The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 01, 1894, Image 4

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THE MACON TELEGBRAPH: 8URDAT MORNING, JUL' 1 R V C. WILDER'S SOHS CO., MACON, GA. Contractors and Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Turned and Scroll Work. lumber, rourh and dressed, shingles, I aths. and dealers In mixed paints, lead, oil*, lime, plaster, cement and builders' hardware. 6X4 TO 622 T HIRD STREET. ANHEUSER- BUSCH HSashy Sors, Blinds, ■builders’ supplies. BREWING ASS’N., ST, LOUIS, MO. Brewers of FINE BEER Exclusively. BREW ONLY THE VERY CHOICEST MALT & HOPS THE HEALTHIEST AND FINEST TA1H.E BEER. j Recommended By Leading - Medical Authorities C. BURKE P. & Wl Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Suits. Eads, Neel & Co. Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Suits. Bargains in Suits. Eads, Neel & Co. i Mi. Vi WILLINGHAM, In, ga. Ilk PAIMl 'M HHO CEHE1T, IARKET PRICES. lsadinq! l _ jjpSAIdl HOUSES BADDLEBT. leather and shob fidcng\ iM, IB), 454 an-a 454 Cherry 8treat L. Cohen & J. L MAC! 4M Cherry 6tn{ Trlcee always the lowost Pianola”—Beet 60. Cigar in Msooa. ( Di»UU,r,, ad Wholaul. Hasletil, V 3 j LIQUORS, TOBACOO sad OKUM, Pftrlcul&r sttentlon pstd to Orders. MACON SAS & LUMBER CO.}* CONTUAC 1 Sash, Doors am Dealers in Paints, ' BUILDERS’ Hr APITAL, $60,000. and BUILDERS. 4iv^j ACTURBRS OF- | |§§j5croll and Turned Work. fe J||j|Uent, Putty, Lime, Plaster, Hair. S' v irf i I Office sncl Salesroom®, - I 400 to 415 Poplar Street* : ! Houet;4 Gal vet 1 San Arc Austin. Madison Avenue Little R Kk ArkJS Hadlson Ave. and 58th St., Mich. oj lolls, Ind. NEW YORK. 111. .univngu . in* St. Loult»• Mo. American flam 5 ultcy.Mo. ■Omaha. Nab. St. Paul Minn. DenverJ Col. Kansas/ Nebraska. Minnesota. Dukofa. California. And art\Polnta West. S3 per day and up. Fireproof and first-class In avery par* BUY TI6KKTB OVER \TKf ticular. •Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated railroads. The Madison and 4th Ave. and Belt Line earn pass the door. H. M. CLARK, Pros. Passenger Elevator runs all night. Tg&l V| WARM SPRINGS, MERIWETHER COUNTY. GEORGIA^ On a spur of Pine Mountain. 1,200 feat above sea level; delightfully cool clU mate; no malaria, dust or mosquitos. The finest bathing on the continent; , Sl.o.M. e. llv (relax and awlmmlng pools 18 by 40 feet, and In. Tbli 11,0 ronril«OllMi uny an0 | . idua] bath. (nr ladlea and gentle. Hi rough c, r , (rom yttlanta to*ha Soathwc.i via New 0| C an«. Thla llnthaa double dally trul cart tram Atlanta tel',the Southf phi,. Thla lla. h,, double'daily tral can from AlltnU to the Noif Loula. Thla line has doable dally I route, to Chicago aid Weal, vh pand through ■I. via Man* idual bath. tor ladlea and gentle- Temperature of water .0 da. greea—a cure for dyapepala, rheuma. Ham and dlaoaaea of the kldneya. New hotel, with all modern Improvement*. Double dally malla, telegraph and ax. preaa office. Terms moderate. (through St. ■eaa onice. -lerma mooeraie. 1 ' For Information apply for drouara L 0. R. R. office or to CHASJ L. DAVIS, Proprietor. via Evinivllle. Full Information plication to FRED D. BUSH, Dial. A.t, C. P. ATM0RE, Oen'l Pm. Agt., .HOTEL ST. SIMON, tHE ‘‘NEWPORT OF THE SOUTH,* IS NOW OPEN For the Sumjper Season. W. X. JouNsrow, FrssideoL Dovau M. burr*, Beiriury I The Guarani of Geo»i This Is a favorite watering pises tog "Mnoonltee. Cuisine is nil that could b« I-'1.'Hired and every poselble Attention it n given for the comfort of guests. Strong i ocean surf right at the hotel. For pan * ttUrs write to .'Jg^ARLES A. DUNN/Manager. Bt. Simon's Island. Oa. MACON, GA. 351 to 353 - - - CHERRY STREET 1, 17V1IUAU, SAW MILLS, Machinery AH Kinds. BUCEIPTtt AMD EXPOUTH. i I For the j T.vduy I Wnek. Exports to Franc® Exports to Continent... block on band at New York... 9 1st September 7,314, 0 t NEW OllI.KAN* CIXIKI.NO jria-UABXL Sew Orleans. Jnuo 30 "Cotton tutures closed qntot Fnlos 11 .Ml’bale*. THE WORLD OF TRADE. Loans, increase I,7t0,.v0 Specie, decrease 6.v76,toQ Loum tenders, increase ; 4,34'J.*00 July 6 August C 73 Beptoui ■ e 78 November.. 6 84 December 8 'J[ ports by Wire From the Great' Markets. Circulation, decrease The banks now bold la cxootw of lb requirements of the v& pore LIVERPOOL. Liverpool. June au-Nm.n.-hpnc ootton markot Low Middling Coed Ordinary... Ordinary... Clean Stains ITniauiiy, I Voati 01*8 61-4 0 1-8 6 3-4 6 3-8 6 3-8 0 1-8 6 1-4 6 1-8 business qulot, with prices easier. American middlings 3 15-16. bales 7,000 bfiios, of whlcu 600 were f. r speculation and export and Included S.HOu American, Receipts 1,000 oaies, 1,0)0 Airovicui. Closing quotations—futures qulot. T"Opening. Y 8 68-44 6064 567-64 July..... July August August-Sepvember.. fcepiein ber-OcUiber. October-November,. Novenib'r-Decenib’i' Docembor-JanurM’y, Jiiiiunry-Fehriiury.. February-51 area.... Match-Apr II.. Closing. 9 5»-4«' 3 51-04 3 55-04 3 56 01 3 67-04 3 68 64 3 59-84 44 aJ 61-64 1MI * ANARCHISTS ON THE RUN. * London, June 29.—Two Anarchists har angued a crowd at Tower Hill today. They were not molested until tney dli played a placard denouncing royal and calling attention to the fact that members of tho # royal family would be present at the opening of the tower bridge. Even then the crowd made no »ign lor a few minutes, but remarks of the speaker in connection with the pfucar-1 were too sug gestive of dynamite and the dagger to suit the taate of their hearers. Suddenly a about arose from the crowd and a rush was made for the -umid oc cupied by the speakers; The Anarchistic orators boiled from the stand mid each blade a duah for a place of safety. One of them was successful in finding a place of refuge In a church, but the other, hotly pursued, was protected by the police. The crowd made a great clamor to have the speaker* leitvered into their hands, but they were sa^ed by the police and finally dispersed. Writes bonds ' ssinlsu-Ators. Y stivers, and business. Omcs teT® if a; MAC’OY SAVINL 576, Mulberry Street, MiJ Capital and Surplus.;. Pays 5 per cent, interest $1 and upward. Real eutatsl monthly installment plan, r good securities at low rate! posltory for trust funds, administrator, executor, guar] and trustee. H. T. POWELL... H. O. CUTTER.... J. W. CANNON Directors—Ceo. B. Jewett, I man. H. C. Tindall. H. G. I Uruhl, II. T. Powell, Samuel j HALE SPRINGS, the mountains of Eatt Tennessee hied sulphur, iron, epsom, alum and jf j oestono wut»*rs. Table flrst-ciius. i'll mats excellent Everything consld4 ered, the cheaj;>est and best summel rsimrt in the Bouth. For particulars Vaud catalogue write to GEORGE A. MURRAY, PROFESSIONAL CAKDg> |DR. M. M. 8TAPLER, EYE, EAR, NOSE. THROAT, Jf,6* CHERRY STEET, MACON, GA, Glasses fitted to any eyes. EXCHANGE A New end Complete Trento: (JAPANESE) CURB M(pPOBIT6rtIE8,*Cap«ulo* cf*dutment I . _ .. . lt oinimeut. A c<»rc*r-fnlllng Cure for Piles OF MACON, H. J. Lamar, GsoJi President J. W. Cabaatss, Csj We solicit the business planters and banks, courtesy, promptness, safel allty. The largest capltall of any bank In Middle Oeof with tbeknlfo or iotoci corrr-fslllos: Moo- of corbol poriuniioi i**c««ssrr, »? W« lie ncld^whl' h Goodwyn & Small, ilrugglatx, rcc- ouniu-ad Johtvja's Mn^notlc Oil, Uic grout Family Dula killer, Internal and external. A SPLENDID VINDICATION. From the Sylvanla Telephone. The 6$ majority In Ulbb for Mr. Atkin son waa a nice compliment to the Coweta statesman and a splendid vindication of the Micon Telegraph, his staunchest daily supporter. this terrible disease? Ws gusrant** 6 boxes t*» ours anv case. You only pay for benefit* received, fl a box, 0 for K>. Bent by mall. Uiiuruntooft lia>ued bj our ugont*. fC'NSTIPATION fc?i*a«no!«*LUtr Pellets 0i® groat MV KB end STOMACH hKUULATOB and Ur.GoriPUlUl IKH. Bntnll, mild and pleasant to tnko, etipeclally (uiapliNl f<-r chlldron'H ass, flUDosoe berabi. , UDA'JA”*"’ GOODWYN A SMALL. Sole Agents, Cherry Street and Cotton Avenue. Macon. Ga. 5fACON, OBORAll XI, J. Lamar, President; j plr. Vice-President; Cashier; D. M. Nelllgan. a| CAPITAL, 11W0.000. SURl Interest paid on deposit^ per annum. Economy wealth. Deposit your aavl| will he increased by pounded semLannu&ily. i DR. J. J. SUBERB. Permanently loostsd. In the sp* cultlts venereal. Lost energy re* stored. Female irregulsrltios am) poison oak. Curs guaranteed, | Aijdrsss In confidence, with stamm Fourth street. Macon, Gn. DR. C. K. PEEm riS, EAR, THROAT AND N08BL -tours, t to X and t to I., Telephone 184. j Office, (72 Mulberry, cornet Second [ street, Mtcon, Ga. DR. J. IL SHORTER, RYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROATsT ; He# 661 Cherry St. lfsoea, Gnu DR J. M. MOORE. „ Physician and surgeom. lOfflco' with Dr. K. P. Moore, 111 WmIm Uigton Avenue, Macon. Oft. Office Hours—7 to I 6. n,, i !• f p, pb W. WRENN, Jr. ^Attorney-at-law, •SUtt?" ATIAKTA, Qiorqi/ HOLLINS INSTITUTE IIUTKTOUHT Hi'ltl.'.tIM, VIIttilNU. Vor Young l.ntiien. Tji* l«|iol *nd most e J. M. Johnston. President . The Amerii lyic. FrcaMcnL U V. Hlllyer. Gu»li 1 national Ba ^uippr-d In Viiciuin kclo. c«><ir^o* m Aui'icti, .nil.•lodcrii LuneuMU*'*- Idler llnuir. Art uml 1'lnfttlluu. rt-r.-m. -am and t*ccb*ra 'It-M-ftd in VallAjrV* . n-or it Alnuuleiu eenery. M.nwtl W*l*r#. h.T-ihno. w oVm.1*. w3 jmiud »p#>n« X-pt. 13.1m. t»r lllui Uatakugu® «<ldn* CHAM- It, COCIl K, Mupl., Ilolllus, \m CAPITAL..., ., ., Twsrgest capital of any I banks, corporations and i;i»| dence lnvltc«L SURPLUS., ., .. Central Georgh. - receive careful attention. |LANT r S .isr in all le De^oei foreign o U on M European p