The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 11, 1894, Image 2

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>»per Patterns For ifirsrjr Ladf lie«tl*r of Tit* T«legr«pti»' v We have made arrangements by which we are offering to the readers of the Telegraph the licmorest Cut Paper Patterns, which are worth from 20 to CO cents euch, thus making every copy of the paper worth from 10 to 40 cents. Cut out the coupon below and mall ac cord ng to directions bn It and you will receive by mall the pattern in the elze chosen. 571-LINVILLE WAIST. Sizes 34, 36, .38 and 40 Inches, Bust Measure. 574—EASTBOURNE OVERSKIRT. Sizes Medium and Large. THE MACON" TELEGRAPH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1894. HHJ \ DAY’S DOINGS IN GEORGIA TOWNS i Batch of Bright Items Furnished by th« Telegraph's Hustling Correspondents :ULLODEN'S BATCH OF ITEMS fh. Tow. o. Sit, Up Or .dp. D««plt. th. Hard Tlin.i—MoitU- P/ogr.ia—Tli. a.wi % Olh.r tourc.i, Oullodra, July 10.—(Bpcothl.)—Tho sclwul bound met on Kotunlay, and af ter mature deUbcnttlou elected tor toaebern smother year Profcseor P. If. Drown, Jr., a, principal and Mias fllandtio Brown ua Ural naateaunt, and Miss MolHo Wilton wu» uhooen as mu- etc teacher. The board aro iudevd for tunate In sooarlni the aerricui of such an able corjut of tkausttcni. l’rofetMur Brown Is one of the most •udueosful youux teachers In Cho Htati. Be«|diw being a BTuduxto of Oxford, he has bad aorerui y amt' oxpcrlcoco ns u teacher, Urerltiv taught 111 Heuuhi, Zele ulon, and Lrwtly In Juticwboro. Mias Brown Is u luxuntl barn txoctur, buy ing bad some yinnt at experience and training In the lnwt nnnuat wfliools. Miss Wilson, us Mound ussSs'uut uud music ttsurtcc, will prove u valuable member of Uiu faculty, baying taught here wiuh rnuiJh uuocim.. Now listen out for the Cuilodeu muxxiI the 1st of September. l’olttln Is Mill agtattlag the. people of our U/wu. The uundld.ifos uiv many fur all the ulllixw. lively day IlmU n now one ur two here, rondy u> ash yon atl nlrisit "enips," your fondly. mul limy Mi lug else he thinks we may know. There utv only six atndkWw.w fur the legtslmure liuo Monroe, nud bvyween tin- six we will gain luiuDi vuluaiblu m- formation. • Crops lire looking better since the lust few ihiys' min. Mr. UetH'gu Jordtui, one of our mo*t successful ytwng formers, report, n most wonderful crop of corn. After tils first, rain, which camo lust week, he noticed Hint his corn wits nearly oovered up with dirt (It mis not very bill) mid now. bo says ho will soon be gin digging It, ns he Is sure there la n crop of iHstnnocs under It, lliero being twilling above ground. Rev. Mr. Entbry . lms Just closed u series of very InilcreslltTg lm-ethigs at tho MKtodlat oliutv'h. Air. liiul .Mrs. folium Maynard aud olitldren of Koflfgi mo nwadtpg ,patf time wuh Mr. ami Mrs. Oostlln, par- cUls of Mrs. Maynard. MIsh I.uHo Huutkywcr, a eliarirtlng belle of Eufauta. Aim., Is spending some time Wlttl frletuls bore. Mrs. J. M. K'initt nnd dlmnivlng daughter, Miss Joe Stella of Atlanta, are Hut* gu««m of Mr. O. O. HUsrtum for a fnw days. Ool. Itirlinv WBUngliith, one of the mast luilllnut lawyers of Fontrili, and who, by the ■titty. 1h a mandate for Ms* legishilnro. Is Iwuul-sluikliig Willi Ills many friends'll,-tv this week. Mr. J. K. Rlnslngaiiu' mod wife of Mount Vernon, Texas, me guena of tlsir ftnthcr, Air. John W. Bhislngame. MO’N’TBZU’MtA MA.TTE118. Hard Times Do Not Stay the Hand of Progress. iMontesuma, July to.—(SpecialJ—in spits of tho hard times Montcsuma ocmUxiuea «o grow and to imiaper. Two brick .tores and two rs.jdenccs are now being built, and on the tlrat of August two. new nnd progrivudvo It mi. will begun basin ne. There is not a vacant storo or realdlenea In .«wn. Tho MomeatlnUL Silver Cornel band hen been reorganised and new dls- ■Murses mveet music. Tho stale senatorial convention for the Tlvlrteonth senatorial district will oonvene here next Saturday, the lfth Inst. Large delegaite. fortn Sumter and Schley countio* wHI be on hsmt when lh. se. wlm the Maeun county dcl- '*gahx*. will formally ainnumee Mr. JJ. U. Lewis of thl. plain ns the Dem ocratic nominee for this dtuiitot. Tho following are the visiting young ladles tvlio am now gracing our town with thulr tireeonce: Misses Il.lte 0.unni«'.l of lluistlton, Mattie White of Urltttii. Kinsiia O.Ktner of Kurt V al ley. Dorla llaslam of Marshallvlllo and Gertrude lUrnen of Texas. An enjoyaltftu daneo wus givert at the residence of Mr. and Mne. fc. K. Sol omon. Owing to tho ruin only a small crowd attended. By tint rui.guatlon of iMIs, Emmie Jlurnady Montezoma loses one of its beet toucher, and a social favorite. Mtu llornady has been coimeetixl with the fohoot since us existence as a pub lic scWool toucher anil he. endeared herself xo her ;sitrons and pnplle. 'our loos ts Sh,siman’s gain, and we com mend 'her to the good people of that town an a lady of culture and rehne- nient, and a teacher,uf ordinary abil ity. Wo give her up with grent re luctance, but with the hope that she may have as great success and appre ciation In tier new Irene as she has enjoyed here. JUHAN’S. TRAVELING DRESSES AH colors in Serges 35c to $1 Pretty line of Mixtures 16c to 60c Silks for Shirtwnists 19 to $1 Uig line of Remnants Wool Goods for skirts at just half former price. ' FOR FANCY WORK. Big shipment fancy Crochet Cotton. All colors in Wash, Rope nnd Tilo Silk/ Plain and Fancy Scrim. Remnants in every department. Afij“Don’t forget our Trunks. JUHAN’S ..606.. CHERRY lotion of being a good oiul Industrious negro, wan t/rtten by a small rattl«*»n:ike while In the corn crib of Mr. Walter Hu-jdienn. about two miles from pfcice. Ho was exchanging with Mr. Stephens a lot of shelled <*>m far some In -Lhe «ir and was im GIr. tituphens’ barn ffettinfr the latter wtien he came ncroHs and put his hajvl too now the snake. Wlthtn half an hour after the MW r.niKH or th<- jrAmmou* repute pMMnln the unforlunaite man's hand he waa brought In town to Dr. RawUngs tor Crsa4ment. Whisky In huvs quanti ties was administered to make the mnn oomplotely drunk. Opdaitce were also Klven, tut ho could not toe made as drunk, as the jihynlci t« detfsred, and from 3 until G o'clock he seemed In gmU 1‘Kor.y. JJfHpli.- iJi" nin Mint i.f M'.mvi- lants Klven, at 6 o'clock he w'aa ndt drunk enough to too kepD quiet, nnd, »v»Tnln;;Iy thinking thxt dSMJl WOS Very near, requested thait some one send for Ml, wife and other relatives. The man was toadly flightened and would at dif ferent times jiroy. - H4 certainly suf* ftired Intense paJn. Dr. UawllnRs says that the negro’s puls© rot several times was very weak. Ho hewn ito recover hurt night after 7 o'clock, but woa not nible to be curried to htn home until liila morning. It U a oetnatnly that ho came very near dying. Mr. Stephens killed <the snake. Indorsee Russell for Congress—Heovy Ruins. Warwlok, July 10.—(Speclal.)—Worth county elected the following delegatee Friday at Isabella for B. E. Russell: J. H.-Shlngler, \V. J, Gregory, C. C. Hall, D. C. yirtcklln C. W. Graves, C. A. Alford, W. H. L. Alford, C. P. Rouse, \\\ A. Hall. W. J. Hall. The followng delegates to the guber- ivaitorUil oonven'tlon were eleotid toy tho dUmmkteo: D. H. Davie, M. J. Gregory. B. F. Overotoriit, j; G. McPhoeU, W. E. WUltnms. W A. Harris, W. H. L. Alford. C. P. Rouse. W. A. Hall. W. J. Hall. .. . Tho heavy rains since Friday have damnged crops ftir more than tho drought. Lowlands nr© overflowed, all wntor courses aro out of <he4r banks Mid at this hnur (7 o'clock) It has been mining for thrvO houru ‘This county is safe lor aom nnd the hog crop. No Wetfterrt com has ever boon hMpp-mI hero, I'Nnnom have spenlt less thin year than heretofore. f Tlie strlkf it* n*.t f.-lt tl vvn hore yet. The met\)n crop remains In the field. NVIt;tt ft w were shlmn «l have livclv* d no returns. No melons will bo planted next year tot market. SHOT IDS PATHKR-IN-LAW. W. J. Bush Shot to Dearth Jeeso G. Jtolner Near Tennllle. TennUle. July 10.—(Speeded.)—W. J. Bush shot ami klllvd Jeseo. G. J dncr, hit* f i*th.M-ln law, «3hU lmunliig. Th.* •■ir- ounwtnnoes bf the killing nre unknown. Thero hns been bad blood existing for Nome time. A short wlUle ago Joiner haul a difficulty with Bush, In which Joiner ehot a-t Hush nnd tilt Bush’s wife. A warrant was issued tor BuhIi, but friMuls interfered and tho matter teas dmjvped, ".he imtxict* linking frienda. } The 1 nvmcdtart* trouble scorns t.» have grown out of difference* in the ronl&ng of Joiner's house by Bush. No one wun pressor nt the shooting except the jmr- Uoa nnd n son of Bush. The coroner will investigate tho nwt- Oar today. The difficulty occurred some five miles wmtheast' of Uilt* (dace. Bush left na Mm m the kilting took place. It ts not known whether lie has gone to give up to the sheriff or not. Joiner hn* been in the asylum and by n many was thought to be cmxy and d«nacrous. A LIFE SAVED BY WHISKY. A Negro BlUoii by s RsKlesnake OUBo Near Dying. Sandersville. July 10.—(Sfnc<ab)—Yes* torday morning se ll o'clvk Jim Will- t uns, a colored inun whv» has tfie VNA 11'ROA CHA BUS in every way—I>r. Pleav'i I'toaiAbi iVAMa In every thing UmI uwkee ! iU ▲ nieilaiwe better ^Atbiui aihtlW, Ui:va» HlstUo )Vik*U stAUtl ■first lh<' 7 A0X4M Ilk*' ■ u> tdi vn tmUi B IV) 'ru »«' •iiiaII ^so*l m lOmtMun to takt*. and their ac tion and effects are so auFanii. DuIIimks, drowniiwea. wearlnxea, ken of a^v- |e«tit.*, hxrml Uexgue, freouvut btadiu-fMOi w itli ie- without diuitMeu. «muI!j eonwiUona, anti vRtvnsiiaud naunn ftliowyou that you m-l i»r IVtveVi lVUrts. That »* BilhHis- nt*M. And In BiliouiOMns. an well as evenr dhunli*r ««f the nt<Mnaoh and txierh, Ibvy’U give you a lasting cure. PIERCER-CURE. Too well known to mwl lengthy advertise* itvai—Dr, boko's Catarrh Kctucdy, RB8UI/F OF CaWETLVS PRIMARY. Nowiutn, July 10,—(Special.)—The Dt'nux'itutc rxccttUvo iHoniulruv t>f county mot idtasdo morning tusl dfdtaPed tho rtvmlt of Saturday'* prluuuy to be oh follows: Total vote, ijiio. Moses for con- KP 1 ^. 1,411. Wlwnlcy for state stmte, 1.2S7. , U. A. Hall for hvtalaiuro, 814; L. M. Farmer ft>r kGUrtote M8; W. B. Orr tor hviHlnturc. 483; \V. W» Ttavnos f.g* bvi'dakire. 42S; J. R. OMoft for latutv, 410; Jctae C\4v* tor legtakuiure, 402. As seoh from tho ntoove, H. A. Hall «ud L. M. I'tormer adl npOMta Cow eta In the next gimtul asscmtoly. IV>th are taulay y^Hing nduinwya mid Uioy will nan rhelr nwrk lu tlvo legisla ture. The ratv wvu» spirited* but the bet* of (Mine proyuHod. Tbs tod lows ug delsmsm war® named to aatesd the ooagTvsMTotml eanreotai at Warm Springs: T. \V. IYrvvcl, IL Ii. ’ Freeman, J. D. I\tu^on, W. j. Wcrd. J. N. Sowell, J. D. Cirrolcal, J. B. VtaOhr and H. A. Ilalb To tftriri wonhitorinl “confrentlon the tottbYrimr jflifdw mra appointed: M. IL Couch. K. r*. WbrtUey. J. T. Kirlr, Sr.. W. B. Martin. J. S. PowelU J. H. Wynn. J. M. lYwta. J. N. SeweR. C. P. Saudi re. D. 8. Summers, W. T. smUteffs* II. C. Anwll und W. L. Cnvwder. FIRE AT SPARTA. S:«irtn. July IS—(Bpecte).>—Lsm( night 13 o'clock Mr. K. & Brown, our nMUt watohmdn. discowsrd fire (n the Imok part of Vsrdeman ^ Hosier's drug ■DOJ* H» Imm, g.v* th. «l.m nt.l writ lx th. •■rtshmc* vif oth.n> rn - trr.ll th. Rxithniut. The flu.r <%f th. luilhltn* n>d »n tmrty t»x were on Are cvjiJ « lurrel ailed with , v«y .xNnba,- tlNo mo««r»«l wu found foot reuiy , 0 MW bo* the are vrm extlnautetied ■ Mill dlfflniltjf. This wx, \ nmow eo npe ftw -our town. Had not the lire been tfciM dlacot’ered In oil protMUllty iihe large block ot wtores at which this one forma a part would have been 6e- otroyed. Mr. Bitown deaerves much oonrmcnd wtjon for hla vlg'Jance. Sir. J. S. Alman. one of the teachers In .the Sparta Baptist Sunday echool. gave » pkrfo to hla claos at Bethel Spring laat Thursday and the fun, frolic and good dinner wore highly, enjxyod by all wbt> a'Kendcd. A protraotod tneoting lit In progress til ithe Baptist church, conducted by the pastor. Hev. B. H. Ivy, who Is assisted by Rev. C. W. Durden. Mlnee Bathe May nnd Julia- Buraatt and Issle Daniels of Tennllle age vlSt- •ng the family of (heir relative. J Ivy. GOOD TIMES ABOUT ARABI. Arab!. July 10.—(Special.)—-Out town ho. signs of life. Mr. Charlie King’s new house la neatly ready for uee. Mr. J. H. Bed good's ht>u«e is being covered. We have a email boy. Master Jonah Crtbb, only 10 years old. but like one of yeans runs the engine tliU t to at the well. Although visited almost hourly by ether boys he never neglects Ms duties. lie !g there from early morn until nlghtroll. Tho Sunday school of the Bapftst church, superintended by Mr. J. C. Je ter, ts lively and largely attended. The pastor, Rev. J. J. Hyman, Bays ha is greatly encouraged noth the outlook for hla church. The young people made a visit to their pastor last Thursday evening and ■pant an hour pleasantly. Having Interviewed a number of farm ers. we are prepared to say Khait the crops are looking well. At least 75 per cent, of corn will be housed, and the prospects are that 100 par conlL of cat- ton will be gathered. A large crop of nctn'toea Is looked for. One farmer says lie will get 160 bushels of corn off of eight acres. I.rgc-t fin.t 1...-1 Win ter Win-fit FlourMlU i’lnnt in tbi world. UNBINE. Crushed fMIddllpgs flour* Tho onlr Floor of IU kind, end the best of anykliitl. ItlsntnilotiyaRccretpro- ceMkhowntobuttwopenoas.” * •100.000 (VO.—a r— tv, Knowladto. Aak your grocer If his Hour la mixed with com flour. Such floura are luju- rloua to health. Wo havo no com meal attachment. UNDINK crashed mid dlings ffinir l» pure and wholesome and la made from selected wheat. IT IS WATEU GROUND. ADVBRTI8RMBNTS UNDER THIS HDADINO. FIFTEEN WORDS OR Multi:. TAKEN AT ONE CENT A WORD EACH INSERTION. NO AD TAKEN FOR LESS THAN U CT& WANTED—IA good. sound, gentle mule. Apply early today to C. M. Fulghum, 619 Poptar street. WANTET—Those who desire Mg lnr- g.Ui.a In clothing, hata and gents’ fui% goods to call at Itedd ng'a. J. J, Cobb, assignee. WANTED-You to see the 1594 Denimora model typewriter on exhibition at F. R. Pomeroy’s. J. E. Ulntar, tala- phona 365. , FOR RBNT—Three rooms. Apply 657 First street. FOR RENT—Nlco seven-room dwell ing for 316 per month. No. 153 Orange •tree:. Apply to E. J. Willingham at Payne A Willingham's, ■VIR RENT—Six-room qne-story house. No. HO Park Place. Apply to O. H. Crockett. Union depot. FOR RENT—TV, couple without chlld- dr*n. half of my house on Huguenin ltelghv. Apply tb J. S. Mabry, Vine- vllle wood im. FOR RBNT—Three desirable rooms, with all modern covenlences. over store of W. E. Hill A Co., on Second street. Suitable for physician or den tist. FVir further Information apply at Willingham's Warehouse. FOR RENT—The elegant two-story brick residence. 616 Orange street; containing nine rooms and three hath rooms And alt modern conveniences. The house has recently been com pletely overhauled. Accessible to all street car lines. For further particu lars apply It. S. Collins A Co. FOR BALE—iMy entire stock of goods -and Art urea, worth aJbout 5o.O». <o go for UM beat wtand In the city. A. V. Toole, 206 Cotton avenue. FOR KALE-OU papers, for wrapptag purposes, etc, S nils per hundred. Telegraph cfocs. Fifty pieces fine French Ginghams, Creponettes, Sateens, Batiste, etc , thrown on center counter at 12 l-2c a yard. Pink and Blue 25c figured Sateens at 16c. 2,000 yards best Calico remnants at half price. Light and Dark Challies at 3 l-2c a yard. Toile du Nord 12 l-2c Ginghams—new styles at 7c. Best Apron Ginghams at 6c. a yard. Yard-wide 8c. Sea Island Homespun at 5c, . All 8c. Check Muslin to go at 6c. All 12 1-2 and 15c Check Muslin to go at 10c. Gents’ 25c Black Socks two pairs for 25c. 50c Turkey Red Damask 3 yards for $1. $1.25 Silk Gloria Umbrellas 95c each. Fine French figured Organdies 25c; reduced^from 40c. New Ribbons, Laces and Linings: Mosquito Nets and Frames, ready to hang, $1.45 to $2.25 Burden, Smith. & Co. FOR SALE CHEAP—Good deftvery horsa and wagon. Apply at Once to F. O. Schofield, assignee. SUMMER RESORTS. THE BRISTOL-13 to 19 East Eleventh street. New York city* Select family hotel. Summer terms 11.50 i»er day with board. Home of the Southerner. MISCELLANEOUS. WHEN your wife leaves home Ward at the English ^Kitchen: cool nnd Clean. CHEAP bananas by the dozen or bunoh. J. Blnewanger. Telephone, 156. EXTRA toast cracker. Just received. Collier Brothers. FRESH Terniussce" butter In twelve- pound tlna at Grace Grooery Compa ny. BANANNAS and lemons. A. A. Cullco. SAM CHUNG. 651 Cotton avenue. First class laundry. SAM LOO, 674 Ooitton avenue, cornet Spring, has opened a first class new laundry. AT COST. AT COST-A full line of gro ceries to be sold at once. F. O. Scho field. assignee for W. H. Toole. WHEN you buy building and loan etcck be sure you get It with an association that makes prompt loans. Money fur nished In flve to ten days. George A. Smith. General Manager Eaultable Building and Loan. Exchange Bank. W. H. DeHAVEN. egent. offers his ser vices ns designer, contractor and builder to those who contemplato building or remodeling. Work done at the lowest living rates by compe tent workmen. Witte to address, Vlnevllle delivery. ORDER yoifr wood from Vlnevllle wood yard; prompt delivery to any * purt of the city. Geeslin & Mabry, 'phone 453. CHOICE fresh fish. A. A. Cullen. AT COST—Must be sold. Come nt once and jderive benefit of a full line of groceries at actunj cost F. O. Scho field, assignee for W. H. Toole. TURPIN'S BAKING POWDER it tbs best made. Have you trlsd UT CRACKERS. Extra Toast. Royal Milk, and a Una of Holmes & Coutts' sweet cokes always in stock at R. C. Keen'*. AT COST—Come and inspect what we have; It muat be sold. Remember the place, corner store Armory building. F. O. Schofield, assignee for W. H. Toole. rSELL Royal Milk crackers Ilka those left at your house at 10 cents pound. W. G. Mlddlcbrooks. 10 CENTS par pound for Holmes & Coutta' Extra Toast or Royal Milk crackers. E. a Smith & Bro. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always gives satisfaction. Your grocer cells IL FULL busings or uliorthand course for IX at Porter’s Business College. AT COST—Clothing, Hats, Underwear. J. J. Cobb, Assignee of W. A. Redding. LINDEN BAKING POWDER always give* sUiateotton. " "* ^' Retails 20c. lb. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.-^ the Superior Court of Sold Couniy: TVie pe tition of H. J. Lamar. H. J. Lamar, Jr., nnd W. D. Lamar of wild county shows that they desire to he Incorporated un der the corporate name of "H. J. Ixi- msr 6c Sons Drug Company," the ob ject bf said corporation being to do a wholesale and rated drug business, or e.ther In mnnufaoturing or selling all kinds of medicine!*, whether patent or proprietary, and all kinds irf drugs and to do anything and everything that la usual in conducting or in running a wholesale and retail business or either. Uhe principal otfleo of sold corporation ■adll be in the etty of Macon and county of Bibb. Hate ctf GeacvCu. The capJtal stock of said corporation to be **lxty thou Kind doXars. divided into shares of one hundred dodara each, and all of said sixty thousand dollars have ac tually boon paid In; and your petition ers desiit. the power of tDoraastng the said capital stock of said corporuiLon to a sum not; exceeding twp hundred thou sand dollars. Your petitioners pray that «ti<l cor poration have the power bf suing and being sued; to have and use a common seal; to have success lor,; to naike such oonstOtartton. by-laws, rules and regula tions as are not inersisistent witii the laws of this state or or the United States and to amend or change the same at pleasure, and they pray the power <o purcl»/\et*, own and lease rani •test* and to sell or mortgxge the same whenever they deem it idvtatei lb the best Interest of said corporation. Your petiJkmec* desire that mid cor- por.uAon my have the privilege to do & vholesile mad rettitl <Vrug busnm or Stem if the atockhoklers tbwtin «le- •ere. Your pstEteners ;Uso pray that they have the power u* elect, sorb direc tors. officers, agents. nxu«agervi and at- toroeys os they see fit und in accord ance wOth their bydaws. Your petitJonw’s pray chart rhev rruy be Cnoorporateii fbr the term of twenty yewrs. with che prrslrlege of renewing their ettetef a-t the expiration of raid time. .Vnd they further pray that this petition be published :u» required by ter and ttwKt aftsnrsil *che court wtil ra«<s an order Incorporating your r>eti- tioisera as prayeil toy hereto. FOLHILI. * STEED. Petitioners’ Attorney?-. Georgia. Bibb County-.—I do certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy from the origraai. DADT 1 X-1 The Most Wonderful' Offer Yet ... . 180 C MAGNIFICENT — ■ 0 . OF THE . . . Securely bound iu handsome cloth, now ready for READERS , If you visited tho Fair you can appreciate this volume and if you did not it is the next best thing to a, visit. Come and see it. When will you ever agam have an offer of 180 fine Photographic Views handsomely hound for 30 cents. This is all it will cost you if you will clip out the followin Coupon and bring or send it to The Telegraph. .SNAP SHOTS World's Fair ROBT. A. NISBET, Clark. / at fw mJ.JV >V --.I [—. a Max 672—CHILTON SHIRT WAIST, i Sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40 Inches, Bust Measure. 568—BERKSHIRE COAT. Sizes 24, 36. 38 and 40 Inches, Bust Measure. C24-FASER SKIRT. « Sizes Medium and Large. NAME OF PATTERN SIZE Send this coupon and 10 cents to the Macon Wegrapkand yon can get any one Of Fatten* published. Notice number and name of Fatteni, and xaiU plainly not forgetting to state Abacus 10c. J •.for each pattern desired. GEORGIA. BIBB COUNTY.—H- P. Cowan, administrator estate of Thomas G. Woolfolk. late of said county, de led, represents to this court that he has discharged the duties of said trust and has asked for letters of dismission. This is to notify all parties concerned to tile objections. If any they have, on or before the first Monday in August, 1804. C. M. WILEY. Ordinary. This 30th April, 1884. 1