Daily telegraph and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 1873-1873, October 08, 1873, Image 1

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I Mil py Clisby, Jones & Keese. MACON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY SfOEXING, OCTOBER 8, 1873. NUMBER 6,740 m M | t r TELEGRAPH AMD MESSENGER r. riT mm in«—Monday*, tiny***- * w Tpir<T»f«h Building. comer ot Cherry and 1 i juitT fkibarription TEX DOLLARS ^ r f|TI DOLLARS flor »ii month*. TWO mX** nrrr thB ' c ,mg DOLLAR per month tor » aimer l nli eft iowflla one dollar jrr equate , Ira. for drat pabliration, and lift, I nlarqanit iaaritkina. Liberal nan. r T»U'.«»r* iW Haanon repmmu j Ihr oMart n.w.papee* in thi, nation and lor mmny jmrs haa fumubod tbs .im-eat-that latter aropaol Ooonria. Ala- aad Honda l*adii* at thia punt, pa «*y »> atanau aaer? intellennt bu ud plarr at l>uainua in that section. Aa medium io that r»n*c of cucnlry fritA3flcv;cti(\cr I.H\i>U\Y. OCTOBER R im The .Mcrccr Hoys. Aa far aa no can judge from frequent o ounlor. on Cotton Avenue, (the thor- .jiilare U> tonn from the Uni rend tj) pta tlieat y»ung gentlemen, they arc r. .l-gmnu, ruildjr, liamlaome net, aome of »is with .jilendid bennta and broad »V toiler. they realiae fully that the yttnj (.'gotten by the war, entaiia new ij»uooa and duties upon them. They U) -J'-r have polar famstias, or the gov- .-.-nor, aa he ia aometimee irreverently ail<d, to fill their purses with apending and fall hank upon for a aupport, dvr aoluig yean of their precious ex . iuko in iillenees and diaaipation, whilat i w .dly purauing a collegiate oourae. • ia too contnuy, with a vast majority, u« -ban Will compote their entire atock is uwle when beginning the real battle : iifa lienee the taak of atoring their ..ill With uaeful knowledge, and maa- :.r.uj Uio abwtruae problems of acienee, , du holiday work, but a queation of vital D;»rliuuw, involving the support and . oum iu life of the student. To thi. iou, in |-art. may be awribed the in M«ii industry und auperior progruee of d. .inlurgnutuatee of our mititotiomi, act the war. They cannot afford to bt or. and are charged with grave dutiee ,D‘l ie»|«in.iliilitiea. aometimea involving maintenance of aged parenta and ,ri|4«w brother* and aiatera, which they , fur arait dreamed of in palmy anfa bet- da* time*. One institution in Hacon, too, will re- j.cr at the reopening of Merocr. We mi ,1. to the atreet oars, which are now niUiilly filled with merry atudenta ■■ end tu and from the city. Mr. Grier 4. tu]iremely liappy, and will coho aa idly even iu the young Miaaea of the IVnleyan Nunnery, the cordial welcome which all extend to the gallant youtha of tnu Umreraity. A New Reading for Sliiikspcnrc. At a 1! ulicul Convention in Alexandria, .rjuiia, hut week to nominate eandi- tie, fur tile Legislature, a atatement w« wade that a negro named John Sea- i had $500 with which to buy up the "Mention. Thia kicked up a trrraen liuhlieiy, during the progreaa of which a M-ulhiwag nameil IletHehlower ui..l Stolon what Sluikwpoaru auid to .i' ll Seaton replied: "That I ruther a tool and feud on d. mud oh de lunks .le Miediwippi than to bo kicked to <l«lh hr such a jaekaea aa you." The n. u and Kvtluvn “rix" up and howled ■ ith euch tremendous joy over thoir auapiea'a retort, that the meeting came fcwr h.-ing broken up. At Fiiiruv, CoioMDh, roeently, N.- n. Graves and Walker were indulg- i«V m a little game of poker, ltefore the ' draw" Mr. Uruvea held a "king full” »ad Mr. Walker rejoiced in three aoea, hot after that interesting ceremony Walker exhibited four aoaa and claimed thetakea, whereupon Grnvea drew a aix- itkotur und reckoned his hand waa the left• Walker immediately supplemented hi* four aoea with a bowie-knife, and the dbpute was settled to the ]>erfect aatis- fa tarn of t# outrider*. There waa sough in the "spot” to purchase two •aadaome eotfina. and next day both gen ii. n took up permanent residences, 1.' by side, in the beautiful cemetery at reflects so much credit npon Fair- V scHooL-noT’s tootheache generallr ‘ ’lameneea at eight A. a., roaches its Lighrat altitude at a quarter to nind! * ben the pain ia intenae to an extmordi- “7 degroc; commonoea to aubside at and after that diaappeara with a ee l-toy lhat must be very comforting to - sufferer. If at night that boy hasn't M four quarts of walnuts spread oat to by up stun, it is because there ia no laea up stains to do it.—Danbury Natrs. Tut Cedar Bapida (Iowa) Republican »r* of the hanking system i - The prea- ■nt Iwuiking system assumes to deter mine arbitrarily the exact amount of cur- . ncy that shall be thrown into cireula- wn. and creates a monopoly ot banking, lie: lently the next Congress will have to i.wl with as important questions a* have earn before the country sinoe the days < the rebellion.” Tlic Way to Meet Tight Times. When little money ia afloat the people ought to make it do doable duty. Let it spin from hand to hand with double ve locity. The old proverb says that «* a nimble sixpence is better than a alow shillingbut it is a good deal better than that. A dollar passing rapidly from hand to hand in the payment of debts, may settle twenty dollars of in debtedness in the oourae of a day,' while a thousand dollars lacked up win not pay a cent, nor do anything at all to ward* loosening “tight rimes." Now it ia the first and nniver-.il in stinct to board and lay by whenever the cry of ”tight rimes" ia rained. People become timid and very distrustful of the future, and some perhaps want to use a hoard to profit on the necessities of their neighbor*. But it ia a poor and short sighted buxines*. It ia stupid and selfish to withhold the payment of just debts, simply because money is very scarce and you may need it for some other purpose. That proceeding aggravates, if, in fact it does not mate the scarcity. Pay freely m far as you can and you will find the current of circnlation will soon bring it round to you again with vastly in creased benefit. Very little money is necessary if it be only kept in active circulation. The grand point is to keep it moving,- and all this panic and stringency, from New York to Macon, is due almost simply and solely to locking up tho money in big and little boards, which are each and every one of them useless to the great purposes of an active and satisfactory trade. This passion for boarding is a kako- dai monos—an evil devil—which gets into the people and makes them cut their own throats, in a foolish and misdirected ef fort to benefit themselves, as a swimming pig ia said to do. It finds its parallel in tho traditional conduct of sailors on a wracked ship, who go about crying “ev ery man for himself,” and in destroying vessel and cargo, secure their own certain destruction by lawless tumult and insub ordination. Return to composure—pay up as promptly as you can—scatter your boards—exercise some manly confidence and be sure that you will reap your re ward in tho general restoration of trade and comparative pecuniary case. APPEAL FROM MEMPHIS! Appalling Mortality! We are indebted to Rev. Dr. Kennedy, editor of the Southern Christian Advo cate, for the following dispatth from Memphis, and the introductory commu nication which precedes it. The dispatch reveals a most distressing condition of affairs, and we trust the appeal for aid will be promptly responded to—not only by the Methodist connection to which ft is ai^iressod, bnt by every other Christian communion and the whole body of the people at large. We will receive, ac knowledge and properly apply any dona tions that may be sent to or left with us to aid these afflicted people. Dr. Kenne dy or J. W. Burke A Co. will do the same, and so, we doubt not, will any ocher bus-* iaeas house in Macon. But there ought to be committees to solicit subscriptions, and we think it would be well to take up collections for the same object in every Macon church nest Sunday: Editors Telegraph and Messenger: Gvytlkhxx: The accompanying dis patch has just reached me, and as your ionrnal furnishes sup**rior advantages for promptly making public the informa tion and appeal contained init, I respect- folly ask its insertion in your issue of to morrow morning. The’ information is apalling, and the appeal I fcul sure will secure a generous response from the peo ple of Mason. Any amount left with J. W. Burke & Co. will be promptly for- wordud. according to the directions given in the dispatch. Respectfully, F. M. Kexxeot. The Prospects for a Grand State Exposition Cheering. The following letter will speak for it self. It will bMe«n that in addition to the blooded i be seen that stock alraad^ i Memphis. Te.vs., October 6. To the Her. Dr. Kennedy, Editor off South ern Christian Advocate: The yellow fever grows worse and worse in onr city, seven hundred and more deaths to date—seventy-one burials yesterday. The sick poor and their fain- ties arc in great want and distress. Other cities and towns are responding nobly to nils for help, but much* assistance will lio necessary for several weeks. Do call upon brethren and friends throughout the church, both as congregations and individuals, to render assistance. Send contributions to Major J. J. Busby, chairman of the Citixens’ Executive Com mittee. or to R. W. Blew A Co., pub lishers of the Western Methodist; or \V. C. Johnson, editor of the Western Meth odist ; Rev. E. C. Slater, pastor of the , ir i Vei»_i » Fir.t Methodist Church; or Gilford Jones, pastor of Fernando Street Church. S. B. Suratt, Pastor of Central Church. A I An; ent. Andy Johnson ho Loaxa. —Speaking I the report that ex-Prysident Johnson at sixty thousand dollars by the explo- wu of the First National Bank of Wash •njtou. the Knoxville Chronicle is happy > state that it is without any foundation > fact, and that Mr. Johnson loses noth- “U at all by the failure of that bank. Da. Buowh-Ssocabd, who is a first- <**>• authority, say* that be haa seen fif- ''» cases where drawing on the groat :*h*s had a serious effect upon the ‘an. We con now understand that tho »tal aberAttions of several of our cal- d friend* are caused by corns.—St. Democrat. " tt-Eta Couxa baa selected his most • atuatict story, ” Tne Dream-Woman, a *■! r»teiy," and re-written it for hisAmer- reading tour. Hi* agtnts have ro- teloTer 1.5000 applications for Mr. ll »ns' appearance. Fax New York courts rule that when a ■ •* fifty years old. a church member, ' tod kisses a maiden of forty, such tiuct may be considered a promise of .-riagj. X. B.—The rule does not ap- > young people. -The mercury in Yhie- A Coin S.ssr ~r about sunrise Tuesday morning in- ■ ated 42 plus, and botno «ay frost was ’•kb oa low This was doubtful, as the weather was dry and •**dj. * slack bass was reoeutly caught in D-Jawa**, neer Easton, which was aaki to hold thirteen hook* in its mouth, * * s* many fragments of lines at* artied to them. *' Kansas a widow married a young ^“* e wly in the spring, just at planting '** ta d turned the young man f h mx- .md home. Anotlicr Parlor Concert. Mrs. S. Boykin, the gifted organist and proficient on the piano forte, has consented to gire another of her inimitable concerts in behalf of the parsonage of the Presby terian Church. Thia beautiful edifice has been completed, and is now ready to be occupied by the beloved pastor for whom it was designed. But some unset tled bills still require to be liquidated, and the noble ladies of the congregation are resolved that not one incumbrance shall bxng over the home of their min ister. It is to raise the funds required for this laudable purpose, that Mrs. Boykin, at the coat of considerable personal sacrifice of time and trouble, haa consented to chaperon.and direct another of her churn ing parlor concerts. She will be assisted by aome of the best amateur talent in the State. Those who sat entranced under the delicious render ing of “ Watchman, tell os of the night,” on last Sabbath, at the dose of Dr. Bat tle’s great discourse' in the f*re»byteri*n Church, when a pin might have been heard to fall, will realize the powers of some of the select few who win occupy places in her programme. Let it be re membered. that although charity ia the object of the concert, and a small chafge to be devoted to a pious purpose will be made as the price of admission, yet those who attend will obtain in enjoyment and pleasure far more than the worth of their money. Never, in our experience of simi lar entertainments in Macon, whether professional or otherwise, have we wen more charmed and delighted than with the parlor concerts of Mrs. Boykin. Doe notice will be given to the pub lic, ofjthe evening set aside for her mu sical soiree. Compulsory Education article favoring compulsory educa tion appeared in our load columns Tester. Sfcy morning which does not meet our approbation. It was not written liy our city editor, and should not have appeared as an editorial, but as a communication, for whiah tee writer was sololy responsi ble. There are more than enough inter ference already in thia “land of the free” with private right! and individual lib erty. and while we faTor general educa tion, we do not and never shall endorse a policy that proposes to ilirade a man's home, and after putting to him a series of intermeddling questions coolly marches his children to school without the least regard to his wishes or actual need for their services. This eompulsoty educa tion business thrives nowhere except on despotic soil, and it is only that section of the HO-called party of "progress” in this country that would make our own land another Prussia, with Grunt dr some other chosen leader us Emperor, that ore clamoring for it. The writer of the com munication docs not belong to that or any other section of the Radical* party, but he has unintentionally, perhaps, planted himself on their ground so fur as this IIow Much Wc Were Hurt. The readers of the TsLEaiuru and Mxssxhoeb know full well, that it ia not given to boasting; that we do not claim to have the biggest circulation in the country, and to bo the only embodiment of enterprise and progress in the news paper line in Georgia We have never established editorial bureaus in Angusta Atlanta or any where else, content to discharge our duty in our own bailiwick, and confident that a discriminating pub lic would judge us according to our own deaorta But the persistent efforts of others to occupy our territory, and their monstrous assertion* of auperior patron age even in Southwest Georgia to the old Tsleubath, which for a half century has been a household word in that section the State, impel tta to make a brief statement of facts, which tho hooks on our table will substantiate tooll whocare inquire. During that preposterous epoch of newspaper enterprise known as the " on gine period,” when twp belligerent jour nals, weakonod and exhausted by inter necine warfare with each other, hoped l>y coup de main, which should vanquish railroad schedules and Uncle Sam’s nuition u eoaeern^l. service, and even absorb the territory offs. --X- an unoffending contemporary, to mtah- lisli their own supremacy forever, what waa the effect upon the old fogie Tele. a aim, as they chose to term us ? During tho brief aareer of those puf fing, snorting, tailless locomotives, which ent bowling along through the country with their load of gas and emptiness, the TeleoraI'H received in actual rash ten per cent, more of subscriptions than it did tli previous year, without the assistance of these extra machines, obtaiued from Mr. Wadley at the ringing figure of $2,000 per month apiece. This proves that though buncombe may be admired and applauded, and, as the present instance, occasionally laughed at, it don't always joy. Now, we have net a word of disparage ment to ntter against our brethren of the Atlanta press. We shall not assert that hare a bigger circulation in Decatur J< aosboro than they. Tliat we can or to tbe tastes of their own city bet- than the journals located there. Tliat bare more enterprise; and in short are the best paper in creation, not except ing tbe Herald and other New York rivals. On the oontraxy, we cheerfully concede to our contemporaries respecta ble abilities, admit tliat they print cred itable papers and pronounce them clever fellows. But wo ritnply wish, to place onrselves rectus ia curia" with our readers and patrons. The old Txusuni owes no body any thing but good will, and never waa better patronised or more firmly en trenched in its position than at pros- the Fair Grounds, a large number were expected yesterday from Marietta More over, from all ports of the State and Union, we haTe the assurance that the display of horses, cattle, swine, sheep and poultry, will be unexampled at the Skate exhibition on the 27th iost- At a moderate estimate, not less than one ©mbxuciajj ty knowjxtotlis firmer apd naturalist. grace _ti* puot/b 9- r the as»0ia&& The late panic, already numbered with the things that were, we are assured will ia no wise affect the prospects of the Fair. Georgia will show on that occa sion how for removed Bhe is from a col lapse, and bod munificently and bounte ous God has rewarded the industry and skill of her sons. * We shall have a Fair Mayor IF. A. Huff, Macon, Ga.: Dear Sta; I have eight trotting, running and pacing horses, and a friend four trotting horses, oil of winch I am going to -hip to-morrow (Tuesday) uftornoon. Will you please ask Captain Anderson to have saw dust put in the stables before the horses arrive. I do not think that the money stringency has affected the prospect of success at our fair one particle in this section. Wo will give, you all the help we can. Yodrs truly. - M. G. Whitlock. \ know exactly 1 * ' .idea in runnini " 'l* 5 ** r position to si rcster- 1 . Last Week's Cotton Figures. The total cotton receipts for the seven •lays ending Frhlry night, were 52,676 bales against 40,tl2U hales last week, 23-, 673 the previous week and 13,005 boles three weeks since, making the total re ceipts sinoe the first of September, 1873, 137,059 bales against 230,155 bales for the same period of 1872, showing a decrease since September 1,1873, of 93,096 bales. The receipts at the interior ports, dur ing tho 'sumo time, were 15,226 hales, against 22,017 last your. The shipments were 6,155 against 19,232, and tbe stocks footed up 29,763 against 17,951 last year. The Chronicle’s visible supply table shows 1,739.662 bales, against 2,032,599 lost year and 1,825,821 the year before— showing a deficit of 292,937 bales, 4 as compared with last year’s stock. The weather during the week was gen erally favorable to picking, although rain is noticed in ail tbe Cotton States. At Galveston it rained four days, and in Now Orleans showery weather prevailed for the same length or time. At Vicksburg there were throe days of severe rain— the first for a month, and at Memphis there were four days’ rain. At Mont gomery there were light rains on three days—Columbus two days—Macon, no rain at ulL The temperature averaged at Memphis 70, Savannah 75, Columbus 75, Macon 77, Montgomery 78, Selma 76, Mobile 78 and Galveston 79. The Chroni cle has the following upon— Becku-ts and the Cnor.—Last year tho September and October receipts were very free; this was due to the crop being early, the weather fine, and further to the fact that cotton opened so evenly that sicking which began two or three weeks earlier than usual, except about Memphis, was larger to the hand than is often seen. This year the main condi tions were reversed—the crop waa late, and the September weather ia the At lantic States evidently not as favorable; so that, other things being equal, the re ceipts during the first six weeks would naturally be much tout than for the same period a year ago. We expected, howev er. by the middle of October to see a free- er movement—fully up to and. on ac count of the better condition of much of the .Western crop, perhaps in excess of last year. In this it is not unlikely that shall be disappointed; the yellow fe ver in the West and Southwest and the money pressure throughout all the cot ton Stator will have a tendency to check deliveries. We call attention to this be cause there are many who always meas ure a crop by the early receipts; such a standard certainly would not be a safe guide this year. At the same time we do not os Tvt fee) able to give our read ers any very definite idea of the probable yield. At best it is a difficult problem, until the ingathering of the crop is near ly completed; and to our mind the pe culiarities of the present season surround the question with additional uncertain ties. The New You Market foe the Week. - The Chronicle says Friday, Sep tember 26th, spot ootton reached its point of greatest depression. Resting under the weight of the failure and fears which the panic produced, prices had day by day settled, until 17ic was tbe quota tion for middling uplands and 17| lor low middlings. Sinoe then, however, umfidmoe in financial circles has been momentarily gaining strength; foreign exchange has retained to a much more favorable condition, while very manw of the fears which the panic gave rise to have proved groundless: thus with tl.e gradual Kftim * —~ a— Tlic Mississippi Campaign. H. V. R. writes the Cincinnati Com mercial that as Attorney-General Mor ris, of Mississippi, has decided in response to a letter of enquiry from the Governor, that there con be no legal election in that State until next year, the present cam paign will be knocked in the head. The Radicals, he says; are faziom, and are preparing to tube their throats for the old howl of “rebel,” and a Southern Rad ical who can’t howl ** rebel" when any thing gets between him and an office is not fit to belong to the party. He seems to think, however, that the Ames gang will not regard the decision of the At torney-Genera], but go on and hold the election any how, and that Powers, the Governor, being a weak brother, von’t how to prevent it. Ames’ running for Governor, is to ho in succeed himself in the Sen- Atc in 1875, and to secure the negro vote, ho luul one Davis, an ignorant Memphis barber, put on the ticket, us Lieutenant Governor. How the Radicals are crouch ing to the darkies the correspondent tells a* follows; Tho Radicals hay# favored tnem'in the campaign forthe Legislature by putting out negroes for that office in tliree out of four counties of tho State. The raid of tho negroes for office exceeds anything before experienced in the history of Miss issippi. They have taken the reins into their own hands and bid defiance to scal- 1:1 wag and carpet bagger alike. They say they are tired of doing the voting anil letting the wixites hold the offices, and they propose hereafter to divide oat on a fairer basis. This lata led to t]>e nomi nation ofTarge numbers of them for the Legislature. If the Ames tieket should prevail, the Legislature of Mississippi will contain a very large majority of no gfoos. There are in Mississippi about twenty thousand more black voters titan whites. This of itself would give the Republican party twenty thousand majority. Then there are aliout five thousand white Re publicans. These arc of. three classes original Union men in the northern part of tho State; carpet-baggers and ex- » rtebols who have been bought over by the At hope or promise of an office. I do not believe there is in Mississippi to-day on ex-rebel supporting Ames unless he holds un office or expects one. This is a sweep ing assertion, and if the Mississippi read ers of the Commercial can contradict it I should like to hear from them. THE GEORGIA PRESS. The Thomasville Times says there considered* talk, of specie- payments, but thinks it “ would pay better to talk of that after the country returns to paper payments,” which shows that the Times has a very just appreciation of the sitna- tion. A two-stort house, corner of Liberty and Jefferson streets. Savannah, burned by an incendiary last Saturday night. Tkk Western Pnjii'oiid pf AHNiyn«y brought 1,418 bales of cotton to Colum bus last week, bound for Savannah and New York. Of this number 1,333 boles caroe Dorn Mobile. The gardeners around Savannah have commenced preparations for the next on. Celery plants are selling at $5 per thousand, and cabbage at $5 and $10 per thousand. Me Anthony Bieclat, formerly British Consul at Savannah fans, as we which has never had a parallel in the his tory of the Stated r' —\ f\ - H^ 151 from the News, been awarded •MMrerrfc-OfftolJer 6. MS.S7S by the Mixed Claims Commission A Lively “Fossil.” The Radical papers of Ohio and the West, generally, have been making merry over the candidacy for Governor of that State, by Dclnocratic nomination, of the Hon. William Allen, whom they accuse of being nearly one hundred years old, and therefore “a fossil.” Bnt, judging from some of the old gentleman’s speeches, if he is “a fossil” he is a monstrous lively one. Among other loyl stumpers who have been having a fling at him an ac count of his age, is Morton, tho man who is now paying for some of the sins of his youth with crippled legs, and a constitu tion hopelessly diseased, and jrho, like old Brownlow, is only kept alive by bis bate of the South and her true people. How the “fossil” disposed of him may be read in the following extract from one of his latest speeches. He said: And who is Senator Morton ? Would be wish the people of Ohio to believe that he is on Ajax who could throw a fifty pound stone with his hand? No, sir; instead of being an Ajax, he wants all the points and vigor in which the strength of Ajax consisted. [Lduil laughter.] This very man Morton, when he was brought before the people, had not the power of standing ; uu his feet before the people. Tbe committee had to lift him up (renewed laughter], and when he got up they had to sit him in un armchair, and he had to fumble about to hunt np an old manuscript that he had concocted in the deep darkness of some midnight, and read it, and called its speech. [Great laughter.] Do I look like a man? [Pro longed yelling and merriment.] Am I paralyzed from my hips down? There are two kinds of causes which wear away human life. One is tne constant wear and tear of time which takes old men be yond that "l/Ourae whence no traveler re turns," which disorganizes all organized things-add resolve# matter back into its pristine condition. There is another kind Of cause that brings on age and decrepi tude. There is a vicious early life. [“Give it to him.”] There is personal debauch ery [applause]; there is moral and phys. ieal decrepitude, which is brought on an individual, and oppresses* him from his hips down. [Laughter and applause.] And yet this tnan comes here and talks about my want of manly vigor. Wbyvl would not swap bodies with iforton. or heads either, if he would throw in twenty Oolfaies to boot. [Loud laughter and applause.] • (■ 8 raw art is fast buying up Sura- i.i. ..ndva of the Grand Hotel, val* ■d a luilhuu. he is the owner of real Y'-Ue there, \allied at $7UU,(J00. About one year ago, Mr. Henry Clewes, banker of New York city,: Republican mass-meeting in Union Square and made a speech. He addressed him self to ” business men.” His bvwom heaved and his eyes moistened os he de picted to his hearers the crushing disas ter which would overtake the business interests of the country in the event of the election of Horace Greeley. m of thi* burden, under which cotton declined during the previous week, there haa been a revival ia the in quiry for home consumption, a fair de mand the latter part of the week from shippers, and a steady advance in prices, On Saturday quotations were put up Jo ; ndedagreat | -nd on AYeanesday ke, while to-day the opening was very firm, with an upward tendency, but at the dose an easier feel ing prevailed, gold having declined soim- what and foreign exchange being unset tled and lower. The Paris Figaro informs its that Marshall Jewell, onr new Minister to St. Petersburg, i.- “aMarshal in the urtnvef tbe Uni*id States." Help for Memphis. Mr. T- IL Henderson, agent of tbe Southern Express Company in Moron re ceived the following yesterday: Richhoxd, Ya., October 7.—Forward free all donations in aid of the yellow fe ver sufferers in Memphis. Make every effort to obtain contributions. M. J. O’Beien. The best course, therefore, will be to turn over to Mr. Henderson at once, ev erything which can be raiaedhesofor this benevolent purpose. The Meeting of Presbytery. Macon Presbytery convened on the 3d instant, at Mt. Tabor Church, fifteen miles west from Americu*. The meet ing waa not as fully attended by the del egate* as desirable. But those present were deeply impressed with the respon- ability; was tcmarkable freedom and earnestness in debate, with tbe sweetness of Chris tian harmony. The naratives of the state of religion, and tbe free conversa tion thereupon were peculiarly interest ing and instructive; affording encour agement to tbe members off the body in their mutual work. for damages done his real estate in and near that city by Sherman’s bummers. The News, of Monday, prints the fol lowing special: Washington, October 5.—It has been ascertained that a part of the programme of the spies sent South by the Govern ment, in the guise of claim agents, to gather evidence against the holders of cotton and other claims, is to procure affidavits from negroes once owned by, or who worked for claim-holders. The peo ple of Georgia are deeply interested in cotton claims -Savannah alone being en titled to nearly two millions of dollars on judgments rendered by the Court of Claims in the months of April and May last, the payment of which is now sus pended to await reports from the afore said spies. A number of claimants have already placed their claims in the hands of these fellows, and the facts thus ob tained are manipulated to postpone and defeat them. ■ Many claimants are here from-tle Booth awaiting the action of the Government. One gentleman from Ma con brought all his witnesses here at con siderable cost, only to find that he could do nothing until tbe Government agents in the South make their reports. Seminole. Cut. We. Hone, of Savannah, had his horse and buggy stolen from the street in front of his store last Saturday afternoon.' The police were notified and searched for the' missing property, but without success, but when Capt. H. re turned home he found the horse minus harness and buggy, in the stable. The News has the following particu lars of an attempt to capture Wilson, the man who murdered Joseph A. Williams in Effingham county last week; Our readers have already been apprised of the particulars concerning the recent difficulty'in Effinghhni county, in which Joseph A. Williams was killed by Henry C. Wilson, and the excitement occasioned thereby. After the killing, Wilson dis appeared, but we learned from private sources yesterday that the civil authori- ities at Egypt, station No. 4, on the Cen tral railroad, were notified on Fri<lay tliat he was still in Effingham and it was thought that he could be captured at his mother’s residence. A party was imme diately organised amf started for the place. On arriving at the residence, about daybreak on Saturday, the party discovered Wilson mounted, in tho act of leaving. He was ordered to halt, but in stead of doing so, put whip and spurs to his horse, when tue posse fired upon liiw He jumped from the animal and suc ceeded in escaping, and it is not known whether he wqs wounded or not. Tho horse was seeilred and taken Kick to the station. Henry 0. Wilson is described as about twenty years of age, about six feet high, of very light complexion, yel low eyes, no beard, of slender build, und of rather prominent features. His right arm is amputated below the elbow. The News says the money pressure on Saturday was very great, “and those who bad weekly pay-rolls to provide for real ized considerable 'difficulty in raising the requisite funds. In tile Merchants’ Na tional Bank fully nineteen-twentieths of the notes maturing were extended, and it is presumable tho same was the case in the other banks. The Merchants is still-paying out promptly currency for all deposits, and judging from the appear ance of the officers the institution is un disturbed by any “panicky” feeling. The recommendation of the Chamber of Com merce, that the banks issue sight drafts on New York for small amounts, which might be sent into the interior and used as currency, appears to have had but lit tle effect. Home of the banks ore prepared to issue them, bnt there has been little demand for them, and the whole scheme has apparently fallen far short of the ex ions of the originators. In the _ go of one of the bank officers, “The thing won’t work.” Small amounts of currency are being received by some of tho banks from New York, but the supply from this source is very meagre.” The ladies of Rome raised $202.10 in aid of the Shreveport sufferers on Friday. Theke are only six negroes on the pres ent grand jury of Grandmother Erskino’s court at Atlanta, and the old dame is not so happy as she might have been if there had been a few more. The Monroe Advertiser, of yesterday, records the death, last week, of Mr. Ben Zellnar, a promising young man of that county ; of Mr. W. J. Howe, a prominent citizen of Milner, and of Mrs. Jesse Cleveland, daughter of Mr. B. W. Collier, at the Indian Spring. The same paper understands from 'high authority, that the leading spirits in the order of the Patrons of Husbandry, in this State, are canva.sing the feasi bility of establishing a banks for the benefit of the members of the order. No plan, however, has as yet been digested." Mb. Reuben Websteb, one of the old est and best citizen* of Folk county, died last week. We find the following order in the Constitution, of yesterday: On account of the great money pres sure and the inability of this company to meet its engagements and continue to >ay its officers their present salaries, it is tereby ordered that the salary of the President of this company for the month atf October bia reduced twenty per cent., and that the same rule be applied to each and every other agent, officer and em ploye of the company whose salary ex ceeds seventy-five dollars per month. Joseph E. Bbown, Pres’t. . Bishop Pieece has receutlj_ written a letter, some extracts from which wo find in the Rome Commercial. He finds fault with the preachers who go to the springs or to the North, or elsewhere for rest in the summer, declaring that “in the gross of these green pastures, where the flesh seeks rest, there is a snake; and his name is Satan.," pronounces against the custom of “ promiscuous seating of onr congregations,” and delivers the follow, iug bcoodsida against organs and choirs in Methodist churches: I am more and more satisfied that the introduction of organs and choirs, like ‘Alexander the coppersmith, has done us much evil.' In many cases they have been the occasion of division, discord, varience, hate, heart burning in the idles. This is all wrong, I. grant, it is os fair and just to lay the blame who gave the’ ‘offense’’ms upon' those who were ‘offended.* “I find churches who have paid thou sands for an organ and only give hun dreds for Another—straining, the people say, to support a preacher, yet raising from $1,200 to $1,800 to buy an or gan. But they have not only abeorbed money, they have pnt Methodist worship Into . .*_!_!* f *1 a. a 11 1 . BY TELEGRAPH HAY BISPATCHES. France—Trial of Marshal Bazaine Paris, October 7.—Sir Samuel and Lady Baker are here. Ten days will be occupied in reading papers in the Bazaine - case. Gambetta, Schneider, Rouher and General L’Admir- iiult were also present as witnesses. B.—Everybody knows “_my leettle Schneider.”] The court-martial before which Marsha] Baxaino is now being tried sits in the audience chamber of the grand Trianon at Versailles. The scene at tho opening was remark able. Nearly all the witnesses who had ■en summoned, were present, and the mrt room was filled with the most dis tinguished men of France. ; Beside those previously reported, were M. M. Favre and Regnier, and the call ing of their names as witnesses caused a Bazaine appeared in the full uniform of a marshal of Franco, with ribbon and the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor on his breast. He took his seat in an arm-c^air by the side of his counsel, and was courteously addressed by the presi dent of the court as “ Monsieur le Mar shal.” Throughout tho proceedings the de fense was conducted by M. M. Lochand Anson, the eminent advocate, and Cel. Villette. The Duke de Broglie, at a banquet given in his honor to-night, declared em phatically the revival of clerical domina tion in France. Tho Spanish Civil War. Madrid, October 7.—The Insurgent iron-clads were seen off Aquillas to-ilay and appeared to be heading for Carta gena. Moro North Pole Folly. London, October 7.—An expedition to complete tho Polaris investigations is mooted here very seriously. Memphis-Dreadful Reports, Memphis, October 7.—The yellow fe ver reports are deplorable. Tho disease is spreading with alarming rapidity. The idertakers are crowded beyond their power to give a decent burial. Nineteen nurses arrived from New Or leans on Saturday Twenty thousand dollars were subscribed by the citizens for sanitary purposes. Tho mortality of Sunday was greater t ban since the fever appeared. All who lire able are leaving the city. • Tho malady is true yellow fever. There were fifty-four interments yesterday. Rev. Mr. Bowman, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, died of the fever yesterday. Memphis, October 7.—The County Court appropriated $500 for tho relief of the city. Yelloir Fcrer In Texas. Houston, October 7.—The doctors re port the fever at Calvert, Texas, to be genuine yellow fever. Forty-two cases are reported. Shreveport. Shbevepobt, October 7.—The new eases of yellow fever yesterday numbered sixteen. is a VfcAV.’hna ’kefcrally, the diacouraes" were marked with singular ability and evangelical excellence. And the Pres bytery will carry with its members the mo&t pleasant recollectidns of the abun dant «"■! well served hospitality of that Christian community, both of Presbyte rians and the families of other churches. - Visitor. the praise ”of Gv>X^ia suteutateil by music, so colled. The whole thing is so incongruous, so out of harmony with gen uine spiritual worship, that praying and preaching are both hampered by it- The very atmosphere of the house, when these irrjLirmanees come off. is infested. It is like an east wind on the nervous system. No and dr resolution can resist iti” Help for Shreveport and Memphis, Louisville, October 7.—The Board of Trade in forty hours raised $5,000 for Memphis und Shreveport Masons. They raised $1,500 to-night, ,and $12,000 to $15,000 more will bo raised. Sf. Louis Mutual In a Heaving Way. Sr. Louis, October 7.—The State Su perintendent of insurance companies yes terday filed a petition in tho Circuit Court nsking for an injunction to restrain the Sti Louis Mutual Insurance Company from transacting any further business, and especially from issuing any new policies or reinsuring any of its risks, or paying out any any money whatever. Tne petition further asks for the ap pointment of a receiver and for a decree dissolving the company, and winding up its affairs. The petition is based upon the fact, as the superintendent alleges, that an exam ination of the affairs of the company dis closes tliat its liabilities exceed its assets by $904,955, exclusive of one hundred thousand dollars capital stock. The writ of injunction was granted returnable on a certain day. Senate Transportation Committee, Washinotin, October 7.—It is stated that the Senate Transportation Commit tee meets in Now York on the 16th. After transacting business they will visit Richmond to hear the railroad and canal tgen, proceeding thence to Atlanta and next to New Orleans and up the Missis sippi to St. Louis, where the committee expects to arrive bythelOthof November. Did Not Cross tho Ocean. New Haven, October 7.—The occu pants of Donaldson’s trans-Atlantic bal loon escaped by leaping from the basket' The empty balloon was subsequently cap tured at Canaan, Connecticut. United States Marshal Killed ’Pabis, Kt., October 7.—W. A. Burton, Deputy United States Marshal, was mur dered to-day by Edward and Mat Currat. Mississippi Politics. Jackson, October 7.—Governor Pow ers calls a session. of the Legislature to amend the election laws. Brother Brigham Re-elected, Salt Lake, October 7. — Brigham Young has been re-elected President of the Zion Co-operative Institution. Only One Capital. Habtfobd, October 7.—The majority for making but one capit tl is 15,0001 Goldsmith Maid. Dexteb Park, October 7,—Goldsmith Maidjwqn the $5,000 race. Time 2:23), 2:- 20) and 2:26. Snow in Pennsylvania, Pottsvillb. Pa., October 7.- The first snow of the season fell here today. Snow in Now York. Fonda, N. Y., October 7.—Two hours of snow fell to-day. Manufacturers and the Stringency, Cincinnati. October 7.—The Com mercial and Gazette this morning pub lished the results of many interviews with leading manufacturers in various' depart ments. from which it appears that the number of hands dischatged on account of the money stringency, has been much over-estimated. Most of the manufac turers and citixens express the hope that they will be able to get through the pres sure without further reduction of force or time. • Still Another Defaulter. Lowell, Mass., October 7.—John N. Pierce, Jr., cashier of tho Merthants’ National Bank, is a defaulter. The amount is unknown, but is thought to be between $40,000 and $50,000. He is also treasurer of the Central Savin«gs Bank, b it it is not thought that institution is af.’ected. Death of Commodore Jamison. Alexandria, Va., October 7.—Commo dore Jamison, U. S. N., on the retired list from age and infirmities, died in this eity, today, aged 82. The Gazette says he served faithfully and was in several engagements inthe war of 1812. During the late war he was here, suffering with an affliction of the eyes. Sugar Dealers Suspended, New Yobk, October 7.—Wylie, Nichols A Co., sugar dealers, have suspended. They have no statement to make. The Cabinet. Washington, October 7.—Richardson and Robeson were absent from the Cab inet to-day. The business was unim portant. Synopsis Weather Statement. Octice Chiet Signal Officer, ) Washington, October 7. ) Probabilities: For Wednesday in the Gulf States, diminishing northerly winds, clear weather and higher temperature. For the South Atlantic States, rising ba rometer, with north and west winds and clearing weather; for the middle States, northwest winds, looking to southwest, with clear weather, except on the imme diate coast, where northeast winds and cloudy weather may possibly continue in connection with the cyclone moving northeast same distance east of Vir ginia ; for the lake region, rapidly falling barometer with rising temperature, and fresh to brisk southwesterly winds. The storm centre in Dakota will probably range eastward into Minnnesota. Cuu- ii DMA'YE HEAR THE SLOGAN?” PUTZEL £ SORT y,-J 'j? *» J •##,*; ’ V )'•’■? M ■: ' Beg leave to call the attention of their numerous patrons to tho below mentioned list of GROCE -COMPRISING- Thirty-one Different Kinds of Canned Goods! As follows: Fresh Mackerel. Fresh Salmon. Lobsters, Oysters, Clams. Sardines, Club Fish, lies Pineapple*. Quinces, Pears, Cherries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Pie Fruits, Tomatoes. Pens. String Beans. Lima Beans, Asparagus. Succotash, Saco, Corn, Spiced Salmon, Con densed Milk, Damsons. Devilled 11am, Lobster, Partridge, Duck and Turkey. All of the above are Packed This Season! tionarv signals continue at Wilmington, Norfolk, Cape May, New York, New few Loi Haven, New London and East Port. A Victory Over the Carlists. Madrid, October 7.—A dispatch was received at the Ministry of War to-day from General Merions, announcing a treat victory by his troops over a large xidy of Carlists near Ogorsuza, in the province of Navarre. Many of the insur gents were killed and a large number taken prisoners. General Merions says the rout of tho insurgents is complete and his forces are in close pursuit of them. The War in Spain. A SPECIALTY LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Wo have now in stock the LARGEST and most COMPLETE assortmemnt of TEAS! IN TUIS MARKET. TEN DIFFERENT GRADES OF TEAS! From 70 Cents per Pound and Upwards! ALSO ON HAND Parched Rio and Javm Coffees. Pickles, Preserves, Jellies. Jams. Fariims, Mustards. Mackerel, Cheese, Butter, Lard, and everything else apj>ertaining to a Grocery Store. LIQUORS, Wo take pleasure in stating that tho Century Wliisliy Was awarded tho HIGHEST PREMIUM AT THE VHOTA EXPOSITION OVEE ALL OOlfPETITOES! Constantly an hand. Port, Sherry. Madeira and Eltino Wines, Hennessey, Martel and Otard Duprey Brandies, etc, etc, etc. “ IN' THE GERMAN GROCERY LINE. tngena. A government fleet, consisting | Try Our Shakspeare Segars, 10 cents Each. of the frigates Vittoria, Almanza am Carmen, and another vessel, the name of wltich was not ascertained, passed Gulf Almenia yesterday. The Turf. London, October 7.—Tho race for tho Czarowitz stakes took place at New Mar ket and was won by King Lud. Royal 'George was second, and Pirate third. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. NIGUTD1SPATCHES. Block In the Divorce Business— The Thing Gery-Mandercd. Chicago, October 7.—In the Superior Court of this city yesterday. Judge- Gery made an order refusing to permit the references of suits for divorce to waiver in ehancdiy, and announced that hereafter oU suit, must be tried in open court. Asks an Extension. The Exchange Bank of J. O. Short A Co., DanvUle, 111., has asked an extension from its depositors. If the request is not granted the bank will be compelled to suspend. Gotham Gossip. New Yobk, October 7.—The weather very cold tonight. Rev. J. J. Browner preached the an nual sermon before the Southern New York Baptist Association to-day, and was elected Moderator for the ensuing year. Ex-City Treasurer Sprague, of Brook lyn, was arraigned to-day under four in dictments, ana the trial set down for the 20th inst. Lit,hie King, alias Kate Stoddard, was arraigned to-day before court, but one of her counsel stated that they were not ready. No day was fixed for the trial, and she was remanded hack to prison. The first prize meeting of the National Rifle Association commences tomorrow at jCredemore. A large number of en tries for the different prizes, which aggregate in value to over $8,000 dollars, have been made. The opening match is tomorrow and for the Judd prizes, eight in num ber, exclusively for members of the press of the country. Among those who will contest for them are Gen. John E. Haw ley, of the Hartford Courant; J.'C. Mc Intyre, of Boston; Charles Hallock, L. C. Bruce, W. H. Clark and several others of the New York city and States press. The Italian Government has conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of Italy on the Italian Consul General at this port in consideration of his efforts to suppress the traffic in Italian children. and Elections held a private session afternoon, declining to give any informa tion as to its deliberations until their ar rival at Washington.. Aid for the Sufferers. St. Lours, October 7.—Nearly $2,000 in addition to the amount previously re ported has been subscribed for the Mem phis sufferers, and an active committee ... still working in their behalf. The Odd Fellows and Masons have also sent hand some sums to be distributed by their brethren in Memphis. A?>eut $7,000 in money, clothing and provisions have been sent to Shreveport. New York Items. New Yobk, October 7.—The Brooklyn Police Commissioners have appointed In. ? lector John S. Folk Superintendent of olicc. At a special meeting of the Produce Exchange a resolution was adopted to ap ply for membership to tho National Board of Trade. Registration for the coming election commenced to-day, but progresses very slowly and quietly. Twenty-six Demo cratic inspectors have failed to qualify. The Republicans have all qualified. ^Eleven thousand six hundred and eight dollars have been subscribed through the Hanover National Bank inaid of Shreve port. The Board of Education of Brooklyn this evening adopted a resolution not to abolish colored schools. This w:is done in accordance with a petition from a num ber of prominent colored citizens. Mrs. Mecillin Metzler, alias Mcada, arrested on a charge of causing tho death of Ida M. Vail, has made affidavit tliat Dr. J. K. Comins, of New York, was the person guilty of malpraeti :e. A requisi tion will be made on Gov. Fisher for her removal to Jersey City. The business of the money-order de partment of post-office lias largely in creased. In October over $121,000 were received, and over $67,000 disbursed, more than the correspondingdato in Sep tember. Secretary Richardson and Ex-Secretary McCuUoch and Assistant Treasury Hill- house were in close consultation at the Sub-Treasury this afternoon. Union Banking Company Proposes. Philadelphia, October 7.—The Union Banking Company have submitted to their creditors the following proposition, which they say will enable them to re sume business at an early day: Creditors shall take fifty per cent, of their claims on the stock of tho bank, and that the bank sbaU then resume business by plac ing tho remainder in cash to their credit. Examination of a Hnsliand-Killcr. Worcester, October 7.—Mrs. Eliza HiU was held in $5,000 bail to-<lay in the municipal court, for trial in the court above, for having shot her husband Sun day week. Tae defense is alleged threats of her husband, who was jealous. No Yellow Jack. Montgomery, October 6.—There have been no deaths from yellow fever during the past twenty-four hours and none since Friday last. First Rain of tho Season. San Fbancisco, October 7.—The first rain of the season occurred yesterday and last night and extended over the middle of the State promising a good season for farmers. Snow In New York. City of Kingston, N. Y.—Eight inches of snow feU in Delaware county to-day. Further from Spain. Madrid, October 7.—A column of 2,000 insurgents made a desperate sortie from Cartagena to-day, but wa3 driven back with heavy losses in killed and wounded. On the arrival of the government fleet off the port, the city will be attacked on all sides. Viennese Sanitary Report. Vienna, October 7.—The official sani tary report states that since July IGth there have been 3,020 cases of chplera in that city, of which 1,230 terminated fatally. For the first time in several months no new cases are reported. German Groceries a Specialty WE KEEP EVERYTHING Thankful for past favors, we solicit jour continued patronage. Prices Lower Than Ever. PUTZEL & SON, SECOND STREET. DAMOPR‘8 BLOCK. NATIONAL HOTEL (FORMERLY SPOTT8WOOD,) NEARLY OPPOSITE THE PASSENGER DEPOT. This Rouse has been THOROUGHLY RENOVATED from basement to attic. BOARD S3 PER DAY. P. WHELAN, Prop. Wesleyan Female College, MACON, GEORGIA. LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM CO., Tho Thirty-sixth Annual Session WILL BEGIN OCTOBER 6.187S. For Catalogues, containing full information, ad dress REV. E. H. MYERS, D. D„ Pres. C. W. 8 with. Secretary- au7 2m COTTON CROP OF 1873 CAMPBELL & JONES, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ron Warehou.se, Corner Second and Poplar Streets, Macen, Georgia, I^EN’EW the tender of their services in the Storage and Sale of Cotton. sepSO-eod&wSm . JOHN INGALLS SPECIAL AGENT FOR CASWELL, HAZARD & CO.’S PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS, i v and others to ihenreparution# of this old and celebrated house. They are endowed by al the leading physicians in New York city. IlazanIA Caeswll’n Pure and Sweet COD LIVER Oils, Always on linnd. Fresh ot received this day. Dtlora supplied at proprietors’ prices. ?pi81 tf Z. B. WHEELER. Saloon and Restaurant, Fourth Street, opposite Express Office, MACON. GEORGIA. Meals Served at all Honrs DAY OR NIGHT, A First Ciass Establishment. STOCKED WITH FINEST WINES AND LIQUORS. Iron in the Blood SflMn & [Trade marie registered,] Oglethorhe, September 27, 1873. The Chemicals purchased of you l&st spring were prepared and used as di rected. I also used some of .the English Stonewall and some of Merryman's. A ton of your Fertilizer produced as much, if not'more, than a ton of either of the others, with less than half the cost. W. H. ROBINSON. \Te ore anxious that farmei should THE PEETTYIABT SYRUP Vitalizes find Enriches Blood, Tones up the by tho remedy from weak, sickly, _ Euffering crestnres, to strong, healthv, and harpy men and women; and invalids cannot rcasonaWy hesitate to giro it a trial, Chution*—Bo sure you get the right artick. See that “Peruvian Syrup” ia blown iu tho friasa. Pamphlets free. Send tor one. SETH W.POwLK A SONS, Proprietors, Poston, Maas. For salo by druisiats gtainlf* sepISeowly CYPRESS SHINGLES A Superior Article! For Bale by B. H. WRIGLEY A CO. jonefttf LAND FOR SALE. rpHE WHEAT ! Hunt, Itankin A Lamar, octStf Dnuftriit*. Macon. Os. DE. WEIGHT, DENTIST. streets Macvu, tin. esirable farm in 3Iacon county, ierlv by Hiram B. Tn tit man. and ,pjm us,n..ufonth‘e west bank of FHntnver. iu«*t five miles b-luw tli*- beautiful and flourishing town of Reynolds. (?■'- W. tt. R.) a d containing One Thousand (1,000) acres, is now FOR MALE. The improvements are unequalled, i rood liwellii n**nt. There xl brick chimne eared land fresh. Any oi :i«l oa the most enticing t«*i cabins for laborers, . A if read deal of the destrimr such a farm s, had best apply at i’t inoniv HENRY T. JORDAN T. MARION BRYAN! Reynolds. Ga. (GUI0X LINE.) K IRST-CLASS STEAMERS sail between New York and Liverpool every Wednesday, afford ing the beat possible accommodation for the sa loon and steenure passengers. Drafts issued for passage money from Europe at current rates. For rates of passage anil other information, ap- ’ ply to WILLIAMS & GUlON, 28 Broadway, New York. Or to W. McKAY, Agent, octl lm No. 68 Second street, Macon. Ga. South Macon Drug Store. Prescription Department. I have secured the services of MB. B. TJ. HOPKINS, From Louisville, Ky., TT7TIO will have charge of my prescription de- V V partment. Mr. H. comes highly recom mended as an experienced and careful pharmaceu tist, and by promptness and attention to busi ness, he will commend himself to the patronage of the citizens of South Macon. My prescription department has Ix-cn entirely reorganized and supplied with a fresh stock of drugs and med- S. D. EVERETT, Druggist, julylScodSm Fourth street, near Arch. Sugar! Sugar! CULVERT STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, CHESAPEAKE STEAM SUGAR REFINERY. MERCHANTS’ STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, of Baltimore. We solicit orders from the trade and will guarantee prices to be as low as if or- WARFIELD k WAYNE. FANCY POULTRY! J HATE FOB SALE 2 Trio Hon dans, 2 Trio Golden Polands. 1 Trio Silver Spangled Hamburg!, 5 Trio W. F. Black Spanish, 10 Trio Light Brahmas, 5 Trio Dark Brahmas, 10 Trio Buff Co thins, 1 Trio Part. Cochins, 2 Pairs Spanish Bantams, 2 Pairs Black Cayuga Ducks, 5 Pairs White Aksbtuy Ducks. All of the above fowls are warranted strictly first-class, and will be sold at reasonable prices. Call on or address S. G. WOOD, scpWilw Nashville. Thiq. M. KKTCJIUM. A. L. HAKTEIDGE. KETCHUM & HAETBIDGE, BANKERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Exchange Building Savannah, tta. References : Moses Taylor, President City Bank, New York; P. C. Calhoun, President Fourth National Bank. New York ; John J. Cis co k Son, Bankers, New York ; Morns Ketchum, Banker, New York; J. N. Norris* Cashier First National Bank, Baltimore: M. Me Michael, Caah- j>.'iiik, iMuuuvjo. 4“., ... v ier First National Bank Philadelphia, marls 6m flUWAKJL) HUUSK. BEGAD STREET, Nearly opposite Montgomery acd Eufsula Rail- Pjad IVjKit. EUFAULA, ALABAMA. J. W. HOWARD, - - Pkoprietobr. Only a short walk to and from tho Southwest ern Railroad. Seventy-live cents saved in omni bus fare. septa em WARREN' A- RANSOM. AARON' P. RANSOM- DARICB W. GEER. ROBERT H- ROXD. W. A. BAMSOM & CO., Manufacturers and Jobbers of BOOTS AND SHOES, 158 AND 110 GRAND ST- NEW YORK. Represented by R. W. Hogan, of Georgia. octiOdly : WAGES DR all who are willing to work. Apy^ person. 550 a week, at home, day or evening. Wanted bv all. Suitable to either city’ or country, and any season of the year. This u a rare opportunity for those who are out of work, ano^ out of money to make an independent living. No capital being re quir'd. Our painDhlet, “HOW TO MARR ± LI VJNG.” giving full instructions,sent on receipt of 1 ''HE BECKWITH $20 PORTABLE FAMILY s>E\A 1XG MACHINE, on So day* trial • many ti.tages over all. Satisfaction guaranteed, or refunded. Sent complete, with full directions. Beckwith Sewing Machine Co, MBS Broadway. T HE NEW ELASTIC TRUSS. An important invention. It retains the Rupture at afitimM, and under the hardest expertise or severest strain. It is worn with comfort, and if kept on nigh* and day, effects a permanent cure in a few weeks. Sold cheap, and sent by mail when requested. Circulars free, when ordered by letter sent to the Blastio Truss Co^ No. 6HS Broadway, N/Y^dtj. Nobody uses Metal Spring Truaeee: too painful: fkgr afcft off too frequently. mayXteodAcowlj - ^ —