinps Ltfi-lavit K- 1«AW. WHOLESALE TOBACCO DEALER, AND CIGAR MANUFACTURER, ml dwefitnc inuitee *uL.j| National Bark. Baltim. n M >|. \| Ier First National Bank Ptilaaclph. marts rin A iioilia and Alien P. C. SAWYER. ■ for ikdciiikuau. sevtl4eod2m SELTZER