Newspaper Page Text
Yoh L
the messenger,
IS published weekly by
At three dollars a year in advance,
or four dollars if not paid within the
7e!l Jdvertise:nevls will be inserted at
-•vevty-fivb CENTS per square, for
Z first insertion, and fifty cents
f >r each continuance. Advertisements
! „ 0 1 limited when handed m, will be
inserted till forbid.
V 7/. Notice of sales of land and
‘ t>V Administrators, Executors,
SCrfi-. are required by law, to
!,o advertised in a public Gazette sixty
avs previous to the .lay of sale.
Notice of the sale of personal pro
perty must be given in like manner
forti days previous to the day of sate.
’ Notice to the debtors and creditors
of an estate must be published for
’ Notice that application will be made
to the Court of Ordinary for leave to
sell land, must be publisheiLJbr nine
TKTINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honora
ble Inferior Court of Jefferson county
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell
i‘)4\ .Acres, move or \ess,
lying on the waters of Rocky Comfort
creek, adjoining lands of lleuj. Gobert
and others.
one other tract containing
21G acres, more or less, lying on the
waters of Rocky Comfort creek, ad
joining lands of James Ingram and
others, it being the real estate of Ar
thur Cheatham dec. and to be sold for
tiic benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said dec.
Ami Cheatham, .Adm ax.
Jan. 10,1823. 33 m9m*
NINE months after date, application
will be made to the honorable court of
ordinary of Jeft'erson count}', for leave
to sell
C3\\e tract ot land containing
250 acres, being known by lot No. 163
in the 10th district of Hall county.
one other tract containing
490 acres, lying in Irwin county and
known by lot No. 434 in the 12th dist.
of said county—both being the real
estate of James Rogers late of said
county deceased.
At. Hobertson, Adm’r.
January 24th m9m
NINE months alter date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable In
ferior Court of Jeft'erson county when
fitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell
One tract ot Land, con
tai tiing two hundred acres, lying in
Jefferson County on the waters of
Ogeechy River, adjoining lands of
Richard Brown and others, and,
One other tract ot Land,
containing thirty acres, lying in said
county, adjoining lands of the said
Richard Brown and others, and
One other tract ot Land,
containing four hundred and ninety
acres, lying in the county of Irwin,
known by lot No. 45G in the 12th
District of said countv.
Throe JYegroes, to wit,
ANN, a girl about 18 years old,
SQL IRK, a boy about 16 years old,
and MAN, a boy about 9 years old. —
It being the real estate of “Joseph Bar
ker, late of said coiJnty, deceased.
it mm A It Alt HER, Admr’x.
HOLD I, V BAUD E It, Adm'r.
January 4th. 32——?n9m.
months after date, applica-
N tion will be ipade to the honora
ede court of Ordiuary of Jeft'erson
county (or leave to sell
Loe tract of hunt containing
‘■’l ai:*es being known by lot No.
in the 15tn dist. (Old) Wilkinson
county, it being the real estate of John
“atridge, late of Jeft'erson countv,
dec and.
I cb. 21st 1823. m9in.
G\\\es\he &, Birdsong,
B AVK just received, and are now
opening at the corner of Bridge
and Mulberry-streets, (Shorter’s build
ing) a general assortment of
Vh’\ Goods, Latent Med\-
Uard-Ware, cines,
Sadie rv, CvockevN,
S\\oes, Glass-Ware,
Hats, and
Bonnets, Groceries.
All direct from New York and Charles
ton, which they offer for sale.
Macon, 7th July. IG——tf.
HERE AS Anthony R. Cheat
▼ ▼ ham, administrator, and Cath
arine L. Matthews, administratrix of
William Matthews, late of Jefferson
county, deceased, apply to me for let
ters dismissory on said estate.
These are therefore to cite and ad
monish all and singular, tiie heirs and
creditors of said deceased, to file their
objections in terms of the law, in such
case made and provided, if any they
have, why said letters should not be
granted. Given under my hand this
Ist day of July, 1823.
John G. Bostick, d.c.c.o.
July 1. m6ml9
Guavdiaifs Sale.
ON the 9.5 th day of August next,
will be sold at the house of James
Wright, of Jefferson county, by virtue
of an order of the court of Ordinary of
said county ft wo negroes, named SjIM
and RACHAEL —As the property of
the minor heirs of Robert Pmr dec’d.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
MUND GROCE, Guardian.
July 7th 1823. 17—40d
NINE months after date, applica
tion will he made to the honorable
Inferior Court of Twiggs county,
when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell one tract of land con
taining I wo hundred and eleven acres,
more or less, lying in the county of
(Washington, near Sandersville ; being
the property of Josiah Vasser, deceas
ed, late of Twiggs county.
de bonis non.
July 7, 1823 I6m9m
months after date applica-
tion will be made to the honorable
court of Ordinary of Warren County,
for leave to sell
One tract containing; 250
acres of land, being lot no. IGG in the
sixth district of Early County—
One other tract, containing
450 acres in Warren county, adjoin
ing lands of Little Bryant and others.
One other tract, in Warren
county adjoining the beforementioned
Two Negroes, \iz. Marga
ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—a!l
being the real estate of Samuel Allen
late of said county dec'd. and to be
sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said dec’d.
S. ALLEN, Adm'r.
March 20th 1823.. m9in
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honora
ble Court of Ordinary of Jeft'erson
county, for leave to sell lot number
one hundred and twenty-eight, in the
fifth District of Monree county, be
longing to William H. Connelly, a
minor. In the mean time all persons
are cautioned against trespassing on
said land.
Littleberry Bostick,
May 22, 1823. ni9m.
NINE months after date, appplica
tion will be made to the honorable
court of Ordinary of Jeft'erson cotrtily,
for leave to sell
One tract of Land, con
taining 218 acres, lying in said county
adjoining lands ot Richard Meeting
and others, being a part of the real
estate of John Irwin, late of said
county, deceased, and to be sold lor
the benefit of the heirs and creditors
of said dec’d.
Jan. G. 32 —m9m
OFFERS for sale a general assort
ment of
Groceries, Dv\ Goods,
Crockery, Hats, Shoes, Castings,
Iron &,c. which he will dispose of low
for Cash only.
On Consignment.
10,000 lbs. prime Bacon
10 bbls. Pork
10 “ Mackerel
50 “ Whiskey
20 “ India point Gin
4 “ Rum
30 “ & 2 hhds. Brown Sugar
6 “ Loaf Do.
15 “ Flour
20 Bags Cos flee
1 Fierce Rice
10 Kegs Dupont's Powder
10 “ Nails, assorted
50 qr boxes Spanish Segars Ist qual.
100 sacks Liverpool Salt
1650 lbs. Grindstones
A small lot of Cod-Fish.
New Town, May 12th B—ts.
HA\ ING lately commenced the
Mercantile business in this place
have on hand a general assortment of
Among which are
Superfine CLOTHS,
Also —Straw BONNETS ; Men’s
and Boys fine and coarse HATS; —
If ith an assortment of
All of which they will sell low for
May 12. Btf
N 1 INE months from this date, ap
plication will be made to tbe
honorable court of Ordinary of Bibb
county for leave to sell
♦AW the real estate of
John D. Williams, deceased, late of
said county.
Timothy Matthews,
Adm. de bonis non.
19th May, 1823. m9mlo
IS hereby given to warn all persons
from trading for a Note given by
me to James Moore, lor one hundred
and fifty dollars, dated March 16,
1822. I have once paid the said note
and am determined not to do it again.
July 22, 1823. l'd
Georgia—Jefferson Count\.
Y| HERE AS David E. Whitaker
T v applies to me for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Benjamin
E. Whitaker, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and
admonish all and singular, the heirs
anil creditors of said deceased, to file
their objections in terms of the law, in
such case made and provided, if any
they have, why said letters should not
be granted.
Given under my hand this Ist day
of July, 1823.
J. G. BOSTICK, and. c. c. o. j. c.
July 28, 1823. 19—Gw
WILL be sold on the first Tues
day in September next, in the
town of Louisville, agreeable to an or
der of the honorable court of Ordinary,
of Jefferson county, nine hundred and
thirty-six acres of land, lying in the
county of Jeft’erson,on the waters of Dry
creek, adjoining lands of Wm. Mar
shall, vd others: It being the real es
tate of Benjamin Davis, dec’d and to be
sold for the benefit of the minor heirs
of said deoeased. Also two hundred
and two and an half acres, lying in
the county of Wilkinson, known by
lot No. 7, in the 1 Gth district of said
county, belonging to the subscriber.—
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Elizabeth Davis, Adm'x.
June 20, 1823. 15— God.
For sale at this Office.
NINE months after date, applica
tion will lie made to the honorable the
court of ordinary of Jefterson county
for leave to sell
2021-2 acres of Land,
being Lot No. 53 in the Gtli dist. of
Fayette county, and being the real es
tate of Mary Quinney, late of said
county deceased.
\). Hook, .Adoer.
January 24th m9m
John G. Bostick T
vs. f Bill in Equity for
Edwin Whitedeadf Discovery.
& Charles Watson ‘
■ N this case the sheriff having re
st turned that the defendants are not
to be found in this county, on motion,
it is ordered, that a service of the said
bill be perfected upon the defendants
by advertising this rule once a month
in some public Gazette of this state,
until the next term of this court: and
It is further ordered that the said de
fendants do appear and answer the
said bill at the next term of this court.
A true pxlract taken from the min
utes of the Superior court of Jef
ferson county and state of Geor
gia, this 29th Mav, 1823.
15] JOHN G. BOSTfCK, Clerk.
ALL persons having demands
. against the estate of John D. Wil
liams deceased, by note or otherwise,
are requested to present them within
the time prescribed bv Law.
Timothy Matthews, adm’r.
icith the will annexed.
July iOth, 1823. 19—6 w.
Sheriffs Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in September
next, will be sold, at the house of
Major John Keener, (the appointed
place of holding court for the county
of Bibb,) between the usual hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
Three negroes, Ann\ a
woman about 25 years of age, and her
two children, CHARLOTTE, a girl
[about 5 years old, and EBBY, a girl
about 4 years old.—All levied on as
the property of David B. Culberson,
to satisfy a fi fa in favor of lteid,
Woodruff, & Cos. vs. said Culberson.
Property pointed out by the defendant.
Terms Cash.
July 23d 1823, 19—tds
♦Ad ministrator’s Sale.
ON the first Tuesday in October
next, at the Court House in the
town of Marion, will be sold,
Two Waif squares of land.
being part of Lots No. 43 Anil G 5
the 28th Dist. (formerly Wilkinson,
now) Twiggs county—it being part of
the real estate of Jesse R. Wall, de
ceased. Terms made known on the
day of sale.
July 7th, 1823. 19—2 m*
NINE months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable In
ferior court of Jefferson county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell all the real property belonging
to the estate of Capt. James Meri
wether, late o r Jefferson county, dec’d.
Dec. 20.—n0. 30. Executrix.
Georgia—Monroe Counts.
In Monroe Superior Court, March
Term, 1823.
Jonathan Parrish, Informer,!
vs. > Sci. Fa.
Berry Redd. j
2 T appearing to the Court by the
f Sheriffs return in this case, that
the defendant is not to be found : On
motion of the plaintiff’s attorney, it is
thereupon ordered that service be per
fected by publication in one of the
public gazettes of this state, that the
defendant appear at the Superior
court to be held in said county, on the
fourth Monday in September next,and
make his defence, and that this rule be
published monthly for three months
previous to said court, according to
A true copy from the minutes.
26th March, 1823. m3m—B
.ion \nuiVTL\G
neatly executed atthis office.
THE subscriber is now opening,
near the Ferry, in the town of
Macon, a very handsome assortment of
War A-Ware, and
Domestic Goods*
Which will he sold at the most re
duced prices for Cash. Those wishing
for articles of this description are in
vited to call and judge for themselves.
Macon, July 28, 1823. 4w19
House and Banning,
Glazing, &.c.
9* Qto&SOL
1t I AVING located himself in the
1.1. town of Macon, tenders his ser
vices to the public as House and Sign
Painter, Glazier, &c. and’ warrants his
work to be done with neatness and
Macon, July 28. 2\v
vast B&L'JL
LOT No. 76,2d Dist. Henry county
“ 199 5
“ 231 5
“ 53 6 “ “
“ 198 “ “ “
“ 91 7 “
“ 289 9
“ 38 10
“ 69 12
“ 194 14
“ 278 16
“ 286 18 “ “
“ 136 3d Dist. Monroe Cos.
l 6 j “
“ 132 8
a 198 “ “ a
“ 13 7th Dis. Uouston C.
“ 183 “ “
“ 238 13
“ 142 14 “ “
“ 97 15
“ 114 16
“ 8 7th Dis. Fayette Cos.
“ 12 14 “ “
“ 26 7th Dis. Gwinnett
“ 289 6th Dis. Early Cos.
” 363 26 “
“ 17 6th Dist. Dooly Cos.
For terms, wdiich will be liberal, ap
ply to the subscriber, near the Ferry.
Macon, July 28, 1823. 6w19
Administrator's Sale.
WM7TLL be sold on the first Tues-
T ▼ day in October nex(, at ..he
court-house in Marion, Twiggs county,
Thirty-three acres of Laud
being part of’ the real estate of Will
iam Pearce, deceased.—Terms made
known on the day of sale.
Charlotte Pearce, AdnCx.
Theoph. Pearce, Adm'r.
July 24, 1823. 2m19
For sale by
April 21
I C7” We are authorised to announce
Or. S. M. INGERSOLL, a candidate
for a seat in the representative branch
of the next legislature, for Bibb county.
|C7*'We are authorised to announce
C. W. RAINS, Esq. a candidate for a
seat in the Representative branch of
the next legislature, for Bibb county.
We are authorised to
announce Timothy Matthews
esq. a candidate to represent this
county in the Senatorial branch of
the next Legislature of this State.
Stephen Williams is a
candidate to represent this county in
the next Legislature of this State.
We are authorised to
announce Capt. Charles Bul
lock a candidate to represent this
County in the Senatorial branch of
the next Legislature of this State.
We are authorised to an
nounce SPENCER RILEY a candi
date for the office of Sheriff for this
We are authorised to an
candidate for the office <jf Sheriff for
this county.
No. 20.