The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, July 07, 1823, Image 1

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Vo\. L rU G MESSF.XGF.R PRINTED WEEKLY ,M. UOOTHTSOX, At three dollars a year, in advance, T f ( )iir dollar* if not paid within the * Advertisements will he inserted at rvvvry-FivE cents per hundred h for the first insertion, and CENTS for each continuance. s ‘> vc iti-events not limited when uaded in, will be inserted till forbid. GEORGIA,- ) Bibb County. S FIIIS day came before me Jeremy Stone, who being; duly sworn saith t! at some time in the year eighteen i ■ ndred and twenty-one this deponent trinslorred and delivered to linger McCall, a note on William Shipp for fifteen dollars ; one note on William Home for thirty-nine dollars, and also one note on James Phillips for twenty three dollars forty three and three ourth cents. The first note was due the 25th December 1821; the other tsvo notes were payable to this depo nent one day after the date, all dated in that year: and there were no cred its on either of them when traded to said McCall. J. STONE. Sworn and subscribed ? before me, this 20th March, 1823*5 NICHOLAS W. WELLS c.s.c. liEORGLY, lIEFOREme fi# personally Dim) touillx. appeared Roger McCall, \V!io being sworn deposeth and saith that he has lost all the notes which Jeremy Stone transferred to him, with the exception of one given bv 1. & T. Rates, and that he lias never transferred the same nor received payment thereof. ROGER MeCALL. Sworn to and subscribed before me,) this, 19th March, 1823. 5 HARRISON SMITH, J. P. Bibb Superior Court, March Term, 1823. IT appears to the court that Roger McCall was in possession of three Notes, one on W illiam Ilorne, one on William Shipp and one on James Phil lips and it further appearing that said notes have been lost, and copies of which in substance are filed in this office—on motion it is ordered the said /Uilliam Horne, H’illiam Shipp, and James and ap pear at this court on the first day of next term and shew cause, if any they have, why said copies should not be established in lieu of lost originals; and that this rule be published once a month for three months in one of the ga/.ettes of this state. Extract from the Minutes. NICHOLAS W. H ELLS,c.s.c. April Bth, 1823. Sin EXTRACTS FROM A PROSPECTUS, or publishing u Translation of the Vi\e Codes Na\io\eou. SEVERAL gentlemen of eminence in the profession of the law, and f ‘ners, who are equally well versed in the science of legislation, having advi •H!<i me to translate from the French into the English language the Five l odes Napoleon, I take the liberty of announcing to the literary characters ‘ n 1 nited States of America, that have completed the performance, . ch I am now employed in collating ythe original, progressively wri ,l|!g its index. To those of my fellow ’ ’h-'ens who have not had the oppor nitv of reading this work in French, •hich is so much, ami 1 believe, de ■ l v eiJ!y admired every where, and es pecially in America and in England, • ;ose systems of jurisprudence are objects of emulation of every ci yi/-ed community, I would observe, ’■‘‘G it is on record, that Napoleon more pride in this compilation of “ s ™an in all his other achieve ments. iCrre follows several respectable testimonials. J I he ( odes will be contracted to be pin.ted in Uvo Bvo volumes, which, it [’ believed, will contain from 400 to if' 11 P a ges each. The types will be ,‘ Ul . Se ‘ v hich printers denominate pica, *‘‘ u l -ie contract will stipulate for the f v w to bo good. The volumes will bound in calfskin, and endorsed. . ‘■ price ol ti,e too volumes will be * ‘ •bddars, payable on their delivery'. JONAS ¥AUCHE. ,!, Tn i 'boro, Georgia, June IT. THE MESSENGER. . NOTICE. NINE montlis after date, applica tion will be made to the court of ordi nary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell the real estate of Frederick Jordan late of said county deceased. James A. Jordan, adm’r. v Elizabeth Jordan, adm’x. October 4, ] 822. m9m Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior court of Jefferson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real property’ belonging to the estate of Capt. James Meri wether, late of Jefferson countv, dec’d. SUSANNA MERIVV ETHER, Dec. 20.—n0. 30. Executrix. Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell One tract of Land, con taining two hundred acres, lying in Jefferson County on the waters of Ogeechy River, adjoining lands of Richard Brown and others, and, One other tract oV Land, containing thirty acres, lying in said county, adjoining lands of the said Richard Brown and others, and One other tract oV Laud, containing four hundred and ninety acres, lying in the county of Irwin, known by lot No. 456 in the 12th District of said county. ALSO Three Negroes, to wit, ANN, a girl about 18 years old, SQUIRE, a boy about 16 years old, and MAN, a boy about 9 years old.— It being the real estate of Joseph Bar ber, late of said county, deceased. RHODA BARBER, Admr'jc. BOLDLX BARB ER , Adm’r. January 4th. 32 m9m. NOTICE. NINE months after date, appplica tion will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell One tract of Land, con taining 218 acres, lying in said county adjoining lands of Richard Fleeting and others, being a part of the real estate of John Irwin, late of said county, deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. FORASTER LITTLE, Adm’r. Jan. 6. 32 m9m Notice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the honorable court ol ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell one tract of \and containing 250 acres, being known by lot No. 163 in the 10th district of Hall county. ALSO, one other tract containing 490 acres, lying in Irwin county and known by’ lot No. 434 in the 12th dist. of said county—both being the real estate of James Rogers late ol said countv deceased. >\. Ylobertson, AdnVr. January 24th m9m SNDVXOX* tvJINE mouths after date, applica jNfcj tion will be made to the honora ble Inferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell VVH .Acres, more or \ess, lying on the waters of Rocky Comfort creek, adjoining lands of Benj. Hubert and others. ALSO one other tract containing 216 acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Rocky Comfort creek, ad joining lands of James Ingram and others, it being the real estate ot Ar thur Cheatham dec. and to be sold (or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. Ann CFeaVYiam, Aduvrx. Jiin. 10,1820. 33 mSm’ FORT HAWKINS, (GEORGIA,') MONDAY, JULY V, 1823. MARTIN* SIMMONS OFFERS tor sale a general assort ment of Groceries, Dry Goods, Crockery, Hats, Shoes, Castings, Iron &c. which he will dispose of low for Cash only. On Consignment. 10,000 lbs. prime Bacon 10 bbls. Fork 10 “ Mackerel 50 “ Whiskey 20 “ India point Gin 4 “ Hum 30 “ & 2 lihds. Brown Sugar 6 “ Loaf Do. 15 “ Flour 20 Bags Coffee 1 Tierce Rice 10 Kegs Dupont’s Powder 10 “ Nails, assorted 50 qr boxes Spanish Segars Ist qual. 100 sacks Liverpool Salt 1650 lbs. Grindstones A small lot of Cod-Fish. New Town, May 12th 8 —ts. VERSE & .lEWF/VT, HAYING lately commenced the Mercantile business in this place have on hand a general assortment of GOODS. Among which are Superfine CLOTHS, VESTINGS. NANKEENS, ROM BAZETTS, GINGHAMS, CALICOES, MUSLINS, Ac. Also-— Straw BONNETS ; Men’s and Boys fine and coarse HATS;- BOOTS, SHOES, &c. With an assortment of All of which they will sell low for Cash. May 12. Bff Attorney £v Counsellor .AT LAW, HAVING located himself in the Town of Macon, tenders his professional services to the public— He will practice in the several courts of the Flint Circuit, and in the counties of Jones and Twiggs. Macon, May 19,1823. 9 —ts. NOTICE. NINE months from this date, ap plication will be made to the honorable court of Ordinary ot Bibb county for leave to sell AU the real estate ol John D. Williams, deceased, fate of said county. Timothy Matthews, Adm. de bonis non. 19th May, 1823. m9mlo Postponed Sa\e. Agreeably to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Jefferson County, \Vi\\ he Sold ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN August next,at the market-house in the town of Louisville, one tract ot hind known by Lot No. 5 in the 15th (list, (old) Wil kinson county, containing 2021 acres, It being the real estate ol Stephen Minton, late of said county deceased, and to be sold for the benefit ot the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ltobevt Bvaswc\\, Adm’r. January 24th 1823. 35 tds NOTICE. WHEREAS John Way & Elijah v 7 Johnson, Executors on the es tate of Robert Pyor, late of Jefferson county, dec. apply to me for letters disrnissory on said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms of the law, in such case made and provided, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this 6th day of January, 1823. it. B. SIIELMAN, c. C. O. Jan. 10. 32 Gra. NOTICE. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable the court of ordinary of Jetterson count}’ for leave to sell ‘202 1-2 acres oV Land, being Lot No. 53 in the 6th dist. of Fayette county, and being the real es tate of Mary Quinney, late of said county deceased. \). Wook, Adm’r. January 24th m9m Administrator’s Side. VT the house of Vincent A. Tharp in I’wiggs county, on the 24tli day of June next, will be sold AW the personal estate ot Henry Hatcher, late of Bibb county, deceased, consisting of one Mare, Household and Kitchen furniture, and a number of other articles too tedious to mention.—Terms made known on the day of sale. JOHN HATCHER, Adm’r. BATIIIER HATCHER, Adm’x. May 19th, 1823. 9—tds. Terondet, Atkison, & Cos. \RE now opening in the Town of Macon, a very general assort ment of MUS I AMONG WHICH ARE, Super blue and black Cloths and Caseimeres, 2d quality do. do. do. Yellow Nankeen Pantaloons, Biack and colored Bombazetts, Irish Linens, Super London Prints, Printed Muslin, Calicoes (handsome patterns,) Mull and Jackonet Muslins, Plain Book do. Sprig’d do. do. Needle-worked &. Loom-sewed do. Elegant needle-work’d Muslin robes Black and col’d Nankin Crapes, Col’d Crape Scarfs, Black and col’d. Crape robes, Black silk Velvet, Black sinchew Silk, Black Sattin, White and Green do. Green Florar.ce Silk, Black Canton Camblet, Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s silk hose, Kid and Castor Gloves, Large shell tucking Combs, Side do. do. Mock do tucking do. Cotton Cards, Emerson’s and Pomroy’s Razor Straps Spanish Segars, superior quality Men’s Ist quality fashionable black and white Hats, 2d quality do. do. Youths’ Hats, Men’s and Boys’ fancy do. “White Wool Hats, Common do. do. Fine Straw Bonnets, dressed, and undressed, Straw Bands and Straw Strimming, Men’s Ist quality Calf skin Boots, Ho. do. do. Shoes, Do. 2d do. do. dov Ladies fine heeled morocco pumps, Ladies Leather walking Shoes, Misses’ and Boys’ do. Shot Guns, Lancaster Rifles, Sugar and Coffee. June 23. 14—4 t mwi> V7ILL attend to the PRACTICE VT of MEDICINE: His shop is on Bridge-street, in Judge Shorter's building. # Macon June 20th, 1823. 14 3t. John G. Bostick A vs. f Bill in Equity for Edwin Whitedead f Discovery. & Charles W r atson ) IN this case the sheriff having re turned that the defendants are not to be found in this county, on motion, it is ordered, that a service of the said bill be perfected upon the defendants bv advertising thi§ rule once a month in some public Gazette of this state, until the next term ot this court: and it is further ordered that the said de fendants do appear and answer the said bill at the next term of this court. A true extract taken from the min utes of the Superior court of Jef ferson county and state of Geor gia, this 29th May, 1823. 15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk. NOTICE. yriNF. months after date, applica- M tion will be made to the honora ble court of Ordiuary of Jefferson county for leave to sell one tract oV land containing 202,J acres being known by lot No. 209, in the 15tndist. (Old) Wilkinson countv, it being the real estate of John Patriuge, late of Jefferson county, dec’d. JAMES T. HUDSON, Adm’r. Feb. 21st 1823. ni9m. Notice. N’INE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Court of Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell lot number one hundred and twenty-eight, in the fifth -District of Monree county, be longing to William If. Connelly, a minor. In (lie mean time all persons are cautioned against trespassing on said land. Littleberry Bostick, Guardian .A May 22, 1823. m9m. FOR SALE. LOT No. 143, Bth Dist. Early “ “ 98, 10th “ Monroe “ “ 176, “ “ “ The two latter are valuable.—Apply at this otfice. June 2, 1822. lltf Administrator’s Sa\e. On Monday, the 14 tli July next, I ED be sold at the Court House ▼ T in Marion, Twiggs County, A parcel oV land, being l\\e real estate of William Pearce dec’d.- Sold for the benefit es the heirs. . Terms made known on the day of sale l CHARLOTTE PEARCE, Adm’x. ‘ THfiO. PEARCE, Adm’r. May 6, 1823. B—tds. Georgia—Alonroe Countv. In Monroe Superior Court, March. Term, 1823. Jonathan Parrish, Informer, A vs. > Sci. Fa. Berry Redd. J IT appearing to the Court by the Sheriffs return in this case, that the defendant is not to be found : On motion of the plaintiffs attorney, it is thereupon ordered that service be per fected by publication in one of the public gazettes of this state, that the defendant appear at. the Superior court to be held in said county, on the fourth Monday in September next,and make his defence, and that this rule be published monthly for three months previous to said court, according to law. A true copy from the minutes. WILKINS HUNT, Clerk. 26th March, 1823. m3m—B ICT* We are authorised to announce Dr. S. M. INGERSOLL, a candidate for a seat in the representative branch of the next legislature, for Bibb county. We $-e authorised to announce C. W. RAINS, Esq. a candidate for a seat in the Representative branch of the next legislature, for Bibb county. Wc are authorised to announce Timothy Matthews esq. a candidate to represent this county in the Senatorial branch ot the next Legislature of this State. Stephen Williams is a candidate to represent this county in the next Legislature of this State. We are authorised to announce Capt. ChAKles Bul lock a candidate to represent thi3 County in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature of this State. “■'* We are requested to sa>( that JAMES MCDONALD is a candi date for Justice of the Inferior Court for this county. FLOORING BRADS, and a few pieces PAPER HANGING, For sale by ROBERTSON & GRANBERRY. April 21 No. \e,.