Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 03, 1908, Image 7

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I XHE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 3, 1903 Hotel Marlborough Broadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York Most Centrally Looted-flotel on Broadway. Only ten minutes walk to 2$ leading theatres. Completely renovated and transformed fn every department. Up-to-date in all re spects. Telephone in each room. Four Beautiful Dining Rooms with Capacity of 1200^ The Famous German Restaurant Broadway’s chief attraction for Spe cial Food Dishes and Popular Music. Earweaa Flan. 4M Soomi. 290 Bath*. RaSh fat Ream* 11.50 nod upwud. $2.00 sod upward with hath. Parlor. Bedroom sod Bath $3.00 sod upra.-d. $1.00 extra where tw» pmon» occupy a single room. . — WRITE FOB BOOKLET.- SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. TIERNEY, Mmerer Refrigerated Bottling The word sounds good, doesn’t it?. Just try a f Bottle of Coca-Cola Bottle-; by our process. There’s nothing to compare with It. W« want to show you our plant. Call and Inspect. You will be delighted. If you want a perfect drink drink BOTTLED EVERYWHERE 5c As Manufacturers of ENGINES and BOILERS re desire to call particular atten tlon to the High Grade Engines we are turning out and to say that we guarantee without hesitation that there U no better engine of it3 class put on the market today In th* United States. The perfectly balanced valve makes It of high value, and the workmanship being first class, and a substantially put up engine, adapts it particularly to work requiring hard service- We are fur nishing them to almost all kinds of power plants and particularly Is it being used largely In saw mill, planing mill, oil mill, cotton mill, and ginning plants. We are prepared to demonstrate to prospective customers who can give us a call that It has no equal. Write for full information and do so today. ADDRESS Schofield’s Iron Works Macon, Georgia. Be Guided By the Light. Plenty of Light means plenty of business. A well lighted store is al ways most attractive to customers. This fact no enterprising merchant can afford to ignord. If you want moro business, see that your place of busi ness is lighted with Electricity. Macoo Railway & Light Co. Frank’s Choice Old Corn Whiskey 4 Full Quarts $ 2.85 12 Full Quarts $ 7.65 1 Gallon Jug $ 2.60 5 Gallon Keg $11.25 LONG’S PRIVATE STOCK RYE WHISKEY . 4 Full Quarts $ 3.35 12 Full Quarts $ 8.60 1 Gallon Jug $ 3.10 5 Gallon Keg $13.50 We guarantee the quality. A trial will convince you. Express on above goods prepaid to any point on lines of Southern Express Co. D. F. & C. P. LONG JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Dtirs REVIEW SHOWS Textile production has increased, and | In aome divisions of the primary cotton ■ goods market ‘there la Improvement, but 1FESS1 STILL RULE STOCKS NEW YORK. Oct. 2.—The professional *>m traders still had the stock market much to themselves today and for moat >f the day their devices for moving prices were iw lucking In force and auc- .et>s as on preceding days. The publication of tho statement of the August net earnings of the liarrlmun l'acillc railroads midway of the session put a different face on the market and proved an effective supplement to tho lather futile effort of the traders to gd- _ evi- i better in Uence ot u notable t miiroud business situation. .r doubt of the maintenance dividend rates, proved an incentive u* an active speculative movement in it. Tim price mounted buoyantly and carried the rest of the list decisively with it. at lirst irregularly and hesitatingly but with gathering momentum. Before this inllu- REPORT HAD LITTLE EFFECT ON MARKET LIVERPOOL spots closed 5.13 NEW YORK spots closed 9.25 NEW ORLEANS spots -closed... .8 15- THE LOCAL COTTON MARKET. AN UNCHARTED REEF Middling Middling bulling sluggish prlci in the condi- the cotton market the divided III I lu the banks of $7. mill lockout. tlrm. Total sales, pur fulled States bonds I sales of stocks today wero 626.300 oiler of local futures. After, i shorts NEW YORK STOCK LIST Amalgamated Copper 75% American Car and Foundry........ 39% American Cur and Foundry pref....l«2 , .i American Cotton Oil ..., 35 % tho mark* American Hide and Leather pref... 24'* American Ice Securities -•»*-i American Linseed 16% American locomotive 4t»% American locomotive pref 1<‘2 rimer. Smelling and Refilling....... *5% Amor. Kmelting and Refining pref. .104 American Sugar Refining 130*4 American Tobacco pref 9314 were 46.772 bales m American Woolea 23% * * *“ " Anaconda Mining Co 44** Atchison 88% Atchison pref 94% Atlantic Coast Lino 88 Baltimore und Ohio 9«% .Baltimore and Ohh Brooklyn Rapid Transit 48j Canadian Pacific 1<7' Central Leather 2.» Central Leather pref 95 Central of New Jtrsey 200 Chesapeake artd Ohio 41*.i Chicago Great Western 7% Chicago and North Western 1§8 Chicago, Mil. and fit. Paul 136 , 62% C.. C.. C. and 8t. Louis Colorado Fuel and Iron Colorado and Southern 40* m Sg Consolidated Gas 147% Corn Products 17% Delaware and Hudson 167% Denver and Rio Grnndo 27 Denver and Rio Grande pref 65 Distillers* Securities 30% Krlo *9% Erie 1st pref. 43% Erie 2nd V*ref. 34% Generul Electric 138 Great ’Northern pref 1*1% Great Northern Ore Ctfs 6* Illinois Central 139J4 Interborough Met *6% Interborough Met pref. 31% International Paper pfd . International Paper pref 49* International rump 25% Iowa Central 19*4 Kansas City Southern 27% Kansas City Southern pfd «1 Louisville and Nashville. 10i|% Minneapolis and St. Louis.... 29 Minn., St. P. and Saplt St M 124% Missouri Pacific 63% Missouri, Kansas mid Texas........ 30% Missouri. Kansas and Texas pref... 64 Nntlonal Lend 83% New York Central ••••••••;••; 1®* New York. Ontario and Western.. 40% Norfolk and Western 72 North American 63 Northern Pacific 137% Pacific Mall 25% People’s Gas 94% Pittsburg. C. C. and 8t. Louis 74 Pressed Steel Car 32% Pullman Palace Cnr 161 Railway Steel Spring . Reading Republic Steel ... __ Republic Steel praf 78 Rock Island Co 20% Rock Island Co. pref................ 45 St. Louis and San Fran. 2nd pref.. 29% St. Louis Southwestern 16 St Ixntls Southwestern pref 44% filoss Sheffield Steel nnrf Iron 64% Southern Pacific B'3% Southern Pnc!Hc pref 11* Southern Railway 21% Southern Railway pref 62% Tennessee Copper 40'* Texas and Pacific 24% Toledo. St. Louis and West........ 26% Toledo. St. I-ouls and West. pref... 61% Union Pnclllc 163% Union Pacific pfd 86% United States Rubber 30% United States Rubber 1st pref 100% United States Steel 45% United States Steel pref 108% Utah Copper 41% Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical • 32% Vlrglnla-Carollna Chemical pref. •...109% Wabash 12% Wabash pref £6% Westlnghouse Electric 74% Western Union 69 Wheeling and L*kn Erie JJ Wisconsin Central 26% Standard Oil *20 130% IT. 8. refunding 2s. coupon 104 -- - - * ..100% ..101 American Tobarj Atchison Atchison Atlantic Coast Line - Brooklyn R. Central of i --- Central of Georgia 1st nc.... .. 99% - KE :: , a» .. 99% .. 93% .. 7t% ..108% Low Middling Spot Cotton Movement, w Ret*. Ship. Sept. 24. 1908 1201 3'.»4 Sept. *8. 1908 876 R«3 Sept. Sept. on! ii»o8..;;...m.1234 2.—A slight early the market rallied partly, closing steady, net unchanged to 6 points Ic Sales for tho day were estimated at 175,- 000 bales. The market opened sto* of 1 point to an mlvan and Siam firmed up as the were rather under recen with prices shortly nfteh the call showing a not advance * ' — - • * • ’* 1 this gain had stimulate buying In rts favorable and steady, though net loss of 6*7 point* The condition figures. 69.7. compared with 67.7 last year and 71.6 two years ngo. ond proved so near expectations as to have practically no effect upon tho mar ket. Receipts of cotton nt the porta today —n 46.772 hales against 47.639 hales last ... k and 47.080 hales last year. For the week (estimated) 845.000 hales against 2S6.179 bales last week and 220.274 bales last year. Today’s receipts at New Orleans ' bales last year. Spot Cotton and Futures. High. . Low. Clos*. ....8.61 8.66 8.45 ....8.52 8.68 8.47 ,....8.66 8.68 8.67 October 8.88 8.94 8.82 November — —— December 8.66 8,72 8.60 8.63 Receipts and Exports. Receipts and exports. Today. Week. Consolidated net receipts.. 46.772 338,351 Exports to Oreat Britain.. 3.500 114.223 Exports to FVance —•—- 56.022 Exports to continent 8,020 187,108 Exports to Japan......... Stock on hand all ports....336,846 - Exports to continent..., Exports to Japan Price, Receipts, Sales, Stock. Onlveston . . . 9 3-16 New Orleans . 8 15-16 Mobile . . . .is 15-16 Baltimore . . .19% New York ....19.25 Boston . . . .19.25 Jacksonville . Interior Movement. I Prlce.!Recta.i8ales.i Bfrk .19% 1 142411 .18 15-16 64171 ..... 5541 200 Little Rook....|9 LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 2.—Spot cottor quiet with price* 5 points lower; Amerl can middling fnlr 5.69; good middling 5.33; middling 5.13; low middling 4.89; good ordinary 4.29; ordinary 3.89. The airs of the day ” ‘ Including 6.600 Octoher-Novemher .. Novemher-Dwembcr Decombcr-.lanusry .. Jsnuary-February ... February-March .... Mareb-Aprll April-i lay May-.Inm- June-July July-August m 4.47 i.;?n 4.68% NEW ORLEANS. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 2.—Spot cotton was steady, middling 8 15-16. The revis ion readjusted quota lions, ad- v.ivlng oidlnsry and low middling 1 16, While nil Ollier grade* wero made 1-16o. low»r. Hale* aero 1.060 Kales on the spot ami 1,800 bales to nrrlve. , Colton futures opened steady, 5 to'7 points over last night. The effect of-the glnmrs' and condition reports won ot . firs* hi,!',l*li. and later M.m cause of a ’ R r, | marked decline. When the glnner*' * .. . r.m.. In hrlf.r, .lunnm.l nnll. Denver and Rio Orandi Erie prior lien 4s .... Erie general 4s Hooking Valiev 4%s.. ««»; Intarborough Met. 4%s 66 Japan 4* JJJ KgS 4%s. 2nd ser1es ; 89 Louisville and Nash. Unified 4s.... 90] Manhattan consol gold 4s 96- Mexican Central 4s M B exlesn Gent rat 1st tnc..... 14 inn. and fit. Mills 4s. . 79 Missouri. Kansas and Texas 4s.. Missouri. Kansas and T«»s Snds National R. R. of Mexico losing, hut tmding was not ... _ ■ lost^h* Futures closed as follows: December, bid January, bid . 99% Aes Island Cotton. 2,768: .... JPOI ontlnent 21: stock Quotations omitted. Island NEW YORK. Oct- 3—R- SAVANNAH, Ga.. Oct. IHgaiiMhi Fancy Florida* 19%; * choice FI or- twiesupy eras —* ' " 1315 94% common 10al2: sales 1.752. * a - v *-* * ;;ioi% I 0mp%9EhC UPJBTAOI HlfRD MFWYP Hubbard R»-ob. A Co.’s Cotton Letter • deliveries which U on 4 for the future, althoui ! at the pressnt tints. uenn. consoi « Reading general 4* .99% '-•"P- "»i ;;}|»3 I NKW"T0RK,"0-I.'i—Wl(h~ttl«Ffnmu .. 74% I report of 49.7. the trade are greatly In Ssasonobta weather stlm-dated retail trade materially and the better dlstrlba-J Weekly Bank cfssrt M i<. - ►- - Uonto ooaramw, brMMlit w l.r«,r mov.-| NEW YORK. Ort ini «!; h STtlT!". rr.ent in wholesale and Jobbing depart-! for the ,h - »“li 1 * I* V"-*?. — *- rveats. bet la most leading industries, tfce week t-.«re Is still hesltaUos. Low stocks of! <2.494.752.1 mesehandUe necessitate uijcbcy In re-joro lest niwdotiwiq whan Sealer* find retail buy- clearing! , H «»*•«■: .Houtner- Ing on a oormal scale. M b the cobs In i® 0 - D^c.'Texag end Pacific lata;....;;.;;;;;il6% ' a lower price. After the report wda read niany saettona of the country, but preps- Richmond t>,t45,9C9....—— U.2 Toledo, fit. Loula end West. 4s 74% i until the last few minutes of the session. rat-ons for distant requlretyU proceed Atlanta i-dj Union Pacific 4s ...102% ! "dlllng orders came in emnJI quantities csuuo-a*r. aitbough expreealona of con- Savannah '** 1,7 Union Porlflc cv. 4s »8 ; from fh«- Bouthern markets, acmmpsnled h ? ai 7 l °* g ldea. On the Norfolk W.5 jr. 8. Steel 2nd 6s 101% bv reports that there was more dl*po- *• Insprwvemecl In mereon-j Aiqnisu 2 Wabash Ists 109 i sltlon to eel| by spot holders. The u&| In roafe Hnea. «s- Jacksonville H i Western Md. 4a 75 (trade were dlsappolnted at the failure •ectaUy at the Ea>L trregulmty ts noted. Charleston J Wheeling and Lake Erie 4s 74 of the market to advance while cables Moor factories have further Increased the, Macon Ill22® 4.31 Wisconsin Central 4a *4 from Liverpool state they expert a lower fcmafcar u heads at week. ‘■OolumWa M.IJm. X., K, H. and XL or. <« ...119 I market there as the movement Is too BHIL-MWER* A GUARANTEE COMPANY BOND Goes With Every Roll of Our Congo Roofing The Best Composition Roofing On the Market Today Three-Ply Guaranteed 10 Years When Properly Applied , Prices Very Reasonable Cheaper Than Shingles Massee-Felton Lumber Co. Telephone 1840 Macon, Ga. tendency nnd that It will he governed by tho action of the South. New York Cotton Exchange Statistics. NEW YORK. Oct. 2.-Th* following statistic* on tho movement of rollon for the week ending Ocl. 2, wero compiled by tho New York Cotton Exehnnge: Weekly Movement. This Mat Year. Tear. .3.38.123 220.274 1,019,243 785.030 Htock Interior town* 162.993 78.067 Into sight for week 1,310.913 965,424 Cotton Receipts. )RK. Oct. 2.—Til' ■— —tal net receipts c nil ports since September 1: Galveston New Orleans Mobile Savanhsh Han Franclsm BRINGS WHEAT SLUMP cd <l sluirp slump In* wheat showing net lot Imuge today, (Inal Open. High. Low. Close. . 98% 98% *. L«2vj I.’551 98% 1.5*8 76 76% 75% 75% 64% 86% 65% 65% 65% 65% 64% 64% 49 41 49 49 M S55 h la the comptnatlv th* week ending Friday, Oct, 2: 1908. 1907. Reeelpts ot U. S. ports,. 339.381 2I6.V.I Reealpts since Hept 1....1,021.226 721,781 Exports for week 357.561 208.058 Exports since Hept. I... 693.701 474.236 Htock nt IT. K. ports.... .184.846 431.055 Stork ut Interior towns.. 273,212 160,751 Htock nt Liverpool 658.000 Block afloat for G. If 151,000 Weekly Interior cotton Towns. NEW YORK. Ort. 2 -The following Is the movement of spot rot ton nt the leading Interior r„tt. ending Friday, Oct. .14.66 14.67% 14.55 .16.80 14.87% 16.77% .16.72% 16.76 16.70 May 9.80 8.75 8.85 ... 9.75 9.80 nnnrt Hill*- O.l. . . . 9.80 9.85 Jan. . , . 8.77% 8.80 May . , . 8.77% 8.90 Cash quotations wire as follows: Flour easy. No. 2 spring whest 11.04*11.06; No. 3 97811.05; No. 2 fed M%n|l.00%. No 2 corn # 78%a78%; No. 2 yellow, whltf, 47nf. 1. No. 2 rve 74. Good feeding barley. 65%a56%! fair to choice malting 67%a60. No. I flax seed. Northwestern 11.22%. Prime timothy seed 1130. ribs, sides (loose) $9.75nl0.00. Me** pork per barrel Il4.46sl4.76. I^ini per 100 pounds $10.57%ni0.40. *" sides (boxed) Il0.50all.0l * higher wines 11,37. Receipts. Hhlpmants. filiort clear i Il'tOO Atlanta . . . Brenhsm . . Charlotte , , Columbia . . t’olurnbus. Ga. linen* . , Little Rock. Macon . , Meridian . »rr Natchex. . Newberry , Raleigh . . Romo . . • Helmg .., , Khreveport . Vlcksburr Receipts. Hhlpmen j Wheat, bushels. ......148,100 61.! I Corn, bushels l« 313.1 ; Oats, bushels 277.700 *73,< On the Produce Exchange today the butter market was steady; creameries 20a24; dairies 18s22. . . - Esss steady; st mark, esses Included, 14n19; firsts 21; prime firsts 23. Chsene strong at 13nl4. DRY GOODS. . ........ »... -julet and fairly steady. 192.1 The lornl w*»ol market Is generally quiet. 4257 Jobbing trade was quiet 1147 COTTON SBEDTOIL. 338.1 for crude. 6294 to 40%; off summer yellow 38%e29; good 4750 off summer yellow 38%n39%: prime surn- 9760 mer white 41a43; prim* winter yellow 48% 3718 NAVAL STORES. _ 17151. HAVANNAH. Oa.. Oct. 2. -TtireenHns 1192 firm »t 85%; antes 322: recelota 718: ship- 6333 ment* 596. Rosin quiet; sales 1,678; re- ! relpts 2.679; shipments 2.890: stock 123.- 348 271 Quote: A. B. O. 12.71%; D. 12 76: 214! Vi 12/75080; F. |2.80a98]_O. 12.10; H. “““, I3,35s40: I. 13.41: K. M, 14.81; N, $5.40; w. O. If.03; W. W.. 1«.30. CHARLESTON. Oct. 2.—Turpentine - . v 12741 ’"CHARLESTON. ’ Oct. 2.—'turpentine Ysxoo CUy,,L..A^..i fiLSSi £»2^.4l 70AI^qulot; sales 99 casks, Raela*«tlet; tine, nothing doing; recslpts 39 casks. RoNln, nothing doing: rooelpts 331. Tar firm nt $1.90; receipts k. Crude turpen tine tlrm st $1.59, $3.00 ond 93.76; rs- celpts 37. New York Money Market.* NEW YORK, Oct. 2.—Money on. call was steady ut l%nl% par cent; ruling rate 1% closing hid 1%; offered 1%. Time loan* worn very dull and steady; sixty duye 2%a2%; 90 days 3; six months 3% per cent. Prime murcantll# P»P*r 4% to 4% per ^Sterling exchange weaker with actual business In bankers’ hills at 4.84.86a 4.86.96 for 60-day bills, and at 4.81.SO for Mexican dollars 45. World's Visible Supply. NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 3.*-S*cr*e tsry Hester’s statemsnts of the world’s visible supply of aotton, Issuod today, shows the total visible to be 3,137,888 against 1,179,384 lost week and 3,389,438 Inst year.. Of this the total of American eottoa Is 1,648.868 against 1,812.384 last week and 1.409..374 last year, sndofsJI other kinds. Including Egypt. Brasil, India, etc. 549.- 000 (Including revision of BomW stocks) ngainst 667,000 lost weak and 760,068 lust yr of’ the world’s visible supply fit cotton, them Is now afloat nnd held In Great Britain end continental Europ*e 1.185.000 ngalnst 1.348.006 |sst year; in kanriit M,- 0.10 against 42.000 last year; In India 147.- (K»o ngslnst 381.000 Inst year, end In the Secretary Heater’s Statement. NEW ORLEANS, I*.. Oct. 2 — Heore- tsry neuter'd weekly cotton statement. Is sued today, shows for the two days of October sn Increase over lest year of 24,000. and a decrease under the same period year before last of 19,600. For the 82 days of the season that have elapsed the aggregate Is- ahead of the 82 daye of lest year 402,'WO and ahead of the same days years before last 2U5.000. The amount brought Into sight during the past week has bean 410,738 hales ngalnst 311,423 hnlea for the same seven days Inst year, and 174,430 bales year before last. The movement since Be pi ember 1 shows rcrelpts st all Tfnlted Htatr* ports to be 1.021.228 ngalnst 667.848 last year: over land. across the Mississippi. Ohio and Potomac Rivers to Northern mills and Canada 31,718 against 13.016 lost year; Interior atook* 1 In excess of those held at the close of the commercial year 154 *43 against 79.873 bales last year; Bouthern null takings 190,000 against 316.991 bales last year. These make the total movement tinea fleptember 1, 368.804 against 947.164 l.ut y*ar. Foreign exports for the week have been 364.365 against 348.361 last year, making the total thus far for tha season 700,947 ngalnst 410.522 last year. The totnl taking* of American mills. North. South nnd Canada thus far for the season have been 298.981 against 114.- 423 last year. • Stocks at the seaboard and tho 29 leading Southern. Interior centers have decreased durln-v the week 1971 beles egslnst an I nor ease during the corre sponding period last season of 21.274. ntim sup ss%4.*>g end the number of hales brought Into eight thus far from the new crop, the -nrpply to date la 1.480.153 against L*1JU*0 ~ Um aoJUS period Mot yea*, * ,