The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 02, 1894, Image 2

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THE MACOX TELEGRAPH: MONDAY A DAY'S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS A Butch of Bright Item* Furnished by the Telegraph’s Hustling Correspondents. ABOUT BACON, CRISP AND TURNER Thm Are the Three DlallMgulthe* Oe gl*M S««4«4 Im C«Mgrui«Tkt KIm (Ion ofDmcom to the Nenai# Will Complete the Trie. Mohdoello, July 1.—fKpmtoL)—The popular Foreman house U the rendez vous of the politician* of Jajrper county. There tire young: and old Rather and discuss affairs, national and state. The topic Unlay was Bacon and Turner." Kvery one praised and ad mired Judge Turner and agrocd lie would <nrako a grand senator. Not an objection was urged to h4m. But tho crowd mtid they wanted OrJ*j> and Turner and Bacon In oodgrW. \ if ; Crisp or Turner were made senator ‘then Iiacon would be left out, and all three ought to be- In congress. The three wero spoken of us Georgia's greatest men and the nervloes of all Clireo were needed. In the bouse there are only three men who nre regarded ua masters of parliamentary science— Crisp, Held and Bally. In the senate the South has no expert parifamontary leader on tho floor. Dr. P. H. Mell, late tfhenoellor of the State University, himself authority on parliainenkuy law and mSwice, sold of A. O. Bacon that toe was the best parliamentarian on t»he Amcrksm continent. Besides this rare accomplishment MnJ. IMcon Is a ripe scholar, u man of affaire, dv-oply versed In sUte, Interstate und totorrigltlonal law, a thoruOgh lamer, a ready apeakor, a magnificent orator— thus thoroughly equipped P>r the sen ate of the United State*, ttuvt great Olympic flcld of debate wthcro we •houM send glanft* to meet ir&ints. Judge TihsiiLuh O. Lawson, who re- ceirlly delivered tho toest speech in congress Biot has fallen from the lips of any Southern toran for many years, was also spoken of by tho boys. Judge Lawson 1s regarded as not an adept In the handshaking business, being more of a student «vnd thinker. He ts not built on the nnlae. titlhe and mint order, tout on big occasions his brou« culture and robust huclleot revtUla it* self. Ills Hpeoch on banking niul cur rency shewed what a man he is, and the oontflete drUfaMng lie gay# Tom /Watson In uh« detnue at Bishop, Oco nee county, In 1802 ds now one of The tradition* of hi* district. Wtits m dqe* no-t oare to meet (him any more, in 1W2 Judge Dftwaon made his tight in a strong third p.uuy district slugle- handod. Ho got no help from the state executive comtnlMee. The committee ©enured its efforts on the Tc.vh dis trict. Judge fowwison won by tin* power of tils Intellect. uncertain. Tho legislative aspirants are using every available moment <o further Qheir Interest* and when ate primary is called no one wHl of air- ap proximate rhe result. Tho Populists MVl 091 as yet seleotad their candi dates, but’they will certainly do so at an early dote. They propose, it Is said, to ilgiit vigorously until the last. The prospects that confront them at pres ent, however, are gloomy Indeed. YovierdUy morning a pleasant party, composed of Dr. ami Mrs. A. C. (More* tand, (Miss Clara Moreland of Atlanta, Mias Susie Cook 'of Macon, Miss Annie Lou Haralson of Atlanta, Miss HlIII* Roberts, Mrs. J. H. Gay of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas II. Tulmudge and Miss Wkry Lynn TUJmadge, drove over :•* IndMii Spring 1 u Hpwel i-he day. The day was most happily spent by the entire polity, who were reluc tant to lutve. They returned last night highly pleased with the pleumnt trip. M1w Addle Cook, a most charming young lady of MHledgevllle, who <nas been vlslttag Min Battle Roberts, has returned home. Miss Cook made many friends during her visit here* who a.-. rigriilii to see her lest*. ■■ Mrs. 0. 'M. Hooks Is visiting relative* in Irwlnton. Misses Mttbel and May McKenzie and Md'mlo Dudley of Aimericii*, who have spent several days with Miss GlHt Napier, left this morning for At lanta. , •Miss Husie Couflt, one.of ICaoon'a most P »P* young l.i.ln s, Is .*»p*-n*ling **■%•- eral dtiys with Miss Salllc Roberts. from the* filxtfc district, addressed tho people of Butts county at the court house »t 3 o'clock today on the Issues of Che campaign. He placed himself squarely on the Chlogo platform and declared hlmeelf In favor of speedily carrying'out every pledge made there in. Was 1n favor of a bimetallic money now. and If an international agreement cannot be had let our government go forward independently of others and make Its own money', sound and suffi cient for all purposes. He took up -tho Populist platform and toro It Into shreds, showing plainly that much of their demands were clearly vteloftory and was such as could never and would never be realized. He spoke to* an audience of several hundred voters, many' of whom were third party lies, and ithey Indorsed all he said with >cne exception of his denounc ing government ownership of railroads This being the e noech mfade by any candidate '«s In this county we mak tlons as to how the peoplf v .ien the pri mary oomes. % .Held having once lived here he har. many friends and admirers among our people and no doubt the race will be a close one. All fine French Ointhams, Creponettea - Batiste, etc. on center counter at 12 l-2c\i yard. i Our 10c. counter is tended with choicclgoods that cost much more. \ | Light and dark ChalliU at 3 l-2c a yaro Pretty 8c Batiste, reclined to 5c. Best Indigo Calicoes at\.3 l-2c a yard. 20 pieces of Toile due Noid Ginghams at 7' Large lot of Embroidery remnanta on our centA counter; any quality or width, twenty-five cents on the cellar. Dainty New Valencionnc Laces 25 to 50c dl/en yards Platte Val. Laces, 4 and 5 inches, 10 and 15c a yard Narrow Torchon Laces from 5 to 10c a yard. Fjill- stock new Satin and Moire Ribbons—black and col ors, natrow and wide. New Velvet Baby Ribbons-in black and colors. • New ventilated and linen Summer Corsets just received Ask to see our new silk and linen corset.- 100 ladies' Shirtwaists, including all our $1, $1.25 and $1.50 qnalities, reduced to 50c. each. Burden, Smith <fe Go. OlIRGREAT INTERN OFFERI Cut Paper Pattern For We have made which wo are offori: the Telegraph the Pattern*. which nr cents each, thus n the paper worth : Cut out the coupo ccrdng'to dlrectloi receive by mall the chosen. arrangement* by to the readers ol purest Cut Tapei . ih from 20 tb 54 ng every copy ol 10 to 40 cents, low and mail to* i It and you will i.tturn In the ■iz / GAINESVILLE GOSSIP, Gainesville, July l.—CBpetdal.—Verily the eohoul teacher, ihut foe to ranee turn! friend to learning; FOURTH GEORGIA REUNION. The Survivors of the Old Regiment to Meet Iti MlllcdgevUle. Albany, Juno 30.—Survivors tjf tho Fourth Georgia regiment are reminded Unit tholr minimi reunion will Us held at Mlllcdgovlllo on fourth Wednesday. July 25 hint. The crowning glory of thl? reunion will bo the * unveiling of the monument to our gallant commander, Gen. George Dole, whteh has been orocP ed by the liberality of the men who follow cm! him through tho vlctsltudca and dangers of war. Though for the prpaent thore ittffil to be a lack bf appreciation of lha ser vice of thoao who uncrlP.ced nil eava honor ‘»n tho altar otvtlielr country, lot ub hope that thta shaft, with the hun- urea* or others pointing honvenward, will In unite htnkungo teeth fhoee who coin© after us that the men who wore iho gray while ever trim to country’^ call weio alike faithful to the memlnletf cf those who Bicep on fame’s eternal ramping ground. It la sincerely desired that there will be a full attendance. /Turn out comrade* and let us have ono more rally ere the feeble remnant now Jen is ftrevor rvlegntod tu qulotudc and neglect by men who count nothing sa cred where ambition Is to bo gratified. Bring your families and friend*. A rule has Wn secured of 4 cents tho round trip. Parties purchasing tickets will se cure from the agent a certificate which when signed by tho corresponding sec retary will entitle ytn» to teturn at tho rate of l cent por mile. If you cannot purchase a ticket from your station direct to Mlllcdgevllle pur- Chaso to the nearest point and ihen ob^ tain n like certificate. An effort to being made to secure reduced rate-i on MMdl« Georgia ana Atlantic. Macon and North ern and Macon and Dublin railroad* which It is expected will prove auc* — iC ... TAYLOR TOPICS. L. Q. C. Lamar’s Estimate of Hon. ,A. O. BUcon. Butler, July 1.—(epochal.)—Taylor county is got ting to be a stronghold for Bacon, though a number of people hero say if Crisp makes the race for senator ho is tholr preference. This Is Crisp’s district, and, of course. It is n.iuiiwl that they express themselves so, b\u qven granting this there are plenty here wtio favor Bacon. Bunding in a erv.wd of gentlemen a faiv days since your correspondent heard one Wtyo Is good authority re mark that L. Q. C. Lamar aaid some ut previous to tilt dsatti thsut Bacon s one of the ablest parliamentarians in America. This Is a eplcndkl cpmpll- it to MaJ. Bacon, but It la nothing more than a simple foot. We have had Just as much rain as wo need and the dinners are all hope- In fact, U came Just In time to save corn especially. Tho ©raps throughout Taylor are reported good, with splumUd prowpects. The Y* uuk Men’s Gennan Club gav a delightful pionic, und dance to the tailing young ladles tit Tickling's mill n Wednesday last and every one present enjoyed the day Immensely. ilap>r J. N. Mltahell is to be congrat ulated. Betiig under hla supervision it is not sui'prlalng that U was on en joyable occasion and pronounced suc cess. Among ahose Who attended were Messrs. Rufthta. Harris and Wiggins of Buena Vlstu. •Mr. W. H. Collins, a prominent olttsen of this place who had been sick for *iho past iwo months, died Mon day, morning and wu* burled Tuesday With Muwmlc honors. He held a policy In rhe American Legion of Honor for $8,000. A revival Is being held at the Bap tist church, conducted by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Ohamblee, Resisted by Mr. Durden of timer University. Boveral additions hltive been made to the church. Both of -these ministers are young men and thetr laird work is be ing rewarded. HOUSTON PRIMARY. The g«x'd people cf Milledgevlllle provide Iioiiim and you should ceme prepsrini to spend on,. »Uh* Ttie ham!*vHno portrait Gen. Mg will he disposed of and it 1* hoped all ~ * ©pared to make It reallae as much Tho pt >!hle arranged by bur t Villa. Come leuuradea, ly please notice. 'xerclse* will l>e ides at MI Hedge Pipers friend- H. Gilbert Attest: President. Roland It. Hall. Cor. Seely.. FORSYTH FACTS. L*flslt#vo Aspirants Are Shaking Ifianda With the People. •F<*rs>yh. July 1. u*prvlal.)—Every thing pv»Mtlcatly Is waxing warm and every day tin* result bccisncs more S M RIM DOWN” Md H andsp- (Mho. b Um flnt mis. tgttkst jab Utw ful dute( H. ZJrtT *•** *?***"• **> y*>S'» M -<7 pmjr la sll jort»a* ailmnt. Dr. Ptarw*. OolSo Mrf. ksi Mnovory cum .wry oca ot thw,. CURB. co Medbwl fitBcoeerx aswd mj Ut* When 1 brgsa your Ueafcaenl two years ag>\ I bad Non given u|f by tho Doctor, and ray ftlnids bad kat all beta of ray recovery. 1 bad *uff« red for year* with torpid liver: I bad chrouio pleurisy sou catarrh In a very hod form. At tended with btnoN rhaass- was conkocd to lay wd two month*. In days after begl- PD3BCB A Full List of the Fortunate Winners cf the Democratic Party. Perry, July 1.—(Special.)—The follow ing is the result of the primary held in Houston on Friday: Atkinson received 879 votes and Ev ans 130. Chandler for secretary of state received 742 to Clifton 232. Fbr commissioner of agriculture. Nla- bett received 838. Waddell 109, Calvin 13. Terrell for attorney* general. Harde man for treasurer. Wright for comp troller and B. W. Sanford of Crawford for state senator, were i»\*nin.*rd with out opposition. i For United fifed CM senator Bacon re ceived 639 votes. Harford 632 .Turner 20, Walsh x Noriben 1. The reason of the close race wn* that the Bacon men did not kn%*W of any tqqvsltlon. and there fore did not efork. while the Garrard man worked with all their might. Messrs. C. O. Gray and A. 6. Giles were nominated lV>r the legislature; Giles beating Pints by 4 vote*. Dun can cams fourth and Taylor fifth in the race. This race waa the hottest ever seen here. Miller was elected tax collector over Anderson by a large majority. Wright best six competitor* for tax receiver by a good majority. Edwards for clerk of court di»tance«l hta opponent, Strlpplitw, by nearly 3 to I. Likewise Barney BcnllUng left Cor oner Hurst with the tisg to hold. Mnwn K. M. FVtgnn. Green ITttger- aid. J. D. Martin, U. I.. Marshall and J. W, Rushing were choeen as county cummlMkmers cut of ten applicants. Menus Cooper for sheriff and Gilbert for treasurer, had no otipoaition, as the people believe It Is la vain to run tgulnst them. Each received every vute cast except five. WHITFIELD IN BUTTS. Mas. Baawrroao. pf-rclvea n-vclo ho* been good, somethnes lug 1,200 *>r 1,300. Rev. Mr. Htamon of AUarvto. is .still preaching, while Rev. J. H. Little continues to charm his hearers, as 1s demonstrated by the num'ber of special requests ha has .to repeat the gkid songs of Joy that have ti/iriilc-1 the aching heart af many wean' pilgrim. At a recent meeting of the Knights of Pythias tho following young men wore elected »to the respective offices herein enumerated: Dr. E. P. Ham, C.; Ikv Lipstlne, C. C.; Henry Brown, V. r.; 'Emory Pharr, prekitSL R. Carmichael, M. of A.; Claude Newman. M.-at-A.; T. C. Black, M. of E.; John Baston, K. of R. and S. They will be publicly Installed at the Arlington (hotel's banqueting hhll July 13, with speeches fitting the occasion, by Messrs. Ike Llpwtlne, ex-vice chan i-ellcr, mid Henry Rrown. Mr. Emory Pharr, a. polished man and gifted son of genius, will be the orator of the occasion. STORM IN TELFAIR. McRae, July 1.—(Special.)—Friday Afternoon was about the hottest weather experienced by MVRaeltes this your; but About 8 p.m. a terrible cloud arose In the nomWnrevt. The electric Hashes were almost constant and so was the loud i».ir of t’.it* thunder, ffhe storm In its .course passed down Alli gator creek, about seven or eight miles northeast of (McRae, but did no grcLit damage to bouses or any other prop erty. The tops of one or two houses wees blown off and same fences were blown down and a gx>»d many trees. Corn was blown down and broken a good deal, but It 1* lo be hoped thht no great damage was done. There are no forms on the oreek where the worst of the storm was. In McRae*the wind b>w almost due * »uth. A number were attending a lecture of Rev. IV. A. Huckabesut the Opera house and there came very nearly being a panic-evhen the etorm was at Ita worst. The rain was needed and w1U do good. • DEATH OF MR. HITCH. Flovllla, July 1.—(SpbMaU—It becomes our sad duly to rep*irt the death of Mr. C. F. Hitch at the Elder house Friday night. Mr. Hitch was a successful busi ness man. and a genial and noble hearted cltWen. tender and true to every trust. Il»» leaves behlnm him to minim his departure a loving wife and child. About ten days idnce, having been in had health for several months, he came to old Indian Spring, seeking the foun tain of youth, life and health, hut the fatal, heart disease, had about done lta work, and last night, al most without warning, the messenger came and he was called to his eternal heme. Mr. Hitch was about 43 years of age. His remain* were taken tn charge by our undertaker. Mr. O. D» Elder, at this place, embalmed, placed In a beau tiful oafket and sent to hla relatives at Homervllle for interment. A MUSICALE IN NT3WNAN. Newnan, June 29.—(Special.)—iA large and fashionable audience gathered at e*s Opera House a few evenings ago to enjoy the musical feast so suc cessfully and artitUcoay arranged by Mtoa Jessie Reese. The programme was a very select one and fhe apprecia tion of the audience waa shown by their liberal enoores. Mr. Joseph H. Denck delighted all with h!» unrivalled txano solos, and all Newnan awaits his return with tho moat pleasant aiMOlpa- tlons. The piano duet between Mtoa Jessie Reeee and Mis* NUa Lou Wal ton deserves special mention. Tlr>y rendered .Wriber’s overture to "Der Frisohiru” skillfully and eHclted the applause of the bouse. These two pop ular young ladies wKt leave Newnan tomorrow, much to che regret of all, to Mai Chautauqua. N. Y. G72—CHILTON SHIRT WAIST. Fixes 34, 35, 38 and 4^ Incheu, Busl Measure., The largest and best Win ter Wheat Flour Mill Plant In the world. UNDINE. Gfuahad fniddllpgs flour* The only Flour of Its kind, and the best of any kind. I til made by a secret pro cess known to but two persons. • •100.000 bs«n OffrrM for the Knowledge Don’t let your grocer put you off with "flours as good as UNDINE." There are >>ne such Undine to the eweste-it, made from selected winter wheat, and u purest snw best flour In the world. It Is Is water ground. NOEL MILL COMPANY, Estlll Springs, Tenn. . TWENTY AND EIGHTEEN. Americus. June 30.—(Special.)—In the rvpbrt of the Hurper-Stapleton mar- Mage y©u sajr the uvitrrsagv occurred gx>Mrq^2^:h birthday an»l rh* ONE CENT. A WORD ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THIS HEADING. FIFTEEN WORDS OR murk, taken at one cent a WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD. TAKEN FOR LESS THAN 16 CT& WANTED. WANTED—By a lady and gentleman, board In private family. Two unfur nished rooms and bath desJrcd. Addresa "F..” care Telegraph. WANTEEk^By a gentleman and lady, boar*, in phvbil* family. Two unfur nished rooms a/nd bath t^eslrsd. Address "..F» care Teljeyraph. WANjeo—Th’ose whb desire big bar- ga't* in clot’nlny, hats and gent a* fur- nlBhlrnr good* to call at KeUd n^j. J. J. Cobb. »iw.ignee. WANTED—You to see the 1894 Densmore model typewriter on exhibition at F. R. Pomeroy’s. J. E. Ml titer, tele phone 283. FOR RENT. FOR RENT—The elegant two-etory brick residence. 635 Orange street, containing nine rooms and three bath room* and all modern conveniences. The hruw has recently been com pletely overhauled. Accessible to all etreet car lines. For further particu lars apply R. S. ColUn* A Co. FOR SALE. WILL BE SOLD, for cash, at the court house door. BtbH county, at 12 o'clock, July 3, 1894. the following lots: Lot 6. block B, Tindall property, size 60x120 feet, fronting Campbell avenue; lota 4, 6 and 6 In block 101, Woolfolk lands. First street. East Macon, size 40x90 feet each; lot 1, block 89, Woolfolk tands. slse 42*100, fronting Bernard street; lot 6, block '44. Woolfolk land, 64x100 feet on Bernard street. FOR 8ALE—Old papers, for wrapping purposes, etc.. 26 cents per hundred. Telegraph office. MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN your wife leaves home board at the English Kitchen; cool and clean. STRAYED OR STOLEN-On June 30. a small dork boy horse. Any one know ing his whereabouts will please notify me. Telephone 177. E. A. Waxelhaum. BEST BRANDS df fine tea* and coffee in the market. Beet tea for tee. goes farthest; try R. G. G. Toole, 456 First. W. II. DeHAVEN. agent, offers his ser* as ih-signer, contractor and builder to those who contemplate building or remcdeling. Work done at the Kjwoat living rate* by compe tent workmen. Write to address, Vlnevillt delivery. BOOTS AND SHOES made and repaired. Best work and best material at reas. enable prices. 8hop third dc<dr' below Telegraph office. Hugh McKervcy. MY FORMER summer boarders will And me well prepared to entertain them at the Dterpont House. Cool dining room and excellent fare. Mrs. T. M.*Burner. TURPIN’S BAKING POWDER Is the best made. Have you tr;ed it? CRACKERS, Extra”TozstT bSHTMUi add a line of Holmes A Coutts* sweet cakes always In stock at R. C. Keen's. I SELL Royal MUk crackers like those left at your bouse at 10 cents pound. W. G. Mlddlebrooks. 10 CENTS per pound for Holmes A Coutts* Extra Toast or Royal Milk crackers. E. S. Smith A Bra. NEW LAUNDRY—First-class work for either ladles or gentlemen. Open July 3 at (W2 New etreet. Cotton avenue. All work guaranteed. Sam Wang. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always •Wes saUafacUon- Your grocer sella !L FULL business or shorthand course for 825 at Porter's Business College. The Most Wonderful Offer Yet... . 180 C MAGNIFICENT ' 571-MNVIL-LE Wi Size. 34, 86. 38 and 40 Measure, E74—RAJ3TI30URNE OV: Sizes Medium and Securely bound ii handsome cloth, now ready for READIES If you visited the Fair you can appreciate tis volume and if you did no it is the next best thing t a visit, Come and see it. T hen will you over ogam hai an offer of 180 fine Photograiic "Views handsomely bound f! 30 cents. This is all it will ct you if. you will clip out thfollowin Coupon and bring osend it to The Telegraph. AT COST—Clothing, Hata, Underwear. J. Cobb. Aaelgnee of W. A. Redding. BAKING POWN.k SNAP SBTS . OF THE * WorldVair tttptt fw™<« '■“•lr *» iMXdjtmrk) twwil M (WA. 4 . .lau 568—BERKSHIRE Col Sizes 34, 26, 38 and 40 Measure. 524-FA8ER SKIRT. | Slzea Medium and NAME OF PATTERl SIZE Send this mupon and JO , Macon lHegrajiKatvi yon* of Patterns jm'ilUUeii. Satire ] name of Patter n, and tait* \ forgetting to tUUe »ut Kidoee JOc.fOt etirfi / A* MB. GEORGIA. BIBB COUM Cowan, administrator < Woolfolk. i ceased, reprq