Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1905-1926, December 06, 1908, Image 1

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I The Macon Daily Telegraph FIRST SECTION, f /, / EIGHT PACE'S ’'’4 ESTABLISHED IN 1825. THI8 ISSUE CONSISTS OF FOUR SEC TIONS—28 PAGES. MACON, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 6, 1908 THE REAL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT OF 1908 TO THE WOMEN OF MIDDLE GEORGIA Great Price-Wrecking On Ready-to-Wear Goods To Be Witnessed at The Busy BigStore This Week The recent abnormal weather conditions cause lull in business among makers of garments. They got cold feet. We took; advantage and dictated prices for the very latest models just originated SUITS, COATS, WAISTS, SKIRTS, FURS, ETC. TO GO AT SENSATIONAL FIGURES 7 his is how we secured thousands of dollars worth of very newest garments at practically our own figures—being recognized as the impor tant store of Middle Georgia manufacturers of ready-to-wear on account of recent warm weather prevaling through out the Country natu rally turned to us to unload preferring cash to garments. We purchased newest styles just originated at nearly half of actual value, had it not been thus the women and children of this territory would have lost forever this golden opportunity. Tomorow we start a December price wreck ing sale that will make history. All must be disposed of. New shipments arriving by every express and freight and go on sale immediately at big saving as the following prices indicate. Come quick for yours. Other Sales Throughout the Store Furnishing Useful and Appreciated Things for Christmas Giving SALE OF SUITS The Record for Low Pricing in December. $12.50 and $15 Tailored Suits at Only $8.98 Every one a this season style and very at tractive, made of all wool cheviot and mannish mixtures, black and colors, regular value $12.50 and $15.00, on sale for $8.98, while lot lasts. $18 and $20 Tailored Suits at $14.98 Beautiful Suits, just arrived, made in fash ion's latest styles of hard finished worsteds, in colored stripe designs. Very attractive models to go on special sale for tomorrow at the above small price. Get one of these suits. $16 and $17.50 Tailored Suits at $12.49 Elegant quality Broadcloth, hard finished worsteds and cheviots, etc., $16.00 and $17.50 Suits, new models. We offer the women folk of Macon and over the territory these dandy Suits tomorrow at the economical price quoted above. $50, $40, $35, $32.50 Suits Go For $22.49 Blacks and colors, plain fabrics and fancies, including velvets, cheviots, Venetians, panamas, wide wale serges and mixed patterned materials of all kinds. Also satin costumes, all our finest, worth up to $50.00, go in this sale at the small price for choice. $25 and $30 Tailored Suits at Only $19.98 These are the nobbiest ever at $25.00 and $50.00. The leading coat and skirt styles. The newest materials; the best made; the popular colors and black. All reduced as above in the big sale to start tomorrow. SATIN DRESSES Did You Ever Hear of Such Values? $30, $35 Charming Satin Dresses, Special at Only $19.98 All the correct shades, including peacock, cadet, maroon, taupe, mulberry, etc., in fine $35 Satin Dresses, just arrived from famous mak ers, purchased in our recent big deals; fashion's latest word for style and color, and good value at the regular price—$30.00 and $35.00, but to morrow we sav—choice of lot for—NINETEEN NINETY-EIGHT. • $25.00 Satin Dresses $15.98 Dresses are made new "Directoirc" adpta- tions of prettiest soft Satins and cheap at $25. hut thev go one sale Monday at, each FIFTEEN NINETY-EIGHT. CloaksSlaughtered The very newest and most stylish Cloaks for woman and child are to go on sale at the fol lowing extremely low prices: $5.00 Women’s and Children’s (fQ 7C Cloaks to go in this big sale at .... 4)0>/ v $8.00 Women’s and Children's ffC QQ Cloaks to go in this big sale at ... ^UivO $10.00 Women’s and Children’s C7 /Q Cloaks to go in this big sale at...,..1«TfV $12.50 Women's fine Cloaks to go QQ QO in this big sale at 4>O.UO $16.00 Women’s fine Cloaks to go 4*44 QQ in this big sale at $llavO $18.00 Women’s, fine Cloaks to (40 /Q go in this big sale at $20.00 Women’s fine Cloaks to go (4 / QQ in this big sale at ^14ivO $25.00 Womens’ fine Cloaks to (4Q QQ go in this big sale at $10.vO $30.00 Women’s fine Cloaks to (QO /TQ go in this big sale at Furs Reduced The lowest prices yet quoted in December gets yours tomorrow. $1.50 Fur Neck Scarfs for only..,. N ,... .98c $2.00 Fur Neck Scarfs for only $1.49 $3.00 Fur Neck Scarfs for only $2.25 $4.00 Fur Neck Scarfs for only ....$2.98 $5.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $3-75 $8.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $5.98 $10.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $7.49 $12.50 Sets and Scarfs for only $9.38 $15.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $11.25 $20.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $14.98 $25.00 Sets and Scarfs for only $18.98 $10.00 Cravenette Raincoats $2.98, Ladies, here's a bargain. They arc in Ox ford gray and tan, all sizes and full lengths; very serviceable, rain or shine, Coats, Q QQ special at H«uO $3 00 Bear Skin Coats $1.69 These are for children, ages l to 6 years; warm, nice coats of bear skin cloth, in white, brown, red. navy, champagne and (4 QQ gray; regular $3.00 values, for only ,^l.Uu LADIES TAKE NOTICE! GREAT SLAUGHTER OF MILLINERY BEGINS HERE TOMORROW Prices Cut Half and Even More-Setting a New Record for December All the trimmed hats, without exception, to go at half and less. You may choose any you wish from the pretty models on display and pay the small prices quoted below, as follows: $ 5.00 Hats all go for. choice $2.49 I $15.00 Hats all go for choice $7.50 $ 8.00 Hats all go for choice $3.98 I $20.00 Hats all go for choice $9.98 $10.00 Hats all go for choice $4.98 I $40,00 Hats all go for choice $14.98 $12.50 Hats all go for choice $6.25 | $50.00 Hats all go for choice $19.98 EXTRA SPECIALS 75c Outing Gowns, women’s sizes, /Q _ this sale only $t.oo Women’s Vests or Drawers go in this sale 35c Children’s Vests and 4Q~ Drawers at, garment Ivl> 50c Women’s Vests and Drawers at, garment .... $t.oo Women’s Wool Union QQ_ Suits for only Uuu 75c Children's Union Suits QQ. go on sale at only OvC $r.oo Children’s Union Suits ’ /Q _ go on sale at only 43C 75c 39c $5.00 New Rustling Taffeta Silk Petticoats $2.98 Splendid quality Underskirts in black and colors, made of good Taffeta Silk, regular value everywhere is $5.00, special tomorrow—TWO NINETY-EIGHT. Large Stock of Dolls and Teddy Bears all economically marked. EXTRA SPECIALS 50c Outing Shirt Waists on QQa sale at'....' ,,)t VWU 85c Madras Waists, new styles, /Q _ very serviceable .“X*JO $1.50 Black Lusterbloom Petticoats QQ_ on sale at Ot/C $3.50 Net Waists, ecru and (4 /Q white, at only $4.00 Taffeta Silk Waists, hlacktf'4 QQ and colors, special $l.vO $5.00 Taffeta Silk Waists, (Q /Q many styles, all new 75c Outing Kimonos, good QQ-* patterns and colors wwli $3.00 Wool Tamisc Waists, Q4 QQ 85c Near Silk Shawls, special QQ. at only OuU 15.00 Taffeta Silk Dresses at Only 1.98 New style Dresses of good Taffeta Silk, in best colors; dresses made with long sleeves and worth $15.00 regular, go on sale at the small figures above for choice. EXTRA SPECIALS $18.00 Silk Rubberized Coats tf>Q QQ sale this week uw.uO $4.00 Plaid Waists of fine /Q wool for i(mi4u $1.00 D. C. Corsets, with or without supporters 75c D. C. Corsets, splendid wearers,, several styles .... $2.00 C. B. Corsets, odd lot to ...49c $2.50 Children's Sweaters go ([4 QQ for only ul.uO $4.00 Ladies’ Sweaters go (PQ /Q for only 75c 39c $7.50 Long Silk Kimonos $3.98 Special for this sale only—about twenty long Jap Silk Kimonos, made in several styles, figure designs, very special—$3.98 for $7.50 quality. GREAT SKIRT SALE $12.50 and $10.00 Skirts $7.98 I In this lot you’ll find crispy voiles and chif fon panamas, in black, brown and navy; over thirty styles to select from; not an old skirt in the lot; none out of date; all stylish and at tractive; $10.00 and $12,50 Skirts, and $7.98 gets the pick. Rugs, Curtains, Por tieres, Etc. make ap preciated Xmas gifts— big sale now. on. See them tomorrow. ■ Dry Goods Department Many Special Values Sale of Hosiery Tomorrow Such Values You Never Saw. 15c Ribbed’ Lisle Hose for children, sizes ft 1-2, 7 1-2, 8 1-2, 9 1-2; stainless iA black, pair 1UC 25c No Mend Hose and other makes for chil dren ; heavy ribbed, stainless black, 4 Q $1.25 Black Silk Hose, very pretty quality; make splendid Christmas gifts, QQ for pair OvC 20c Women's fine Black Hose, with 4 C _ white split foot ((special), the pair IOC 35c Brilliant Lisle Hose, for women; 4Q_ stainless black, for the pair luC 75c Women’s fine Hose, jet black, /Q_ lisle goods, these go for pair ...4uC Cut Glass at Cut Prices Many desirable Christmas nrcscnls in all shapes wanted iir Cut Glass. We guarantee to save you one-third the price asked elsewhere. Get some of this fine glass for gifts and save. Silver Articles at 25c Sterling Silver and Silvcroin Articles, worth 50c; a great sale Shoe Hooks, Shoe Horns Nail Brushes, Tooth Brushes, etc. etc., all for choice 25c NOVELTIES MAKE VERY DESIRABLE AND INEXPENSIVE GIFTS Ail the best effect* in novelties are here and prices are much lower than same goods would command elsewhere. New Directoirc Belts and Necklets; new Gloves, Bags, Silk Ho siery, Belt Pins, Veil Pins, Sash Pins, Card Cases, small Jewelry, Silver Toilet Sets. Belt Buckles, Hat Pins, Ruchings, Hose Supporters, Garters, Hack and Side Combs, Veilings, .Brooches, Collar Supporters and other pretty thing*. See them. BED COVERING Great Auction Purchases of Blankets and Comforts from Amory Browne Co., New York, to go on Sale. Hotels, boarding houses and all housekeep ers should avail themselves of this big oppor tunity, Which starts tomorrow as the store opens. Having made big savings on the goods the people now reap the benefit. BLANKETS $1.25 Cotton Blankets, full size, white and col ored goods, with contrast QQ_ borders, pair Ouli $1.50 heavy Cotton Blankets, larger size, from our auction purchase, 98c $2.00 quality heavy fancy Plaid Cotton Blan kets, full size, at pair (4 QQ only .........v ..JHifcu $3.00 Australian White Blankets, Iull(4 QQ large and heavy quality, pair ....„.$livO $2.50 Infants’ Eidcsdown Carriage (4 7Q Robes on sale at, cadi JlIi/ u $1.25 Infants “Teddy Bear” Blan- QQ/x kets, special this sale Oul/ $5.00 Plaid Blankets, wool goods, all (Q *711 colors, neat patterns, pair wv./ J $6.00 heavy large White Wool Blankets with colored stripe borders, $4.49 $6.50 Princess fine soft wool ir-4 ( / QQ Blankfts, very special at pair 04.WU Fine Blankets All Reduc ed One Fourth, This Sale Choice of any fine Blanket in the house and a great stock to select from all at one- fourth off the regular price, which is less than elsewhere at first, prices now $7.50, $9.00, $uf», $12.59, $13.50 and you deduct one-fourth. COMFORTS Note the big saving and come see the goodj. $1.25 Comforts, good quality and QQ~ heavy cover for, each OuU $1.50 Comforts special priced (4 4Q for this sale » $2.00 Comforts go on sale here tomor- 4 /Q row at the special price I.4U $3.00 Comforts, good sattine covers ant* cot ton fillers, very spe- (I QQ cial at kPl.UO $3.50 Cofnforts, selected cotton filler, (PQ /Q splendid sattine covers, each $7.50 fine down and wool-filled Comforts, pret ty patterns, sattine and silk (C QQ covers, at vJ)w*UO One Third Off All Slight ly Soiled Comforts A splendid opportunity is offered the public in this sale of slightly soiled Comforts marked cheap, regular at $2.50. $3 00, $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50. Now, you just figure off a third more and any of them arc yours for the reduced price. Remnanls-Drcss, Waist, Skirt, Lengths These will make very acceptable gifts. Re member, your relatives and friends with some tomorrow. Everybody has a chance tomorrow that should not lie .overlooked—1,000 or more mo-, nants of most desirable woolen materials will he placed on sale at small prices. All colors and black, in solids ar.d fancies, from the most economical to the fine prod*, in lengths of 2 to 8 yards. Enough to last all day in the lot, but htst ‘ comers get the pick, you know. The Busy Big Store of Macon THE DANNENBERG COMPANY The Store That Serves You Best i