Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, November 30, 1908, Image 1

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K { r u ■ J The Macon Daily Telegraph WEATHER FOREOAST FOR GEOROIAl—FAIR MONDAY AND TUESDAYi LIGHT EAST TO SOUTH WIND8. \ ESTABLISHED IN 1«2«. MACON, GA., MONDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1908 DAILY, |7.00 A YEAR. BIG POSTAL DEFICIT IS SHOWN IN ANNUAL REPORT JUST ISSUED BY POSTMASTER GENERAL MEYER Largest Discrepancy in the History of That Depart ment. AND 1909 REPORT WILL SHOW AN EQUAL DEFICIT In Addition to This Difference in Re* oeipta fend Disbursement#. $37,056 Were Lost to the Government *by Fire, Burglary, Etc<—Attention Is Called in the Report to Improve ments in tho Department—Necessity of Good Roads is Brought Out Very Plainly—Legislation Permitting Es tablishment of Postal Savings Banks is Urged—New York's Service is a Problem, According to the Report, WASHINGTON. Nov. 29—In- hla annual report for the fiscal year endea June 30, 1903. Postmaster General Af- yor gives the total receipts for the year us 3191,478,603 and expenditures 32'>S.351.886. thereby showing a deficit of 31C.S73.223, the largest In the history of the department with an additional lo:-* from fire, burglary, etc., of 337.- 058. The ‘deficit of 1909 it is estimat ed again will exceed 316,000,000. Department Improvements. Attention Is particularly called to a number of Improvements In business methods of the department as tend ins; to Its advantage and th# saving «>f considerable amounts. Reoom- tnemlrUion Is again made for the crea< tlon of the position of director of posts, at a high salary, and who shalt hold office during good behavior, the object being to have a continuity of policies for the benefit of the postal service and the people of the United States. Necessity for Good Roads. The necessity for good roads is point ed out in connection with the develop* ment of the rural tire delivery ser vice. It I s suggested that should congress^rant the department author ity to utilize rural routes still further by th« establishment of a limited par cel post confined entirely to rural de livery routes. It would then be possi ble to earn additional revenue amount' Jng to millions of dollars and at the. same time benefit the farmer by en abling him to have merchandise deliv ered when ordered bv telephone or postal card, which otherwise would not ' be pnrehaasd. “The special parcel post” ssvs the postmaster general, "will epable the farmers to have small parcels delivered at their gates, to IIv< better, and to -obtain easily the neces- sarles of life.” Permission Is request ed to establish experimentally a lim ited parcel post In not to exceed four counties In order to demonstrate the practicability of the plan. Postal Savings Banks Urged, The postmaster general again urges legislation permitting the establish ment of postal savings banks or dc< p-sltorles In • connection with postof- Experiments with stamp vending machines, saya the postmaster gener al. are atlll being conducted, with everj* prospect that the defects which developed in the preliminary tests will be overcome. These machines. It Is expected by the department will add Immeasurably to tho public conveni ence. The campaign of education In the school houses In matters pertaining to the ordinary operation o2 the postal service. sO as to emphasise the lift* portance of careful addressing, tho placing of the name and address of the sender on envelopes, etc., Is recom mended to be continued, so as to gave hundreds of thousands of letters and packages from going to the dead letter office, each year, as is now the case. Retaining Efficient Men. A marked Improvement In the ef- fluency of the service la noted by the postmaster general which, he says, is . due to the policy of retaining post masters of all grades whose records have been satisfactory. He believes, however, that the appointments of sec. *6nd and third class postmasters should He with the postmaster general, as Is now the practice with fourth class of fices. This, he says, would reserve to the president the appointment of post masters at the more Important offices and relieve him of a vast amount of routine work that Is a tax upon his latlons between the two great English- .speaking .-uiniii Iof." It Ir stHt- 'l. •’ami It will do much to enable our manufac turers to better advertise their feeds and thus Increase their sales In those countries." Modern progress. It added. Is annihilating distance, and olutlonlxed methods In shfp-bul. huvo n;ad»- tin* English markets hut a few days from American ports. It Is urged that cheaper and direct mall i mm vice, as a stimulus to business friendly Intercourse of nations. Bhould extended wherever practical)].*. Casualties Among Clerks. Figures relating to the railway mall service show a decrease of IS In the number of railway postal clerks killed and of Si Injured as compared with the fiscal year 1907. In 1903 there were clerks and 2 substitute* .killed *hd 1 seriously and 639 slightly injured. Re- ommendatlon Is. mads that railway pos tnl clerks be given annual leave of ab sence with pay. for thirty days and tha_ when so seriously disabled as not to be ability leave with psy at fifty per cent of tbelr regular compensation during suclr disability for not exceeding twelve addl tlonal months. The regulations covering "sample" copies are treated at length in the re port, the postmaster general concluding with the statement that the publishers, with rare exceptions, hove endorsed re position .of the department and cm mended It for the course It pursued. The attention of congress Is Invited to tne previous recommendation for a re duction' In the rate and an Increase In himself on record as being decidedly opposed to 1 the law which prohibits the establish ment of postal stations more than five GOVERNOR’S SON UNDEJURREST Memphis Police. Interrupt Cruise of Son of Gover nor Pingree. MEMPHIS. Nov. Clalmin* to b* the son of the late Go'- *'■ Michigan, H. 8. Pingree, arrested hero ■ __—M man. registered the Cordova Hotel as his wire, fol lowing a quarrel In their rooms at the hotel. In which Plngree's fare was scratched. The night clerk called ths police. The officers found the room In jdlsor- ir. Chairs were- ove ‘ ‘ K scattered about, drinking, he admitted. "The trouble started.” he explained In the putrol wagon, "when I wanted to go out with some of 5 the boys and the girl wouldn't let me. We had a little scrap and there you are. I'm the son of Oov. Pingree. of Michigan, nnd came down here on my yacbL This woman struck me on the.jsnst with & hat pin, and I guess I did throw her down." • "Joe." Interrupted the woman, who “ him in the wagon, "you'i all your fault, you naughty boy. I hope they lock you up for two weeks till you get good and sober.” » .. With a merry party aboard the trim little yacht Result. Pingree and his com panion, known, the police say. as "Jano Pingree/' arrived at Memrhts Monday. They had started from Detroit on a cruise In Inkes Huron and Michigan and down the Mississippi. "We Intended going on to New Or leans,” remarked Pingree. "and I guess we'll—or I'll go on." ' The Woman wan allowed to return to her hotel and Pingree was spared the discomfiture of being locked up behind prison hors. Hazen 8. Pingree. son of the late gov ernor of Michigan and familiarly called "Joe” Pingree. has been known as bon vlvant In Detroit where he Is on< the richest men in town. When In 1K9S he brought a bevy nurses east to care for Michigan sofdlers wounded In the Spanish-Amerlcan war, he was reported to have fallen in love with one of them. Miss Natalie Parson. In 1906 he was said to have been named si co-respondent In the divorce suit of Alexander W. Beal, a Detroit business man. Young Pingree was married six years ago and has a son. SPIRITS MARKElT FIRM FOR IRE WEEK JUNO QUOTATION 39'/* SEEMED TO MEET APPROVAL OF ALL INTERESTS. tlon exists with reference to the axten slon of the free delivery service. The department, he declares, should not be S laced In the position of being able to ellver mall from door to door and at the same time of being forbidden to sup ply the district so served with the other “ The ropes! usual postal conveniences. of the law complained of Is urged. New York’s Service a Problem. The maintenance of a suitable postal service f- v *— —** -•*- '* c •*— J becomes , — ... quires Increased expenditures in order to reduce so far as possible the heavy con gestion of mall matter there. Ths post master general speaks of what has been done toward remedying this fcondlUon. end save that a night deliver^ In the residential section hss gone far In that direction. Leave of Absence. Recommendation is again made that the leave Of absence with pay allowed by law to employes of the postal service be increased from fifteen to thirty days whenever the postal revenues warrant It While/ favoring an Ingrease in pay of the supervisory employes In postoffices, the postmaster general says he has not estimated for additional promotions for the coining year because of the great In crease In the deficit Pneumatic Tube Service. Jn retard to pneumatic tube service. It Is stated that the commission appointed under the act of congress of May 27. 1901. to Inquire into the feasibility of tho government acquiring and operating the pneumatic tube service, has com pleted Its work and that the report will be submitted to congress soon after It convene#. No hint Is given regarding the commission's recommendations. The Lower Rate to England. Tho recent establishment of the 2-cent- on-ounce rate of letrcr postage between the United States and the united klag- dom of Greet Britain and Ireland will, it Is stated, have the effect of about greater postal receipt*, er postage rale win prove toward closer soda! and c •T“S5? J SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 29.—Though two days were skipped In the past week owing'to the observance of the automo bile race* the volume of sales for the Iweek Just closed In the turpentine mar ket shows but little falling off from ths itotal of tho week preceding. - The sales lat 39Hc at which the market ruled firm during the entire seven days, ware very Jarge at certain times and as the market we* pretty generally covered at full board quotations for the late trading period of yesterday It Is probable that the market will open tomorrow morning at that level. „ Only once before In the present season ha* the market remained. for the full seven davs at one fixed price, in the S et week, however, the ruling quota- n. 194c, appeared to be about suita ble for all hands and with London spots moving steadily, upward, as was the case during the better part of the past week. It Is prpbable that there will .be no re cession; rather to the contrary; there Is a possibility of an advance In the week ahead. Receipts for Week Large. The receipts for the put seven days were large; unusually no Ur fact for this season of the year t*caua* as a general rule the sap Is showing In constantly leu volume with the advent of cold weather.i The Increase, .however. Is probably coming from Florida points. At Mast that Is the accepted explanation and with all things considered It Is doubtless correct. The market opened the week Monday. CNov. 13) at It^c and dosed yesterday firm at 39«4*\ Rosin Demand Excellent. Rosins were In excellent demand and quotations as a rule are above tboe* of the Saturday preceding. At the call yea- terday the following prices were quoted: Water white, "i*.40; window glass. 16.98; N. »«; M..35.30: K 14.95*5; I. 34.95; H. 13.40: O. 12.95*2.974; F. 92.Me3; J2. b.H M*: 8. SIM.M24 Th, statistic.: IMS.,. 1,07-S. Receipts: Sptr. Rosin. Spfr. Bonin. Saturday ... 1242 3.755 1.034 4.170 Week 4.844 14.482 4.343 IMS! Month JM3* 73,734 20.5«1 U.4M Season 204.402 623.734 187.278 817.015 hen the north »ro the . ii.r r> ...» t valu' ;>.r mainun i •a ,ilr< • tlv In line with Hi'- forci ng of lent In the huslr.e** n i t.i«*e columns r> 1 . * !.-. • : drlft-d Into HA AF-.d. fro: , tr - t It uui»t If »: at • ■ f r-riemllv Mk.v _ change for the better and th' I trade as ft result is showing th Saturday ... JJ32 2.611 Jtl 1.0M marked nptlmizrn. Week 8 971 lft.499 S.»? 10.11ft Bualne*Sjjjji*g| WEEK PROMISES! SPICY EVENTS News Forecast Indicates Vari ety Enough to Please all Headers. variety of subjects, constitute the fea ture of the news outlook of the coming week. From coal mining and life Insur ance to Interdenominational religious fellowship and the philanthropic work of Jewish women, the subjects range. That of most unusual character and perhaps, In the long run of most far reaching In fluence. wfll 'be the remarkable meeting of the "Federal Council of the Churches of Christ of America," which will open In Philadelphia on .Wednesday evening: and will represent nearly twenty million Protestant church goers. On Tuesday, at I Cincinnati, will begin the meeting of the national federation of the councils i of Jewish women, handed together all over the country. "To further the best and highest Interests of humanity In fields religious, philanthropic and educa tional." The united Presbyterian*. In annual convention at Pittsburg, will con duct the .organization of a "National Lord's Day Alliance'’ In the Interest of Sunday ob«#r v »nce. Conservation Meeting. One of .more materialistic interest will be the meeting tn Washington, beginning Tuesday, of the national commission for the conservation of natural resources, growing out of the meeting of governors called last spring by President Roose velt. In connection with this meeting Is to be made public the "Inventory" of the natural resources which the govern ors have caused to be compiled In the various states since the president's meeting adjourned. A large number of the governor* are expected to get to gether again on the 6th to consider further tne same Important subject. At about the same time at Pittsburg, the American Mining Congress will be In ses sion. Governors of the coal-producing states have been Invited to attend. At New Orleans this week comes the con vention of the International Seamen's Union. Life Insurance problems will be considered by the Association of Life Insurance presidents which will hold Its mniunl meeting tn New York Frldny and Saturday. The first day's proceedings will he devoted to memorial nddressrs I In honor of the late Graver Cleveland^ first chairman of the association. | % Archbold On Stand In Oil Case "Standard OH" will contlmi* to runl Ithe gauntlet In several pluiaes of the prosecutions running against the great corporation In sundry places. Jno. P. Archbold .will return to the witness stand In New York qltv before the referee who Is taking testimony In the government's suit for dissolution of the Standard Oil I Company, of New Jersey. There may he] developments of the famous 129.000.000 fine before the United States supreme j court, which resumes sessions st Wash ington after a fortnight's recess; at Buf falo Is scheduled the company's action ]trlal of the rebating which It was convicted at Rochester last spring. Democrats to Choose Leader. The democratic members of the house of representatives at Washington caucus on the 5th to choose a ml. leader In nlnee of John Rhara Williams, whose resignation. Issued last June, will Mkra **>rt December 1. Tho -ways • and nmmlttee will continue its hear- the subject of revision of the tariff, but there Is little expectation of ^arlff legislation at this session Atlanta's Mayoralty Campaign, Atlanta's mayoralty campaign has reached a stage of bitter feeling. ‘ jhWt between the Woodward >x factions having become so ... —„__Jthat the mayor and police officials have been urgerb t0 Prevent the v torch- llght parades of* both sides which were planned for Monday night on tho ground night possmniiy ,oi not. Tang Shao Yl. the special envoy of the _hlnese government who came more especially to thank "Unci* ,8am" for his Monday and the government has arranged a cordial reception for him.- Criminal Trials. Among the criminal trial* aet down for the week, that of widest note Is the trial of Chas. K. Davis, at Omaha, charged with having killed Dr. Ruatln In cldai Intent. The case Is one of the most remarkable In recent criminal annals. In sporting circles most Interest at taches to the Indoor chnmplonshlp meeting of the Amateur Athletic Union, whic h will lake place Monday wnd Tuea- dny at Madison 8quare Garden. New York city, - Interesting Foreign News. This will be a week of Interesting for eign news. Wednesday will see the be ginning of a new Chinese era with the enthronement of the Infant emperor of China. Pu Yl. It gafna Interest from th# publication of American-Japanese agree- DeCaatellane and the Defiagnn Interests ie suit of Count Bon I DeCaatellane >*t his former wife. Princess DeRa gan (Anna Gould) for the custody of I DEATH LIST REACHES 138 Horrors of Terrible Disaster in Model MineStill Gome Out PITTSBURG. P«-, Nov. S9.—Twen ty-flvo bodies, all but two of them horribly mutilated, were taken today from the mine of the Plt>burg-Buf falo Coal Company at Marianna, forty miles south of here, .where an explosion occurred yesterday; kllllnf many and casting Into gloom what wa* untjl then considered the model mining town of the world. There I* no doubt that the death list will reatfh 138 men. Official# of the company, who last night stated that not over 125 had been killed to night admit that 138 men went <lown the ahaft to work yesterday morning. Aa In nearly all mine diasters, there seems no way at praoent of knowing how many men want f* work. The number check-off system has again proven defective. It Is possible that the exact number killed will never be known. Up to darkness tonlgh^ 25 bodies had been brought to the sur face In sn Iron bucket. Arms, legs It 1* Is estimated that one-fourth of tho trunks of /others were burned, bruised and cut. Horrible Deaths. Two of the men had been suffocated, their bodle* not being scratched. One of theso was John Ivlll. a cousin of John H. Jones, president of the Fltt*- burg-Buffald Coal Company, owners of the mine. Ill* body was found beneath a coal digging machine. It was apparent that tho young man had crawled there In a vain effort to ea cape the deadly t fume*. The body of the other man was found near Ivlll. He had placed hla face Ip a pool of water, which al‘ miner* are advised UYdo when an ex plosion occurs, In a desperate attemfil to fight off suffocation untlll rescued. The opinion was expressed today b£ a number of expert miner* that the mine will notvbe cleared of victims for several daya. Early today a small fire broke out In th# mine but It w*s extinguished before any pertous damage wn* done. Another Explosion Expeotsd. ■Report* have 'been In circulation nil day that a second <Uid more ter rific explosion I* likely t,o occur at any moment. The company officials assert thli Is not true. Thar* Is con siderable gas In the mine, however. Conditions about the mouth of the mine were disagreeable today, drlxillng rain fell and the wenther grew cold. There were few of the harrowing scene* usually associated with a mine explosion. /Most-of-the relatives are Engllsh-nifeaklng pso- ple who bear their grief in silence. It Is estlmataej that one-fourth of the victims are ATrterleanfc*- At *hort Interval# n<*w me* „ r e sent Into tho mine to relieve others search Ing for the dead. Owing to the dnfi- gcruiis giiMp aiiri the iniifH of wreck age in the mine the rescue tvork Is slow and 1" being carried on with great precaution. Notwlthetai^Ung the Isolation of Marianna, thousands of person* found their way thero to dav. One boarding house near the mine wn* almost wrecked by persons seeking meals. The small house war. packed almost to nuffocatlon. Over a thousand hungry sightseers drove from flvo to ten mile* to appettxe their curiosity. Tonight tho oindcrtaker* ■■arranging for many fur>eto1* to morrow. Whenever possible tho bodies sre being embalmed. The bodies recognised today will be In terred before tomorrow night owing to the rapid decomposition. Disin fectants are being used In larga quan tities. It Is feared, had the weather remained ns warm as yesterday, an epidemic of disease would hav* re sulted. CONSERVATION MEET TO BEGIN TUESDAY REPORT TO PRESIDENT WILL BE COMPREHENSIVE IN IT8 CHARACTER. •WASHINGTON. Nov. 29.—On Tues day of this week the National Con servation Commission will meet In this city In closed session to begin the formulation of Its report to Pres ident Roosevelt on the sla e of tho country’s natural resources. This ra in London on Monday begins the long | ,M <lur * on ** w Ql.j* anticipated congress of the powers on tho basis upon which the president maritime warfare, which Americans will “ watch with Interest, but tbelr hearts will go out chleflv to Manila whence on the same day, after brilliant ceremonies LUMBER PRICES AND DEMAND LOOKING UP SAVANNAH. Oa.. Nov. 29.—Now that everybody and hla grandfather" In ths lumber business hss departed fro pi Sa vannah after being present at the meet ing of cypress men.and the auto meet during the post week, conditions toward the last few days have assumed a con- dltlon more nearly normal. The trade generally reports a further Improvement in the local market for lum ber, both nn regarding the Inquiry and n prices secured. During the past eev- ... days there was aulte a largo number of Inquiries received by the trade and prices secured on confirmed orders were better than anything secured, recently. In •C tne |*i— — i act. o»e < larger wholesalers said Returday that he had dosed several or ders In the two days preceding and that the price# he had secured on most of the business ranged In some Instances -Jgh ••■» t: per “ old current value*. per thousand bettsr than A Noticeable Feature. Probably the most noticeable feature In this regard Is that the large yard men of “• ~- —— who are paying will prepare a special message to con gress. Tho commission will go over statistics and reports thst bsvo been complied during the six months since It began Its work and draw up a ten tative outline of Its report, which It will, submit to the Joint confVance with the governors of tho states and other representative# of the states and national organization* which haa Both Factions in Atlanta Con test Massing Forces for Grand Finale. ATLANTA. Ga.. Nor. IS—Only two more days remain before the Atlanta municipal campaign will be brought to a close, but the work and enthus iasm of a month will be crowded Into tho#* two. Until after Wednesday, which la election day, tho town will be given over to politics. • Both sides are massing their forces for the grand finish. Two big mass meeting ore scheduled for Monday night. Mr. Maddox'a following will gather at the court house, and that of Mr. Woodward at the Lyceum Thea ter. Informal parades will probably follow both meetings. Another Maddox Parade. A great daylight parade la to be held by the Maddox forces Tuesday afternoon.- It la on that oocaaion they expect to mike their great showing and efforts will be mgde to get the candidate's entire following to take part in the procession through the streets. It Is believed that the show ing will be a better one than that of last night; for a great many of Mr. Maddox's supporters. In fact those who make up the backbone of hla campaign, would lake part In a day light procession but would be disin clined to carry a torch In a flambouy- ant night demonstration. Many Business Houses to Close. Several hundred business men and firms have agreed to close their places of business Tuesday afternoon, for the Maddox parade. Thla will enable those of their employee who so desire to take part, add will permit othera to aee the sights. Many wngona have been offered by frlenda of the candi date. and they may be used to carry floats. Genera’. Clifford L. Andnrson will be marshal of the day. and ha will be aided by aeveral scorea of aides, dlvnlon commanders, and so on. the names of whom have nil been an nounced In the program of arrange ment*. Mr. Woodward's campaign will he brought to a close with a great torch light procession on Tuesday night. Several thousand torches have been ordered for the procession, bands have been engaged and floata and trnnapsr. ♦ncles by the score are being prepar ed for the occasion. Woodward's 8tock Rises. It Is not partisan to say that Wood- ward stock rose a little by reason of last night's demonstration. There were not as many persons In line as had been expected, and the enthusiasm of (he crowds waa not aa great for Maddox as had been anticipated. 'B— sides this, practically all the Maddox enthusiasm subsided when tho parada ended, nut crowda -remained on the street shouting, for Woodward until midnight. Th» voluntary meeting held by the Woodward forces at the Grady monumdnt after the parade helped that candidate, as there was no at tempt ot n gathering of tho other »lda. Those who had been betting on the former were no encouraged that thev turned their money loose with r more liberal hand, though the odds remain ed about tho same. Most ot the wag* era placed were at the rata of two to ona In favor of Mr. Maddox. One prominent Maddox msu Is asld to hava been able to bet 33,000 at these fig 1 urea. Some few bets at odds more favorable to Woodward than the above were made, but very llttlo even money was placed. Candler Denies Contribution. Asa O. Candler has given out i statement denying that he has con trlbuted 310,000 to the Maddox cam patgn fund. 'The assertion I* as foolish *s It Is false/’ he says. T have made no such contribution. I am undertaking,along with thousands of other good cltlsens of Atlanta, tn do what ! can to save our fair city from further public dis grace." Mr. Woodward has Intimated In hts speeches that such a contribution had been made. In order to Influence the next city administration to maks pub. lie Improvements on real rstate, known aa the Druid Hills property, which Is owned by a company of which Mr. Candler Is president. THOUSAND RESIGNATIONS CAN'T EFFACE WOODWARD'S NOMINATION IN FACE OF HISTORICAL FACTS managers have engaged practically every available conveyance for election day. Hacks, carriages and automobile* will be u »ed In sending for voters and bringing out a full vojn for their candidate. If Mr. Woodward wins his eledtlon will be ono of the greatest tributes ever paid a man In this stats; for victory will be won over what Is perhaps the best- managed end most liberally endowed campaign of opposition tho atate haa ever known. Is New Law ForgetttnT ATLANTA. Oa., Nov. 21.—It la prob able that those of neither side In the present municipal contest In Atlanta have taken notice of an Important Uw bear ing on elections which was passed at the laat session of the legislature. The act which is now of full Force and has been throughout the campaign, makes It a crime for any corporation or officer o> agent of any corporation to contribute, from *° any »'*mpalgn fund. While the law was probably in tended for state application alone, good lawyers her# slat* that It la so drawn that It applies In letter and spirit to all elections that occur within ths state. Rumors of corporations being interest ed on both sides of the present contest have been sfiont. but whether any has msde any contributions to the campslxn funds of either candidate la not known. Muny men who are prominently Identi fied with various corporations have been taking prominent part In the contest, particularly on the Maddox side. The new law. howaver, does not make this an offense, nor does It make It an offense for any offtcer or agent of a corporation to make subscriptions from hie own pri vate resources. It may be and probably Is true, that all have been within the law, hut If the law has been overlooked there may be embarrassing results. What Act Provides. The act as passed and approved Is as follows: prevent eont — their officers ... ... campaign funds, or for any polltlcnl pur poses, or for the purpose of Influencing the vote. 1u«igment or action of any offl clal of Cn<* state. - "Rrctlnn 1 Re It enacted hv the gon hiiI assembly of Georgia, nnd It Is here by enacted by authority of the seme. That from and after the passage of *hts . It snail he Illegal for any cnrporaMon. •rporated under the law* of tlilJ Mate. 3 r doing business therein, or any officer r agent thereof, from corporate funds, to maks or authorise any contrlbnMonH, directly or Indirectly, to campaign funds. for political purpose* »n any election ■ primary election held In this state, for the nurpoae of Influencing the vi judgment or action of any officer of this "ale. legislative, executive nr Judicial. "flection 3. Be It furtner enacted that any corporation or officer thereof or any pe-son who shall violate the prnvi-lnn* of this art shall be deemed guilty of crime, and, on conviction, shall be mi., •shed by a fine In the sum of ten times the amount of the contribution made, hut In no event shall said flna he less than 31,900. and In addition ths officer nr officer* making or authorizing said contribution or Jn any wise connected therewith, shall .be punished-pv Impris onment In the penitentiary for not less than one year por more than ft.ur years, unless the jury trying the case shall re commend him to the mercy of the court. In which event he shall pay the aforesaid fine prescribed herein, nr In default be subject to the ttlternntlve punishment prescribed In Beetlom 1039 Of tho crim inal code of the stale.” Another law adopted at the last slon requiring that full publicity be given campaign funds Is not applicable to mu nicipal contests, nnd the candidates reed not make them public if they do nof, want ■ 1 hji/ldl ii Such Is ths Statement of Vice Chairman Alex. W. \ - Stephens. LEGAL STATUS OF CASE PRESENTED VERY PLAINLY declares that water, gas sad sewerage Improvements ha/e been made ... being midrt on the property nt the panv's expense; that contracts wll let for sidewalks and street grading and that the property should he Improv- ehould want from ths next admlnlstra- **on, A statement has-been Issued by Mr. oddox's executive committee, replying i the charges mnde by Mr. Woodward against the moral character of their can didate. It Is recited that since the cam paign opened slanderous assertions against Mr. Maddox have been circula ted. but they could be traced to no defi nite sourco until Mr. Woodward spoke at the Grady monument Friday night. Mr. Maddox had offered 3809 to charity In been called for next wo«k. beginning -.ft Decernbcr S. to assist {L W J*J ; the clerk of the superior court. ^Thls was and suggestions ns to tne form uni don*, thev state. In order thnrthe arru* form substance of lt« report. Then commission will get to work on tho final formulation of tho report. Information On Hand. All tho material and Information necessary for the report, Including th# first Inventory ever made of any country’s natural resources I* In hand now. An epitome of It all Is ready for the co of tho fou Conserv*tlr had charge respective sources, w minerals, n of the re« their depar have -carrl Investigate ■wer que^t features. To tha National who hava ration of tha natural re- land** and L a summary ual work of hand to an- rd to special ■.. 1IM4 48.727 19.147 114.140 847.447 I37.IM < ....lll.r* “ Foreign ... .111,233 294.424 77.«24 I• ‘have )^*n . ».nflrmed and the trade be- ttoek Bat.. . 40.333 144.448 24.57X 115.2'4 Uoves that the long expected advance la ■Loudon spots Saturday, 29a- 7Hd. — in tho r<> flr*t work K ,-!i < 5:-i!r lion of thi the rubjcri hand. Th» scniatlvr T r.f th** spc H«*. d Frn/v of fore-t.-; ost Minnesota. H* pregenta. )* r - *\ I van la. o 52S This will l rommli nd practk tlon*. s report, tho by section!. *nt the por. done, they state. In order that T tha arcu* actions might be gotten before the proper tribunal for showing them to be false. "The committee knew they wer* abso lutely false," concludes the statement "and were merely a low. dirty, political method, made neceoaary by the estremlty of the situation. Mr. Maddox, therefor*, on the advice of his frlenda, determined to force the Issue, and, If possible, at any expense, to bring Into the light these foul marges and their authors. Tt may be as well now as later un derstood that decency Is In the majority In Atlanta, and the character of the city, and of .Mr. Maddox. Is going to be pro tected from the character assassin as we»l ss from the Immoral and Indecent If Mr. Woodward wlli either file or pub lish any such affidavits as he claims to have, or put them tn nosttlnn wher* ihf makers thereof • he proceeded iignlntt rnHnlnr^l^wHr spars neither lime, effort nor money to bring the matter to a Judicial Investigation and demonstrate their falsity, whether the election la over present. or not.* Have Don# Good Work. The Maddox managers wilt on tomor row and Tuesday wind up the completes! campaign Atlanta has eyer fcnown. For las had In sre Itepre- ton, of Ohio. •s: Senator the section e Nelson, of I of lands; til; of Penn- of minerals. II section of organization t „ wlt nber will be j tivV'warlz*along* thi*"'Uiv | It Is also reported that the Maddox — —. ever known. eeveral days a house to house c* has been, mad* and It wttl be continued. A census Is being taken showing how practically- every voter who can he loca ted stands on the presont campaign. Those who are for Maddox are then urged witn the necessity ot voting, and systematized arrangements am made for seeing that he does vote. Rt-ps are taken to try and prevail on all the vot ers who declare for Woodward to change their Intention*. The method likely to be the most Influential Is u»ed. It in re. ported that the paatorn and hading IS OUT OF WAY Steps Asido for Sccrotary Root After, Gonfercnco With President-Elect. HOT BPRINOH. Vc. Nov, l».-Timothy L. Woodruff, chairman of the New York rennhllcan state committee, today elimi nated himself from th* senatorial rare In favor of Secretory of fltate Rllhu Root, Tills action- was taken after a pro tracted conference with President-elect Taft, end was followed by statements by both Messrs. Taft end Woodruff. Aside from these statements, each of which noncedes the election of Mr. Root to suc ceed Henator Platt on Jan. 19 next, no details of the conference were made known. Mr. Taft said: What Mr. Taft Says. "I ran only ray that I am very much pleased at the attitude that Governor Woodruff haa taken In this matter. He has been moved by an earnest desire to promote party harmony snd has estab lished his claim to the gratitude of the republicans of New York and also of the country at large for making It as certain Vice Chairman of Atlanta's City Exeo- utivs Committee Issues Statement Answering "Some Eminent Law yers of the Atlanta Bar” Who.Have Taken the Position that Mr, Wood ward's Withdrawal Amounts to a Resignation of tha Nomination- Resolutions of Committee Declaring Him the Nomine# Have Not Been Rescinded, and Authorities Are Quoted to Indicaba that Ho is the Nominee of the Whit* Primary. ATLANTA. Oa., Nor. 29—In regard to whether or not James G. Woodward Is th« "legal nominee" of the recent white primary here, Alex W. Stephens, vIco chairman of the city executive committee, has prepared the following opinion: What Viee Chairman 8ays. Much la being said concerning Mr. Woodward's so-called "resignation” an the nominee of the white primary held In Atlanta September 24th. Is he the legal nomine,, or Is ho not the legal - nominee of thla primary? A candidate may withdraw from a K lltlcnl contest and decllno to further n candidate, but aa n nominee or a primary election and declared aa such by the executive committee he Is considered an office holder, and 4 cannot resign that office by merely de clining to run. An office Is not rn- llnqulzhed by a mere refusal (tempor ary at least) to perform Its duties. Home eminent lawyers of the At lanta bar have taken the position that Mr. Woodward's letter. Of Immediate withdrawal amounts t« a resignation of the nomination. They contend fur ther that this resignation lo o« effec tive need not be accepted by any au thority. To support thla contention they rely upon the razee of State vs. Augustine. 113lh Mo. 31; Klnto. vs. Hauss. 43rd Ind. 108, and a case In the 80th III. 432. I respectfully submit that theen cases do not benr out their contention. State va. Augustin* holds that a resignation after acceptance cannot be withdrawn. • - - Rtate vs. Hauss holds that a resig nation to take effect at present can not bo withdrawn nfter having been "traasmlttsd to, and received by, the officer to whom the law declares the realxnatlnn shall be forwarded." 50th. III. 432, I cannot nhrnln access to, but I venture tha suggostlon that It doe* not hold that a resignation to take Immediate effect In beyond recall when auch ''resignation" Is a mere .public statement declaring a relin- /qulsbment of the office and I* not transmitted to the legal authority hav ing power to pnss upon or accept It. The Georgia supreme court hag held In the case of Waycross vs. Youmana, 88th Ga. 708, that a resignation to be effective must be accepted. The same Is held by the supreme court of Wash ington In tho case of Iloydo vs. Kitsap county, 91st Hvc. 4. There on, also rasen to th* same effect from other courts. i Edwards va. U. 8. 103 U. 8. P. 471. Mr. Woodward's "resignation" has been accepted neither by the execu tive committee nor by tho people; but on the other hand a masa meeting of the people declined to accept It. Whether a resignation to tie effective must he accepted or not, Mr. Woodwnrd did not transmit a resignation to the proper authority. In thla rase the clt/ republicans of New Yor country lit large for ihl... —----- as possible thst such a statesman ss Mr. Root will be chosen to repres**"* fthfi fififiifi of New York In the senate. r'l am personally very much pleased, pw that I have had to give ud my pur- to continue Mr. Root In the cabinet, that 1 shall hAve the support nnd assist ance which ho will render to the admin istration with his great ability and his knowledge of governmental affair*. "I am sure, from what I know, that the action of Mr. Woodruff and th# elec tion of Mr. Root will conduce to great harmony umong the republicans In New York and will atrengthen the party." Woodruff's Statement. Mr. Woodruff’# statement follows: “I have refrained from all public dis cussion of the United Htatra senatorahlp and have made no etatement aa to what my course concerning It would be, both because of the views f hold, aa frequently expressed aJ the lime of ths last na tional and atate ronventlomi, that the power of the state committee to further the candidacy of any one person against another, and also because f have been awaltlng^elhave statedt^haprrsaj the disposition of oil matters left over from the congressional committee. In- eluding the preparation and filing of our financial statement, before giving thle matter my serious consideration. As soon sa this work waa cleared up I came to Hot Rpringe at the request of the president-elect. I have teamed from him that as It la now definitely determined that he cannot retain Rectetary Root's service in the rahlnet; hft la very desir ous. but wl'hout Interfering In the mat ter, that hla administration shall have the benefit In the senate of the except ionally valuable assistance which Retro- tary Root can render by reason of hla Intimate knowledge, of the important not^b# a candidate fi matters with which the government ha* been concerned, both at home and abroad, during the McKinley and Roose velt administrations. Personal Ambition Thrown Azide. "All will doubtless agree with me that every right-minded supporter and well- wisher-of Judge Taft ahuutd cut,ordinate any personal ambition to whatever may seem to b* essential to th* complete t__ r. t>s of the new admtntetrstloa. to which the American people are looking forward with the highest expectations. •Furthermore, the unanimous support of flo roi/iry Root by the state organize- and tha federal authorities, end i i the case of Rtnta executive committee, l_ ve, Hauss, supra, held should be done. The records of the city executive eotn- mltfe# show a resolution doclnrlng him the nominee, which resolution has never been rescinded or repealed. The secre tary of that committee haa laformed me that he haa certified this record to the clerk of council. I respectfully submit that this record would ho accepted In any court aa proof that Mr. Woodward Is the legal nominee of the white primary ‘ " 1998. To support thla . v .._ _..J Bmr. Ene. Low, 843, to the effect that "It I* uatially consid ered that a certificate of nomination »»r nomination paper, duly file* and In an- parent conformity with the statutory re quirement*, I* prlma fnelo evidence of the valid nomination of tho person named {.living aside all legal technicalities, tha historical fact stands hack of Mr. Wood ward that he la the nominee of. the white primary, and thl* fact can not be effaced by a thousand resignations, so-called. Till* Is th# substance ef the whole cae*. He I* the nominee. This Is the truth, and this truth can not be repealed. Mr. Woodward, se the nomlner. I* the politi cal father. A child can not deny Its pa ternity by an net of resignation. Respectfully submitted. _ ALF.X. W. RTF.PHENB. Vice Chairman city Executlvo Commit tee. November 28, 1108, Impartial consideration of the claims nf all the Inrai organization* In the state, unbiased by such factional antagonisms as s contest for tho scnatorshlp would surely prove. Necezzary to Harmony In New York City "In addition to theze considerations It Is of the xreatest Importance that In the Greater City of New York perfect har mony should prevail In the ranks of tho Republican party, especially among tho republican county organizations of the City, which are now arrayed again*! ono another dn th** zenatorehlp. In order t*» Insure th* defeat of Tammany Uall Ire the municipal eleotlon or next fall, there by *< <<uring an administration that will put an end to th*» extravagance and In efficiency In tbs government nf tho city, which la now a ronroach to every perron living In tha first municipality of tho limd. "For there reasons I am not and will _.jt be a candidate for senator, although profoundly appreciating the unanimity ~~~ * which I havo been PP| !_ organization and member* from my homo county of Kings to become a candidate, and th# cordial offers of support which havo come to mo from every section and almost every county of the Mate." Judge Taft was the recipient today of a carefully made set of golf clubs, the gift of (leorgo I/iwe, of Baltueroi. N. J. *T hope It will not enow tonight,** he remarked, "for f want of atlrka tomorrow." Mrs. Taft i try this set from New Yerk