Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, October 10, 1908, Image 2

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I* THE MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH: SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 10, 1908 NO BETTER TIME Than today to buy your Boy's Suit. No better place to buy it than at this store— where you can make yourself comfortable, and take time to select your suit intelligently and without trouble. Today we may have just what you want for him— Torartow we may not. Bring Him Today 'See the Combination Suits Two pairs of Trousers to the Suit. "Money Talks” Kouy Talk*." Hit* you got «z»y money talking for yon. or are you on* of thn unfortunate* that baa thrown away every cent you av«r made and now go** around saying: "I had and mad* plenty, but lost It!" That's a sad tala, that doesn't create any other impression on your listener hut contempt for your week spirit, for #v*r>'ons knows you didn't tosa it—but simply squander** It. Q*t wtsa to tba cal*, of the fu* tors and uava your money. No matter how much you make; save part of It—a man can save —ore you going to do ooT We pay a Targe Interest to wise savers--• per cont, oom- poundad twlca a year. 1 Safest for Savings *' Equitable Banking & Loan Company Goo. A. Smith, Prcsidont. ONE SOLID WEEK Beginning Monday. Octobar 12th. atlnaea Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday. The Manhattan Opera Co. Monday Night—“Fra DlavoAo.** Tuesday Mattnas—“Fra Dlavolo.* Tuesday Night—“Martha." Wednesday Night—“The Mikado." Night, 25o* 35o and I Setts now on sals at tha Grand. ter whrflitr thay like It or not. Ha closed his speech with a fever* ar raignment of tha president for, as ho charged, interfering In a fair fight be tween himself and hti THE LYRIC Vsda and Quintarouw, n Novelty isrt fiareny, Character Impersonator, The Kellys, In Comedy, Singing and Talking, with Baby Kelly, Qaumonfa Motion Plotures, All Comedy Today. First matinee today at t:IO p. m. tween himself and his republican op ponent. Mr. Roosevelt, he said, hns had seven years, and now n* «* trying ?*JW ... In this city tonight th« Mgg**t day of a, wm.. * » demonstmtlnn ~ orte* h> — _nd eeoort bearing torch** end with l*dy outrider* flanking hi* automobile, the earntuiatn passed ttwnugh a lane of red fir* the en tire length of tha rout* to City Park Th* great crowd fall Into Ha* behind th* ^ar*d*r* and ok**r*d loudly and with •W. B3&. ^ Kh her, wm ,l,tig th, ItfiM of hi, .,rl»u> Utrww In> thronfhout Ui. Or H, ratlrwl to Iho «o, Ihw tinmollUM, oft.r th, <m». rluotnn nt hi. r.m.rk. tin.t.r th, tllr-r. tlon of th, Ml—mill il.mner.tlo atnto corn. nilllM, Mr. ttryon will tii.k. Tito Itnt - tow of th, rompolln iif Mtaaouil tnmnr. row. tl, oil !,«»« h,ro at 7 o'eiook and I, An, in tit. joooph tt 7 n'olook la Hi. owolnff. Mod, Fourteen Spwohu. tJtnjfOT, IU., Oct. •—Front! from hto oonfoconcM In Chico»o with hun- itrwU of bnilnooo own whom ho olao pportalhf aAllroonoA. Wm. J. ttryon to. Aar troroltn, for twolvo hour, thnuixh Uio atnto of nUnolo tort making mm- mnm otopo. hold him,elf up oa "tha nAronoo amt of praaprrtly- Tha panic of lut fall wan kit prin cipal tltamn and from party niornlnc untu kta In,I anwd wo, uttorcA to. a t. ka tuuamand away at th, ro wan chart. that hi, .lection meant, Mto daonaalon and fnlluroa. Ho quoted rtatlittrn ahowlnp th, numhrr af failuia. In tha aloa month, Ia huts axtaadad thoaa fnr a cormpondlnt luiriod tn 1*01 and tatd parttealar «m- phaata on tha faat that tha panlr or toot waa unArr a tapubllcnn admlnl,- tratten. Attantlaa waa railed to a atatamant rorantty appoarlna In n Chi. caa« muhltoaa pap,, that lS.OOOrhll- dran waat to ariionl hungry .very momtat. A Armorratic victory ihta year ho aMartad. fumi,h,d the one, ooly hop, of a aura for tha hard tlmaa from whl.h ha oald th, peocl, aufrarina and for a rattoration of proa. th* Bret lime he referred to Mr Idongsmwth'* alleged statement at Mo* line. nt. that Mr. Taft should be elected and bold office fnr eight year*, and then he succeeded tpr hie father- in-law. TTesideot Roosevelt. “He shall net be permitted to nom inate and elect hta surras*\r." h* ve hemently declared, -with th* proapsvt ee announced by hta own eon In law of then dictating for eight yearn mors It la time that the power of the people shell be used by the people " Kaermoua crowd* gweted him every, where end enthu*ta*ttc«Uv -heered him. With the speech Mhwtd here tonight he had spoken fourteen time* The feature of his addreee betr wa* hta dental of the statement printed In a wee tern newspaper that be had writ, tea editorials aad made speeches Against the granting of psaMuoa to old soldiers. In his audience ware a num ber of voterans from th© tfoldtera' Home here. Accompanying the democratic can didate through the state today was n largo delegation from tho democrat to stale committee and former Gov, Da vld R. Francis, of Missouri. MAKES HOMELY WOMEN PRETTYr No woman no matter how regular her features may be can be called pret ty If her complexion Is bad. Orlno Laxative Fruit Hynip aids digestion and clears sallow blotched complexions by stimulating the liver and bowela. Orlno laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Remember the name OR1NO and refuse to accept any aub atltute. II. J. Lamar A Co., near Fourth National Dank, agents. FOR [^SECRETARYJAY As to a Felder to be 8ent Out by the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Z. ®. Jhy. secretary of theMa con Chamber of Commerce, has recent ly received a large number of re quests from people all over the United Btatoe for a booklet, or folder, giving a description of the rcsouroes and ad vantages of Macon as a commercial and manufacturing canter. Secretary Jay says a booklet, or even a small folder gotten up along these lltivs would b« of material advantage, and Is sure to be a good advertisement for Maeon. as already evinced by tho numerous inquiries and requests be fore mentioned. The Chamber of Commerce hss this matter under consideration, but has not fully decided what kind of literature regnntlng the city, her advantages, resources, etc., would be most advan tageous for this purpose, and give the beet results. Any one Interested will confer a fa vor on the secretary end members of the Chamfer of Commerce by submit Doctor* Bald He Would Not Live. Peter Fry. Woodruff. Pa., writes “After d<vtorlng for two years with the host physician* | n Wn\mabur*. and still getting worse, the doctors advise* me If I had any business to attend to 1 had better attend to It at oacA os 1 could not possibly live an other month as there was no cure for me. IVUey's Kidney Cure was recom mended to m* by a friend and I Im mediately sent my son to the store for It. amt sftrr taking three bottles I be gan to get better and continued to improve until l was enttrelr well- H. J. Lamar g Co* pear Fourth National ttfcpk. agents. SEVENTEEN DAYS REMAIN BEFORE THE STATE FAIR OPENS IN MACON LIST OF SPECIAL DISPLAYS DECIDED UPON—BIG ORIENTAL THEATER BOOKED-FAIR IS WELL ADVER TISED. Fair Osys. Opening day. Tuesday. Oct 17. Military Day. Wednesday, Oct. Si. Circus Day. Friday. Oct. to. Football Day. Saturday. Oct. St. College tmy.' Monday. Nov. 2. Secret Order Day. Tuesday. Nov. i. Brown, Smith and Jones Dry, day. Nov. t Labor Day, Tkurrdsy, Nov. 5 (prob ably ). Macon Day, Ki.dsy, Nov. t (probably) Negro Day, Saturday, Nov. 7. will prohab day *11 merchants at I o'clock to allow their employes ful. opportunity of taking in all the slants and exhibits of the biggest fair th* state will bev* ev*r known, fhls will not only mean much for ah* Fair Associating In the way of attendance, but will l>s a holiday highly appreciated by the Harks and salesmen of th* rltj Capt. W. H. Ifloan Is c workers of the racing e r**l trouble* commence with the opening of the fsilr). ;ind he la giving great as sistance »<» Chairman Jam** lllcka. Capt. Rloan hns a large acquaintance among horsemen and is a great lover of th- thoroughbred and blue-blooded horses. Effort 1* being made to secure the fa mous "101 Ranch” for the eloslnp *““* of the fair. This big wild t * It is bel days ' In Atlanta, and 1 show f. __ tllsvsd that .. be brought her*. It Is said to be the best show of Its kind In ths world. Ont of ths best midway attractions yst ■•cured waa booked yesterday for Happy street. This Is an Oriental theater. Just Uk« the rssl thing bordering on ths : - VlK fifty members in ths company, all high easts foreigners. Aocoraf ““ : m Mf . _ will be four different kinds. Thsss shews peeled to be smong ths best ths the- shows of the midway, ss they hav* appeared with suoces* at al| of th* aorthern fairs. Th* eoatracta war* closed yesterday. Advertising Manager Frank Powers »s that over three hundred towns Ir gia have been visited by the bill Si;;, poatlng brigade, ord In each of them the Moron Oeorgla Fair (October 17 to No vember 7 Inclusive), has ben well adver tised. Banners, lithographs, and circular* i,- r m night, "and ( have never known the fair r ound* to look a* wall a* they do now. did not dream that such a transfor mation could be made. Why, Central City Park la now the prettleat park In the ‘ the fair Is Tn country, and when * It will be a wonderland. Agent* for midway attmotlons that were In tha city yesterday were also loud In their praise of the beauties, mer- * vantages of Central City Park, and all declared that no bet- i progress Its and advantages of Central City They on* and all declared that nc ter fair grounds had aver com* to th*lr notloe. Those Who like to whirl about at dls< sy heights may natronlss an unusually largn Kerris wheel that has been secured for the fair. This wheel I* fifty feet In diameter, and It one of the largest ever brought *outh. There wm. of course, he merry-go-rounds. Reparate buildings will bs provided for the poultry and dog shows, although both or* conducted under one management. Manager Huff Is for tha many oat hlbttad. . Both "1 "oro’ftisu* Lorlng Brown. management. now arranging quarters .jln*s that are to bo ex- benches'' aad cages will . < Judges will probably bs Mr. Lorlng dant Ben L. Jones, who is working mth day and night, for tbs suc- enterprlse which be heads. lt**lf. "It will b* th* big gest and greatest fair this stats h*« ever known, and when It Is over we wll‘ have well won the rightful claim to th» title of 'the only atate fair.'" President Jonc* declares that th* varlou* commit tees are composed of the roost entliusl- aatto mei) he has ever known. "They not get ore working Ilk* they receive big aala- rle*." he says, "and they — —* ting a thing but thanks." Hero is whero you can save monoy. Lumber Mill Blocks are worth $1.25 now. Just try one load. Rcdmond-Mosseo Fuel Co, Phones 100 and 223. THAT FILE 0’ TRASH IN THIRD STREET PARK IS NOW OBINQ MOVED AND WILL BE SOLD ON OCT. 14. While the peorl# on Mulberry street ara In gloom over tha failure to secure a transfer station, th* peopl* - - street, right around iflr tostacies. The cause tho corner, arc In of their jubilation s unsightly pile of haa remained Tn ths par £ so tong! It was thought that It might bo sev- tl years oved. for > In the I United States court of Florida. ■ I comes the order that at 10 a'clock on tha moralng ct October 11. all ling i . old material wm _— heat bidder at public outcry. Mu the subject of so much legislation In the council, and the bone on which thoi Chief Of police gnawed without satlsfac-l tlon for so long. The order will make glad tha haart of Alderman Brunner, who has tried by all honorable means to get It removed without Incurring the of the United States courts of Florida. People who bellev* In the city beautiful ware discouraged b v it* remaining^ thw^ and all Macon wished Th* merchants at th* lower er.d of Mult, berry will now taka heart aaid be ml epurmged. They war* of tie apfnkml Deaths and Funerals GRACE. The funeral oesrvic* g of Lieutenant Le** W. Grace look place yesterday afternoon at 1:89 o'clock from the res idence. ,794 Plum street, Rev. T. W. Callaway officiating. The pallbearers were: Chief O. 6 Westcott and Officer* M. J. Thomp son. J. R. Knight. W. E. Hamlin. Hen ry Fmallwood and J. E. Stewart. There was gloom at the city hall yesterday. For many years the famil iar facq and form of the dead officer w«ra seen there dally, always with a kind word for the brother officers, al ways ready to do a kindly act for one. and never by word or deed showing any favoritism among the men of 'ala rellof. To him the selection of the men for those positions that were eas ier than others, In the weekly or oc casional changes of the men, was a difficult and sometimes painful one. ro eager was he to not faror one man more than another. All were treated alike as far as It was possible for It to be done. To the younger men of the force he was especially kind and considerate, overlooking the faults of the beginner*, and when It was neces sary to warn or admonish no father nearly the entire force, and Mayor Miller and Alderman Wheeler. The flora! tribute from, the police fore* was a beautiful one, hut the loveliest flowers were only feeble token* of th* love they bor* him. In itonor of his memory no session of the Recorder's Court was held, and In adjourning the court Recorder Ur- quhart paid a beautiful and tender tribute to the dead officer. t DUNBAR. Llewellyn, the little S year old daugh ter of Mr. and Mr*. RE. it the f - -. . Jaugh- Dunbar, died family home at Dunbar, Inst night after an Ibnesa or omy a rew nours. Tn* funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at Liberty Chapel Church. Little TJewellyn waa the granddaugh ter of Mr. A. H. Stephens, and the ... tepl great granddaughter of the late M. R Rogers. She waa a bright and winsome child. Idolised by her parents, and her sudden death casts a gloom over tho household. Million of Peopls In the United States wake up every morning of their lives with a bad taste In their mouth*, no appetite, heavy eyed and feeling as If they hadn’t slept all night. Constipation Is responsible, an NR tablet (Nature’* Remedy) taken at night will stimulate the liver with out breaking your sleep and In the morning you wl’l feel a hundred per cent better. Better than pills for liv er Ilia. Cures constipation, kidney trouble and rheumatism. Best for old folks because' It doe* not drag down, but builds up the entire system. Get a 25c box from King A Ollphant Supper Party for Visitors. Mr. A. T. Holt entertained Friday even ing a congenial supper party in honor of Mrs. Henry Battey. of Rome, the guest of Mrs. Adrian Thomas, and Mrs. L. W. Carow, of Tampa, Flo., who Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Williams. The party Included Mrs. Battey, Mrs. Caraw. Miss Ida Holt. Miss Martha Ross, Mr. William Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stuart and Mr. A. T. Holt. Stsq Supper for Mr. Alexander Logan, of New York. At hie homo on Vlnevllle avenue. Mr. E. Nat Lewis entertained a delightful stag supper party on Friday evening. ‘ honor of Mr. Alexander Logan, of N< York, who Is In th* city to attend the Lognn-Clleby wedding. The parlor, where the guests—a dnsen friend* of Mr. Ix>gnn—were cordially welcomed by Mr. and Mm. I<ewls, wa* decorated with vases of cut flowers and palms, apd.ln the.dining room a yellow and white motif was carried out. The table, laid with snowy satin dam ask, had a beautiful centerpiece of Mal les* lace, and resting on this a tall branching silver candelabra held white lighted candles capped with yellow silk •hades. On either sld# of this were big cut glass bowls overflowing with golden- hearted Marechai Nell roses, and at each end of th* table ’ —' with white tapei_ _ other. The table, where covers were laid for twelve, was beautiful, sparkling with cut gloss, sliver and exquisite chin*, and an elegant menu of nlns courses served. Th* congenial party hsd a delightful evening, the rare pleasure of Mr. Logan’r presence smong them being thoroughl; enjoyed by his friends. „ __ The party Included Mr. T/>gan. Hon John F. Callaway, of Leesburg. Oa.: Mr. Cullen G. Battle. Mr. Walter D. Tnmar, Mr. ltrosdus K. Willingham. Mr. Wm. C. Redding. Mr. Richard Findlay, Mr. W. C. Anderson, Mr. Harry Kendall. Mr. N. E. Wlnshlp, Mr. I.ouls Burxhnrd, Mr. Eu- P. stetson. Mr. Guyton Park and R Nat Lewis. FLORIDA VS MERCER CAME AT COACH BLAKE BELIEVEB THAT HI8 TEAM WILL WIN—SEVERAL CHANGE8 IN THE LINE-UP. trai iCty park this afternoon will be gin promptly at 3 o'clock. Comfortable seats along the slie lines have been arranged, and all who attend will be able to see ever^ play made. The Florida eleven Is said to be stronger this year then It waa last season, when it held Mercer to a close score. The coach la Forsyth, the fa mous Clemson player, and he la said to have moulded a strong aggrega tion. Coach Frank Blake believes that the Mercer teatn will give such a good ac- count of Itself today as to cause both Tech and Georgia to worry about their laurels. There was no scrimmage practice yesterday, owing to the weath er. but th*. boys are in fine trim and anxious for the fray. Th* line-up will probably be as fol lows: Jameson, quarter; Mallary, left half; Blnlon, right half. Farmer, full back; Poole, right tackle: Gillespie, left tack le; Dunaway, right guard; Jordon, left guard; Scoggins, center; Griffith, right end; Baird or Bell, left end. SIDEWALK PAVING AND CITY TAXES VALDOSTA. Ga., Oct 9—The city council Is to begin a movement for sidewalk paving In this city just as soon as possible. The street com* mission was authorised at the meet ing yesterday to look Into the cost of a'plant for making artificial stone and tiling of cement and sand. It Is thought that this will be used as on experiment on some of the street*. There is also a disposition to use the cement of the government formula, though most of the councilman arc In clined to the use of the tile. Tho council fixed the tax at II on the 1100, which Includes the thirty cents voted some time ago for school pur poses. The tax returns this year show an increase of 8381,538 for the city, running the entire valuation to al most four million dollars. The city Is badly in debt, though the present administration has man aged to live within the budget, which Is a debt-payer, and some'permanent Improvements have been don* besides. Broke Thumb. Mr. J. tB. Yarn had his thumb broken last night and the ligaments torn to pieces by a collision with a negro who was running from a police man. The negro bad stolen a bunch of bananas and an officer was after him. A number of partle* Joined the chase and Mr. Martin ran out to head the fugitive. The negro dashed Into him nt full speed, carrying a shoe- shine box In his hand. Tho box prob ably struck Mr. Martin's thumb, driv ing It back against his wrist and breaking It badly. The limb was dress ed. but Mr. Martin has suffered much from the Injury. World’s Championship Series Betweet Detroit and Chicago DETAIL GAME AT ' LAWRENCE’S PLACE ADMISSION, 50c GAMES GALLED 2 O’CLOCK rOO LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION rcr For Brld*-to-Be Is Aftsrnoen Party Given Today. Miss Opal Elder's party this afternoon *“ * a "LlnVn 8how*r." In honor of “ " harming Is to be Miss lima Mitchell. October brides, whose marring* Is to b« a pretty event of Wednesday, October II. In honor of Mies 1 bride of this month. Mrs. A. —. .. will entertain at a "Linen Shower" Mondav afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock, Tho party will he given at the ho*tes*' home, 117 Foreyth Tei?» p *. * n<1 the guests will Include quite a number of the girl friends of th# hrlds-to-b*. Mrs. J. R. Harwell Entertains Vlnsvlll* Domino Club. Mrs. John It. Harwell wa* bostes* on Thursday afternoon at the first meeting Club. The lower floor of Mrs Harwell's pret ty home on Vlnevllle avenue, was deco- mted with beautiful rose* and the rooms that t • transfer station Is one of the lm- possibilities, hut th* removal of U*> old pile mokes them feet better. JESSE HART PURCHASES LOT ON SECOND STREET Buys House end Lot Owned by M. O'Hara—Divert* Petition Filed Yesterday. A nlnr-room. two-atory house at 710 Second at rest, together with the lot upon which It Is located* was yesterday purchased by Mr. Jcsso H. Hart, for the co&eJderatlott of 14,909. This prop erty wag hmoeriy owned by Mr. M. O' liars ■ The transfer of title has been recorded. Thera were also filed In the clerk'* office yesterday paper* tn th* divorce suit instituted by Pophronta Demon against Joseph B. Denton. The plain tiff alleges that she eras cruelly treat ed by h«r husband, and that she was driven from his home, after less than a year of married Ufa* , ward delicious refreshments was served. •J A very congenial rorty of ladles consti tutes the membership of .this club, and thrv arc anticipating many pleasant meetings this winter. MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE. Mies Alice Newton, of Foreyth. fa via- Itlnv friends In the city. Mies Afina Smith 1* being welcomed homo after spending the summer at Mon- telth. N C. . • . . Mrs. Charles Akfrmsn has her cousin. Mies Snyder, of South Carolina, aa her U MrV licit Callaway haa returned home aftei’ a' pleasant two weeks’ stay North Georgia. . _ Mr Bud Mrs. Jack Cutler are among Macon people who went up to_Atlanta people who went up Ifer the horse show this week. They are guest* of her mother. Mm Emma Belt r*r. and Mrs. William J. Little nave cammed home after a delightful trip to charmingly entertained bv friend* Violets whom thrv vlsltr Mm. Frank risvant end leave for Griffin today f ^ after rornding «ome time In Macon with — .— - •*— Griffin < tn At- Mro' Frank nsvant and little daughter .V&U"' Mr*. Joeeph Timber!she. From Mrs Havant goes on to her home Mm T. H. Hrndemon leave* today at 11 o'clock for Fur.nulo. Ale., to visit her ristee. Mn, Nathan Rray. for some time, and will later vtslt her daughter. Mr*. William IWyna. In Montgomery. The many friend* of Mrs Headerson re- "SaklT"^ SPECIAL NOTICES JESSE B. HART Funeral Director Lady Anaiitant Private Ambulanoe Personal Attention Given Ail Business. _ Office Phone 467 :< Besidr-oe Phone 760 S. C. Purat.y. Limlr CLy. PURSLEY * OLAY, UNDERTAKERS. Always open. 611 and 613 Mulberry tt. Oldest exclusive undertaking house In Macon. Phon* 429. Prepan- telegraph or telephone order notice. ders on short Clark** fifeventh An* AfianJ* nual Cruise. \J || P/f I February 4th, w, VI,V,U 71 days, by spe cially chartered steamer, 8. 8. “Amble/' 4 mos. round ths world, Oct It, ’09. F. C. CLARK, Times Bldg., N. Y. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. A. M. Boet. of the W. A. Doody Co., begs to Inform hta' friends and the public generally that h* will heraafter be found In the ladles’ ^ready-to-wear department where he wifi ht all times be WANTED. LAND. .The Prison Commission Invites offers for large tracts of land. The Prison Com mission of Georgia Invited offers for the lease, with option to purchase, of tract* of land In different sections of the state; two to five thousand acre* tn on* body. Describe quality of land, timber, water and railroad faculties, and state terms of lease for five years, and price If pur chased. Address THE PRISON COMMISSION OF GA., • Atlanta. Go. Refrigerated Bottling The word sounds good, doesn’t it?. Just try a Bottle of Coca-Cola Bottled by our process. There’s nothing to compare with it. We want to show you our plant Call and inspect. You wUl be delighted. If you want a perfect drink drink BOTTLED EVERYWHERE . . . 5c As Manufacturers of ENGINES and BOILERS Fe desire to call particular atten tlon to the High Grade Engines we are turning out and to say that we guarantee without hesitation that there Is no better engine of lt3 class put on the market today In the United States. The perfectly balanced valve makes It of high value, and the workmanship being first class, and a substantially put up engine, adapts It particularly to work requiring hard service. Wo are fur nishing them to almost all kind* of power plants and particularly Is It being used largely In saw mill, planing mill, oil mill, cotton mill, and ginning plants. We are prepared to demonstrate to prospective customers who can give us a call that It has no equal. Wrlto for full Information and do so today. , ADDRESS i Schofield’s Iron Works Macon, Georgia. SOUTHERN ELECTRIC SUPPLY & MFG. CO Machinery, Electric and Combination Fixtures WIRING MILL WORKS A SPECIALTY 171 Cotton Avenue—Phone 212. *' THE BIBB COUNTY HUMANE SOCIE TY (CHARTERED). This society will prosecute cases of ever-leading, wounding, starring, or driv ing unfit animals, and other cases of cru elty to antmals, reported to tt. HUQH V. WASHINGTON’, Preet —GO TO— WESLEYAN The best instruction is the cheapest., Hotel Marlborough Broadway, 36th and 37th Sts., Herald Square, New York Mo«t Centrally Located Hold on Broadway. Only ten minutes walk to 25 leading theatres. Completely renovated and transformed in every department Up-to-date in all re spect!. Telephone in each room. Four Beautiful Dining Rooms with Capacity of 1200. The Famous German Restaurant Broadway's chief attraction for Spe cial Food Dishes and Popular Music. Esrepfta tha. 4M Bacas. 200 Silks. Rates lor Rooms Jf.50 sod upward. $2.00 and upward with tad*. Parlor. Bedroom and Bath $3.00 and upward. $J.00«xtrs wbeto two persons occupy a single room* - WRITE FOB BOOKLET.- SWEENEY-TIERNEY HOTEL COMPANY E. M. TIERNEY. Monagsr ft atonic, the medicinal qualities of which arc fully recognized by the highest medical authorities. If your system needs building up or if your nerves are “on edge" try . SunnyBrooR THE PURE, FOOD Whiskey It will renore your old time vigor in .Imort no time—by osing Sunny Brook moderately you are bound to benefit yourbeslth in general. Sen that you get tha genuine—Accept no substi tutes. Every bottle be.r. the Government "Green Stamp"— certifying to the exact Age, Proof and Measure. No boras should be without It. DELIVERED DIRECT TO YOU EXPRESS PREPAID • BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING DISTRIBUTERS: C. BLUM & CO., JACKSONVILLE. FLA. C. C. BUTLER CO.. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. BEDINGFIELD A CO.. JACKSONVILLE, FLA, D. F. A C. P. LONG. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. L. G. DANIEL. MGH„ CHATTANOOGA, TENN. PAUL HEVMAN. CHATTANOOGA, TENN. GALLAGHER A O’GARA. CHATTANOOGA. TENN. H. LEVYSTEIN A CO.. MONTGOMERY, ALA. L. LOEB WHISKEY CO* MONTGOMERY, ALA. Central of Georgia Railway Co. ► liSBain Savannah,»t.i Covington and Eatonton *11:55am Eatonton an* .Miiiedgevllls. .t 7:50pm Ath«ns and Madlaon “ — Athens and Medleee........ Atlanta (Dixie Flyer).r.... Atlanta and Grinin Atlanta end Griffin Atlanta and QrilVtR Atlanta and Griffin Columbus and Birmingham * 2:<* irr Birmingham end Celumdiis..' Montgomery and Albany.. Columbus and B.rmlngbam. .*/l1:2Sam I Afe—y and Hsot—wary • S.-OOam l „ . Albany and Montgomery *11:35am Montgomery end Albany....'.' A.tany and Ar-rr C.JS • 7:Btpm Albany end / •DAILY. (EXCEPT SUNDAY. d Augui savannah, Audveti Covington and Eatonton. Eatonton and Milledgeville.. Athens and Madistn Atnens and Madison 3:40am Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis..' 1 2:50am Atlanta end Griffin.. ' ► Ttllain ' IfMpm 4:40*m Atanta and Griffin*..... • 2:3Sam Atlanta and Griffin •11:20am i Americas • 7:15am