Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 03, 1908, Image 1

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L-f i|} Subscriber’s Paper-Not for Sale The Macon Daily Telegraph WEATHER FORECAST FOR GEORGIA—FAIR AN DWARMER SATURDAV AND SUNDAY: MODERATE NO RTHEAST TO EA8T WINDS. ESTABLISHED IN 1S2S. MAOON, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1908 DAILY. 17M A YEAR. f »; I \ 1 Vy if. 8RYAN ANSWERS CRITICISMS OF HUGHES AND OTHER G.O.P. FOLK TURNING THE TABLES WITH FACTS He Asks: "‘Why This New Born Zeal for Experi- . ence?” APPOINTMENTS WOULD BE UP TO REPUBLICAN SENATE Bay* Hughes Forgot He Was Candi date for Presidency with But a Llm ited Experience In Public Affaire— Cites Lincoln. Grant. Harrison and MciKnley as Presidents Whose Ex perienee was Limited—Democracy Will Restore Prosperity LINCOLN. Oct. 2—Speaking tonight before the German Bryan Club of Lin coln. Win. J. Bryap answered the leaders that his experience In public life was not sufficient to Qualify him for the presidency. Mr. Bryan asked his audience "why this new bom xoal for experience?” He cited Abraham Lincoln. General Grant. Benjamin Harrison and Mr McKinley as having had no particular public experience previous to their nominations. Aa for Gov. Hughes, who he said had laid special empha sis on Mr. Taft's experience and qual ifications. he declared he had had but two year*’ experience aa governor of aa well qualified for the presidency as Mr. Taft.” Taking up the charge that he may not make w*ise appointments if elect ed to the presidency. Mr. Bryan Insist ed that the argument should not bo made by a republican because he said for the next two years nt the least the senate would be republican and pass upon all Important questions, thus sharing In the responsibility If any ob jectionable men are named. "I ar satisfied.” he said "that I can find such excellent menthut even a republican senate will not dare to reject them." Boquet for Honest Germans. "The German element In our popu lation.” continued Mr. Aryan, "la a very Important one. both In numbers and In the character of the man who have come to us fro mGermany. The Ger man language Is rich in philosophy oratory and In poetry, and the Ger country and the German strain In Wood has added to the energy, honesty and Importance of the composite Amer ican. I appreciate the support which Is given to the ticket by the German democrat* here and throughout the country.” Democracy and Business. After discussing a number of Issues, he said: "The republican argument that we hear so much of now Is that the dem ocratic success will disturb business. Our contention Is that democratic suc cess will restore prosperity. How can the republicans threaten us with t£ panto when a panto came under the present president and Is still upon us? "In some respects It la the most acute panic that we have ever had. and there was lesa In national condi tions to Justify It. That this panic still continues can be proved In many waya: First, by a number of men out o femployment. men anxious to work who are not able to find work to do. An effort has been made among those securing special privileges from the goxernment to answer this argument by starting up some of their mills In the closing days, hut the people can hardly be fooled by such transparent tricks. Cites Bank Statements. "The Saturday Evening Post of re cent date, contains some statements which show, according to the reports of the N>w York savings banka the number of accounts opened for the year ended on July 2. was 73.000 fewer tha nfor the year before, while the number of accounts closed was 43,000 greater than the year before. "The amount deposited was $35,000,- 000 lesa and the amount withdrawn 341.000.000 more. This shows a large shrinkage In the savings of the people of that state. "And now comes New York whole saler with Ihe statement that on July 32. the firm addressed a letter to the 'wholesale grocers, biscuit bakers, and confectioner* of the United States' asking for the figures showing trade conditions at that time as compared with six months before. The follow ing are the statements for the eastern states, southern states and the middle west: ”'Staple groceries. 10 per cent less southern states, and 15 per cent less 1 nthe western states.* The falling off In biscuit and bakers articles and In confectioners trade shows substantial ly the same per cent. The Trusts Escape. "To show the trusts can escape that which afflicts others I call attention to the fact that recent laaue of the Wall Street Journal shows that the International Harvester Company made larger net profits last year than in any preceding year and the directors OF JM KERN Reached Capital at 9:45 Last Evening—Met By Leveling Democrats ATLANTA. Go.. Oct 2—Extensive pre (•orations have been made for entertain- Mr. Kern arrived In Atlanta tonight at 9:46 o'clock. He was met at the depot by Clark llowell. national commhteeman: Hewlett Hall, chairman of the state committee; B. M. Blackburn, secretary of the state committee; former Governoi Joseph M. Terrell, and other party lead _ ers. He was.taken to the Piedmont from where he win be carried on an automo bile ride through the city tomorrow. In cluding a visit to the rapltol. where the be laid for 10o. at which i which organization has his entertainment here in charge. In connection with the state committee tomorrow, going to Macon via the Cen- tatives of the Young Mei The delegation will be headed bv Hutchinson, who will be one of the speakers at the Macon rally. The league committee which has charge of Hie arrangements foi welcoming Mr. Kern Is composed of Car' H. Mason, W. Thomas Winn. Charles W. Bernhardt, R. A. Broyles and Oscar rainier. In conformity with a telegram received from Mr. Kern by Secretary Blackburn UNWRITTEN LAW GETS BLOW IN CAROLINA J. HENRY GARRISON FOUND GUIL TY OF KILLING DAUGHTER’S AFFIANCED IN HER HOME. LAURENS. S. C., Oct. 3—The Jury in the murder trial against J. Henry Garrlsoh for the killing of J. Lewis Williamson, who was alleged at the time of the killing to have lnsqlted Garrison's daughter. Miss Mary Garri son. returned a verdict this morning guilty of manslaughter, with recom mendation to mercy. Sentence was suspended, pending a motion for new trial. Miss Garrison, though summon • ed for the State gave testimony favor ing the defente. Williamson was said to be engaged to Miss Garrison, but her father denied knowing this. In an effort to save her father. Miss Garrison, while on tne witness stand yesterday, tore up a letter of sympathy she la alleged to have written the vic tim's mother and offered in evidence by the prosecution. J. Henry Garrison killed J. Lewis Williamson last July and the former') defense was the "unwritten law." Miss Garrison, who was the only witness testified that on the night of the tragedy, she and Williamson, to whom the was engaged, were In the parlor of her home, when her fnther appeared at the window and shot her fiance, Williamson, who died three hours later. The prosecuting attorney asked Miss Garrison to ldentlfv the letter she Is said to have written after the shoot ing. and she promptly tore it Into bits. Owing to her state of hysteria, she was not rebuked by the court. DID ROOT’S TISIT BEAR SIGNIFICANCE SECRETARY OF STATE WAS SEEN at Headquarters for some TIME WEDNESDAY. NEW YORK. Oct 2.—When It was re ported here today that Secretary of State Ellhu Root had visited republican national headquarters here last Wednes day and made Inquiries regarding the working of the various departments un der the national committee, a flutter of excitement was caused In political circles. The report went forth that Secretary Root had been sent by President Row- returned to Washington and there pressed the ror.cluslont list National Treasurer Sheldon was to blame for the lanlng In the campaign, he haling left to Chairman Hitchcock much of the business that should have been disposed of by the treasurer's department. mTraasurar Sheldon was not at his of-. meat had no reply to make. No confirmation of the rcp< Doss of Secretary Root's visit < ocratic success will bring a panic they ought to give bond that republican suc cess will bring prosperity. And who can furnish security? Every panic we have had came under a high tariff: ! the panic of 1893 came a year before' the McKinley law was repealed and the P unic of 1907 came under a tariff so Igh that th# republican platform pledges the party unequivocally to Ye. vise* it Immediately and Mr. Taft save that the revision will 'probably be; downward ’" Cotton Mill Resumes. FITZGERALD. Oa. Oct. 2—Teeter- I day the Fltagerald cotton mill resumed operation* after an Idleness of some months. This mill makes yarn. and operates 1® MO swindle*. Quite n largo number of hands are emnloved. and the resumrtIon of work la beneficial to Fltagerald people. headquarters could l>e obtained. It was said that Secretary Root was In this city on Wednesday and that he called Hecretary Root. principally of the! speeches Mr. Root is to make In this Mr.’ Hitchcock Invited Mr. Root to na tional headquarters to meet the various heads of departments and such members of the executive committee as were In the city. Mr. Root went to headquarters later In the day hut it is stated tnat his visit was entirely Informal. Speaking of the plans to raise funds for the national campaign. Mr. Hitch- rock gave it aa his opinion that In the future, national rampalgn funds ebould be mired by thea tate committees in stead of the national committee ~|Wfle Ellis, of Ohio, was a visitor at| had < MILLIONAIRE DIESAT SEA Parson Smart, Savannah Fi nancier Was On Trip To Visit Daughter. SAVANNAH. CSa.. Oct. 2—A cable- gram from Yokohama announced today the death of Horae* Pearson Smart, a Savannah millionaire, which occurred on board the steamer Mongolian, half way between Honolulu and Yokohama on last Tuesday. After several weeks In Savannah at the point ttt death, Mr. Smart became much better and went to New York to attend tfc- marriage of his daughter. Then he started for Japan to visit a married daughter. Mrs. Alexander Fuehr. of Toklo. No details of the manner of his death are known. He was one of tha wealthiest' men In Savannah and alnco the Civil War almost has been one of the city's best known business men. FLEET J8JNCH0RED BATTLESHIPS STEAM PROUDLY INTO MANILA BAY WHERE BRAVE DEWEY FOUGHT. MANILA. Oct. 2—With the brilliant tropical sunlight pouring down on their polished guns and gleaming paint and a swift land breeze whipping their many flags out straight from the staffs and stirring the bunting that covered the half hundred launches and excur sion steamers that, crowded with cheering thousands, escorted the big ships up the bay. the Atlantic battle ship fleet steamed slowly into Manila Bay this afternoon and sailing majes tically across the bay where Admiral DeWey and his men fought their his toric fight with the Spanish fleet ten years ago. drtmped anchor off the city. Great Ovation Accorded. The fleet cleared the south channel shortly after noon and steamed up the center of the bav while many of the launches and steamers sailing proudly along beside the monsters of the navy, sounded a discordant welcome with whistles, cheers and every other noise making device that could b« con trlved. The ships presented a magnificent appearance as they moved slowly alcng and the sight of the long line evoked the wildest enthusiasm and the admir ation of thousands that crowded every point of vantago. As the Connecticut led the line past Corregldor the garrison there fired the admiral’s salute. The progress through the channel waa made In single col umn. but os toon as the last ship of the long line was safely panned. sig nals were hoisted for the double col umn formation, and in this manner the ships steamed up the hay two abreast. Greeted by Officials. The anchorage wan reached at o’clock and all along the short linn the crowds continued to Increase even after the last vessel had come to rest. As the shins anchored. General Wes ton. military commander of tills city sent a wireless message conveying the greetinga of hlmaeif, his officers and the men of the army to Admiral fipor ry and his men. Admiral Sperry re plied, thanking him for his kind wel come. Governor General Smith witnessed the arrival of the fleet from his launch, where he entertained a large party of officials. He will probably pay hla of ficial visit to the Connecticut tomor row morning, when Manllana will wel come the sailors in the form of a great JOS. M. BROWN IS ALBANJTS GUEST In Choice Utterances Demo cracy Is Urged to Stand Loyal ALBANY. Qa.. Oct. 2.—Hon. Jos. M. Brown. Democratic candidate for Gover nor of Georgia, haa boon Albany's guest today. The distinguished visitor arrived from Amerlcus at 11:55 last night and was mei at the depot by a eon—'“** headed by Mayor II. T. Tarver. meeting at the courthouae Mr. Brown, In company with several citltena visited the schools and made the acquaintance of the children. This afternoon Ihe governor-elect was given an automobile ride point* of in terest In and about the city. Tonight from 7:20 to 9:30 a public reception waa given Mr. Brown in the parlor* of Urn New Alltnny hotel, when many citizens met the (listingulahed visitor. Ho left nt things, that all loyal democrats should lay aside all partlann differences and be come united for the good of all. "W< have the right to be divided as the waves.” enld he, "but we likewise have the obligation to be united as the set FATAL FALL FOR . TOMRJSSELL Prominent Irwin Farmer Dies Instantly the Victim Pe culiar Accident CUPID’S PRANKS PR0VEJBOSTLY An Atlanta Theatrical Man Leaves With Big Debt and Romance Behind ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct. 2.—Papers In involuntary bankruptcy proceedings were tiled hero today against J. \V. ] Web*, former manager of the new Lyceum Theater, who absconded last I Sunday. It marks toe opening of a ! tight among a largo number of crcd lltors whom he left with claims against Til mfor the small amount of personal property he failed to dlsposo of bo foro leaving the city. Those Who initiated the proceedings are Mrs. Rachel Moses, Henry Mores and Watson ft Moses, whom ha owed $1,500, |80 and 875. respectively. It Is reliably reported that, the claim held by Mrs. Moses, who Is a woman along in years, Is all that is left to he.’ of a pleasant romanoe. Weiss was of striking appearance, and of genial and cordial manner. Ho be came acquainted with Mrs. Moses soon after he ram a to Atlanta. Their prospective marriage was talked of for some time before he departed. Weiss leased the old Rtar Theater. He seemed amply supplied with funds, and up to the last day spent money with the liberality of^ "Coal-oil Johnny." He fixed the show ' housa up. spending several thousand-dollars for Improvements. Afler It had been opened one week It was fmipri fftat Weiss food left the city. leaving the old troupe and the one that had to relieve it without funds In a left behind he stated that he had only 168 with which to pay 11.100. Then It developed that for some time he bad been borrowing liberally from his friends. !.»gal steps were token by several of them nt once to get pos session of the small smotirr of per sonal property, such ns scenery, etc., *“ **~ To .'tcy brought by the Nothing has been heard of the for mer manager since his departure. The stranded actors were given a benefit performance nt another theater hero WATSON TALKS MORE ABOUT THAT SELLING OUT EASTMAN, Ga.. Oct. 2—Thos. E. Watson spoke here today at tho court house. He gave his reason for not supporting Hoke Smith during the last primary and paid hla respects to him In no complimentary manner, saying Hoke was suffering from a severe caso of the big head, caused by the result of the primary In 1908, and charged Smith with denying that the populists had had anything to do with his elec tion; that there was not enough hon or to divide but Just enough for him self and the populists could sit on the fence and watch the procession go by. that he did not keen hla promise to do certain things that Watson stood for and wanted to leave them undone and give up hla position as governor to take Steve Clay’s place; that he commenced to look at Steve's shoes and the more he looked at them the prettier he thought thay were, and the more he looked the worse he wanted them. He said during his speech that If Bryan was a democrat In 1896 he wasn’t a democrat now and If he waa a demo crat now he wasn’t In 1896. He said there was a certain dally paper In Georgia who had charged him with selling out to the republican ■party and was trying to break the solid south. He said this charge was un true and If It were In his power to do It he would crush the principles ad vocated by Roosevelt and Taft under his feet. He said he has never changed, but still stands on the 'Ocala platform where he stood ever since It was writ ten; that he has no hope of election, but hope* to carry Georgia and by so doing make her a doubtful state ana put the south back Into the road will lead her back to her old time In- DETAIL SHOOTING OF EDWARDS TIFTON, Ga., Oct. 2—Wednesday morning about 8 o'clock Msnnger L. O. Edwards of the firm of Timmons, Hendricks ft Co., who operate ft tue- pentlna plant at Crossland. Colquitt County, was shot and perhaps fatally wounded by Charley Llpscy, a former wood-rider for Edwards. It Nuema they had had some difference In the past over a business matter, and Wed nesday morning Mr. Llpsey drove to Mr. Edwards' place of business and approached him, shooting several times two shots taking effoct. one In the left shoulder and one In the right aide. Reports say Mr. Edwards shot at Llp scy as he drove away, the balls hitting the buggy. Physicians were Immediately sent for and state Edwards is in a critical c6n- dltlon. Llpsey made good htn escape and It la reported he *• nt h message to the Colquitt County sheriff that nt the BOSTON. Oct. 2—Kermlt Roosevelt, second son of the President, registered finished at Oroton School in June, ar rived in Cambridge yesterday after noon. and for nearly twenty-four hours he escaped the attention of everybody but his farmer schoolmates, who win .... room near him In Claveriy Hall on the national headquarters today. He said he “Gold Coast," In Mount Auburn street. - — — Kermlt has no roommate. Blnro his arrival Kermlt has been busy fitting up hla suite. No. 41, with hla personal rrapects Chairman Hitchcock. Rustnev* brought Sim to the > 1»”. !!** said he And r+c*.. ly taked With President RnosevHt and that the president had expressed screqt by Mr. Hitchcock. the wotk accomplished his brother Theodoras furniture, tak en from the store room in Dunatcr Hall. IN BANKRUPTCY COURT HAELEHURST, Ga, Oct. 2—A peti tion was filed in the United States Court on yesterday against the Frasier Do’Foor Lumber Company In bank ruptcy, Messrs. Qulncey ft Chastain, attorneys at this puce, representing the petitioning creditors. Th« company owes debts amounting to approximately with assets smounting about 85.000, consisting of planing mill plant, saw mill and va riety works. This company changed hands the first of the year, but kept the name under which It was Incorporated. Hon. Max Isaac, n ferae In bankruptcy at Brunswick, has pppolnted H. A. King, an *CTTomey' of thl* place, as receiver, and the basin* s< will be run for a while as a "going concern" before It Is sold by on order of the referee. CAVE-IN KILLS LABORER and Wounds others LYNCHBURG. Vs . OcL 2—I n a cave-fn of an exeavatKfh for an office building here late Fday DMey Robin- yon was burled beneath earth and killed; Charles Clements sustained a fractured leg and Injuries about the body. Clements. Morris and Frank Nicholson were bruised about the, body. All the men were negro labor ers. OCILLA. Ga.. Oct. 2—Mr. Tom Pus. sell, living on the line of Irwin and Coffee counties, fell from a pecan tree yesterday at his home and died In stantly. AH the facta cannot be ascertained, as the circumstances reported are meager. He was a wall-to-do fanner and a brother-in-law of Mr. Jake Lis- enby of this place. THAW IS "FREAKISH” AND WON'T SEE EVELYN IN JAIL NEW YORK. Oct. I—Evelyn Thaw was refused admission to the White Plans Jail yesterday when she went to visit her husband. Very much dis appointed she went to a hotel, where she remained until train time. When asked to explain why she had been denied admission to the Jail, she said that she presumed It was the work of Charles Morschsusar, her husbsnd'i lawyer, or she added, "perhaps Harry has got another one of hla freakish not I tms." Mrs. Thaw, before leaving White Plains, said sne would make applica tion In court for an order allowing her to see Thaw. IS ATLANTA'S GUEST ATLANTA. Ga.. Oct 2.—John Sharp \ the guest of Governor Hoke for Bryan and Kern. Ra would not dl* cuss the national situation further 0 to *a^ that i here 1s strong hope of de URL GOULD SAYS SUE DRINKSJT HEALS TAKE8 A COCKTAIL WHENEVER SHE FEELS LIKE IT—8AY8 GEORGE 18 JEALOUS. NEW YORK. Oct. 2—That 82.050 have been offered nn employe or the Hotel Rcgln to give false testimony against Mrs. Howard Gould, was the subrtance of an affidavit, purporting to have been mado by the Rev. Father Joseph Murray, which was presented to Justice Olegerlch In the supreme court today. The case cams up be fore th* Justice today on a motion U strike out certain allegations In Mrs Gould's complaint In her suit for i separation from her huahand. as srnn- dalous and Irrelevant. Mrs. Gould’s counsel opposed the motion and pre sented several affidavits. In which it was charged thnt certain witnesses had br?en hired to testify In favo Mr. Gould. The affidavit of Fnther Murray whs one of the papers pres ed. It declares thnt Michael H. Itonfly had told tho priest that while he was employed at tho Hotel St. Regis whero Mrs. Gould lived, a detective went to him with the proposition that ho "give a proper rejw»rt of Mrs. Gould'n c Inga and goings at the hotel, amount of wine she drank nnd the names of her visitors notably those of them thnt were men." Another affidavit, made by Maurice Molloy. alleges that Molloy waa under contract, while custodian of Castle Gould, nt Port Washington, to treat Mrs. Gould In a contemptuous fashion The lawyer for Mrs. Gould recited how It was alleged that Molloy had gone Into the house, out on divans and puffed cigarette smoke In Mrs. Gould’i face when ah'* ordered him out of the house. What Mrs. Gould 8ays. An affidavit submitted by Mrs.Gould in reply to allegations of her husband that *ho Is addicted to tho use of In toxicating liquor* says: "When living In the country and spending most of my time In the open air. I have drank a cocktail on sitting down to luncheon and generally a plasH of white wlr- with luncheon At dinner, whenever I felt like It. T drank a cocktail nnd a glass of champagne We wero nlwaya accustomed to have wine served at these nfenls, hut that was tha extent of my drinking." Tha Drive in Egypt. Then she accuses her husband of gross habits of Intoxication. Rhe sava she was particularly annoyed by hsr husband during a trip to Egypt where they were entertained by the Khedive and Prince Mohammed All. Rhe ac cuses Mr. Gould of being Jealous when she went driving with the prince, while he went In a carriage with another woman who was a guest at the lunch eon. MEAD SMITH IS HURT IN FALL FROM WAGON MILLEDOEVTLLE. Ga, Oct. 2.— Mr. Mend Smith of this county, hap pened to the painful accident of being thrown from hla wagon by runaway horses. Ufa left side, hip and arm were badly hurt. Death of Littl* Child. Antoinette, the raven-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louie An drews, died last night from the effects of whoopinz cough. Th** funeral ser vices will be held at their realdenre this afternoon at 4 o’clock. Interment in the city cemetery. Rev. D. W. Brannen will officiate. Revival Services. Rev. Umar films, pastor of th* 1 Baptist Church. Is holding revival ser vice* this week assisted by Rev. H. C. Bockhol*. State Baptist **vang*ll*t. and Mr. Walter E. Rodgers, who Is leader In the singing. A graat work la being done and large crowd? are in | attendance on the service*. Now Business Enterprise. Messrs. John 8. Stovall. Fitzgerald Cook. George H. Tunnel! and \V. R. Lane have applied for charter to In corporate the Biudwine Bottling and Mercantile Company. SHELDON IS IDENTIFIED WITH SEVENTEEN BIG CORPORATIONS OF THE LIQUID STOCK VARIETY MAKES REPLY Gires Figures to Daniels and States He Has Prosecuted Cases Brought Up WASHINGTON. Oot t.-Attomey Gen eral Bonaparte today made public his reply to a letter he had received from Josephus Itanlel*. chairman of the demo cratic press committee at Chicago, asking for facta connected with trust prosecu tions by the department of Justice.. In cluding the present standing of litigation a Bilnit the trust*. The reply gives a ■ntinily a* furnished In a repost made stantiallya a furnished In a report mad* public two day* ago. a copy of which the attorney general forwards to Mr. 1 Outlets. The attorney general says that his department has prosecuted afl cooes under the Sherman untl-tru-t interstate eoihnisrce laws that have been brought to Ita attention from responsible noutres where facts disclosed warranted ruch action. Attorney General’* Letter. The attorney general's letter says: "There have born instituted, during the administration of President Roosevelt 218 proceedings, civil and criminal, under these statute*. Of these 71 have been concluded successfully. 4* hava been con cluded unsuccessfully and IIS are now pending. The various fines Imposed In criminal cases amount in the aggregate, to 81.260.9*5. 1'iider previous republican administrations there were Instituted under these laws 74 civil and criminal proceeding*, of which IS were concluded successfully. «n were concluded unsuc cessfully. and one Is yet pending. Tha amount of fine* Imposed in throe pro ceedings was 98.501. Makes Comparison. "Under previous democratic adminis trations. there wen- Instirat'd under these laws 50 prot^-edlna*. civil and I criminal, of which 14 were concluded successfully, 35 were concluded unsuc cessfully. and one is now pending. Th* fines imposed In these proceeding" amounted In.the aggregate to SI*.*on. I could not inform you bow many corpora■ lions. In the aggregate, have been de fondants In these cose* Without an In Iqttlry which would be attended with con-L slderahle delay. The number Is undould - edly quite large, since In most of tt* civil proceedings there hsre been numerous defendants of this character. F<*r exam- I In the suit of equity against the New Jersey, j i* 70 corpora- «.f Individuals. ctandsrd oil Company. • and others, there are tlnns. as well aa a numl amonr the drfendanta. Moody's Msnusl. 'It Is. of courwe, needless for me to say that the mere fact ttist a corporation or association ia called a 'trust' by Mr. John Moody in Ids manual, ilm* not prove, or even tend to prove, that the organisation In question or Ita member* have been guilty of any violation of Federal taw; neither Is strch guilt suggested by the fact that such organization may do g large and apparently profitable buslnecs. The criminal provisions of the statuta generally known as tha Fhermaif anti trust law apply oni; to those who enter Into cofitracte curnhlnallona. or consplra-i r|e* In restraint of trade, and. although the statute provides that such «-ontract, combination or conspiracy shall ba none ths lesa criminal hecauoe It takes the form of a trust, this does not. of course, make trusts, of themselves criminal.| Policy of Department. "Wnce I have bee.i attorney general, this deportment baa proracuted. either I civilly or criminally, all «**ea of alleged misconduct under the statutes above mentioned which have been brought to Its attention from a responsible raurca. land In which the resnM* of a careful Ink qulry by competent and Impartial off!' cem disclosed the existence of such farts and of such obtainable legal evidence to I prove them as afforded a reasonable hope I of auecc«s In such i«roseoul l».n. Tbe pol icy of the department will lie the sane during the remainder ©f my term In of- declared that he would not accept tho ranomlnation for ticket If HQekVn were named as hi* running male. But while tho republican party has re fused to pm np Mr. Sheldon's name for a public office. H ha* for the Iden tical reasons of this refusal selected him for Its campaign fund collector. Identified With Giant Concerns. "This cannot be deeded. Moot of tho corporations with which Mr. Sheldon la Identified ora rapttaltaedlor miiUons^ jlb*n mock of their stack Is of th* T Says Chairman Hack lu Se- Tcre Arraignment of Treaa nrcr’s Affiliation* GOV. ODELL WOULON'T HAVE HIM FOR LIEUTENANT Along With Sheldon Other Members of the Republican Committees Are Undergoing the Democratic Search light—William Nelson Cromwell Ap pears Prominently In (he Limelight- On# of Sheldon’s Concerns Does Not Employ Union Labor—Is Capita! Collector of Funds. NEW YORK. OcL 2— Following an attack of National Chairman Mack today on the corporation affiliations of George R. ftheldon. treasurer of the republican national committee. It waa learned tonight that he democrats national committee l* preparing b» as sail the corporation connections of •William Nelson CTontweH. member of the advisory committee of the re publican national committee. Other members of tho republican advisory committee. It Is understood era abo being Investigated and representatives of the democratic commute# are care fully Inquiring Into the financial re cords of the republican committeeman. For several days the corporation ra- d«r quiet Investigation, but whether the representative* of the democratic committee hare learned anything of Mr. fromwdl'a financial operations other than the cause with whlCJ he |* Identified, ha* not been made known. Chairman Mack will leave for the west tomorrow night and there may be de velopment* with the planned attack upon Mr. Cromwell tomorrow. Mack’s Statement. Mr Mark today made the following statement: The trust and corporation affilia tion* of tseorge R. K-tetdoa. treasurer of Ihe republican national committee for the past ten years, make Interest- I wish to recall In thla connection that because of thewe very associations of bis Governor Odell, la 1902, refused permit tbe party leaders to put Mr. Mr. Ronsrvrlt he* Offended him and Me resignation wae net dsmaaVd when Mr. frapont eras Invited to step down and out. Mr. DuPont eras only Identified with one trust. wMIe J|r. Kheldoa Is at the present time twthaatety Identified with no flnanrlal > . "I me of thins, tbe Company, doe* not oil ^ _ and has orpn—d tbe orgaatsatlen of lu employe* for the pest sixteen yearsL "Mystery e» Wall Street.” "Mr. ftheldon Is a director of that company, lie to sins treasurer sad di rector of the North American Company. i the 'Mystery of Wall otre It is but a few years Wk stare be was prominently Identified with the *Whtafcy Trust.* A stance at Ms mamectlsaa with various companies for the peat ten years will explain tersely tbe re ansa of hla preneut pneMinw. No further reasawat of Kim Is necenmry.” The orraraitoas named hy Mark In clude railway. * *~ Mr. KlcVbs when show* the state- tent, eald It did not contain anything to Inch be desired «® «#*• • reply. List of Corporation*. While Chairman Mark ebrea SheMea’s corpora tina affiliations far tbe lost tea year* thoee with whtrh he assures th* republican treasurer of present connec tion *»e as follow*: American Locomotive Company, direc tor l> u.vbem Bteol Company, dimeter: Cincinnati Northern Railway Cbowoay. ~ ion company, dime- tfirctrtcal Smutty lack do Qaa .Light Company, director. Montreal Lommottv* Works, director; lanmthe Hcrurtly company, director: MetretaUtaa Trust Company, director: MUwauken lOectrS? Railway and iJght Company. ”—*— ukee IJght. Heat and director: Detroit I TOM EASON’S TERM TO EWKEOCT. 28? DATE IN ACT 18 CONFUSING AND WILLIAMS MAY GO IN PRETTY SOON. ATLANTA, Ga.. Oct. 2.—A question has arisen at the «tate rapltol about time on which term Prison Commis sioner Tom Eason expired. Ea*«.n will tire at that tlnir and Ik* succeed'd by Wiley Williams, wh-i hoe bran nominated and will be formally elected at the coming state f t« sue- him. The question Uluatrates once more the car* lees manner by whiffs Georgia laws are drawn. It Is rarely the case that datoe fixing tae time of operation are placed in acts. The general consensus of opinion la that Mr. William" can enter upon the duties of the office on October 21 of this year, instead »f January I. 1909. as generally supposed. Tho act cre ating the prison commission states that the tern.* shall be for six years, or until the successors of tbe In cumbent is elected end qualified. The law In came operative by appointment Immediately upon adoption, and no <>r car Ion like tfra prr*m one tea arisen In the part. How Eason Wes Named. Mr. Koson waa named on the com mission In 1952. to su eeed Jacob Reach, who had resigned. He was elect*d for the une»plr*d term In Ikes, and f »r a full term In 1992. He quali fied for the present term on October 21. 19*1. and. therefore on that date this year he will have served six year*. If Mr. William** election I* declared before that day and he qualifies, the office will have to be given ein. T.tera Is some question, however, of the secretary of elate'* right, as here- tofora exervirrd. to pes* on the re- I D Ufll I DQCAIfC fllRT suit* of elections. The coaztltatlan J, D. TV ALL OiILAKO Ullll meulreji that the vote for governor, must he submitted to the legislature.I and the result dralera.d by that body.] ____ Many good lawyer* are of opinion that! a Mrkt "*nw1 ruction of the Uw would] SANDERSYILLK. Ga^ Oct. 2—Mr. require that elections for all state of- ‘ J. B. Well haa broken dirt this week flee* be similarly passed up«n. ! for the foundation of a handsome brick The qae-ti'-n a* to the time of op- store building la a dine location jau eratlon la one fat In Involved In a j la tbe rear of the Masonic Hall, large number of Georgia statutes A ' Two Watches Stolen, fight 1." being m*d- on the Wise near- ] Two Udlee* srat- haa have been »m]e a beer tax because of faulty construction \ from their persona duri-.g this week. In tbl* r-wpect. The same thing forced one belonging to Mlsa 8. V. Long and the legislature fit tha rraeut regular l one to Mrs. D. P. Hale. Not the era "Ion to re-enact the disfranchise- i leapt due has been obtained as to th* scent bill which wu passed In 1H7. 1 thief. IJght. Heat _ rlirratra: National Copper Rank dtrerpw: Aawjcsa Com pany treasurer and director; New Jersey Terminal Dork and laywimat Cue- pony, director: Rogers _ Lecaanitivs Works, director; SL LeuU Transit Com pany. director. QUIET REI6NSII VIRGINIA HILLS RICHMOND. Va. Oct 1 Qelet reigns again In the elate mtaleg Iowa of Areo la Burn leghorn oeoaty. which boa m iUkJ tfcrougfsmt the weak ter ... of further lawtsamMoa hy on a timed bond of outtawo. No arrests bare yt bran mode nor ore say further posses betas organized T he efftc^a and dtl- rar.s feel that a rtB kttl *U prove tot “ ISveL There »U acme exclt<vae&t moral** over a report that ea* of ■rasped prisoners waaii* by the au- ties had keen raptured, hat this was mt foundation Men* of tbe twa bras area. Without Is—frtln alee the vepert that Chan. Newton had k ed. -.?:• «» ! y by one of tha led l Newton woe seen at h1m yesterday and aetd be could not it Hsr the report. FOR NEW STORE BUILDING