The Macon telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 188?-1905, July 26, 1901, Image 3

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THE MACON TELEGRAPH: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1901 A TEXAS WONDER. HALL’S GREAT 1JI SCO VERY. One small bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures* all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures dia betes. seminal emissions, weak and lame backs*, rheumatism and all Irreg ularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates blad der troubles* in children. If not sold by your drugglvt, will be pent by mail on receipt of $J. One small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 62D, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Sold by all druggists, and II. J. Lamar & Sons, Macon, Ga. READ THIS. MARTIN, Tenn., June 5, 1901. Dr. E. W. Hall, St. Louis, Mo.—My Dear Sir: I take pleasure In saying that I have used your Hall’s Wonder with much benefit, having suffered for years with kidney trouble, and most heartily recommend it to all sufferers from kidney diseases. Respectfully, J. XV. LOWRANCE. Member of the Meohis Annual Confer ence, M. E. Church. South. BANKS ESTABLISHED IN 1863. FRANK EAIILE, WHO RORDED A COMMISSARY CLERK AT VIDALIA AND RELIEVED SEVERAL MEN OF THEIR GUNS ALONG THE ROUTE OF IIIS FLIGHT, LYNCHED NEAR 1IIGGSTON. HIS IDENTITY WAS ESTABLISHED BY A PRINTED CARD IN IIIS OCKET—IIIS REMAINS WERE SENT TO SYLVESTER, GA., AT THE REQUEST OF CITIZENS AT THAT LACE. J.C. PLANT’S SON, IE£_ 3E3L 3?X*JL2STT m MACON* | BANKER. | GA Cl I AS. D. HURT, Cashier. A genernl hanking business trans ncteil anil nil consistent coartesie extended, to patrons. Certificates o deposit Issued hearing interest* 11. II. PLANT, GEO. H. PLANT, President. Vice Presldnet, W. W. WRIGLEY, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MACON, GA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, f200,OOO.OO. table Address, Organised First Nnt. 1803. Tlte policy of this hank 1st To be strong, to he liberal, to he prompt, to serve its depositors well, hold ing their Interests as identical with Its own, and, doing n large bun* Sness, to he satisfied with small margin of profit on each account, and to he courteous to all. EXCHANGE BANK OF MACON, GA. , J. W. CAHANISS, S. S. DUNLAP, President. Vlce-Prcslilent, C. M. ORR, Cashier. Directors! J. W. Cnbnnlss, S. S. Dunlap, VIDALIA, Ga., July 25.—Frank Earle, a negro desperado, who held up and robbed a commissary clerk at Davis* camp No. 2 on the Macon, Dublin and Savannah railway near here last Mon day, was captured yesterday at Helena, carried to Higgston and put in tho town jail. This morning about 2 o’clock a crowd unknown men took him from the jail, carried him out Half a mile from Higgston and shot him to death. Earle admitted robbing the clerk, but claimed he only wanted to collect what Contractor. Davis owed him for work. On last pay day Davis had offered him his wages, but Earle refused to accept the money. Davis was absent Monday when Earle returned, urrned with a rifle. He held up the clerk and robbed him of $20, which was more than was him, according tb his own state ment. Leaving the camp, Earle turned Ills steps toward Higgston, and while on the way he held up two farmers and re Sieved them of their guns. He then proceeded on his Journey and when near Alley he accosted two negroes and made them turn over their "shooting irons" to him. Farther on he took pistol from a man named Levorett. When Earle reached Alley he boarded est-bound train for Helena, at which place he was arrested, a request hav ing been received by Marshal Smith to effect the capture. An officer was sent from Vidalla to get the prisoner. When the officer arrived, he at once recognized the negro, who was taken In custody and carried to and placed in the town Jail at Higgston, from hich he was taken by unknown parties and put to death. Earle, when told he was to be taken back to Vidalla, exhibited great fear for his life upon his arrival there, spent the afternoon in lamentations over his probable fate, saying that if vas carried back he would lynched. His fear increased ns the Ume for his departure arrived; and his loud yells attracted the attention of the hole town. It was necersary to bind him In order to force him on the train, There was a reward of 525 offered fern his arrest, which will doubtless be paid to Marshal Smith. Earle came here recently. It is said he was from Atlanta. Ho was a tall negro, about 24 years old. Scars on his person, recently healed, • Indicated gun-shot wounds. TV. R. Rosera, L. TV. Hunt, R. E. Park, II. J. Lamar, TV. A. Doody, Sam Slayer, A. D. Sclioil<-lil, N. B. Corbin* J. II. WlUlnm*. We Holoclt tlie bunlne** of in cr etin n In, planter* and banks, offering them conrtcny, prompt ne**, nufety nml liberality. The largest capital anil surplus of any bank la Middle Georgia. UNION SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO MACON. GEORGIA. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT J, W. CAR AM <S, S. 8. DUNLAP, President. Vice-President, C. M. ORR, Cashier. TV* E. Dl’NWODY, Accountant. CAPITAL 9300.000. SURPLUS $30,000 Interest paid on deposits. Economy Is the road to wealth. Deposit yon ; savings and they will be Increm i by Interest. Compounded seml-i finally. E. C0MA1ERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK OF MACON, GA. GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS. SAVE RICH and grow SPEND POOR Acts ns a ganrdlan, ndmlnistrat reclevcr, etc. Safety deposit bin to rent. L. P. HILLYER, Cashier. American National Ban UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. MACON, GEORGIA. Capital 9250,000—9nrplns and uni Tilled profits 9S0.201.S7. Money loaned cn collateral, and good paper dtccounted at reasonable rate*. We combine strength with progresslvenesa and liberality. Accounts desired. Address L. P. HILLYER. Cashier. MACON SAVINGS BANK 570 MULBERRY STREET. ATLANTA, July 25.—A white man hose identity has not as yet beer established, was killed last night about clock near the Butler street cross ing by a switch engine of the Georgia railroad. Engineer George Fallings nv the man on the track and called to him to get out of the way. The man stepped from the track, but a moment later walked back on the right-of- He was knocked down And dragged under the engine. The head was crushed by one of Jthe wheels of the locomotive and be died almost instantly. In his pocket was found a printed card reading “C. L. Kinard, Sylvester, Ga., shippers of water melons and fruits." A telegram was to Sylvester and instructions came back to ship the body at once. There Is little doubt but that this is the man’s name. Kinard was in At lanta yesterday selling melons from the Central railroad track, and as he can not be found today the Impression is that the dead man is the mining melon dealer. The crushed condition of his head and face renders his identi fication impossible. The body was for warded to Sylvester this afternoon. BROKE JAIL BARS AT BLACKSHEAR Ive Prisonrr* Encnped by Snwln Iron Roil* From Window* anil Ai Still nt Lnrge. BLACKSHEAR, July 25.—Five pris oners escaped from jail here last night by sawing the iron bars from the win dow. They were left out of the stcei cages last night on account of the cages being scrubbed yesterday and were placed in cells not so secure. They let themselves down by tlelng a blan ket to the window. Four negroes were charged with robbing passengers on an excursion train two months ago. Allen Britt, white, wus charged with robbing a freight cnr on the Plant system several months ago. Below ore the names of the negroes who escaped Bob Hawkins. Ben Hawkins, Pickey Roberson, Sheppard Dosler. All of them are bad characters. Their homes are in Savannah. The sheriff and his family live in the lower part of the Jail, but failed to wnkc. None of the escaped pilsonera hay been captured up to this time. SEINERS CAUGHT IN A SUCKHOLE Two Athens Policemen Cnme Xenr Rolng Drowned in Oconee River. THE MANUFACTURERS* RECORD GIVES COMPARATIVE STATEMENT WHICH SHOWS THE RAPID GROWTH Iff THE PRODUCTION OF MILLS—VALUE OF SCIENTIFIC HANDLING OF FORESTS. $A-35 Buys to-day a flannel suit worth regular price $10.00 Effect of the Strike. The ptrlke North is Interfering se riously with two large enterprises in this city. The new engine for the wa terworks system which was to have been here and placed in position July has never reached the city, and <a let ter to Superintendent Woodward from the works says that tho engine will not be completed for several weeks. The ninety-two-foot iron girders for the Whitehall street viaduct are also delayed for the same reason. Con tractor Wilkins has been expecting them every week for a month, and now pays that lie does not know when they will be here. The two girders are to span the railroad track's and are Im portant factors in the construction of the viaduct. Contractor Wilkins forging nhead with the work nnd hopes that he will not have to suspend opera tions by reason of a failure to get tho girders. The officials of tho works when Inst heard from say that the girders will certainly be ready .for ship ment In ten days. Tbo Carnegie Library. The contractors, Miles & Brandt have announced that the Carijeglo library will be completed August 15. The contract called for tho completion of the building April 1, and tlu delay n the construction of tlie building occasioned by some trouble In securing the kind of marble specified In the con tract. The stipulations were that the marble was to be pure white, without BALTIMORE, July 25.—In 18S0 the Southern lumber mills had an output valued at 538,116,000. In ten years this has advanced to 5105,675,810. Since then there has been a steady Increase In production, until today it may be com paratively estimated that the value of the output, including the material UBed for cross-ties, fuel and fencing and the naval stores by-products, is between $325,000,000 and $350,000,000. With no change in the methods which have been generaly followed In lumbering op erations, the output in the South might be expected to reach at some time a point where an annual decline instead of an annual Increase will he reported, but this may be prevented and the tim ber of the South may be made u per- petual source of wealth. In this week’s issue of the Manufacturers’ Record is noted the beginning of a plan for a conservative handling of Southern for ests, which, generally applled.will make them permanently productive. On this point the Mnnuacturers’ Record says: ‘For several years, Mr. Grorgo W. Vanderbilt, on his estate at Blltmore, N. C., has been giving to tho $outh and to the rest of the country n magnifi cent object lesson of the value of sci entific handling of the forests. Such object lefeson has been greatly need ed. Much of the advance made by the South as a producer of lumber has been due to the failure in other parts of the country to adopt plain, common- sense methods In lumbering opera tions. Immense tracts of tlsiber laud have been denuded by the wholesale, with a great waste of cut timber, de struction of younger growth and tin absolute disregard of tho future. With tho transfer of energies to tho South and an acceleration of those already there, like carelessness and lack of foresight have been manifested. The efforts of the forestry division of the United States department of agriculture culminating In the plan for a vast for est reservation nt the summits of the Appalachians in five or six Southern states and the work of such progressive men as Mr. Vanderbilt have done much to fasten attention upon the necessity for a conservative handling of tho for ests still standing in the South and a reservation of woodland in regions de- voVed wholy to agriculture, or left to wnste after the turpentine workers and lumbermen have wrought their work. "One state in the South which has come to the front ns a lumber produ cer seems destined to become the lend er in the adaptation of common senso nnd science to lumbering undertakings. 50 Buys to-day a cool neglige shirt worth regular price $1.00 ^fi-ri-rt>rr-rt\\'’rr^rr;rr'rr‘rr .tfjtritr -rr-rr-n-rr-rr-frtyn w.u;w.u.\u/;.\\iuiu;tta\ .w.w.vv .vv. ; vf .vva\ .vx m sjg SfS §13 k k Is Si k §s k p 913 P p 1 Good and Wholesome. 1 Those who know a good thing in- fc|<5 sist on having tho colobratod 30 “AMERICAN QUEEN” 1 boer. It fills all tho wants tho Sp bunion system. It takes away that Sp hot summery fooling and SK Gives You the Comfort & which you dosiro, but seldom po3- iL; soss. Wo make and sell it bocauso *jp it’s tho host and you appreciate it 5k, bccauso it’s what wo ropresont it to fi)|S ACME BREWING CO. i Tolephono and mail orders for family trade have prompt attention. IVAVAVtt'WWtt'U'U* WWWVI- WWWWW’frw/i tj-tt-7t.7/.u-\\uii House Building any dnrk lines in it. nnd a good deal i In connection with the organization of of material that has been sent hero the $20,000,000 Houston Oil Company in has been rejected because of blemishes of this character. The delay Is causing the contractors to lose $10 a day ns a penalty. CoininlHMlnnn Issnrd. The following commissions were is sued from the office of the adjutant- general this morning: Michael Lee Johnston, to be captain and James Joseph Farrell, to be first lieutenant of company B of Augusta* of the Third Georgia. Decatur County T«x Digest*. Comptroller-General Wright received a letter this morning from Aaron P. Long, tax receiver of Decatur county, informing him that the tax digests of that county had been forward to At lanta. In his letter Tax Receiver Long stated that the returns from Decatur county this year showed an Increase over last year of $446.896—nearly a half million dollars. This Immense increase is strong evldenco of the prosperity of Decatur county and speaks volumes for the people of the county. Tho re turns of all of the southwest Georgia counties heard from show gratifying in creases. ATHENS, Ga., July 25.—Several flsh ing parties went from Athens to the near-by streama this week. One the parties were seining in the Oconee river Just above Athens, when two Athens' best policemen came near drowning. Officers Baye and Broad- berry suddenly found themselves in a swift, deep hole where there was a kind of suckhole. Every effort to swim out was a failure, and had not their Thonin*vllTe*s Complaint. Hon. Fondrew Mitchell, represents tlve from Thomas county In the house of representatives, was a visitor at the capltol today. Ho called at the office of tho railroad commission with Mr. Sparks of Thomasville ti look Into a case which it is claimed thit Thom- asvllle Is being discriminated against in the matter of railroad rates. AN AUTHORIZED TRUST COMPANY. J. W. CANNON, Cashier. XX'RIGII'I SVILLE A- TENML1.E UR. M P M P M SAVES TWO FROM DEATH. "Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough nnd bronchitis," write* Mrs. W. K. Havl- land of Armonk, N. Y., "but when ail other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Our niece, who hail consumption m an ad- friends in a boat come to their rescue vanned stage, also used this wonderful they would have been drowned. medicine and today she is perfectly rp. _ , well." Desperate throat and lung dls- The graduating exercises of senior cases yield to Dr. King's New Discov- dass of the Btate Normal school took ery as to no other medicine on earth, place yesterday morning. | Infallible for coughs and colds. 50c and Chancellor Hill was introduced by * l bottles, guaranteed by all druggists. President Branson and made a most Trlal bottles free, excellent extemporaneous address. Fol- lowing the chancellor's address was a few well-timed remarks by President I Article* on Snle In Minneapolis Branson, before delivering diplomas. Tnken at hacking of Chinese The Vlrginia-Carollna Chemical con- Capital. gre».«. it Is said, will make Athena n WASHINGTON. July 25.—Information distributing point. Recently the Ath- I has reached the department of Justice oil mills were bought by this com- J that there are displayed in a store P*ny. I window In Minneapolis, Minn., a num- roxns the statement was made that It had entered into a cnntrnct with the Kirby Lumber Company, organised nt the same time for the sale and manu facture of the timber standing on the 1.000,000 acres of Its oil lands. This rontract Involves the cutting of 8,000.- 000,000 feet of timber nt the rule of no$ than 350.000.000 feet n year. If tho minimum only shall be cut nearly tw«n- ty-three years will cover the contract. Under ordinary conditions It might bo expected that tho close of those twen ty-three years would show a vast tract land nt the mercy of the ele ments. The contrnet between th« oil company and the lumber company con templates no such thing. It looks to the exploitation of tho forest, nnd, nt tho same time ,to Its Indefinite preser vation, if not cultivation. No treo less than one foot In diameter is to be cut nnd care is to be had that snpilngs and other young growth are to be un injured. The results of this undertak ing may be easily estimated for tho particular tract. They menn a sour 1 "* of steady wealth. They mey be dupli cated In other parts of the South." In spite of tho decrease of pine li the rest of the country there are largo amounts of virgin timber of the kind In several states toward which the saw* mill and the lumber railroad are ad vancing. Increasing demands of sgrl- culture may require a permanent clear ing of some of the uncut forests, but there are vast tracts best suited to forest growth, not only as sources of lumber supply, but as regulators of tho flow of streams Important to com merce nnd manufacture# nnd ns equa ble modifiers of climate. At tho same time the rise of such industrial centres ns High Point. N. C„ with woodworking interests, especially furniture making, as their foundation. Is Increasing tho necessity of a steady supply from the saw mill. For many reasons, therefore, the success of the Texas experiment should lead to similar action in other parts of the South. LOW RATE EXCURSION TICKETS n pleasure best quality, inni trictly i)i to grade*. riassee & Felton Lumber Co. Melt till* kind ut lttwmt market iilll* and kllndry It selves ami know that talk- Inif nliout. XVo Invite coni|»nrl*niiM and guarantee *atl*rnctloii. Get our prices nnd Inok at out goods before you buy. PLUNDER FROM PEKIN. Chancellor Hill Is a, home at Clarke in at his sum- C. T. KINO. m. M. TA YLOli. 1>ltur Al’uk Drug U.UUlrik«l«ri her of articles b-aring a card to th- effect that they were taken in sacking Pekin, and that they are for sale. Th n department of justice has asked the co-operation of the treasury department In ascertaining the hlatory of these nr tides, by whom brought into this ebun try and whether rightfully in his pos session. and Incidentally whether thd customs duties on them have b paid. Special agents of tjie treas department have been Instructed 7ANDALS. y 25.—The clerical 17 quietly Investlf i died out, . N. Y„ and the Tickets are now Pan-American rates; choice of i gavannsh and stea Established in 1881. The Largest, Most Reliable, Cheapest and Best Whole sale Liquor House in Georgia. Occupying Four Lnrgo Storos and Ono Largo Warehouso. The Altmayer & Flatau Liquor Co., 506, 508, 510 and 512 Fourth Street, flacon, Oa. Phone 265. Near Union Passenger Depot. Three Great Offers Next Thirty Days. Express Pre-paid. FIRST. CLIFFORD IIYE, 3 years aid. gS.Sg I»rr gallon, or four full quart* fa* PENNSYLVANIA PURE UYB, EIGHT YEARS OLD. OLD SIIAItPK WILLIAMS, FOUR FILL QUART* III* THIS FINS OLD, PURE It YE. * $3-50 EXPRESS PREPAID ANVIL RYE, 4 year* old. 4 Ballon, or four full quart* f rxpress prepaid. THIRD. GEO. J. COLEMAN RYE, >ld. 93.70 per Kiilllon, or I [)LD KENTUCKY CORN, j I year* >tir fall e-pnld. Sll rlnt ticket* to all Ei vannnh and steamer. For full particular*, rate Hailing dates of steamen Central of fleorsla Rail* ■ J. M. MALLORY. T. JNO. W. BLOUNT. P 411 E. P. BONNER. Union * summer tou- 1 cities via 8a- 1, schedules and apply to any »y agent or to lory, return It at ou r»o will return your S antee this brand to old. Eight bottle* foi prepaid) 12 bottle* pre»* prepaid* 1 gallon sag, cipmi ,»repalil, 9.1.00) 2 gallon lug, «ipre*« prepaid, 93*60, Au charge for hoc* )nr> Sanitary Tooth Brushes. We bare ju fatlnn of the TOOTH Dill H nail on ete*« and gen tie fcra»b nnd »« toning the hr H. J. Lamar & Sons. 90.60. Cl w« idle all fl n cl Dour ho and mill • lea "K brand* hukle* ia th* Quart. Gallon. OLE AGENT? CIC MOUNTA 8PKC1 WE WILL CHARGES • FOR JUOS OR 1KIX1NG. WINKS. ,U IN111 * K41 EXT. PREPAY THE EXPRESS illon, *aeh nnd Apple I y a* low, iifwurds.