The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 11, 1894, Image 1

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-.i i LAW AND ORDER NOW PREVAILS. The Strikers Increase in Number and All Labor Orders Will Join Them Today. THE FIGHT WAGED WITH BLOOD Deb« Indicted and Arrected, Bat HU Ilea Are Dttermlned to Win By Legitimate flletho !•—Thejr Denounce Hob Violence. % Chicag'o, July 10.—Slowly but eteu&ly, cabnly and certainly, as befits the su preme power of a great notion, through- out Ulraic wide stretch of Ida dom.iin wherever persons are taking advantage of an exceptional Industrial condition to dmdte violence end bloodshed, the federal government Is working to the accomplishment of that for whictfi power ‘was delegated to it, to maintain order and guarantee sufdty of life and property. • At Chicago, In connection with the state and municipality, It has already brought peace out of the con dition of war which prevailed last week. Ac San Frvincteco. SUortimento, Los Angeles and various points in Washing- ington and Colorado where the unruly are creating havoc, it has let loose the dogs of wur In token of ills Intention <to have peace even If lit has to fight for lit. In this dty the military army has ac complished its purpose and the judicial army today took up -the orderly course of its duties, which includes the fixing on, guliity parties the metis une of crime and the fitting bf the punishment there to. The first step in this procedure ■was the eseemifoWng of the federal graavd jury and the delivery of the charge to lit by Judge Gross cup. mat .to be burned aside from an exhaustive inquiry Into the questions which lit has undertaken to pass upon by mere tecMhfoaUfleg. The effectiveness of the ehurge was evinced ut the outset) by the brusque- nose with whdcli ik swept aside the plea of privacy and privilege which the Western Union Telegraph Company urged iKs to Ohe messages of its clients, ■was forced to put in when the Jury called for the messages from Presidents Debs to the memibero of his order. Which bad been transmitted over Its lines. The court held thait the public safety was paramount-to private right, and .bo or dered thteb the dispatches be produced. That lit la the intention of the govern ment not to be too Ibng about the work in iiand was shown from the fact that the footsteps of the telegraiph officials Who brought the dispatches had sctircely ceased to echo along the oorldore lend ing to the grand jury room-when that body fikul Into Judge Grjsscup’n count and announced that It had found a true bill and Indictment/ rending *he ar rest of persons thus put under ithe ban of the law. thcr ninmes remained locked in 'the breast of the lord high execu tioner, and the public was allowed to druw Its owm conclusions from all the premises and such preliminary ilAta as fit had In hand. That Prouidenlt Debs was the man none doubted, and subse quent developments justified the sur mise. Touching the outlook for fthe future, outside of Chicago lit may be eaflri thait today's dispatches wore almost uniform In lienor «$o the effect that normal con ditions had already been .restored or that they were rapidly approaching thait otate. and it seems there is wo reaeon at this writing to suppose rthe progress to ward a complete reoumpiUiOn of trade and traffic will meet with any sertoue obstacle as /tJhe coming days shall suc ceed each Other. In ortJher words, It docs not seem possible tha/t w*th the forces of law and order as mow arrayed and with their ranks beginning to be depleted by desemflons and with the strain which they have already endured that the American Railway Union can rally its forces for a struggle, which must needs be long and discouraging to aay the leant. Apparently, therefore, thoir only hope of triumph lies In the . f5! which riiey hope to get from union 1^.7°^, oa ^ tsl(Je of their organization. As* this Is being written the order for all of tabor in Chicago to go on 8tI l k i4' l ? marrow 13 being promulgated 5E } expeated thait the order of Soveredpj at .lie KnflKhts ot Labor oa'llto® on all and all vtho uvuipa- tWze with the Pullman utrikem nil over f° < 5 om '° out wlt.h tliem, will 52“* w***?: H °w Renerally those or- aer, vrtll be obeyed Is iMUMemuMcul. To exterrt J h0lr ett ™ n *•“ already been dlsooun.ed by the stagmHon of Iff]****■ “5 *1 la known Qait »nne of the tonjtest headed of the lalbor leadera ttiemHelvea beheve ttnt the aosion has to ° ton » to *» fully ef- to?n lk,i At ESS** tontoarow till* na- tfto-wtjsn Probably kmoy whether the Sy* * °he of a crials or a tol- J MORE STRIKES TO FOLLOW. G“2«2 July 10.—Hie committee nj>- KSSi 1 8 meot !nk of om<l«i 5~5^ 8und « f rtrbt to arrange ™L a 5.5*«™«0“ of the Pullman boy- MU failins to do which by l o’clock today, a general strike ni to be or- LfROrted this afternoon that t/lelr th * tradM unions were leK to oany ty* the decision of meettn^ and declare u general Btrlke. The strikers declare tlwt the pneral strikes will be gglaffifrffg twenty^bur lioore-rttie atrlke tnvotvina not less than 160.000 men. * General Manager*’ Awotlatkm announ cing tlie gradual resumption of through w—nger train service, have evoked numerous inquiries (mm the Etu« u to whertier these condXlonn were being brought about by the return of strik ers. by the securing of new emp»>ye* OT by die aid of the government. A cate gorical query on this paint wns eub- mttted to the General Managers’ Aeso- tociaWoo and the following officio re _ Ply was returned: "The gradual re- ■wnnlluil of through passenger- traffic f -"' as Chicago Is concerned, hi being IT’* tit! WJfll nttv arnnkat'iK «n.l . i. affected with inv employee and the protecO** offered them by the JW we have enough men to nm our trains if they • re allowed’ without jnolejtsxjon. and thet the partial tie-up due ajlely to the action bf the «n<l rioters. TCie truth of thl« What we are doing is done solely by tihe aid of tile troops.'* THE SITUATION IS GRAVE. Chicago, July 10.—There is no dis- gu’Uiug the fact that fee local altua- ttoa tonight in the labor troubles Is more grave thaw It Iras been at nny time since two weeks ago, this noon. The American Railway Union Issued its boycott against the rolling stock of the lTflliuau Oar Company with the view of enforcing the demands of the strikers a-t the town of Pullman. This is not the view of alarmists or the bjtated 1dm of the radicals among the striking element. It \s the opinion im- f-irmined tonight among all classes of tlie community, which are looking for ward with fear and apprehension to wilt at the night or another day may bring forth. There was that same feel- big of unrest nanl foreboding to those who have witnessed uprisings on tlie part of the masses in England and on the continent which they remember full well. There weic three times an many people ou fho streets today ns were to be seen on any day for many moatlM past. Klae-teatb« of them, men and women alike, displayed some emblem. Tho majority wore the vhlte ribbon, emblematic of sym- phithy with the strikers, and agvilnst the use of which me white riibfooners of the Women's Christian Temperance Union have made a fervent but apparently inef fectual protest. Silken minliatures of the stars and stripes, koo, made their appearance this morning and before noon they were to be seeD by the thou sand serving the purpose of tooutenaires or (being pinned to the breast. In many Instances fihese emblems of*loy alty to the national government were testimony of the wearer to the fact that he was prepared ko support and vin dicate the laws ott 'the country were fastened with the significant bronze button of the Grand Army of the Re public. % Many others are discarding boib whfte ribbon and stars. The stri kers adopted as an emblem tri-colored ribbon and which, like the flag, was intended as an evidence of their ad:ie- sion to and support of the sovereign power of the land. It was signlflcarit also thSat «tthe stars ami stripes were hold Led on scores of fiajg poles in the business and residence distillate, generally bure except on the Foutr of July and Deoorattlon day and similar nwtfcanafl bolldaj's. The people on the streets kept mbvlng, but there was no congregation of crowds except alborit the miiltmw campa on Lake Front and the government buildings and in the regious of nho various head quarters of the labor organizations. But as iflliey walked they talked and they planned for the future. The labor »lt- uaitkm -was the engrossing topic of the clubs. In 'the TesKnuraivt, in the saloons and in all otter pieces of public resort. In commercial circles were lamenta tions loud amd deep, for tlie retail busi ness of all klnda is In a state of paraly sis. The wholesale trade is faring but Uttle, if any batter. Everybody agreed that affairs had been wrought up to tlie highest tension and thait, to use tho vernacular, "sorntfifng or other must speedily drop** too bring relief, although to seme erte®^ At had been »aniMclpiited. -KNIGHTS OF LABOR. Chicago, July 10.—Grand Master Workman Sovereign of the Knights of Labor has issued his manifesto tonight out (the Knlghib* everywhere. BDEF SHIPPED FROM CHICAGO. Union. Stock Yards, Jqly 10.—Under the protection of the Chicago Hussars two companies of infantry and calvary, troop “D” of the state guards, together with a company of federaltr oops and a squad of mounted police. Swift & Co. sent* out a -train of 'thlrty-threo cans of dressed beef shortly before noon today. The beef will be hurried to Liverpool. Quite a broiwd of h'ang- ers-on 'gathered at Fourth and Hal stead streets as the big passenger en gine of fche Michigan Central coupled on to the train, hut no demonstration was attempted on the part of the crowd. On top of each car a militia man »tood with loaded rifles ready xo Are at the flrat sign of violence. The Chicago Hussars, in fatigue uniform, and mounted on the coal black Steeds, cleared .the tracks Of the small crowds that loitered about, then escorted the train down Fortieth steet to the M-lch- ig'an Cenitnal mainline. This afternoon Armour started a train of beef over the same hoad. Since Friday the big packers have suc ceeded In getting nearly 100 car loads of beef and provisions in wagonc. Men have been at work day and night haul ing beef 'down, to wharves from whenco it is stripped by boats to ports on the lakes. Several car loads of provis ions have also been sent «to Eastern oltles by erpresa. This morning George G. Meade, post Number 444 of G. A. R. of Eglewood, tendered Its services to the govern ment. HiANNAHAN ARRESTED. CbiOAfO, July 10.—Vice-Grand Master J. J. Hannahan of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, was arrested ear ly this morning at his home and taken before Com-mlsaloner Hoyne. The war rant charges him with Interfering with interstate commerce and the passage of the mails. He is accused of boarding an engine on the Western Indiana road and Inducing the engineer and fireman to quit work. Hannahan claims, he Is Innocent of the changes against him, •while District Attorney Milchrist says the government has a good case against him. TO CALL OUT ALL ORDERS. mc/fe contention is shown hi tho schedule* the gradual resumption of pa*-1 jerv.*r traffis. It is useless, however, *o deny -chat without the aid of federal jnd mtt miliary we could not have as much as we have in this dirsc- sed with ihe military withdrawn • <*tua£oa would be as bad as ever.! Ohlcugo, July 10.—The plan cf the leaders for to-morrow is to call out first all tTganizations of labor tn Chicago and then proceed from town to town unltM the entire country is paralyzed or Pullman gives in. The Immediate c?- fedt on Chicago, i’f oil trades obey »he order to Strike, will be to throw about 90,000 or 100,000 persons out of employ ment. This aifremoon E. M. Multonl, mana ger of the Western Union Telegraph Obmpany, was called before the Federal grand Jury’ to produce telegrams sent by President Debs. He refused, on the ground that they were privileged com munications. He was niotf.fled by Judge Grrsscup to opprrr with the telegrams. He again obiedted and referred the matter to <the general attorney of the company. The matter was under tong conalderation and tlie company's attor ney sought on every legal provision at his command to evtrfd the process on ♦he point made by Manager Mulford, thift the communlcaittoine were privi- lew! and in custody of the company ns suoh. Judge Growcup’s notice was im perative. however, and was accompa nied with the word thit unless the tel egram* were produced Manager Mul- ford would be sent to Jail. Bvus'.on being hnposeible. the telegrams were produced 1® court at 3:30 p. m. The general attorney was in hM office in New York and the consultation between Western Unton offici-ils was all by wire. PRESIDENT DEBS ARRESTED. Oh •'ago, July 10.—Eugene V. Debs, president of the American RaKw.iy Union; George W. Howard, vice preni- dent; Sylvester K«4*her. secretary; Will iam M. Rogers sad J. S. Merwin wers all Indloted rtfliis aftesTtocra by the grand jury for conspiracy -to Interfere with the United Stories nulls. DeLs was or- routed ait the Leland hotel «lt 5 o’clock, fund KeHher at Uhritoh's hall a half hour toiler. The other three :w*e also beneved ho be under cirreet. Bill was fixed ait 110,000 in each case. The pen alty la a fine of from $1,000 to $10,000. REFUSED TO STRIKE. Pitfiaburg, July 10.—The employes of the PUttfburg 'and Western railroad received’ an order today from Presi dent Debs to go o-ut on a strike at noon today, but after holding a meet ing this afternoon It waa*deoMed not to comply with the order and the em ployes have telegraphed President Ddbs to 'that effect. SERIOUS AT-SACRAMENTO. San Francisco, July 10.—Col. Graham, with 300 regulars and five guttling guns and Hotchkiss guns, embarked oil the ferry steamer Alameda this forenoon and were taken to Mare Isl- .fam’d. This cortmwnd was increased by 300 marines, and all were loaded on two river steamers and started for Sac ramento. When this news reaah-M Sacramento the strikers became wild. At 'that point there are now over 3,000 strikers to resist the Federal and state troops. Flushfd with Uheir victory overtime United States marshals and police on Tuesday* last and a complete victory over more than 1,000 militiamen on tlie following duy, they are lu a mood to restet the regulars tomorrow. There was* mintna of transportation from Vallija by trains, but as soon as the strikers at south Vullija heard the regulars were coming they killed all tlie engines and spiked the swltehee, thus «>ffectlvely blockading the track. This afternoon the crews .from the Charleston, Monterey, Thetis,-Marlon and Independence were landed at Mare Island • .for riot drill. They comprise* ubodt 500 men and will leave for Oak land tonight. In the face of the geiie- nil preparation of tlie strikers for re sistance, the attitude of the locomotive engineers i» attracting attention. Rep resentatives of the brotherhood waited upon Superintendent FJLmore at Sacra mento this morning and announced that they were ready to return to work at a moment’s notice at all parts of the state except Sacramento and Oak land. Tlve situation has turned against the rtrlkers. SERIOUS AT GALVESTON. Galveston, July io.—The strike on tho Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fo by tho American Railway Union did not assume a'serlousp base until 7:30 p. m., tho time for the departure of the Santa Fe north bound passenger from the Union depot with two Pullman cars attached. Just prior to the departure a crowd of about 300 congregated about the Union depot on each side of the train. As the gong Bounded for the train to pull out a rush was mode by the strikers for the Pull mans and an effort made to uncouple them. This was successfully resisted by a detachmant of poJlce and a posse t of deputy sheriffs. After a sharp struggle the train' cleared the depot and departed without further Interference. After being thwarted in thla attempt, a body of strikers visited the Santa eF yard, ran out the crows of two switch engines, which engines they killed on the track, and demolished the windows in the cabs of each. A large crowd or strikers ana sympathisers are now congregated around the registering station of the Santa Fe, where a Btrong detachment of police and deputies are stationed to protect the In coming San I a Fe tr-tlnn. Four Santa Fe passenger trains are now tlM up at Tem ple, Tex. ALL RIGHT IN BIRMINGHAM. Birmingham, July 10.—The strike situa tion hero Is decidedly encouraging, the railroads sent out freight north and south. The Louisville and Nashville is getting out about twenty cats a day. Passenger trains are almost on uchcrtulo time, and there has been nothing to indi cate that a strike was in progress. CHATTANOOGA NOT BLOCKED. Chattanooga, July 10.—The Incipient railroad trike here has fallen flat. Today all trains, both freight and passenger, are running regularly, and the men nre working cheerfully. The agent of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis road announced this morning that his road would resume the operation of freight trains. The Alabama Great Southern h'is not the slightest difficulty In securing competent men to take the places of the striking firemen. All fears of further trouble are gpne. DEPOT HEAVILY GUARDED. San. Jose, Cal., July 10.—At G o’clock this morning fifty deputy sheriffs, com. postd mostly of promlntnt citizens, as sembled In front of thb court house and marched to the broad guago depot, to gether. with twelve deputy United States marshals and eighteen policemen, where all are now on guard. Troops arrived this morning from Agricultural Park and went to the armory, which Is within five minutes’ walk of tlie depot. It appeared this morning that there might be trouble before the trains weft to be started today. At 10 o’clock the blockade was broken and a train left for San Francisco unat tended by exciting Incidents at the depot. SHOT BY FEDERAL SOLDIERS. Sprlngvlllt, Ill., July 10.—A company of regulars, commanded by Capt. Conrad, came Into collision with a mob of strikers principally miners, this afternoon at the Rock Island railroad station, and after patiently endurlsg volley afttr volley of stones, they fired into the inob. killing two men and wounding several others. The mob was largely composed of Huns, Poles and other foreigners. Their threat ening demonstrations there yesterday and this morning hod caused tho presence of the troops and the attack began before the sliders hud landed from the tr.d.i. After his soldiers hod been well pelted with stones, and the mob threatened to run over his men, Capt. Conrad gabc the order to fire. The mob broke for the tlmebr when the firing begun and has not assembled since. The troopa went bock to Chicago tonight. AT CLEVELAND. Cleveland. July 10.—At noon today the Indloitlon*'are that the backbone of the strike Is broken. One crow has •t>*en put to work In every yard In the cd*ty, and each of rile roods has suc ceeded in making up and ending out at least one freight train. There have been no Mgns of dlsturbjnoA AH the firemen employed by tho Big Four who have been on strike returned to work this morning. It now looks ns though the n rlko would Bptvdfly break down and before night every yard be fully manned and actively at work clearing up the accumulation of cars. IN TEXAS. Galveston. July 10.—The goverhor has had no official Information from the strike on the Santa Fe railroad, and the impression Is that everything la qui d. All the elite troops nre in camp here nnd are fully prepar»*d for any duty should their eervicea be needed. Gainesville, July 10.—The members of tli> • American Railway Union In thla city-over 500 In number—quit work yesterday. They were mostly shop men ind had been laying off for some twenty days because there wu* noth ing for them to do, but arrangement* had been made to resume work yester day, -when nu order came from head quarters for tliem to strike. Bo they declined to go to work, to the delight of their employers, who really had noth ing of importance for them to do. SENATOR GORDON ON THE STRIKE He Delivered a Patriotic Speech in the Senate in ’Support of Cleve land's Action. MOB VIOLENCE NOT IN FAVOS Senator P.flT.r Provok.d Ih. Dltotlilloit By' Ills IntroUnollon of" lion* Ugrlng Gor.rnm.nt.t .Control of Itallroatla. ' WaMilnslxnn, July 10.—Tlio sonntc spout three huura todlty in debate upon Hhe resolution offered Monthly by tlio Populist 6111.1 tor from ICousas (Mr. Peffor) looldns to govemmeut control of the menus railroads, tho regula tion of 'tlidr freig'ltil and passenger rates, tlie fixing of wages of railroad employes, the acquisition nud opera tion either by tlie federal government or t>y the state government of all the coal beds of tlie country, and to many oilier peculiar Woos of thd ropulM party. rAs was to lw expected, tho great railroad strike at Chicago was tho ohhi topic In the ditao. Lu a speech <k an hour and a lulf Mr. L’or- ■fer stated the uiso from tihu Debs ur strikers'' point' of view, amt held all the May for the omlnnik on Mr. Pull- uian, whom ho cbnradteitad us soul less, eousoicoicolew} and tyrannical. Tlie cause of low uud order and tire nmvmnSnuiici! of free, unobstructed Ju- Uvoourse by railroad communication was championed by Mr. Sellers of Min nesota nnd Mr. (lordon of Georgia, both of whom denounced tn eloquent and paltrtoiic language Oho iio.-adon token by tiho Kansas Bona,tor and tire lawless outs of Delia and his followers. PEFFER'tt SPEECH. Mr. Pettey, In the course of his speech upon his resolution, said: "I Co not won der somethAw that there Is a growing feeling agali.t the political condition or things In Washington. I Jo net uondrr that mylzrttnds wrlto to me expressing the hope tin; H'-inte nhall b«* abol ished. I ttroto to one of them ywttrfay ffriMng I would vote for its abolition and I would go further and vote for tho aboli tion of tho house of representatives. 1 would favor the government being confined to ono man—not more than one—from each state. • Tho fewer governors that wo have in this country the better. At any rats, one tnan can do no worso ifcan a few hundred men have done." Then Mr. Peffcr went on to speak en- thiualoaUcally- of the grand spectacle that would be presented when all the men of the countfy stopped work; when all tho life of tho'communities would be at an absolute and perfect standstill, liko the uLlence of a Sunday morning; when no body would be at work; when everything would be paralyzed and Inert. And thtf was, he said, what this thing meant to the American people. The time had come for employers to learn how to handle the situation by fair treatment of their men, and If they could not do that, It was time for tho people, in their sover eign capacity, to interfere .and say that the thing had gone far enough—to say "Thus far and no farther." Then Mr. Pcffer read and commented upon the report in todays papers of the Interview between dclegats from the com mon council of Chicago and the vice- president of the Pullman company, Mr, Wicices, and ho repeated with words or condemnation tho final speech, of Wlokee; 'The Pullman company has nothing to arbitrate/' Then he spoke of the modern tendency to teach the use of arms in the colleges, public schools and even, he ■ukl, In the Sunday schools, nnd he ex claimed passionately; "It is time that this militarism should cease. If I am asked what we are going to do when disputes arise between em ployers nnd employes, I would my: ‘Keep your hands off.’ That Is my advice-keep your hands niwuy from them. They will settle this thing themselves, and they will do it without bloodshed. They will do It without using torches. They will do It without getting angry. They will do it Justly, safely, wisely, promptly. The very Instant you begin to call out the military army la order to protect one side and send the other to oppression, Just so soon you arouae a spirit ot animosity which cannot be quelhcd by force." A SCORCHING KJSFLK. Mr. T. N. Davis (Republican) of Mlnne. sola arose and declared. In a manner which betrayed intense Indignation, that he had heard witff amazement and pain much of Mr. Peffer'e remarks. Jio had supposed that by common consent It ap peared to be the better course not to In- flam} the situation by speeches on either tide, because even the most moderate language at such a time might he con strued Into Intemperance, and ho went on: "At a time when in the second city of the United and the fourth or fifth city of the civilized world order Is suspended, l.i.v la powerh*ss, violence la hupr.-m**, life Is In danger and property U tn the very arms of destruction, I am amazed to hear the trumpet of sedition blown in this chamber to marshal tho boats of misrule to further devastation. * "It was not an Issue," he continued, "be tween the Pullman company ruui Its em ployes, It had gone beyond that. It had gone beyond the strike of the American Railway Union. The boycott ha/1 taken the liberties of the American people by the throat. From (bat it bad gone on to riot, and from riot to an insurrection, which now confronted the country. And today, with the dormant and latent pow ers of revolution threatening the country, the senator from Kansas was advising the dismemberment of the government and the abolition of the legislative and executive departments." He, Mr. J>avks, spoke on this treason V. I - it r< P.i’t.iit- i-. II.- would rwt n.ty a single word to Influence the situation, but something had been said by the sen ator from Kansas which demanded a reply, and that reply, to he efficacious, bad to be Immediate, lie would speak in regard to the men more immediately en gaged in the existing difficulties with the utmost moderation aji«l kindness. They were misled and misguided rnen, but they were nut the entire p<</ple. Th • senator from Kaunas had professed to speak for the people of the country; but there was nothing said about where tho mob 2nd obtained control of a great strategic point. Her* Mr. Peffer Interrupted and Mid that be protested ac-iinst being misrep resented. "I decline to yield," aoM Mr. Davis, angrily. 'The senator spas la in behalf of a mob. The senator from Kansas has no word of reprt/icb, not a single word against the bloodshed that has been go ing on in Chicago for the last ten days, or against the mlJUona of property tbit insists that we must go back to the cause of the strike, to the dispute be twee t Pullman and his men, and must arbitrate. Everybody knows that wo have gut tar beyond that transaction. The proposition la Just as fooltBli as tf some one, when the battle lines were drawn at Gettysburg ha/1 Insisted that the impending contact should be withheld until Lee and Mead had argued between the lines the question of slavery In tho territories. And the senator from Kansas proposes to disturb the government Itself, and expressed the opinion that now la the tlnfe to annihi late the legislative and executive func tions of the government and change Its principle into that of a 'committee of public safety,’ like that which existed during the reign of terror In the days of the first French revolution. This whole proceeding, WhlcTThas grown Into a mag nitude which I have Inadequately de scribed, has come from the illusion that Hrho a faction of society, useful in Itself, of course, and Indispensable I admit, can by force dominate every other portion of the body politic. Does anybody suppose that burning, cars, destroying properly, disturbing society, weakening credit, tam pering wtfli the employment of poor men, will help labor? Why, they are destroy ing the very thing from which they de rive tlielr nourishment, the very thing which they have helped to build, and they are doing It at the command of self- appointed men who have put themselves at the head of tUelr organizations. Ana people prate about liberty. Tho only lib erty worth having In this country is the liberty of all men alike, liberty in its philosophical and commonscnse definition, the right of an indvdual to exercise the freest action up to and not beyond that point where lie Infringes on tho exercise of tho like right of other men. Beyond that tt Is the destruction of liberty of others by the more strong and is a sub version of the very theory of the re public. It Js the return to a primitive existence on one hand, or, as an alter native, to despotism, on the other." In concluding, Mr. Davis said: "I have not said a word about parties In thla matter. I shall expect tho Democrats, the Populists and the Republicans to join hands In this matter, so that a secure nnd peaceful rest may be obtained at la^t, after which the best efforts of tho executive department of tho government will bo exerted to bring about the only solution of the affair that can yosalbly be obtained." GEN. GORDON’S SPEECH. Mr. Gordon also spoke in a ton© of defiance and indignation. "Mr. President, tho senator from Kan sas clothed his extraordinary speech with an ooaault on the two leading political parties occupying this chamber anl ap peals for a third party. At a time ltko this, when the peace of great communl- tle* !m not only threatened but broken, when taw ta defied, when a great central city, one of the first 'a this or any other land, has its prosperity threatened by a u-ilsi: of blood :in<l fire and terror, when great communities are looking hither and tlvlther for some method of escape from the terrors which surround them, when our very civilization, not to say the form of government under which we live, is heaving under a mad groundswell of a great agitation. It seems to me that <uny representative on this floor has descended very far from the lofty piano of states manship and patriotism who stands 'at such an hour to appeal for party. What matters it to uh whether we bo Repub licans or Democrats, what matters It to any lover of his country on which side he stood in the great American conflict In the, nu that now we stand shoul der to shoulder for the peace of the coun try and tho enforcement of Its laws, the support of Its dignity and the perpetuity of Its personal liberties—tho liberties of Its people? I do not wish to speak on the subject from a Southern standpoint and I will not. «It matters not to ino whether tho woo which threatens Cblajgo bo Western, Eastern, Northern or South ern. It involves in its meshes the very life of this republic, which Is a republic of order. If It Is a republic at all. are a peculiar people. Wo are a pcoplo who rovern our country by vote, ballot, and tho will of the people is its law, and when the will of the people folia to support tho taw the government ni'iHt l.n r-iiM’ defunct. W« have no guV- emment except that government organ. Ized and upheld by tho free will of tho people. Law governs hy popular will and protects private property and private life. It protects the right of tho laboring man to dispose of hla labors and sell it whero he pleases, and when that right Is invwled by Mr. Debs, or anybody else. It Is a defiance not only of the laws of the whole country, but it I* on inaugura tion of a syatem cf slavery never known In tho past history of this country. The Institution of slavery has been wiped out In blood drawn from the veins of North* cm and Southern kindred, and Mere never hns lived a man on this contlneia who had the right to order a man of hi* own blood from labor. Why, sir, whers Is this country today? I s»and hero this high chamber and recall with soma misgiving the woful prophecy of Lord MaoCaulay In some great public upheaval like that which confronts us today, tout this fair republic would eltoer lose us civilization through mob law, or In put ting it down by the strong arm of power would lose Its liberties, tilr, 1 do not believe that, but 1 confess If such doc trines as we have heard on this floor this morning become popular, well may we pause and consider whether Mac* Caulay’s prophecy Is Jo be fulfilled or not. Rather would 1 think wlih the great Gambetta, when he sahl that all the liberty loving people of the country would unite to save the county, however much they might fight in politics. The day Is on us right now, and 1 stand here, not as a Southern man, but as American citizen, and wish my voice could ring through the ear of every law breaker of the continent, to say that the men who wore tho gray from ’61 to ’65 And confronted the stars and stripes will be found aide by »Tle with those who wore the blue following that flag in up holding tho dignity of the country over which it floats. (Applause.) "One more thought. The distinguish/^ senator from Minnesota (Mr. I)avl») said truly and wisely that the great backbone of the country wm» the common class. I b< long to that class. I nm a farmer, and as their representative I stand here to day to say that south of the Potornsc river you will not see a farmer, be he white or black, who will not rally to the support of the government in the exercise of Its power. I wish the matter could have been settled peacefully. I egret the bloodshed, but I want to say as an honest man that the blood which has been shed or will be shed, be It an ocean, 1* nothing to the price of this republic and Its value, and the sons of men who made It will gave it, whatever may bo toe cost." Thla speech evoked prolonged and en thusiastic applause, which made It neces- aary for the vice-president to admonlsn the galleries. Mr. Daniel offered the following resolu- tiott a* a substitute for that offered by Mr. Peffer: "Resolved, That the senate Indorses the prompt and rigorous mea»T ea adopted to all' 'cases In law and equity arising under the constitution and laws of the United States. It Is the duty of thetPresl- dent, under the constitution, to take care that the law be faithfully executed, and to this end It is provided that he shall be commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States nnd of tho militia of the several states, when colled into the actual service of the United States. It is treason against the United States for a Citizen to levy war against them, or to adhere to their enemies, giv ing them aid and comfort. Those who contlnuo to use force to assail or rvelst the constituted authorities of the United States civil or military, should bo warned of the magnitude of their offense, and tliope who earn honoat bread by honest toll can do nothing more detrimental to their Interests than show them any sort of countenance in their lawless course. The aclIbn*rof-toe'l>?eBtflimt~nJKl hl« ad« ministration has tho full sympathy and support of the law-abiding masses of tho people of tho United States, nnd he wiu be supported by all departments of the government and by tho power and re sources of the entire nation. Mr. Daniel said he hoped that such a resolution at such af time might pass without opposition, without a dissenting voice. It only reiterated toe provisions of the constitution. At the conclusion of Mr. Daniel’s re. marks cries of "vote!" "vote!" were heard. An effort was then mode to get a vote on tho resolution, but Mr. Ctai- linger (Republican) of Now Hampshlrs asked that it go over until tomorrow. Under the rule thla was done, although his colleagues sought to have mm with draw his request. A mibwlituto for tho Peffor rowolw tlou was oftcivd hy Mi\ Daniel ir£ Vir ginia, upholding und flrcnwPBnriliig tlw ortldal /tutl'On ot nine PresUlouh niul hla cabinet. Then after some remarks by Mr. Gordon and by Mr. Sotiwurfc of Ne vada, the whole subject went ovpr til) tomorrow. • In tho Inst two hours of tibc session tho pcwftotlloo flpiMOjyriaitJaa bill and tho houso bill for tho ndurissloai of Utah as a. s-tonto were powscii, tho former vvitih very little friction and tin la titer without nay ati all, oven without the yetis and mays being called upon its passage. The senate ait 5:15 p. m. adjourned till no morrow. IN THE HOUSE. An Eeffort Looking to Who Fbrfoltnn of Railroad Land Grants. by the president of the Unites Status and member* of his administration to repulse and suppres*, by military force, toe in terference of lawless men with the due proceee of the law* of the Unicd States, and with the transportation of the malls of the United State* and with commerce among the states." Mr. Daniel then said it Is within the ptaln constitutional authority of congress of the United 8tates to regulate com. merco with foreign nation* and among Washington, July 10.—Several pri vate relief bills were passed amd then Mr. Paiferaob called up tfl\o contested election awo of Tihrnsfacr vs. En’oe, from the edgftytih Teanaieric) district. Tlie rcwliitiioiis declare Enloo cufitlod to tltio seat. Mr. rotttanton wtaiteil tho majority of tho coumLfcteo were ol tlie opinion that Mr. Enloo wus elected by 110 voted atul tho minority cimt h« mis elected by 85 voites. The resolu. fcUxna were agreed to without division, Among the 1A1U* reported from com. mitten was one by Mr. Powers (Ro publican) of VonnomltJ from the cornu mlttee ad judiciary, whkU h® nirld wuj intended ouly "tie Improve tho health nnd inortU* of the members of tliq hbuaa.” (Laughter.) lti provided foi tJie repeal of aotsUon 10, revised start}, under which die Kerffesmt-a-Mirnw Ih deducting 'from Jibe sa'lnrlos of mem bers per diem for absoacw for otliei reasons till an-aldcmoBg. A minority n» pont will uU> be filed. Mr. McRae, dhalrmaa of tlio comralti too on public kinds, culled up die bill to rjpivil tlio oof exempting pulfil< lands In Alabama from the operation of the law of 1883 nlotfsg to mineral lands, and it was passed. According to (ilio uinniogoavont mad« by him with ttio committee on rules* Mr. McRae, almlnmnm of tlm conimitQea on public lands, called up itllio bill re* ixnfmi from hi* oommlttco to amend llto railroad land grant forfutturo law of Hnptombjr 29, 1890, by Inserttog a siibitilthtc for section 1, grjutiy ejriwul. Ing tlve tfcope af Jits operations. By tilu* provlfifons of dio naw uut about 54,000,000 flares of tad would Ikj fori felted und restored roi tflio public do. mfcf.n. Tho bill -was dlsciBSOd by Mc.-win. Mcltac, Ihxi.tner uud Cobb of Alabama, who flavored Him posaagei and by Messrs. Lacey of I own, Wilson of Ahuljunui und IIcriiMuin (Republican) of Oregon, who uppotjwl ft The bill wan not dlflpoftcd of. Mr. McRae bad brought In and dis played on a glganiiic mart Su the orso froiurtug t.h»» KjM-akor’H do«k a nuip showing flho talon und extent of lands givifltod <o the various lines of railway* edeoed nnd unrarnod. Mr, McRae contended tba i the government had a right to forfeit much of tlio** land* os wore uwormed, niul dint such forfefctuiv wwh not a contravention to the dt*visions of the United Kinds* fill* pr«*mo court. According to titis map tho *tui tus of lowu. and Minnrsotn lmvo' been given over wholly te Hie Innd grant railroad. After prosrovtlug nrgu* irtenlU to favor of tin* bill, Mr. Meitu* presented a table slewing the ostl« mated amount of bind tliait would hs forfeited by fihe iNissnge of the 1411, in which t* flmnuoed die following limns: Gulf and Ship Island, C52.800 nerra; Co6*u# and Twaxww, 140,1(19; Coouq awl Oliaitoogsi, ^,000; Mobllo niul Girard, 051,204; Belnvi, Rome and Dal- t«K\, 258.024; Atlanide, Gulf aad W«*4 India Transit, 670.000; Pennaoola nnd Grorgla, 070,080; Vicksburg. Shreve port awl Pa rifle, 30-1,800. At 5:10 »iu) flimise adjourned urvUJ tomorrow. COTTON CROP REJPORT. A Slight Improvemoryt Shawn In Lh* Staple’s Condition During June. • W*»hln/fon, July 10.—Retirrns to til* department of agriculture for oeftton make the overage condfCicm 89.0,ng*.ilnst 88.3 in June, showing an improvement in it* condition of 13 pr/irito. The con dition tn July, 1893. wu* 82.7. The av« ertiges bv ritutes nre as flolioet: Virginia. 87; North CbrofllMt. 91; »)uoH Carolina. 88; Gearglo. 78; Florid», 93; AI- ab.imi. 87; Missiaslpid, 88; Loulsrirw, 94; Texas. 99; ArlOlMs. 97; Tennessee, *3. The repot* hIk>ws a Kti^iu but general Imprav<»ment of condMon cotton belt In five Ht ites, VIrgln::i, Alabama, .MtoMppl. LouMjJM and Tenn.’J.Hr'e. there- bus been n define, *.vhll«- In the wut'-s of Narth rhiralln*. BouTh Cnrolinti. Go»»rg1i, Florida und Texan, there has been «n lmprovem *irt In tbe condition of the crop. GROOM 82; BRLDE SO. Bloamimcton, III., July 10.—The mar* mac of Thomas Stout to Mr* Ellz-i- bvth Kjtt m m occurred here last night. The remarkable feature of the marriage U the fact that tin- groom was 82 years of age and the bride M.