The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, April 21, 1823, Image 4

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glltS OIKLXAMT* Finn llc Petersburg li.!r!ligrsnr. Vv c have made, for this day s paper, an interesting extract in relation to the Florida lheelers, fi uin a wot k whicii h** s been recently j nidi shed under me title, Obsci* Nations upon Pe Florida?, by Charles Vign/dcs, Civil and Topo graphical Engineer. This work ol Mr. Vignoles (snvs the National Gazette) contains more abundant, curious and well digested inlorma- lion concerning the Florida?, than any other extant on the same sib p-ct. It i nis afforded us much pleasu and instruction, and we have been i ager to express our acknowledgements to the respectable author. It is accompanied by a handsome map, which has a like superiority over preceding ones, and in the construc tion of w hich he availed himself ot all the existing charts and maps, both domestic and foreign, as well ns skilful manuscript Almost the whole sea coast from St. Mary’s river to cape Florida is from his own actual sur vey. The map concentrates all that is at present known ol the territory- THE FLORIDA AII FAKE US. The wreckers have been more than once mentioned, and a slight notice of these people may not be unacceptable. For many years It recking has been reduced to a perfect system, and upon the c oast of Florida lias been engrossed by the inhabitants of the Bahama islands, and principally by those of the island of New Providence. The usual custom in fitting out these small crafts on a wrecking and turtiing voy age (for they are generally combined) is upon shares: the merchants ot Nassau are chiefly the proprietors of the vessels, into winch a few barrels of pork ami biscuit are put, the crews being supposed able to subsist them selves by fishing and hunting, and these c rews are composed of pilots and fisli oi men of the Islands. Forty or fifty wreckers have often made their rendezvous at A ‘ey Taver nier, which has before been noted as a central position for their purposes, and at these times one or two vessels have been selected to fish for the others, in j which case they always had a share of j any booty. On returning to Nassau, the govern ment duties, admiralty fees, the tythc to the resident governor, and a variety of other colonial charges, look on an average thirty-live per cent, from the gross amount ol the sales of the prop erty brought in by the wreckers: one moiety of the nett proceeds then fell to the owner and fitter out of the craft, the other half was divided among the < aptain and crew in certain shares and portions of shares, as agreed upon, previous to the commencement ol the expedition. It has been estimated that the duties to the British government aione pro duced an annual revenue of fifteen thousand pounds sterling from this curious source; besides keeping a numerous Imdv of hardy and enter prising subjects in employ, and repav ing with great profit the speculations of the merchants. It is also a notorious fact, that since the termination of the late war, the town of Nassau has been almost supported hv the w reckers, who are so sensible of the advantages deri ved from their employment, that they have openly declared they will never leave the reef, until driven olf by armed force, ami scorn to consider themselves possessed of a right in the wrecking ground as theii own indi vidual property, independent ot any change of government. The great effect of gales of wind upon the Florida or Gifil stream, the uncertainty of the line of the eddy, and the numerous bafiling currents contin ually drive the mariner upon the reefs; the inexperienced navigator ton, is Sometimes by light winds and unknown set* of the gulf, accidently carried within side of the reel, through some of the inlets, and when lie has got out an anchor, he sees through the clear water, that he is surrounded by roc ks and shoals, which are more appalling to the eye than dangerous in reality, often lying in deep places. It is then that tin* wieefcer makes his appear ance, and the flighted mu ter of a rich laden vessel, is compelled to accede to the terms of the only pilots who can take him safely out, for which, in many instances, two and three thou sand dollais have been paid, there is seldom any competition, tor by a point of honor among them, no wrecker inter feres with the one who first finds the bewildered vessel. The variety of modes of gain, and the different kinds of imposition, sinufiling, &c. would till a volume; but on the other hand, by trusting too much to the captain of the rescued vcssol, it hits more than once occurred dint lu* lias given lolls of exchange w hich have never been | aid, and mao’ engagements ami j roinises, “huh, unless fulfilled before the extrication cf his \ esse!, have been broken without a scruple, when he found himself once mure sale in the open sea. In justice to the wreckers among the Flouda keys, it must be remarked that much ol the abuse which has been ! thrown upon them,is very undeserved, and that where in one instance they j arc accused of extortion, there are many more where they have been iil treated lor their services. The idle tales which have been told of their nfhking false lights on the coast all who have resided in those parts as "sure to be untruths. 1 hose tires are occasioned by the hunters and Indians, i who burn the forests to dear them of underbrush, and to procure fresh pas ture for the deer. Lightning also often sets lire to trees, and it if, not very uncomm .), in dry seasons, to see spontaneous flames arise in marshy daces. Hut after all, w hat business lias a mariner who knows there are no harbors or light houses on this coast, to follow a light out of his courser and would itNiot be advisable fur all passing along this coast, upon seeing a to the westward, to look out fur breakers if he stands in for that quarter? We understand that lately a consi derable number of small crafts have been sent down from various Atlantic ports, upon voyages of wrecking and turtiing, but they should be protected in some mode by the American govern ment, and measures taken to prevent the interference of foreigners willi their lawful pursuits. Ab establishment at Old .Matatombe would he very convenient, where some authorised persons could reside to regulate bv rule ami law, to determine upon the rates of pilotage in extreme cases, and prevent imposition on the one hand, and the want of sufficient remuneration on the other. A revenue vessel of light draught of water, would be a preventative to many disorders, and keep off the Providence w reckers, who might shun an armed cutter, when they would laugh at any regula tions that were not supported bv com petent strength, and put into eject by force of arms. Sources of considerable profit in various respects are to be found up<m the Florida red, and among the archi -1 pelagoof kevs, !he quantity of wrecked ; property annually thrown here is very great, and can only be ftiliv know n to those who have long been in the habit of wrecking: the nsmber ol vessels fitted out from Nassau is the greatest proof. Turtle shell, and drift logwood and mahoganv, are no small branches of emolument; the quantity ol turtle taken is vast; a gentleman in Nassau has amassed a very forge fortune lately, by purchasing all the turtle not wanted for the consumption of the Bahamas, with which he makes very large quantities of turtle soup; this after being boiled to a hard jelly, is preserved in cases perfectly air tight and sent to London, by which the soup in that city can be afforded nt nearly one half the former prices. Would not a similar supply be acceptable to our northern cities ? From “ L'llistoiredes Chiens Celebris. tiie dog of pera. The house of a Greek interpreter at Pera, in the suburbs of Constan tinople, being on fire, he had saved nearlv all his property by the assist ance of a few Jannisaries, but more anxious, without doubt, for his mo ney than for his family, he had for gotten an infant in its cradle. No one could enter the house, for every thing was on fire. The father, re duced to despair, believed that his child had perished, when, of a sud den, a large dog, which he kept to guard his dwelling, emerged from the flames hearing the innocent lit tle creature suspended In its linen from his mouth. T hey reached towards the dog to take the child, but he would not abandon it, ahd eluding their efforts, lie ran through a number ol streets, until he reach ed the house of an intimate friend of his master, where he deposited the precious burden, and remained till the door was opened to receive it. Can you imagine what was the reward of this faithful and gener ous servant ? The owner strove to recompense him—hut the mode that he devised was equally absurd, afflicting, and incredible. With a barbarous gratitude he killed the dog, and had him served up at a splendid feast which he gave on the occasion. j “Mv dog,” said the Turk, “has behaved too well to be the food of worms. Men only deserve to eat him. And as for you,” looking at 1 his trlends and relations, t cannot but gain by it—it will ren der you more benevolent. •There is in this attested fait, more of barbarism than of lecling; —it would have been infinitely bet ter to have caressed and taken care of this dog until extreme age, than thus to devour him lino wolves.— In India, a dog, after such an act, would perhaps have obtained a tem ple. This would have been, no doubt, ridiculous, hut still it is bet ter to err by being over grateful , than to sin by the excess oj ingrat itude. A WILD WOMAN. Extract of a pri vale letterf nan Aladr id “A truce to politics h>r one day, and let us sympathize with the charming fair ones of Madrid who are dying to see the wild woman that has lately been found in Sierra dc Montero, a desolate and rude range of mountains in the south. She had been seen occa sionally bjy the goat-herds as they wandered through the mountains. — The talc at length reached Cordova, and the authorities sent officers in pur suit of her. They succeeded in ap prehending her, and she i> now in one of the public hospitals of that city.— .She is not altogether destitute ol un derstanding, nor ignorant of language, as she can say a few words, such as pepa, papa, goto, a cat, campo, the country and some few other*. \N hen she was asked if she w ould like to re turn to tfie country, she nodded her head in the affirmative. She eats what ever is given to her, but prefers un cooked meat and vegetables. In the beginning, cooked victuals did not agree with her, and made her sick ; she eats with an extraordinary appetite. Her clothes appear as if they were placed on a stick ; her arms w ere tied, because she was ever tearing her >dioes, in spite of every care th it was taking to prevent her.—Sometimes she iias thrown oft all garments, and runs out qaite naked into the kitchen garden, .'-lie las been found, after an interval of two dm?, coiled up in a place fuli of mire, and at another time, -be has been discovered in the dung hill of the stable.—She is about IG years old, of a short stature, a deep brown colour, protruding lips, and so rough as a I most in appearance to re semble a wolf.—She sleeps by day as well as by night, without any regula rity, arid generally coiled up. Some times her sleep lias continued for < went.v-eight hours successively, ei ther in bed or on the ground, with or without covering.—She keeps her eyes mostly closed and when she is alone she cries for three hours together, and the next three she laughs. “ I he Duke de Diva, the Constitu tional Alcade, lias takfn a great deal of trouble to find the origin of this fe male, but it has baffled all his inqui ries, and lie lias given them tip in de spair. It is supposed she belongs to parents not less wild than herself, who are still undiscovered in the mountains.” Extent of our Country. — Accord ing to a statistical table, the dist ance between Washington City, and the new Colony contemplated at the mouth of the Columbia river, is almost .the distance between Washington and London. While the imagination of the patriot is dazzled by the brilliant destinies which seem to await our country, the Christian’s prayers will be, that true piety, and moral and intellect ual improvemer.t, mav increase, with the enlargement of her territo ry and the growth of her power. Coliim. Star. Flow smsll a portion of our life is this we really enjoy. In youth we’ are looking forward to things that are to come ; in old age we are looking backwards to things that arc gone past; in manhood although we appear indeed to be more occu pied in things that arc present; yet even that is too often absorbed in vague determination* to be vastly happy on some future day ; when we la\ e time. An unfortunate fellow who had b*en sent to Brixton Stepping Mill for some offence, while absent, the moher told the children that he had -one to the country to sec his frienVs. On being released, his little kmilv got about him and said they wvre glad to see him return, and expressed a wish to go with him, when he went again to the country. The wretched man who seemed sensible of his error, heaved a sigh, andsaid feelingly—All my dear childfpn, I should be very sorry to se? you tread in your ‘father's steps. English Paper. The Capitol Square or enclosure at Washington, contains twenty acres and one-eighth, which is sui rounded by an iron railing resting on a stone wall, ihe area ot the Capitol is more than an acre and a half; the residue is either laid out or meant to be laid out and impro ved as a shrubbery and public walk. The length of the outer foot-way, round the whole, is three quarters of a mile. (,v ‘ e The list of Plants now cultiva ted in Great-liritain is given at up wards of 120,000. They have been collected from all parts of the world. Two thousand three hundred and forty-five varieties were taken from America. EXTRAORDINARY DELIVERANCE. The following very remarkable epi taph was copied by a traveller, from a burvmg ground in Spring Path, over against Port. Koval, Jamaica.. “ Mere lies the body of Lewis Galdy, Ksq. who died Sept. 22, 1739, aged 80. Me was born at Montpelier,in Fiance, which place lie left for his religion, [being a Protestant] and settled in that island ; where, in the great earth quake in 1693 he was swallowed up, and by the great providence of God, bv a second shock was thrown out into the sea, where he continued swimming till lie was taken up by a boat and mi raculously preserved. Me afterwards lived in great reputation, and died universally lamented.” The asperities of Jllnier cease, and Spring opens upon us in its bloom* and its beauty. The pensive snow-drop, the earlv herald of warmth and of verdure —the tune fii lavs of the rejoicing bird—the smiling aspect of the exulting belle —the fragrant embroidery of the awakened earth —the genial atmos phere and the illumined sky —these are among the beautiful attractions of nature. Why is not man cheerful and in nocent like the bird? Why does not society flourish like a garden? Because the powers which mankind possess afford facilities of wrong and of misery as well as of happi ness and ot virtue. It would be well, if with our boasted reason tve could attain the same conformity to the designs of our creation,as is exemplified by those whom instinct governs. The rose (unless it be the daily one) is always fragrant, the lamb is always gentle—and the sensitive plant is uniformly tender. But of man, you can predicate no thing with certainty, except that haring the F -y to act, he will probably abuse it —and having fa cilities of happiness, he will assu redly neglect or overlook them. Yet, one cannot be blind to the beautiful drapery of groves of flow ers, vocal with melody—nor insen sible of the reviving sun—releasing the mind and the feelings from the contemplation and the effects of a freezing winter. Cheerless as may be your situation—and discordant as you may he with the wishes of those around you—cherishing as you may- have done of a cold night, by a nearly extinguished fire, sen timents hitter and unsocial, you have no excuse in such weather as we now enjoy, if there be not a smile on your countenance, and good will in your heart.— Char. Cour. |rr HARDY IIARREL and KLEAZAR M G ALL, are candidates Cor die ullkx of Justice of llie Peace for this district. Tlie e lection will take place on the 25tli inst. We are authorised Vo sa\ that Joseph Boren is a candidate for tlie office of Justice of tlie Peace far this district. *- w ’c are autUovV/.ed Vo sa\ • that James L. Bussey is a candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace for tins district. Aicih qmE. [ ? pHE Subscriber informs the Public l that he lias opened school in the Town of Macon, where he will teach Spelling, Reading, Jiriting, Arithmetic, Algebra, F.nglisli Grammar, Geography and Mathematics, Surveying &, the elements of Logic, At the customary prices. Good boarding can be had at respec table houses on reasonable terms in the vicinity of tlie school. J. 11. GRACE. April 14 th 4 St T\\c iivuuVi \u£evso\ & V\os< s dissolved ; the books and notes re main in the hands ofS. M.lngersol,-. All persons indebted arc required to make immediate payment. S. M. INGKttSOL. 11. G. ROSS. April 14 th ‘1 -3t . ■ ■ 1111 A list of Letters remaining in the Post Office at Louisville, Gw. on the Ist (lav of April,lß23, and ifnot taken out, before the Ist day ol July next, will be sent to the General lost Office as dead letters. A Miles Adams S. Arington Ksq. David Lmer Charles Agerton J<thn Lildan J 1 WiLliajf Little Shadruk Bailey DanielL Lowe John Bozeman Willi* Long Fred. Baldwin A'ndr# B. Lawsotf Jesse Britt John V. Lowe Nathan Brown Will in Lowery John Bower Adnvs. or Krfrs. Dan’l. Blockenton orfhe estate of Joseph Bryan Ain bald Lewifr John Bennett M 0 San* l Moore Lockhart R. Cole- Job McDaniel man _ r Lsq. 2 James Cox Mi) VY. Montgo- Thoinpson Curry m*y f) Rond Moore John Darsey Gge McKeldon 2. Win. Daniel Esq. 0 John Douglass Anibald Odum Messrs. Dressier / P & Lamia imlum Prior Esq^ Samuel Denny f diain Powell Rev.Tho's Dailey/ Ksq. p, * f illiam Pervis Post Master, I'omas Peebles Emanuel Countvjardy Parker p * rjlomon Phillip* Amos Ford ‘ R Enos Fountain c 'tj. Jabez Ryan Allen F"utrel aldwin Raiford Joseph Flowers Esq- Owen Fountain laurel 1 Raiford John Freeman onathan Ross Mrs Mary Figg SMss Peggy Ryan G Willis Gorham Tacob Sutton Shepherd Green Silas A. Stokes EscGeo. Stapleton Jure Mund Gross Jordan Smith John Glisson 2 Rev. Win. Stan- J. Garven sill 2 ,iesse v. c.ree.n cs W m. S. Shcrley Hardy Grigory John Sapp Jacob Godowu 2 Jacob Shepherd Jesse Gilberd Honorable Stephen Mrs xancy Gordi Swain 2 Miss Leucratia Miss Nancy Sloan Good on Fancy Span Miss Vostia G|- T down Richmond Terrell If Elizabeth 0. Tcr- Klijah Rudsffld rell George C. I luges Mrs Nancy Turner Jsq. W Cullen Horf2 John Y\ ood David HolUify John C. Winn John Harris Mathew M- Wood Rev. Cbrisk# G. Ilenry Wamble Hill nugli m. Wilkersott K Post Master Stephen Kthy VV arnersville L Y Allen LawhJ-n Elam Young JOHN IMSTWICK Tost Muster. a’OVUV,. NINE moths after date, applica tion will benade to the honorable In ferior courtif Jefferson county, when sitting for c linary purposes, lor leave to sell all t ; real estate ol Samuel L. Andrew, la; of said county deceased —to be sole for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditor of said deceased. a\r X e}t- Urmvn, > Adm - r! , Ja red Tomlinson, y ’ 2 m9m l offer son Counta . ’A UKREAS Rachel Bcctou and T ‘ William S. Becton applies to me fir letters of adtttinisiuiixi. * mo estate of Samuel S. llecton, late of sakl county dec’d. These are therefore, to cite and ad* monish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand ibis 3d day of March. 1823. JOHN G. BOSTICK, o. r. r. o. March 21st I—3od tt\,VVK WY\ts, Sheriffs \)cct\s, common t\o. SUftviffs Witts of Sate, furor’s Summons, .Justice's t\o. f\o. Executions, SuYipcrnas, Gamuts, &.c. For sate at ttns office.