The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, May 23, 1895, Image 1

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH MACON, GA„ TJ3URSDAY MORNING, MAY 23, 1895.’ llliGJ assured progress in tfbe fifty years to oome. WlQb & genial dluwte aajd imperial domain, «M| a ©oil not only exhaust- | leas In Its fertility, but with NKe respon- 1 slve chairity mnatwera with moro lavish Yesterday a Grand Day lor Soldiers I a b>*ndance aa the demands upon her w " * \ come more of the Confederacy at Houston. come more exacting, witto a History flan in the memories of her Alamo, Over Goliad and her San Jacinto, as wei-l as in cne deeds of her Houston, her Austin, tier Travis and her I/amar; with a proud Her itage art* heroism bequeathed by «ner in trepid sons in tihe mighty conttxat or cne sixties; with same of tflio beat 'blood in the republic in her people's veins whose Indomitable energy and 'ofty spirit are Eloquent Speech liy Gen. Gordon mt the I equaled only by their PrtnoeOy hospital- ] lty, with all these eplondld endowment© ENTHUSIASM UNBOUNDED. Opening of the Reunion— Etnthual- netle Keoeptlonof Iho Daughter of the Confederacy. Houston, Texas, May 22.—The fifth annual re-unlon of the U. C. V. was by nature, by her history ana oy the characteristics of her sons and daugnlers. what etitlmlstto prophet vrotrM praowt for her a career so gtaitous as ho be oeyona her. reasonable ambition. J .The assembling of these war-scarred veterans In this war-scarred state, recalls a etrtklws contrast to their war histories. | Sixty years ago Texas won her fight nor South, which has done so much in the making of our history, would be satis fied If that history were truthfully written. an ovation to arrets davis. in HI FOOT . CONNEfljiL WAS KXLZABD. Tile Slayer of Sheri ftDunliam Riddled with Iiullcttn. At 'this Juncture Miss Wlnnlle Davie I Tile Property Reorganized at a Meeting Dufblin, May 22.—(Special.)—The with her escort, including any ladles, appeared on the platform. The enthu siasm of the convention as the dele gates caught slgh/t of the “Daughter of the Confederacy" /was beyond all bound's. Tt was not a succession of cheers, tout one continued thunderous roar. Such a scone hits not been wit nessed In the South for years. Mill ©avis, dressed In a dark-foroiwn cos tume, with a Confederate badge on her bosom and a hunch of flowers In her belt, advanced ito itho side of Gen. Gordon, near the edge of the platform, and made how after bow to the enthu siastic crowd, which seemed 1 Intoxi cated toy her smile. Complete order could never toe restored after her ad vent, and It was not until Gen. Gordon of Ihe Bondholders’ Coinmit- tco in Atlanta, MB. tJHAW IS PRESIDENT. Sir. Spark* Ha* Been Choien Manager and Three Director* From Macon Were Chosen—The New Issue of Bonds and Stock. der of Sheriff George Dunham of (Mont gomery county was wanton and delib erate in Its details. The tr&o faots of the case ore these: Dunham had a wia<a!ftn , r*for the for- 5**t ,°f William Connell, charged wUth bea/tlng his wife in a shocking mianmer. Armed 'with the otflclat document, he oalie<j at the Connell homestead for the purpose of punting it' fnto execution. General | He paused tut rhe gate and hailed. Connell anvure that It was the sheriff, opened tho door cautiously and fired both barrels of a double-barrelled shot- Biui at him, the contents entering tho unfortunate man’s head, mailing n gaping wound In the forehead, and tore out both ey©©. With a vhe oherlfl Tlie Macon Pythias Ciiosen tho Head of tho Grand Lodge of Georgia, THEY COULDN’T REAT HIM. The Vote by Which II* Was BXcctcA Showed Ills Bxirenio Popularity— Frlsc Drill of Uniform Rank at Ponce deUeon Springs* Atlanta. May WHSWeUl.HIh* dn.Vpvd deaT'ln hl, formally inaugurated at the Winnie I tademUtare7’'I«tate ™ h!w1 “Id. after a reasonable intermix Georgia Southern and Florida was re- I , Aa soon na tho news of (he shocking - [ v !? ty . . ** CSpeo!al.)-Sir Dais wu di Mumh7 flei Condon rare JrSSK^L.^j^.jg'g^y?, alon, that he would clear the hall unless organized at a meeting of the bond- ,ra ** d y wn» learned, the people tnme ,„ nlfirh , t W ; «• Sdhntamau of Macon Dais wudltorjum by Gen. Gofidon this order was restored so Gen. Lee could holders commIUre hel.1 hm*. ihta . out ®“ lu “ ae 10 down tile peipe- was footed 'grand chancellor of the morning amldtoscenw which wm be re- *™ ,e ^ atl ^ tt yibuitT^aa,toatortou. proceedt then flnlsh ed. paying the „ tra,tor ot ,he . foul assusrtnWton, Armed Knights of Pythias of Georgia for tha menibered long after the last veteran w£?e tostrbravenanuouml <Sl n 801,111 shouia begin at the bottom by noou at ‘ h * Aragon hotel. There were posses setuvlied the woods In every dl- ensuing year (bv-n,» ,1 , of the loot cause, commemorated today, overwhehntos defeat? Tezaa^rictoriousT a V mu atlnK Public sentiment In favor present of the committee Messrs, H. S"' ^ l,l ‘ morning tho Telegraph aosslon hero todav & d 1 ^ s ° has returned to dust and long after | mSSeS SSSS ^ 5S “ ^ one- ot the mas, 1 suarar* s^stmts w MrwbtMs bag r& s? ,r ich *? nrirpq In iltin that noofl. onmn I Rrlllmniu Tlhn— f. i/ra . m I CGJDtOTS th(> i>n rtlnrml raiftlAii fl mil I ml n I w * *UU IRCl Ulilt tuQ USIKll t'ho great leaders In that great con flict have passe daway. In an ever increasing dOroaon the 'crowds have to the front rank df eta'tes. federates, crushed and dlaibairticd ,s sol diers, addressed themselves to tne' du ties of citizens with a conservatism eo increasing ^Dream the -crowds have I t!es of dtlsem wMto a conservatism ao I ln ^© future that eacto camp Br.IUmoiv, Ttoonuw Gresham of I SJgf**® Jft® cajnuged parties flred Inito CUHtani of TT~ — been pouring into Houston from every I corwploixms. a patrtetlaneo tnieaiKi have prepared a correct list of the Baltimore and Henry Rice of New body * - . ^ f I>romot,n S the grand vUct- 1 . in . # ... . . ’ y I broad, a fldeltty to *tho doedsfevte or twit- I ®HP°llni©n , t from every county, the I _ y 0 I ®b®rlff Bunfhaim wan one of ttoe moat I ©hancellor was deptarled trom. and h«i tfuarter of «the Union, on regular and t j e ^ unquestioned arid sincere as oo number .killed and ln what toatitles; it I * Mr * D * vv * Herrmann of New courageous ofllcers iri the etnjte, and wtl® elected by a vote of 147 to fio vipo-. BDecIal trains torincinsp wkh -them itn.t- I *».« — ---• —— ot asks each state organisation to urge York was the only member of the com- Y\ ery * K *P u,ar . Two years ngo, ht^- chancellor t tt tt 147 \° 8 - 0, JT C ° . upon Its respective legislature to make mittee not on hand. All the stock of ^ uffl<rt «^ns were exe- Underwood of Romo a . an appropriation for carrying Into ef- , t he «omn w * ? ? 10 ? ° T \ oult 5 d m Vernon, aut attempt was t1ie other candidate. feet ithese recommendations; indorsee I Waq represented, how- nwd© by a moto to sttorm the Jail and Savannah also contemplated pu!ttlu« tiKa r’nnfA.Ic,., 1 ever, anti the PAiiWtnUaiUn —ui_». I BOeure the nrlannorn A I... ^ . . special trains bringing with -them itat- I challenge the confluence enfi esteem tercit battle flags and enthusiastic patriots In every section of the umon. hearts; bringing with them the sacred ,, Th! ”’ ead ” *« to recall three reenarka- and yet more sacred dear* S of hard fought battle fields and the I pronounce a fitting climax to tihc4r spten' determination to meet and mingle once 1113 record In war. more with their comrades in arms be- - T>w 0nl of , t * 1 « rocorotruction, mamiy „ , through your In©tru>men!taMty of the' fore ithey bow to the final conqueror, bor oystsm of our entire section. You united Union,’’ # nnd asked that he be The cfllmax In the matter of numbers I turned from a kwir, eihauettog afld un- I Invited 'to address the veterans at the I oon, general manner I wrotetoes. F\>r this piece of brav- nrna mvn^il./wl . V. #— «— -X . I.. « .. I MWVtonrfnl ot^.vnvlA .hs. 44... a—ls..,1i».. I to OT.t (Vtinlntt nn IVio ..•klaal af sln.irnMi I a. . *'l. I Cry, OX—CgO v Dl'llor Nopthtm 'W rdte h 1 ill R I 0>? Confederaite Veteran (puiblieatlon); I cver ' aml re^rginlzatlon, which ttl ® prisoners, A Methodist con- up a candidate, but debldad tha* n censures ihe Encyclopedia Drlttanlca was 'practically a matter of form was 1>®W In the time, ^uld he '' L . n , th , at . r St for misrepresenting the South, strongly quickly nerfeotad Over to .the cfliureh, he bosttly T?“' u 1,0 ,“•«*»• «•> <ho face of Mr. indorsed Dr. J. L. M. Curry ami Ills Q ... J?" 0 ®”' , pressed Into service a delegation of 5>opularity. history, “The Constitution and !Re- vv '. e " a, ' v <* Baltimore was elected ‘mbleters, and wlilli rtiese seruints of The other omcers elected todav am ‘ Fbcshlent. with w. B. Sparks of Ma-| S2 2S? I »« follows: 7 Grand Vlcc-Ohn'fflcellor-<3. Henry) praising him I Co,hon of Atugusta. ■ ruugTn ui> anotut mi th ii ^’ UI,tlr nlr0 Grani1 Prelate—C, R. Warren of other ln the Streets and in the hotels. I born and trained"), lit was utterly oe>- I and ordered published. * '(fc*ioroiiKhlv In ZZ 110 ^ I „ f ' t >erlfr iVuaham loaves a wife Cnd - „ and In the cosmopolitan centres. The troyed - Yet you heroically undertook tne When Gen. Lee finished, the vet- J aco0 "* ' th the ne, ' v ",ZZL^. cll dro11 10 mour «lWa untimely . Keoper of Records and Seals— veterans, crippled anxl' decrerld mingle ta1!k of Ite reorganSza/Uon mater a new ernns .were Invited to pass In review mann S < mmm and will have their hearty " . , , .MrliKT fci, wieinm ' syetem, and of adapting youraelves to I'before Miss Davis after adjournment, support In placing the property In tho , J 5011 p,ac * '‘odUy, and wiring their jaunty costumes of Con- that new order. The success of your er- which was then taken froth 1 till 7 very, beat condition 1 “ - federate gray, while here and there forte Is the noblest commentary upon o'clock. The crush and coll fusion was tornrisn . . copper complexion and long black hair y° ur trisdom tend Justloe. With no power so great that there was actual danger . .. - distinguished from a specu- betoken the American Indian. At nn>. I ® at “ tl!, ® to labor *nd oT fatalities. Miss -Winnie advancetl la “'’® P ro f®riy. • - I no money to pay 4t, yon successfully to the front of the platform and-, The board of direct ore elected In .. , gutded It to a plane of self-support ana so smilingly raising her hand, said she follows- H IP „„ , their respective leaders and shake their vastly Increased product of the South's knew she could rely upon the mem- I n n „ 1 • Slnnrt ' w - M- Rogers, hands with cordial warmth, not lnfre- ^ t . ap1 ®:, | hers 'as men and Texans to follow the | , -I' "“* ,, d McIntyre, C. D. [ fluently wllth tears in tttnedr ejvs. Tho [ morning began with a drizzling min, - wwn j/idbv wun^i .in 1 * was -wltLnessed toy an Knimense throng. OHJORGEA SUNDAY SCHOOLS. Adournment of the State ■ Convention at Savannah, Savannah, Ga., May 22.-The con- W. T. Leopold of Savannah, Orand Master at Arms-dlugo Itobln- ©on of Albany. Gtraurd 'Master of Erc'hequer—C. S. ; Oox of Savannah, Grand inner Guard—T. M. Goodrum of Newman. Grand Outer Guard-W. A. Stywald f West Point. Reprasentiutlve to tho Supremo Lodgo which, With few Intervals has prevaleld I to eo short a pertoi"flnirtctil todei«na- I i^arilaiiy effoetTve,” Out"not wholly'^”1 OIM ' Sklnprlth Wllmer, I p'resldent,'"iA*i ‘a. ‘chamiler Tf^A^ I Douglas of Atlanta, all day, dampening the cloths but not once l 3L Y° ur fstotllm and Industrial an a for neaTly two hours she was | chnrloa *>• Fisher, w. C. Shaw, lanta; vice president, James T. Wells contest for the next meeting the ardor of the thousands of veterans 'hurled among the mass of veterans Baltimore; Henry Rice, <D. W. Herr- ° r Savannah; ssereitary, Fred T. Lock- l c of th ® Stand .kxige, wnlCU was Who never failed to ireaoond to the pSmIwZvSSw I'l? « cra >?beld over the reporters' maim, New York. ?„•!* "'^gusta; corresponding Becre- v «ty Mvfly between Amerltus, Atony ulirrJng strains of the numerous bands S’® 1 u n COTn P toml snly labor- would be 3 liSossBde'V’deiSbo (he In outlln| ng the plan of reorganlza- tre&urer, F^a!" Btilierititee of'jocki Knta'hta !IVl |n C 'h,^ me ? 1 ' ;US WOn ' “° wlhloh are playing war melodies all enthusiasm and confusto of the «on to (he Telegraph correspondent Go % 1 Knfehta wl " bo, ‘> ‘ b *'- - over (ihr* ritv I °n<l your own ueJr-re»ant mam’iKxxi, you • > i—*-• ■ 1 •»* — bave fought your way to competence. Nine o olook was the hour at which proviUleid for your disabled comrades, un- the convention was to be opened tout 131 «*****& a Oonta^ouite soldier can be eo cordial w*ro the vptomm i n f<>UTjd ^i^vcia of the comforts of life. «w©Hn* J L n veterana in ttodr M ^ Bahl0 time y0 or comMned ettorto greetinga to Gen. Gordon and others have carried these Southern «ta''o3 to a tlvat It was nearly Jl o'clock when IheltWt of material from the commander mounted the platform ■ tv<hfc ' h Y 011 nwy now calmer look back ptoeT^chT' , WhlCh , 18 a beaut,ful ~ -So r<i , ------ -- ^^ 0 A Ure '. 1S . decorated ‘n- ashes, and area* » over a country iSSSS scene. GB.VND RD'JBJFrnaN. At 6 o’clock tttrt afternoon the sponoors and their maWs of honor h«#d a large re ception ait ttoe Hutdhlna House. Tho Atlanta delegaitloni me/ ’ttoUs nirtor- noon and ddtertnlned -to make a strong pull for t!he exit reunion. Ge n . Clecnenf A. BvanU and Judge W. L, Caltooim were appointed to present Atlanta's _ » .vua "wllj hIJ -w.. t . Kn fehts will -hold tlielr featdvltiba tonight, flfrosldent Shaw said: “\Vo will I *. lfc Wa ? declde( ? M i0 raise a fund for 1 * r ® n# * t year * issue four million dollars of nfiv VMP employment of a Held secertary lo Atlft'nittt Knlglit© ©upported Mr,, floated ait once, the balance remaining 'ihe warships today nncl will go t° expected that th. in our treasury. Wo will also issue Ty,v ’® tomorrow. T ainvon aetugailon -would in turn, sup- 3684,000 ot first i preferred stock and °f second preferred stock and JawOAOOO-pf common stock. The old a strong I '^®OwoUl©rs will get $1 000 of tht‘ now I [ na< ’, * Aflooclutlon was taken *» ^hundreds ortj^jarsxsrg.%S$t*&&&&&«Sff after yard of bunting, while a row ot M**® 1 ™*! fiurns mutant In the Mfeht of In- “In »*- .» ..--..Jl. President. David W. (turtv. Rome: palmesto. leav«VOrnament tho edco of ^rtol resurrectaon; of assured peatmen--1“ on4 ^Charleston are keepimg the huge Mwrri-2, edg , e of «y and enduring material (ndqpondence. B Plain/,.m. Thu, was a deaf- Tho 'third• achlevomen't Is tho rasslon 1 - GiBORG-rA’S PHAHmAOTSTS. I port Uapt. 'Tip Harrison ot Atlanta for. 'Sawannah, Ga., iMay 22,-Tho sec- ,S', d , k «T r r 2!Li.?S 0^<1,, and "* 1 '' «• ond days' session of the Georgia Phar- I -®°! K ' 1 'i of BavaniMli. tha maclal Asooclatlon was taken up i|2S C nre2re2?Sl bat , Mi| bon iieTegtt- slu if—1 - papers. ,lon *’ r ®‘* lr ®d.Uie old ofilcor to makluig elected: wup ® ° a P'- Ilarr? the members of Gen. Gordon's start exhWfem of relf-oocmnarid under suprem- eommUtee wasTneflettvespeotal order ot Jb a business ltrveslmenl. Wo have T,ic.vlnv lnT\T.v 1snn a " d .'*® WAJor general o' divisions each «* trials; tor this oompleto burial of all «»norroiw. 'At 11 o clock the report of the ,ak « n hold of It os a legitimate bust- w-ith hte respective staff There were motional fttitemeas; for (he gKCttuiU but comminee on credentials -man made, but ne»« enterprise and expect (o hnndlo FLOWERS FOR OHTGAGO. also a largo number of liulb.s. jtfur certain tranemuUng of your valor and wa f Imperfect and not Teod In full. The K «s suoh to keep it nntrammell,el by Savannah, Ga., May 22.—A car ' - 1 - 1 — u “ - — 1 mlvense Influences. -We have bought of evergreens and flowers was loaded d-Id not go Into t-hS drill The shtries were 'the divisions from Sa-' inimsili. Aiikiimiii ill,,| All,ml,I ttavii,,- -Savunnah, Ga„Mny 22.—A car load nob entering three divisions. .Macon P (‘Vf?rirrc»‘iiH and flnu'pm wtia l.>n#ioil I AM nn® in* A Gen. Gordon eat Governor CuibcrMUi. I devotdon, exhibited in deTonoe otf the nag I ^ Ion cotnhuundec In suspenawKSp I jdv . 5SS2 P Ufiaplaln Gen. J. W. | that fell into unctoallegedjoytMy to tne | tn© consrmutton, ©Wpttfl ■^BtannlTK^hyn, | tho^road^forjhe Purposo of running it. | 'by -the executive commltte-* the | Tto© JuclEeH ^vvore: w Cflpc. iSmlfli of Tamm TW.l.i '“"Vta.U UCII. J. VV. I VIWl IClf IDW UflWRUitgWl ivyiuiy TW me I , V * 1 — ^..T * .1 I T . . * , j,. yi 1 UlllllUj, *1. I «/ IUQ CACUUltoD uuillinuie:- ri' me AUJC J UUJTCH wore ’ < 'll nr 4 -iowl rill JoneB^PnM^nft W. a. CHvel:.ii-l, .3cn. fl«e that triumphed; for all t-hceb evuen- „ :P*J°P® rt V and iv© np- Confederaite Veterans to go »to Chicago VVoat Itolnt, Capt. BoIer P of aWon President d rSi5lf s ‘ L. ®* s ot t ’ 1 ® lo,ttMt wWrJbritw of oltlzenrirtp pl ^L a 1f th ? t , fact ' for <*>« decoration of tho Confederate lieutenant UoeUnd of Miicoti Tciito- CfiaDlata^“r, n H?Introduced you vritl yet find your Toward tn (he '-"l ", io i he I)art h ® will monument on May 30. Tho rar contains nla Division No. 3 from Bavra'nahwnji ooenrffh? SSi J ' 'Yv Jones ' who universal ptaudlts of your countrymen, ml ™ , y ke n .. Wl °- toahagement, 24 -palmetto trees, 100 pine saplings, tile first to go upon (ho field ulS einS?1i^ h o 5>ray ® r - He Us ft Is alrsidy secured to the power, N rfh ' Th ® ^jeldent Shaw said he expected to 1,000 laurel .wreaths and u lot of moss o'clock. It was nearly dark when th. “ *»~ 89 |p*"'— - - 1 SHv*,*."sr‘ s^awsauf at atars.v^'sss; tw. .- It, Z iI gzs "* ’sasuaaas—*• sasrarS- 5 HE BEAT HIS WIFE. Augusta No. G wou second^prize hvra?4.*Sf d J!, vl *, l ? n „ waa commanded anA 27.1 7,* k AWfl'wm, Isaac progreea jama ho ^^'fiK 11 ® S 0 ^ of J e «erBon DavW reunftod republic, tn Jv» , LiJh t ?hsuXf t i eri VK S . at tIl,s reunion; I Go forward, my comrades, arid -by «err- to We^ every^emton t r r ISFSSZS* by wly economy and well directed rauntw. re e S Seo ‘l on of "°ur _ common I Tae^,t^SruT’oTe"^^" I or^vIS 3 I ' V< S k ' „ I country, to bless tlie mnimoii Pnnfp^. I i* ,1.4- I nor.da J. Taylor Elllsoiii of Virginia* I President flhmtf mtiiAn noinut 1# I ln «L h thelr “ »Atrwsaspstt I1 W^SSrS^wf?' l0 rre® . Governor | of to Gcnd Array of (ho Republic, com- | ^A**%**** I “J Worida f under Ihe mwMba | MieArth?r FLORIDA AND FEIVBR. rUsla. ri Tu »-*w*uicu viovernor m HIS ura-nu iumy yi WHS nmuiNM w«ii- ■ Charles Culbereon, who said that the po^Hd of so-Wtere iwho were bmve in ba'ttl« | °' em or ffle 10,80,1 line AmericAn colonists gleaned from and are generous in peace, courngo^ie 1 1 ® u, t*PM©d wrong of monarchy tarfgtoUy and true, bear toward you nel’th- pian'ted themselves In h wilderness lingering b«rteri*es3 or eentiment’of where the essential principle of their I distrust. ■Whatever of untimely passion J Uorter Gays His Quarantine \V^ll ronomy. was local self-government, j raa y bore and ehere exist from any cause I Be Rigidly Enforced. Under this system grew the instltu- I W ^1 be cf tfhort dunationi and compara- I tlOQ of slavery. .Phis was recognized lively Jvarml^s. In ito© presence of jtour dlaxsksonvllle, I^a., May 22.~Dr. Jos. by a majority at the North and a wntlnued ooneervaitkim and ■before ■cn© y Power mlpoq^y of the South, proper law was nobler and higher sen'Wracn* of th© cornv ** “J? health officer, arrived being made for the safety ot slaves, ^y» It will vandsto like vapora (before tine | tne city ima morning from Key 0RT8P IN A/TDANTA. 2ompaTy Ca o t f"Ra'!7n "MS^T""taSSRffK «® KbveNo'h,^ to Say About L,,?* ~ft 1,oro '. bclileh was lag to kill her. Neighbors took tier In ' Carlisle's S-pceoli. 0,d ""Si*®*®' 18 And today had hc.r husbaind arrested. T;—„ [trustae ifor the now mortgage. | Testimony In court showed that Mac- nm! ? nla t-, Aflchur hid treated his wife with ,?o ^ C o, I ;„S!l!:£^,Sr a,<cr of thn la) rt sWacklng cruelty. Mrs. MhOArrhur t*s- V.n,n wa f ln • / ' 1 * (filed that her liusltand beat liar sev- l lls ' w>y *° Olrnrevllle, In I era! tames and knocked her ln the th» fJLS*i£?1!L 1° •** ‘' h ® benefit ot ■hear. 8he also said that It was a ft-e- ( Uir (S*4S°J!2Ste a , .'S' '■ tot*- me eny vuiH moiTiiue mom K.ey i , fluent oeeurroneo for him to come to «„),« look. . a S Wf ' ,, West and Tdmpa. Dr. Porter thinks AtIaI * a . « ay 22.-<BSPeelal.)-frhs ‘ h ® rttVs ^ before*«vlw toll upnll L* thoreu'ehW 3 SSldT . IRRIGATION OONORE33. It Is Called to Meet In Atlanta October. -v -.u »..u ■ awrntoe sun. vvest ana Tampa. Dr. Porter thinks ES.-GtoeeiaLJ-The , ,,K ' a uo a “ get thorougWy well fested an ,'h „ the North pursued the slave trade tin- But * ™t »><* oonsunra more of tne there Is no dhaticc of the passage of * tat ® (ommltteo ef irrigation, com- „h 177 l. Line taTrehSu tbwre Is another turn of {&• nSm-it .11 -V- | - -• - ' (me Of this mast tmnortant invention, nnv hill t,v elm irioHno re- „ - . . ' an a ’‘y' “•'tong Der wWbotrt anythliik UI ln ® P 01 " 1 ’ ■*' the system oontlnued to flourish, and' morntna VIn. the North xmrsued tho slave trade tin- I But 1 m “®* —• —i — i —— * >• .» ui loc passage oi i e. ..vigaiuon, com- i an . . , .uo™ m til the increase ot slaves in the South t1m ® «* «•**■ moot Umportant convention, any bill by (lie Florida leetaloutae to posed of Dr. «. C. White of Athena to'ent^ titadsl, li"?.' 1 wbeeL made It unprofitable. Growing manu- 1 clo «® °» 1 by assuring tne gov- abolish tho state board of health and nre.ident- n mm , ,w „ , A ,' B ' «Sitfi re" U small ln During Oie morning Judge rv,-,, <awur«s gave thetn employment, and ® mar of tW8 Krona atato, th. mayor ot place the aupervlsloa of all auarantlno f ‘‘lent, George W. Harrison of 1Alt " v„“ r ® !^l, de j!f Tf aa called n t ihe canlto^lo see^GnvwnTe they were woven Into the warp and meiropoltaan city, and the patriotic matters ln the state under federal con- lnnta ’ ® ocrelar l'I W. Ryals of Sa- i lm ? Aiktimou. but tin- governor wiw irt •22* °( T 0 br BOClal syorwn. . and c»n«oue people of both, What tno trol. Tire action of the federal govern- vannah, M. V. Calvin of Augusta and thne7?uret ta SMI “to ani1 Jndgo pro. e.-w to™ ike ta The North at this time exhibited a OonXederato Voterams an Vre- mfent In ordering the release of (lie W. G. Whidby of 'Atlanta me here vZ ot ^ 1 nlt thr ' rttl| cr offices, p:i.y|,w « « 1'" fluiokened conscience os to th* wmn*r- foundiy grarteful far -ttols mmcato rocopttoa iBpansan cruiser Infanfn. Twnhoi L . y . Al,anla # met hero I /«w©^°f age, .ftiw was formerly Miss hiw frlantfsi. Hn remain In the unlor- The Showe; Georgia, R. M. Plowman, Ken- ?J at * ' K>a r d of health. It Is reported ,IlL* h 2 J? 11 i* 1 ® ®°mmlKsIon says: 'Tn England It Is toefieved’he bf.Wncre,,.., H F wh ' Sf?, b®*"* made, there was no tueky, John Boyd'; (Louisiana. W. R. Chat the Spanish man-of-war had nev- v ,™ ot . <he fact of the wonderful g K 1 ” cHev ®° h « *® demicnlted. Judge Crisp mill not attend the Mnm- tSS,ftn£ s the Btatea but acceptance. Lyman; Florida, Frank Phllltps; South ^ en dlslnfodted and fumigated etneo ®lmu«en[ng of popular Irttarest In tho PHILADELPHIA MOVFfl |^ Sou " <1 Money (.'onvewdon. but **!£“"•) v , . _ Carolina, ®. H. Teague; North Caro- baring several cases of yellow fever T.'Si® 01 °{ Irrigation In the East und rmuuwHttllora, will Ret 7 llm fl hammock and think It l ■■ ii * “i ?? bu to to the great Una, Samuel Thomas; Tennessee, R. oaboesd Mat year until She was fuml- I w *®*' an “ th" recognition of it* lm-1 Business Men Take un the retain I o^er away up in the mountains of Hall W re^T,l aUrh A er bon®™ us with H. (Dudley; Virginia, J. Taylor Ellison; **"* at bh ® Haltet Key quarantine fortance by the department of the in- JH S, FlR " t Habersham. Q ““ CAppIausc). nod eu- MlssliKlppl, Col. Goldsmith; Missouri, Porter , 8a >’ 8 «iat this is terlor and of agriculture, under whose -„V* a,iFlrOT 611ver - logjzea the glory of the Southern cause. H. H. Newman; Texas, J. D. Bhaiw; not “>« " rst time tllio state quarantine direction a national hoard of Irrlga- . I “Ikidolphln, May 22.—Tile agitation FOUND DEAD IN RED ,lls ? racteI I Indlan « ak - I .KSS--2ST1 £*“!“? a JV Vtose, for I Xlo h r ASn' ta G^gla^n te d olT.l!;.rr«r free Dft A ^ nta ' ZSZSKA people of the Gouth may ccho kfloWQ «itizcn wAs found deSS ln^ll meet and discus© how far lrrU?.*v<Iori fa . pn * aa3e V Wa » a,,fl Tuesday a at his hoe on rnth^r**™ Ju*i ant ^ toeneflclal In their ©sc-j *| on ? 3 ®r^^ ,an me©ttn^ of tlioso urrayed I mornlruar. Mr Gibbs retired i»*t n ire-Kt- tlon. herebyxall the first Southern trrt- ^ , <* “Hver will be apparemly ln Roodheath Ivh^ hu "The oongr<-ss will be composed ns Trenholm, Comptroller of the Curron- follows: Five delegates at large from fJL undl:I ! ( - | evilland , s first ndmlnlstra- —t. .-# -t. - ■ ■ - Mon. and a number of othor prominent gfitttlemen. The letters Inviting Sir. Edmunds and Mr. Trenholm to speak were signed by fitly of tho leading business srel professional men of Phil adelphia. The names of Democrats are !£?, welcome the veterans of that I ‘^‘oSmroHJtSt‘on rasolutSoos was then IV*® 0 - *** ffnHed 6ta*M a? thA mmi. » s ax 1 I ®ro»tated as foficniv’s: Alabama, H. T. J£2J •SlS ,l 2L 4n Key Wcst antl , n .; <*>• conclusion of the governor's Bridewell; Arkansas, D. H. Crawley; Ir? at <Hffer«nt times. There ij.u y6j w* 316 “Bonnie Georgia, N. S. Calhoun; Louisiana, IS no more danger this year. In Dr. in U iAiM A^toioreoA th ?r Cr0w l, burst forth J<yhn oiynn. Jr.; North Carolina, I J2l f yelIow fever *>«<«« tojogg applause. Mayor Browne tJhen Samuel Thamaa; South Carolina, J. G. l£ troduoed Into the atafte from Outoa the vwtom the Jlolmea; Virginia. J. Taylor Btratton; SUSS?® lleTietofo re* ’ as the hospltattty of^eclty.^ Kentucky, John Boyd; Florida, J. A. 2. n 1,. are ^ kcn , and the GEN. GORDON’S SFEDOH. I Enslow; -Maryland, George H. Stew- *** JSflly enforced. Accord* ■When Gen. Gordon was introduced tne I art ; Mississippi, W. lf. Holder; 'Mis- 1- agents of the crowd went wtM, arfd tt wo* eom© tune sour!,. J. O. Shelby; Tennessee, J. H. Sr stationed In Ha* before tti©-speaker could proceed. ~ Holmes; Texas, J. C. Campbell Indian #225iJPJSJ* 1 ?, % irep 1 oa *ff ** Gen. OotdontaaM: Governor, Mr. May- Territory, R. B. Coleman. SJaSTJS? ihe preaer>t ^ mc or, CommUee and My Fellow Country- At this point tlio confusion was so nTw, ” an ? e Jast yeaT. men: y great «toat a serg^aritrat-arms from It is my official dirty and hign prm- each state was ordered appointed. iJ? begins massing lege to reply in behalf Of my comraces GeD. S. D. Lee arose to read the re- lhen an to this gracious welcome by the city port of the committee on history. P a<?mlc ma y foe looked for, of Houston and «a*e of Texas, tvoen i The converttlon held at Birmingham DANru-i zreeirev,rem r. eild (hat they are ohnracteristta of tms I last year adopted,a new constitution. .a.i.— >nT BXO ’ } ’*'2RA'I^JD. city and state, my tangwge is capable which, among other things, dissolved „jTVr ma ' •' ray „ 32 - —1 Grand Secretary of no Stronger oiprreakm, what flngner thM oommtatee.The commander ordered b r enojrer W. P. Daniel of the Or- trftute could be poM to this great pco- the suspension of the new constitution ISLfLJSr'ST Oondu«ora, has been pta ton to say tot tolr hoM«aPty.w until the reassembling of the eonven- f,. V Tl1 * «toimlttee tavestlgat- worthy of Texao? Around the name ana tlon and oontlnued the committee. I WL*P*. Jfjtort him reported history of Texes are gathered oesooia- This -was done ln January.' so the work d S° un ?.^ hTra °°* «u»‘Y- 1 H« ttona glorious and halloaed; and to her <,f th, commlctee -was delayed nearly Z 8 ?i_. WKh H* 1 ”* bl * 0<Bc « *° euteeflueot ea«*r are ceitteraj ham a year . These farts , were set forth In , IH " cat “Wng scheme, and hop« of richest cortWbuttoos to the ru- th ' r<wrt> wMoh then wont on to enu- at Jf n <‘®« *» POlllles ture of the repifljllc. Tn fifty years ot mwat e the part the soldiers took ln the Ul* SP®*: T* 1 ® <**ril« were etate She has risen to ocmRBndtng peer- C | Vi | yr t;; - 0 f the histories In u.» I —*?* ^ Mt® Camden (New Jersey) dl- tton among her staters, awl the hnagma- in BchSs. it zav, are lniLnrnt. Tl V , IM P, n ' a "d helped to beat him at the tloo can zc^triy keep poc* -fta *r [m^&e'VoWrtlmtoht^^ ^pelto each -Of the Somhem statca, to he ap pointed by the governors ot aalil state* anti all members of Ihe state commissions of Irrigation In said state*. One delegate each from regularly organized Irrigation, agricultural, anil hortlculutral societies; societies of-en- glnetrs, Mate departments of ogricul- tus, agricultural colleges and commer- ••y bodies In the Southern states. All members of the nalonal board at Irrigation and of the.national ex ecutive committee of the national Irri gation congresa; duly accredited repre sentatives of any foreign nation or colony, each member of the United totes smate and house of representa- ttves, each governor of a state or ter ritory, the secretary of the Interiorand secretary of agriculture, duly acced- Ifd delegate* to the farmers' national congresa and road parliament -will be admitted as honorary members. 'been In feeble health for some time and hi* death was the quiet passing away of n well spent life. mu&nwiNn lands. Charlotte, N. C.. May 22.—A party of dletlngiilHhed people were In this ■. blty today In a special train of the ronsplcuous among (lie signers of tlio B™* 0 *™. Air Line, which ovns in letter,, a , Ttepubtlcans, fn.„l among onarge of Mr. Rhode*. »p«'cla! sge n t. the Democrats are AVJlllam F. Hurrl- ' I 1 1 ® P art y f " examining the character ty, Chairman of Che * Democratic na- the 'territory to rTort on Its avail- tlonal committee; W. M. HIngerly, pro- ability for settlement by emigrants prldtbr of the ReayrtL and Alexander ' w1 ’° 1vant 10 move to the United Rtate* K. RlloClure, editor of the Tlmea. INDIANA SBNTTMENT Evansville, Ind.. .May 22,-Hon. John G. ShankUn. editor of the Evansville Courier, will publish an editorial to morrow dec lari nhr Umk the position of the ®AinIn1»tr’a,i.ion as Announced by Mr. Carlisle In flavor of the single gold standard make© it fibpee&dve that a state convention to© called in reassert rhe Democracy of Jefferson and Jack- eon, from Scandinavia. Air. \. E ot New York is at the head of tha party. ONCE MOHE"FRIKNDLY. LoiMon, -May 22.—A dispatch from Yokohama to the Globe says: Diplomatic relations between Jhpan and China have been resumed', dir Hayaskt, vice-secretary of foreign af faire. has been appointed mlnlzter to I'ekln. Bokuyeko has been appointed acting premier of Corea.