Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 03, 1908, Image 3

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THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPII: SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER S, 190f V, 1 * ■ We Stil! Exchange School Books V ;ti- . OR BUY THEM FOR CASH '* IVe are in position to nse a great many old books most people would not have. AVe sell them out of town. Bring us your old books for exchange—old or now books, or cash given in exchange. We Exchange the Stepping Stones 1st Reader Free of Charge, McEVOY'S, 572 Cherry Sf. Shewmake Brothers Co. Dublin, Ga. — DEALERS IN Rough and Dressed Lumber Cypress and Pine Shingles Laths, Etc. All Inquiries Answered Promptly STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Commercial Savings Bank Located at Macon, Ga.. at the close of business September 23. 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $330,259.78 Demand loans «... 50,218.45 Bonds and stocks owned by the bank 19.049.94 Furniture and fixtures 2,129.07 Real estate 775.85 Due from Banks and Bankers In the State 15,943.65 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 5,202.28 Currency 5,108.00 Gold 30.00 Silver, nickels and pennies 8.73 Checks and cash items 3,573.30 Interest paid 685.98 Total $432,982.89 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000,00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid.... 6,192.62 Due unpaid dividends 462.00 Individual deposits subject to check .S 209.411.31 Demand certificates 10,000.00 Time certificates 23,037.86 Certified checks Cashier’s checks 10,000.00 Notes and bills rediscounted... 48,000.00 Bills payable. Including time certificates representing bor rowed money 45.877.52 Total $432,982.69 —, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bunk. Notary Public Bibb Co. Ga. SOUTHERN ELECT RIC SUPPLY & MFG. CO. Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures WIRING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY 171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. SAM AND ED. WEICHSELBAUM P. O. Box No. 55. 610 Market St. Chattanooga, Tenn Phone No. 820. Our stock is complete with the finest and best brands of Wines, Whiskies, Brandies, etc. Double Stamp Pure Virginia Corn."... .$3.00 per gallon Weichselbaum’s Private Stock Virginia Corn, very old, 4 full quarts, delivered. $4.00 Weichselbaum’s Monogram Rye, 4 full quarts, delivered. $4,00 EXPRESS PREPAID. We also handle all the leading Beers—Schlitz, Blue Ribbon, Budweiser, Piel’s and Lackman. Write for price list. Let us know your wants. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY CO. 1 1:33am Savannah. Augusta Covington and Eatonton *11:35am Eatonton and Mllledgevllla. .t 7:50pm Athens and Madlaon Athena and Madison Atlanta (Dixie Flyer) Atlanta and Griffin Atlanta and Orlffln Atlanta and Griffin * 3:40am * l:B0am * 7:25am * 1:35pm 4:40pm 8avannah. Augusta Covington and Eatont Eatonton and Milled) Athena and Madison.. Athena and Madison., Columbus and Birmingham..*11:2Sam Albany and Montgomery * 3:00am Albany and Montgomery *11:35am Atlanta. Chicago, St. Louis.,*12:05am Atlanta and GrffTIn • i:05am Atlanta and Griffin • 2:35am Atlanta and Griffin *11:20am Montgomery and Albany!!!! Albany and Amerlcua Albany and Amerlcua • 7:55pm > •DAILY. +EXCEPT SUNDAY. ww „„ „. Current echedulee corrected to date. District Passenger Agent. 603 ( JOHN W. BLOUNT, 'GEORGIA. Bibb County.—After four weeks' notice pursuant to section 2546 of the Civil Code, a petition of which true and correct copy la subjoined, will be presented to the Honorable W. H. Felton. Judge of the Superior Court, at the court house In said county, on the 26th day of ber. INI. MRS. TIBBIE It. ECHO FIELD. rior Court of raid county. Tht petlUon of Mrs. Tibbie R. Schofield 2. That aha desires to tell for rein vestment at prlvatt sale the following Pioperty. the same being a part of the personal estate of her said wards, to-wit; One bond Issued by the City of .Carrollton, Georgia, for the principal sum of $1,000. bearing interest at 5 per cent per annum; and one bond of the' State of Georgia, for the principal eum of $50C. bearing in terest at 3H per cent* per annum. I. That the said bonds pay a very small rate of Interest, and the necessi ties of the said wards require that, if possible, the said amount on raid bonds should return a higher rate of inter* •st. 4. Petitioner desires to Invest tne pro ceeds of such isle in a parcel of land in block <1, Southwest Commons of Macon, KERN TALKS OF FAKEJETTER In Birmingham Speech De clares Use of Alleged Oleve- lalnd Letter Infamous BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Oct. 5—The publication and usclby the republican campaign managers as a campaign document of the letter attributed to authority of the late Grover Cleveland, which contain a strong endorsement of the republican candidate for president was severely condemned by John YV Kern, candidate for vice president on the democratic ticket before a large audience In the Jefferson thea ter here tonight. Ho declared such use of the document to be an In famous attempt to place a vile stig ma upon the name of a great depart ed statesman, and likened It to the use made In the Garfield campaign of the famous Morey letter forgery. Mr. Kern’arrived in 'Birmingham from Cincinnati at 10:40 and was met at the station by Lieutenant Governor Henry B. Gray, president of the Bry an-Kern Club, and a score of repre sentative democrats from various parts of the state. Prior to his speech this afternoon he had met members of the Alabama Business Men’s Club, which was formed here today. Criminal Fabrication Mr. Kern said: “Some time ago one of the great republican Journals of New York gave to the public a letter pur porting to have been written by that great democratic ex-president. Grover Cleveland, which letter contained a strong endorsement of the republican candidate for president, with alleged reasons why the party which had three times nominated and twice elected Mr. Cleveland president, should be de feated. “This letter, although denounced at once as a forgery, was printed as a campaign document by the republican campaign organisation and given th« widest publicity throughout the coun try. Secretary Straus, of the president’ cabinet. In a special, referred to it “ Proofs that this alleged letter of Mr. Cleveland was a base and criminal fabrication are so overwhelming that It is conceded on nil hands that the distinguished ex-president wrote nc such letter, and District Attorney Jo ronie. of New York, has already taken steps to determine the gulltv author, determined to bring him to Justice Worse Than Morey L«tter. “And yet the republican campaign document carrying this fabricated let ter still circulates. Serrctary Straus has not yet recalled his endorsement as to its authenticity. Republican newspapers which originally printed the fabricated letter under great head lines have either refused to print the exposure of the crime or have so plac ed such exposure In their Journals as to attract no attention. The publica tion and circulation of this fabricated letter Is more Infamous In nil respects than the publication and circulation of the celebrated Morey letter forgery in the Garfield campaign. It Is more Infamous because in that Instance General Garfield was living and gave prompt and effective denial. . Stigma Upon Cleveland. “In this case the alleged author Is dead, and unable to repudiate and deny It. It Is all the more infamous be cause it followed so closely that ten der and splendid tribute to his memory unanimously adopted by the recent na tional convention of his party, and Is an attempted stigma upon his name a«- a democrat and an American. It remains to he seen whether the leaders of the republican party—those in charge of Its campaign—will he man- |v enough to right this great wrong which has been done to the memory of Grover Cleveland, by the circulation of this vile fabrication.” Col. J. If. Lewis, of Chicago, has joined Mr. Kern at this point and will accompany him on his tour of the southern states. SENATOR BACON RETURNS HOME From His Pleasure Trip Abroad and Is the Picture of Health—His Pres ent Plans. United States Senator Bacon arrived In Mucon yesterday morning from Europe, where, he had a delightful outing. While across the waters he did not visit any of the leading cities, but spent l»ls time In Switzerland and Tyrol, enjoying tne Alpine climate, which he always finds very bracing and exhilarating. Senator Bacon suiled from Bremen Sep tember in on th I'Prlns FVedrich Wil helm of the North German Lloyd line, and readied New York .September ““ Among the passengers ; up her‘affairs and was acconip .. . I Intighara, of San Francisco. “• I'rlnx Friedrich iy* of bad went upped 15 minutes in n dense fog orr itantucket. The stop ■*“ *“ order to locate another at was whistling In the vicinity. Senator Baer - * * “ * Europe. latlena. one of the i mltteea of the senate, and when In Europe A CARD This Is to certify that all druggists nre authorized to refund your money If Foley’s Honey nnd Tar falls to cure your cough or cold. It atops the rough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from n cold. Cures In grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and consumption. Contains no optlntes. The genuine Is In a yellow package, efusc substitutes. II. J. Lamar St Co, Co., near Fourth National Rank, agents. TO FOB GRAND PRIZE NEW YORK, Oct. 2—Robert Lee Morrell, chairman of the contest com mittee of the Automobile Club of America, announced yesterday that the Automobile Club of Franco had com pleted the entry of three French cars for the Grand Priso race nt Savanah and the Automobile Club of Italy had completed the entries of two more Italian cars. Four additional entries for the light car race were also re ceived yesterday by Chairman Morrell. Thn French machines are a Renault, to be driven by Bzlsz; a Clement-Bay ard, to be driven by Hautvaht, and a Lorralne-Dletrlch. to be driven by Da- ray. Tho Italian cars are two Italia, to be driven by Henri Fournier and Cagno. The big International 400-mlle con test In Georgia on Thanksgiving Day will be Henri Fournier’s first appear ance In this country slnre 1905 and will alio mark his first attempt at winning honors In a road race In America. Hla most notable automobile feat In this country was a tnlle In 51 4-5 seconds In a Moro racer on the Coney Island •Boulevard. Hautvast will be making his Initial appearance In this coun try, but fizls*. Dyray and Cngno have • of the committee < southern Interests. thoroughly Invigorated to take : ' 'he pending president:... . .i In New York Inst Mon- equested by the national . ...jimlttee to made a series — in northern states for Bryan and* Keen, nnd he readily consented to leak wherever nsslgned. will leave Macon for mitten .will have mapped out for him i his arrival. Senator Bacon would ha remained north on Ids return from Eu rope. nnd immediately commenced bis speaking tour and not corns to Macon at the present time, had it not been for the state election next Wednesday. In fact. that might bo required of him before th® election. While cn route home from New York. Bonntor Bacon stopped In Washington to attend/to some important public busi ness. lie snvs that prominent Democrats with whom he talked in New York and Washington entertained a very favorohlo nnd hopeful view of the Democratic sit uation. nnd expressed confidence as to Brvan’s election. The people of Georgia witl_ delighted » learn thnt ...’ health nnd nnces is gool for many — . ... ... — fulness to the state nnd the nation. Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette. N. Y. veteran of the civil vvnr, who lost foot nt Gettysburg, snys: “The good Electric Bitters have done Is worth more than flvo hundred dollars fo me I spent much money doctoring for : bad case of stomach trouble, to llttlo purpose. T then tr»c»l Electric Pilfers, nnd they cured me. T now tnko them ns a tonic, nnd thev keep mo strong nnd well." 50c nt all drug stores. Matheson. driver not nam4d: Renault, Sains: Clement-Bayard. Hautvast; Lorralne-Dletrlch. Durny; Itnla, Hcnrfc Fournier; ltaln. Cagno. The entries received yesterday for the light car race wore a Chalmors- Detrolt, a Bulck, a Cameron and an American Aristocrat. K. L. Manville entered the hitter car nnd will drive It himself. Robert 'Burman was named as driver for the Bulck entered yester day. Fourteen entries had been made up to last night for the light car race, the ten previous entries being as fol lows: two Gyroscopes, three Maxwells, three Do Dions and two’Bulck*. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croont, tho widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel. Vaughn, Miss, says: “For several months I suffered with a severe rough, and consumption seemed to have Its grip on me. when a friend recommend ed Dr. King’s New Discovery. I be gan taking It, nnd thr*e bottles ef fected a complete cure.” Tho fame of this life saving cough and cold remedy and lung nnd throut healer Is world wide. Fold nt nil drug storas, BOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Men’s and Women’s Fall Regals; an clgeant stock just in. Parks & Everett. RATE HEARING IS CONCLUDED Matter Now Up To Whole Commission—May Be Spring Before Decision. resentutlvn of the Automobile Club of America, has cabled that further en tries of French cars will be received next week. Entries for the Grand Prlxe race will fronting 46 feet on Tattnall street. Raid lot commences at a point on Tattnall street in said block 46 Feet from the cor- nor of a 16-foot alley; thence along Tatt-' , 1 nail street 46 feet to the corner of said' c,08e flnal, y 0| J November 1. and tho •Hey; thence at right angles along the! entries received up to last night, glv»*, line of said alley 120 feet to a 10-footi in the order they were made, were as £**•*: * h * nc ® at right angles in an eas- follows: Fiat, Naszaro: Fiat. YVag- .toward Chestnut Street j n er; Fist. De Palma; Pen*. Kem*ry: MUSWl BenVH.hrto.; Benz. Krte: B ... together with all buildings and Improve- scribed. 6. Petitioner shows that notice of in- tentlon to make this application has been published once a week for four weeks in by law. _ .. TIBBIE R. SCHOFIELD, Guardian for Starr Rogers Schofield and Floyd O. Schofield. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this, 26th day pf September. Ifni. . R. ROGERS, JR.. Notary Public, Bibb County, Oa. Mercedes, Pocge; Acme. C?y schke; American Locomotive, l. J. Bergdoll; Lozh-r, Harry Michener; GEORGIA. Bibb County.—r. j,. And-r- son. administrator estate Charles I J ™V*.»IUUM < fer n iL«T."Si( ft'lK 1 £8vo.% MfUinSi"ntwIffiBj 55,'*Un!*LtIhmSkcam!!**beverage. It refreshes, invigorates and in 11 exhilarates. Looks, tgstes and makes jffy Tinttf5*an ffrrms ’thtafaS’ on * good. Comes under all re ft 1ra kfii!5ti!£ wiiPh?TX.SV lquirement* of the United States R#v- ll S? t teS t . J 3SI teas M n lh * ftrBt i ?nu* laws governing tbs sale of soft 1,0 " d * y “O'CM. wSLET.Orih^ry. I erMucl ot ATLANTA. On., Oct. 2—’Th* Inquiry that has been on here for two week* by tho Interstate commerce commis sion Into tho recent advnncas in Inter state freight rates from western to southeastern points was concluded to day, so far ns tho tnklng of testimony is concerned. Commissioner Francis M. Cockrell, the only one who re mained to tho end, and his force of clerks left for Washington this aft- ^ About 10,000 pages or testimony was taken during the nearing, and It will all probably he printed by tho govern ment. It contains complete Informa tion regarding the railroads of the south for tho past thirty years. The complainants, comprising whole- sale grocers from several Georgia cities and the state railroad commis sions of this state nnd Alabama are to submit briefs by November 25th. of the other side by December 20. A date for arguments, which will he made before tho whole commission In Washington. D. C., will then be fixed. It Is unlikely that they will bo, before January or February, end It 1s probable that It will be late In the coming spring before a decision Is! Rates Rsmsln Until Decision. 1 In tho meantime the advances In- j stituted—being on classes B. C. D. I and F.. In tho main grain and heavy I food commodities—will remain In force tho railroads having furnished bond j to refund the excess charges in ease j the complainants are sustained in their opposition to the Increase. R. H. Capps, general freight agent of the Rea board, was the last wit ness examined on behalf of the rail roads. Ills testimony was along the line of other witnesses for tho defense —to the efTect that It Is Imperative that the railroads advance rates or make material reductions in wages. Ho concurred in previous statements to the efTect that all mild measures of economy had been taken to make “both ends meet,” employes having beeri laid off and Improvements reduced to the lowest possible point, wlthogt meeting the exigencies of the occasion. T. G. Hudson, commissioner of ag riculture for this state, testified that !!tt!« of the products affected were produced for marketing purposes In Georgia. i?C' © mm j / is IPS Young Men’s Clothes Ederheimcr, Stein & Co., Makers > O NE thing that makes this store the best place for .Young Men to buy clothes is the exclusive connec tions we’ve established with Ederhcimer, Stein &Co.,' the leading makers in the Young Men’s field. 1 It’s a good thing all ’round—for the makers, for us and for ,you. Chiefly for you. Almost impossible to pick cot one feature mere than others which distinguishes these Fall suits we’re showing. Styles are the smartest, most original and pleasing ever offered; garments are made by the best tailors in the world; fit is perfect; patterns with, out equal. , Rather forced to the conclusion the clothes are noteworthy and exceptional throughout. Can’t list all the details; you must comein. Chas. Wachtel’s Son. Is a Perfect Li^ht Beer Call for Acme Maltalo at your chib or cafe, wherever you meet your friends or wherever you wish to ‘‘TREAT” yourself. Acme Maltalo is a pure liquid food. It is a hygienic BREW fermented be yond possibility of causing biliousness, heavily chargod with the “body" of malt, as rich in nutrition as bread and meat, in a form easiest to assimilate. It has all the TONIC propertiesof hojjf), than which no finer nervine is-known to medical science. ' . . Added to this, Acme MalWI^awa beverage of cystalline parity whiiSh flushes the system of waste, loaves its nutrition in the muscles ancf blood, stimulates and tones- up the nerves, and is an appetizer without a peer. It is one of the standard products of the Acme Brewery.' Sold bottled or on draught everywhere under the guarantee the name “Acme” implies. Brewed by ACME BREWING CO., Macon, Ga. Krlei St Chaffin v«. R. U Bond it Co., p ur u«. to th* petition. R. L. Bond. J. It. Rlmton. Loon i Th, » D»f*ndant*. It. L. Bond and J. R. man.—In the Superior Court Bibb i fflaion, doing buelneM •» It. L. Bond County, On., Nnvwnher Term. 1908. j A Co., nre hereby required personally, Petition to net naide an nnnirnment or by attorney, to hr and appear at the from R. L. Bond A Co., to Leon Good- next Superior Court, to b# held In and man; to obtain Judgment against R. J * r ur said county on the Aral Monday in November next, then and there to answer the Plaintiff** demand* in an action of above described nature, a* in default thereof the Court will proceed as to Ju*« lice Hhall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. IL Felton. Jr.. Judge or void Court, this 28th day of August, DOt. ROOT. A. NISBET, Clark.