Newspaper Page Text
Vot. h
I stassrawaa®
~ Ire Mh P r ‘ V*. a.l.vance, 0.-
M ,Zr dollar, if not P“J > the
“i” bs ‘"oertod at
’ sVviMV-HVF. EEKTsper square, fir
the first insertion, and fifty cents
for ca ch continuance. Advertise
‘ n ts not limited when handed in,
uill be inserted till lorbid.
months after date, applica
i\ tion will be made to the honora
pfe Inferior Court of Jefferson county
v.'lien sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell
64\ .Acres, move or less,
j v inr on the waters of Rocky Comfort
creek, adjoining lands of Benj. Cohort
“ doth ' t - ALSO
one other tract containing
216 acres, more or less, lying on the
waters of Rocky Comfort creek, ad
joining lands of James Ingram and
others? it being the real estate of Ar
thur Cheatham dec. anti to be sold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors
us said dec.
.Ann Cheatham, MnVrx.
Jan. 10,1823. 33 m9m*
NINE months after date, application
“Will be made to the honorable court ol
ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave
to sell
one tract oV land containing
250 acres, being known by lot No. 163
in the lOtu district of Hall county.
one other tract containing
490 acres, lying in Irwin county and
known by lot No. 434 in the 12th dist.
of said county —both being the real
estate of James Rogers late of said
county deceased.
*>\. Uoitertson, iYdnvv.
January 21th m9m
NINFI months al'er date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable In
ferior Court of Jefferson county when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell
One tract of \ /and, con
taining two hundred acres, lying in
Jefferson County on the waters of
Ogeechy River, adjoining lands of
Richard Brown and others, and,
One other tract of Land,
containing thirty acres, lying in said
county, adjoining lands of the said
Richard Brown arid others, and
One other tract oV Land,
containing four hundred auJ ninety
acres, lying in the couniyl%f Irwin,
known by lot No. 456 in the 12th
District of said county.
Three Negroes, to w\t,
ANN, a girl about 18 years old,
IRE, a boy about 16 years old,
*iinl MAN, a boy almut 9 years old.—
It being the real estate of Joseph Bar
ker, late ol said county, deceased.
Jill QUA HA It HER, Admrx.
January 4 Hi. 52 m9m.
| *’ hereby given to warn all persons
I- Loin trailing for a Note given by
r ” 1,1 James Moore, for one hundred
t ‘‘‘ l dollars, dated March 16,
“j * have once paid the said note
Ml< Jl “ determined not to do Regain.
J'llyoo, 1822.’ 18
i\j months after date, applica
* v •ion Will ix; made to (he honora
,)lc court of Ordiuary of Jefferson
c'Hinty for leave to ads
’ •to tract oV \i\nd conlatamu;
acres being known bv lot No.
in the lata dist. (Oh!) Wilkinson
< mint v, it being the real estate of John
•itiiogo, lute of Jefferson countv,
dec and.
JAMES T. [IT! f)N Ad mV.
Feb. 2iuc i • a—
Gihespie & Birdsong,
e AVE just received, and are now
opening at the corner of Bridge
and Mulberry-streets, (Shorter’s build
ing) a general assortment of
Dv\ Goods, VatentMedi*
Ward-Wave, e’mes,
Sadie rN, Crockery,
Shoes, Glass-Ware,
Wats, and
Bonnets, G roe ones.
All direct from New York and Charles
ton, which they offer for sale,
Macon, 7th July. 16—ts.
m m* jmn&Qau
RATEFUL to the citizens of
.H Clinton and its vicinity for the
numerous favors bestowed in his line
of business, takes this method of in
forming thei i, that tie has recently em
ployed a first rate
who will dispatch \vi*h the utmost
promptitude all business of the above
kind entrusted to his care.
N. 13. lie w ill keep on hand a quan
tity of
Table and Tea SPOONS,
of ail descriptions. ./Iny commands
from the country will be strictly atten
ded to.
GuiwduuVs Sate.
ON the 25th day of August next,
will be sold at the house of James
Wright, of Jefferson county, by virtue
of an ordet” of the court of Ordinary of
said county, two negroes, named SAM
and RACHAEL —As the property of
the minor heirs of Robert Pior dec’d.
Terms made known on the dav of sale.
MUNI) GROCE, Guardian.
July 7th 1823. 17—4Ud
Information Wanted
ANY person or persons having
knowledge of JAMES HAR
VEY W ASH BUR , (a native of
Massachusetts) within the space of 12
years past, will confer a great favor
by enclosing and forwarding in a let
ter, such information, pei mail, to
Telfair County, Geo. 15
JO™Editors of papers throughout
the United States, will have the good
ness to give the above one or two in
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
Inferior Court of Twiggs county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell one tract ol land con
taining two hundred and eleven acres,
more or less, lying in the county of
Washington, near Sandersville ; being
the properly ol Josiuh Vasser, deceas
ed, lute of i’wiggs county.
de bonis non.
July 7, 1823 I6m9m
INE months after date, applica
tion will lx* made to the honora
ble Court of Ordinary ol Jefferson
county, for leave to sell lot number
one hundred and twenty-eight, in the
fifth District of Monroe county, be
longing to William 11. .Connelly, a
minor. In the mean time all persons
are cautioned against trespassing on
said land.
Littleberry. Bostick,
May 22, 1823. m9m.
NINE months after date, appplica
tion will be made to the honorable
court of Ordinary of Jefferson county,
for leave to sell
Due tract of Land, con
taining 218 acres, lying in said county
adjoining lands of Richard Fleeting
and others, being a part of the real
estate of John Irwin, late of said
county, deceased, and to be sold for
(he benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said deti’d.
j a n ;o. 32 m9m
OFFERS for sale a general assort
ment of
Groceries, Wr\ Goods,
Crockery, Hats, Shoes, Castings.
Iron &lc. which he will dispose of low
for Cash only.
On Consignment.
10,000 lbs. prime Bacon
10 bids. Pork
10 “ Mackerel
50 “ Whiskey
20 “ India point Gin
4 “ Rum
30 “ & 2 hhds. Brown Sugar
6 “ Loaf l)o.
15 “ Flour
20 Bags Coffee
1 Tierce Rice
10 Kegs Dupont’s Powder
10 “ Nails, assorted
50 qr boxes Spanish Segars Ist qual.
100 sacks Liverpool Salt
1650 lbs. Grindstones
A small lot of Cod-Fish.
New Town, May 12th B—ts.
HAVING lately commenced the
Mercantile business in this place
have on hand a general assortment of
Among which are
Superfine CLOTHS,
Also —Straw BONNETS ; Men’s
and Boys fine and coarse HATS; —
If ith an assortment
All of which they will sell low for
May 12. Stf
.lUomcN Ik CovmseUov
HAVING located himself Jin the
Town of Macon, tenders his
professional services to the public—
He will practice in the several courts
of the Flint Circuit, and in the counties
of Jones and Twiggs.
Macon, May 1 19,1823. 9—ts.
INE months from this date, ap
i. w plication will be made to the
honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb
county for leave to sell
AW tiu> veal estate oV
John D. Williams, deceased, late of
said county
Timothy Matthews,
Adm. de bonis non.
19th May, 1823. m9mlO
Vostponed Sale.
Agreeably to an order of the Honorable
Court oj Ordinary of Jefferson
Wilt be Sold
August next,at the market-house in the
town of Louisvide,
one tract oV land known Y)\
Lot No. 5 in the 15tii dist. (old) W il
kinson county, containing 202£ acres,
It being the real estate ol Stephen
Minten, late of said county deceased,
and to be sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors ol said deceased.
HoWvt Braswell, Adm’r.
Tanuary 24th 1823. 35—tds
\WT ILL be sold on the first Tues
▼ T day in September next, in the
town of Louisville, agreeable to an or
der of the honorable court ol Ordinary,
of Jefferson county, nine hundred and
thirty-six acres of land, lying in the
county of Jefferson,on the waters of Dry
creek, adjoining lands oi W in. Mar
shall, and others: it being the real es
tate of Benjamin Davis, dee’il and to be
sold for the benefit of the minor heirs
of said deceased. Also two hundred
and two anil an half acres, lying in
the county of Wilkinson, known b}
lot No. 7, in the 16th district of said
county, belonging to the subscriber.—
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Elizabeth Davis, Adm\v.
June 20, 1823. 15*—G()d.
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable the
court ol ordinary of Jefferson county
for leave to sell
202 \-2 acres oV Land,
being Lot No. 53 in the 6th dist. of
Fayette county, and being the real es
tate of Mary Quinney, late of said
county deceased.
\). Wook, ,AiW\\
January 24th m9m
John G. Bostick y
vs. { Bill in Equity for
Edwin Whitedeadf Discovery.
& Charles Watson A
I N this case the sheriff having re-
I turned that the defendants are not
to be found in this county, on motion,
it is ordered, that a service of tlie said
bill be perfected upon the defendants
by advertising this rule once a month
in some public Gazette of this state,
until the next term of this court: and
it is further ordered that the said de
fendants do appear and answer the
said bdl at the next term of tins court.
A true extract taken from the min
utes of the Superior court of Jef
ferson county and state of Geor
gia, lhis 29th May, 1823.
15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk.
For publishing a Translation of the
Vwe Codes Napoleon.
SEVERAL gentlemen of eminence
in the profession of the law, and
others, who are equally well versed in
the science of legislation, having advi
sed me to translate from the French
into Ihe English language the Five
Codes Napoleon, l take the liberty of
announcing to the literary characters
in the United States of America, that
I have completed the performance,
which I am now employed in collating
with the original, progressively wri
ting its index. To those of my fellow
citizens who have not had the oppor
tunity of reading this work in French,
which is so much, and 1 believe, de
servedly admired every where,and es
pecially in America and in England,
whose systems of jurisprudence arc
the subjects of emulation of every ci
vilized community, 1 would observe,
that it is on record, that Napoleon
took more pride in this compilation of
his than in all his other achieve
[Here follows several respectable
The Codes will be contracted to be
printed in two Bvo volumes, which, it
is believed, will contain Irom 400 to
500 pages each. The types will be
those which printers denominate pica,
and the contract will stipulate for the
paper to be good. The Volumes will
be bound in calf-skin, anil endorsed.
The price of the two volumes will be
six dollars, payable on their delivery.
Greensboro, Georgia, June 17.
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable In
ferior court of Jefferson*county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell all the real property belonging
to the estate of Capt. James Meri
wether, late o'Jefferson county, dec’ll.
Dec. 20.—n0. 30. Executrix.
Georgia—Monroe C o\\nt\.
In Monroe Superior Court, March
Term, 1823.
Jonathan Parrish, Informer, T
vs. j- Sci. Fa.
Berry Redd. j
I|T appearing to the Court by the
Sheriffs return in this case, that
the defendant is not to be found : On
motion of the plaintiff’s attorney, it is
thereupon ordered that service be per
fected by publication in one of the
public gazettes of this state, that the
defendant appear at the Superior
court to be held in said county, on the
fourth Monday in September next,and
mak£ his defence, and that this rule be
published monthly for three months
previous to said court, according to
A true copy from the minutes.
26th March, 1823. m3m —S
For sale bv
April 21
JlT° We are authorised to announce
Dr. S. M. INGERSOLL, a candidate
for a seat in the representative branch
of the next legislature, for Bibb county.
|C7* We are authorised to announce
C. YV. RAINS, Esq. a candidate for a
seat in the Representative branch of
the next legislature, for Bibb county.
We are authorised to
announce Timothy Matthews
esq. a candidate to represent this
county in the Senatorial branch ot
thd next Legislature of this State.
Stephen Williams is a
candidate to represent this county in
the next Legislature of this State.
We are authorised to
announce Capt. Charles Bul
lock a candidate to represent this
County in the Senatorial branch of
the next Legislature of this State.
St. Louis, May 31.
Iron Mountain —This place is in
Washington county, in this State,
and is the most extraordinary store
of iron ore that has yet been dis
covered in any country. It would
not probably be transcending the
limits of truth to say, that it would
supply the world v/ith this useful
mineral for a long period of time.
In appearance it bears a strong re
semblance to native iron, and
would yield on fusion 80, or perhaps
90 per cent.
T here are other places that have
been denominated iron mountains t
such as thatof Traberg in Smoland,
and two, the names of which we
do not recollect, that have been dis
covered in Lapland ; but none of
these can be compared with the
mountains of Missouri, neither in
point of magnitude nor in quality of
It is a matter of astonishment
that no foundry has yet been es
tablished r.ovenient to this place;
in its neighbourhood are many v.d
uable mills, and there is evdiently
no want of water power for the ap
plication of machinery even of the
largest construction. As there are
few individuals who could com
mand the capital necessary to be
employed in this buisness, it would
pernaps require a Company to car
ry into effectual execution an enter
prize of so much importance, and
which could not fail in being amply
productive. Os the success that
would attend it, there cannot exist
a doubt, and it is thought by many
intelligent persons, that iron cas
tings, See. might be exported advan
tageously even to places where
they are now maufactured.
I he peculiar quality of the ore of
which this section of country is the
rich depository, is also worthy of
attention. At a bloomery erected
by Messrs. Beery & Kuggles, iron is
produced of a quality greatly supe
rior to any that can be imported,
and is preferred by smiths, because
it is worked with greater facility,
and is found to possess in a very
high degree the properties of steel.
Axes, plough-irons and any addi
tion of steel, are found nearly equal
to those formed in the ordinary
Thazrsw mountain is frequently
visited by the curious traveller.—
and by those who have contempla
ted drawing on its vast store of
wealth ; and at length it is stated, a
Founderv and other works calcula
ted to bring into operation the min
eral resources of this district, are
about to be erected. We do not
vouch for the truth of this state
ment, but a better prospect for the
investment of capital is but seldom
presented, and there can be no
doubt, that if not immediately, it
will very coon, be embraced.
Bt Luuis Eng •
JVo. U).