The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, March 21, 1823, Image 2

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V W's .YA'.SSV*,\GV;tt. ’i .\VN OF MACON. I/it a It w *> til* 1 hill, now ].i 1 off tor the ton is i.i’ Macon, was |IH ■) n bv the foot of umie but the .".ivage —no mmiihl “'as hom'd but t.u*, veil; no implements used iat the rifle, Hip ton.ahav.k, and the scalping knife. \ here nature smiled in her gayest attire, waving the boughs of her lofty tiers; while the leathered naiblei chanted forth his melodious note# mid ;t . fn sh fragrance of unseen flowers. .Vine, the sound of the axe and the hammer echoes through the forest, and *p.e sturdy oak is made to yield to the superior art of man. Twenty half-acre Lots were sold there on the fifth inst. at an average of (ioO dollars. Most of them were purchased by men oi large capital, who intend improving them imme diately—indeed there are already several buildings on hand; and should the next Legislature (as doubtless will be the case) authorise the sale of a still larger number of lots, we may expect in a few years to see a town there, inferior to very few ithe state. The situation is high, comparatively level, and very beautiful. And for health, is doubtless inferior to no pai l <•’ the State of Georgia. The streets ire laid oil wide, ami the Iu s < inter qierscd with alleys, as not to admit hat density of population that ren ■ s most of the towns and cities in c Tinted States exceptionable. The result of the. late attempt hold a Treaty with the Cherokee Indians, has been truly unfortunate. And from the disposition manifest ed by that nation, there is but little hope that the meeting in August next will be more successful. The Commissioners, we under stand, under the expectation that the Indians would at least, attend at the Agency, and ’near what might be urged in favor oi selling their lands, procured a lage supply of provisions, and had tents l>ut\t. Some few did attend, but so scrupu lously did they observe the orders in Council which had been previ ously passed, that, although the weather was very inclement, they would not touch a ration, or ven ture in the inside ol a tent. W c could wish that civilized society should always present such exam ples of obedience to the laws of the land. A deputation of the Commis sioners waited on Ilicks, the Prin cipal Chief, and remonstrated with him on the course that had been pursued by the nation. He heard them through their story very pa tiently, aid dryly asked: “Will vou give us two Dollars per acre for our land r” Iking answered in the negative, he said “ \ cry well, we know its value and can keep it —as for the claims your people hav e against us, we clo not regard them. We can pay them without selling our land, whenever they are properly presented.” 1 hese things are most infallible indications that the People of Georgia must be con tented with what land they have already got, unless they adopt the idea of a ret tain titled son ol Mars who shall be nameless for the pre sent, that Indians stand in the siting relation to white men as the wild beasts of the wilderness, and that it is competent lor the latter to drive the former from their pos sessions by force, whenever dou ceurs fail of their usual effect. C eorgta jo urnai . Indian Resents. —ln the Mouse of Representatives on the 21st ult. the bill intituling that part of the ISiilitaiv Appropriations which re lates to Indian affairs, Mr. Tattnall moved an additional clause to the bid, aj [.vopriativg S 50, t KX) bar the’ extinguishment ol the Italian title to lire reserves now occupied by Indians u ithin the late cessions cd territory to this state. Mr. Me I ,ane supported the amend r a ut, and it was adopted in com mittee of the whole. Ibid. A manuscript of the eighth cen tm r, hitherto unknown, ol a transla tion of the Bible into the Georgian language, by St. Euphemius, has been discovered in the convent of Mount Athos. W.v;ms<vro\’, February 2-’. Tile ii to appropriate 2 >,GOO dollar-’ lor the I epair hi the Cum berland Ivo.uj, was yesterda*. or dered to a third reading in the House of Representatives, bv such a-majority (90 to <’■’>) as leaves no doubt of its final passage ibis day. ‘[ he amendments made to it are unimportant, and the Senate will, no doubt, concur in them. M e are assured before hand of the appro bation ol the President to this act; so that our readers, who feel an in terest in the preservation of that National Road, may assure them selves of the fulfilment ol theii wishes in its behall. We learn that Commodore Porter put to sea, on the evening of the 14th instant with his squadron of small vessels, headed by the Pea cock sloop of war, in pursuit of the Pirates in the West India Seas. We have a list of the vessels, and of their officers, as we have already said, but shall not publish it, (the publication in tliis paper of the list of officers ol the schr. Shark, one of the squadron, having been an in advertence, which we regret.) We will not publish the list, because the-enumeration of so many well known names ol gallant spirits, w ho have forsaken the peace and pleas ures of the land, lor the toil and plication inseparable from the ser vice on board these diminutive ves sels, might lead our readers to look for some daring exploit, some bril liant victory, or some valuable ac quisition, uK the result ol their cruize. Whereas, in plain and h<>- nest truth, this squadron, however useful its destination, however hon orably manned, is engaged in it pur suit which may be hazardous, per haps, and will certainly be laborious but cannot be glorious. Ihe great est success* that can he anticipated from !t is the destruction of the few piratical vessels which have not al ready taken the alarm and fled, and the i reaking up ol the haunts (1 the freebooters, so radically as never again to be re-occupied. It is precisely because so little can be reasonably expected lrom this enterprise, that unbounded credit is due to die officers of this squadron—to those who have ****!#■ lies particularly, and to Commo dore Porter at their head, tor tne promptitude with which they have rallied round the standard ol their country, moved by the cries ol sui ftririg humanity, rather than the seductions of glory. Their service will have beer, honorable to them, though no pirate should be found bv them on the ocean or on its borders. RK APPOINTMENTS Bv the President, by and with thr advice and consent of the Senate, the original appointments having been made by him during the late recess of the Senate. Joftn McLean, of Ohio, Commis sioner ot the General Land Office, \ice Josiah Meigs, deceased. Adam Lynn, of the District of Columbia, justice of the Peace for the County of Alexandria. Ke-appointments in cases where the original appointments were limi ted by law, and have expired, or will expire before the next meet ing of the Senate. Lewis Cass, Governor of Michi gan, from 11th February, 1823. Andrew Scott, of Arkansas, Judge in Arkansas, from the 3d March, 1823. Jacob Beeson, of Virginia, Attor ney for the Western District of Virginia, from the 2d March, 1823. Jepthah Hardin, of Illinois, At torney of Illinois, from 2d March, 1823. ‘1 homas G. Thornton, of Maine, Marshal of Maine, from 9th Janu ary, 18-3. Michael McClarv, of New Hamp shire, Marshal of New Hampshire, from 16th January, 1823. John Conard, of Pennsylvania, Marshal for Pennsylvania, from 11th February, 1823. 1 John Nicholson, of Louisiana, Marsh..l for Louisiana, from 27th J unuarv, 1823. Hentan Allen, of Vermont, Mar shal for Vermont, from 14th De cember, 1822. Oliver W. Ogden, of New Jersey, Marsha! for New Jersey, from 17th December, 1822. Kobert Ci ittenden, of Arkansas, See rotary of Arkansas, from 3d March, 1823. J\~at. lnt. 20t/i ult. The ship Magnet, arrived at New- York from Liverpool has brought about one hundred tons English ft heat. Lnirt from Europe. —Captain Findlay of the ship Boston, who hit GibraUk! early in January, informs js that at the time of his departure, war vvat expected immediately to take place between Spain and Great Britain, and that every mail was expected to bring the declaration. A letter from Mr. Sprague, at Ca diz, stated, that in consequence of this anticipation every kind oi bu siness was at a stand there. Capt. F. adds further, that two or three British vessels had been captured in the Mediterranean, on the coast of Africa. Sav. Geo. The inteligence from South America incieases in interest,, as the result of Morales’s expedition approaches. Our correspondents at Norfolk, the editors ol the Ben-! con, informs us, that at the time oF the sailing ol the sciir 4th of July,j arrived at that port, from Laguira, j about the Ist ult. the Colombian arms were every where successful, and the retreat of Morales to the sea board was entirely cut off.- Gen. Paez had sent back from St. Carlos 1500 men, stating to Gen. Soublette that he had no use lor them, having Morales completely in his poweiy Ibid. A m earthquake did great damage in the town and neighborhood of Grenada, in Mexico, on the 10th ol December last Churches ami hous es were thrown down, and the in habitants fled from the scene in great alarm, and kept away lor two weeks. Port-au-Prince, Jan. 24. Our markets remain extremely dull, there are no purchasers lor any thing—American produce plen ty ; the onlv aitides m demand are l ice and flour and of those 200 tier ces of the former and 100 ) bids, of the latter would overstock the market. Free Pert. —A letter received at Boston lrom Messrs. Dodge N Ox nard, dated Marseilles, Nov. 7, 18- 22, savs—“ We lose no time in ac quainting you, lor the information of our friends, that the Genet a!’ Direction of the Customs at Pans have sent oi.Gvs, to rite Direction here, which were receive l yester day, not to levy the tonnage duty ot 51. per ton established by the utstj treaty, on American vessels, in con sequence of this being a free port. We have further to add, that Ame rican vessels will onlv pay in future the same pilotage as French vessels, viz. 15 centimes per ton, instead of 25 centimes, which they paid prior to the last treaty.” Front Li.;b6n.— Capt. Rider, of the schr Industry, at Washington, N. C. left Lisbon Dec. 1 7 th, ifecon-j firms the accounts bv way ot Lon-j don, of the refusal ot die Queen ot. Portugal to sign the new constitu-j tion, and of her being ordered to! banishment. On the representation of a jury of ten Physicians, that her health was too delicate to encoun ter a sea voyage ; she was then or- j dered to confinement tinder guard in a small village near Lisbon, and the gentlemen of the faculty to be confined vith her Majesty until they should determine that her health was sufficiently restored to enable her to undertake a voyage bv sea, when her Majesty was to he transported and the unfortunate physicians with her. Claret Vintage in France.—Ex tract of a letter from Bordaux, da ted Nov. 13th, 1822. “ The vint age has been uncommonly early this season, having begun in Medoc on the 24th of August, and there fore nearly two months earlier than usual. Tills has always been a sure sign of the good qualities of the wine. The crop has been rather scanty, and fullv one third less than in 1819, which was itself very or dinary in p tint of quantity. Ihe fiequent hail storms which prevail ed last summer have unfortunately destroyed a great number of our best growth at Margaux and Can terac, and most of them have not made any wine at all. Ihe form er estate of Cha eau Margaux, is among those which have most suf fered, and no wine of that growth, 1822, will ever be sent to Great Britain. The best clarets we can recommend now are those of 1819. Bo h vintages of 1820 and 1821 are not for your market. The wine is too indifferent, particulraly of 1821.” tROM LAGUIRA- New Tori, Feb. 24.-1 he brig Georgetown Packet, capt. Ra". bone, furnishes intelligence up to the Ist ult. The prospect was more flattering for the Colombians than for some time back. Morales, long their dread, was now in a situation that it was deemed impossible for him to escape. He had evacuated Maracaibo and marched for Porto Cavello. Gen. Montillo was in his rear with 4000 troops. Paez was in his front and occupied with a strong force, all the passes lead ing to Porto Cavello. Com. Dan iels, was expected to set sail soon to act against Porto Cavello, and co operate with Paez. Sanguine ex pectations were entertained that the war would soon terminate, by the defeat of Morales. The Co lombian squadron had now the sole command of the sea —the Ligera frigate, which had so long sus tained Porto Cavello, was totally lost. The Colombian brig Eagle, cap tain Cottrell, had just arrived at Laguira, with the Spanish brig Conception, lrom Havana, for Bar celona, having on board 45,000 dol lars in specie, and a cargo valued at 100,000 dollars, captured off the coast of Africa. Tne Eagle had previously captured two other ves sels, valued at §130,000. A r . r. Mcr. Adv. FROM HAVANA. “ Capt. Banks ol the schr. Pilot, from Havana, states, tnat lie leaint while he lay there, that a most dar ing outrage bad been committed on a boat’s crew in charge ol a mid shipman, which was ordered ashore from the U. S. brig Spark, and winch attempted to land lrom that vessel the day after she had taken and ordered tor the U. States, the Spanish scltr. Ninfa Catalana, which has since arrived here. On the boat’s approaching the Mole, a mob had collected, and immediate ly commenced throwing stones, fragments ot brick* and broken bolties, bv which one of the boat’s crew was wounded —the boat, how ever, returned to the Spark ; and either on that, or the succeding da , Capt. Wilkinson went ashore and remonstrated with the author ities of the pLace against such con duct, when the Governor assured him that should such acts be re peated, he would severely punish the offenders —and proflered capt. W. the protection ot a file oi men to accompany him to bis barge. - On capt. Wilkinson’s embarking, a Mr. Gaillard, a respectable young gentleman belonging to Chai leston, but who had resided at Havana lor a considerable time, observed (per haps improperly) to the mob which had again collected, that duct was improper” and “never mind. Com. Porter will be here soon.” This was sufficient for poor Gaillard ! — he was marked —and that night was assassinated! He received several stabs in his side, and had his breast cut and perfora | ted with knives in a most shocking manner ! The Spark sailed about this time on a cruise, and returned again on the 7ih ult. On the next day she put to sea again. On the evening ot the 9th ult. soon after dark, the mate ot an English brig was stabbed in the streets and died immediately. It was not considered sale to go ashore after sun down. N. Herald. North West Coast. —In Decem ber, says the Boston Centinel, A Russian frigate and a store ship touched in England on their way to the North West Coast of America, for the reported purpose of execu ting the famous Ukase ot the Em peror Alexander respecting the Russian boundaries and restriction of trade in that region. As the United States have some interests in that quarter, it is not improbable that an American frigate will find employment in watching the con duct and movements of the Impe rial vessels. The Meridith Cotton and Wool en Manufactory, at Meredith, N. H. Was burnt on Friday the 14th ult. One of the girls leaped from a window of the third story and was killed. S4OOO were insured. The Mississippi was rising very fast about the 20th ult. and great fears were entertained of breaches being made in the levee. Important to Shippers. —We are informed bv a respecta! !e mere it li ttle house ol this city, that insevei al instances latterly masters of ves sels have extracted from consignees United States’ Bank notes in pay ment of freight. It is necessary that merchants at a distance shduld be apprised of this fact and regu late their contracts accordingly —- Hitherto it has been customary to pay in the currency of the place un less a specific understanding exist ed to the contrary. Sav. Rep. St. Augustine, Feb. 22.—Encour aging Prospect. —A stir is making in South-Carolina and Georgia ; and some wealthy planters are look ing towards Florida. This week arrived here, the Rapid, with Col. Buslow, and 115 negroes,, to be placed on his sugar plantation at Musquito, about sixty miles below this city. Wc understand chnt order*- have been received from some rich plan ters in Georgia and South Caroli na to purchase estates; and even a private exploring expedition has been sent round from Baltimore t examine the inlets and border lands of the territory. E. F. Herald t Eighty thousand rupees have been subscribed by inhabitants of Hin dustan for the leiief ol the people of Ireland. NEW-ORLEANS, FEB. 3 From Mexico. —A gentleman who left the city of Mexico on the 20th of December, informs us that the power of Iturbide was tottering to its fall, that general discontent pre vailed, and that the people of St. Luis de Pctosi have raised the standard of revolt. Disaffection pervaded the army, which was un paid, unclothed, and generally bare foot, without provisions, and al most without ammunition and can non ; most of the military stores be longing to the empire having been sent to Vera Cruz to operate against the castle of St. Juan de Uloa, were seized by the partizans of Victoria. There was no specie in the Imperial treasury, and to sup ply the want of it, Iturbide had is sued bills to the amount of four millions of dollars, redeemable at the end t the year 1823. A forc ed loan has been resorted to, which it was found very difficult to col lect, as sales of property belonging to individuals wire daily held in the city of Mexico by the officers of government to make good the quo tas of such as were unwilling or unable to pay. To increase the embarrasment oi Iturbide, Victoria, with 15UO men, was in the impreg nable position of Ponte del Rey, on the high road between Vera Cruz and Mexico. Vera Cruz it self was also possessed by the ene my, although besieged by a small army of imperialists, who being placed between the army under Victoria and the garrison of Vera Cruz, would, it was supposed, be shortly compelled to make a preci pitate retreat to Alvardo, or be cut to pieces. The natives of the United State* in Mexico, were generally suspect ed, and regarded with jealousy by the friends of Iturbide.—Our in formant. who belongs to New-Or leans, arrived from the interior, at the camp of the besieging army be fore Vera Cruz, in company with three other Americans, who con trived to evade the sentinels and make their escape into Vera Cruz- It is true, as has been stated, that General Santa Anna made an at tack upon Xalapa and was forced to retreat, but not until he had ta ken prisoners 500 grenadiers, whom he carried off. He was assailed by a superior force which arrived at Xalapa after he had taken posses sion of it notwithstanding which he made good his retreat w ith his pri soners and spoils. Another American Novel. It \s said that one of the principal book sellers of New York is about to put to press anew novel called the Buccaneers, a romance of our own country in its ancient day, founded on ancient tradition in the province of New York, relating to some events, supposed to have happened shortly after the conquest of the colony from the Dutch. Ihe man ners and customs of our ancestors, as gathered from the best and most ancient sources, will, it is said, be. faithfully pourtrayed. Sav. Gear.