The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, November 01, 1894, Image 5

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Since the Wilson Tariff Bill
has gone into effect.
We will sell you a better
Suit for
Than any so-called Wreck or
other fake §ale.
'Buy from an established, re
liable house and get your
money’s worth.
Money refunded if not satis
Everything in the Clothing-
Furnishing line.
Corner Second & Glicrry
r]«TW»*TARtr.n AND F-MlMl.-irp,.
mt MnltiatH-M si sv»#)ah ^
BIS Mulberry St. • Macon, Gn,
*j>lfnhonr«-Ollier, 4ft?t lletUlenea, ms
n in i thief.
The Accused Commissioner Called Mr.
Goff, the Prosecuting Attor
ney, a Liar.
Sheehan Brought Ills Hank Book* but
Hefuted to Snow Them—ills Bad
Record ae City Comptroller
at Buffalo.
tav Telephone
Mght Telephone
i Establishment
Next to Hotel Lanier.
Day Telephone 436
Night Telephones... .,435. 178
(Tlmberlake’s Old Stand.)
518 and 620 Poplar.
Liv ry. Boa ding and Sale
First-class accommodations.
TOM R. HUDSON. Proprietor.
Almost Opposite Post OfTlce.
Sign and Square on Window.
Fine Individual Tea Kotts 75e. sett.
Very flno China Jups and Saucers
lu and 20c.
Fine China Plates to and 12c.
Everything rock bottom. No retail
store In America can neat my prices.
tl. l\ SMITH,
Solo and Only Proprietor.
The Sufficient Comedian
Now Sort, Oct. SI.—Only one wit
ness besides Commissioner Sheehan
was before the Lexow committee to
day. Tho other man was a d.strlct
Tammany leader, whose vxamlnat.ol
was Interesting, but was lost sight of
when Sheehan stood up.
Mr. Sheehan was uccompunlcd Into
tho investigation chamber by
brother, E.cutenaut-Oovcriiov Shcoltau.
Tho. commissioner had Drought smno
bank books with him, concerning which
ho said: “Bccauso 1 have my bank
books it does not mean that 1 will lull
what’s In them, unless 1 am accused
of deposing money Illegally, -and then
I will produce them.”
Mr. Goff read an Interview with
Commissioner Sheehan published sev
oral years ago. He la.d stress on the
extract In which Mr. Sheehan was pur
ported to have said: “It Is also true
that arrangements have been made by
Tammany Hall to stop the payment
of police blackmail.”
“Is that true?” asked Mr. Goff.
. Tho commissioner van ted to ex-
plain. He would not answer post
“You can bo committed for con
tempt,” exclainfrd Mr. Goff.
“You’d better try It," defiantly re
torted the Witness.
“You’ll answer tho questions ns coun
sel wants.” Chairman Lexow said.
“I’ll answer them In .ny own way.”
“You have done enough to be com
mitted for contempt a number of
times.” exclaimed Chairman Lexow,
rapping for order.
“Did you ever hear that some ono
acting In yur name had suppressed
news stands wUleh sold palters politi
cally opposed to your organization?”
resumed Mr. Goff.
“I heard something about It. The man
had no authori-ay to use my name.”
"Wis a saloon keener named McDuff.
on Eighth avenue, told kiltie rooms of
the Peauod CXub that the newsdealers
In front of his saloon would have to
cease sailing cm tiers?"
‘Not that I know cf."
“Did you knttr.v that a certain news
paper Wad to establish a special delivery
system In your district?”
"I heard so. R was a filthy sheet. The
people In my district are sick of reading
It. I suppose."
“Whit is it’s name?"
“I’m not prepared to say.”
"Are you afraid?”
The coromlssloner colored and Shifted
In his seat and said In a low tone. “No.
I’m not afraid of newspapers.”
“What as Ifs’s name?”
“I’m not ureuared to say.”
* The witness mudt answer,” ruled the
Then occurred an exalting scene. Sen
ator Cantor spoke up excitedly:
"Don’t put -that down, stenographer."
Then to Chairman Lexow: “Why
don’t you uut the question to vote? You
are not the whole board.”
The chairman attempted to cut him
off with his gavel— 1 "bang, bang nng.”
• You ain’t drown me." shouted Sena
tor COmtor.
"Ooroe to order!” shouted Senator
Lexow. -who betrayed considerable ex-
'■INI have my say!” shouted Senator
_The spectators Joined In the uproar.
The excitement mneaUnterse. and Sen-
atttr Orator end Sen-tor Lexow kept up
* 1 f.? ry J vord ba <hle. the latter all the
while 'hammering his desk, until he
cracked hit Ivory gavel. Then Mr. Goff
f aUs ^?i excitement, by saying
In a high Pitched voice:
■Information his reached me that
the room to picked with Peaouad
.Club members, who have come here
through an arrangement between Sen
ator Cantor and Sheehan to apnlaud
the commissioner. Let the senator
‘Why. this Is astonishing." gasped
“ - — „f that?
said Sheehan, when he analn refused
to turn over his bank book.-. .
’’You refuse to give raem?”
“Lay his refusal o-fore the district
attorney and the sranl jury." ordered
Chairman Lexow.
Commissioner c'.’iej i.-i smiled os he
stepped down from the stand.
After recess .Mr. Gift went Into tho
reported visit of Sheehan to Wall
street, to sell advance Information as
to the decision of the court of ap
peals In the sugar trust matter. The
witness denied that ho was a ’’huck-
ster of decistjas” ns charged by a local
paper. He denied that he tad visited
Cord Meyer. H. O. Havetneyer and
others on Wall street for the rurpose
of selling them advance Information.
The men who said he had done so were
"Did they llo?” , . . .
“I don’t say that. I denied the whole
story when tt first came out."
“Would you appoint a man who mad
committed a crime?”
"You are a defaulter, though!’ ex-
calmed iMr. Goff. „i„w„
"I’m -not." the witness safd oulckly.
“I can explain what you are getting
"^Lawyer Grant arose and ashed that
this line of excluded, as u
was not pertinent to the Issue■ ,
Senator O’Connor, who wm Presiding
In Chairman LexoWs absence, saia.
“The witness will bo allowed to explain
everything at the proper time.
should be glad of an opportunity
clear himself of the Charge. If he
a defaulter, it should be shown.
Mr. Goff produced paper, and1 docu
ments bearing the witness -a
for the purpose of proving t Co»j
miss loner Sheehan J '“, m '! a HP e ro ? 1 r l y ol
$4,000 while conwrtroUer of the cuy «
Czar Alexander of Iinssia Nearing
tho End of llis Earthly
The M«rrl*f • of Hi* Hirmlteh Not to
Be flattened—AnmchUtt Take Ad
dle Occasion to
Itsae a Fiery tlroalar.
^The “comm'jsloner told how he had
was discovered, be refuntled the
—14.L00. He claimed that his coupon
and trust accounts became tnlxea.
To Goff’s direct question Sheehan de
nied that he had misappropriated the
Mr. Goff read tho following document
dated November 9. 1893: ‘JJ!?
John Sheehan the sum of M.900 In pay
roent of any deficit that may be In his
and his supreme comic opera company.of
80 people and complete orchestra.
The Effervescent Success
The production will be Identically the
same as given in New York, Boston and
Two cor loads of special scenery.
Prices 25 cents. 50 cents, 75 cents, $1
$1.60. Reserve seats at Ludden & Bates'
Musics House.
accounts on proper exarolTiaUom
”T. J. Mahoney and Schuyler
Mr. Goit read miutlier ^tter dated pe-
cerober 8.1891 It was was addressed to
Dear a s?r n : e You are hereby Jtuthorlied
St. Petersburg, Oet. 81.—Tho exolte-
ment tho czar’s condition
contluucs here. *fho pollco engaged lu
distributing the hullctins about his
health aro besieged by dense crowds
of people, who fall upon their knees
and pray for the czar’s recovery os
each new bulletin U posted. At 1
o'clock this afternoon tho Metropolitan
of St. Petersburg, Father I’allldus,
president of the Holy Synod, attended
by all of h.s clergy, offered up prayers'
for tho czar’s recovery in the cathedral
of St Isaac.
The Official Messenger publishes tho
following account of tho czar's Illness:
“Tho symptoms which
manifested themselves at Sapula be
came less marked In the early days of
bis majesty's sojourn at Llvadth. Tho
czar was able to attend divine service
after arriving there and was also ablo
to drive about Then symptoms ot
weaknwa appeared, with falling appe
tite, loss of sleep, weakening of tho
heart's action, Increase of albumcu
and swelling of the extremities.
“On October 10 there was a return
of tho czar’s appetite and ou Octooer
20 be was able to otyiln the necessity
sleep, which produced a notable In
crease In his strength and a reduction
of tho albumen. The same day the
Queen of Greoco arrived and tho I’ro-
topresbyter, Father lvnn, who offered
money wld by ma for _the nuroose
making good the 7*1* ? ur T!*d
In my accounts at '. the *V. r ^
over the roniptroller’s omce to jtou.
"Jdhn C. Sheehan.
Commissioner Sheehan T ot ®W , ^ n ^ < T"
to give way to Timothy J.JMabone. ex;
comptroller of Buffalo. Mr. Mahoney
Identified the oouoon receipts and the
trust -fund receipt*.
“Who gave you -these receipts?
asked Mr. Goff.
up prayers for the emperor, also
reached. Livadla. He then rcee.vod
ho.y cjiifunra.on, which assisted lu
trunquillz-ng his mind. On Ootoher
22 toe emperor prayed with Father
"Princess Alix -if Ilesse-Unnnitadt
arrived that evening and by order of
tho czar she was received ccremon.ous-
ly with a guard of lienor and with the
' ' Tho
Mr. Sheehan’s brother tvilltom. Then military band playing. —
I told 17111." said he. ' that I would not 0 f the czar w.lli the prlncosa, whom ho
sign tho receipt efor mon«y n had long been craving t> see, strongly
had not received, and asked Mm to ten cxc j ted the- patient In splto of tho joy
John to “fO'! v ,fn °a T'soo n i which tho meeting caused him, and
iVo^ibV" 1 his phys.cians feared tho effcots of tins
“Did he say the coupon account was i excitement. But tho night passed fa-
ral»»d up with the trust account?” vornbly. There was continued oedema
“No.” of the feet on October 2b, whloh hln-
"What did he aay? dered free movement.
"That he would ray up «• soon as pos- j oU a , 8 tlm0 tUo CMr , - n
"What time elapsed before the story of splto oMr.s suffering, did not neglect
the defalcation became public?’’ Btate business, but nt the urgent id-
"About two years. I wan worried to stance of Cls p&ys.cums he handed
death about it." t over documents relating to current af*
Witness testified that ho subsequently f ft ; w a nd reports requiring cousidern-
got the money from Mr. Ji ble examination to Uie czarewltch.
Seventy-five thousand invested in Men’s and Boys’ Suits
and Overcoats. All fresh, new goods, bought for the cash, at
less than the cost of manufacture.
This immense lot of clothing is on sule this week, and res
idents and visitors alike will do well to call and examine our
Over 250 Men’s all-wool Suits (this season’s styles) worth
$12.50 to $15, now on snle for $7.50 a Suit.
1,000 Men’s light and medium weight Overcoats, worth
from $10 to $20, on sale now for $6, $7.60. $10 and $12.
Boy’s Suits $2 up, all sizes.
Owing to the prevailing hard times we have
decided to admit every visitor to Macon during the
next week to our immense attraction. A regular
In the Clothing, Hats and Men's Furnishing Goods
line. We have got ’em in all styles and grades, and
your dollar will perform more wonders here than at
any other place. Don't forget. Admission free. Re
member tlie plucc and number. ?
Jluehau'8 ooiuJMnen. It amounted to
"How did it happen that you got the
subsequent letter of December 8. IS83?"
The $5,900 was deposited In a special
account and I wanted the authority of
Mr. Sheehan to place It In tho general
"Did you Use the $5,900 in covering the
"Ye», and there was also a shortage In
the coupon account."
"You declined to run a public office be
cause this was on your mind?" * .
"Yes, I never rested until It was clear
ed up."
Sheehan was recalled.
"I have one question to ask you," said
Mr. Goff, "wlD you produce your bank
"You, a defaulter, a grand larceny thief,
refuse to produce your books In the face
of this evldonce?"
"You’re a Her; you know you axe ly
ing," yelled Mr. Sheehan.
''Your language Is intempora'to.'t
Senator O’Connor admonished Mr. Goff,
Senator Cantor.
Why, It Is oreooBft»ro*i-..
"I tto uot think Senator Cantor could
do aueh n ttiinc. It must be false,"
Two Nights and Saturday Matlne.,
——Return Engagement of—
Miss Lillian Lewis.
’ IN—— 1
Ballets and Premiere. Magnificent Ward
robe. Ad Excellent Ua»t.
SATURDAY NIGHT, by requeft Mia,
Lewis will present
Rice's Surprisa Party’ln the Big Operatic
Presented MS Nights at the Madison
Square Garden, New York.
We carry our own orchestra, elaborate
ecenery. calciums, electric effect*.
Prices 25 cent*. 50 cent*, 15 cent*, tl and
31.50. Reserve leati at Ludden * Bates’
Music House.
The Georrla rallroid night train (No.
(10). which is scheduled to leave Macon
at 8:30 d. m_ will not leave until 19:1!
p. m. This ohasura wilt be effective un
til and Including November 3d. Os No
vember tth. the regular schedule will
be resumed. JOE W. WHITE. T. P. A.
, A. G.- JACKSON. G. P. A.
said the chairman.
"I want tho aiMottctoi-s removed,"
demanded Mr. Go IT.
"There Is a clique here nnd while I
oan’t believe Senator Orator ban oasucd
these men In. l>iey are "sre."
"Th'ey must not make anv demonstra
tion or they will be ords.-ed out." said
the chair.
“There are only threo Poiquail Club
members here." broke lu the commis
The committee then consulted together
and Chairman Lexow announced that,
they had ruled that (he auestlon should
be answered.
Name the filthy sheet.” said Mr.
Goff. ' '
The witness paused a moment and
then slowly said: "The New York
"»ny other filthy sheet?" asked Mr.
"I know of no other a* filthy."
The witness then asked how many
captains he had apDOIntcd.
“I made the aboolntm-nt of two."
esld he. “Capts. Delaney and PlcV-it "
"You appointed Roundsman Town
send a sereeant?”
Yen. I did."
■How much did you get from Town
send for making him a sergean. 30007"
•No. sir." emphatically.
•Were you aware that Townseifd had
just received 310.000 from the Delaware
and Ulster for the d-.' -
his father and mbother?”
"No. sir: 1 wa» not.”
"Did not 'Alderman Parker get the
money from Townsend?”
"No. *lr: he did not that I know of,
I appointed Townsend on the recom
mendation of Alderman Peter J. Dow.
“Well, then." said Ooff. "we have It
that a police commissioner appointed
a sergeant on the recommendation of
an alderman."
Then Counsel Goff aaked for the
commissioner's b<n: h- -
The commissioner refused to give
them up. He said he would let Mr.
Goff look at the bank books at any
specified date, bu: he would not- let
htm have the free uee of hla bank
books. He read an inswer prepared
before he took the ••<’1. •■•*!ng forth
his reasons for refudr.g to give up his
bank bocks. He dent'd the legal right
of the commi t-e 'o -ie private
affairs unless some suecifio .-barge was
made that he had te- ’ • "-Ibe.
"Then.” said the wltu-M "I will
turn to the date ind explain denoells."
••We are not suah fools si i> suppose
you would deposit th: money on the
osme date you receive-’ tt." said Mr.
"1 am standing on nav legal rights,'
His majesty, however, decided the
most Important oases and signed tho
state papers.”
It Is semi-ofilclally announced today
that all reports regarding the imme
diate marriage of tho ezarmvitch to
Pr.ncess Allx aro unfounded. It was
never proposed since tho Illness of ihe
czar that the marriage should take
place hurriedly.
London, Oct. 31.-The following cir
cular promulgated by the refugee ni
hilists In Switzerland and bearing tho
usual red bomb, revolver a ad Rugger,
Is circulating In Switzerland and Lon
"To Our Brothers, tho Oppressed In
Russia: The tyrant Aloxiudor, unto-
crat-cznr, hangman and assassiu of
Mlchaclcft Russaokoff IClbaltchlx, Nc
lotsoff, Soph! Prrowidu'.a, Jesse Half-
maim and many others, purveyor of
tho Siberian galleys, persecutor of the
who readf rom the statutes to show he Jews, Is on tho point Of expiating bis
had used tho harsh words advlrelly.
An adjournment was taken untl tomor.
Mayor Hoplkns Demanded Ills Immedi
ate Indlotment.
Chicago. Oot. 31.—AU day long Chair
man Tanner of the Republican elate
central committee .set In .hla office at
headquarters at the Grand Pacific ho
tel and awaited arrest. At 3:10 o’clock
It cam e In 'the shape of a warrant
awom out by Mayor Mopkins, charging
him -with criminal libel. The mayor al
leges the libel -lies In the worda "Mayor
"He Is dying of n mysterious Illness,
a well merited punishment. Venn! sc.-
once, his Zaclmrins, U'.rschrs and l'o-
poffs can do nothing to prolong n Ilfs
which has been devoted to violence and
“At length tho monster la golug to
disappear. Hurrah I Tho day has
passed when a man ought to be abla
by right of b'.rth to dispose of the lib
erty anil lives of a hundred million ot
other men.
"Let his son, the czarowltcb, as well
ns his ambitious rivals, the Grand
ester this morning and talked his way
to Buffalo. Like Dcpew, he .Lit not
mind a little dampness, neither the peo-
plo along tho road, for g'»od crowds as
sembled to hear Dim at every station.
Even whore no stops were Hindu the
governor was cheered as his train
whizzed pnst. He reached Buffalo nt
1:30 p. m., made a rousing hpwcli rront
a carnage to a great tliroug assembled
at the depot and deported for Dunkirk
at 3 o'clock. There he spukj again.
Tho horn - fixed for the Republican
mass mooting nt Carnegie Music Hall
tonight was 8 o'clock, but tile fact that
Levi P. Morton, tho Republican candi
date for governor, was to preside, com
bined with the nddttlonal. attraction
of ex-Prcsli'.cnt Harrison n* tho prin
cipal speaker, allraeted a tm.ieiul-ni'
crowd. On tho stago tho chairs were
all occupied three-quarters of uu hour
before tho moctlug opened, except the
front' row, which was kept clem- for
file prominent people., At the back ot
the stage wore several small Uig-
tastefully arranged around tho photo
graphs of Harr.son and Morton.
Archbishop Ireland and Bishop Mo-
Golrirk of Duluth. Minn., cmno Into
tho hall escorted by Gen. tames R.
After their arrival Mr. Georgo W.
Slovens, who had charge of fho meet
ing, Introduced cx-Judgo Noah Davis,
who made a short address. Dx-Prc*’.-
dent Ilarrlsou, Levi P. Morton , and
Charles W. Heckett soon arrived.
Everyone In (bo hall stood up amt
Money and Jewelry Aro Also Found
to Be Missing.
Jacksonville, Fin.. Oct. 3L--t'red H.
Snow, claiming to Ini from Rhode Is
land, is missing; ns ,’s also a number
of articles of Jewelry which no .a
charged with having stolen front tho
rcs.Ucucc of II. It. Scult of this city.
Snow Is also charged With having col
lected several Hundred dollars from
customers of Feleli ,% tl-my, gr- ci-it,
and failed to necuuut toe mo same.
Alsoof forging tho namoo of several
business men ontl obtululng about
35UU. 11c cuuio hero Wo mouths ago
very hard up and, through the Infiu-
ence of certain pcojfe, who took an in
terest: In, procured a situ ill-in with
tho grocery house. Ho soon began lead
ing a fust lifo and spout money freely.
He was lest seen to tho depot,
where he took a north-bound, train
Tueadny afternoon, lie .'launed while
hero that bis father waa ,t rich mau
In Rhode Island and allowed himself
$2.1 per week. He i’f .1 lot ot
clothing hud toilet articles from Scott’s
residence. ,
Houston, Tex., Oct. 3L—A. R. Bailey
today obtained Judgment for $7,300 for
Dukes Vladimir and Michael, who nro
,ma ui, iwn -ten m (.nc lyimio "jmi-or . ready to assass.uato lu accordance
Hoaklns levied blackmail on the vice* with the traditions of the Itomnnoff
of OhkMg,” -which nppears In a circular
sent out by the sta-te central commit-
tee and signed by Chairman Tanner,
lust night the mayor notified Mr. Tan
ner In Denson thalt he would have htm
arrested -today. The warrant was
sworn out before Justice of the oeace
Prlndlvllle. who fixed the amount of
bat!- at 3300. Mr. Tanner waived bear
ing. He gave ball to appear before the
grand Jury. This morning Mayor Hop
kins want before the grand Jury, nnd
also slating hie cu-o. asked that body
to return an Indictment The Jury, af
ter an exciting session, declined to do
ao. One of the members stated thut the
reason was that the- majority of the
member*, who are RaDut/Hoans, thought
the action was brought for political ef
fect. There are only two Democrats on
the Jury, but they agreed with their
collearucs that Mayor Hopkins would
be obliged to await hla turn If he
wished to have his case considered, and
that the Jury -had no right to drop oil
other buslnwz simply for the purpose
of talcing un thait of the mayor.
Mayor Hopkins was much Incensed at
what be characterized as “yjic wper-
sion of hts character."
Made HU Last Speech Before Leaving
For Now York.
Birmingham. Ala.. Got 31.—Hon.
Charles F. Crisp arrived In 'tho c'-ty nt
m'.dn'ght and was met by a cbmm.t'eo
of Demolrats. He 1* comfortably quar
tered at the Florence. He h In excel-
lent health and spirits, lie WU hold
a public reception at 11 a. m. and speak
at O’BrleD’s opera house thji evening
at 8 o’clock. He will leave
morning for New York City, where ho
speaks Saturday night
She Dentes Every Charge of Marita] In.
Trenton. N. J, Oct It.—The answer of
Mra James Coleman Drayton (n the auit
for divorce lately Instituted by her hus
band was filed late this uftemoon by her
counsel, E. V. Llndabury of Elizabeth.
She denies every charge ot marital infi
delity made
family to got possession of the bloody
ber.tage—let all thoroughly understand
that every hour and at each step they
will UDd themselves face to faco with
the Inflexible too ot IntpofaHsm.
were waved. It was fully ten minutes
before tho cheering censed, during the
whole of which tlino Messrs. Harrison
nnd Morton wore bowing right and
Mr, Morton was chairman of tho
meeting nnd made n brief speech, con-
Let us loaco tho hyp-w-rUlerd liberals i fined chiefly to Introducing cx-i’ri-nl-
the task of covering with flowera tho “ ent Harrison,
libel against tho Galveston Nows. Thu
case lias been tried four times. In ono
trlnl there wus a mistrial, tho otheis
he got $2,000 damages. Tho
tlon was regarded as privileged, being
a statement made by n negro \vlio wus
sentenced to bang. In which hr referred
to a business transaction with Bailey,
Tho proprietors of tho News will move
for a new trlnl or appeal the caso.
horrid corpse of the scoundrel who Is
lcav-ng tbs world after having too
long dishonored It.
"So long ns tho Russian slaves do
not possess the land, so long ns an In
fernal antocracy, served by a shameless
feudality, makes Russia a disgrace to
the clv.hzcd world, we shall always
applaud any blow of destiny or pro
voke It. /
"Iioag live liberty ami revolution."
Dcpew, I'lowcr, Hill, Harrison
Morton ou tho Warpath.
Now York, Ocf. 31.—This morning
Chaunccy M. Depew started in b.s
private ear In the Erie depot In Jersey
City on a tour through the state to
deliver a series of speeches In support
of the eand.dacy of Lovt I*. Morton for
Governor. Mr. Depcw waa uecuinpa-
uied by Col. Alex. 8. Bacon of Brook
lyn, Charles A. Ball and Capt. Dickey
ot Nowburgb, D. B. Oilcil, chairman of
the Republican state comm.tie*, C. A.
Newman of Jersey and B. II. Gilbert
of Washington.
It rained heavily everywhere they
went, but that did not prevent large
crowds from turning ont to hear tho
w.tty doctor. Speeches were made at
Suffern, Turners, Goshen, Port Jerv.s,
Hparr..w, Rush. Calllcoon, Hancock,
Deposit Binghamton and other points.
Governor HIU arrived here at 0-10
this morning, breakfasted and took the
9:15 train on the Eerie road for Port
Jervis, nc reached Port Jer.'iS at
noon, having made one speech on the
road-at M.drdctown. At Port Jervis
he spoke In the opera house for an
hour and a half departing immidiatcly
afterwards for Newbury, where ho
•poke tonight.
Governor Flower started from Rocb-
The cx-prcsidcnt was greeted with
tumultuous cheering when ho stopped
forward to make hla address. Tho au
dience ebcoren him again and again,
both ladles sad gctlemen -aklng part
in rim entliuslasrio greeting. ITnntly
quiet was restored and Mr. Harrison
In-Ban his speech.
"This Is a great meeting," he said,
"but I think somewhat It Is a very Im
possible auillcneo to speak to. You
seem to in- ipi'to iiieitnod to do your
own diking, and yu arc doing It very
well.” (Cheers.)
That'gained him attention and he
proceeded, ns lie said, to "give you
my views ns to tho tendencies of tho
policies of the Republican party, which
1 believe to ho bcnetleent, helpful nnd
patriotic, and <?io temlenet-M of tho
Democratic party, which I believe to
bo hurtful and destructive." -
Berlin. Oct. «.—Cdunt Zlethen-
Schwerin, president of the Lutheran
church, -has Informed the Lutherans nf
Germany that the kaiser. In a recent
address to the president* and vice-
presidents of the church, said that
the laor* of tho general arnod would
be blessed If that body worked In a
•r'x of r>’conc!lation. They rested
upon a different basis from political
bodies and must not act from party
motives. He hoped that the Churches
would open at other times than during
the regular hours of service. This
woud promote and revive the relllrloue
feeing of the people, the emperor said,
for religion was still a power. Even
the subversive elements of the pres
ent day had several times had to halt
before it. The empress, the president
•eld, wishes the churches to be kept
open. U
Washington, Oct. II.—For Georgia:
Fair weather; southwesterly winds:
sllghty warmer.
It ban become quite H fad among many
of our «oc!«ty people to ko on the etatfe
of the <# tsaat Day* of Pompeii" nnd t&fce
pjrt Laet nlKht a party oft welve, chap*
cronoil by Mre. Itobert Coll Inn, were
among the Roman cltlzenii. Tonight an
other party of eighteen will go on. Htoga
Director Hone. take** pcrncmal charge oC
them, ao they will not l>e among the m(8>
elng after tho eruption of Mount Veagti-
vius and tho destruction of 2'ompell.
How to fiqueece m Lemon.
There are lemon aqueezera and lemon
aqueezers, but I wouldn't use ono of them.
Tito acid on inetal makes tho juice taste
metallic, and the wooden onea are apt to
leave a bad taete. Betides that, If you use
a lemon squeezer, you are sure t) get a lob
of the esflontlal oil out of tho rind of the
lemon, and thnt Is rank poison to the
stomach. The best way to get the juice
from a lemon Is to roll It till It fa soft;
then cut off tho end and Insert a silver
knife ami scrape the pulp out Into a dish.
That way you get all the* good out of tho
lemon, nnd none of the bod. Roll them
under your hand on a hard table or put
tho lemon down on the floor and roll lb
lightly under your foot; then wlpo 1$ off
before squeezing. Never leave the seeds of
a lemon in the pulp that you take out.
The seeds wilt make the juice very bitter,
and In half an hour after taken from the
lemon.—Phtlfulolpjila Times.
Death Warning. a
Oliver Wendell Holmes recorded, his
protest against the custom of telling a
person who does not actually a»k to know
that he cannot recover. As that loving
observer of mankind asserted, so must ev
ery one who knows whereof lie speaks as
sert that people almost nlwnyacome to un
derstand that recovery is impossible. It U
rarely needful to tell any one that this is
the caso. When nature give* the warning,
death uppears to bo ns little feared a* »lre
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