The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, June 09, 1823, Image 1

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Vo\. \. ‘HIE MESSENGER IS PRINTED WEEKLY nY ,M. ROBERTSO.Y, At three dollars a year, in advance, o: four dollars if not paid within the will be inserted at sKVENi'Y-FivE cents per hundred words, for the fust insertion, and j'ifty * cents for each continuance, advertisements not limited when handed in, will be inserted till forbid. NOTICE. IT7HFREAS John Way & Elijah f T Johnson, Executors on the es tate of Robert Pyor, late of Jefferson county, dec. apply to me for letters disndssory on said estate. _ These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections iri terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 6th day es January, 1823. IL B. SHELMAN, c. c. o. Jan. 10. 32 Gin. wm amrsisrs* subscriber informs the public | that he has opened a House in NEW TOWN for the reception of transient company, lie pledges himself that all attention will be paid to tlmse who may favor him with their custom. It. Me.COMBS. April 21 5- tt. NOTICE ~ NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, tor leave to sell all the real estate of Samuel 1,. Andrew, late of said county deceased —to be sold for the benefit of the heirs ind creditors of said deceased. Oeorge R- Brown, ? Adm , rs Jarred lomlinson, S September 2 m9m GEORGIA, , IViUi County. S THIS day came before me Jeremy Stone, who bein'* duly sworn saith that some time in the year eighteen hundred and twenty-one this deponent j transferred and delivered to Roger McCall, a note on William Shipp for fifteen dollars; one note on W illiam Horne for thirty-nine dollars, and also one note on James Phillips for twenty three dollars forty three and three fourth cents. The first note was due the 25th December 1821 ; the other two notes were payable to this depo nent one day after the date, all dated in that year: and there were no cred its on either of ihein when traded to said McCall. J. STONE. Sworn and subscribed ? before me,this2oth March, 1823. y NICHOLAS W. WELLS c. s. c. GEORGIA, BIKFORBme tvaa n . 1* personally OtVn) v oVU\ty. appeared Roger McCall, who being sworn deposeth ami sjpth that he has lost all the notes ‘vjiicli Jeremy Stone transferred to bim, with the exception of one given by I. &, T. Hates, and that he has never transferred the same nor received payment thereof. ROGER McCALL. ‘ Worn to and subscribed before me, this, 19th March, 1823. S ; HARRISON SMITH, J. P. I Hi' l ’ l ’ Superior Court, March Term, 1823. I ‘P V I k 1 appears to the court that. Roger I Met all was in possession of three 1-otos, oneon William Horne, one on I dliam Shipp and one ou James Phil- I ‘l ,s a,1( l it further appearing that said I ’‘s have been lost, and copies of ■ If” l\. in substance are filed in ■ office*—m motion it. is ordered s;ml H ilHam Horne, G illiam B ‘!p, ami ./nines Phillips, be and ap :it I,s co,, rt on the first day of !', ‘* ~ ri ” mid shew cause, if any they why said copies should not be B f Ashed in lieu of lost originals; ’ imil this rule be published once a ■ “'u.h lo r three months in one of the ■*9(-"tfes of this state. VV/ act ‘ lO,ll the Minutes. S IIOLAS W. /CELTIC.s.c. ■ Aprd Bth, 1823. 3m THE MESSENGER. NOTICE. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the court of ordi nary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell the real estate of Frederick Jordan late of said county deceased. James A Jordan, ad mV. Elizabeth Jordan, adrn’x. October 4, 1822. m9m Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell ad the real property belonging to the estate of Capt. James Meri wether, late o‘‘Jefferson county, dec’d. • SUSANNA MERIWETHER, Dec. 20.—n0. 30. Executrix. Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Owe tract of Land, con taining two hundred acres, lying in Jefferson County on the waters of Ogeechy River, adjoining lands of Richard Brown and others, and, One other tract of Land, containing thirty acres, lying in said county, adjoining lands of the said Richard Brown and others, and One other tract oV Land, containing four hundred and ninety acres, lying in the county of Irwin, known by lot No. 456 in the 12th District of said county. ALSO Three Negroes, to \\’\t, ANN, a girl about 18 years old, SQUIRE, a boy about 16 years old, and MAN, a boy about 9 years old.— It being the real estate of Joseph Bar ber, late of said county, deceased. RHUDA BARBER, Admr’jc. HOLD IN BARBER, Adm'r. January 4th. 32 m9m. NOTICE. NINE months after date, appplica tion will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell One tract of Viand, con taining 218 acres, lying in said county adjoining lands of Richard Fleeting and others, being a part of the real estate of John Irwin, late of said county, deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. FORISTER LITTLE, Adm’r. Jan. 6. 32 ni9in A* otic e. NINE months after date, application will be made to the honorable court of ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell one tract oV laud containing 250 acres, being known by lot No. 163 in the 10th district of Hall county. ALSO, one other tract containing 490 acres, lying in Irwin county and known by lot No. 434 in the 12th dist. of said county—both being the real estate of James Rogers late of said countv deceased. M. Uohertson, Adm’r. January 24th m9m N ine months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Inferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell tU\ .Acres, more or \ess, lying on the waters of Rocky Comfort creek, adjoining lands ol lJenj. Gobert and others. AI-SO one other tract containing 216 acres, more or less, lying on the waters ol Uocky Comlort creek, ad joining lands of James Ingrain and others, it being the real estate ot Ar thur Cheatham dec. and to be sold lot the benefit of the heirs and creditors us said dec. Ann Cheatham, Aduvcx. Jan. 19,1823. 33 m9m VOIVT HAWKINS, .MONDAY, JUNE 9, YS23. MARTIN SIMMONS OFFERS lor sale a general assort* of Groceries, Dry Goods, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, Castings, Iron &c. which he will dispose of low for Cash only. On Consignment. 10,000 lbs. prime Bacon 10 bbls. Pork 10 “ Mackerel 50 “ Whiskey 20 “ India point Gin 4 “ Rum 30 “ & 2 hhds. Brown Sugar G “ Loaf Do. 15 “ Flour 20 Bags Coffee 1 Tierce Rice 10 Kegs Dupont’s Powder 10 “ Nails, assorted 50 qr boxes Spanish Segars Ist qual. 100 sacks Liverpool Salt 1650 lbs. Grindstones A small lot of Cod-Fish. New Town, May 12th B—ts. PEASE & JEWETT, HAVING lately commenced the Mercantile business in this place have on hand a general assortment of GOODS. Among which are Superfine CLOTHS, VESTINGS, NANKEENS, BOM H AZE I TS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES, MUSLINS, &c. Also —Straw BONNETS ; Men’s and Boys fine and coarse HATS; — BOOTS, SHOES, &c. If ith an assortment of AH of which they will sell low for Casli. May 12. Btf mmm Atloruex & Counsellor AT LAW, H AVING located himself in the Town of Macon, tenders his professional services to the puhlic— He will practice in the several courts of the Flint Circuit, and in the cou'nties of Jones and Twiggs. Macon, May 19,1823. 9—ts. NOTICE. NINE months from this date, ap plication will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary ot Bibb county for leave to sell AU the veal estale oi* John D. Williams, deceased, late of said county Timothy Matthew’s, Adin. de bonis von. 19th May, 1823. in9inlo Postponed Sale. Agreeably to an order of the Honorable Court oj Ordinary of Jefferson County, Will be'Sold ON .THE FIRST TUESDAY IN July next, at the market-house in the town of Louisviile, one tract ol land known b\ Lot No. 5 in the 15th dist. (old) V\ il kinson county, containing acres, It being the real estate ol Stephen Minton, late of said county deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Robert Braswell, Adm’r. January 24th 1823. 35—tds Georgia—Bibb County. U lIEREAS, Martha Pace and ¥ ® James Fleuellin apply to the honorable court of ordinary of said county for letters of administration on the estate of William Pace, late ot said county,deceased — These are to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and credit ors of said deceased, to file their ob jections, if any they have, on or be fore the first Monday in July next— Otherwise letters will be granted to the applicants. Witness, the honora ble Tarply Holt, one of the Justices of said court, this sth May, 1823. 6wBJ DAVID S. BOOTH, c.c.o. NOTICE. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable the court of ordinary of Jefferson county for leave to sell *202 \-2 acres of Land, being Lot No. 53 in the 6th dist. of Fayette county, and being the real es tate of Mary Quinney, late of said county deceased. D. Hook, .ddm’r. January 24th m9in roll SALE. LOT No. 143, Bth Dist. Early “ “ 98, 10th “ Monroe “ “ 176, “ •* “ The two latter are valuable.—Apply at this office. June 2, 1822. 11 ts C.WTVON. \LL persons are cautioned against trading for a note of hand given by the subscriber to Reuben Roberts, sen. for thirty dollars, payable one month after date, and dated the 3d in stant. 7’lie note having been obtain ed for a fraudulent consideration, I am determined not to pay it unless com pelled by law. H. G. ROSS. Fort-Hawkins, May 27, 1823. [ll NOT\C-E~ months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordiuary of Jefferson county for leave to sell owe tract of \awd containing 202$ acres being known by lot No. 209, in the 15tn dist. (Old) Wilkinson being the real estate of John Patridge, late of Jefferson county, dec'd. JAMES T. HUDSON, Adm’r. Feb. 21st 1823. m9m. NOTICE. NINE months after date applica tion will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Warren County, for leave to sell One tract containing 2no acres of land, being lot no. 166 in the sixth district of Early County— One other tract, containing 450 acres in Warren county, adjoin ing lands of Little Bryant and others. One other tract, In Warren county adjoining the beforeinentioned tract. ALSO— Two Negroes, Viz. Marga ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—a!l being the real estate of Samuel Allen late of said county dec’d. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. S. JILLEJV, March 20th 1823. nt9in NOTICE. \LL persons indebted to the estate of Henry Hatcher late of Bibb county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment: and those having demands against said estate, to pre sent them legally authenticated within the time prescribed by Law. JOHN HATCHER, Adm’r. BATIIIER HATCHER Adm’x., May 19th, 1823. 9—6 w. Administrator’s Sale. \T the house of Vincent A. Tharp in Twiggs county, on the 24th day’ of June next, will be sold * All the personal estate ot Henry late of Bibb county, deceased,Consisting of one Mare, Household and Kitchen furniture, and a number of other articles too tedious to mention.—Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN HATCHER, Adm’r. BATHIER HATCHER, Adm’x. May 19th, 1823. 9—tds. FLOORING BRADS, and a few pieces PAPER HANGING, For sale by ROBERTSON & GRANBERRY. April 21 JOB-PRINTING Neatly executed at this Office. Lost ov A\\s\au\, \CER 1 AIN Note of hand, given to the subscriber by Thomas Mi ner for fifty dollars, due the first day of January last, given sometime in the summer of 1822. All persons are cautioned against trading for said note, and the maker is requested not to pay it to any person except myself. HENRY TURNAGE. Macon, May 26, 1822. 4wll Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell lot number one hundred and twenty-eight, in the fifth District of Monree county, be longing to William 11. Connelly, a minor. In the mean time all persons are cautioned against trespassing ou said land. Littleberry Bostick, Guardian. May 22, 1823. m9m. - f srwmKi* ipHE Copartnership of Wardlaw and Brvan was dissolved on tiie 16th inst. by mutual consent. The Notes and Books are in the hands of Geo. B. Wardlaw for settlement. All persons having claims against the con cern are requested to present them for payment—and all indebted either by note, or book account, arc request ed to make immediate payment, or they will find them in the hands of of ficers for collection. GKO. B. WARDLAW, GEO. H. BRYAN. N. B. The subscriber continues the business at the same place. He has just received a handsome assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries which will be sold low for cash. GEO. B. WARDLAW. May 21, 1822. 3wlo Admimstrator’s Sale. On Monday, the 14 th July next, € %, r ILL be sold at the Couat House Ts in Marion, Twiggs County, A parcel of laud, Jpelug the real estate of William Pearce dec’ll.— Sold for the benefit es the heirs.— Terms made known on the day of sale CHARLOTTE PEARCE, Adm’x. THEO. PEARCE, Adm’r. May 6, 1823. B—tds. Georgia-—Monroe County. In Monroe Superior Court, March Term, 1823. Jonathan Parrish, Informer, 1 rs. > Sci. Fa. Berry Redd. 3 IT appearing to the Court by the Sheriffs return in this case, that the defendant is not to be found : On motion of the plaintiff’s attorney,lt is thereupon ordered that service be per fected by publication in one of the public gazettes of this state, that the defendant appear at the Superior court to be held in said county, on the fourth Monday in September next .and make his defence, and that this rule be published monthly for three months previous to said court, according to law. A true copy from the minutes. WILKINS HUNT, Clerk. 26th March, 1823. m3m—B .NOTICE IS hereby given that I do for warn all persons from trading or trafficking for a certain pond given by me to George F. Buckhannon, of Jasper coun ty, State of Georgia, dated the second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-two, to make ti tles to a certain tract or lot of Land, lyin'*, and being in the county of Hall, and known and distinguished in the plan of the eighth district of said coun ty by lot number one hundred and thirt v-nine—as I do not intend to make titles, or comply with said bond, as it has been fraudulently obtained. WILLIAM H. MOON. May 26, 1823. 10—3 t We are authorised to announce Capt. Charles Bul lock a candidate to represent this County in the Senatorial branch oi the next Legislature oi this State. No. Y 2.