The messenger. (Fort Hawkins, Ga.) 1823-1823, September 22, 1823, Image 1

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Yo\. h T IIE messenger, IS PUBLISHED WEEKLY r 'V \IOSE & UOBFAYY&OJC, At three dollars a year, in ad /auw, A i• . s •• { >:>•,l within the or four dim*. > .ill be d^’te I at BP.vENTV-rivE oe : ’"j -• per *ffu;irc, hr ; he first insertion, and vitiy c-. i\, ‘oreuchcontiii”?’ *• . /..IveriiMWMtj . ,t limited v,l. u ! u\\vii in, (. •* ot; inserted till forbid. y j j, Notice o( saict” of i.tul am. neirries by,Administrators Kx-rutors, r Guardians, are required by law, to be advertised in a public Gs ?ette sixty davs previous to the day M sale Notice of the sale ot V>vmal pro perty must be given in like manner f or tu days previous to trie day ol sale. J Notice to the del tei sand creditors of an estate must be published tor forty days. . , Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be published for nine months. THE subscribers have opened a Ftore in Macon, Bibb county, di rectly, on the blurt’, near the ferry, in the shire of Dr. Ingersoll, where they offer for sale, low for Cash the follow ing articles, —viz 2000 lbs Iron, 1000 lbs prime Bacon 400 bush. L. P. Salt, 10 bbls prime Pork, 10 d<* Whiskey 3 do Gin, 6 hogsheads Whiskey 5 hhds N. O. Sugar, 2 do Molasses 2 bbls Jamaica Sugar 1 do loaf do, 10 bags Coffee 2 chests Tea, 2 kegs D. P. Powder 20 bags shot, 6 boxes Candles 4 boxes Soap, 4 kegs Tobacco 2 casks London Porter 7 do Nails, assorted Plough Moulds Madeira, Teneriife & Claret \\ ines Jamaica and Northern Bum Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin Pepper, Spice, Copperas, Saltpetre Bar Lead, Plow Lines, Bed Cords Trace Chains, Tirade’s patent Hoes Pad, stock, and closet Locks Cotton Cards, Curry Combs Crockery Ware, assorted Horn, tortoise, bone and ivory Combs assorted, Pins and Needles do Pearl, mould and metal Buttons do Pen, pocket, and Spanish Knives and Forks, assorted Ladies morocco, leather, and prunella Shoes, do, Gent's Shoes & Bootees 2 cases gentlemen's beaver, imitation, and merino Hats, assorted Rose Blankets, Blue Booking Green Baize, Cassiineres, Oznaburgs Flannels, assoited Cotton and linen Shirting do Irish, Russia, and cotton Sheeting do Long Lawns, Domestic Plaids Apron Checks, Bed Ticking Russia Duck and Drill Ladies and gent’s Hose, assorted Childrens do, Ribbons, a ,-rcr’ed Linen, cotton, and Qznaurg ’Thread lapes, cotton Cord, Bobbin Ladies and gent’s Glove assorted Linen and cotton Cambrh: do Calicoes and and Ginghams, do Seersuckers and printed Muslins furniture Calicoes and Cl. utz. Cambric Dimity Mull, book, and jackonet muslins Merino, Valencia and silk Shall* • ( utton and Cassimere assorted do Valencia Scarfs, Inserting Trimmings Muslin Dresses, Tamb’d Muslins ’ aroline and imitation Plaids Bomba/.ettes, Union Stripes, French, Nankin, and Yellow do. assorted Black Sinchcws, *Starl‘t and green Florentine Nankin and Canton Crapes I'lag and Barcelona Haudk’fs L inbrtllas Turkey Red Shalls ‘alencia, loil’t St Marseille \ estings Gentlemen’s Cravats . * ogether with a number of other ar tides, too numerous to mention. A liberal price will be given lor Cow See. itc. J. St A. BENNETT. Also —-For sale by the subscriber, die following tracts of LAND. No. 151, 9th Dist. Houston 202 J acr. 2 J4 5 “ Dooly 202 J 136 7 76 1 “ 202 J >2 6 Henry i;O2,J 87 20 “ Kaily 250 Cue second hand COACHEE, Har tiess,and HORSE, which will be sold ow *°i JOSEPH BENNET T. Al, gUbt K sin2o THE MESSENGER. 3YOTUI'.. N RTF. months after date, appplica tion will be made, to the honorable nvrtf.'i Ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sail Odd *vu.t u\ \ d\nd, eon ‘u.'.iuig 2.* > u itri, lying in said county .'(•(joining i.ol Richard Fleeting Mid utiu.v-, being a part of the real estate ot John, late of said county, deceased, and to be sold for the benefit of tiie licit a and creditors of srtifl dec’d. FGRLSTF.It LI TTLE, Adm’r. Jan. 0. 32 m9in Notice. NINE months after date, application will be mad ; to the honorable court of ordinary of Jefferson county, for leave to sell one tract vr tend containing 250 acre:-, being known by lot No. 163 in the l (nh district of Hall county. ALSO., one other tract containing: 490 acres, lying in Irwin county and known by lot No. 454 in the 12th dist. of said county —both being the real estate of James Rogers late of said county deceased. •M. Uobertson, Adnvv. January 24th m9m .\0 WCL INE months after date applica nt. N tion will lie made to the honorable court of Ordinary of Warren Count-. , for leave to sell One tract containing 250 acres of land, being lot no. 166 in the sixth district of Early County— One other tvact, containing; 450 acres in Warren county, adjoin ing lands of Lillie Bryant and others. One ether tract, in Wavveu county adjoining the beforementioned tract. ALSO— Two Negroes, \V/.. .Marga ret, a woman, and Anthony a man—a!l being the real estate of Samuel Allen late of said county dec’d. and to he sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ofsahl dec’d. 8. JiLLEJV, Jinx'/!. March 20th 1823. m9m AOTVCE. AV TIE RE AS my wife Bersheba Nunn has left my bed and board without, pro vocation, this is toforwarn all persons from trading with her on my account, as 1 am determined not to pay any of her contracts. JOHN NUNN. Sept. 13, 1823. 3w2G- S\\cv\Vvs Sate. ILL be sold on the first Tues- H day in October next in the Town of Forsyth in Monroe county, One tract of land containing 202* acres, being lot No. ITB in the 13th dist. of Monroe county—levied on as the property of John T. Pruitt to satis fy an execution in favor of Raker & Heath, vs. Newsom & Pruitt. ALLEN COCHRAN, r>. s. Aug. 29th, 1823. tds24 Notice. . NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior court of ,7 fterson county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all the real” property belonging to the estate of Capt. James Mcri wether, late o’ Jeftcrson county, dec and. SUSANNA MERIWETHER, Dec. 20.—n0. 30. Executrix. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honora ble Inferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell Cv\\ Acres, move or less, lying on the waters of Rocky Comfort creek, adjoining lands of Henj. Uobei t and others. ALSO owe ottucr tract containing 216 acres, more or less, lying on the waters of Rocky Comfort creek, ad joining lands of James Ingram am others, it being the real estate of Ar thur Cheatham dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. .Ann CheaUiam, AWrx. Jan. KI.IIKM. S.J mOm* Ton puiw'vtwo NEATLY EXECUTED AT r !!IIlS OFFICE FORT HAWKINS, (GEORGIA,') MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 182S. STOW Robertson &i Cvanlrerv^ Lr Have just received a fresh supply of Men’s and Boy’s WOOL HATS, Gentlemen’s Ladies’ Boys’ Misses’ and Children’s SHOES, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Calicoes, Cambricks, Muslins, Shirtings, Northern Homespun, Russia Duck, Turkey Cotton, Northern Check, Scotch Do. Pocket Knives, Spanish Do. with a variety of other articles—which, added to their former stock ol V)v\ Goods, & Groceries, render their assortment almost com plete, and will be sold very low for Cash. August 11 tf2l ’ Mi •?! III! i’U&p MM CpHE Subscribers respectfully in is form their friends and the public, that the Macon Hotel is so far com pleted as to be. ready for the rfception of I laveliers and Boarders. It is sit uate on Poplar-street, immediately on the road leading from the Ferry to wards the Agency, and to Forsyth in Monroe countv, &.c. J 1 , No exertions will be wanting to render the situation of boarders and travellers as comfortable as possible. BO’ TH & WILSON. Macon, Sept. Is t, 1823. f/24 r \ ‘c*>, * FOR SALE. THE subscriber has 11 Barrels of prime PGUk, which lie wiit sell low for cash. K. MoCOMBS. Sept. 1. 24 Sheriff’s Sate. ON the first Tuesday in October next, will be sold at the house of Maj. John Keener, the appointed place of holding Court for Bibb county —between the usual hours of sale— the following property, viz. Two hundred two and a half acres of land, known l.y lot No. 35, in the 4th Dist. (formerly Houston.) now Bibb county, adjoining lands ol James Fitzgerald and others —taken as the property of Joseph Jones to satisfy a ti fa in favor of Janies ( 'leghorn, vs. said Jones. Levied on and returned tome by Jeremiah Baugh, Constable. One negro girl about 22 or 23 years old, named DINAH, taken as the pro perty of James L. Bussey to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Win. \Y. Brown vs. said Bussey. One tract of land, containing 202., acres, being lot No. 365 in the district, formerly Monroe, now Bib countv, whereon John Douglass now lives, taken as the property of Peter Cotton to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Zachariah Booth, sen. vs. said Cotton—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. — Terms Cash. EDMUND C. BEARD, Sh’ff’. Aug. 26 1823. tds24 Georgia—-BiYAi CouuVn . HEREAS Margaret Turner & \7 Zachariah CovVart apply to me for letters of administration on the estate of Alexander Turner, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the heirs and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections in terms ol the law, in such case made and provided, il any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand this Ist day of September, 1823. J). S. BOOTH, c. c. o. September 1. 4w24 <GMnT3*~ fIIWO good 40 saw Cotton Gins 1 for sale.—For further informa tion, apply at tliis office. Aug. 4, 1823. tf2o FLOORING BRADS, and a few pieces PAPER HANGING, For sale by ROBERTSON & GRANBERRY. April 21 OF every description, Vov sate at Wus OiVicc. John G. Ilostick 1 vs. f ßill in Equity for Edwin Whitedcad f Discovery. _ & Charles Watson j IN this case the sheriff having re turned that the defendants arc not to be found in this county, on motion it is ordered, that a service of the sard hill be perfected upon the defendants by advertising this rule once a month in some public Gazette of this state, until the next term of this court: and it is further ordered that the said de fendants do appear and answer the said bill at the next term of this court. A true extract taken from the min utes of the Superior court of Jef ferson county and state of Geor gia, this 29th May, 1823. 15] JOHN G. BOSTICK, Clerk. •Notice. NINE months after date, applica tion will be made to the honorable In ferior Court of Jefferson county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lean to sell Owe tract, oV Land, con taining two hundred acres, lying in Jefferson County on the waters of Ogeechy River, adjoining lands of Richard Brown and others, and, Owe ottier tract oV Land. containing thirty acres, lying in said county, adjoining lands of the said Richard Brown and others, and Owe other tract of Land, containing four hundred and ninety acres, lying in the county of Irwin, known by lot No. 456 in the 12th District of said county. ALSO Three Negroes, to vat, ANN, a girl about 18 years old, SQUIRE, a boy about 16 years old, and MAN, a bov about 9 years old.— It being the real estate of Joseph Bar ber, late of said countv, deceased. ItHODA BARBER , Admr'jc. BOLDLY BARB Ell, Adm'r. January 4 tli. 32 mi9 in. *\\one\ V\huk\. I/IOCND by the Subscriber in Ro ger’s trail, or. the waters of Icliuc contia a purse, containing a parcel of money. — The owner can have it by giving satisfactory description of the same, and paying for this advertise ment. N. B. The Subscriber lives on lot No. 52, in the 3d dist. formerly Hous ton, now llihb coatitv. JAMES HOLMES. Sept. 8. 3w25 SUev ’iYfs Sale. ON the first Tuesday in October next will be sold at the house of Maj. John Keener, the appointed place of holding court for the county of Bibb, between the usual hours ol sale, the following property, viz. Three hundred acres of land, more or less, it being the plantation where on Samuel T. Williams now lives ad joining Wm. W. Brown, others, and the Ormulgee river,and formerly Tones but now Bibb county. Levied on as the property of John 1). Williams to satisfy a fi fa in favour of the Bank ol Darien vs. said John D. Williams.— Property pointed out by Timothy Mat thews, FiSq. Two hundred two and a half acres of land known by No. 232 in the 4th dist. formerly Houston, but now Bibb county adjoining Nos. 231 and 244 taken as the property of Christopher Bawler to satisfy sundry fi fas in favor of George Whitten vs said Bawler. — Levied on and returned to me by Za chariah Holliman, Const. One Road Waggon, Team and Har ness-Levied on as the property of Joel Rusliin to satisfy a fi fa in favour of Wm.H. Oakeman vs said Joel Rush in. Property pointed out by the De iendant. Three Beds and furniture, 3 beds steads, 5 sitting chairs, 3 pine chests, 2 pine tables, 1 water-pail, 1 large car then J>owl—l turrene, half a dozen plates, half a dozen cups and saucers, 1 large iron pot, 1 small do. 1 trying pan, 1 Dutch oven, 1 teapot, 1 coffee pot, 1 large jar, 1 coffee mill, and 4 knives and forks —All levied on as the property of James Curley, to satisfy a fi f a in favor of Charles W illiamson vs said Curley. Terms of sale cash. THOMAS FLUE!.LIN, n. s. Aug- 29th, 1823. + d*24 XLW Wi\UL-V\OtrSL. ROBERT MALONE, A UG VST. 1 GEORGTA. m o EGS leave to acquaint his friends q and the public, iliat lie is now en gaged in building a large and conven ient WARE-HOUSE, at the upper end North side Broad sheet, in a sit uation as secure from fire as any other establishment of the kind in this city, and in the immediate vicinity where the principal part of the Cotton sold from waggons in this place is purcha sed—lt is now in order for the recep tion of Cotton, and will be entirely completed by the Ist of October next. A tender of his services is made to die Planters and Merchants in the up country in selling and receiving Cot lon in Store,the purchase and forward ing of Goods—He assures those who may favor linn with any business, that a strict personal attention will i>e given to their interest. Augusta, Aug. 26. 30 —6t. 9 US aot’W.ajiiJEu tumsv. STOLV..Y. 81’OLEN from the sul...criberin the town of Hartford, Pulaski co. on the 2d inst. a DAY MARE, from 14 to 15 hands high, 8 or 9 years old with a scar on the left side of of her back bone under the saddle, and lias some saddle spots on her back, and has a singular brand on her right shoulder. The horse when taken away had on a new saddle. The thief is k; own to be Noah Suggs—a man of middling size, dark complexion, supposed to be about 30 years of age. Any person who will return said inane, shall re ceive Sid, and 35 for mare and thief. BEVERLY A. SIMMONS. Sept. Bth, 1823. 2w*25. •Awnmstratov’s Sate. % % r ILL be sold on the first Tues y . day in October next, at the court-house in Marion, Twiggs countv, Thirty -V\hee aerosol l ,mu\ being part of the real estate of Will iam Pearce, deceased.—Verms made known on the day of sale. C h \ rlotte Pearce, Adin'.v. Th eoph. Pearce, Adm'r. July 24, 1823. 2m 19 lO™ We are authorised to announce Dr. S. M. INGERSOLL, a candidate for a seat in the representative branch of the next legislature, for Bibb county. fO 0 - We are authorised to announce C. VV. RAINS, Esq. a candidate for a seat in the Representative branch of the next legislature, for Bibb county. Wo are authorised to announce Timothy Matthews esq. a candidate to represent this county in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature of this State. Stephen WWW-whs is a candidate to represent this county in the next Legislature of this State. We are authorised to announce Capt. Charles Bul lock a candidate to represent this County in the Senatorial branch of the next Legislature of this State. We are authorised to an nounce SPENCER RILEY a candi date for the office of Sheriff for this county. We are authorised to an nounce JONATHAN A. HUDSON a candidate for the office of Sheriff’ lor this county. We are authorized to an nounce HERMAN. Hi HOWARD a candidate for the office of Sheriff for this county. W e are authorised to an nounce GEORGE GRANBERRY, Esq. a candidate for the office of Tax Collector for this county. We are authorised to an nounce Capt. CHARLES INGRAM, a candidate for the office of Clerk ol the Inferior Court fur this county. Wc are authorised to an nounce GEORGE 11. BRYAN a can ditate for the office of cciverot 1 a.c Returns for this r No. 21.