The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, April 21, 1823, Image 3

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UV learn from the Aurora that | m r tncement has been made bt ■“‘.n'lfirbidtf and die Mexican |' vei r „ ss |jv which the former re insignia of Royalty, and the power. If is, how -1 . ‘ (elieved that the calm will he | V tV.riporarc one—and that t!u ephemeral fcmperour will vet be h a hi! Irom his crazy elevation. * * Missionary. VIOLEN T STORM. NEW tOUK, MAliCtt 21. We w4*e yesterday visited with otie ,f die mdt violent storms ever witnes ([ | lC re.|lt began to blow early in the m , jr nin’- r torn about K. N. E. and by q w * c iuchSie wind increased to a gale •uni we bueve attained to its greatest hcic'nt abYt one v. m. at the time ol hiurU watel The gale however con tinued witlVreat violence through the afternoon, td did not begin to subside until near fydock in the evening.— Raring neaif the whole of this time there was aieavy fall ol snow, and the day was fc most awfully tempest uous we havener known at this season of the year. On the coast the storm must have bej tremendous, and great anxiety will itfelt for such vessels as may be stippokl to have been obliged to encounter i In our liari from what we could learn last eveng, the damages were not as great alight liave been appre hended, thoij many vessels are slightly injur the following are all the particuktfdstes of injury we could obtain last nij\t\ The three tipillant masts of the ship Canada wuVarried away by the wind, and we le;v that the mate was badly woundediifndeavoring to cut away one of thens Several vestlsat the wharves in the East Riververe thrown on their beam ends —aitng them, ship Com. Perry, and briflippomeues. Brig Reirnle, drifted afoul ol the schooner Farm's Fancy, of Warren, and both were imaged. The brig Board, which arrived yesterday monig from Mobile, is supposed to hat parted her cables, when at, anchor ar the Battery, and has not since be seen. The ship Ncvality dragged her anchors from alve Corlears Hook to near Govemoi Island, where she remained at suns. Brig Midas, wch arrived on Sa- j turday from parted her cables, and was dpen into the slip at Jone's wharf, stovpin her bulwarks and some of her t> timbers. The brig Spanish Soldiertarried away her Jarb*ar<l chain plat}, and received other damage; also tk schooner Quito bound to the Westadies, lying along aide the brig. Sloop Ardent, at tin- No. 10, bow sprit carried away.aul part of her starboard bow stittu Brig Rapid had her >rn boat stove, and some damage donito her stern. In the North Jiver — Brig Colombia, of Nevjort, capsized at. Howland's wharf, erried away her main yard and is otbnvise injured. Her topmasts lay acres the schooner Swan, which it is suposed, received injury. The brig Ohio, lying t Rector street wharf, was capsized, ml lies on her beam ends. A pettluger schooner belonging to Rowles’Hook, had her foremast carried awaypnd sunk. The schooner Speedy receiled some injury. A brig partly ladel at the wharf above Rector street, all her fasts, and was driven the leeward pier, with considerable jamage. In the city, many jvindows and skylights have been bnien by heavy masses of moist snow, orried irm the roofs of the ho: es lv (he whirlwind, and dashed against tne—some large trees in the Bark and other places were prostrated—but ive hear of no serious disasters. 11l the midst of the storm tlirre was an alarm of th e, and it was saii tfiat a bui.’uing m me upper part of the city was destroyed. “'he ste'iu boat Connecticut for Rhode Hyland, \ v hich left here on Sa turday at 4 l( *clocU f’ll of passbngers, it is supposed have made i harbor at New,London or l<u;!’. o r , s Island A New Haven packet. saiiCn alout the time with near 50 passti£ ers ’ At 10 o’clock last night, the sfoi .’ 1 continued though it had clanged to rain and sleet, and the wind had saiaewhat abated in fury. At that hour the tide overflowed the lower wharves, and would continue to rise, unless a change of wind place, lor 2or 3 hours. Further damages wfere feared from this circumstance, and notwithstanding the inclemency of th c night, many persons had turned put to secure the property exposed to Ji jury by an inundation. she packet ship Amelia, Crane, bound to Charleston, was driven ashore on Gibbet Island and sunk with s|l her cargo on hom'd. | Jos. IM'Minn, ol Tennessee, has I'ieen appointed by (he President o be Indian Agent f°r the Chero kce Nation, in the room of Mr Meigs, det’d.— Sav. Gear. It is said a letter has reached town, which states that one of Bo naparte’s distinguished generals, (Lailemand,) was at Barcelona, oc cupied in raising n corps of 10,000 men, composed of Frenchmen dis affected to the present Government who were to be called Le s Chevaliers’ Le la Libtrte —and in case of War breaking out between Spain and France, were to march into the lat ter country under the tri-colored banner, with the object of exciting an insurrection, driving oitt the Bourbons, and seating the young Napoleon on the throne of his Fa ther. — Mer. Adv. -MondiVs, Aprd 21, YS23. Observer No. II is received, but unavoidably postponed till next week. ISL AND OF CUBA. This invaluable island has recently become an object of much political as well as commercial observation; but the recent report, that Gi'eat Britain has been in negociatiort with Spain for its cession to her, besides being demi-officially contradicted, appears to have been one of the numerous speculations of which the newspaper soil of France and England is more prolific, than that of Cuba is of sugar and coffee. The following communi* cation gives much information respec ting Cuba, not generally known ; and is from a quarter entitled to the utmost confidence. Boston Centinel. (communicated sou the cf.vtinel.) Series of observations made by an Ame rican resileut in the Island of Cuba and communicated to a friend, in the United States. “ Official papers are difficult of access, this will account for many inaccuracies, and false impressions, concerning the population and com merce of this Island. You will scarcely ; believe, that a colony in this section of whatever nation *■ a less number of slaves than freemen. Such is tne happy situation of Cuba. The total population is about eight hundred thousand—promiscuously settled over a surface of about six hundred miles in length, and a medium of fifty broad, all of which is arable, with the excep tion of a chain of mountains, through its centre, from east to west. The agricultural increase, from the great influx of foreigners, will at no distant day, make even the mountains rich with their labors. The objection lies not in the soil, but in labor, over an uneven surface, contrasted with the smooth and verdant region below.— By fair estimation less than a sixth, and probably but an eighth, of this im mense surface is now cultivated ; re serving for a future period ample space for the profitable employment of from six to eight millions of inhabi tants. “ The population is classed as fol lows :—Three hundred and fifty thou sand whites; two hundred and ninety oiarvs ; amt one hundred and sixty* thousand free people of colour. Thelatter owe their liberty to the sal utary laws of Spain, and the project ors of these laws are entitled to high commendation. Great Britain with her infinitude ol charitable institutions, her philanthropic professions and her well earned fame, for being first in the cause of humanity, has no parallel to this; if the sin of slavery lies in the importation, she (for the supply of her colonies) inherits a proportion as ten to one over this government. Here (Ivory proprietor is obliged to register his slave, cold, description, &e. &c.— ‘I he hooks are accessible. The slave, from habits of industry and fidelity to His master, is allowed perquisites (a custom of long in a f° w vears, lie tenders to his master the amount of his cost, with the addition of five per cent, interest, and lie is free. If he is a father, his children are (by law) appraised, and they share his lib erty. The slave trade terminated by law, in the Spanish colonies, in the year 1821. “The first commerce of the Island of Cuba, was conducted by whites [ from Old Spain. They formed settle- I •nents from East to West, and Iron j North to south ; establishing village on either sea board. Their progre.s was slow as to cultivation. Toward die close of the last century, sugar be came an article of considerable ex port. “ Not until the year 171X>, wa> there more than eight or ten Coffee Estates. The number now exceeds eight hundred. Os sugar there are 700 ; twelve hundred grazing farms ; eighteen hundred cultivated farms; seventeen hundred tobacco fields; thirty three distilleries; three founde ries for brass and copper; one hundred kilns for the tile ; besides mills for va rious purposes.” “ The great advances of this Island mav be said to have bemm about the * , “ year 18()t>; then its commerce was open to all nations. Since which its radid increase defies calculation.— The Island owes its present prosperi ty to the great influx of foreigners, of which the United States claim the grea test proportion. Her citizens are to be found here as Merchants, Agricul turalists, Artizans, Mechanics, and a numerous body who itinerate to and from the Island. Os the class termed agriculturalists, the vicinity of Matau zas alone furnishes between forty and fifty, who cultivate nearly as many plantations, which are valued at no less than three millions of dollars the total. In the district of Havana ttTere may be found a much largernumber of subjects belonging to the United States. ‘There are besides many who reside remote from these districts who are not included. “ The political government is vested in a Captain General, or Governor. — The Ecclesiastical in an Arch Bishop. The Civil has its authorities subordi nate to neither. Abuses, such as un lawful exactions, want of good faith, and numerous eviis (the common result iti all governments where the fees ol office exceed the labor) ate too often found here. A radical change in the judiciary department may be soon looked for under the more salutary and enlightened administration of the Cor tes. There appears also a want of en ergy, more than of will, on the part of the military to suppress grievances, which not only deeply affects the inte rest and character of the iconic here, but Serves us a terror to all who ap proach the coast. There is no word in the Spanish vocabulary as much used as poco a pL/Co (by degrees) end none St) rigidly adhered to m practice. Me thod) (regularity) is another, but too often the arm of” the law, relaxes in energy, by systematic order, and the offender escapes from the scaffold un punished. .Vs tiie population increases there will be a proportionable increase of the Canaille, in which vice will find its votaries; a government of more energy will be required; the people Will demand it; and although the coast is now infested by sea robbers, it is believed (Aat by the aid of foreign fleets) the evil will be done away; and once done away the authorities will then keep them in better subjection. “ The people of the Island are very submissive to its political government. 1 will not say they are more so than comports with their interest. The standard of rebellion has never shown itself here ; the interest of every (a few soldiers excepted) is mutual ; the basis of which is the political basis of all countries, 1 mean the soil. If we admit this to be no ways paradoxical, with a population so numerous ; a trea sury of not far from live millions bt dollars annual receipts, and capable of being doubled (for a planter pays no taxes at this time) remote from its imbecile parent, and at the threshold of a strong maratime power; whose interest and approximation, to say the least, would secure many advantages. With such considerations, 1 believe that if any other liberty was wished for over what they now enjoy, it is within their power to control it. But at pre sent there is no possible recompense ; and so long as the parent country con tinues to accede to every petition to promote the views and interest of the Island, no better state of things could be required. ‘To show the boldness of a deputy to the Cortes, who repre sented the Island, he observed before the National Body (when alluding to the application of the Tariff to Cuba) that if such measures were adhered to die Island w< uid be lost to the mother* country. “ ‘They require,” says the Deputy, “ the entire abrogation of die prohibitive laws, as regards the trade of Cuba; it is for the interest o/ the Spanish Monarchy at large, tlut we should be subject to no commercial restrictions.” “ The land is apportioned tfTin cir cles touching each other :—'Tic radius of one is three, and of the >ther four miles. The intervening spate is impe ratively the King’s propeiy. There are two ways of possessii/t the former, either to purchase a fee sample title, or an unredeemed privilege J the latter is much to be preferred, ft one of a small capital, as lie reserve/ his means An other purposes, by pa*ing only five per ( Cut. oil the Valuation, with a small douceur to the seller. Properly held in his way is incontestlWe. w “ The revenue is derived principally from imports, and varies from four and .. half to live and a iinll millions of did iars, all of which is expended here. A very small specific fluty is also lad )l) •x.ports. it is hardly possible to esti mate with exactness the amount of. produce exported, as the. Custom. House records are far from being cor rect, owing to the want of fidelity on the part erf the officers of that depart ment. Annual returns arc however made; the amount nevertheless may be fairly estimated at twenty millions of dollars. The produce is conveyed to every section of Europe and Ame rica, by their respective flags.—Thfc United .States have by far*the greatest proportion of the carrying trade ; and the number of voyages made under her flag to the different ports in the island, is not far from cne thousand annually. Their cargoes outward con sist Os boards, scantling, frames, brick, shingles, nails, and many kinds of hardware, boards for sugar boxes, hoop poles, casks for molasses, boilers for sugar works with iron appends,.is, mills for coffee, carriages, carts, horses, oxen, sheep, hogs, machinery of various kinds, house turniture fc beef, pork, but ter, lard, fish (pickled arid dried) flour rice, cider, apples, potatoes, onions, tobacco, gm, whiskey, soap, candles, ploughs and oilier implements of hus bandry, besides a variety of manufac tured goods, domestic and foreign. “ It Cuba is allowed a continuation of her present prosperity her products must double in a few years. Her in tercourse with the United States (from the sketch above given may be consid ered a mutually advantageous; and the importance of it in a commercial sense must be obvious to each nation. The example of the British govern ment towards her colonies, their lan guishing, and 1 may say, insolvent condition, will serve, 1 trust, as a warning to the parent of these.— J Spain, however, has no Eastern posses sions to require her attention, to j which may be attributed the bankrupt j state of the British colonies in the j West. How long Cuba is to repose in the lap of Peace and Plenty—in this enjoyment of her overflowing cup of! prosperity, will depend more on the external, than internal incitement. I have said before, she wants no politi cal change. She has pursued one stea- 1 dy course—a course of self-aggran- j dizeinent; her poits have been as a re- i pository for Spam to carry on her in- i testine wars in the South; and have ! never been convulsed by civil discord ! It i her interest to keep aloof frwnj such scenes. If the tide of rebellion,! which has swept nearly the whole sur- j face of South America, and subjugated , the Royal authority, should terminate governments of strength and enter priza.l, those governments that are nea- 4 rest may require that the Island be se vered from Spanish autiiority, and ob lige it to be an integral part of their Republic or a Republic of itself. Such an event, however, may not be looked for until they become far more formi-: dable in their naval toVce than they ! are at present. The possession of this island by Great Britain , has of late been a theme of great observation, and to that nation a subject of great inter- : est. Well might she eXult at an accession of such importance. It is not the possession merely of an extensive territory > of a salubrious climate, and of a soil unparalleled for tillage ; but the primary consi deration is its locality; and every nerve will be strung, every ingenu ity practised, to gain this favorite object. The United States must view such a change as highly det rimental to her interest. It will not only exclude her ships, her pro duce, her subjects, from participa ting in the commerce of the island, but it is the key to many important commercial ports, West and South of this ; and that which is of much greater importance, it is virtually a rampart, that overlooks a surface of several hundred miles of Amer ican territory ; a part of which has already grown into great conse quence; and their enterprising sub jects are making rapid improve ments in the other. Cuba, in the possession of Great Britain, will become in a few years an exceed ingly rich colony ; and an immense mart will be open to her commerce exclusively.—Should this be the case, and hostilities again take place between the United States and that nation, her advantages here are incalculable. With a pow erful marine, they would sweep the coast on either side. Key West., or Thompson’s Island, as also eve other spot of American territory that may be fortified, bounding the sea board, will serve as little or no protection whatever to our com- ‘ w ’ - mcrcc ; ‘every fortress must yield to such superior advantages, and this inevitably must be the case, if Great Britain possesses the island.” SLAVE TRADE. Recent accounts from Europe stfftc, that Russia,England, Prussia and Austria, have followed the ex ample of the United States and agreed tffat “the commerce in slaves ought to t;e assimilated with the crime of Piracy, an( l have there fore made if punishable with death.” France /till refuses her co-opcration in thiA cause of justice and humanity. A.lissionary Paterson, (X. Jersey) Manufactories. The “ Voice of Passt/ic,” pub lished at Paterson, enumerates the following Manufacturing establish ments in that town: Ten Cotton Factories, having now in operation 20,(XX) spindle**. New Factories erected, which in. about three months will put in mo tion twenty thousand spindles more. Making 40,000 spindles employ ed in spinning Cotton. Three extensive Woolen Factories Two large Duck Factories, sup plying in a great Navy with canvass, and working up mare* than a ton of flax per day. Three Manufactories of Machi nery*, one of which is stated to he the most extensive and complete irx the United States —* Three very extensive Bleach. Greens— Two Brass And Iron Foumlcries— Besides Paper, Grist, Saw, Roll ing and Slitting mills, &c. &c. A Russian merchant urns ex tremely, even immensely, rich, he lived in a small obscure room, with hardly any fire, furniture, or attendance, though his house was larger than many palaces ; burying his monev in casks in the cellar and was so great a miser that he barely allowed himself the common neces saries of life. He placed his great security in the possession of a tre mendous large and fierce dog, wl\o used to go round the premises book ing every night. 1 he dog, (as n'.ost, dogs will do) died one day. His master was inconsolable ; but re maining strict to his principles of economy would not buy another, and actually performed the faithful creatureh service himself, going his rounds every evening, and bar king as well and as loud as ht could, in imitation of his deceased friend. Jefferson County. J % VI7 HERE VS Littleton Spivey ap v 7 plies to me for letters of admin istration ou the estate of Jethru B. Spivey. THESE are therefore to cite and admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any, why said letters should not be granted. GIVEN under my hand this Ist day of April 1823. K. i>. SYuAman, c. c. o. s—-Gw ■tKamaafl* i Jefferson Countv. ( WHEREAS Wm. McNeely applies to me for letters of administration -on the estate of John McGill deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should i JtJ t be granted. Given under my hand this ls.t day of April, 1823. R. B. SIIELMAN\c, c . o. 5 .6w cap, ms y |MHK subscriber info*- IMSi , ... I t!,.t Nc hu ... „ e r a nd“ P UW " : N E W S e ‘ a iA L, \V ir o w N lor the receptio*, r z * He pledges ‘ tl i lif ivill lip .? • , ‘ rtse,f t,iat a| l attention him to t * loSt ’ ‘ vJl ° way favor ,mn their custom. . R. Me.COMBS. - *pi and 21 5 t s. FLOORING BRADS, am) a few pieces PAPER HANGING, For sale, by ROBERTSON & GRA,NUERIIY. April 21,